JOURNEY NORTH: A Virtual Nursing Experience Our presentation will review the development of Journey North: A Virtual Nursing Experience, a learner-centered virtual community computer program comprised of a northern nursing station and surrounding First Nations community. This interactive computer tool (virtual reality simulation) was created and developed by Kim Fraser and Nancy Ball with the intention of improving the quality of nursing education. The presentation will review the development of Journey North: how it began with an idea that led to a PIF grant for technological development of the product, an external partnership with Health Canada, and an RRC CARD-funded research investigation to evaluate its utility. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of ideas about how Journey North might be implemented in the future to help educators overcome barriers of time and place by allowing learners to actively explore the role of a community health nurse, as well as Aboriginal culture, in a remote setting which is currently geographically unavailable to students. Kim Fraser has been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years, working in many positions in acute care and has been a Nursing Instructor for 8 years, the last three with Red River College. Interspersed between teaching positions, Kim has worked extensively in community health, working in positions requiring advanced nursing practice such as community health nursing in many remote First Nations communities in Manitoba, aeromedical nursing throughout northern Manitoba, and as a Nurse Manager with Health Canada. Kim currently teaches Community Health in the nursing program at Red River Community College. Kim will also be conducting research in the next few months on the barriers to the recruitment of nurses to rural and northern areas as part of the fulfillment of her Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. Deb Gural is an instructor in both the Nursing Department and the Child and Youth Care program at Red River College. Since 2001, her primary teaching responsibilities have included Introduction to Psychology, Child and Adolescent Development, Emotional and Behavioural Disorders of Youth, and Cross-Cultural Psychology. She completed her graduate work at the University of Manitoba in the area of Personality and Social Psychology. Her doctoral dissertation, “Choice making and difference making in the perception of control, responsibility, and blame” (2001) reflects her interest in the areas of perceived control, coping, and stress management. In 2008, she received a Research Innovation Fund Award from Red River College for her international evaluation of Child and Youth Care student volunteer efforts in post-hurricane Katrina. She is currently co-authoring a textbook aimed to develop mental health literacy in Child and Youth Care practitioners. Nancy Ball is currently an instructor in the Faculty of Nursing at Red River College. Her current focus is on the development of online and blended courses. In 2009, she was a recipient of the Blackboard Exemplary Course Program award for the blended course “Health Assessment in Nursing”. She holds a Bachelor of Nursing from Lakehead University and a Master of Education from the University of Manitoba. PRESENTATION INFO: DATE: Wednesday May 13th TIME: 12:05-12:55 LOCATION: eTV Studio B LIVE STREAM: (Archived stream will be available at this URL as well) Please register as seating is limited For more information: Claudius Soodeen (TEIR) - or 204.632.2147 The College Applied Research Development (CARD) Fund is provided by Applied Research to encourage faculty, staff, and students to engage in research activities at the College. The intent is to develop and build internal research capacity within the College while providing a platform for innovation for those who are eager to conduct practical research, but are in need of opportunities and resources. The Program Innovation Fund (PIF) is a College-wide initiative at RRC that provides support for projects outside of normal departmental operations which advance teaching and learning through innovation and continuous improvement. Projects could include both the initiation of some activity, service or resource development or the elaboration of those existing to increase their effectiveness and efficiency.
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