AfricanJournalPartnership ProjectAnnualEvaluation InterimReport,June2015 Preparedby: JenniferKullgren|FredFusting KaufmanWillsFusting&Company AAMAnnalesAfricainesdeMédecine AHSAfricanHealthSciences EJHSEthiopianJournalofHealthSciences GMJGhanaMedicalJournal MMMaliMedical MMJMalawiMedicalJournal MJZMedicalJournalofZambia SLJBRSierraLeoneJournalofBiomedicalResearch 1 TableofContents 1. Identify equipment and facility needs of the 2 new African-partner journals ......................... 3 2. Identify editorial needs of the 2 new African-partner journals................................................ 3 3. Provide computer hardware, software, and appropriate internet connectivity ...................... 3 4. Improving journal management and succession planning ...................................................... 4 5. Plans for effective, sustainable publishing operations ............................................................. 5 6. Establish internships to mentor and train the next generation of editors .............................. 6 7. Identify and support internet providers to host the journals’ websites ................................... 7 8. Provide training on managing, improving, and maintaining journals’ websites .................... 7 9. Journal Article XML tagging and sending for posting in PubMed Central and PubMed ....... 8 10. Communicating science and the importance of making research visible .............................. 9 11. Financial support for managing editor/business managers ................................................... 9 12. Training for authors, reviewers and researchers .................................................................. 10 13. Provide updated computer hardware and software to African journal publishing offices as well as advanced training to editorial office personnel. .............................................................. 11 14. Journal visibility and recognition .......................................................................................... 12 15. Becoming members and active participants in professional societies for editors ............... 14 16. Innovation of dissemination for scientific journals .............................................................. 14 17. Editorial Governance and Structure .......................................................................................17 18. Scientific Integrity Issues ....................................................................................................... 22 19. Journal throughput ................................................................................................................ 25 20. User perceptions .................................................................................................................... 26 21. Editors’ experience of the Partnership Project...................................................................... 26 22. Journal performance indicators for 2014 ............................................................................. 29 2 1.Identifyequipmentandfacilityneedsofthe2newAfrican‐partnerjournals a. Regarding equipment and facility needs: SLJBR and AAM have both had a site visit to identify equipment needs. Reports were generated for each journal describing needs assessment for equipment and facilities, and the report identified how each piece of equipment would aid in enhancing the journal’s capabilities. AAM has been provided with updated computer hardware and software. However, neither SLJBR nor AAM have had editorial office personnel training since receiving updated computer hardware and software b. If applicable, please list updated computer hardware and software you have been provided, and describe training your office personnel has received on your updated computer hardware and software: AAM received 3 computers, 1 Laptop and a server. 2.Identifyeditorialneedsofthe2newAfrican‐partnerjournals a. Have you had a site visit from your partner journals or others in AJPP? AAM has had a site visit from their partner journals or others in AJPP. SLJBR has not. b. Were specific needs addressed by this visit? AAM has requested to recover the delay in publishing the 7th issue of AAM and the process is ongoing 3.Providecomputerhardware,software,andappropriateinternet connectivity ScholarOne Manuscripts is an online manuscript tracking system donated to the African journals by Thomson Reuters. It has a customizable workflow system for online manuscript submission and journal editorial management. It also has the capacity to allow journal staff to monitor status and overall productivity levels. The use of this web based system should significantly enhance journal management and journal visibility to authors. a. Have you and your journal staff received training, online support, or general guidance on how to use the ScholarOne Manuscripts system? All journals but MM and SLJBR indicated yes. b. Are you using ScholarOne Manuscripts? EHJS, AHS, MMJ and GMJ are using ScholarOne Manuscripts for receiving submissions from authors, for sending manuscripts out for peer review, and for general journal management such as keeping track of the number of submissions, acceptance rates, decision times, etc. 3 At this point, MJZ SLJBR, AAM and MM are not using ScholarOne Manuscripts for these purposes. c. Comments: According to AAM, the process is ongoing , and expect to be fully operational by the end of this year AHS indicated that they are very grateful for the opportunity to use ScholarOne MM attempted to organize a training without success SLJBR indicated that the process started but yet to be completed d. Are you and your team confident in using ScholarOne Manuscripts or do you need more training? EJHS and GMJ are confident in using ScholarOne Manuscripts. AAM, AHS, MJZ, MMJ, and SLJBR require more training. e. Comments: GMJ: Individual editorial committee members require further training MJZ: All are familiar with it but have not been able to complete the trial and activate it. MM: Needs basic training on the French version of the software 4.Improvingjournalmanagementandsuccessionplanning a. Have you (and/or your staff) attended workshops on the implementation and use of the ScholarOne Manuscripts system? AHS and MMJ reported attending workshops on the implementation and use of the ScholarOne Manuscripts system. All journal representatives that attended the 2014 annual meeting participated in a workshop about ScholarOne Manuscripts. b. Have you ever attended a workshop on succession planning? EJHS and AHS reported attending a workshop on succession planning. All journals that had representatives attend the 2012 annual meetings participated in a workshop on sustainability that included discussion of succession. c. Have you been advised on how to implement a plan for handing over to the next editor? EJHS has been advised on how to implement a plan for handing over to the next editor; the remaining journals have not. d. Please give examples of succession planning for your journal. AAM: Reviewers are selected around the world mainly in the sub region. We have experienced some publishing difficulties during the year 2014 which are now being overcome. AHS: 2 Identified successors moved to other universities. Currently training another 2 persons EJHS: The editorial board and editorial consultants are revised and enriched. 4 GMJ: In house training of next EIC as above MJZ: The Journal has streamlined the Journal hierarchy and created a line of succession. MM: Election e. Are you currently involving library staff with your journal management? All but GMJ are currently involving library staff with your journal management. f. Comments: AAM: Hard copies of AAM are exposed at the library of the faculty EJHS: But the librarian involvement is limited. GMJ: However, currently the Editorial Committee on its own is training two identified members to take over from the current EIC MJZ: The Deputy University Librarian has been involved in the journal's activities for over a decade. She remains an active member of the Journal team. MM: We are working on the editorial board in involving an intern in the editorial board. Secondary in 2015 we’ll have a new editorial board g. If you are currently involving library staff with your journal management, please give examples of how: AAM: The library is involved in the dissemination of the hard copies which may also be consulted locally EJHS: A librarian is involved in training of authors, reviewers and editors. MJZ: The librarian runs activities aimed at improving authors' ability to search for data online. She is further involved in the Journal's plans to re-list on PubMed Central and the installation of DOIs. MM: A librarian is in duty in the editorial board as councilor MMJ: Library staff involvement is mainly on the board. We could involve them more. SLJBR: The librarian of the Medical College is a member of the editorial board. 5.Plansforeffective,sustainablepublishingoperations a. Does your journal have a business plan? AAM, MJZ, MM, and MMJ currently have business plans. EJHS, GMJ, SLJBR, and AHS do not at this time. b. Have you received a review of your current publishing operations? Only AAM said they received a review of current publishing operations and that new business plans were suggested MJZ received a business plan but did not have a review EJHS, AAM, GMJ, MJZ, MM, SLJBR, and MMJ would all like further help in developing their business plans. 5 c. Comments: AAM: The commission ad hoc from the faculty has given some recommendations to improve the management of the journal AHS: Sure! EJHS: Business plan development is scheduled for 2016/17 GMJ: An important issue for all the journals MJZ: Despite identifying structural changes to the Journal staff to infuse in a Business Manager, identifying collaborating partners that have shown a willingness to finance the Journal: we have not been able to crystallize all these ideas into a bankable plan. MM: After Malawi meeting in 20.. we prepare a business plan which include sponsoring and submission fees d. Following the sustainability workshop that was conducted prior to the seventh annual AJPP meeting in May 2012, have you managed to develop or strengthen a strategic business plan? If so, please provide details and give examples of steps you have taken to make your journal more sustainable. AHS: No EJHS: 1. Increased the frequency from three to four times 2. Revitalization of editorial board and editorial consultant 3. Strengthening admin team MJZ: We were able to secure funding support from the publisher; Zambia Medical Association. MM: Submission fees Reclaims 6.Establishinternshipstomentorandtrainthenextgenerationofeditors a. How many students have attended the African journal editorial offices on internships over the course of the Partnership Project? AAM used 6 interns in 2014, but none in 2013 AHS also used 3 interns, as they did in 2012 and 2013 EJHS used 2 interns in 2014, consistent with use in 2011, 2012 and 2013 MM and MMJ used 1 intern in 2014, consistent with years past Neither MJZ nor GMJ used interns in 2014 SLJBR uses 3 interns, one more than in 2013 b. What specific skills were learned by the students during their internship in 2014? AAM: How to write a medical paper The process of reviewing a manuscript Ethical considerations AHS: Journal editing; Handling manuscripts; Lining up manuscripts; Response to author queries, Copy editing EJHS: Manuscript management process MMJ: Scholar one, peer reviewing, journal management MM: Checking manuscripts; sending manuscripts to reader; sending reader's comment to authors ; tracking manuscripts (readers, authors, etc) 6 SLJBR: Receiving and processing manuscript. Formatting before printing. c. How did the interns help ease the burden of work in the editorial office? AAM: Their contribution is greatly appreciated in the process of recovering the delay in publications AHS: Enormously EJHS: They helped mainly in the admin activities like checking submissions if they are in line with EJHS requirement GMJ: No suitable individual identified MMJ: Immensely through easing admin work and communication with reviewers and authors MM: Identifying local reviewers ; speeding peer review process; help in issue drafting SLJBR: Interns working under supervision of editorial team helped with processing and formatting of manuscript 7.Identifyandsupportinternetproviderstohostthejournals’websites The first phase of the partnership project revealed the increasing importance of having a web version of thejournals hosted by a reliable source. A greater secure web presence can improve journal visibility and attractvisitors who are unable to obtain the print version. Inclusion of journal content in a public archive, such asPubMed Central, would also help improve journal visibility and accessibility. a. Who hosts your website? AAM: AHS: Bioline/Br African Journals online (AJOL) EJHS: The publisher- Jimma University GMJ: PAL Communications, Ghana on space provided by Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research MJZ: Iconnect Zambia MMJ: University of Malawi, College of Medicine MM: EHP 8.Providetrainingonmanaging,improving,andmaintainingjournals’ websites a. How many readers/users accessed the journal website in 2014? AAM: from about 2 months, we have 5,206 visits AHS: 59,312,228 EJHS: 4,779 MM: 3,568 7 b. Are you and/or your journal staff confident in managing, improving and maintaining journal websites including handling XML and HTML formatted material for web posting? Please give details: AAM: yes, the webmaster is able to manage the website, but needs some training to improve skills AHS: Not quite EJHS: Except for XML and HTML formatting, we are confident enough GMJ: No. XML conversion is OK but this function is outsourced MJZ: No; We have contracted an IT company to post material on the website. MMJ: Yes, we are confident. MM: No SLJBR: No c. Have you or your staff received training in implementing the use of digital object identifiers (DOIs)? GMJ, MMJ, and EJHS reported receiving training. MJZ, MM, SLJBR, MMJ, AHS, and AAM would like further training in the use of DOIs. EJHS, GMJ, MMJ, and AHS are currently using DOIs for published articles. Comments on how the journals are/are not using DOIs for published articles: AAM feels that they need more training in the use of DOIs to implement the system for their submission and publications. Their young editors are very interested in this field. AHS, EJHS, GMJ, and MMJ all utilize the DOIs from African Journals Online (AJOL) d. Have you or your staff received training on improving your website design, functionality, and usefulness? If yes, please describe. If no, what training is needed? EJHS: Yes. During annual AJPP meetings, we saw the basic parameters a website should have and we made changes accordingly. GMJ: Yes. Changes made based on comments by AJPP website review MJZ: Yes; has received consultant advice on the website at the various AJPP annual meetings that have been taken on to improve the website. AAM: No. Needs assistance with website design and functionality AHS: No. Need training on functionality, usefulness MMJ: Yes 9.JournalArticleXMLtaggingandsendingforpostinginPubMedCentraland PubMed a. Are you having the XML conversion of journal articles done by SPi Services? If yes, please provide comments on how this is working: AHS: It is working very well and they are extremely grateful EJHS: They deposit the PDF format on ftp created for them and SPi services convert to XML and submit to Medline and PubMed central 8 GMJ: This is working very well with SPi Services. PDF files are uploaded via FTP MMJ: Working well, they get feedback once the PDF file for conversion is sent. They always come back if the images sent are not of a good resolution. b. Are you having the XML conversion of journal articles done locally? If yes, please explain how this is working: EJHS & MM replied yes, with MM stating they tried two years ago to do a local XML conversion without big success c. Do you need additional training on sending files for XML conversion by SPi services or to have this done locally? If yes, please explain your needs: AAM: training on sending files for XML conversion by SPi services AHS: More training on how we could do this locally EJHS: To do the XML conversion locally MJZ: We need training on XML conversion of files. MMJ: We would be able to send raw files directly to PubMed and this would speed up our visibility on PubMed and Medline MM: replied yes but did not list any needs 10.Communicatingscienceandtheimportanceofmakingresearchvisible a. Have you or your staff attended a workshop on how to make your journal more visible? If yes, how are you making your journal more visible? All journals attended a workshop on this during the 2014 annual meeting EJHS: Indexing on various aggregates, notification of new issues etc... GMJ: Through indexing MJZ: By publicizing the website at higher institutions of training and using the social media platforms such as Facebook. MMJ: Recently been indexed on Bioline. We are upgrading our website for it to be more responsive to modern technology. b. Do you try to reach out to the local news media? If yes, please describe how often you do this and provide examples of when and how you have done so. AAM: During scientific meetings locally or abroad, we use to talk about our journal. SIFEM, Bruxelles April 6-8: WHO Kinshasa MMJ: We held a science communication workshop for journalists. 11.Financialsupportformanagingeditor/businessmanagers a. Does your journal have a managing editor/business manager? EJHS, GMJ, SLJBR, and AHS all have managing editor or business manager 9 b. In your opinion, why is it important to have a managing editor/business manager for your journal? AAM: A business manager will be greatly helpful in funds mobilization from public and private agencies and he will be involved in a broad dissemination of AAM for more visibility AHS: Because this catalysis our operations and looks at the sustainability issues. It also helps us to position ourselves in the international arena EJHS: For EJHS Managing editor is a key position. This person is responsible for checking submissions, language edition, galley proof preparation etc. GMJ: The ME is responsible for vetting submissions, type-setting and distribution of journal issues and also manages the journal office. MJZ: This officer will be the lynch-piece in operations of the Journal coordinating all publication activities as well as working on various activities to make the Journal sustainable financially. MMJ: It saves time and improves efficiency. The editor/ business manager can focus on the journal's sustainability whilst the editor gets busy with day to day MM: Upgrading journal dissemination and visibility SLJBR: Help take care of the day to day running of the journal. To help implement any business plans 12.Trainingforauthors,reviewersandresearchers a. If your authors attended a workshop funded by the AJPP, please give details of the number of authors trained in each topic. Type N/A, if no authors attended. EJHS: Scientific writing workshop was conducted twice in collaboration with University of Oslo GMJ: Scientific writing workshop was conducted twice in collaboration with University of Oslo b. In 2014, did you/your journal organize a workshop for authors or reviewers of your journal? If so, please describe the workshop AHS: NA for 2014. Plan to apply in 2015 EJHS: Workshops were held at the college of health science Academic commission hall, Jimma University. It was aimed at Authors and reviewers. The two workshops were on level-I and Level-II scientific each lasted for five days. Each workshop was attended by 22 participants form Jimma University and St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College. The workshop is serial where those who participated on Level-I continued on level-II. There were 22 participants in each workshop. Level-III is to be continued in September 2015 for the same group. Participants said the workshop was highly appreciated. GMJ: The workshop was held at Ghana Medical Association Offices, Accra. It was organized for reviewers during which common problems identified as well as the responsibility of reviewers were discussed. There were 17 participants made up of 10 Editorial Committee members and regular reviews. The participants felt the reenforcement of their role as reviewers was very timely. MM: The workshop was held at Bamako and was aimed at young researchers from National Scientific & Technology Research Centre (CNRST). 20 people attended. Main topics covered included: Which help for young researchers, Kills for writing and publishing result of research, and ethical aspects of publishing a scientific article. During 5 days 2 lecturer from Mali medical (EIC & editor) help the attendees to build a research protocol; to propose it to a sponsor; to publish the result of this research SLJBR: The workshop was held in Hired hall. Approximately 20 junior doctors, medical students, and reviewers attended. The workshop was organized for medical on writing of proposals and scientific papers. c. Do you plan to organize author and reviewer workshops in the near future? All of the journals have plans to organize author and reviewer workshops in the near future. d. If yes, when, for whom, where? AAM: For young editors followed by one for reviewers in Kinshasa by July AHS: 2015 EJHS: 9/1/2015 GMJ: DTD and for authors MJZ: For reviewers; Venue will be in Lusaka. MMJ: Editorial Board, Authors and Students. Blantyre, Malawi SLJBR: Qtr 4 of 2015 and qtr 1 of 2016 e. In 2014, did you or your journal organize any other training workshops? If yes, please explain. AHS: Replied yes, did not provide details EJHS: A 5 day research Ethics workshop was conducted in November 2014 MMJ: Manuscript central training for Editorial Board members f. Please describe any training you or your staff received in 2014 relevant to your journal and the goals of AJPP. Who received training, and what was the training? MMJ: Manuscript Central, Use of Social Media to improve visibility of journal, Use of DOIs. Designing and layout of journal. Trained at JAMA in Chicago 13.ProvideupdatedcomputerhardwareandsoftwaretoAfricanjournal publishingofficesaswellasadvancedtrainingtoeditorialofficepersonnel. a. Are you or your staff able to use ScholarOne Manuscripts to manage and track submissions and reviews with confidence, and generate reports on the performance of the journal? 11 AAM: Yes to manage and track submissions. No to generate reports. Commented that the webmaster needs additional training AHS: Yes to both EJHS: Yes to both GMJ: Yes to both MJZ: No to both MM: No to generating reports. Need training on the new version MMJ: Yes to both. Feel that ScholarOne is very useful and that they are completely dependent on it for the efficient running of the journal. SLJBR: No to both b. Please provide details of any additional software you require or training in how to use software. AAM: Endnote, CMS (wordpress, joomla), Photoshop EJHS and GMJ: Plagiarism checker MMJ: Adobe Suite updated software required 14.Journalvisibilityandrecognition a. In which of the following bibliographic databases and directories is your journal indexed? Answer Options African Index Medicus African Journals Online (AJOL Bioline (Canada) CABI publishing Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ): EBSCO Publishing EMBASE Google Scholar PubMed Central PubMed/MEDLINE Scopus Web of Science (formally ISI) AAM AHS EJHS GMJ X X X X X X X X X MJZ MM X X X SLJBR X X X X X X X X X MMJ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 12 b. Do you have plans to digitalize the back archive of your journal for PubMed Central? If yes, please give details. AAM: Yes, they have a back archive ready for any use AHS: Yes EJHS: Yes, they will see the requirement from PubMed Central GMJ: No, the copies available are photocopies and not easily converted to text. May be archived as photocopied Acrobat files. XML conversion for PubMed Central will be a challenge MJZ and SLJBR are undecided MM: No MMJ: Yes, they plan to scan all back issues and will supply electronic files c. Regarding submitting to SPi and AJOL, are you submitting article files to SPi Global services for XML conversion? If so, what is the most recent issue you sent to SPi Global services? AAM: No AHS: Yes, 3/1/2015 EJHS: Yes, April 2015 issue GMJ: Yes, March 2015 issue MJZ: No MM:? MMJ: Yes, March 2015, Vol 27 no.1 SLJBR: No d. Are you submitting files and metadata to AJOL? If so, what is the most recent issue you sent to AJOL? AAM: No AHS: Yes, 3/1/2015 EJHS: Yes, April 2015 issue GMJ: Yes, March 2015 issue MJZ: Yes, Vol 41 Number 1 of 2014 MM: No MMJ: Yes, March 2015, Vol 27 no.1 SLJBR: Yes, 7/1/2014 e. Please give examples of publicity plans to increase the visibility of your journal. AAM: Website with links to social media (Facebook, twitter, what's up) Through also the website of the faculty: and local media AHS: Facebook and Twitter EJHS: Get indexed on Scopus, Web of Science, Bioline and DOAJ GMJ: Explore the use of social media other than Facebook; and further explore local journalists MMJ: Website updates, Sending of alerts of new issues on Twitter and Facebook, Sending the news media Table of contents to source news ideas 13 15.Becomingmembersandactiveparticipantsinprofessionalsocietiesfor editors a. Which professional societies are you or your journal currently a member? Answer Options The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): The Council of Science Editors (CSE): The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): The World Association of Medical Editors (WAME): AAM X AHS X EJHS GMJ MJZ MM MMJ X X X X X X X X X X X X SLJBR X X X X b. Are you currently a member of any other professional societies for editors? If so, please list. AAM: Intechopen AHS and MJZ: Previously Forum for African Medical Editors (FAME) GMJ: None (Previously FAME) MM: African Francophone editors group c. If you are participating in any of these society's committees or projects or involved in any other ways, please explain. The editors attend the CSE annual meeting (every other year) and many participate in the educational short courses. 16.Innovationofdisseminationforscientificjournals a. Who is the primary audience for your journal? Answer Options Researchers News organizations Government Agencies Policy makers General Public Medical Professionals Other Health Professionals and Workers Librarians Other AAM X AHS X EJHS X GMJ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MJZ MM X MMJ X X X X X X X X X X X X X SLJBR X X 14 Other responses included: MMJ: Students b. What audiences are you not reaching now, but would be important to reach so that the information in your journal can be translated into public health advances? Answer Options Researchers News organizations Government Agencies Policy makers General Public Medical Professionals Other Health Professionals and Workers Librarians Other AAM AHS EJHS GMJ MJZ X X X X X X X X X X X X MM MMJ SLJBR X X X X X X X X c. Which of the following channels do you currently use, beyond the publication of scientific evidence, to help disseminate the material in your journal? Answer Options Radio spots Press releases Blogs Twitter Facebook Workshops TV Spots/Interviews Cell phone messaging Other AAM AHS EJHS GMJ MJZ MM MMJ SLJBR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Other responses included: MM: Scientific congress, meeting EJHS and GMJ: None 15 d. How frequently do you use the following channels to help disseminate the material in your journal? Answer Options Radio spots Press releases Blogs Twitter Facebook Not at all GMJ, MJZ, SLJBR, MMJ, AHS EJHS, GMJ, MJZ, SLJBR, MMJ AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MJZ, SLJBR AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MJZ, SLJBR AHS, EJHS, GMJ, SLJBR Workshops EJHS, GMJ, MJZ TV Spots/ Interviews Cell phone messaging AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MJZ, SLJBR AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MJZ, MMJ, SLJBR AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MJZ Other For an occasional issue Most issues Every issue Every issue and between issues EJHS, AAM AHS MMJ AAM, MMJ AAM, MJZ AAM, AHS, SLJBR, MMJ AAM, MM, MMJ MMJ MM AAM MM Other responses included: MM: Email e. Have you experimented with ways to extend the reach of your journal? If so, could you tell us about what you did and whether or not you thought it was successful? AAM: The ad hoc commission has given many orientations for improving the dissemination of AAM EJHS: Notification email to registered audiences GMJ: Writing press releases. Had challenges with interviews with authors. MMJ: Tried to put journals in popular bookshops to be available to the general population. This was not successful the journals were not being bought. SLJBR: Target scientific and clinical meetings. Doctors during their annual general meeting f. Regarding the AJPP Dissemination Toolkit, have you reviewed the AJPP Dissemination Toolkit? Used the AJPP Dissemination Toolkit? If so, please describe. AHS: Has used EJHS, GMJ and MJZ: have reviewed but not used 16 MM: Has not reviewed or used the toolkit. Feels they have a lack of human resource: their librarian has not successfully done it MMJ: Has reviewed and used the toolkit. 17.EditorialGovernanceandStructure a. Who owns your journal? AAM: The faculty of Medicine of Kinshasa AHS: Makerere University School of Medicine EJHS: Jimma University GMJ: Ghana Medical Association MJZ: The Zambia Medical Association MM: Mali Medical Society MMJ: University of Malawi, College of Medicine and Medical Association of Malawi SLJBR: The College of medicine of Sierra Leone b. Does the journal have a management or publications committee (this is not the editorial board)? What are the primary responsibilities of those on the journal management or publications committee? Who appoints the journal management or publications committee? Only AAM replied that yes, they have a committee. They have a board of editors from their institution and abroad. Its primary responsibility is to manage the journal & no appointment is necessary. EJHS: No, it is the college of health science office which processes print publication GMJ: There used to be one but has not functioned for some years now. MJZ: No, the Journal, and all publications of the ZMA, is managed by its Publications Committee c. Please provide the name or names of those responsible for final editorial decisions for your journal? AAM: Kayembe Ntumba Jean-Marie: Editor in Chief, Sumaili Kiswaya Ernest: Deputy chief Editor AHS: James K Tumwine EJHS: Abraham Haileamlak: EIC, Tsinuel Girma: Assoc. EIC, Tefera Belachew: Assoc. EIC, Gemeda Abebe: Assoc. EIC GMJ: David Ofori-Adjei: EIC, Margaret Lartey: Deputy EIC MJZ: Members of the Editorial Board MM: Chair of editorial board MMJ: Dr. Chiwoza Bandawe, Professor Eric Borgstein SLJBR: Prof Gbakima, Prof Foday Sahr, Dr George d. What is the position of the person responsible for final editorial decisions for your journal? AAM: Editor in chief/Editor, Associate/Deputy Editor 17 AHS: Editor in chief/Editor EJHS: Editor in chief/Editor GMJ: Editor in chief/Editor MJZ: Editor in chief/Editor MM: Editor in chief/Editor, Chair of Editorial Board MMJ: Editor in chief/Editor SLJBR: Chair of Editorial Board e. Approximately how many years has the person or persons responsible for final editorial decisions for your journal been in this position or positions? AAM: 7 years AHS: 14 years EJHS: 8 years GMJ: 16 years MJZ: 7 years MMJ: 6 years SLJBR: 4 years f. Does your journal have the following positions, and position descriptions that define roles and responsibilities for each? Answer Options Publisher, publishing director or other similar position Editor in chief/Editor Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor Managing editor or other similar editor Web/IT editor or manager Yes, and we do have a position description Yes, but no position description AAM, AHS, GMJ, MM Do not have this position EJHS, MJZ, MMJ, SLJBR All journals AAM, AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MJZ, MM AHS,EJHS, GMJ, MMJ, SLJBR AAM, AHS MMJ, SLJBR AAM, MJZ, MM EJHS, SLJBR GMJ, MJZ, MM, MMJ g. Please list the titles of other editorial positions your journal has: AHS: Intern EJHS: Editorial board members Editorial consultants GMJ: Editorial board members Editorial Advisors MJZ: Associate Editors MM: Chair of editorial board; vice chair of editorial board; treasurer MMJ: Intern h. If applicable, what is the name of the person in each of these positions at your journal? (Type N/A if not applicable or not available.) AAM o Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: Mvumbi Lelo Georges 18 o o o o AHS o o o o o EJHS o o o o o GMJ o o o o o MJZ o o o o o MM o o o o o MMJ o o o o o Editor in chief/Editor: Kayembe Ntumba Jean-Marie Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: Sumaili Kiswaya Ernest Managing editor or other similar editor: N/A Web/IT editor or manager: Mwehu Nyembo Modeste Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: N/A Editor in chief/Editor: James Tumwine Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: Grace Ndeezi Managing editor or other similar editor: Pauline Salamula Web/IT editor or manager: Edgart Ktarahweire Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: N/A Editor in chief/Editor: Abraham Haileamlak Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: Tsinuel Girma, Tefera Belachew, Gemeda Abebe Managing editor or other similar editor: Tekle Ferede Web/IT editor or manager: Eyuel Gesesse Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: Ghana Medical Association Editor in chief/Editor: David Ofori-Adjei Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: Margaret Lartey Managing editor or other similar editor: Freda Blankson-Mensah Web/IT editor or manager: David Indome (out sourced) Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: N/A Editor in chief/Editor: Dr. John Kachimba Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: Dr. Bellington Vwalika, Professor Mary Ngoma, Professor Paul Kelly, Professor Charles Michelo, Dr. Webster Kasongo Managing editor or other similar editor: N/A Web/IT editor or manager: N/A Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: MM Editor in chief/Editor: Siaka Sidibé Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: Flabou Bougoudogo, Moussa Y Maiga Managing editor or other similar editor: N/A Web/IT editor or manager: N/A Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: N/A Editor in chief/Editor: Dr. Chiwoza Bandawe Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: N/A Managing editor or other similar editor: Mr. Thengo Kavinya Web/IT editor or manager: N/A 19 SLJBR o Publisher, publishing director or other similar position: N/A o Editor in chief/Editor: Prof Aiah Gbakima o Associate, deputy editor or other similar editor: N/A o Managing editor or other similar editor: Dr. Anita George o Web/IT editor or manager: Mr Sidi Sowa i. Does your journal have an editorial board or editorial advisory board? If so, how many board members are there? How many are from your country? Every journal reported having an editorial board. EJHS said they call them editorial consultants. AAM: 43 total, 32 from their country AHS: 22 total, 10 from their country EJHS: 14 total, 8 from their country GMJ: 20 total, 16 from their country MJZ: 6 members all from their country MM: 7 members all from their country MMJ: 12 members all from their country SLJBR: 8 total, 6 from their country j. Who appoints the editorial board members? AHS: School of Medicine leadership EJHS: College of Health Sciences of Jimma University GMJ: Ghana Medical Association MJZ: The Publisher MMJ: The board chairman SLJBR: College of Medicine administration k. If your board members have a term of service, how many years is the term? AAM, AHS, and EJHS board members do not have a term of service GMJ: 4 years MJZ, MM, MMJ, SLJBR: 3 years l. Do you have a position description for editorial board members? AAM, EJHS, and MJZ all have position descriptions for board members. m. Does your journal have a formal relationship with any institutions, associations, funders or governmental agencies? If so, please provide their names and the nature of the relationship. AAM: University of Kinshasa/D R Congo AHS: Owners, but no funding, AJPP, AJOL, SPI, Bioline, EJHS: Jimma University, Owner/funder GMJ: Ghana Medical Association MJZ: Zambia Medical Association (Publisher) MM: Faculty of Medicine 20 MMJ: University of Malawi College of Medicine, Medical Association of Malawi, National Aids Commission/AJPP SLJBR: Njala University - authors and reviewers, Sierra Leone Medical and Dental Association n. Regarding your journal's Editor in chief/Editor, to whom does the Editor in chief/Editor report? Name/Title: AAM: Nobody AHS: Nelson Sewankambo EJHS: To the college Research and Graduate study office GMJ: The Executive Council, Ghana Medical Association MJZ: The Association President MM: Chair of editorial board MMJ: The board SLJBR: Editorial team o. Who reports to the Editor in chief/Editor? Titles: AAM: Associate -Editor : Professor AHS: Editorial team members EJHS: Associate editors and editorial board members GMJ: Editors and the Managing Editor MJZ: Associate Editors, Editorial Assistant MM: Intern MMJ: Editorial Board Members SLJBR: managing editor p. How many years has Editor in chief/Editor been in the role? AAM: 7 AHS: 14 (Since founding journal in 2001) EJHS: 9 GMJ: 16 MJZ: 7 MM: 12 MMJ: 6 SLJBR: 3 q. Does the Editor in chief/Editor have a contract? Yes/no: None of the editors have a contract. EJHS responded that their editor is a volunteer. r. How many years is the Editor in chief/Editor’s term of service? (Input "none" if no term of service.) AAM, AHS, EJHS, and MMJ all replied “none” GMJ: 4 years renewable MJZ: 3 years MM: 3 years renewable SLJBR: 3 years 21 s. Who reviews the Editor in chief/Editor's performance? AAM: Board of editors EJHS: The college Research and Graduate study office and the college dean GMJ: The Association for the EIC/EIC for Editors; MJZ: The Publisher MM: Medical Association MMJ: The Editorial Board SLJBR: the editorial board and the administration of the college of medicine t. What are the primary factors considered in evaluating performance? AAM: turnover of publications, the flux of manuscripts, delay in the processing of manuscripts EJHS: timeliness, quality publication and transparency GMJ: Quality of reviews and turn-around time MJZ: Regular publication MM: On time issue publication MMJ: Throughput and consistency SLJBR: sustainability of journal, frequency of publication. u. Who has the authority to appoint or remove the Editor in chief/Editor? AAM: Not appointed : board of editors AHS: Not sure EJHS: College Dean GMJ: Council of the Ghana Medical Association MJZ: Association President MM: Society of medicine MMJ: The Editorial Board SLJBR: Management board chaired by the provost of the College of medicine v. Does the Editor in chief/Editor receive salary or stipend specifically for the editorial responsibilities/duties? Yes/no: None of the Editors receive salary or stipend specifically for their editorial duties. 18.ScientificIntegrityIssues a. Does your journal follow the editorial policies related to promoting scientific integrity of any of the following? Answer Options COPE CSE ICMJE WAME AAM X AHS EJHS GMJ MJZ MM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MMJ SLJBR X X X 22 b. Do you include information about these policies in your journal Instructions for Authors? Please explain. AAM: Yes, CSE recommendations are included in instructions to authors AHS: No EJHS: Yes, the details are included in the guidelines GMJ: Yes, reference is made to ICMJE guidelines MJZ: Yes, the Journal's Instructions for Authors were drafted based on ICMJE guidelines. MM: Yes MMJ: Yes, outlined in instructions to authors on the webpage c. Please indicate if your journal has experienced any of the following during the last 10 years. (Check all that apply.) Answer Options Disputes among authors about a specific paper/article Duplicate submission of a paper Duplicate publication of an article Conflict of interest of authors that were not reported before an editorial decision or publication Allegation of or actual plagiarism by an author of a submitted paper Allegation of or actual plagiarism by an author of a published article Allegation of or actual falsification or fabrication by an author of a submitted paper Allegation of or actual falsification or fabrication by an author of a published article Author failure to report review and approval by an ethics committee for a study included a submitted paper Author failure to report informed consent for study participants or patients in a submitted paper Concerns about data ownership or access to data used for a study reported in a paper/article Author allegation of bias on the part of peer reviewers Peer reviewer who failed to honor the confidentiality of a submitted paper Author allegation of bias on the part of editor AAM AHS X X X X X EJHS GMJ MJZ MM MMJ X X X SLJBR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 23 d. Have you experienced any other ethical concerns related to your journal? (please specify) None of the journals noted ethical concerns. e. Please indicate if your journal has experienced external pressure/outside influence on an editorial decision or a published article from any of the following. (Check all that apply.) Answer Options Academic institution Research institution Professional association/society Funder Advertiser Governmental agency News media Author(s) Reader(s) Author failure to report informed consent for study participants or patients in a submitted paper Concerns about data ownership or access to data used for a study reported in a paper/article Author allegation of bias on the part of peer reviewers Peer reviewer who failed to honor the confidentiality of a submitted paper Author allegation of bias on the part of editor AAM AHS EJHS GMJ MJZ MM MMJ SLJBR X X X X f. Comments included: AHS: We receive emails of potential authors suggesting they could submit manuscripts and specifically pay the journal for expediting publication. We have a no charge policy. So we do not accept. MMJ: Paper was reviewed and rejected but author lobbied and suggested reviewers. Was reviewed buy our own and drastically cut down g. Does your journal have a letters (correspondence) section? AAM: No, but intends to begin this AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MM, and MMJ all have a letters section MJZ: Does not but states that they have published two letters from eminent scholars in the past decade even though they do not have a dedicated "Letters" section. SLJBR: Does not 24 h. Does your journal have a process for handling author appeals to decisions? If yes, can you explain the process? AAM, EJHS, and MMJ have a process in place. MMJ states they discuss it at the editorial board. AHS, MJZ, MM, and SLJBR to not have a process in place GMJ: This has not happened as far as current editor has been EIC i. Other than the professional societies listed (CSE, COPE, ICMJE, WAME), are there policies on promoting scientific integrity and responsible conduct of research available to you from the following? Academic institution: AHS, EJHS, GMJ, MMJ Research institution: EJHS, GMJ, SLJBR, MMJ Professional association/society: AAM Funder(s): none Governmental agency: EJHS, AHS Other: MM j. Please provide the name and link to policies you noted above. AAM: Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française; Société de Néphrologie: European Respiratory Society: International society of Nephrology AHS: IRBs conduct training on responsible conduct of research and these feed into the National Council of Science and Technology policies EJHS: Public Universities, Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Ministry of Science and Technology GMJ: University of Ghana, Office of Research, Innovation and Development; Noguchi Memorial Institute for Medical Research, University of Ghana; Research Directorate, Ghana Health Service MMJ: University of Malawi Publication and Research Committee, College of Medicine Research and Ethics Committee SLJBR: Sierra Leone Scientific and Ethics Review Committee 19.Journalthroughput a. If you have the software/ability to count the total number of hits on your journal’s website in a given year, please provide figures for 2014. AAM: N/A for 2014 due to technical problems. Data are being collected now in 2015 AHS: 59,312,228 EJHS: 35,033 GMJ: Estimate is 5,600. Google analytics not working well MMJ: Using Statscounter; The number of hits on the website was 7730 25 b. ScholarOne Manuscripts enables you to monitor the number of submissions to the journal, your decision times, time taken to review, etc.; do you make use of these functionalities on ScholarOne Manuscripts? Has this software enabled you to make faster decisions on papers? AHS, EJHS, GMJ, and MMJ: Yes to both c. Has the software resulted in a faster peer review process? Have you been able to determine where the delays occur in the system? AHS, EJHS, GMJ, and MMJ: Yes to both 20.Userperceptions Users’ perceptions of the quality of journals are important. By surveying authors, reviewers, and readers about specific features of the journal, editors can better understand the strengths and weaknesses as perceived by their users. This information can then be used to help shape further improvements to the journals. a. Has your journal conducted any surveys of its authors, reviewers or readers? If yes, please explain. If no, what are the barriers to conducting these surveys (e.g. lack of time, other priorities, unfamiliarity with survey software)? AAM: Yes, the ad hoc commission conducted a survey on the visibility and on how to improve the management of AAM in 2013-2014 AHS: No, unfamiliarity with software EJHS: No, their preparedness is the barrier GMJ: No, lack of time to design an appropriate instrument, determine appropriate mode of administration MJZ: No, lack of time and staff to carry out this survey. MM: Yes MMJ: No, unfamiliarity with survey software SLJBR: No, unfamiliarity with survey software 21.Editors’experienceofthePartnershipProject a. In your opinion, which three aspects of the Partnership Project have been the most valuable in helping your journal succeed? AAM: o Visit of a AJPP expert for journal audit o Workshop participation o Financial support and materiel acquisition AHS: o Internships; Training o Supporting Management/ICT staff 26 o EJHS: o o o GMJ: o o Connecting us to SPI, DOIs, PubMed; Science Citation Index Partnership with Annals Financial support for human power and hardware Annual meetings Interaction with partners in the project Contribution of 'northern' partners in expanding the quality and visibility of the journals Annual meetings o MJZ: o Knowledge gained on running a Journal: Organization, ethical issues, etc. o Workshops for authors, reviewers and editors that raise awareness and enthusiasm o Software and hardware to facilitate running Journal operations MM: o Training authors and readers o Arising the quality of the journal o Upgrading journal dissemination MMJ: o Capacity Building o Equipment like hardware and software o Financial and professional support b. Do you think the changes/improvements you have observed (if any) are sustainable in the longer term? All those responding reported that yes, absolutely, the changes are sustainable. SLJBR did not respond c. List areas you hope the Partnership Project can further help your journal? AAM: Improvement of management of ScholarOne manuscripts, DOIs and Pubmed central processes, Facilitate inclusion in Pubmed, Medline and other scientific associations (WAME; Scopus; Embase.), Workshop and training facilitation for young editors, reviewers and authors, to improve the skills of webmaster and manager AHS: Journal Matrices, Training, Business Modelling, Updating equipment EJHS: Financial support, Annual meeting, Partnership with annals GMJ: Capacity building in editorial matters, Enhanced relationship with partners, Financial assistance to support journal activities MJZ: Principally in operationalizing the ScholarOne system, Advice and assistance in training reviewers and identifying editors of the future, Continued advice on improving and utilizing the Journal website. MM: Online publication, XML conversion of issue 27 MMJ: Continued training, Upgrading of hardware and software, Creative problem solving and sustainability discussions d. Thinking back to what the journal was like before it joined the AJPP, what have been the three key achievements? AAM: o Office and equipment, o ISSN printed and online, financial support, o ScholarOne manuscript in process and participation to workshops AHS: o Indexing in PubMed/Science Citation Index o Higher Visibility o Sustainability EJHS: o Indexing o Developed Website o Frequency increased from two to four times a year GMJ: o Indexing in Medline o Regular issues o Electronic submission and peer-review system MJZ: o The re-organization and formalization of the Editorial Board functions complete with a formal contract with members. o Improvement in the quality and content of the Journal. o The establishment of the Journal website MM: o Regional francophone journal o Indexed journal o Worldwide spread of journal MMJ: o Getting indexed on ISI o Being indexed on PubMed o Becoming Malawi's leading academic journal e. What is your most important challenge for the journal's future? AAM: More visibility in the continent and the world and sustainability of all the acquirements AHS: Developing a viable economic model yet keep open access EJHS: Business plan development GMJ: Sustainability plan MJZ: Sustaining participation of the medical community in activities of the Journal as authors and reviewers. 28 MMJ: Independent financial sustainability f. Do you have a recommendation for a new journal/editor to join AJPP? If so, please provide the title of the journal and name of the editor: AHS: East African Medical Journal, Dr. Lore EJHS: Ethiopian Journal of Health Development, Prof. Damen Hailemariam MJZ: Central African Journal of Medicine out of the University of Zimbabwe. MMJ: Still considering g. Other Comments Shared AHS: Apologies for the delay. Intermittent internet connection was a nuisance for us. GMJ: The link takes you to sheets previously completed by other journals. There is no provision to stop, save and come back to complete. MJZ: The principal problem with effectively managing the Journal is the lack of full time journal staff. The success or failure is dependent on the whims of the Publisher in office and the goodwill of editorial team that gives its service voluntarily. MM: Need of help to have a lecturer for using francophone version of ScholarOne (onsite training will be very appreciate) 22.Journalperformanceindicatorsfor2014 a. How many total manuscripts were submitted to your journal in 2014? AAM: 97 AHS: 1145 EJHS: 382 GMJ: 102 MJZ: Info not available at present MM: 159 MMJ: 143 SLJBR: 22 b. In 2014 what percentage of manuscripts were submitted via the following: Answer Options AAM AHS EJHS GMJ MJZ MM MMJ SLJBR % hard copy by hand % hard copy by mail % hardcopy by fax % disk copy by mail % e-copy by e-mail % e-copy by website submission system 1% 0% 0% 0% 99% 99% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 38% 0% 0% 0% 62% 0% 0% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 97% 100% 0% 0% 80% 0% 29 Submissions and acceptance statistics for 2014 (including all types of manuscripts.): c. What percentage of manuscripts submitted were from your home country? (provide number) AAM: 75% AHS: 12 (Question: is this 12% of 1145?) EJHS: 24.6% (91) GMJ: 49% (50) MM: 46 (73) MMJ: 101 (Question: 101/143 = 71%, correct?) SLJBR: 80% (16) d. How many manuscripts were accepted? (provide number) AAM: 60% (Question: 60% of 97 =58, correct?) AHS:150 EJHS: 62 GMJ:42 MM:67 MMJ:40 SLJBR:8 e. How many articles did you publish? (provide number) AAM: 0 (2014 issues are delayed and will be available the second half of 2015) AHS:162 EJHS:66 GMJ:70 MM:49 MMJ:35 SLJBR:6 f. How many issues did you publish? (provide number) AAM: 0 (2014 issues are delayed and will be available the second half of 2015) AHS: 4 EJHS: 5 GMJ: 4 MM: 4 MMJ: 4 SLJBR: 1 30 g. What was your acceptance rate? AAM: 65% AHS: 19.8% EJHS: 17.2% GMJ: 37.5% MM: 42% MMJ: 40% Published pages and timing for 2014: h. What was the average number of editorial pages published per issue? (i.e. excluding advertising pages) AHS: 273 (Question: This number seems too high; need number of pages per journal issue.) EJHS: 1 (Question: Need number of pages per journal issue.) GMJ: 1 (Question: Need number of pages per journal issue.) MM: 4/56 MMJ: 50 i. How many citations did your journal receive to articles published in 2014 in Google Scholar? Answers below provided via search of Google Scholar on June 3, 2015, for articles cited by each journal in Google Scholar. Will need to follow-up with a librarian to provide numbers of citations to articles published by these journals in Google Scholar. AAM: 39 AHS: 1730 EJHS: 262 GMJ: 715 MM: 362 MMJ: 682 MZJ: 558 SLJBR: 72 j. What was the average number of days from submission to acceptance? AAM: 2 weeks to 3 months AHS: 26.4 EJHS: 80 GMJ: 80 MM: 45-260 MMJ: 40 31 k. What was the average number of days from acceptance to online publication? AHS: 21 EJHS: 35 GMJ: 90 MM: 15-80 MMJ: 22 l. What was the average number of days from acceptance to print publication? EJHS: 90 GMJ: 120 MM: 3-12 months MMJ: 40 m. What was the number of days between when last issue sent to printer and when last issue printed? AAM: 2-3 weeks EJHS: 80 GMJ: 30 MM: 3 months MMJ: 90 n. What is the year, volume, and issue number of the most recent issue you have posted online? AAM: 2013, Vol 7, issue 1 AHS: 2015, Vol 15, issue 2 (June 2015) EJHS: 2015, Vol 25, issue 2 GMJ: 2015, Vol 49, issue 1 MJZ: 2014, Vol 41, number 1 MM: 2015, Vol 30 MMJ: 2015, Vol 27, issue 1 SLJBR: 2014, Vol 6 o. In 2014 what proportion of communication with your authors was by mail, email and phone? Answer Options AAM AHS EJHS GMJ MJZ MM MMJ SLJBR % by mail % by e-mail % by phone % by other 0% >90% 0% 0% 1% 98% .8% .2% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 6% 58% ~40% 0% 0% 98% 2% 0% 0% 90% 10% 0% 32 Regarding research articles published in 2014: p. How many research papers were submitted to your journal? AAM: 9 AHS: 1,074 EJHS: 262 GMJ: 102 MM: 146 MMJ: 128 q. How many research submissions were from your home country? AAM: 9 AHS: 108 EJHS: 79 GMJ: 50 MJZ: 100% MM: 46 MMJ: 97 r. How many manuscripts were sent out for peer review? AAM: 26 AHS: 750 EJHS: 203 GMJ: 102 MJZ: 100% MM: 23 MMJ: 117 s. How many research articles were published? AHS: 140 EJHS: 50 GMJ: 35 MM: 46 MMJ: 26 t. How many of the published research articles were from your home country? AHS: 24 EJHS: 29 GMJ: 24 MJZ: 100% MM: 26 MMJ: 22 33 u. What percent of the published research articles were from your home country? AHS: 9% EJHS: 44% GMJ: 68.6% MJZ: 100% MM: 38% MMJ: 85% v. What was the average number of days from submission to first decision for the research manuscripts you received? AAM: 15-45 AHS: 28 EJHS: 7 GMJ: 53 MMJ: 9 w. What was the average number of days from acceptance to online publication for research articles? AHS: 21 EJHS: 35 GMJ: 90 MM: 15 -80 MMJ: 40 x. What was the average number of days from acceptance to print publication for research articles? EJHS: 90 GMJ: 120 MMJ: 90 Regarding Peer reviewers: y. Do you have an in-house list or database of peer reviewers? If you do have a list of in-house peer reviewers, how many and in what format (i.e., paper or electronic database)? All but SLJBR have an in-house list or database of peer reviewers. Quantity and format are listed below. AAM: 9, electronic AHS: 850, Paper/electronic (partly) EJHS: 250, electronic GMJ: 200+ (71 used in 2014), electronic MJZ: electronic MM: 86, both (paper & electronic) MMJ: 16, electronic 34 z. Regarding peer review, what proportion of your reviewers is international (outside your country)? AAM: 10% AHS: 90% EJHS: 19% GMJ: 22.5% (2014) MJZ: Less than 5% MM: 20% MMJ: 10% SLJBR: 20% aa. What is the average number of days from commissioning to completing a peer review? AAM: 4 weeks AHS: 19 EJHS: 25 GMJ: 63 MJZ: 6 weeks MM: 10-120 days MMJ: 21 SLJBR: 4 weeks bb.In 2014, what proportion of communication with your reviewers was by mail, email, telephone? Answer Options AAM AHS EJHS GMJ MJZ MM MMJ SLJBR % by mail % by e-mail % by phone % by other 0% >90% 0% 0% 0% 99% .8% .1% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 46% 30% 24% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% cc. Have you introduced a scoring system to assess the quality of reviews received (e.g. 0=very poor, 4= excellent) to help inform you whether to use a reviewer again? If No, do you plan to introduce such a system? AAM: No, but plan to do that AHS: Yes. EJHS: No. Yes, plan to GMJ: Yes MJZ: No. Yes, plan to. MM: No MMJ: No. Yes, plan to. SLJBR: No 35
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