CONTENTS Literary Fiction 3 Commercial Fiction 17 Non-Fiction 53 Biteback Publishing & Robson Press 68 Sheil Land Associates Literary agents: Sonia Land Vivien Green Ian Drury Piers Blofeld Foreign Rights: Gaia Banks Melissa Mahi Film, TV & Theatre: Lucy Fawcett Ella Tayler Baron General enquiries: Tel: + 44 20 7405 9351 Fax: + 44 20 7831 2127 1 2 PETER ACKROYD Literary Fiction Peter Ackroyd 4 Melvyn Bragg 5 Winner of South Bank Show Award for Literature, the Whitbread Book Award, the Guardian Fiction Prize, and the Somerset Maugham Award Shortlisted for the Booker Prize (Chatterton) Steven Carroll 6 Rachel Elliott 8 Susan Hill 9 Penelope Mortimer 11 Patrick O’ Brian 12 Sarah Rayner 13 Jean Rhys 14 Diane Setterfield 15 Rose Tremain 16 Peter Ackroyd is one of the UK’s most respected and celebrated writers, whose historical novels such as Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem and Chatterton bring to life the sights and smells of 17th, 18th and 19thc. London with skill and realism. He has also published four collections of poetry. ‘One of the few English writers of his generation who will be read in a hundred years’ time’ The Sunday Times ‘ovels of outstanding intelligence…one of the most inventive and challenging contemporary novelists’ The Literary Review MILTO$ I$ AMERICA DA$ LE$O A$D THE LIMEHOUSE GOLEM THE HOUSE OF DOCTOR DEE CHATTERTO$ HAWKSMOOR THE GREAT FIRE OF LO$DO$ THE LAST TESTAME$T OF OSCAR WILDE E$GLISH MUSIC UK: Random House Group US: Doubleday FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Brazil Record China Yilin Press Denmark Klim, Finland Weilin and Goos Oy France Laffont / Gallimard Germany Knaus Greece Kastaniotis Israel Modan, Holland BZZToH, Hungary agyvilag Japan Hakusisha Korea Sol Publishing Co / Baekrak Latvia Mansards Lithuania Alma Littera $orway H.Aschehoug Poland Zysk i S-ka, Portugal Teorema, Republic of Macedonia Magoor Doo Romania Editura Romanul Russia Corpus / Kriga Serbia Clio izdavgacko Spain Edhasa, Sweden orstedt Turkey Yapi Kredi. Japanese sub-agent: Tuttle Mori (For Peter Ackroyd’s non-fiction titles see page 54) 3 4 MELVYN BRAGG Melvyn Bragg is a writer and broadcaster. His novels include The Hired Man, for which he won the Time/Life Silver Pen Award, Without a City Wall, winner of the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize, The Soldier’s Return, winner of the WH Smith Literary Award, A Son of War and Crossing the Lines, both of which were longlisted for the Booker Prize, and most recently Remember Me. He has also written several works of non-fiction, the last being The Book of Books about the King James Bible. He lives in London and Cumbria. NOW IS THE TIME STEVEN CARROLL Joint winner of the Australian Prime Minister’s Literary Award 2014 Winner of the Miles Franklin Award 2008 Winner of Commonwealth Writers’ Prize 2008 (South East Asia & Pacific Region) Steven Carroll works as Theatre Critic for Australia’s The Sunday Age. His novel The Art of the Engine Driver was shortlisted for the Elle Readers’ Prize and the Prix Femina Étranger 2005. Steven was again shortlisted for this prize and for the prestigious Miles Franklin Award with The Gift of Speed. He has gone on to win this award with the third part of the Glenroy sequence, The Time We Have Taken. Film rights to The Art of the Engine Driver have been optioned. He lives in Melbourne. Praise for Steven Carroll: At the end of May 1381, the fourteen-year-old King of England had reason to be fearful: the plague had returned, the royal coffers were empty and a draconian Poll Tax was being widely evaded. Yet Richard, bolstered by his powerful, admired mother, felt secure in his God-given right to reign. Within two weeks, the unthinkable happened: a vast force of common people who believed that England had to be saved invaded London demanding freedom, equality and the complete uprooting of the Church and State. In this gripping novel, Melvyn Bragg brings an extraordinary episode in English history to fresh, urgent life on both a grand and intimate scale, vividly portraying its central figures. It is an archetypal tale of an epic struggle between the powerful and the apparently powerless. ‘The Lost Life, like Ian McEwan’s Atonement, pays eloquent tribute to modernist literature’ The Age ‘Carroll ... transmutes the grey facts of daily life into light and luminous art’ The Australian ‘This is a memorable book; a moving love story, and a troubled reflection on the relationship between war and words ... Carroll has created, with delightful ingenuity, a rich and layered work.’ The Weekend Australian A WORLD OF OTHER PEOPLE UK & Commonwealth: Sceptre Publication: October 2015 Set in 1941 during the Blitz, this novel traces the love affair of Jim, an Australian pilot in Bomber Command, and Iris, a forthright young Londoner, finding her voice as a writer. Haunted by secrets and malign coincidence, the couple struggles to build a future free of society's thinlipped disapproval. Miles Franklin Award-winning author Steven Carroll has produced a delicate yet unflinching piece of historical fiction that captures quiet romance in the midst of great unrest. A World of Other People is a companion novel to Carroll's earlier novel the Lost Life. Other fiction titles: CREDO A SOLDIER’S RETUR$ A SO$ OF WAR CROSSI$G THE LI$ES REMEMBER ME GRACE A$D MARY AUS & $Z: 4th Estate/HarperCollins (PUBLISHED) 5 6 FOREVER YOUNG Forever Young is set against the tumultuous period of change and uncertainty that was Australia in 1977. Whitlam is about to lose the federal election, and things will never be the same again. Radicals have become conservatives, idealism is giving way to realism, relationships are falling apart, and Michael is finally coming to accept that he will never be a rock and roll musician. A subtle and graceful exploration of the passage of time and our yearning for the seeming simplicities of the past, Forever Young is a powerfully moving work – clear, beautiful, affecting - by one of our greatest authors. RACHEL ELLIOTT Rachel Elliott is a writer and psychotherapist. She has worked in arts and technology journalism and her writing has featured in a variety of publications, from digital arts magazines to the French Literary Review. She was a finalist in the Dundee International Book Prize and shortlisted for the Mslexia Novel Competition, the Fish Short Story Prize and Glimmer Train’s Short Story Award for New Writers in the US. Rachel was born in Suffolk, grew up in Norfolk and the Midlands, and now lives in Bath. AUS & $Z: 4th Estate/HarperCollins Publication: May 2015 OPTIO$ PUBLISHER: France Phébus PREVIOUS FOREIG$ SALES: Germany Liebeskind / Heyne The Glenroy novels: 1- THE ART OF THE E$GI$E DRIVER 2- THE GIFT OF SPEED 3- THE TIME WE HAVE TAKE$ 4- THE SPIRIT OF PROGRESS The T S Eliot quartet THE LOST LIFE A WORLD OF OTHER PEOPLE DRY SALVAGES (forthcoming) EAST COKER (forthcoming) ‘In an over-connected world, a crisp, beguiling voice observes chaos – and conjures miracles. Elliott is an inspired observer - fresh, wry and true.’ Liz Jensen, author of The inth Life of Louis Drax WHISPERS THROUGH A MEGAPHONE Miriam hasn't left her house in three years, and cannot raise her voice above a whisper. But today she has had enough, and is finally ready to rejoin the outside world. Meanwhile, Ralph has made the mistake of opening a closet door, only to discover with a shock that his wife Sadie doesn't love him, and never has. And so he decides to run away. Miriam and Ralph's chance meeting in a wood during stormy weather marks the beginning of an amusing, restorative friendship, while Sadie takes a break from Twitter to embark on an intriguing adventure of her own. As their collective story unfolds, each of them seeks to better understand the objects of their affection, and their own hearts, timidly refusing to stand still and accept the chaos life throws at them. Filled with wit and sparkling prose, Whispers Through a Megaphone explores our attempts to meaningfully connect with ourselves and others, in an often deafening world - when sometimes all we need is a bit of silence. World English: ONE (Pushkin Press) Publication: September 2015 RIGHTS SOLD: France Payot Rivages Germany Kein & Aber Spain Alba Editorial 7 8 SUSAN HILL Shortlisted for the Booker Prize and Winner of the Whitbread Award (The Bird of ight) Winner of the Somerset Maugham Award (I’m the King of the Castle) Susan Hill’s books have won the Whitbread and John Llewellyn Prizes, the W. Somerset Maugham Award and been shortlisted for the Booker Prize. Her ghost story, The Woman in Black, has been running in London's West End since 1988. Susan Hill is married with two adult daughters and lives in North Norfolk. Praise for the Simon Serrailler novels: ‘ot all great novelists can write crime fiction but when one like Susan Hill does the result is stunning’ Ruth Rendell THE SOUL OF DISCRETION The cathedral town of Lafferton seems idyllic, but in many ways it is just like any other place. As part of the same rapidly changing world, it shares the same hopes and fears, and the same kinds of crime, as any number of towns up and down the land. When one day DC Simon Serrailler is called in by Lafferton’s new Chief Constable, Kieron Bright, he is asked to take the lead role in a complex, potentially dangerous undercover operation and must leave town immediately, without telling anyone – not even his girlfriend Rachel. To complete his special operation, Simon must inhabit the mind of the worst kind of criminal. As the operation unfolds, Lafferton is dragged into the sort of case every town dreads. And Simon faces the fight of his life. UK: Chatto & Windus (PUBLISHED) UK: Overlook Press Other titles in the Simon Serrailler series: 1- THE VARIOUS HAU$TS OF ME$ 2- THE PURE I$ HEART 3- THE RISK OF DARK$ESS 4- THE VOWS OF SILE$CE 5- THE SHADOWS I$ THE STREET 6- THE BETRAYAL OF TRUST 7- A QUESTIO$ OF IDE$TITY PREVIOUS FOREIG$ SALES: Bulgaria Infodar, Czech Republic Mlada Fronta, Denmark Cicero, France Laffont, Germany Droemer, Holland Luitingh-Sijthoff, Italy Kowalski, Japan VillageBooks, Poland Amber, Romania Leda, Spain Edhasa, Turkey Yapi Kredi umber 1 box office hit The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe is the most successful British horror film ever made The Woman in Black translated in 25 languages THE WOMAN IN BLACK Proud and solitary, Eel Marsh House surveys the windswept reaches of the salt marshes beyond Nine Lives Causeway. Arthur Kipps, a junior solicitor, is summoned to attend the funeral of Mrs Alice Drablow, the house’s sole inhabitant, unaware of the tragic secrets which lie hidden behind the shuttered windows. It is not until he glimpses a wasted young woman, dressed all in black, at the funeral, that a creeping sense of unease begins to take hold, a feeling deepened by the reluctance of the locals to talk of the woman in black – and her terrible purpose. UK: Vintage (PUBLISHED) US: David Godine / Vintage US RIGHTS SOLD: Azerbaijan TEAS Press Brazil Record, Bulgaria Pergament, China Shanghai 99, Croatia Mozaik, Czech Republic Metafofa, Denmark Loxodonta, Estonia Hea Lugu, France L’Archipel, Germany Droemer, Greece Eurobooks, Holland Luitingh-Sijthoff, Hungary Partvonal, Italy Marco Polillo, Japan Hayakawa, Korea Munhakdongne, Lithuania Oboulys, Poland Amber, Portugal Objectiva, Romania Leda, Russia AST, Serbia Okean, Spain EDHASA, Sweden Modernista, Turkey Yapi Kredi. Other ghost stories: PRI$TER’S DEVIL COURT DOLLY THE SMALL HA$D THE MA$ I$ THE PICTURE THE MIST I$ THE MIRROR Stand- alone novels & short stories: BLACK SHEEP A KI$D MA$ THE BEACO$ GE$TLEMA$ A$D LADIES A CHA$GE FOR THE BETTER A BIT OF SI$GI$G A$D DA$CI$G I’M THE KI$G OF THE CASTLE Japanese sub-agent: The English Agency 9 10 THE ALBATROSS & OTHER STORIES STRA$GE MEETI$G THE BIRD OF $IGHT I$ THE SPRI$GTIME OF THE YEAR AIR A$D A$GELS THE BATTLE FOR GULLYWITH PENELOPE MORTIMER PATRICK O’BRIAN Dr. Patrick O’Brian C.B.E. (1914 - 2000) is known for his acclaimed Aubrey-Maturin tales, for his biographies of Joseph Banks and Picasso, and his English translations of French writers including Simone de Beauvoir and Papillon. In 1995, he was awarded the Heywood Hill Prize for a lifetime’s contribution to literature. A feature film, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, starring Russell Crowe and directed by Peter Weir, was released in 2003 and won two Oscars. Penelope Mortimer (1918-1999) was a novelist and freelance writer contributing to the ew Yorker. Her novel The Pumpkin Eater (1962) was made into an Oscar-nominated film scripted by Harold Pinter and starring Anne Bancroft. She was married to the writer and barrister John Mortimer and their tempestuous marriage was the inspiration for much of her writing. ‘…the best historical novels ever written’ $ew York Times Book Review ‘Penelope Mortimer’s novels have an economy and aptness of detail that make them refreshingly unlike much confessional women’s literature. Her best-known novel The Pumpkin Eater still reads with remarkable force’ $ew York Times ‘Beautiful … almost every woman I can think of will want to read this book’ Edna O’Brien, Daily Express on The Pumpkin Eater ovels: THE PUMPKI$ EATER JOHA$$A A VILLA I$ SUMMER THE BRIGHT PRISO$ DADDY’S GO$E A-HU$TI$G THE PUMPKI$ EATER THE HOME LO$G DISTA$CE THE HA$DY MA$ MY FRIE$D SAYS IT’S BULLET PROOF SATURDAY LU$CH WITH THE BROW$I$GS CAVE OF ICE WITH LOVE A$D LIZARDS Biography: QUEE$ ELIZABETH THE QUEE$ MOTHER Autobiography: ABOUT TIME ABOUT TIME TOO UK: HarperCollins THE PUMPKI$ EATER UK: Penguin Modern Classics Publication: 2015 The Aubrey-Maturin series: MASTER A$D COMMA$DER POST CAPTAI$ HMS SURPRISE THE MAURITIUS COMMA$D DESOLATIO$ ISLA$D THE FORTU$E OF WAR THE SURGEO$’S MATE THE IO$IA$ MISSIO$ TREASO$’S HARBOUR THE FAR SIDE OF THE WORLD THE REVERSE OF THE MEDAL THE LETTER OF MARQUE THE THIRTEE$-GU$ SALUTE THE $UTMEG OF CO$SOLATIO$ CLARISSA OAKES THE WI$E-DARK SEA THE COMMODORE THE YELLOW ADMIRAL THE HU$DRED DAYS BLUE AT THE MIZZE$ THE FI$AL U$FI$ISHED VOYAGE OF JACK AUBREY US: The New York Review Books (PUBLISHED) FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Italy Minimum Fax Spain Impedimenta US: WW Norton FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Azerbaijan TEAS Press Brazil Record China Yilin Croatia Algoritam Czech Republic Talpress, Denmark Munksgaard Rosinante, Finland Tammi France Presses de la Cite Germany Ullstein Greece Psichogios Holland Atlas Hungary Magyar Konyvklub Italy Longanesi Japan Hayakawa Korea Golden Bough $orway Oktober Poland Zysk I S-ka Portugal ASA Romania Litera Russia Amphora Serbia Laguna Spain Edhasa Sweden Wahlstrom & Widstrand Turkey Dogan / TEAS Press Japanese sub-agent: Tuttle Mori 11 12 SARAH RAYNER JEAN RHYS Jean Rhys (1890–1979) started writing in the 1930s, encouraged by Ford Madox Ford, who also discovered D.H. Lawrence. She was spurred on to writing by an anguish that surfaced when the first of her three marriages broke down, but when she began, she was already decades ahead of her time. Now, reading through the lens of post-war tolerance and understanding, Rhys’s novels are strikingly and powerfully modern. She writes in a style that is inimitably intimate yet hauntingly simple, filled with the joys and the pains of human existence. Author of One Moment, One Morning, a bestseller with over 300,000 copies sold Sarah Rayner has worked as an advertising copywriter for almost 20 years. She has also written for women’s magazines and the marketing press. She is the author of five novels and one work of non-fiction. Praise for Sarah Rayner: 'In evoking ordinary lives invaded by a deep, primitive yearning, Rayner's portrayal of her characters' interior landscapes is carefully crafted and empathetic’ Sunday Times ‘She is loved not just for a talent that seems so spontaneous and individual in its personality as physical beauty, but for a special kind of courage’ Guardian ‘Her strong, sympathetic characters feel drawn from life, and their real-world feelings and experiences get passed on to the reader.’ Booklist ‘A real page-turner […] You’ll want to inhale it in one breath’ Easy Living ovels: QUARTET AFTER LEAVI$G MR. MACKE$ZIE VOYAGE I$ THE DARK GOOD MOR$I$G MID$IGHT WIDE SARGASSO SEA Short stories: THE LEFT BA$K TIGERS ARE BETTER LOOKI$G (Includes stories from THE LEFT BANK AND OTHER STORIES) SLEEP IT OFF LADY LET THEM CALL IT JAZZ Autobiography: SMILE PLEASE ANOTHER NIGHT, ANOTHER DAY There’s Karen, a recent widow, who’s about to lose her father too, Abby, whose autistic son requires 24/7 care, and Michael, a florist and family man dangerously close to bankruptcy. As each comes close to sinking under the strain, they’re brought together at Moorlands Clinic, and it is here, behind closed doors, they struggle to open up their hearts to one another and learn to laugh again. But will they all manage to come out unscathed? Another ight, Another day is a moving exploration of what happens when three very different people hit crisis point. UK: Picador (PUBLISHED) US: St Martin’s Griffin RIGHTS SOLD: France Michel Lafon Italy Ugo Guanda Russia Exmo UK: Penguin OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Brazil Fundamental Croatia Mozaik China Everight Book Germany Rowohlt / Bertelsmann Club Holland The House of Books $orway Vega Forlag Poland Prószyński I S-ka Serbia Laguna Turkey Pegasus FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Albania Botime Pegi Brazil Rocco Bulgaria Altera Catalan Ediciones 62 / Ediciones de la Tempestad China Literature & Art Publishing House / Prophet Croatia aklada, Czech Republic One Women Press Finland Otava France Denoel / Editions Stock Germany Berlin Verlag / SchÖffling Greece Melani Holland Rainbow Pocketboeken Hungary Ulpius Publishing Israel Keter Italy Adelphi Japan Kawade Korea Woong Jin / EunHaeng amu Spain Lumen, Portugal Bertrand Japanese sub-agent: The English Agency Other titles: THE TWO WEEK WAIT O$E MOME$T, O$E MOR$I$G THE OTHER HALF GETTI$G EVE$ (For Sarah Rayner’s non-fiction titles see page 62) 13 US: WW Norton Japanese sub-agent: Tuttle Mori 14 DIANE SETTERFIELD ROSE TREMAIN The YT umber 1 Bestselling Author Diane Setterfield is a former academic, specializing in the twentieth-century French Literature. Having spent time in France, she now lives in Harrogate. Her debut novel The Thirteenth Tale has been published in 40 countries, and was a #1 international bestseller, selling millions of copies. She is currently writing her third novel. 'The overt creepiness is a long time coming, but this is a ghost story half hidden inside a fascinating family saga, where the dark stain spreads slowly… fabulous’ The Times BELLMAN & BLACK: A Ghost Story As a boy, William Bellman kills a rook with his slingshot. The act is soon forgotten amidst the riot of boyhood games, but has unforeseen and terrible consequences. By the time he is grown, with a wife and children of his own, he seems to have put the whole incident behind him. But rooks don’t forget. When a stranger mysteriously enters his life, William’s fortunes begin to turn. Desperate to save the one precious thing he has left, he enters into a bargain. A rather strange bargain, with an even stranger partner, to found a decidedly macabre business. And Bellman & Black is born. UK: Orion (PUBLISHED) Canada: Doubleday US: Atria RIGHTS SOLD: Brazil Record Catalan Grup 62 Chinese (Complex) Cite Publishing Chinese (Simplified) People’s Literature Publishing House Croatia Algoritam Czech Republic Euromedia France Plon Germany Blessing Greece Harlenic Hellas Italy Mondadori Poland Amber Portugal Marcador Russian Azbooka Slovak Republic Ikar Spain Lumen $orway Gyldendal THE THIRTEENTH TALE Shortlisted for the BBC $ational Short Story Award 2014 (‘The American Lover’) Winner of the Orange Prize 2008 (The Road Home) Shortlisted for the Orange Prize 2004 (The Colour) Winner of the Whitbread $ovel Award 1999 (Music & Silence) Winner of the Prix Femina Etranger 1994 (Sacred Country) Shortlisted for the Booker Prize 1989 (Restoration) Rose Tremain’s bestselling novels have won many awards. Restoration was short-listed for the Booker Prize in 1989 and made into a film in 1995. In 2007, Rose was made a CBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. She lives in Norfolk and London with the biographer, Richard Holmes. ‘a collection of stylish daring, tonal mastery and smart, tough love.’ The $ew York Times Book Review THE AMERICAN LOVER Rose Tremain awakens the senses in this diverse collection of short stories. In her precise yet sensuous style she lays bare the soul of her characters – the admirable, the embarrassing, the unfulfilled, the sexy and the adorable – to uncover a dazzling range of human emotions and desires. UK: Chatto & Windus (PUBLISHED) US: WW Norton RIGHTS SOLD: France JC Lattes Turkey Kirmizi Kredi PREVIOUS SALES: Albania Morava Brazil Rocco Bulgaria Prozoretz / ICU Publishing China Shanghai Widea Culture & Art / Only Cultural Enterprise Denmark Forlaget Fremad Holland De Geus / Contact Germany Suhrkamp / Insel / Droemer Israel Miskal / Simanim Italy Marco Tropea Japan Kashiwa Shobo Korea Munhakdongne Portugal Porto Editora Romania Editura Leda Serbia Laguna Slovenia Ucila Spain El Aleph/Grup 62 Sweden Eva Bonnier Taiwan Cite Publishing Vietnam Literature Publishing House Japanese sub-agent: The English Agency FOREIG$ SALES: Brazil Record Bulgarian Bard Chinese (Complex) Ecus Publishing House Chinese (Simplified) People’s Literature Publishing House Croatia Algoritam Czech Republic Euromedia Denmark Aschehoug Estonia Varrak, Finland Tammi, Greece Harlenic Hellas Iceland JPV, Indonesia Gramedia, Israel Keter, Japan HK Korea Viche Latvian Zvaigzne ABC, Lithuania Alma Littera Macedonia Kultura $orway Gyldendal Portugal Presença Romania Humanitas Russian Azbooka Serbia Laguna Slovak Republic Ikar Slovenia Ucila Sweden Bonnier Turkey Altin Ukrainian Family Leisure Club ovels: MERIVEL TRESPASS THE ROAD HOME THE COLOUR MUSIC A$D SILE$CE THE WAY I FOU$D HER Japanese sub-agent: Tuttle Mori Short stories: THE DARK$ESS OF WALLIS SIMPSO$ 15 SACRED COU$TRY RESTORATIO$ THE SWIMMI$G POOL SEASO$ THE CUPBOARD LETTER TO SISTER BE$EDICTA SADLER’S BIRTHDAY 16 Commercial Fiction Michael Asher Raffaella Barker James Barlow Christopher Bartley Clifford Beal Alexandra Connor Catherine Cookson Elizabeth Corley David Crossland Gordon Doherty Angus Donald Chris Ewan Robert Fabbri N.S. Fountain Sam Gasson Margaret Graham Graham Hancock Mark Lawrence Frankie Leahy Jane Lythell Sara-Ella Ozbek Catherine Quinn Su Quinn Robert Rigby Catherine Robertson David N Robinson Tom Sharpe Joanna Taylor James Thomson Karl Vadaszffy J.S. Von Dacre Michael White Neil White MICHAEL ASHER 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 17 Michael Asher has served in the Parachute Regiment and the SAS. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and has won the Ness Award of the Royal Geographical Society and the Mungo Park Medal of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society for Exploration. Praise for Death or Glory quartet: ‘Breathtaking bravery, astonishing feats of endurance, raids and battles described with terrific immediacy and pace. Compelling and definitive . . . will surely not be bettered’ Sunday Telegraph ‘Detailed, scathingly honest. Asher has brought the critical eye of the knowledgeable insider to his in-depth study of SAS operations and personalities’ Herald CODE OF COMBAT – Vol.4 of the Death or Glory quartet Italy, 1943 - SAS Captain, Tom Caine, is being held captive by Nazi forces. Whilst imprisoned he befriends another member of the SAS - one who has heard a rumour. The operative knows the location of an ancient codex. A codex he claims will lead them to the location of the original texts of Tacitus' Germania. Caine is deployed by the Nazis to find the codex and retrieve the texts on a mission that will most certainly bring about his death, and refusal is not an option. Caine has little choice but to begin his most deadly campaign yet. UK: Penguin (PUBLISHED) Other titles in the Death or Glory quartet: 1-THE LAST COMMA$DO 2-THE FLAMI$G SWORD 3-HIGHROAD TO HELL PREVIOUS FOREIG$ SALES: Poland Reader’s Digest Czech Reader’s Digest Slovak Reader’s Digest 18 RAFFAELLA BARKER JAMES BARLOW James Barlow (1921-1973) was a regular contributor to the magazine Punch and in 1956 published his first novel, The Protagonists, to much critical acclaim in both the UK and the US. The Patriots, written in 1960, became a bestseller and in 1972, Barlow won an award from Pan Publishers for Liner, beating competition such as The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth. Raffaella Barker, daughter of poet George Barker, is the author of nine novels for adults and one children's book, all of which have been widely acclaimed. She is a regular contributor to Country Life and the Sunday Telegraph. She lives in Norfolk with her three children. ‘Instantly likeable characters… a light, enjoyable novel, best read by the sea’ Sunday Times ‘beautifully written… perfect for a hammock on a sunny day’ Daily Mail FROM A DISTANCE April, 1946. Michael, a soldier, returns to Southampton on a troop ship. Brutalised and in shock, he cannot face the life that awaits him at home. Impulsively he boards a train to the western tip of Cornwall, where his life is shaped by his heart and the fragmented Britain he has come back to. More than half a century later, Kit, an enigmatic stranger, arrives in Norfolk to take up his unwanted inheritance- a decommissioned lighthouse, half hidden in the shadows of the past, now sweeping its beam forward through time. According to Kit, his life is complete, and he doesn't wish to see anything the lighthouse's glare exposes. But the choice is out of his hands. Luisa, a second-generation Italian, has so far lived through her children and has reached a point of invisibility. The constant push and pull of family life has turned like the tide, and she is suspended, without direction. Kit and Luisa meet and neither can escape the inevitability of Michael's split-second decision at the Southampton docks. World All Languages: Bloomsbury (PUBLISHED) Other titles: (Translation Rights with Sheil Land Associates) HE$S DA$CI$G SUMMERTIME A PERFECT LIFE GREE$ GRASS PHOSPHORESCE$CE THE HOOK COME A$D TELL ME SOME LIES POPPYLA$D PREVIOUS FOREIG$ SALES: Azerbaijan TEAS Press Germany Droemer, Holland ijgh & Van Ditmar, Hungary Bolt Kft, Russia TEAS Press, Turkey TEAS Press 19 Barlow’s 1968 novel, The Burden of Proof, was made into a successful film (retitled Villain) starring Richard Burton. In 1962, Term of Trial was turned into a film starring Laurence Olivier (whose performance received a BAFTA nomination), Simone Signoret, Thora Hird and Terence Stamp. The television adaptation of his third novel, The Man with Good Intentions, starred Francesca Annis. The film rights for The Protagonists have just been optioned. ‘James Barlow is one of the most able thriller writers in the business, with an alarmingly acute eye for the degenerate quirks of society and the knack of unraveling a plot as complicatedly knit as spaghetti’ Spectator ‘Passion, violence and retribution, suspense and superb storytelling!’ Los Angeles Times ‘We have to welcome a careful and painstaking talent’ Sunday Times ovels: THE PROTAGO$ISTS THE HOUR OF MAXIMUM DA$GER BOTH YOUR HOUSES THE BURDE$ OF PROOF O$E MA$ I$ THE WORLD THIS SIDE OF THE SKY O$E HALF OF THE WORLD I$ ALL GOOD FAITH THE LOVE CHASE LI$ER TERM OF TRIAL THE PATRIOTS THE MA$ WITH GOOD I$TE$TIO$S World English: Peach Publishing (PUBLISHED) FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Italy Sellerio Editore 20 CHRISTOPHER BARTLEY Christopher Bartley is a clinical psychologist and a professor at the University of Hawaii, and also directs research at The Menninger Clinic in Houston, Texas. He conducts clinical trials, epidemiology, and mental health services research, mostly with prisoners and combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder. He is fascinated with the history of jazz, gangsters, bank robbers and baseball, all of which seemed to converge in the 1920s, 30s and 40s. Setting his novels just after prohibition allowed him to delve into one of his favourite periods. ‘A stiff noir cocktail: sharp dialogue, shadowy settings, and severe, cold-blooded violence… The prose can sparkle, the atmosphere is there, period details are pitch-perfect, and the action scenes are executed with verve’ Kirkus Reviews EVERY SECRET THING The California Tule fog sits oppressively over the small town of Gentryville but it seems it has not deterred the antics of corrupt politicians, greedy developers and canny mobsters as they go about their business as usual. Ross Duncan, en route to San Francisco and in town, is drawn to help Carmelita back home to her father after being stranded by her boyfriend, the boxer Joey Cosimo. Joey is manipulated through drugs by the local mayor and mobster, Tony Vargas. As Duncan slowly discovers the secrets of the town, he tries to stay alive and protect Carmelita and Joey but the body count increases as the stakes get higher. Mobsters from Detroit come into Gentryville to disrupt Vargas’ plans and to seek revenge from a past killing but as the violence mounts, Duncan finds himself at the centre of an even larger plan to usurp control of the Hetch Hetchy Water System. CLIFFORD BEAL Clifford Beal is a former journalist and the author of Gideon's Angel and The Rave's Banquet, from Solaris Books. He is also the author of Quelch’s Gold (Praeger Books 2007), the true story of a little-known but remarkable early 18th century Anglo-American pirate. Originally from Providence, Rhode Island, he lives in Surrey. THE GUNS OF IVREA Valdur is not a happy kingdom. Five fractious duchies, a royal enclave no bigger than a market town and a vain and lazy King, whose dukes and high stewards are free to plot and scheme. Here, landsmen and mer-men coexist in a state of mutual distrust, meeting only to trade, and even then in secret. Acquel is a young and unwilling Greyrobe, sent to the cloisterhood to reform his thieving ways. When an earthquake destroys the sarcophagus of revered prophet Elded the Lawgiver, Acquel is forced to rely on the wits he sharpened as a thief to survive. He has seen something that spelled the deaths of the few other witnesses - Elded's bones show him to have been a mer-man, a shocking secret that the rulers of Valdur will stop at nothing to suppress. For this is the secret on which their kingdom is built and there is more at stake that Acquel could ever have imagined... World English: Solaris Publication: February 2016 World English: Peach Publishing (PUBLISHED) Other titles in the Ross Duncan series: 1- THEY DIE ALO$E 2- SLEEP $OT, MY CHILD 3- FOR A SI$ OFFERI$G 4- TO CATCH IS $OT TO HOLD 5- U$TO THE DAUGHTERS OF ME$ 6- A BULLET TO DREAM OF 21 22 ALEXANDRA CONNOR CATHERINE COOKSON Alexandra Connor's work has been featured in The Times, Telegraph, Observer, ew Woman, Woman's Journal, Woman and Home, Hello!, The Express, Daily Mail, and many foreign newspapers such as Le Figaro and La Sicilia. Alexandra is listed in Debrett's 'People of Today'; is an entrant in the Dictionary of International Biography; and inaugural version of The Cambridge Blue Book. She is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She writes both fiction and non-fiction in a number of genres. Over 100 million copies sold around the world Translated into 25 languages Catherine Cookson (1906 - 1998) was born in the bleak industrial heartland of Tyneside, England, the illegitimate daughter of the woman whom she had believed to be her elder sister. The poverty, exploitation and bigotry she experienced aroused deep emotions that stayed with her throughout her life. At the age of forty, she began to write about the lives of the people around her, and rose to become one of the most successful novelists of all time. She received an OBE in 1986 and was created Dame of the British Empire in 1993. She was appointed an Honorary Fellow at St. Hilda’s College, Oxford in 1997. She passed away aged 91. BODILY HARM (A Rae Spears Mystery Thriller) Rae Spears, a neurosurgeon, is reeling from the suicide of her husband, Stuart, when she is approached by an old lover, Ted Rimmer, a detective with the Manchester Police Force. Rimmer asks for her specialist appraisal of a murder suspect called Terry Farrell who is exhibiting neurological symptoms. Is he faking? Or is he really ill? Rae believes that he is innocent and becomes determined to defend him, but the police remain sure of his guilt. Hounded by the press, shunned by those she worked with but mostly haunted by the death of Stuart, Rae finds her equilibrium shaken to the point of doubting her own decisions. With nothing to lose, and knowing she is risking her reputation and her own safety, Rae sets out to find the killer and vindicate herself: a journey which takes her into the darkness alone. World English: Peach Publishing (PUBLISHED) ovels: KATE HA$$IGA$ THE FIFTEE$ STREETS COLOUR BLI$D HA$$AH MASSEY THE GAMBLI$G MA$ A RUTHLESS $EED RILEY THE THURSDAY FRIE$D THE BO$$Y DAW$ THE LADY O$ MY LEFT A HOUSE DIVIDED ROSIE OF THE RIVER THE SA$D DA$CER THE MALLE$ SECRET Autobiography: Rae Spears Mystery Thriller series BODILY HARM CIPHER OUR KATE CATHERI$E COOKSO$ COU$TRY LET ME MAKE MYSELF PLAI$ PLAI$ER STILL Sagas A$ A$GEL PASSI$G OVER MASK OF FORTU$E THE FACE I$ THE LOCKET THE HOUR OF THE A$GEL THE TUR$ OF THE TIDE THE VELVET GLOVE ‘The most celebrated novelist of our time’ The Times GREE$ BAIZE ROAD MID$IGHT’S SMILI$G THE GREE$ BAY TREE THE SIXPE$$Y WI$$ER THE WELL OF DREAMS WI$TER WOME$, MIDSUMMER ME$ Horror/Magic Realism – previous published as Alexandra Hampton THE DEAF HOUSE THE EXPERIE$CE BUYER on-fiction PRIVATE VIEW A full list of Dame Catherine’s 106 published works is available UK: Headline & Corgi FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Bulgaria Svetovna Biblioteka, Czech Republic Euromedia, Denmark Det Bedste a/s Estonia Varrak, Finland Gummerus, France Presses de la Cite Germany Heyne / Weltbild. Greece Oceanida, Holland De Boekerij, Hungary Magyar Konyvklub, Italy Sperling & Kupfer Korea Simji Publishing, Latvia Zvaigzne ABC, Lithuania Alma Littera, $orway Cappelen, Poland Wydawnictwo Bis Portugal Circulo de Leitores, Romania Miron / Pygmalion / Mondial / Vivaldi, Russia Mir knigi, Family Leisure Club, South Africa Rooi Rose Magazine Slovakia Sloyensky Spisoyatel, Spain Editorial Planeta, Sweden Bonniers Turkey Aarion Yayin Japanese sub-agent: Tuttle Mori 23 24 ELIZABETH CORLEY DAVID CROSSLAND David Crossland was born in 1967 in Bonn, then the capital of West Germany, where his father was a foreign correspondent. David worked for Reuters for ten years before becoming a freelance journalist. He writes extensively about the growing threat posed by neo-Nazis in the former communist east. He is bilingual and treasures his roots in the Rhineland. He is married with a son and lives in Berlin. Sales in Germany exceed 300,000 copies Elizabeth Corley grew up in West Sussex, England. She manages to balance her passion for crime-writing with a successful position as Chief Executive for a global investment company. She divides her time between London, Germany and France. She was inspired to write the first of her novels featuring DCI Andrew Fenwick during a performance of Verdi’s Requiem, and her first four books have become bestsellers in Germany. ‘Very tense, superb…sure to appeal to fans of Tana French and Tess Gerritsen’ Booklist The Jewish Candidate has triggered huge numbers of reviews, features and interviews with Reuters, The Chicago Tribune, the Jewish Post, Deutsche Welle, The Local (Swedish-owned), Spiegal Online and Juedische Allgemiene (Germany’s largest Jewish newspaper). ‘Virtuoso’ Die Welt ‘Described with great subtlety…cleverly done and genuinely exciting’ Literary Review DEAD OF WINTER Chief Superintendent Andrew Fenwick isn't pleased to be assigned a high-profile celebrity case - the disappearance of teenager Issie Mattias, the privileged granddaughter of Hollywood royalty. But as his investigation takes shape, and unsettling hints of an abusive past surface, he grows ever more concerned for the girl's safety. Meanwhile Inspector Louise Nightingale is searching for a serial rapist - could the cases be linked? As the country is gripped by a treacherous winter, Fenwick and Nightingale are running out of time... A gripping tale of revenge and first love gone bitterly wrong, Dead of Winter marks the welcome return of Fenwick and Nightingale, and sees Elizabeth Corley at the peak of her powers. UK: Allison & Busby (PUBLISHED) OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Germany S. Fischer / Scherz, Holland LuitinghSijthoff, Poland Zysk, Turkey Pegasus. Japanese sub-agent: Owl’s Agency Praise for The Jewish Candidate: ‘As the European Union faces a resurgence of the right-wing ultranationalism, veteran journalist David Crossland paints a chilling scenario of the threats posed to contemporary German society by the neo-azi extremists. A real page-turner’ Efraim Zuroff, the head of The Simon Wiesenthal Center ‘This new novel has shed timely light on the right-wing extremist violence that has plagued the country since 1990 and was swept under the carpet for years. A fastpaced thriller’ Reuters TEUTONIA Long before the Nazis central Europe was shared, uneasily perhaps, between the Germans and the Russians. Old strategic realities never die… Bruno Haxelreuter (‘Haxi’) is the poster boy of German industry – blond, handsome, fun loving and ruthless. He is also Prussian and dreams of reuniting the old Prussian lands of eastern Poland with the German fatherland once again. But do his ambitions stop there? Investigative journalists Carver and Renner find themselves drawn into a terrifying race against time to uncover a plot which threatens the whole of Europe. Set against the backdrop of German triumphalism in which long dormant ambitions find their voice once again in the boardrooms of Germany’s economic powerhouse, Teutonia is another brilliantly informed political thriller from the author of The Jewish Candidate. Other titles: FATAL LEGACY REQUIEM MASS GRAVE DOUBTS I$$OCE$T BLOOD UK: on submission Other titles: THE JEWISH CA$DIDATE 25 26 GORDON DOHERTY Gordon is a Scottish writer, whose historical fiction has sold tens of thousands of copies. His Legionary series is set in the Eastern Roman Empire circa 376 AD and follows the adventures of the border legions as the empire begins to waver under the relentless crush of barbarians from the East and the North. His Strategos series is set around the build up to the Battle of Manzikert in 1071 AD and follows the dark and troubled life of a Byzantine general in a land riven with bloodshed and doubt. THE SCOURGE OF THRACIA – Vol.4 of the Legionary series 377 AD: Thracia’s legions are few and broken in the wake of the Battle of Ad Salices. But the scattered centuries and cohorts rally in an effort to blockade the Haemus Mountain passes and hold back the relentless attacks of Fritigern’s swelling Gothic armies. These passes must endure until Eastern Emperor Valens and Western Emperor Gratian can muster and bring their Praesental Armies in relief. Numerius Vitellius Pavo and the men of the XI Claudia return to Constantinople from their brutal Persian sortie to hear widespread tales of Thracia’s plight and the precarious mountain blockades. Each of them knows what is at stake should those passes fall: the heartland of the Eastern Empire would face the wrath of the barbarians and loved ones would be at the mercy of their savage blades. When the Claudia are despatched to aid the effort at the mountains, Pavo can think only of two souls wandering in the jaws of the Gothic threat: his beloved Felicia and his lost half-brother, Dexion. So he and his comrades march at haste, headlong into the storm that awaits them . . . ANGUS DONALD King’s Man & Holy Warrior – top 50 UK bestseller Outlaw has sold approaching 150,000 copies Angus Donald was a journalist on the London Times from 2002 to 2008. Previously, he was foreign correspondent for the Financial Times in India and Pakistan, and covered the Battle of Tora Bora, Afghanistan for The Independent. Television rights in the Outlaw Chronicles have just been optioned. Praise for Outlaw: ‘Angus Donald’s gloriously entertaining reboot of the Robin Hood legend’ The Times THE IRON CASTLE – Vol.6 of the Outlaw Chronicles Ad 1203: Robin Hood Must Turn The Tide Of War England and France are locked in a brutal struggle for power. The fate of the embattled duchy of Normandy is in the hands of the weak and untrustworthy King John. Facing disaster, he calls for help from a former outlaw - Robin Hood. King Philip II's army rips through the Norman defences, Robin - the Earl of Locksley - leads a savage mercenary force into battle under the English banner, supported by his loyal lieutenant Sir Alan Dale. But defeat is only one castle away. The most powerful fortress in Christendom, only Chateau Gaillard can resist the French advance. Robin and Alan must defend this last bastion against overwhelming force - for if the Iron Castle falls, Normandy will fall with it. UK: Kindle Direct Publishing (PUBLISHED) UK: Little, Brown (PUBLISHED) OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Greece Chryssalis Books Italy ewton & Compton Russia Veche OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Brazil Record, Germany Droemer, Holland Luitingh-Sijthoff, Poland Amber, Portugal Objectiva, Russia Exmo, Spain Edhasa Other titles in the Legionary series: 1-LEGIO$ARY (Italy ewton & Compton, Russia Veche) 2-VIPER OF THE $ORTH (Italy ewton & Compton) 3-LA$D OF THE SACRED FIRE Strategos series: 1-BOR$ I$ THE BORDERLA$DS (Greece Chryssalis Books) 2-RISE OF THE GOLDE$ HEART 3-ISLA$D I$ THE STORM 27 Other titles in the Outlaw Chronicles: 1-OUTLAW 2-HOLY WARRIOR 3-KI$G’S MA$ 4-WARLORD 5-GRAIL K$IGHT 28 CHRIS EWAN Over 500,000 copies sold of Safe House Chris Ewan is the award-winning author of The Good Thief's Guide to ... series of mystery novels, which are in development with 20th Century Fox Television on behalf of showrunner Hart Hanson (Bones). Safe House, his first stand-alone thriller, was a number one bestseller in 2012 and was shortlisted for the Theakston's Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year Award. Chris lives in England with his wife, Jo, and their daughter. Praise for Safe House: ‘Proceeding at warp speed with plenty of twists and excellent use of its setting, Safe House is a terrific holiday read’ The Guardian LONG TIME LOST Nick Miller and his team provide a highly discreet, highly illegal service, relocating at-risk individuals across Europe with new identities and new lives. But when Miller prevents the attempted murder of witness-in-hiding Kate Sutherland in an isolated cliff-top house on the Isle of Man, he sets in motion a chain of events that threaten the safety of everyone in his network. To protect the clients Miller has taught to hide in plain sight, he and Kate must race across Europe, from Hamburg to Rome, and Prague to central Switzerland. But they’re not alone. They’re being watched. And the enemy they both share – the man responsible for killing Miller’s wife and daughter – will stop at nothing to locate the person he’s searching for. UK: Faber & Faber Publication: TBC ROBERT FABBRI Masters of Rome # 9 Times hardback bestseller Over 250,000 copies sold of the Vespasian series Robert Fabbri read Drama and Theatre at London University and has worked in film and TV for 25 years. He has worked on productions such as Hornblower, Hellraiser, Patriot Games and Billy Elliot. His life-long passion for ancient history, especially for that of the Roman Empire, drew him to write his first novel. He lives in London and Berlin and is now working on the seventh book in the series. VESPASIAN VI: ROME’S LOST SON Rome, AD 51: Vespasian brings Rome's greatest enemy before the Emperor. After eight years of resistance, the British warrior Caratacus has been caught. But even Vespasian's victory cannot remove the newly-made consul from Roman politics: Agrippina, Emperor Claudius's wife, pardons Caratacus. Claudius is a drunken fool and Narcissus and Pallas, his freedmen, are battling for control of his throne. Separately, they decide to send Vespasian East to Armenia to defend Rome's interests. But there is more at stake than protecting a client kingdom. Rumours abound that Agrippina is involved in a plot to destabilise the East. Vespasian must find a way to serve two masters - Narcissus is determined to ruin Agrippina, Pallas to save her. Meanwhile, the East is in turmoil. A new Jewish cult is flourishing and its adherents refuse to swear loyalty to the Emperor. In Armenia, Vespasian is captured. Immured in the oldest city on earth, how can he escape? And is a Rome ruled by a woman who despises Vespasian any safer than a prison cell? UK: Corvus (Atlantic Books) Publication: March 2015 OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Germany Rowohlt Italy Fanucci Lithuania Jotema Russia Exmo Turkey Pegasus Stand alone titles: SAFE HOUSE DEAD LI$E DARK TIDES THE GOOD THIEF’S GUIDE TO… AMSTERDAM, PARIS, VEGAS, VE$ICE & BERLI$ (UK Simon & Schuster, US St Martin’s Press, Bulgaria Bard, Croatia Algoritam, Germany Lübbe, Greece Mamaya, Holland De Boekerij, Poland Amber, Japan Kodansha, Russia 36.6, Slovak Republic Ikar) RIGHTS SOLD: Holland Karakter Other titles: I: TRIBU$E OF ROME II: ROME’S EXECUTIO$ER III: FALSE GOD OF ROME IV: ROME’S FALLE$ EAGLE V: MASTERS OF ROME OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Czech Laser Holland Karakter Hungary Alexandra Italy ewton Compton Poland Rebis Russia Veche Spain Edhasa Japanese sub-agent: Japan Uni 29 30 N.S. FOUNTAIN SAM GASSON N.S. (Nev) Fountain is an award winning comedy writer, for television and radio. He is chiefly known for his work on the Dead Ringers sketch show and as a staff writer for Private Eye magazine, but he has also contributed to many other programmes, including Have I Got ews for You and 2DTV. Painkiller is his first novel. Sam Gasson is a thirty-two year old graduate (with distinction) of UEA’s MA in Creative Writing. He spends his days teaching English at a secondary school and his evenings writing. PAINKILLER THE CAT WHO SAW IT ALL Monica suffers from chronic neuropathic pain. The pain consumes half her mind, and the drugs that are supposed to deal with the pain consume the other half. There are whole years of her life which are a blur to her. So when she finds a suicide note, written by her, saying she is going to end it all, she can't remember writing it or why she kept it in the first place. She gradually comes to suspect that someone tried to kill her once and is trying to do so again... Jim Glew is a private detective with a heart condition who has decided to retire. Bruno, his over imaginative eleven year old son raised on a diet of TV whodunits, sees crime everywhere; the one thing he loves more than playing detective is his rescue cat Mildred. Curious to have a cat’s eye view of the world, Bruno fits a collar camera to Mildred. The camera becomes vitally important when Poppy Rutter, the Glew's neighbour, is brutally murdered and bloody paw prints are found at the scene. But where are Mildred and her camera? UK: Sphere (Little, Brown) Publication: February 2016 RIGHTS SOLD: Germany Goldmann Jim and Bruno both set out to investigate: for Jim the investigation is a chance to return to doing the thing he is good at and to prevent further tragedy. For Bruno it is a journey into an adult world which is more complex and sinister than anything he could have imagined. The Cat who Saw it All plays with the concept of the old fashioned whodunit, combining humour and a well-executed plot with some darker and more contemporary themes. The heroine of the piece is of course Mildred, and through her we have an insight into the secret lives of cats, a source of enduring fascination. UK: on submission 31 32 MARGARET GRAHAM Margaret Graham is a bestselling author and has been writing for thirty years. Her first novel was published in 1986 and since then she has written a further 13 novels. Margaret has written two plays, co-researched a television documentary, which grew out of A Canopy of Silence, and has written numerous short stories and features. Praise for Margaret Graham: ‘Moving and memorable’ Daily Mail ‘Emotional, thoughtful… Margaret Graham has a sure, delicate touch’ Good Housekeeping EASTERLEIGH HALL AT WAR The second novel in a compelling new series set in County Durham just before and during the First World War. Perfect for fans of Longbourn and Downton Abbey. England is at war and Easterleigh Hall has been turned into a hospital for the duration of the hostilities. With its army of volunteers and wounded servicemen, cook Evie Forbes is determined that everyone will be properly provided for, despite the threat of rationing and dwindling supplies. All the while she waits for letters from her fiancé and beloved brother, fighting on the Western Front. Then the worst happens – a telegram arrives with shattering news. And Evie wonders if she’ll have the strength to carry on… UK: Arrow (Random House UK) Publication: May 2015 Graham Hancock is the author of numerous bestselling works about historical mysteries. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into twenty-seven languages. His public lectures and broadcasts, including two major TV series for Channel 4, Quest for the Lost Civilisation, and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age, have further established his reputation as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past. His first foray into fantasy fiction was Entangled, published in 2010 to critical acclaim. His first historical fiction, War God, begins an epic trilogy. ‘In this fast-moving highly recommended novel, Graham Hancock masterfully reconstructs the biggest clash of civilizations ever, revealing aspects that only a genius author could unveil’ Javier Sierra ew York Times bestselling author of The Secret Supper and The Lost Angel WAR GOD: Return of the Plumed Serpent – Vol.2 of the War God trilogy The conquistador Hernán Cortés is hell-bent on conquering Mexico for the Aztecs’ gold. Having destroyed the Maya at Potonchan, Cortés now marches on Tenochtitlan, the Golden City of the Aztecs, wrapped in the aura of a returning, vengeful god. His small force of just five hundred men will have to defeat the psychotic emperor Moctezuma and the armies of hundreds of thousands he commands. WAR GOD: Nights of the Witch – Vol.1 of the War God trilogy EASTERLEIGH HALL When Evie Forbes starts as an assistant cook at Easterleigh Hall, she goes against her family’s wishes. For ruthless Lord Brampton also owns the mine where Evie’s father and brothers work and there is animosity between the two families. But Evie is determined to better herself. Evie works hard and gains a valued place in the household. And her dream of running a small hotel grows ever closer. Then War is declared and all their lives are thrown into turmoil. UK: Arrow (Random House UK) (PUBLISHED) Other titles: THE FUTURE IS OURS A CA$OPY OF SILE$CE A BITTER LEGACY A DISTA$T DREAM BED OF ROSES GRAHAM HANCOCK LOOK WITHI$ YOUR HEART OUT OF THE $IGHT PRACTISI$G WEARI$G PURPLE SATURDAY MOR$I$G THE VISIT 33 The epic story of a clash of two empires and two gods of war begins in February 1519 when the conquistador, Hernan Cortes, sets sail from Cuba with his fleet towards Mexico with just five hundred adventurers. Little do they know that they will pit themselves against the most brutal armies, hundreds of thousands strong, of the ancient Americas, in their quest for gold and riches. UK: Hodder & Stoughton (PUBLISHED) RIGHTS SOLD: Czech Republic Talpress, Italy ewton Compton, Spain Ediciones B Other titles: E$TA$GLED (For Graham Hancock’s $on-Fiction titles see page 57) 34 PREVIOUS FOREIG$ SALES: Bulgaria Bard, Brazil Aleph/Record, China Beijing Classic & Wise Culture Development Co./China Light Industry Press/ew World Press, Croatia Stari Grad/Mozaiek, Czech Republic Columbus, Holland Tirion, Estonia Sinisukk, France Pygmalion/du Rocher, Germany Bastei-Verlag/Kopp/Hoffmann und Campe, Greece Livani/Enalios, Hungary Pecsi, Italy Corbaccio/Piemme, Japan Koike Shoin/Shueisha/Shogakukan, Korea Kachi, Poland Amber, Portugal Presenca, Romania Excalibur/Aldo, Russia Exmo, Serbia Mono & Manjana, Slovak Aktuell, Spain Ediciones B/Martinez Roca/Planeta, Taiwan Taiwan Wisdom Publishing Co., Thailand Ruan Boon/Infinity, Turkey Kitapcilik MARK LAWRENCE Mark Lawrence is a research scientist working on artificial intelligence. He is a dual national with both British and American citizenship and has held secret level clearance with both governments. Married with four children, he lives in Bristol. Mark is now working on the third book in the Red Queen’s War Trilogy. Praise for Prince of Thorns: ‘This is an absolutely stunning book. Dark and relentless…A two-in-the-morning page turner.’ Robin Hobb ‘Being hailed by the publisher as the British answer to The Game of Thrones, this is dark, exciting and fun.’ The Bookseller THE LIAR’S KEY – Vol.2 of the Red Queen’s War trilogy Winter is keeping Prince Jalan Kendeth far from the longed-for luxuries of his southern palace. And although the North may be home to his companion, the warrior Snorri ver Snagason, he is just as eager to leave. For the Viking is ready to challenge all of Hell to bring his wife and children back into the living world. He has Loki’s key – now all he needs is to find the door. As all wait for the ice to unlock its jaws, the Dead King plots to claim what was so nearly his – the key to the underworld -- so that his dead subjects can rise and rule. UK: Voyager (Harper Collins) Publication: June 2015 US: Ace (Penguin) PRINCE OF FOOLS – Vol.1 of the Red Queen’s War trilogy The Red Queen is old but the kings of the Broken Empire dread her like no other. Her greatest weapon is The Silent Sister—unseen by most and unspoken of by all. The Red Queen’s grandson, Prince Jalan Kendeth—drinker, gambler, seducer of women—is one who can see The Silent Sister. Tenth in line for the throne and content with his role as a minor royal, he pretends that the hideous crone is not there. But war is coming. Witnesses claim an undead army is on the march, and the Red Queen has called on her family to defend the realm. Jal thinks it’s all a rumor—nothing that will affect him. But he is wrong… RIGHTS SOLD: Brazil DarkSide France Bragelonne Hungary Fumax Latvia Prometejs AB Poland Ksiezyc Russia Fantastika 35 36 The Broken Empire Trilogy: 1-PRI$CE OF THOR$S 2-KI$G OF THOR$S 3-EMPEROR OF THOR$S FRANKIE LEAHY Frankie Leahy (who writes under the pseudonym Frankie Gaffney) is best placed to offer a faithful literary treatment of the Irish crime scene having had himself immersed in Dublin’s underworld whilst growing up in the inner-city. In his mid-twenties he left all this behind and went to Trinity College. He studied English Literature graduating with a first, and has since been awarded the Ussher Fellowship at Trinity. Dublin 7 is his debut novel, making it rare that someone from his background has had access to a high literary education and to make some use of it. RIGHTS SOLD: Brazil Barba egra Bulgaria Bard Czech Republic Talpress France Bragelonne Germany Heyne Greece Chryssalis Books Holland Luitingh Hungary Fumax, Indonesia UFUK Italy ewton Compton Poland Ksiezyc Romania Editura Trei Russia Fantastika Spain Minotauro (Planeta) Thailand okhook Publishing Turkey Pegasus Japanese sub agent: The English Agency DUBLIN 7 Dublin 7, akin to Trainspotting in its grittiness and raw depiction of life at the edges, tells the story of a working class teenager’s descent into gangland brutality. The story is told through the lens of Shakespeare’s ‘seven ages’ with each chapter representing one age. Shane is enjoying a summer of drink and drugs and has no desire to end it with a badly paid job or further education. Instead, he becomes involved with a local gangster and cocaine supplier, Griffo, who teaches Shane the tricks of the drug trade. In search of excitement, status and financial security, he sets himself up as a dealer. Shane’s new found confidence encourages him to pursue a beautiful inner-city girl, Elizabeth Byrne. But Elizabeth’s own murky past leads him further into the squalor of Dublin’s underworld and into the path of his biggest rival, the brutal Paddy Lawless. As Shane finds himself embroiled in affairs that are outside of his control, his inability to extricate himself from his situation renders the conclusion inevitable. UK & Ireland: Liberties Press Publication: 2015 37 38 JANE LYTHELL SARA-ELLA OZBEK The Lie of You in Top 10 Kindle bestseller Sara-Ella Ozbek lives in London and is an agent at Next Model Management. She is a frequent contributor to Suitcase magazine, a multi-media fashion and travel publication. In the past, she has worked at Vogue Magazine, Pan Macmillan and Working Title Films. The author went to the University of Exeter, where she received a First Class BA Single Honours Degree in English Literature. She has travelled extensively and spent long periods of time in South Africa, Turkey, South East Asia and India. Jane Clarke (who writes as Jane Lythell) worked as a television producer and commissioning editor before becoming Deputy Director of the BFI and Chief Executive of BAFTA. She now writes fiction full time. Her first novel, The Lie of You, was widely acclaimed. Praise for The Lie of You: ‘Fascinating…memorable…thrilling’ Daily Mail ‘A very credible portrait of obsession to the point of madness’ Literary Review GIRL DU JOUR AFTER THE STORM Rob and Anna can't bear to come home from their holiday in Central America. They want one final adventure, and they find it: Kim and Owen, a friendly young couple they met in the harbour, need help crewing their beautiful old boat to a far off island. Rob dreams of lazy afternoons spent snorkelling, sunbathing and learning to sail. Anna looks forward to the silence and solitude of ten days at sea. It will be the perfect end to a perfect trip. But why is Owen so secretive about his past? Why does Kim keep a knife zipped into her bag? Maybe Anna and Rob are too quick to trust in friendly strangers... The Devil Wears Prada meets Less than Zero in a darkly glamorous debut novel by a startling new talent. Obsessed over by millions, the world’s top models are more high profile, more famous and more sought after than ever before. Girl du Jour takes the reader behind the twitter and instagram accounts to portray a world and a lifestyle which many will find shocking. Alongside the fame, the adoration, the parties and the vast amounts of cash, come the insecurities, the drugs, the eating disorders and the sheer narcissistic exhaustion of being on display all the time. It’s a lethal cocktail. WORLD excl. Germany: Head of Zeus (PUBLISHED) OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Germany Piper Written by one of the UK’s top young fashion agents (Sara-Ella represents Suki Waterhouse) and with a title given to her by Cara Delavigne, Girl du Jour could not have a better provenance. It is a novel borne out of real experience that will shock and fascinate in equal measure. Other titles THE LIE OF YOU UK: on submission 39 40 CATHERINE QUINN SU QUINN The Thief Taker no. 1 in the Kindle historical and crime fiction charts. Over 150,000 copies of the Ivy Trilogy sold in Germany Over a quarter million books sold worldwide Catherine Quinn is a bestselling author of fiction (under the nom de plume J S Taylor) and an award-winning freelance journalist. Among other topics, she writes about employment, food and travel for The Times, Guardian, Independent, Telegraph and Mirror. Susannah Quinn is an internationally bestselling romance author and has sold over a quarter million books worldwide. Her mystery thrillers Glass Geishas and Show, Don’t Tell are published by Hodder. Her self-published erotica has become a sensation in the UK, US and Germany, where her novels have reached the Buchreport top 50 for Goldmann. Su is currently working on a new series of books. Praise for The Thief Taker: 'Captivating, vivid writing. Descriptions come straight off the page and permeate deep into your senses, and a truly electrifying pace. Quinn is a brilliant new talent!' Peter James FIRESTORM The sequel to the top ten bestseller The Thief Taker The year is 1666 and thief-taker Charlie Tuesday has a new case. He must track an errant prostitute and return a stolen ring to its rightful owner. But as the smoke rises from Pudding Lane, a dark plot to burn London is revealed. And whilst flames savage the city Charlie discovers his old nemesis Blackstone has turned to alchemy and is firing the city in a systematic deployment of chemical fireballs. Following an alluring gypsy courtesan who Charlie can’t seem to get the better of, the Thief Taker has his work cut out. Particularly when he discovers that the Brotherhood of the Sealed Knot once owned a royal treasure – documented in a set of papers he let slip in an old Dutch sea-chest. With London exploding around him, can Charlie unmask Blackstone and find the chest before everything burns? World English & Germany: Thomson & Mercer (Amazon) Publication: November 2015 THE THIEF TAKER The year is 1665. Black Death ravages London. A killer stalks the streets in a plague doctor’s hood and mask... When a girl is gruesomely murdered, thief taker Charlie Tuesday reluctantly agrees to take on the case. But the horrific remains tell him this is no isolated death. The killer’s mad appetites are part of a master plan that could destroy London – and reveal the dark secrets of Charlie’s own past. Now the thief taker must find this murderous mastermind before the plague obliterates the evidence street by street. This terrifying pursuit will take Charlie deep into the black underbelly of old London, where alchemy, witchcraft and blood-spells collide. In a city drowned in darkness, death could be the most powerful magic of all. World English & Germany: Thomson & Mercer (Amazon) (PUBLISHED) 41 THE ICE SEDUCTION – Vol. 1 of the Devoted Trilogy The nanny. The master of the house. A forbidden obsession … No one would dare defy Patrick Mansfield. When Seraphina Harper accepts a job at Mansfield Castle, she’s warned that no nanny has lasted more than a week in this cold, secretive house. The head of the household, Lord Patrick Mansfield, is a lethally handsome ex-army officer who insists his rules are obeyed at all times. But Seraphina isn’t a girl who’s used to following orders – especially from a man as arrogant as Patrick. Soon Patrick is obsessed with the only girl who has ever defied him. And the more he tests her, the deeper the pair fall into a forbidden, passionate romance that breaks all the rules … Devoted Trilogy: 1-THE ICE SEDUCTIO$ 2-BED OF ICE 3-HEART OF ICE RIGHTS SOLD: Germany Goldmann Ivy Trilogy: 1-THE IVY LESSO$S 2-WHERE THE IVY GROWS 3-BOU$D BY IVY RIGHTS SOLD: Brazil Editora Fundamento France J’ai Lu Germany Goldmann Holland Xander Italy ewton Compton Poland Amber 42 ROBERT RIGBY Robert Rigby has worked in television for many years and was a script writer for well known children’s programmes such as Byker Grove. He has collaborated with Andy McNab on the incredibly successful Boy Soldier series, the first of which has sold over 60,000 copies in the UK alone. He has also written tie-in novels for the Goal! films (Corgi) and the official London 2012 teen novels for Carlton Books, and is currently writing tie-in novels for the Wolfblood series (Piccadilly Press). CATHERINE ROBERTSON umber 1 bestselling ew Zealand author Catherine Robertson lives with her husband and two sons in Wellington, New Zealand. She has travelled widely and has previously lived in San Francisco and London. As well as running a successful marketing business with her husband, Catherine also writes articles and interviews for several weekend magazines. CODENAME EAGLE – Vol.2 of The Eagle Trail series After his failed escape to England across the Pyrenees, Paul Hansen is living, once again, in France. While the Germans blitz London and other major cities, Paul is getting more and more restless. Though he's part of the resistance movement, the past six months have been quiet. Then one night, like phantoms, they arrive by parachute: six men from the German Brandenburg Regiment, a special force of elite soldiers. Do they have information about Paul's father, who was mysteriously shot in London? Is Paul their target now? UK: Walker Books Publication: August 2015 THE EAGLE TRAIL – Vol.1 of The Eagle Trail series WWII, German-occupied Antwerp, and life continues as usual for 16-year-old Paul Hansen – until his father is shot. Paul learns that his parents are part of a group of resistance fighters and he's whisked away by his father's closest friend, to the home of an elderly couple. There Paul learns he must leave Antwerp as quickly as possible and travel south through France and across the Pyrenees into Spain, and from there to England, and freedom. It is a journey to save his life. Along the way he is aided by a collection of courageous men and women prepared to risk everything to help him in his desperate fight for survival. Danger is ever present; who can Paul really trust? THE HIDING PLACES Rich in myth, mystery, warmth and wit — a touching novel about what it means to be alive. When April Turner's small son is killed by a car, she decides she is no longer entitled to anything but the barest existence. Five years on, she has shed everything and everyone she loves, and expects to be this way for ever. Then a letter arrives from an English solicitor, informing April that she is the last surviving heir to Empyrean, a long-abandoned country house. At first, April resists. But with the letter comes a map full of tiny mysteries, and she is drawn all the way from New Zealand to the English countryside, and into a small but intriguing circle of people: musician Oran, who remains loyal to his faithless wife; Jack, who lives wild in the woods with a dog; and Sunny, Lady Day, approaching ninety but more vital than others half her age. Sunny knew Empyrean in its prime, and her stories bring the past to life. But will April be prepared to give up her principles and start coming alive again herself? UK: Walker Books (PUBLISHED) $Z: Random House Publication: April 2015 OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Germany Heyne Italy Corbaccio Other titles: THE ‘GOAL’ TRILOGY DEEP WATERS, RU$$I$G I$ HER SHADOW, PARALLEL LI$ES, WHEELS OF FIRE (World Rights: Carlton Books) The Imperfect Lives trilogy: THE SWEET SECO$D LIFE OF DARRELL KI$CAID THE $OT-SO-PERFECT-LIFE OF MICHELLE LAWRE$CE THE MISPLACED AFFECTIO$S OF CHARLOTTE FFORBES PREVIOUS FOREIG$ SALES: Brazil Record, Czech Republic & Slovakia Columbus, Germany Ullstein, Greece Ellinika Grammata, Japan East Press, Poland Zysk I S-Ka, Portugal Text Editores Romania Corint Junior, Spain Texto Editores, Turkey Alfa,US Hispanic Vintage Espagnol 43 44 DAVID N ROBINSON TOM SHARPE Life sales worldwide total over 10 million copies David N Robinson has flown the equivalent of eight round trips to the moon during his travels with a large international professional firm, a private equity business and latterly with one of the UK’s largest law firms. His amassed business experiences in Russia, China and the Middle East have been his sources for his books. David’s fascination and professional interest in cyber crime and identity theft led him to write his first thriller, The Morpheus etwork and his second, The Dossier was a Top Ten Bestseller on Amazon Kindle for several weeks. THE DOSSIER Former Green Beret, Ben Lewis, manages to get to a journalist who has just been shot in a London square. With her last breaths, she implores him to look after her cell phone and keep it safe. Unbeknownst to Lewis, the Russians and the Chinese are also tracking the journalist and the shooting starts a spiral of relentless attacks on Lewis as both parties try to retrieve the cell phone. Lewis follows the clue left by the cell phone, leading his pursuers across London and then to Geneva and the Swiss Alps. He has to keep one step ahead of the killers and not only has to contend with Saul Zeltinger, a police detective hell bent on finding the person responsible for the shooting, but realises there is someone within his own side who is also desperate to get to the dossier. Set against illicit bartering of nuclear technology and weaponry in exchange for oil, this is a fast-paced thriller with its explosive action and suspense making it a great page turner and the reader burning the midnight oil. Wilt in $owhere Sunday Times Bestseller with over 300,000 copies sold in the UK alone Britain’s best-loved satirist and comic writer has had all his titles re-launched by Arrow, Random House. His novels, which have never gone out of print, lend testimony to Sharpe's enduring and wickedly funny tales. Tom Sharpe passed away on 6th June 2013, aged 85. ‘The Best of British farce-masters’ Mail on Sunday ‘Black humour, comic anarchy at its best’ Sunday Times ovels: THE GROPES RIOTOUS ASSEMBLY I$DECE$T EXPOSURE PORTERHOUSE BLUE BLOTT O$ THE LA$DSCAPE THE GREAT PURSUIT THE THROWBACK A$CESTRAL VICES VI$TAGE STUFF GRA$TCHESTER GRI$D THE MIDDE$ The Wilt series: WILT THE WILT ALTER$ATIVE WILT O$ HIGH WILT I$ $OWHERE THE WILT I$HERITA$CE World English: Peach Publishing (PUBLISHED) FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Brazil Editora Rocco, Catalan Columna, Czech Republic Aurora, Denmark Thaning & Appel Forlag, Finland Gummerus, France Belfond, Germany Goldmann, Greece Kanaki, Holland De Harmonie, Hungary Partvonal, Indonesia Gagas Media, Italy Longanesi, Japanese Kodansha, $orway Ex Libris, Poland Zysk i S-ka, Portugal Teorema, Romania Polirom, Russia Phantom, Slovenia DZS, Spain Anagrama, Sweden Forum Other titles: THE MORPHEUS $ETWORK FILM, TV & THEATRE: Blott on the Landscape – new TV adaptation on development with independent production company. 45 46 JOANNA TAYLOR Joanna Taylor is a best-selling cross-category author, who has sold over 150,000 books. She teams fiction writing with a successful and award-winning journalism career, working for The Times and the Mirror in London, UK. Her first adult romance, Spotlight, became an Amazon bestseller, and Joanna ranks in the top ten adult-romance writers on Amazon. Joanna is currently working on her next historical romance novel. JAMIE THOMSON Dark Lord: The Teenage Years Winner of the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2012 Jamie Thomson is a British writer, editor and game developer. Born in Iran, he grew up in Brighton and studied politics and government at university. As well as an author of over 20 books for children, he has written for television, radio and computer games. He lives in East Sussex. Praise for Dark Lord: The Teenage Years: ‘This is a wonderfully absurd take on beings from another planet or another world and like all books with this theme it makes us think about how odd and crazy we are’ Michael Rosen, chair of judges Roald Dahl Funny prize 2012 A stunning new British voice in romantic Regency fiction. If you like Diana Gabaldon, Anne O'Brien and Georgette Heyer, you'll adore Masquerade! ‘A parody of fantasy media that will appeal to anyone who likes a laugh.’ (The Sunday Times' 100 Best Children's Books) The Sunday Times ‘One of the most original children's books of the year.’ Daily Express MASQUERADE Regency London: for the rich, a world of silk, scandal and seduction. For the poor: a daily struggle to survive. Lizzy Ward, escapee of the most exclusive brothel in London, spends her days working the streets of Piccadilly, navigating the debt collectors and the gin halls. Lizzy is determined to build a better life, and a chance meeting with a fine Lord has the potential to change her fortunes for ever - if she succeeds in masquerading as a Lady, his Lady, for an entire week. It is the beginning of an adventure she could never have foreseen, but sumptuous gowns and an impeccable toilette will only take Lizzy so far . . . for even the most expensive mask can't protect her heart. DARK LORD: THE PRINCIPAL OF EVIL Can a street girl fool the Ton? Only time will tell . . . Dirk’s old headmaster Grousammer has drunk of the Essence of Evil and found his way to the Darklands. There he takes over the Iron Tower and establishes himself as the new Dark Lord but with the spirit of a headmaster from a 1950s. He has renamed himself the Principal of Evil and his new evil empire is run along the lines of a school... The Principal re-organizes the Orcs and Goblins into houses and instead of Captains he has Prefects. Punishment is usually 'strokes of the cane' like lashes. Detention is the primary method, but a new kind of horrible Detention in the Black Pit of a Thousand Lines. The 'New Curriculum' is what Grousammer calls his plan for taking over the Darklands and then invading earth with an army of the undead, but first of all he wants his revenge on Dirk! UK: Little, Brown Publication: August 2015 UK: Orchard Books Publication: Spring 2016 (TBC) OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: France J’ai Lu PREVIOUS FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Czech Republic Argo France Seuil Germany Arena Spain & Catalan Alfaguara Italy Salani Portugal Booksmile Turkey Epsilon Other titles in the Dark Lord series: 1-DARK LORD: THE TEE$AGE YEARS 2-DARK LORD: A FIE$D I$ $EED 3-DARK LORD: ETER$AL DETE$TIO$ Other titles: THE WRO$G SIDE OF THE GALAXY (Czech Republic Argo) 47 48 KARL VADASZFFY J. S. VON DACRE The Missing $o. 1 in the Kindle chart and in the Top 20 for over eight weeks J. S. has lived in London for the majority of her life but her roots stem from the Caribbean (and a host of other places). She has a performing arts background and following drama school at Arts Ed. Her wide range of performances included dancing at the Royal Opera House. She has spent recent years living in various places like New York, the Caribbean and Oslo. Her time in Manhattan and extensive background in performing arts inspired some of the settings and characters in her debut novel, The Story of ash Rivers. After studying literature, linguistics and Spanish at university, Karl Vadaszffy trained as an English teacher and actor. He has edited magazines, taught English as a foreign language in Poland and is currently the Head of English, Drama and Media Studies at an outstanding school in Hertfordshire. He has written three novels and is currently working on a fourth novel. Praise for Karl Vadaszffy: ‘Karl Vadaszffy is just the sort of writer we should encourage – young, ambitious and creative.’ Michael Dobbs, author of House of Cards ‘Masterful and thrilling, this is a book to devour – I found it impossible to leave alone. I love thrillers that take me into an unfamiliar world and make it real, and Sins of The Father does exactly that’ Elizabeth Haynes, bestselling author of Into the Darkest Corner SINS OF THE FATHER (Previously titled On Guard) The sins of a master fencer have not been forgotten – revenge, jealousy and wanton murders return to haunt him. Ageing fencing master József Varga escaped from Budapest, Hungary, during the Revolution of 1956. Years later, female members of his fencing club are found dead, stabbed through with snapped fencing blades. Someone from his past is attempting to destroy his present. His son, Detective Sergeant Michael Varga, himself a fencer, tries to unravel the mystery, while keeping the hidden jealousy he has for his distant father from emerging. The mystery leads Michael to Budapest, where he must learn about his father’s past from the days of the Revolution and the years that followed in order to make sense of the killer’s identity and motivation. THE STORY OF NASH RIVERS Being born into a high profile, affluent family, to the outside world, Nash Rivers appears to have the perfect life. Yet behind closed doors, it is a very different story. The accidental meeting of a mysterious girl causes his existence to plummet into something horrendous. Nothing makes sense any more. He is plagued by strange dreams and ghost-like intruders. A series of unexplainable events ensue: objects that alter and walls that change colour of their own accord. Furthermore, he is aware of being followed by an obscure invisible figure whose ubiquitous presence is felt with each step. His compulsion to unearth the truth brings about a discovery so powerful that it threatens to destroy everything he knows, everyone he loves and everything that is his life as it is known to exist. UK: on submission A gripping read, Sins of the Father features the little-known historical context of the Hungarian Revolution along with realistic fencing sequences that will keep the reader enthralled throughout. UK: Peach Publishing (PUBLISHED) OPTIO$ PUBLISHER: Russia Centrepolygraph Other titles: THE MISSI$G FULL OF SI$ 49 50 MICHAEL WHITE NEIL WHITE Longlisted for the CWA 2014 Dagger in the Library award Michael White is the author of ten novels and 28 non-fiction books. He has appeared in three different Top Ten Charts: as a novelist, non-fiction writer and a pop star. He co-wrote Private Down Under with James Patterson which went to the Top Ten in the Sunday Times Bestseller chart. Before Michael’s incredible successes in fiction, he wrote many bestselling and critically acclaimed non-fiction titles including Stephen Hawking – A Life in Science which has been translated into 15 languages. ‘Fast-paced and action-packed, The Kennedy Conspiracy brilliantly weaves the present day with the past to deliver a pacy and unforgettable thriller’ Tangled Web THE KENNEDY CONSPIRACY When journalist Mark Bretton is asked to write an article on Professor Abigail Marchant, who has been denounced by the American Psychology Association for her belief that rebirth is a genuine phenomenon, he's more than a little sceptical about the assignment. An ambitious journalist, Mark would much rather be writing about current affairs but, once he meets the beautiful Professor and hears her theories, he can't help but be won over. Eventually persuaded to undergo regressive hypnosis himself, Mark is shocked and horrified by what he sees. He is returned to the early '60s when he worked for the Kennedy administration and not only does he learn the truth about the conspiracy that led to JFK's assassination but also his own murder. Struggling to make sense of it all, Mark turns to Abi for help but someone is watching Mark's every move and will stop at nothing to ensure that the truth about JFK's murder never comes to light... UK & Commonwealth ex. Canada: Arrow (Random House) (PUBLISHED) OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Brazil Ediouro, Bulgaria Bard, China Tongren Books, Czech Republic Brana, Denmark Cicero, Estonia Varrak, Finland Presses de la Cite, France Pocket, Germany Knaur, Greece Livani, Holland Unieboek, Hungary Gabo, Israel Keter, Italy Sonzogno, Japan Hayakawa, Lithuania Jotema, Macedonia Aea Izdavaci, $orway Schibsted, Poland Rebis, Portugal Casa das Letras, Romania RAO, Russia AST, Serbia Laguna, Slovakia Eastone, Spain Roca Editorial, Sweden Bra Bocker, Turkey Dogan Other titles (as Michael White): THE ART OF MURDER THE MEDICI SECRET THE BORGIA RI$G EQUI$OX Other titles (as Sam Fisher): $A$O AFTERSHOCK STATE OF EMERGE$CY 51 Over 500,000 copies of his books sold in the UK Cold Kill was the third bestselling Kindle title in 2011 across all genres Neil White is a Senior Crown Prosecutor in Lancashire. He has been the Street Crime Specialist for East Lancashire and a specialist in racist and homophobic crime. Most of his days are spent in Court. He also advises police in murder and rape cases, theft and drug allegations. Praise for $ext to Die: ‘Superb, tense, action-filled tale with lots of human interest and totally unputdownable’ The Bookseller 'Authenticity reeks from every page...hypnotic, troubling crime writing with a superb villain and a distinctive atmosphere.' Daily Mail THE DOMINO KILLER Joe Parker is a defence lawyer, Sam Parker a detective, two brothers on opposite sides but both tormented by the murder of their sister Eleanor on Joe’s eighteenth birthday, seventeen years earlier. Joe’s world is turned upside down when he believes he has seen his sister’s killer, and longs to carry out his long-held promise to himself to avenge Eleanor’s murder. Sam, on the other hand, is working on a series of murders that have an unusual link, in that the killer in one murder becomes the victim in the next. As they both try to discover more, the cases become intertwined, until both brothers work together to stop the Domino Killer toppling any more. UK: Little, Brown Publication: June 2015 OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Bulgaria Infodar France Philippe Rey Germany Weltbild Poland Amber Russia Centrepolygraph Japanese subagent: Tuttle Mori The Sam and Joe Parker series: 1-$EXT TO DIE 2-THE DEATH COLLECTOR The McGanity/Garrett series: 1-FALLE$ IDOLS 2-LOST SOULS 3-LAST RITES 4-DEAD SILE$T 5-COLD KILL Stand-alone: BEYO$D EVIL 52 PETER ACKROYD NON-FICTION 2015 – 50th anniversary of TS Eliot’s death Peter Ackroyd 54 Praise for TS Eliot: Nate Anderson 55 Dr. Claire Guest 56 Graham Hancock 57 ‘Excellent… Ackroyd’s biography is scrupulous in maintaining the principle that what we are told about life must increase our understanding of the work. He has an extraordinary power of entering the mind of his subject’ Stephen Spender, Observer Felicity Hayes-McCoy 58 Richard Holmes 59 Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow 60 The Brothers Mcleod and Fenella Smith 61 Sarah Rayner 62 TS ELIOT Yvonne Sherratt 63 Hazhir Teimourian 64 Boris Volodarsky 65 Martin Windrow 66 James Wyllie and Michael Mckinley 67 Thomas Stearns Eliot, in his last years, declared that there had been only two periods of his life when he had been happy – during his childhood, and during his second marriage. This biography is, in large part, an account of the years between, the years in which he wrote his poetry. The best of that poetry, he once confessed, had cost him dearly in experience; the connection between the life and the work is here explicitly made, and it will be the purpose of this book to attempt to elucidate the mystery of that connection. Biteback Publishing & The Robson Press 68 ‘A major biography… the result does justice to the complexity of Eliot’s genius, and builds up a commanding case for the unity of life and work. We are unlikely to have a better biography of Eliot for many years’ John Carey, Sunday Times UK: Hamish Hamilton / Sphere Books (PUBLISHED) US: S&S RIGHTS SOLD: Turkey Everest OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: China Beijing ormal University Press Republic Host Brno Italy eri Pozza Russia Kriga Japanese sub-agent: Tuttle Mori Other non-fiction titles: BLAKE THOMAS MORE DICKE$S (For Peter Ackroyd’s Fiction titles see page 4) 53 54 Czech NATE ANDERSON DR. CLAIRE GUEST Nate Anderson is a senior editor at Condé Nast’s Ars Technica where he covers technology law, politics, and culture. He holds an MA in English literature from the University of North Carolina. Claire Guest is the founder of Medical Detection Dogs and the world pioneer of training dogs to detect illness. Jean Ritchie is a journalist and author with twenty one successful books to her credit. Her books range from ghosted autobiographies to investigative non-fiction, and include Prescription for Murder, The Secret World of Cults and Stalkers. Jean has written four authorized Big Brother books and co-wrote Little Girl Lost, one of Richard and Judy’s True titles. She has ghost written on a number of major titles including Wherever You Are: The Military Wivesand The Yorkshire Shepardess. Praise for The Internet Police: ‘Brisk, eminently readable, and important … and as you'd expect, it's excellent’ Cory Doctorow, TEMPORARY KINGS Perhaps no group better sums up the early, wild west phase of internet life than the leaderless, memberless hacker collective known only as ‘Anonymous’. Anonymous believed it had grown so strong that government power was irrelevant and corporate power was toothless. A loose collection of young hackers believed they could take on the world’s vested interests and win. They were wrong. Indeed, though they did not know it at the time, they had already lost. The FBI had actually arrested top hacker “Sabu” in summer 2011 and turned him into an agency mole for nine months. Anonymous was crushed, it heroes thrown down, its future direction unclear. Temporary Kings will tell the extraordinary story of the rise and fall of Anonymous and promises to do for Anonymous what The Accidental Billionaires did for the story of Facebook. World English: WW Norton Publication: Spring 2016 UNTITLED MEDICAL DETECTION DOGS MEMOIR The best cancer detecting machinery that science has so far created is only about 85% accurate and, obviously, hugely expensive and slow. Amazingly dogs’ sense of smell is so sensitive that after they have been properly trained, they are more than 90% accurate. They are also a lot less expensive than the machines, a lot quicker and a LOT nicer to be around. Back in the early noughties when Claire Guest began her experiments to work out how to train dogs to detect illness the scientific establishment scoffed and even she questioned her own sanity a little as she laid out endless little bowls for her dogs to pick on her parent’s kitchen floor. But her persistence bore fruit and surviving her own cancer scare – which she was alerted to by her own dog, Daisy – Medical Detection Dogs is now at the forefront of one of the most exciting new developments in medicine of the century and a whole new chapter in the ongoing story of our relationship with man’s best friend. THE INTERNET POLICE The Internet: borderless, anonymous, chaotic? ot anymore UK: on submission Veteran reporter Nate Anderson gives a firsthand look at how the Internet was patrolled by ‘Carnivore’, the FBI's original Internet wiretap tool; how the Cleveland man behind the ‘natural male enhancement’ pill Enzyte helped protect the privacy of your e-mail; and why a twenty-three-year old Russian spam king ended up in a Milwaukee jail after an ill-advised trip to Las Vegas. World English: WW Norton (PUBLISHED) Japanese sub-agent: Japan Uni 55 56 GRAHAM HANCOCK Graham Hancock is the author of numerous bestselling works about historical mysteries. His books have sold more than five million copies worldwide and have been translated into 27 languages. His public lectures and broadcasts, including two major TV series for Channel 4, Quest for the Lost Civilisation and Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Age, have further established his reputation as an unconventional thinker who raises controversial questions about humanity’s past. MAGICIANS OF THE GODS Powerful new evidence has emerged that supports Hancock's disturbing thesis of a massive global cataclysm in the window between 13,000 and 12,000 years ago, around the last Ice Age, that wiped out and destroyed almost all traces (except the 'fingerprints') of a great global civilisation of prehistoric antiquity. Hancock analyses the evidence emerging from popular science for events such as North America being struck by several pieces of a giant fragmenting comet, and the discovery in Turkey of an extraordinary 12,000 year-old megalithic site called Gobekli Tepe, on the scale of Stonehenge, but 7,000 years older than any of the great stone circles. Mysteries of this calibre drive the quest of Magicians of the Gods, each leading us to a labyrinth of further possibilities. Magicians of the Gods transports readers for years to come with realms of mystery, enchantment and extraordinary possibilities. UK: Hodder & Stoughton Publication: September 2015 US: St Martin’s Press RIGHTS SOLD: Czech Republic Metafora Italy Corbaccio Japan Kadokawa Korea Kachi PREVIOUS SALES: Brazil Record Bulgaria Bard China Beijing Classic & Wise Croatia Stari Grad France Editions Pygmalion Holland Tirion Poland Amber Portugal Presenca Russia Exmo / Veche Spain Ediciones B Taiwan Cite Publishing Turkey Say Yayinlari Other titles: HEAVE$’S MIRROR FI$GERPRI$TS OF THE GODS KEEPER OF GE$ESIS TALISMA$ SUPER$ATURAL: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind THE MARS MYSTERY THE SIG$ A$D THE SEAL U$DERWORLD (For Graham Hancock’s Fiction titles see page 34) 57 FELICITY HAYES-MCCOY Felicity Hayes-McCoy has been a professional writer all her working life. Her commissions include books, original TV dramas and contributions to series; radio soap opera, features, documentaries and plays; screenplays; chamber opera libretti; and interactive multimedia product. The House on an Irish Hillside, the story of her personal relationship with the Dingle peninsula in Ireland, was published by Hodder & Stoughton in the UK, and by Hachette Ireland, in June 2012. Praise for The House on an Irish Hillside: ‘Writing to relish – a beautiful book’ Frank McGuiness ‘Fresh, daring and blazingly beautiful’ Joanna Lumley ENOUGH IS PLENTY The Celts celebrated the cycle of the seasons as a vibrant expression of eternity, endlessly turning from darkness to light and back again. Enough is Plenty celebrates these seasonal rhythms in and around the author's house and garden at the western end of Ireland's Dingle Peninsula. It is about the ordinary small pleasures that can easily go unnoticed, and offers recipes from her kitchen and information on organic food production and gardening. It views the year from a place where a vibrant twenty-first century lifestyle is still marked by Ireland's Celtic past and the ancient rhythms of Samhain (winter), Imbolc (spring), Bealtaine (summer) and Lughnasa (autumn). In this way of life, health and happiness are rooted in awareness of nature and the environment, and nourishment comes from music, friendship and storytelling as well as from good food. Ireland & UK: The Collins Press Publication: April 2015 Other titles: THE HOUSE O$ A$ IRISH HILLSIDE (UK: Hodder & Stoughton) 58 RICHARD HOLMES Richard Holmes (1946-2011) was one of Britain’s most distinguished and authoritative military historians. His TV credits include the award-winning The Western Front, Comrades in Arms, Dunkirk 1940 and The War Within. Holmes both wrote and presented the War Walks series, Battlefields and Brothers at War. MAGNUS MACFARLANE-BARROW Magnus McFarlane-Barrow founded a charity called Mary’s Meals. He was named one of 2010’s Top Ten Heroes by CNN. He received an OBE in the 2011 New Years Honours list shortly after which he had a private audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican. He was named Outstanding Young Person of the World 2005 (Junior Chamber International) and the Unsung Hero of 2006 (Sunday Mail), and was twice awarded with the Paul Harris Award (Rotary Club). Gerald Butler is a big fan and has agreed to write a foreword. Other high-profile figures, including Annie Lennox and Celine Dion, have also given their support. Praise for Richard Holmes: ‘One of our foremost military scholars and a skilled writer who knows his audience well. This is excellent popular history: scholarly, highly readable and utterly absorbing’ Daily Telegraph ‘Stirring and magnificent . . . covers every aspect of army life you can think of, and many you wouldn’t have’ Sunday Times ‘One simple decision, and thousands of starving children have been fed. That’s what Magnus did.’ Gerard Butler ‘Through the grace and love provided by Mary’s Meals, there is hope, there is a future, there is life.’ Celine Dion THE SHED THAT FED A MILLION CHILDREN: The Extraordinary Story of Mary’s Meals Military history & biography: SOLDIERS MARLBOROUGH WELLI$GTO$ DUSTY WARRIORS SAHIB REDCOAT I$ THE FOOTSTEPS OF CHURCHILL THE MILITARY HISTORY OF I$DIA FIRI$G LI$E FATAL AVE$UE THE ARMY BATTLEFIELD TOMMY RIDI$G THE RETREAT FOREIG$ PUBLISHERS: Czech L, Italy Il Saggiatore, Japan Hara Shobo, Spain Edhasa 59 In 1992, Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow was enjoying a pint with his brother when he got an idea that would change his life – and radically change the lives of others. After watching a news bulletin about war-torn Bosnia, the two brothers agreed to take a week’s hiatus from work to help. What neither of them expected is that what began as a one-time road trip in a beaten-up Landrover rapidly grew to become Magnus’s life’s work – leading him to leave his job, sell his house and direct all his efforts to feeding thousands of the world’s poorest children. Magnus retells how a series of miraculous circumstances and an overwhelming display of love from those around him led to the creation of Mary’s Meals; an organisation that could hold the key to eradicating child hunger altogether. This humble, heart-warming yet powerful story has never been more relevant in our society of plenty and privilege. It will open your eyes to the extraordinary impact that one person can make. UK & US: HarperCollins Publication: May 2015 Japanese sub-agent: Japan Uni Agency 60 THE BROTHERS MCLEOD & FENELLA SMITH The Brothers McLeod are illustrator-animator Greg and screenwriter Myles. They have developed, written and directed a series for the BBC and have directed advertising campaigns brands including Guinness. In 2009, they were nominated for three BAFTAs; in 2011 they won a BAFTA for their work with BBC Learning. Fenella Smith is a ceramicist based in Henley-onThames. Her highly individual products are available in Liberty of London and Bloomingdales in the US, as well as numerous high-end retailers internationally. ‘A new illustrated guide to 100 different kinds of dog, Breeds is drawn with the eye of a true dog lover’ Guardian ‘Charming illustrations capture the true characters of the dogs we love.‘ Daily Mail BREEDS: A Canine Compendium A charming gift book, filled with humour and wry observation, about Man’s Best Friend. Featuring 96 different breeds of dog (and one cat), including: • Corgi: Spirited yet loyal dogs. Unusually large ears, all the better for hearing with. The queen’s favourite and they know it. • Dachshund: A long, loving and inquisitive dog. Slightly neurotic, will spend large parts of the day worrying. Make excellent draft excluders. • Pug: Affectionate and mischievous dog. However, much like an old man they are obstinate and wheeze, snort and snore loudly. • Scottie: Elegant and compact. Trot along like a dressage horse. Deeply suspicious of other dogs, all of whom are considered lesser beings. UK: Square Peg (Ebury) (PUBLISHED) SARAH RAYNER Author of One Moment, One Morning, a bestseller with over 300,000 copies sold Sarah Rayner has worked as an advertising copywriter for almost 20 years. She has also written for women’s magazines and the marketing press. She is the author of five novels and two works of non-fiction. MAKING FRIENDS WITH THE MENOPAUSE Written with Sarah Rayner’s trademark warmth and humour, this book reads like a chat with a friend. Together with GP Patrick Fitzgerald, she helps explain why stopping menstruating causes such profound chemical changes in the body, leading us to react in a myriad of ways physically and mentally. Filled with practical advice, details of the treatment options as well as tips and insights from women keen to share their wisdom on a subject many still find hard to talk about, Making Friends with the Menopause will give you a greater understanding of the process, so you can enjoy your body and your sexuality as you age. UK: The Creative Pumpkin Ltd Publication: March 2015 MAKING FRIENDS WITH ANXIETY Drawing on her own experience of anxiety disorder and recovery, Sarah shares her insights into this extremely common and often distressing condition with compassion and humour. She reveals the seven elements that commonly contribute to anxiety, including adrenaline, negative thinking and fear of the future, and explains what causes the worry and panic that is such a problem for many of us. Packed with tips, exercises and anecdotes from the author's life, it shows that an understanding of the way our minds and bodies work together can help restore our sense of confidence and control. US: Flat Iron (St Martin’s Press) UK: The Creative Pumpkin Ltd (PUBLISHED) RIGHTS SOLD: France Univers Poche Germany Suhrkamp Japan Asuka Sinsha 61 (For Sarah Rayner’s fiction titles see page 13) 62 YVONNE SHERRATT Yvonne Sherratt was educated at Cambridge University, was a fellow of Corpus Christi College and most recently taught at New College, Oxford. She is author of Adorno's Positive Dialectic and Continental Philosophy of Social and Political Science. Praise for Hitler’s Philosophers: 'A powerful portrait of collaboration, and corruption.’ Financial Times ‘A fascinating, disturbing and necessary book.’ Independent HITLER’S PHILOSOPHERS Hitler saw himself as a 'philosopher-leader', and astonishingly gained the support of many intellectuals of his time. In this compelling book, Yvonne Sherratt explores Hitler's relationship with philosophers - those who supported his rise to power and those whose lives were wrecked by his regime. Sherratt illuminates how Hitler vulgarized noble thinkers of the past, and reveals how leading philosophers of the 1930s eagerly collaborated to lend the Nazi regime a cloak of respectability, while opponents and Semitic thinkers - Huber, Benjamin, Adorno and Arendt - were forced to flee, were hunted down or murdered. Sherratt not only confronts the past; she also tracks down chilling evidence of continuing Nazi sympathy in Western universities today. UK & US: Yale University Press (PUBLISHED) RIGHTS SOLD: Italy Bollati Boringhieri Japan Hakusui-Sha Korea Da Vinci Russia AST Spain Catedra Turkey Say Yayinlari HAZHIR TEIMOURIAN Hazhir Teimourian was born in 1940 in Kurdish western Iran and studied classical Persian and Arabic before being sent to London to study science. He drifted into broadcasting in the World Service of the BBC and became a regular fixture for any troubles in the region. In 1980, he was called to The Times as a commentator on Middle Eastern politics and history and remained with the newspaper for 16 years. At times of the most intense turmoil in the Middle East, he was constantly in the television studios and became a familiar and respected face and voice throughout the English-speaking world. Praise for Hazhir Teimourian: ‘A respected commentator on Middle Eastern affairs, Hazhir Teimourian’s Omar Khayyám is a work of considered scholarship and tremendous imaginative sympathy.’ Justin Marozzi, The Spectator THE CONSOLATIONS OF AUTUMN How did the great sages of the past try to remain functional human beings in the face of loss, misfortune, illness, old age, even social calamity? How did they fight the lonely battles that most of us will have to fight at one or other stage of our lives? How did their particular experience of life equip them for those battles? To what extent did they succeed? As he approached the 75th year of his life, and as he saw chunks of the world seemingly descend into Malthusian turmoil, the commentator Hazhir Teimourian sought inspiration in the lives of the philosophers, artists and scientists he admired – Socrates, Darwin, Pasternak, Boethius, Beethoven, Seneca and Bertrand Russell – and sought strength in the works of the poets. Teimourian has written a most reflective book that manages to include feelings of loss and solace, as well as love, joy and hope. World English: Peach Publishing (PUBLISHED) OPTIO$ PUBLISHERS: Russia Exmo, Spain Editorial Almuzara, Turkey Pegasus Other titles: OMAR KHAYYÁM: Poet, Rebel, Astronomer 63 64 BORIS VOLODARSKY Boris Volodarsky, who has a PhD from the London School of Economics, is a former captain of the Soviet intelligence and currently an independent intelligence analyst. He is a member of the World Association of International Studies (Hoover Institution, Stanford University) and has written a number of articles on intelligence for the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of The KGB’s Poison Factory: from Lenin to Litvinenko and ikolai Khokhlov: Self-esteem with a Halo. He lives in London. MARTIN WINDROW Martin Windrow is a military historian and founding publisher of Osprey Books. As an author, he is best known for his history of the French defeat in Vietnam, published in 2004 for the 50th anniversary by Cassell. ‘Unlikely books are often very endearing – this is one such book. An utterly charming work, perhaps best read at night when there are owls about.’ Alexander McCall Smith ‘othing less than a small masterpiece in animal literature’ The Wall Street Journal STALIN’S AGENT: The Life and Death of Alexander Orlov This is the history of an unprecedented deception operation - the biggest KGB deception of all time. It has never been told in full until now. It is the story of General Alexander Orlov, Stalin's most loyal and trusted henchman during the Spanish Civil War and the Soviet handler controlling Kim Philby, the British spy. Escaping Stalin's purges, Orlov fled to America in the late 1930s and lived underground until Stalin’s death. But there is a twist in the Orlov story beyond the dreams of even the most ingenious spy novelist: 'General Alexander Orlov' never actually existed. An intriguing tale of Russian espionage and deception, stretching from the time of Lenin to the Putin era, it is a story that many people in the world's intelligence agencies would almost definitely prefer you not to know about. World English: OUP (PUBLISHED) RIGHTS SOLD: Romania Litera Spain Editorial Critica ‘Anyone who thinks the bond between man and dog or cat is the supreme human-house pet attachment will have to reconsider after reading Martin Windrow’s touching account of the bird who changed his life’ Liesl Schillinger, The $ew York Times Book Review THE OWL WHO LIKED SITTING ON CAESAR When author Martin Windrow met the tawny owlet that he christened Mumble, it was love at first sight. Raising her from a fledgling, through adolescence and into her prime years, Windrow recorded every detail of their time living together (secretly) in a south London tower block, and later in a Sussex village. This is the touching, intriguing and eccentric story of their 15-year relationship, complete with photographs and illustrations of the beautiful Mumble. Along the way, we are given fascinating insight into the ornithology of owls – from their evolution and biology to their breeding habits and hunting tactics. The Owl Who Liked Sitting on Caesar is a witty, quirky and utterly charming account of the companionship between one man and his owl. UK: Transworld (PUBLISHED) US: Farrar, Straus & Giroux RIGHTS SOLD: Germany Carl Hanser Japan Kawade Shobo Shinsha 65 66 JAMES WYLLIE & MICHAEL MCKINLEY Michael McKinley is an award-winning author, filmmaker, journalist and screenwriter. He is based in New York and has written for a range of publications including The ew York Observer, The ew York Daily ews and The Chicago Sun-Times. He is the author of a number of books and has made documentaries for CNN, The Discovery Channel and CBC. BITEBACK PUBLISHING & THE ROBSON PRESS WILSON MCORIST Wilson McOrist is a qualified physicist, lawyer and entrepreneur. His eight years of research for this book were conducted in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica and involved detailed analysis of the actual field diaries of the central characters. He lives in Australia. James Wyllie is an author, award-winning screenwriter and broadcaster. He published Goering and Goering: Hitler’s Henchman and His Anti-azi Brother in 2010, and has worked on numerous films for the BBC, Film4 and Talkback among others. He has written for a number of TV drama series, including The Bill, The Tribe, and Atlantis High. THE CODEBREAKERS: The true story of the secret intelligence team that changed the course of the First World War While battalions hunkered down in the mud of western France, anti-aircraft guns took aim at zeppelins floating over the capital, and Atlantic convoys tried desperately to evade German U-boats, another, more secret battle was underway. Down gloomy Whitehall corridors in London, a team of eccentric and pioneering codebreakers were fighting for information that would give them a decisive advantage over the enemy. The stories of Bletchley Park and the spies of the Second World War are well known, but it was Room 40 and their colleagues across the intelligence services that started it all. From the docks of New York City to shady Cairo hotels, this is the gripping and fast-paced story of spies, codebreakers and saboteurs. UK: Ebury Publication: June 2015 ‘A gripping tale with the most tragic of endings.’ Sir Ranulph Fiennes SHACKLETON’S HEROES Shackleton’s Heroes is a genuine treasure of Antarctic history, and an almost unbelievable tale of real heroes who risked themselves for the lives of others. It tells the extraordinary story of how a small party of men, against almost insurmountable obstacles, put down vital food depots on the Great Ice Barrier for Sir Ernest Shackleton’s 1914–1917 Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. The complete story is revealed here for the first time, through the diaries of these forgotten men, written out on the ice and at their base camp. Shackleton’s Heroes is an adventure story of the highest calibre, told through the voices of the men who completed an almost impossible task in horrific conditions. Publication: March 2015 67 68 PIERS DUDGEON Piers Dudgeon worked for ten years as an editor in London before starting his own publishing company, Pilot Productions. He is the author of bestselling biographies of Catherine Cookson, Edward de Bono, the composer Sir John Tavener, and the novelists Barbara Taylor Bradford, Josephine Cox, J. M. Barrie and Daphne du Maurier. THE REAL PETER PAN: The tragic life of Michael Llewelyn Davies Michael Llewelyn Davies was the fourth of five brothers who provided the inspiration for J. M. Barrie’s characters Peter Pan, the Lost Boys and the Darling brothers. Barrie struck up an intense friendship with the children and their parents when he encountered them playing in London’s Kensington Gardens, an area that would become the Neverland of his most enduring work. Throughout the heartrending saga of Barrie’s involvement with the Llewelyn Davies brothers, it is the figure of Michael, the most original and inspirational of their number, and yet also the one whose fate is most pitiable, that stands out. The Real Peter Pan is a captivating true story of childhood, friendship, war, love and regret. Publication: April 2015 69 CLIENT LIST 2015 Peter Ackroyd Max Adams Amanda Addison Benedict Allen Charles Allen Nate Anderson Pam Ayres Tom Baker Raffaella Barker Phyllida Barstow Karen Bartlett Christopher Bartley Helen Baugh Clifford Beal Simi Bedford Amy Beeson Sally Beeson MBE Christopher Bigsby Johnny Black Louise Soraya Black Henry Blofeld Rabbi Lionel Blue Dr. Hugh Bowden Melvyn Bragg Stephen Brook Beatrix Campbell Helen Cannam Steven Carroll Mark Chadbourn Lana Citron Roger Clarke David Cohen Alexandra Connor Anna Del Conte Derek Cooper Elspeth Cooper John Corder Elizabeth Corley Kit Cornish David Crossland Simon Cusack Alan Dapré Francesco Dimitri Gordon Doherty Angus Donald Colin Douglas Alex Dryden Bill Duncan Andrea Eames Marc Eccleston Janet Edwards Robert Edwards MBE Rachel Elliott Ann Featherstone Nev Fountain David Richard Fox Gillian Freeman Sarah Freeman Zulfikar Ghose Sharon Girling OBE Martin Goodman Margaret Graham Hilary Green Michael Green Robert Green Graham Hancock Sean Hancock Peter Hart Aidan Harte Kirsten Hartvig Hannah Hauxwell Nick Hawton Felicity Hayes-McCoy Peter Higgins Jack Hight Susan Hill David Hirst Jonathan Holland Evelyn Hood Eve Houston John Hughes-Wilson Rachel Ingalls David Isby Dan Jellinek Audrey Jenkinson Maurice Jones Alison Joseph Simon Kernick Rachael King Brooke Kinsella Kavita Krishnan Mark Lawrence Julia Lee Cas Lester David Lister Jane Lythell Richard Mabey Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow Ian Mackersey Libby McGugan Greg McLeod Myles McLeod Jonathan Magonet Karl Manders Greg Martin 70 Phil Mason Marilyn McCully Michael Mckinley Charles Messenger Fred Metcalf Edward Mortimer Jennifer Murray Ruth Newman Ian Ogilvy Bea Parry-Jones Gareth Patterson Gill Paul Roger Pearce Amanda Prantera Roger Protz Catherine Quinn Susanna Quinn Andrew Quirke Sarah Rayner Abbot Reeves Graham Rice Richard Rickitt Robert Rigby William Owen Roberts Catherine Robertson Melanie Rose Leo Ruickbie Geraldine Ryan Chrys Salt Stephanie Saulter Eva Schloss Robert Scott Diane Setterfield Martin Sharp Tom Sharpe Yvonne Sherratt Brian Sibley Stephanie Siciarz Fenella Smith Mackenzie Smith Julian Spilsbury Peter Stanford Jonathan Steele Martin Stephen David Stuart Laura Summers John Sweetman Jeffrey Tayler J.S. Taylor James Thomson Teresa Thornhill Caroline Tilston Aileen La Tourette Eileen Townsend Rose Tremain Marcus Trower Karl Vadaszffy John Viney Piers Vitebsky Boris Volodarsky Guy Waddilove Jonathan Walpole Kevin Wells Prof. Stanley Wells Malcolm Welshman David Whitby Michael White Neil White Julia Widdows James Wilde Mazarkis Williams Martin Windrow Ben Wooley James Wyllie Melanie Wyllie UK Sub-agents for: Georges Borchardt Inc David Godine Publishers The Estates of: Sarah Baylis James Barlow Caroline Bingham Barry Cockcroft Catherine Cookson Janice Elliott Tony Evans Helen Forrester Peter Fuller Stephen Gateley Joyce Grenfell Sheila Holland Richard Holmes Sir Tom Hopkinson Michael Kenyon Graham King Jeremy Maas George MacBeth Finlay J. Macdonald David Ralph Martin Penelope Mortimer Patrick O’Brian Eric Partridge Douglas Rutherford Randolph Stow Barry Unsworth Terence de Vere White Translation Sub-agents for: Biteback Publishing & Robson Press 71
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