Deliver Technology To Your Busimess HP Designjet T7200 MFP QUATRO Cara baru memindai dan mencetak data dalam format besar Mencetak lebih cepat dengan biaya lebih rendah Cetak image warna dan mono hanya dengan satu printer • Nikmati pencetakan berkecepatan tinggi. Selesaikan hingga • Kelola printer ini secara mudah menggunakan HP Web Jetadmin, dengan konektivitas dan keamanan yang terpercaya serta built-in Gigabit Ehernet, IPsec dan IPv6. • Kelola biaya percetakan anda secara lebih efektif dengan fungsi job 2 akuntansi yang tertanam sehingga memudahkan untuk melacak penggunaan serta mengelola biaya. 4 buah file berukuran A1 hanya dalam 1 menit. • Mencetak non-stop berkat kapasitas input dan output yang tinggi hingga 3 roll kertas. • Dilengkapi fitur HP Instant Printing Pro yang menyederhanakan alur kerja Anda secara keseluruhan dengan persiapan yang lebih cepat dan mudah. • Lebih hemat waktu dan biaya, serta perawatan yang mudah jika dibandingan dengan percetakan LED. Eco Highlights • ENERGY STAR® qualified and EPEAT Bronze registered1 • Free, convenient HP ink cartridge and printhead recycling2 • FSC®-certified papers and a range of recyclable HP media with a take-back program2 Pencetakan serbaguna didukung oleh Teknologi HP • Gunakan satu printer untuk emua kebutuhan warna dan monokrom dari Gambar CAD untuk rendering dan Grafis. • Mencetak pada berbagai media, dari kertas bond untuk foto glossy kertas, untuk fleksibilitas maksimum 1 2 • Mudah menghasilkan aplikasi profesional dengan, garis-garis tajam tajam dan akurasi warna yang konsisten EPEAT registered where applicable and/or supported. See for registration status by country. Program availability varies. Please check for details. BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see Not all FSC®-certified products are available in all regions. For information about HP large format printing materials, please visit Please recycle large-format printing hardware and printing supplies. Find out how at our website • Cepat, berkualitas tinggi dalam setiap cetakan dengan HP Double Swath Technology dan HP Optical Media Advance Sensor. Jl. Dr. Saharjo No. 105C Tebet, Jakarta Selatan,12870. 1) Dibutuhkan HP Postscript/PDF ugrade kit. Mohon dibeli secara terpisah. +62 21 830 3894 +62 21 829 5777 Spesifikasi Teknis Ordering information Printer Product Accessories Scanner Menggambar garis1 15.5 det/hal pada A1/D, 165 A1/D per jam Resolusi cetak Hingga 2400 x 1200 optimized dpi dari 1200 x 1200 input dpi dan Optimisasi untuk Kertas Foto Tertentu Lebar Maksimum 42 Inch Teknologi HP Thermal Inkjet Tipe tinta Berbasis Pewarna (C, M, Y, G, DG); berbasis pigment (mK) Tetes tinta 6 pl (C, M, DG, G); 9 pl (Y, mK) Printheads 8 (cyan, magenta, yellow x2, dark gray, gray, matte black x2) Keakuratan garis +/- 0.1%2 Lebar garis minimal 0.02 mm (0.0008 in) (HP-GL/2 addressable) Lebar garis minimal yang dijamin 0.06 mm (0.0028 in) (ISO/IEC 13660:2001(E))3 Dimensi 1974 x 700 x 1374 mm Bobot 187 Kg Konsumsi listrik 270 watts (printing); < 48 watts (ready); < 5.3 watts (sleep); < 0.3 watts (off) Kecepatan speed Resolusi maksimal Ukuran scan maksimal Teknologi Ketebalan maksimum Akurasi Konsumsi listrik Processor Memori OS Teknologi Software Scan Versi Bahasa Controller Layar sentuh Konektivitas Penanganan Media Memori Konektivitas 5 Berwarna : 7 ips 200 dpi Hitam putih : 14 ips 200 dpi 9600 dpi 0.1% +/- 1 pixel 100-240V, 60/50Hz, 80W 10 11 914 mm x 91.4 m (36 in x 300 ft) 10 11 1067 mm x 30.5 m (42 in x 100 ft) 10 CH025A 1067 mm x 30.5 m (42 in x 100 ft) HP Everyday Matte Polypropylene, 2 Pack 1067 mm x 30.5 m (42 in x 100 ft) 12 Q8751A 10 11 914 mm x 175 m (36 in x 574 ft) Intel Inside® 4th generation Intel® Core i7 3.2GHz 4GB DDR3 (dual channel) / 2.5" SATA HDD 500G Windows 7 embedded Contex CleanScan CIS Build-inn scanning and copying software included Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russia, Spanish and Portuguese 21.5" Widescreen HD TFT LCD, 1920x1080 dpi USB and Gigabit Ethernet with xDTR2 Two roll feeds (upgradeable to three); automatic roll switching; automatic cutter; media bin 60 to 328 g/m2 Ukuran 210 to 914-mm (8.3 to 36-in) wide sheets; 279 to 914-mm (11 to 36-in) rolls0.1% +/- 1 pixel Ukuran Hingga 0.3 mm (11,8 mil) Standard Interfaces (standar) 64 Gb (virtual) Gigabit Ethernet (1000Base-T), Hi-Speed USB 2.0 host connector tersertifikasi Bahasa cetak (standar) Basic ePrinter: HP-GL/2, HP-RTL, TIFF, JPEG, CALS G4, HP PCL 3 GUI, URF, HP-GL/2, HP-RTL, TIFF, JPEG, CALS G4, HP PCL 3 GUI, URF HP-GL/2, HP-RTL drivers for Windows®; HP PCL 3 GUI driver for Mac OS X; PostScript Windows, Linux, and Mac drivers Suhu pengoperasian: 5sampai 40oC (41 sampai 104oF) o Suhu penyimpanan: -25sampai 55 C (-13 sampai 131 F) Operating humidity: 20 to 80% Service and support HP Installation Service with Network Setup U1ZY3E HP 3 year Next Business Day Onsite Support with DMR13 U1ZY4E HP 5 year Next Business Day Onsite Support with DMR13 U1ZY5E HP 1 year Post Warranty, Next Business Day Onsite Support with DMR13 U1ZY6E HP 2 year Post Warranty, Next Business Day Onsite Support with DMR13 U1XV4E HP Preventive Maintenance Service Use Original HP inks and printheads to experience consistent high quality and reliable performance that enable less downtime. These critical components are designed and engineered together as an optimized printing system to provide precise line accuracy as well as dark blacks and true neutral grays.14 For more information, visit For the entire HP Large Format Printing Materials portfolio, please see 0 C (73 0F), 50-60% relative 7 8 humidity, on A0/E HP Matte Film in Best or Normal mode with Original HP inks. Measured on HP Matte Film. 9 11 12 13 optional HP Designjet PostScript/PDF Upgrade Kit accessory. BMG trademark license code FSC®-C115319, see HP trademark license code FSC®-C017543, see BMG trademark license code PEFC™/29-31-261, see HP trademark license code PEFC™/29-31198, see Can be recycled through commonly available recycling programs. HP Large Format Media take-back program availability varies. Recycling programs may not exist in your area. See for details. Defective Media Retention keeps your sensitive data safe. To comply with security regulations you can keep the defective hard-drive or data-retentive memory component while getting a new replacement disk or memory. True neutral grays produced by printers compatible with the HP Three-black ink set. Call Center 021-830 3894 Head Office H4518E installation, extended support and maintenance, as well as variety of value-added services. For more information, please visit 14 Deliver Technology To Your Business HP SmartStream Print Controller for HP Designjet T7100/T7200 Production Printer HP 761 Yellow Designjet Printhead HP 761 Magenta and Cyan Designjet Printhead HP 761 Gray and Dark Gray Designjet Printhead HP 761 Matte Black and Matte Black Designjet Printhead HP 761 400-ml Matte Black Designjet Ink Cartridge HP 761 400-ml Yellow Designjet Ink Cartridge HP 761 400-ml Magenta Designjet Ink Cartridge HP 761 400-ml Cyan Designjet Ink Cartridge HP 761 400-ml Gray Designjet Ink Cartridge HP 761 400-ml Dark Gray Designjet Ink Cartridge HP 761 775-ml Matte Black Designjet Ink Cartridge HP 761 Designjet Maintenance Cartridge Q8809A Contex CleanScan CIS 0.08 inch (2 mm) o HP Designjet Roll Upgrade Kit HP Designjet PostScript/PDF Upgrade Kit HP Designjet 110V Stacker HP Designjet 220V Stacker HP Designjet HD Pro Scanner HP Jetdirect 640n Print Server CH645A CH646A CH647A CH648A Original HP CM991A ink cartridges CM992A and CM993A maintenance CM994A supplies CM995A CM996A CM997A CH649A Original HP C6810A large format printing C6569C materials 10 Kisaran Lingkungan HP Designjet T7200 42-in Production Printer CQ743A CQ745B CQ742B CQ742A G6H51A J8025A E2P02A E2W15A Original HP printheads 44 inch (1118 mm) Berat Drivers (Termasuk) F2L46A Jl. Dr. Soepomo No. 105C Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12870 +62 21 830 3894, +62 21 829 5777 (Fax) Email : website : www. akiradata Service Center Jl. Persada Raya No. 43 Tebet, Jakarta Selatan 12870 +62 21 829 9059 Showroom & Store Jalan Dr. Saharjo No. 105C Tebet Jakarta Selatan 12810 Telp. +62 21 8303894 Fax. +62 21 8295777
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