Term 3 RM 2014/2015 Standards Based Mid-Term Grade 8 Subject Required Materials English ELL Standard:CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.8.5 Analyze in detail the structure of a specific paragraph in a text, including the role of particular sentences Unit/Topic: How Much Information Is needed Tone- Facts- Opinions- Biased Lessons: Worksheets+ The Problem with Television- America the Not So Beautiful 1- Reading for information and vocabulary. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.7.3: (Analyze the interactions between individuals,events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideasinfluence individuals or events, or how individualsinfluence ideas or events). (https://www.raz-kids.com/main/BookDetail/id/1296/from/quizroom/languageId/1 ) 2- Narrative writing (Fiction) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.3.E : (Write narratives to develop real or imaginedexperiences or events using effective technique,relevant descriptive details, and well-structuredevent sequences) (https://www.writingaz.com/main/WritingTeacher/View/Narrative ) 3- Language skills DETERMINERS IN ENGLISH CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.6.2: (Demonstrate command of the conventions ofstandard English capitalization, punctuation, andspelling when writing.) (HTTP://WWW.EDUFIND.COM/ENGLISH-GRAMMAR/DETERMINERS/ Arabic أن يفهم النص الشعري ويحلله. يستنتج الدالالت اإليحائية للتعبير يستخلص القيم الوطنية والمعاني الواردة في األبيات يعرب بعض المفردات أن يفهم المعنى العام للنص ومعنى المفردات واألسئلة المتعلقة بالدرس. أن يميز جملة الحال من غيرها. أن يعرع جملة الحال. Lessons:) ( الخليج العربي: نص شعري.) الثبات في حياة الرسول ( ص. الحال جملة- Standard: I can… tell what happened in the Battle of Mu’tah …. Special Islamic I can … explain the reason that stand behind the incomparable bravery shown by the Muslims I can… tell what happened in the Battle of Mu’tah …. I can … explain the reason that stand behind the incomparable bravery shown by the Muslims Unit/Topic: Unit C Chapter 3 /chapter 4 Lessons:( The Battle of Mu’tah)/(Surat-us-Saff) Islamic Standard: يبين جزاء المؤمنين الذين آمنو بالعث يعدد صفات المتقين الموجبة لدخول الجنة يستنتج بعض صفات اوب ذر الغفاري يستنتج ان للمؤمنين المتقين منزلة عالية عند هللا يستنتج ان المداومة على الطاعات سبب لمحبة هللا Lessons: Science )13-13( درس جزاء المؤمنين سالم ونعيم سورة ق درس أبو ذر الغفاري حديث شريف اولياء هللا تعالى Standard: MS-ESS1-3 Analyze and interpret data to determine scale properties of objects in the solar system. Unit/Topic: Unit1: The Universe Lesson 1:Structure of the Universe Student book pages 4 13 Lesson 2 : Stars Student book pages 16 Math 25 Standard: MACC.8.EE.1.4 MACC.8.G.2.6 MACC.8.G.2.7MACC.8.G.2.8 Unit/Topic: Pre-Algebra chapter 4.7 Geometry chapter 5.7 Lessons: 4.7 Scientific Notation Lessons: 5.7 Pythagorean theorem and its converse Apply Pythagorean theorem to find distance between 2 points on the coordinate plane
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