Elks’ Hoop Ekene Ikeme Valley Christian, on the other Nina Bessalo the2015 Vikings with www.alamedasun.com Jan.led29, 7 Weekly Golf Tourney De Weekly Golf Tourne hand, more than doubled SJND’s 22 points. She also pulled down Three Alameda high school Alam Contest Staff Reports Cromer, 15 Loud won inthethe 11 rebounds. Senior Alyssa Arace by posting points basketballSun teams have a winning tallyLike (AWG Shoots Sun StaffAlyssa Reports Like Valley Christian, on the other Continued Nina Bessalo from led the Vikings with second flight — handicap 21 quarter. The Vikings took aof28-16 scored April 15 points, Lorenzo Dee Dee Appleton won the record with less than a month left with page 1 www.alamedasun.com 23, 2015 5 Ikeme Valley Christian, on the other Nina Bessalo led the Vikings with second hand, more than doubled SJND’s 22 points.Ekene She also pulled down in the Dee Dee Appleton won the to 25 — by a sizable margin. posted 12 points and Kayla Frierson Alameda Golf 2014-15 Women’s season. But it’s Club the lead into halftime. golfer Two Alameda res- hand, more net thantournament doubled SJND’s points. She also 25 th — Alameda high tally by posting 15 points in the possible. 11 Three rebounds. Senior Alyssaschool Arace Women’s Golf Club to on Madeline Sally posted a net 77 put Alameda up 11 points. The Pilots were ablepulled to get down their event 22 Contest St. (AWGC) Joseph Notre Dame (SJND) idents advanced to the next tally by posting 15 points in the 11 rebounds. Senior Alyssa Arace Madelin (AWGC) net meanwhile, tournament had eventa quarter. The Vikings took a 28-16 basketball scored 15 teams points, have Alyssaa winning Lorenzo women’s for second place in halftime. the flight. on track after The The Pilots, with abasketball net 71, besting 36 other team that has offense W Has Best Record in Town Has Best Record in Town Alameda Sun AlamedaEkene SunIkeme SPORTS SPORTS Lady Pilots Basketball Three Alameda high school basketball teams have a winning record with less than a month left 1 round, Elkand Hoop Shoots quarter. a 28-16 scored 15Lee points, Alyssa Lorenzo secof record less than a month left the with a net 71,effort besting 36 seven other forthan lead into halftime. posted with 12the points Kayla Frierson Yvonne scored a net 78 in more managed to put 23 points collective with lastVikings Thursday, Jan. 22, team best The record of anytook basketball a res- in the 2014-15 season. But it’s the Continued from page 1 Northern California semi-final in leadgolfers into halftime. posted 12 points and Kayla Frierson Yvonne in the 2014-15 season. But it’s the golfers last Thursday, Jan. 22, put up 11 points. for third place, while Debbie The Pilots were able to get their the period, more than their firstplayers showing up on the score St. Joseph Notre Dame (SJND) on the Earl Fry Course. team on the Island. As of Tuesday, made possible. Two Alameda res- Sacremento. Jacob Price won the e next put up 11and points. thir Pilots tolotget their St. The Joseph Notre Dame (SJND) on the EarlGable Fry Course. Adams Kim Sungthe shotVikings net track after to halftime. The competition Pilots, meanwhile, had a Jan.The total. However, sheet. Alyssa led the Pilots forsunsh 27,Weather their were record atcooler 14-7 half wasable asits idents onadvanced the next Shoots women’s basketball team that has offense in the 10to that 11-yearAdams offense on track after halftime. The The Pilots, meanwhile, had a women’s basketball team has Weather was a lot cooler 80s for a tie of fourth place. offense also came out smoking in with 19 points. She also grabbed team managed to put 23 points in more collective effort with seven overall the team its the ha thanafter forecast, and adropped slight breeze boys’ bracket. He will advance final in the best record of any basketball round, the Elk Hoop Shoots old 80s for fa team managed to put 23 points in more collective effort with seven the bestshowing record ofupany basketball forecast,Mira and aLove-Sangco slight breeze Curtis fourth second half.won Theytheput up 24 six than rebounds. period,California more thansemi-final their first-in after players onthrows. the score contest, 60-53even lossintothe Valley the made it feelacold little the Pam Northern making 20 free He latest won the team on the Island. As of Tuesday, the Pam the period, more than their firstplayers showing up on the score team on the Island. As of Tuesday, made it feel cold even in the little flight — handicap of 34 to 40 total. However, the won Vikings sheet.out Alyssa led Loughran the Pilots Christian of Dublin on itSaturday, and a Sacremento. Jacob Price the beat sunshine that made through points in the quarter, besting the scored 10 points and collected Griff Gable and Joe 11-year- Jan. 27, their record sits at 14-7 half halfthe total. Vikings sheet. Alyssa Gable the Pilots six sunshine Jan. 27, their record sits grabbed at 14-7 Jan. it through — withstrong a net 75. Sheled outdueled effort. The 13-point assists onthat themade evening. Ayesa flight also came in who with finished 19 points. She also 24. one— o competition in theout 10-smoking to 11-yearhigh However, fog and lowtheclouds. All Pilot’s in second and third dvance overall after the team dropped its offense — with offense also came out smoking in with 19 points. She also grabbed overall after the team dropped its the high fog and low clouds. All several other competitors deficit heading into the fourth Kearns also scored 10 points. the second half. They put up 24 six rebounds. Mira Love-Sangco The Pilots trailed the Vikings for Ap old boys’ bracket. He will advance latest contest, a 60-53 loss to Valley the flight winners played well, place, contest, respectively. ows. He the and second half.flights TheyVikings put aup six rebounds. Mira Love-Sangco a 60-53and losscollected to Valley most the flight including Angie proved to beVaccarezza to much too in the quarter, scored 10Koume points The Pilots winners took on played Salesianwell, of several of the The took flight after making 20 free besting throws.the He latest all game. four had tie 24 in quarter Andre will also compete oughran Christian of Dublin on Saturday, points points in the quarter, besting the scored 10 points and collected Christian on Saturday, and Cromer, all four flights hadJan. a tie27, in includin Sun Reports Like Loud won the who finished with forStaff thesecond Pilots. SJND adid Richmond Pilot’s strong TheLoughran 13-point in six Sacramento assistsofonDublin the evening. Ayesa on Tuesday, command of the in the first overcome She h beat out Griffeffort. and Joe one of the firstgame four places. after winning the nd third Jan. 24. who fin Pilot’sBessalo strong effort. The 13-point six assists on Ames the evening. Ayesa Jan. 24. also one ofplay theSt. first four places. Ekene Valley Christian, onpoints. the other period. Nina led the the Vikings with second flight — handicap ofVincent 21 net 80. Shirl shot a net outscore Valley Christian 14-8 in heading into theandfourth Kearns scored 10 and will Patrick/St. They ended opening shot Dee Dee Appleton won the who finished in Ikeme second third 12The Pilots trailed the Vikings for deficit Appleton played in the third to 13-year-old boys’ division. netRaye 80. deficit heading into the fourth Kearns also scored 10 points. The Pilots trailed the Vikings for Appleton played in the third hand, more than doubled SJND’s 22 points. She also pulled down to 25 — by a sizable margin. the last quarter, but it just shrank 81, while Bev Blatt and Connie quarter proved to be to much too tomorrow and San Domenico of quarter with a 13-9 advantage. The Three Alameda high school Alameda Women’s Golf Club The Pilots tookthrows. on Salesian of qualified game. Ikeme The Vikings took place, respectively. flight for — handicap of weekend 27 to 33. over par in both rounds putting thetosecond The festivities kicked off a 81, whil He made 19game. free Malachi ompete most of theEkene quarter proved beAlyssa tolead much too Wendling The Pilots on aSalesian of Madeline most of the Vikings flight — handicap of 27Jan. to 33. by posting 15The points in took the 11 rebounds. Senior Sally losing point spread. each posted nethis 83.title San Anselmo onposted Saturday, overcome for the will Pilots. did tally their over teams have a SJND winning third (AWGC) net took tournament event Andre Koume also compete Richmond on Tuesday, Jan. 27, Vikings of thelots game in the first She stretched held off Bonnie Kim,Arace who the of play. him at two-over 144 to keep bit earlier than usuala net due77to 31, the Wendlin Francois came in second place, ing the command There were of changes to basketball overcome for the Pilots. SJND did Richmond on Tuesday, Jan. 27, command of the game in the first She held off Bonnie Kim, who quarter. The Vikings took a 28-16 scored 15 points, Alyssa Lorenzo for second place in the flight. Chewpanich might not What made the Vikings’ win in their next two contests. The outscore Valley Christian 14-8 in the Pilots in the second period. record with less than a month left Wilda with a net 71, besting 36 other in Sacramento after winning the and will play St. Patrick/St. Vincent Continued from page 1 period. They ended the opening shot a net 72, for the victory. Twenty-six golfers shot an hopes alive for next weekend. reconstruction of the Clark South while Angel Pagan took the bronze division. the top of the leaderboard during Chew outscore Valley Christian 14-8 in and will play St.Thursday, Patrick/St. Vincent period. the opening shot ainnet 72, place fora the into They halftime. posted 12 Pereira points and Kayla Frierson scored net 78 Trihave won her flight, she impressive was thebut fact just Pilots sitLee fourth in victory. the the last quarter, butboys’ it But justdivision. shrank Pilots were held tothrough seven season. it’s the lead to tie golfers last Jan. 22, Yvonne 12-the to2014-15 13-year-old tomorrow andended San Domenico of The quarter arounds 13-9 advantage. Raye shot a just net 74 the for more even par or better The youngest player in the field, Course. position. possible. Alameda resMalachi the first with two Two of play atThe the in have w the last quarter, but it just shrank tomorrow and San Domenico of quarter with a 13-9 advantage. The Raye Pereira shot a net 74 for put up 11 points. for third place, while Debbie The Pilots were able to get their did win the closest-to-the-hole four of their players scored. Junior County Athletic League. points in the quarter. St. Joseph Notre Dame (SJND) the losing point spread. Ki on the Earl Fry Course. He made 19 free throws. Malachi San Anselmo on Saturday, Jan. 31, Vikings stretched their lead over third place, while Kay Park and two rounds. Last year’s cham- 13-year-old Andrew BagasbaJan. of San Alameda Commuters Golf did win Brandon Pazin won thelead eightto first idents advanced the next place, 88th Annual Alamedato Commuters theThe losing pointmeanwhile, spread. San Anselmo on Saturday, 31, Vikings stretched their over third place, while Kay Park and Adams and Kim Sung shot net offense on track after halftime. The Pilots, had a competition of the fourth hole women’s basketball team that has playe Weather was a lot cooler Francois came in second place, What made the Vikings’ win in their next two contests. The the Pilots in the second period. Wilda Moore both shot a net 77 nine-year-old boys’ section. He just round, the Elk Hoop Shoots pion Jonathan De Los Reyes, fired a Ramon, shot a 166. Four top female Committee decided to conduct bronze Tournament. What made thein Vikings’ win in their next contests. The 80s Wilda the infourth the second period. Moore both shot for a tie of fourth place.a net 77 compet managed to Muoz put 23 and points in more collective effort with seven bythan hitting her two ball 1” from best record ofwas anythe basketball forecast, and a24’ slight breeze while Angel Pagan took the bronze more impressive fact just team PilotsPilots sit inJulian place in theColin TriThe Pilots were held to just seven toround tie for fourth beat out Northern California semi-final in the first four-over 75the in flight. the first amateurs teed it place up this weekplay in afor “wave format” on the Earl by Holly hittin The Bay Area’s most prestigious more impressive was the fact just Pilots sit in fourth in the TriThe Pilots were held to just seven to tie fourth in the flight. Pam Curtis won the fourth the period, more than their firstplayers showing up on the score themade pin. Chewpanich also shot team on the Island. As of Tuesday, first it feel cold even in the little position. four of their players scored. Junior County Athletic League. points in the quarter. Kim, Claire Loud, who Pero, who finished second and Sacremento. Jacob Price won the round. The St. Mary’s College golfer end. Alameda’s Sam Equerra fired Fry North course. The first 104 eight- to amateur golf tournament kicked off the pin. four of their players scored. Junior County Athletic League. points in theHowever, quarter. the Vikings sheet. Claireof workout Loud, flight —Kim, handicap 34 to 40who Alyssa Gable thesunshine lowest grossmade score of the Jan. Brandon 27, theirPazin record 14-7to half place that through Sun Reports $12,000, having already low-impact aerobic via wonsits the at eightplayed inStaff the second flight and raising third,total. respectively. competition in the18,10-attothe11-yearbounced back with aled 69 the for aPilots tworounds of 82-80 for a it162, Mabel — players played in the early wave He just last the low Saturday, April Chuck overall played in the second flight and with a net 75. She outdueled alsoCox came in with 19 points. She event with athan net 86. after the team dropped with the of high fog andposted low clouds. Allof kayak more $5,600 dollars. while touring the followed local scen-by nine-year-old boys’ section. He its just offense Holly Cromer, whoalso played in the raised Several sports programs adminAmber wonoutthesmoking event for old boys’ willfield advance over 144 total, making himgrabbed eligible Wong Oakdale rounds on Holly Saturday morning d Colin Corica event w Golfbracket. Complex.HeThe con- latest Cromer, who played in the several other competitors the second half. They put up 24 six rebounds. Mira Love-Sangco Loud came in second in contest, a 60-53 loss to Valley flight the flight winners played well, The money raised will fund the ery. Each month, visit a new locabeat out Julian Muoz and Colin firstsecond all tied Recreation for second 79-79 for 158, Kimberly Liu, Dublin, another 104 players who teed it up byflight, the Alameda eight- to nine-year-old girls. Adriana istered after making freebest throws. He for the weekend. Alameda’s nd and sisted Loud of 208 of20the amateur first flight, all tied for second Angie Vaccarezza incame theaerobic quarter, besting the scored 10overall points andtournament collected theandclosest-to-hole competiChristian of finished Dublinhaving onsecond Saturday, icap o all afour flights had a tieThe in including expenses for the year. tion exploring local wildlife, histoPero, who and points place the SunGriff Staff raising $12,000, already low-impact workout via and Parks Department (ARPD) DeMeo in second and Amy beat out andReports Joe with Loughran Matt Baiardi firedinrounds of 66-75 team’s 85-85 for 170 and San Francisco forplace the afternoon Contestants golfers on the West Coast some Jan. overallsecond inwave. the tournament Sun Staff raising $12,000, having already low-impact aerobic workout via who finished with a are the clo Pilot’s strong effort.Reports Thelocal 13-point six assists on the evening. Ayesa 24. Cr tion with her ball landing 35’ one of the first four places. and scenic beauty. There Gators’ expenses include pool rentry, third, respectively. with a trio of net 72s. The first have news updates for the city of raised more than $5,600 dollars. kayak while touring the scenScreechfield. Katie Ohno won the who finished in second and third for a one-under 141$5,600 putting in a City Champion, Sarah Banke, shot net who played early on aThe Saturday, Severalallsports programs vent for travelling wit the way from La adminJolla to with a trio of net 72s. first tiontance raised more than dollars. kayak while the local scen80. Shirl Ames shot netnext heading the fourth Kearns also scored 10 points. Several sportsinto programs adminThe PilotsCox trailed Appleton played inand the third two classes every month. The al77-76 pool equipment major 1”fees, from thetouring pin. Jenny Bae Amber wonthe theVikings eventfor for deficit Alameda. flight pitted golfers with a handThe money raised will fund the ery. Each month, visit a new loca10to 11-year-old girls’ division, place, respectively. six-way tie for 16th place. Alameda for 153. None of them qualified played late on Sunday — an istered by the Alameda Recreation Adriana participate in the spring event. from flight pitted golfers a handmoney raised willSalesian fundswim the ery. Each visitofa 27 new locaBevare Blatt Connie proved to be to Recreation muchhistotoo TheThe istered by thecame Alameda The Pilots took on of and the game. for Thethe Vikings took flight —month, handicap tothe 33. twowhile classes on and Feb.with 9 and Feb. 1” ond-p minor team events such as 81, eight-oftoexpenses nine-year-old girls. Adriana won the competition on Alameda Gators icap of nine to 18. team’s year. The quarter tion exploring local Isabell Galbo in wildlife, second, while Andre will also compete High graduate David Na shot onefor the second weekend. ParksKoume Department (ARPD) most nd Amy andCarlos b GOLF: Page 6 won th icap of nine to 18. team’s expenses for the year. The tion exploring local wildlife, histoWendling each posted a net 83. overcome for the Pilots. SJND did and Parks Department (ARPD) Richmond on Tuesday, Jan. 27, Briones of San Lorenzo command of the game in the first Tai She held off Bonnie Kim, who 23 at the Grand Street Boat Ramp. the annual trip to Lake Tahoe. To DeMeo came in second and Amy aCromer local had year-round swim a sizeable dis- 15th hole. Bae shot her ball scenic beauty. ry, and Wowede Meechal finishedThere third. are team, in Sacramento afterforwinning have news updates the city the of Gators’ expenses include pool rent- outscore won the leads 15th ho Cromer had a sizeable disGators’ expenses include pool rentry, and scenic beauty. There are might notMay 14-8 in newsValley updates forthe theThe citynext of team and tance will play St. Patrick/St. pack after two rounds with period. Theyequipment endedOhno theand opening Miller afrom netalameda-alga.com. 72, the while victory. TheChewpanich classes will run through Katie won the have 12’shot 4” visit theforpin, that serves Alameda youth, between her and Vincent the sec- donate, twoSarah classes everyChristian month. alScreechfield. fees, pool major Motley won girls’ 12 12- tothe13-year-old boys’ division. Alameda. division, an 12’ 4” tance between her and the secal fees, pool equipment and major two classes every month. The next have won her flight, but she the last quarter, but it just shrank Alameda. tomorrow andholders San Domenico of eight-under-par 134. Briones, quarter with a 13-9 events advantage. The ond p Raye Pereira shot a netagain 74 for 10- to 11-year-old girls’ such division, Loud second seeking donations toinhelp fund ARPDfinished is holding Kayaking for 18. There is a $38 fee per class. ond-place the flight. two on Feb.She 9 and minor team as to 13classes year oldare bracket. was Feb. just is madeAlameda 19 free throws. The Gators Malachi swim and fi d, while aHeformer ond-place holders in the flight. Loud and2015 minor team events such as Fitness two classes are onadults. Feb. 9Park and11” Feb. did To win theup, closest-to-the-hole the losing point spread. Thethe Alameda Gators swim its San Anselmo on The Saturday, Jan. 31, Vikings stretched their lead over member ofsecond the Alameda in fou place, while Kay13’ and Isabell Galbo came in second, while bythird placing her ball season. Gators squad sign visit alamedaca.gov/ classes for Students Tai Chewpanich and Peggy 23 at Grand Street Boat Ramp. the annual trip to Lake Tahoe. To ahead of Fana Binyam and Rania Francois came in place, team, a local year-round swim by plac hird. Tai Chewpanich and Peggy the annual trip to Lake Tahoe. To 23 at the Grand Street Boat Ramp. competition of the fourth hole team, a made local year-round win in almost their next two Pilots inalameda-alga.com. the finished second third. period. Elmounthaj. Junior Golf Club, shot a three-under Wilda net 77a recreation/kayaking-fitness. Meechal Wowede from theMoore hole. halfway its77goal of can start their both weekshot off a with Millervisit both shot to acontests. net forThe secTheWhat classes willthe run Vikings’ throughswim May is donate, visit while that Angel Pagan took the youth, bronze the team serves Alameda girls’ 12 68 Miller both shot 24’ a net for sec- from th donate, alameda-alga.com. classes will run through her ball 1”77from team thatisserves Alameda impressive was the class. factyouth, just Pilots sitplace. in fourth place in the Tri- The Pilots Motley were held justgirls’ seven12 more toContact tie for fourth in the flight. May by hitting in the first round, but followed The Sarah wontothe ond Dot Moody finished position. Sun staff at editor@ 18. There a $38 fee per is seeking donations to help fund ARPD is holding Kayaking for four was just that ond place. Dot Moody finished Conta 18. There is a $38 fee per class. to helpJunior fund County ARPD is place holding Kayaking of theirdonations players scored. Athletic League. in theoldquarter. Kim, Claire Loud, who the pin. Chewpanich also shot to 13 year bracket. She was just is seeking with a masterful five-under-par Brandon PazinThe won the eightto points in fourth with2015 a net 78. for www.alamedasun.com Jan. 29, 7 alamedasun.com. its 2015 season. Gators squad Fitness classes for adults. Students its 2015 To sign up, visit alamedaca.gov/ d Rania 66. in fourth place with a net 78. alameda the lowest gross score of the season. The Gators squad Fitness classes for adults. Students To signinup, alamedaca.gov/ played thevisit second flight and He leapt over Jeremy Sanchez of ahead of Fana Binyam and Rania boys’ section. He just isnine-year-old almost halfway to its goal of can start their week off with a is recreation/kayaking-fitness. almost halfway to its goal of can start their week off with a recreation/kayaking-fitness. Holly Cromer, who played in the event with a net 86. Redwood whoMuoz led the as Elmounthaj. beat out City Julian andfield Colin Loud came in second in first flight, all tied for second the second begansecond on Sunday Pero, whoround finished and the closest-to-hole competiplace overall in the tournament Sun Staff Reports raising $12,000, having already low-impact aerobic workout via after a seven-under 64 on third,posting respectively. Mike Maurice tion with her ball landing 35’ with a trio of net 72s. The first raised more than $5,600 dollars. kayak while touring the local scenSunday. Sanchez shot even par in Several sports programs Amber Cox won the event for Carlos of SanadminLorenzo leads the pack after flight pitted golfers with a hand- 1” from the pin. Jenny Bae the second round, but held onto istered byBriones the Alameda Recreation The money raised will fund the ery. Each month, visit a new locaeightto nine-year-old girls. Adriana first two rounds of play in the 2015 Alameda won the competition on the icap of nine to 18. second standings. He the and Parks Department (ARPD) team’s expenses for the year. The tion exploring local wildlife, histoDeMeo place came inin the second and Amy 15thSpeisekammer, hole. Bae shot her ball Commuters Golf Tournament. Cromer had a sizeable disGators’ expenses include pool rentry, and scenic beauty. There are isScreechfield. tied for second place with Steven Grill. Beer, wine and food ome out to Ala2424 food and cold beers. FD Bar have news updates for the city of Katie Ohno won the More 12’ 4” from the pin, while tance between her and the secal fees, pool equipment and major two classes every month. The next Chung is also at seven-under Alameda.of Long Beach (five-under- rounds. The 10- to who 11-year-old girls’ division, Morgan specials will be available meda’s downtown Lincoln Ave., does things is newly renovated and fea- Loud field was due to be Do finished second again ond-place holders in the flight. team events such as two classes are on Feb. 9 and Feb. 135. He Galbo shot four-under in thewhile sec- par The Alameda Gators Isabell came in second, 137) round out the top fiveswim golf- and slicedminor from 208 to theSuper low 50s. at the restaurant, or you district on tures an array of big screen big. This is where you can by placing her ball 13’ 11” Tai Chewpanich and Peggy the annual trip to LaketieTahoe. To 23 at the Grand Street Boat Ramp. Ther ond round. team, a tournament. local Meechal Wowede finished in the There wasBeer, an 11-way for1, 42nd Grill. Beer, wine andthird. food ers aSpeisekammer, 2424 food and coldyear-round beers. FDswim Bar donate, can take your food Bowl Sunday, and The making the dessip big beers whileinwatchthe hole. More Fanfare in and theMay Grill. wineFeb. and food ome out to AlaSpeisekammer, 2424 food and cold beers. FD Bar HDTVs, The Park Street Miller both shot aitnet 77 for sec- from classes will run through visit alameda-alga.com. More Fanfare the team that serves Alameda youth, other pP The Sarah Motley won the girls’ 12 Finigan Tilly of Redwood City Like most golf tournaments, the place at three-over-par 145 so the specials will be available town Lincoln does thingsfor 18. is newly donations renovated featheatre cheerisAve., on your favorite tination for everyone from ingContact the Big on the big the gam ond place. Dot Moodythings finished SunGame staff at editor@ There isinto a $38the fee per class.fea- Business specials will betop available meda’s downtown Downtown Zone Lincoln Ave., does isdrinks newly renovated and is seeking to and help fund ARPD holding Kayaking District to 13 year old bracket. She was just field Downtown Zone (six-under-par 136) and Andrew was cut after the first two committee ruled the 52 players Busines at the per array of on bigSuper screen big. This is for where you can incasual fourth place withfan ayou netto78. with a “backstage pass.” the the alamedasun.com. screen. They also have a its 2015an season. The Gators squad Fitness classes adults. Students To sign up, alamedaca.gov/ atteam. the restaurant, or you district tures an array of bigof screen offers big. This issports where can ahead of restaurant, Fana Binyam or andyou Rania tures There arevisit plenty great food and neighbo There are plenty of g can take your food and 1, and Elmounthaj. HDTVs, making it the dessip big beers while watchis almost to Feb. its goal of cancan start their week offenjoy with a recreation/kayaking-fitness. American Oak, 2319 For those who die-hard fanatic. big selection of appetizers offers take your food and Bowlhalfway Sunday, 1, and HDTVs, making it the dessip big beers while watchother places showing necess drink establishments, other places showing drink e drinks into the theatre rite tination from ingdrinks theSun Big Game on the big the Santa Clara Ave., isfrom your ingLinguini’s gathering with a crowd Pizzaon & the Brew, German dishes. Staff Like Cromer, Loud won the into theReports theatre cheerforoneveryone your favorite tination for everyone the Bigshops, Game big and game too. These or have charming the game too. These charmi Valleya Christian, on the other the Ninacasual Bessalo sports led the fan Vikings with screen. second flightsports — for handicap of 21 with “backstage pass.” to the also have destination NFL footforDee food drinks 1506 Park St., invites Deeand Appleton wona the neighborhood with aThey “backstage pass.” team. the casual fan to the screen. They also have a bars don’t they ar neighborhood bars don’t professional services, more than Oak, doubled SJND’s die-hard 22 points. She alsowho pulled down bigAlameda toball 25 — by Sunday a sizableBrunch. margin. profess school hand,American 2319 njoy Women’s Golf Club selection of appetizers and during the big game, a football fans toof enjoy the American Oak, 2319 Forfanatic. those enjoy die-hard fanatic. big selection appetizers The Churchward Pub, necessarily offer food to catch necessarily offer food tally by posting pointsis in the 11 Linguini’s rebounds. Senior Alyssa Arace and(AWGC) Sallythe posted a netBowl 77 fun things to winning netofdishes. tournament event Madeline Santa Clara 15 Ave., your owd and fun Pizza Brew, German Celebrate Super number popular action with food anddo! drink Santa Clara Ave., iseateryour gathering with a&crowd Linguini’s Pizza &but Brew, and and German dishes. 1515 Park St., will be “off or have big screens group o quarter. The Vikings took a 28-16 scored 15 points, Alyssa Lorenzo for second place in the flight. or have big screens but with a net sports 71, besting 36 in other To learn more about destination for NFL footsnth left lead 1506 Park St., invites kick-off while enjoying ies and bars the specials starting at 1 p.m. To learn destination for NFL Jan. foot-22, they for12food drinks 1506 Park St., invites the with pre-game into halftime. posted pointsand and Kayla Frierson Yvonne Lee scored aplace net 78 are still a fun Bowl S it’s the golfers last Thursday, theychain” are still a fun place events the Park ball and Sunday me, a enjoy the a casual brunch with aa Park Street $2 beef sliders, $3 garlic events ball and Sunday Brunch. put up 11 fans points. during thetobig game, The Churchward Pub,Dis- to foracatch third fans place, Debbie football towhile enjoy the parties on Friday and SatThe Pilots were ableBrunch. to get their football (SJND) on the Earl Fry Business Course. The in Churchward Pub, the game with to catch the game with a • Club HB Celebrate Super eaterwith and classic cocktail orshot two. Adams and Kim Sung net trict that will be televising Street Business Disfries, $3 beers more. on trackthe after halftime. The action The Pilots, meanwhile, had a above lameda Theatre &Bowl Cinema Grillfood wine, beerdrink and Celebrate the Super number of popular eater1515 Park be Bowl “off group hat has offense action with food and drink Weather waswill a lot cooler night. be What’s there now? You for the St., latest community 1515 Park St.,and will beBank “off urday into the Alameda Federal Following theBut theater’s of friends on Super group of friends on sure Superto Street • Lemo 80s for a tie of fourth place. managed to put 23 points in more collective effort with seven kick-off while enjoying s in the team Cineplex has been pizza. In-Seat Service will be Capone’s Speakeasy, specials starting at 1 p.m. the game live on their big sketball than forecast, and a slight McGee’s Bar website: & Grill, visit our won’t find a business located event). while enjoying ies Beer, and sports barsfood in the food specials starting at2424 1 p.m. trict, thekick-off chain” with pre-game in 1977. closure inon 1979, theday theater stop in game for a trict, vi Grill. wine and ome out to AlaSpeisekammer, and cold beers. FDbreeze Bar Bowl the chain” with pre-game Sunday: More Fanfare in the Bowl Sunday: The Park Street Pam Curtis won the fourth more than their first- $2 players showing up on the score 2542 selected as one of three available to those who request uesday, made it feel cold even in the little at this address. Supercuts is In honor of Alameda Theatre casual brunch with a ss Dis- thea period, 1400 Park St., will be beef $3available garlic Dis- isparties 1645 Park St., is AlaAlthough the building was leased to a number of ascreens: casual brunchand with a Parksliders, Street Business $2 beef sliders, $3 garlic on Friday Satfree barbecue. www.ShopParkStreet. specials will be meda’s downtown Lincoln Ave., does things newly renovated and feaparties on FridayZone and Sat- Business District www.S flight —House, of Park 34www.edwardjones.com to 40the originally Downtown total. State However, thetwo. Vikings sheet. Alyssaseating. Gable led the Pilots Golden Warriors “Watch fries, “reserve” Perhaps a at 14-7 half sunshine that made it through •fries, Club 1215 St. • Lost W located athandicap 1329 Park St. and &urday Cineplex’s contribution to & the had a gabled roof; groups various • Club for House, 1215activities Park St. classic cocktail or evising offering drink discounts Alameda Theatre $3 beers and more. meda’s original famiclassic cocktail orclouds. two. that will be televising $3 beers and more. night. But be sure to at trict the restaurant, you district on Super com/news. You can tures an array of big screen big. This is where you can urday night. But be sure to — with a net 75. She outdueled com/ne also came out 19 points. Shedeliver alsoor grabbed Party” locations forsmoking viewingin with Warriors Girl will your ped its offense the high fog and low All neighboring Blue Danube Coffee vibrant social life in Downtown There are plenty of the stucco-clad facade still including a roller skating offers great food and 2320½ • Lemon Tree, • Lemon Tree, for wearing team Cineplex, 2317 Central Capone’s Speakeasy, heir big thethe ly-friendly sports bar. for With McGee’s Bar &on Grill, Speakeasy, thetake game live their McGee’s Bar &1333 Grill, stop inflight on game for a several other competitors can your food and big HDTVs, Bowl Feb. 1, second half. They putThe upand 24 six rebounds. Mira Love-Sangco making it day the dessip bigthose while watchstopfind in on game day a rink,The Hobnob, 1313 Park also fin NBASunday, playoffs live. order! the “Park o Valley theCapone’s winners played well, House isbeers located at Park also Alameda, we’re focusing this features the large archway a dance hall and a gymother places showing • Lucky 2542 Santa Clara Ave. drink establishments, 2542 Santa Clara Ave. colors. This isdo Alameda’s Ave., invites commu1400 St., will be the plenty of TVofscreens inPark St., isand Alaincluding Angie 1400 Park St., will be screens: in Park the quarter, besting scored 10into points collected 1645 St., isVaccarezza Ala-the free barbecue. theatre ison teaming up with the 1645 So enjoy the Finals in tination turday, points and allfor four flights hadsilver a tie in ing drinks theNBA theatre cheer your favorite everyone from thePark Big Game on freegame St., serves St. Which space you thinkbig it Street history narrative on the the with abarbecue. frieze plaster nastics school.food and drink Street B Business Assothe too. These • Lost Weekend Lounge, www.edwardjones.com • Lost Weekend charming shops, who finished second with a www.edwardjones.com newest spot to view the nity to watch the Super Pilot’s strong effort. The 13-point six assists on the evening. Ayesa doors and a screen on the offering drink discounts re & meda’s original famiWarriors to offer free admisstyle: recliner seat; 50’ hi-def one of the first four places. offering drink discounts Alameda Theatre & meda’s original famiwas in? They also have a screens that sports have shared thethe screen. medallions. What business isLounge, there with a “backstage pass.” the team. casual fan to earlier than usual on Super ciation” ciation” onyou Facebook neighborhood bars don’t net 80. Shirl Ames shot a net 2320½ Santa Clara Ave. heading intogames the fourth Kearns also scored 10 bar. points. sionthose to view the on cinema presentation; in-seat 2320½ Santa Clara Ave. ings for deficit Appleton played in the third game on big screen TVs. Bowl game on the biggest professional services, back patio, won’t miss for wearing team entral ly-friendly sports With name “Alameda Theatre.” What’s there now? The now? After years of neglect, for those wearing team Cineplex, 2317 Central ly-friendly sports bar. With American Oak, 2319 For those who enjoy die-hard fanatic. big selection of appetizers Bowl Sunday. Root for your and Tw The Hobnob, 1313 Park The Hobnob, 1313 Park Alameda (Second) 81, while drink BevTheater Blatt and Connie and Twitter. proved toisbeAlameda’s to muchthis too plenty necessarily offer food the theatre movie screen service for snacks, beer, and The Pilots took on Salesian of gs took quarter flight — handicap of 27 to 33. • Lucky 13, 1301 Park St. • Lucky 13, 1301 Park St. building is now occupied by a AE Associated partnered with Enjoy specials and a movie screen in the Bay a minute of the game. And colors. This ommuof TV screens inand fun things to do! colors. This is Alameda’s Ave., invites the commuplenty of TV screens inSanta Clara Ave., is your gathering with a crowd Linguini’s Pizza & Brew, and German dishes. favorite team while watchAlameda Theater (First) St., serves food and drink St., serves food the andbut drink the City of Alameda to bring posted 83. 2420each Santa Claraa net Ave. did Richmond eveningfor at the 6:30Pilots. p.m.,SJND and on wine; Warriors freebies;Jan. and 27, on Tuesday, he first overcome She heldAdmission off Bonnie Kim, who Wendling have screens branch ofbig CitiBank, third game-day starting Area! is the free food from the new kitchen newest spot to25, view the uper and screen the newest spot to view nity to aSt. watch theonSuper and a menu screen on not the or learn moreon about destination for NFL footfor food and drinks 1506 St., invites Chewpanich might ing the original game two TVs 1331 Park Valley Christian earlier usual on Saturday, April at 514-8 p.m.in doors free admission! and will play Patrick/St. Vincent earlier than usual on Super To opening outscore shotPark athan net 72, forSt. the Super victory. doors The impressive structure largest bank holding company back the splendor they are still a fun place at 1 p.m. But you’ll want and tickets are available won’t disappoint either. onwill big screen biggest back patio, you won’t game on big screen TVs. Bowl game the miss biggest back patio, you won’t miss have won her flight, but she last quarter, but it game, justaTVs. shrank events in the Park ball andfor Sunday Brunch. during the big a fans to enjoy the Fans also have Look more Warrior tomorrow and Sanon Domenico of football with sound. ge. The thegame Raye Pereira shot a net 74 for The first theater in Alameda located at the corner of Santa Bowl Sunday. Root for your The Churchward Pub, Bowl Sunday. Root for ayour of the historic theatre along in the United catch the States. game with to get there early towas grab now at the Theatre Box did win the closest-to-the-hole drink specials and a aSan ed Bay losing point minute the game. And Enjoy drink specials and movie screen inonthe Bay chance to win special givegames to of be shown the aClara minute of the game. And tofavorite Anselmo on Saturday, Jan. 31, action over theEnjoy third place, while KayTheater” Park anda 1515 to be called “Alameda and Park avenues Celebrate the Super Bowl number ofspread. popular eaterwith food and drink Diswith sixBusiness adjacent screening favorite team while watchPark St., will be “off team while watch- Street group of friends on(Third) Super Alameda Theater competition of the fourth hole a good seat. Office on a first come, aways suchsports astheWarriors merscreen. Another game What made Vikings’ inbig their next twonew contests. The specials Wilda Moore both shot a net 77 ising noted to have been at the erected in 1912 and was the game-day menu starting speriod. free from the kitchen game-day menu starting Area! Admission is free food from the new kitchen The information in this advertisement has not been fact-checked or approved rooms. The Alameda Theatre kick-off while enjoying ies and bars inwin the food starting at 1 p.m. trict, visit our website: the game on two TVs the chain”her with pre-game ing2315-2323 the gameCentral on twoAve. TVs Bowl Sunday: by the Alameda Sun’s editorial department. The articles that appear in this by hitting ball 24’&to1”Grill, from chandise, Warriors T-shirts, is scheduled for place April 25.the In Tri- same the fact just won’t Pilots sit intickets fourth in tilable seven more tofirst tie for fourth in the flight. address as the Old second movie house be Fire Den Bar served basis. For & Cineplex successfully at 1impressive p.m. Butwas you’ll want disappoint either. at 1 p.m. But you’ll want and are available won’t disappoint either. section are provided by the members or the administers of the Park Street a casual brunch with a Park Street Business Dis$2 beef sliders, $3Loud, garlic who parties with sound. on Friday and Former IRS SatAgent with www.ShopParkStreet. Former IRS Agent the pin.Alameda Chewpanich also shot and theater movie tickets to fact, Warrior four ofget their players scored. Junior County Athleticgames League.will be Business Association and are solely theMay opinion 24, and position of the members or Kim, Claire Masonic Temple. It opened named Theater. It Thesound. current1215 Alameda opened on 2008, and 1231 Park St., is the cozier viewing, you can • Club House, Park St. to there early to grab Box to get there early to grab now at the Theatre Box Incom classic cocktail orscreen two. trictathat fries, $31909, beers andclosed more. here, call 263-1471. the association. Thanks for reading. To advertise the lowest gross score ofday theto night. But be sure name few. will be televising presented on the big com/news. You can During holiday season and every of in theand second flight andthisurday Julyplayed 24, operated as the Rialto Theatre Theater was designed by has been instrumental in the IRS and State Agencies IRS and State Agencies perfect place to meet with also opt to watch the • Lemon Tree, a the good seat. me, a good seat. Office on a first come, Co event with atogame net 86.day Speakeasy, game live McGee’s Bar & Grill, The information advertisement has not been fact-checked orthe approved in this advertisement has not beencontact fact-checked or approved To PSBA call 523-1392 visit: Downtown Tip:on Thetheir first big untilCapone’s the last Warriors game Holly Cromer, who played inyear, the westop onin this Jan. 18, 1913, when from 1921 1923. Following onall for The a informationMiller the wishin you the best. &department. Pfleuger, whose rejuvenation oforDowntown also find the “Park by the Alameda Sun’s editorial department. The articles that appear in this by the Alameda Sun’ s editorialSanta The articles that appear in this Audit Representations. Audit Representations. friends and enjoy great game in the new Cinema 2542 Clara Ave. www.shopparkstreet.com Fire Den Bar & Grill, Loud came in second in For Fire Den Bar & Grill, Multifirst served basis. For 50screens: Cinema Grill pre-game — hopefully thesection are provided 1400 Park that St.,will willbebe first flight, tied 1645 is Alasecond Alameda Theater was the theatre’s closure, the buildby thePark members orSt., theall administers of for the Parksecond Street section are provided by theworks members or the administers of the Park Street other include Alameda. free barbecue. Business Association and are solely the opinion and position of the members or Business Association and are Weekend solely the opinion and Lounge, position of the members or Street Business AssotheIncome closest-to-hole competi•Oakland’s Lost guests will receive Warriors Championship Game. www.edwardjones.com 1231 Park St., isa the 1231 Park St., is the u can raising place overall in the tournament cozier drink viewing, you can $12,000, having already low-impact aerobic workout via opened. (Refer to last week’s ing was heavily renovated and Paramount offering discounts Alameda Theatre & Jane Watson meda’s original famiTax Planning & Preparation, Income Tax Planning & Preparation, the association. Thanks for reading. To advertise here, call 263-1471. here, call 263-1471. the association. Thanks for reading. To advertise During holiday day of During this raised holiday season and$5,600 day of ciation” onStreet Facebook tion with her landingalley 35’ gift bags. Alameda Cinema Get your free tickets at the withforaseason trio ofand nettoevery 72s. The first more than dollars. kayak while touring the local scen-thisly-friendly paper more info about the converted intoball a bowling 2320½Commissioned Santa Clara Ave. Theater. by Financial Advisor perfect place meet with perfect place toevery meet with also opt to watch the he The Park Business adminfor those wearing team Cineplex, 2317 Central sports bar. With Corporation, Partnerships, LLC, Corporation, Partnerships, LLC, ToWatson contact PSBA call 523-1392 or visit: To Go contact PSBA call 523-1392 or visit: Jane . best. The Hobnob, 1313 Park the year, we wish you all the 1” from the pin. Jenny Bae he year, weThe wish you all the best. Grill opens at 5 p.m. Alameda box office early. Warriors!! flight pitted golfers with aSthandmoneyand raised will great fund the ery. Each visit a new loca- Masonic Temple completed in A that was open untilWatson thewww.shopparkstreet.com midand Twitter. Nasser operaJane District offers great food &Estate and Trust reation •the Lucky 13, Brothers, 1301 Park St. Don’t forget to friends and enjoy great 1430 Everett Ste gamemonth, in the new Cinema friends enjoy inema Financial Advisor www.shopparkstreet.com Multi-State Taxation, colors. This is Alameda’s Ave., invites the commuMulti-State Taxation, Estate and Trust plenty of TV screens inwon serves theIt was competition ondrink the St., food Cinema Grill will icap of nine toAlameda, 18. expenses for be theoffering year. The tion exploring local wildlife, histo- 1891.) 1970s. then and transformed Financial Advisor tors of a chain of Bay Area CA 94501 drink establishments, charm(ARPD) team’s Historic Downtown Everett her St Ste ball A .1430shot spotbeauty. to view the are doors nityexpenses to Punch watch thepool Super and a your screen on thedis- earlier 15th hole. Bae make 2014 Jane Watson 510-522-1721 tson “3-Point Cocktail” and Cromer had a sizeable include rent- ry,newest and scenic There movie theaters, the Alameda than usual on Super ing shops, Accounting friendly services, Consulting city of Gators’ Accounting Consulting Alameda, CA 94501 1430 Everett St Ste A Fina Alameda: The Three 12’ 4” fromAlameda, the pin, while Financial Advisor dvisor game on big screen TVs. Bowl game on the biggest back patio, you won’t miss “Steph Curry Noodle Bowl.” A 510-522-1721 tance between her and the secal fees, pool equipment and major two classes every month. The next Theater opened on Aug. CA 94501 and fun things to do! To learn Bowl Sunday. Root for your IRA contribution. on New Businesses, Jane Watson . on New Businesses, Jane Watson Mens and Womens Shoes Alameda Theaters second again Jane Watson Jane Watson 510-522-1721 of the profits from Don’t to ond-place in theAnd flight. Loud finished minor team events such as two classes areforget on Feb.Everett 9 and 1430 St Feb. SteaA a minute Enjoy drink specials and to movie screen in the Bay of holders the game. 15, 1932. In 1973, it was t Stswim Ste A andpercentage Financial Advisor more about what’s happen-Selection Financial Advisor team while watchStructure Entity Selection alamedapersonaltraining.com &Entity Full Soles and Heels Financial and AdvisorPeggy favorite by placing herStructure ball 13’ 11” Alameda, CA Ramp. 94501 Financial Advisor A 94501 items will be donated Moving-picture theaters Tai Chewpanich thethese annual trip to Lake Tahoe. To 23 at the Grand Street Boat purchased by the Robert L. ing inHalf Downtown Alameda, swim game-day menu starting Area! Admission is free food from the new kitchen 1430 Everett St Ste A . .1430 Everett St Ste A make your 2014 014 Restoration of Bags 510-522-1721 ing the game on two TVs 721 from the hole. to the Warriors Community Alameda, CA 94501 have been a huge draw in Miller both shot a net 77 for secdonate, visit alameda-alga.com. The classes will run through May 1430 Everett St Ste A Alameda, CA 94501 Finanacial Statement Preparation Lippert theater chain, and 1430 Everett St Ste A Finanacial Statement Preparation visit our website: www. youth, 1-on-1 Personal Training at 1 p.m. But you’ll want and tickets are available won’t disappoint either. and Suitcases Member SIPC 510-522-1721 510-522-1721 sound. Alameda, CA 94501 Former IRSalteraAgent Alameda,Kayaking CA 94501 for 18. Foundation. Alameda firstclass. one ond place. Dot Moody finished withContact Sun staff at editor@ There issince a $38 the fee per IRA contribution. soon after underwent tion. Mens and Womens Shoes ShopParkStreet.com/news. lp fund ARPD is holding from $18/session Mens and Womens Shoes Dye Work for Shoes, Bags and to get in there early to grab now atcan the Theatre Boxat 510-522-1721 www.edwardjones.com 510-522-1721 also celebrate opened 1904. Not only do in fourth place with a net 78. alamedasun.com. tions,Half including the converfind the “Park s squad FitnessFans classes for adults. Students To sign up, visit alamedaca.gov/ Leather Coats alamedapersonaltraining.com & Fulland Soles and Heels alamedapersonaltraining.com Half & Full Soles and Heels IRS State Agencies You can also Training a good seat. Office on a first come, Member SIPC the Cinema Grill Bistro & Bar people enjoy going to watch a information in this advertisement has not been fact-checked or approved sionSmall of Restoration theGroup balcony to two Street Business Association” goal of can start their week off with a recreation/kayaking-fitness. STEP BACK of Bags Restoration of Bags The 6 max. Representations. $5/class by the Alameda Sun’s editorial department. The articles that appear in this www.edwardjones.com Fire Den Bar & Grill, after game and continue firsttheserved basis. For to top boxSIPC office movie, but they 1-on-1 Training additionalAudit theaters. 1-on-1 Personal Training and Suitcases on MENTION Facebook and Twitter. THIS AD FOR section are provided by the members Personal or the administers of the Park Street and Suitcases Member Serv Business Association and are solely from the opinion and position of the members or Real B $18/session enjoy game day discounts and enjoy for Shoes, Bags and going toSt., the is theater Zumba/Yoga Member Dye SIPC Work from Dye Work for Shoes, Bags and 1231 Park$18/session the as cozier viewing, you can 10% DISCOUNT! Income Tax Planning & Preparation, www.edwardjones.com At O To advertise here, call 263-1471. the association. Thanks for reading. and every day of Leather Coats win Warriors $7/class Conces part ofseason a community celebraCoats perfect place toTraining meet with Member SIPC Leather opt tomerchandise. watch During the this holiday Small Group Training Small Group Stan Corporation, Partnerships, LLC, Memberalso SIPC Topcontact PSBA call 523-1392 ore visit: STEP BACK IN TIME TO EXPLORE A VINTAGE EXPERIENCE IN S youincluding all the best. The Theatre Snack the Baryear, will we wish tion — live simul❃ A c u u n c t u r e & H r b s ❃ STEP BACK IN TIME TO EXPLORE A VINTAGE EXPERIENCE IN STATE-OF-THE-ART SIGHT & SOUND 6 max. $5/class 6 max. $5/class friends and enjoy great game in the new Cinema A LAMEDA O RTHOPEDIC F OOT www.edwardjones.com www.shopparkstreet.com Multi-State Taxation, Estate and Trust www.edwardjones.com 510.712.0093 MENTION THIS- AD sell movie snacks as well as casts of sporting events (see Serving MENTION THIS AD FOR Serving Program Schedule 1/30 2/5 FOR Real Butter CARE CENTERProgram Schedu Zumba/Yoga Member SIPC Butter Real Jane Jane Watson Watson Member SIPC Zumba/Yoga 10% DISCOUNT! At Our 10% DISCOUNT! 2414 Central Ave. At Our Accounting Consulting Historic Theatr Historic Theatre Presents 2322 Santa Clara Ave. Concession $7/class Concession $7/class Financial Financial Advisor Advisor Stand! SuiteonA,New Alameda Stand! .. Businesses, Jane Watson Alameda ❃ A c u p u n c t u r e & H e r b s ❃ c t u r eThere’s & H forget e1430 r bEverett s ❃ Jane Watson PADDING No Time St Don’t to PADDINGTON 1430 Everett St Ste Ste AA ALAMEDA ORTHOPEDIC FOOT Financial Advisor LAMEDA ORTHOPEDIC FOOT 510.712.0093 Entity Structure Selection alamedaptkellen@gmail.com 510.712.0093 Financial Advisor3.5” x A Alameda, Alameda, CA CA 94501 94501 523-4316 510 CARE CENTER 2.5” | CMaximum Font Size: 30 pt Suite 102 .1430 Everett St Ste A ARE CENTER2424 Like Now to FD Plan make your 510-522-1721 510-522-1721 Blanding 2414 Ave.,Central AMERICAN Ave. AMERICAN SNIPER Alameda, CA 94501 food food 2414 1430 Central Ave. Speisekammer, 2424 and cold beers.2014 Bar Everett St Ste A Finanacial Preparation 2322 SantaStatement Clara Ave. More Fanfare in the The Park Street 2322 Santa Clara Ave. Alameda, CA 94501 510-522-1721 Alameda, CA 94501 Suite A, Alameda Your Future. IRA renovated contribution. Suite A, Alameda Mens and Womens Shoes lable Ave., does things is newly and fea- Lincoln Alameda Alameda Downtown Zone (510) 510-522-1721 Business District 299-0057 THE BIG GAM THE BIG GAME! FREE! alamedaptkellen@gmail.com you tures an array of big screen alamedapersonaltraining.com big. This is where you can Half & Full Soles and Heels alamedaptkellen@gmail.com Now Open in Alameda! 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Size: 30 pt great food and 523-4316 SUNDAY 510 523-4316 There are plenty of Font 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt offers www.tracyzollinger.com SUNDAY510 ONLY Brief: On Elks’ Hoop Shoots Contest Appleton Wins Women’s Weekly Golf Tourney Has Best Record Town 88th Commuters GolfinTourney Tees Off Stay Active with Parks Department Classes Stay Active with Parks Department StayClasses Active with Parks Department Classes PROFESSIONAL BANKED TRACK ROLLER DERBY Stay Active with Parks Department Classes SHOPPING PARK STREET & ENTERTAI SPORTS Downtown Alameda: the Place for Food, Drink and K STREET SHOPPING & ENTERTAINMENT PARK STREET SHOPPING &GUIDE ENTERTAINMENT G - VS C Pilots Basketball Appleton Wins Women’sBayBomber.com C est Record in Town Weekly Golf Tourney PARK & ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENTGUIDE GUIDE PARKSTREET STREET SHOPPING SHOPPING & Alameda Point Gym • Saturday, May 9 @ 8:00 PM town Alameda: the Place for Food, Drink and SuperOzone Bowl 2015 Downtown Alameda: the Place for Food, Drink and Super Bowl Tickets: 1431 Park Street • Alameda AC Free Viewing of Golden State for Warriors Playoff Theatre Downtown Alameda: the Place Food, Drink andGames Super at Bowl 2015 Happy Holidays You talk. We You talk. We listen. withWe Parks Department Classes Happy Holidays Happy Holidays In person. k. You talk. We listen. In person. You talk. We You talk. We In person. listen. In person. listen. In person. listen. In person. . FULL SERVICE SHOE REPAIR FULL SERVICE SHOE REPAIR . . You talk. We Happy Holidays Alameda’s Holistic Health Resource You talk. We ALAMEDA THEATRE & CINEPLEX listen. In person. SHOPPING &Alameda’s ENTERTAINMENT Holistic Health Resource GUIDE olistic Health Resourcelisten. In person. MKT-1919-A FULL SERVICE SHOE REPAIR ALA ALAMEDA THEATRE MKT-1919-A A FULL2015 SERVICE da: the Place for Food, Drink and Super Bowl SHOE REPAIR . Looking for the right financial Looking for the financial right financial Get Styled! advisor? Simplify your Looking for theadvisor? right financial or the right financial life. Let’s Talk. Looking for the right financial Get Styled! or the right financial advisor? Get Styled! Font Size: 30 pt Suite Restoration of Bags 2424 Blanding Ave., Suite 102 424 Blanding Ave., 102desand HDTVs, making it the sip big beers while watch1-on-1 Training drink establishments, other places showing and Suitcases Member SIPC Member SIPC Alameda, CAPersonal 94501 CLASSIC FILM SERIES : FEB. 3 & CAfor94501 re Alameda, tination everyone from CLASSIC ing the Big Game on the big from $18/session Dye Work for Shoes, Bags FILM and SERIES : FEB. 3 & 4 GREASE 2:05 4:30 7:00 the game too. These www.edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com (510) 299-0057 charming shops, Alameda Cineple 299-0057 Alameda Cineplex Presents Leather Coats ass.”(510) the casual sports fan to the Member screen. They| Maximum also haveFont a Size:neighborhood THEATRE & CINEPLEX Now Open inALAMEDA Alameda! 3.5” x 2.5” 30 pt Group Small Training bars don’t SIPC Now Open in Alameda! Font Size: 30 pt www.tracyzollinger.com How much will you need to professional services, BLACK OR WHITE STEP BACK IN TIME TO EXPLORE A VINTAGE EXPERIENCE IN STATE-OF-THE-ART SIGHT & SOUND www.tracyzollinger.com 319 SNIPER BLACK OR WHITE WashAMERICAN die-hard fanatic. big selection of appetizers & Blow Dry or Cut/Color/Highlight 6 max. $5/class www.edwardjones.com necessarily offer food MENTION THIS AD FOR Serving and fun things to do! THEORY OF Program Schedule 1/30 - 2/5 EVERYTHING PADDINGTON retire? Let’s Talk. 10% DISCOUNT! s your Linguini’s Pizza & Brew, and German dishes. THEORY OF EVERYTHING Real Butter Zumba/Yoga Member SIPC or have big screens but Alameda’s Holistic Health Resource At Our To learn more about SELMA Historic Theatre Presents foot- 1506 Park St., invites OFFICIAL WARRIORS WATCH PARTYMORTDECAI SITE $7/class MORTDECAI Concession they are still a fun place Stand! Bring this Coupon in for an Extra 20% Off How will you need to BIRDMAN Deb Knowles, AAMS® events in the Park Deb Knowles, AAMS® nch. you ❃ need Afans c utopenjoy u n the c t u r e The & Churchward H much e r b sPub, ❃ football will to STRANGE PADDINGTON FREE TICKETS AT THE BOX OFFICE! MAGIC Wash O &RTHOPEDIC Blow STRANGE Dry For Cut/Color/Highlight MAGIC to catch the game with a AdvisorALAMEDA OOT Wash & Blow Dry or Cut/Color/Highlight Financial 510.712.0093 FOXCATCHER Financial Advisor Bowl action with food and drink Street Business Disretire? Let’s Talk. 1515 Park St., will be “off group of friends on Super THE@ WEDDING CARE CENTER sngTalk. THURS 4/23 @ 6:30PM & SAT 4/25 5PM RINGER THE WEDDING RINGER TODAY! WHIPLASH .1336 Park Street Suite D Holistic Health Resource AMERICAN SNIPER 2414 Central Ave. specials starting atAlameda’s 1 p.m. trict, visit our website: the chain” with pre-game 2322 Santa Clara Ave. Alameda, CA 94501 1336 Park Street Suite D Bowl Suite Sunday: Cinema Grill Guests get a FREE Warriors Gift Specializing in: VISITBag! WWW.ALAMEDA A, Alameda 510-749-0403 Bring this Coupon in forFirst an 50 Extra 20% Off VISIT WWW.ALAMEDATHEATRES.COM heb aKnowles, $2 AAMS® beefAAMS® sliders, $3 garlic Knowles, AAMS® Alameda Deb Knowles, Alameda, CA 94501 Bring this Coupon in for AAMS® an Extra 20% Off on Friday andDeb Satwww.ShopParkStreet. * Women’sparties Health, Fertility & Pregnancy eb Knowles, www.edwardjones.com Cinema Grill Reservations: 510-769-2000 THE BIG GAME! FREE! FOR SHO • Club House, 1215 Park St. Financial Advisor alamedaptkellen@gmail.com 510-749-0403 FOR SHOWTIMES wo. * Pediatricurday Care night. But be sure beers and more. Financial nancial Advisor to Advisor 510 523-4316 com/news. You can nancial Advisor SUNDAY ONLY 3.5” xfries, 2.5”$3| Maximum Font Size: 30 pt . * Acute & ChronicAve., Pain Suite 102 1336 Park Street D • Suite Lemon Tree, 2424 Blanding www.edwardjones.com DON’T FORGET TO STOP BY T asy, McGee’s Bar & Grill, 36 Park Street Suite D in onLoss game day 1336 for aPark DON’T FORGET TO STOP BY THE NEW CINEMA GRILL Alameda, CA 94501 * Nutritionstop & Weight also find the “Park Street Suite D Clara Ave. ameda,Park CA 94501 Alameda, CA 94501 336 Street Suite D 2542 Santa CLASSIC FILM SERIES : FEB. 3 & 4 GREASE 2:05 4:30 7:00FOR LATE NIGHT H 510-749-0403 be free barbecue. FOR LATE NIGHT HAPPY HOUR! Alameda, CA 94501 0-749-0403 1645 Park St., is AlaSTEP BACK IN TIME TO EXPLORE A VINTAGE EXPERIENCE IN STATE-OF-THE-ART SIGHT & SOUND Street Business AssoCall 510.239.4329 to make an appointment ameda, CA 94501 www.edwardjones.com (510) 299-0057 2424 Blanding Ave., Suite 102 Alameda Cineplex Presents • Lost Weekend Lounge, ALAMEDA’S GO ww.edwardjones.com ww.edwardjones.com unts meda’s original fami- Font Size: 30 pt 510-749-0403 ALAMEDA’S GOT SabaiSalon1@gmail.com TALENT Now Open in Alameda! 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum | www.SabaiSalon.netWith host Dave May Fri. & Sat. evening 10-749-0403 (510) 299-0057 ciation” on Facebook Member SIPC www.tracyzollinger.com With host Dave May Fri. & Sat. evening pre-show in the Historic Theatre 2320½ Santa Clara Ave. AMERICAN SNIPER BLACK OR WHITE DISCOUNT WEDNESDAYS! 231 am ly-friendly sports bar. Withwww.tracyzollinger.com 2515 Santa Clara Ave. | Ste. 102 | Alameda | Ca | 94501 The Hobnob, 1313www.edwardjones.com Park ww.edwardjones.com MOMMY & ME MONDAYS and Twitter. MOMMY & ME MONDAYS MORTDECAI 12:05 PADDINGTON • Lucky 13, 1301 Park St. THEORYatOF EVERYTHING ALL SEATS ALL DAY! eda’s plenty of TV screens inand THEORY OF EVERY St., serves food and drink and THEORY OF EVERYTHING at 11:55 am Restrictions apply. See website Call 510.239.4329 to make an appointment SELMAfor details. Call 510.239.4329 to make an appointment the doors and a screen on the All showtimes and locations subject to change withou MORTDECAI earlier than usual on Super All showtimes and locations subject| towww.SabaiSalon.net change without notice. Visit website below for latest details. SabaiSalon1@gmail.com BIRDMAN Member SIPC Member SIPC SabaiSalon1@gmail.com | www.SabaiSalon.net much will you need to Historic Theatre 4/24 4/30 2317 CENTRAL AVE. 510.76 TVs. backHow patio, you won’t miss Member SIPC STRANGE Wash & Blow Dry or Cut/Color/Highlight 2515 Santa Clara Ave. | Ste. 102 Alameda | Ca | 94501 |510.769.FILM Bowl Sunday. Root for your 2317 CENTRAL AVE. (3456)MAGIC FOXCATCHER AGE OF ADALINE (PG-13) Fri, Sun & Wed 11:30a 2515 Santa Clara Ave. | Ste. 102 | Alameda | Ca | 94501 WWW.ALAMEDATHEATR and a a minute of the Let’s game. And WWW.ALAMEDATHEATRES.COM retire? Talk.favorite team while watchTHE WEDDING RINGER 2:00 4:30 7:40 10:10 Thu: 11:30a 2:00 4:30 WHIPLASH HOME (PG) Sat 11:20a • WOMAN IN GOLD (PG-13) Sat 1:30 rting food from the new kitchen ing the game on two TVs FURIOUS 7VISIT (PG-13) Sat 9:25 • AVENGERS (PG-13) Thu 7:30 10:30 WWW.ALAMEDATHEATRES.COM Member BringFormer this Coupon in for an SIPC Extra 20% Off want won’t disappoint either. Deb Knowles, AAMS® Deb Knowles, AAMS® Member SIPC with sound. IRS Agent • Alameda’s Got Talent w/Host Dave May Fri & Sat eves preceding film in Historic Theatre. FOR SHOWTIMES Financial Advisor grab • Mommy & Me Mondays AGE OF ADALINE at 11:30a & FURIOUS 7 at 11:10a Financial Advisor MKT-1919-A advisor? . ALAMEDA THEATRE & CINEPLEX Looking for the right financial Looking for the right financial Get Styled! advisor? $6.50 advisor? . .1336 Park Street Suite D The information in this advertisement has not been fact-checked or approved Alameda, CA 94501 1336 Park Street Suite D by the Alameda Sun’s editorial department. The articles that appear in this 510-749-0403 section areCA provided by the members or the administers of the Park Street Alameda, 94501 www.edwardjones.com Business Association and are solely the opinion and position of the members or 510-749-0403 the association. Thanks for reading. To advertise here, call 263-1471. www.edwardjones.com To contact PSBA call 523-1392 or visit: k. We n person. rill, e day of et with eat . www.shopparkstreet.com n sor eA 1Ste A 501 1-on-1 Personal Training from $18/session • KID SERIES TICKETS ON SALE NOW AT THE BOX OFFICE DON’T FORGET TO STOP BY THE NEW CINEMA GRILL Cineplex Theatres 4/24HOUR! - 4/30 FOR LATE NIGHT HAPPY Income Tax Planning & Preparation, Corporation, Partnerships, LLC, Multi-State Taxation, Estate and Trust Call 510.239.4329 to make an appointment Member SIPC FULL SERVICE SHOE REPAIR Mens and Womens Shoes alamedapersonaltraining.com IRS and State Agencies Audit Representations. Half & Full Soles and Heels Restoration of Bags and Suitcases Dye Work for Shoes, Bags and Leather Coats SabaiSalon1@gmail.com Accounting Consulting| www.SabaiSalon.net 2515 Santa Clara Ave. | Ste. 102 | Alameda | Ca | 94501 on New Businesses, Entity Structure Selection Finanacial Statement Preparation Member SIPC 2317 AVENGERS 2D (PG-13) Thu PAUL BLART 2 (PG) Fri thu Wed GOT TALENT 9:00 9:30; 3D ALAMEDA’S Thu 8:30; 12:00 2:25 4:35 6:45 8:55; 3D Combo Thu 12:00 2:25 Theatre 4:35 With host DaveThu May5:15 Fri. & Sat. evening pre-show in the Historic WHILE WE’RE YOUNG (R) Fri EX MACHINA (R) 12:15 2:45 MOMMY & 10:15 ME MONDAYSthru MORTDECAI at 12:05 Wed 12:30 2:40 4:50 7:15 5:15 7:45 and THEORY OFSat EVERYTHING at12:30 11:552:40 am 4:50 9:00; Thu AGE OF ADALINE (PG-13) FURIOUS 7 (PG-13) Fri & Sun 11:30a 2:00 4:30 7:40 10:10; All showtimes and locations subject to change without notice. Visit website below for latest details. thru Wed 11:10a 2:10 5:05 8:00 Thu 7:40 10:10 Fri 9:25; Sat & Thu(3456) No 9:25 show CENTRAL AVE. 510.769.FILM MONKEY KINGDOM (PG) HOME 2D (G) Fri & Sun thru Thu thru Wed 11am 1:00 3:00 5:00 WWW.ALAMEDATHEATRES.COM 11:20a 4:10 6:20 7:00; Thu 11am 1:00 3:00 WOMAN IN GOLD (PG-13) TRUE STORY (R) Fri thru Wed Fri & Sun thru Wed 1:30 8:30; 11:35a 1:40 3:55 6:05 8:15 Sat 9:30; Thu 1:30 10:25; Thu 11:35a 1:40 3:55 6:05 2317 CENTRAL AVE. n 510.769.FILM (3456) Visit WWW.ALAMEDATHEATRES.COM For additional showtimes ALAMEDA THEATRE & CINEPLEX
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