Fe He attended Versailles and Lincoln sible for drafting the city’s original ACROSS schools. He gradugeneral plan. Lastly S 1. Granny ated from Alameda he was employed as Gir High School in 1944, the planning director 5. Woodstove Alameda Sunwww.alamedasun.com May 7 Island at which time he and14, city2015 manager of detritus the A enlisted in the Navy. Saint Helena. 10. Fold Park He served at the During his tenure 15. Luck of prese Alameda Naval Air in these communities the Irish the S Station and on an he was characterized father 19. Mild oath aviation supply ship by the local press Fo 20. “Once in the Pacific. as the “conscience derga Sponsored by: __ __...” Store Hours: Following his of the community” Present this coupon to the e Mon-Fri: 11-7 21. Sat.“__ 10-7Doone” Sun. 11-5 release from active and “a rapier sharp Sun Staff Reports Wilmot’s Books to receive oppor 22. Medieval 478 Central Ave. Alameda On a recent weekday, Alameda duty, Frank attended San Francisco technician.” After retirement Frank 10% OFF any purchase over $10 or Sun staff received an interesting State College where he received his returned to Alameda where he was specia strongbox 510-865-1443 daugh 23. Sanctioned, 20% OFF any purchase over $20 package specially delivered to their bachelor’s degree with an earth sci- a member of the Aeolian Yacht wilmotsbooks@hotmail.com favori British style office. The box contained three ence major. In 1950 he was recalled Club; on the boards of the Italian Th 25. Queenslander 750-ml bottles of Alameda-distilled to active duty and assigned to a American League and the Alameda 6 to ACROSS 27. Fur cape St. George vodkas. Each individu- fighter squadron on the aircraft Naval Air Museum. 6, at 1. Sch. type carrier USS Princeton, serving in He also did extras work for ally packed with care, the bottles 28. Impenetrable Office 5. Title for a number of film and television cried out for the top shelf. The North Korean waters. Line A 30. Salad fixings Coptic bishops Upon his second release from programs. He is survived by his tall containers with labels styled coupl 31. Kind of 9. Russian name after American currency lend a cer- service Frank was employed as a sister, Lillian Molzan; sons Mark tional house 13. One of the tain timeless quality to the vodkas hydrologist for the U.S. Geological (Annette) and Paul; and daughter is req 32. Blackboard Fords that reflect St. George Spirits’ more Survey, and built river gauging sta- Juliet (Chris Weare). He is also Jan. 2 33. __ there, 18. Heart than 30-year history of distilling tions and made river runoff mea- survived by five grandchildren and In th done that 19. 500 sheets at Alameda Point. St. George was surements between Salinas and two great-grandchildren. sold o 34. Nonclergy 20. Convex a pioneering tenant of the Point’s the Oregon border. His experience There will be a celebration of Th taming nature led him to an inter- Frank’s life at 3 p.m. on Saturday, 36. Many fads molding recently designated Spirits Alley. danci 37. Info about Needless to say, Sun staff appre- est in planning, and he became Jan. 31, at the Italian American 21. Bouquet ects, ciated the contributions to their a planner for Northern California info 22. A looking specia Eric J. Kos b LOCAL: Page 8 liquor cabinets in the form of an counties. Corsa 41. Purple shade back This intoxicating trio recently appeared at the Alameda all-purpose vodka, a green chileorder 42. Encircle 24. Black-andflavored vodka and a citrus-flavored Sun world headquarters. the ev blue 43. Backbone vodka. The all-purpose features the of pounds of green jalapenos were oranges still floated up to the surRe 25. Flavorful 44. Irrational used to make it.” face. And it was delicious.” slightest hint of pear described as ARPD 26. Bones number 83. Born and __ 4. Mucilage 39. Varlet The citrus vodka went home St. George also included a adding “gently 80. floralOne topwith notes and Ave., 27. Visual axis: 45. Bone: Prefix 84. Hogshead 5. Make into gold anagram a paddle the impression of subtle sweetness with co-publisher Eric J. Kos. series of recipes to prepare with from 3 wds. 46. Hibernia 85. __ Geneva 6. Book part 40. Term Featuring the peels of California- the three vodkas. Below are some on in the finish.” 82. Gazing regist 29. Pitch 47. Intense Doud 7. Stockings arithmetic Variety To make the83. green chile vodka, grown Valencia, Seville and berga- examples. with D 30. Wheel hub 49. Pop Eisenhower 8. Compass pt. 41. Hayloft of candy St. George puts crushed jalapenos mot oranges, distilled separately Visa; Moscow Mule 31. CD 50. “__ steals lime peels84.inHarpsichord its 1,500-liter and then combined with the non86. Mended 9. Loaded down 42. Ritaand Hayworth online predecessors GMO grain neutral spirit. The vodka 2 oz St. George all-purpose vodka the vodka my purse...” Call A 88. Checks 10. Factories rolecopper stills and 85.distills Comedian of 3 oz ginger beer 32. Elemi or through fresh cilantro. set up 51. Gracie or 90. Salon solution 11. Wingless 43. Relish a kindThen four is described as having an astonish- 1/2 oz of fresh lime juice other are infused copal, e.g. refund Ethan 91. Among insect 46. Votes in peppers 87. Drop into the ingly clear citrus flavor, both sour and sweet. mix: Serrano, habanero, and red Mo 35. Sweet bread Shake vodka and lime juice with 52. Disney’s 92. Philately item 12. Scottish 47. Make greater 88. Sets of steps “The drink I had based off the ice, then strain into a copper mug and yellow sweet peppers, yieldbers w 37. Cylindrical Sea Witch 93. Wheels for Gaelic 48. Crosspatch 89. Cap ing a liquid with a slight green tint citrus vodka was awfully tasty,” said over ice. Top with ginger beer and the la and knobbed 54. Rend a VIP 13. Farm 51. Genus 90. Kind and “just enough punchoftohabit make Kos. “Mixed with some other juices garnish with lime. learn m 40. Champion55. Stood wide 94. Pizzazz denizen of bees 92. Golfer’s and some crushed ice, the flavor of sure you know tens of thousands ship fights open The Best Bloody Mary 97. Scale 14. Focuses on 53. Be plentiful problem 42. Slipup 57. Place of 98. Theatergoers 15. First 54. Storm 93. Bluebonnet: 2 oz St. George green chile vodka 69. Collar inserts 33. Get away 77. Old Japanese embarkation DOWN 46. Insect eggs 102. Record of Roman day 56. Word of Var. 2 oz tomato juice ruler 1. Code word 48. Spike 70. Potato pancake agreement from2 wds. 16. Cleveland’s 1/2 oz of fresh lime juice 58. Pummeled events: 94. Droops 79. Treat “E” 49. Big books 71. Lock Clairvoyance: 1/2 tsp horseradish 60. Au: 4forwds. 104.34. Promising waters 59. Wagner’s 95. Sign on mercifully 2. Lane of 51. Check 2 or 3 dashes each hot sauce 73. French essayist 2 wds. 66. Aboveboard 106. __ plaid 17. Read Earth goddess a door 80. Mention “Superman” 53. F-J and Worcestershire sauce S 67. French 74. Spread apart60. One of the Hale-Bopp, 18. Without 107.36. Weapon 96. Notion 81. __ and aahs 3. Eagles connection 1 pinch each, salt, pepper department Coun ofe.g. old 24. Deliver a ancient 97. Woody stem 78. Damages 83. Like an 4. Kind of ball 54. “...as I say, and celery salt hold off 68. Less refined 108. __ America discourse humors 98. “Thin Man” 79. Violin name 38. Vacation eyesore 5. Seed not as __ __” from 6: 69. Bodement 109. __ Fifth 26. Zone 61. Honor dog b VODKA: Page 11 SUDOKU PROVIDED WITH 80. North or South activity 85. Cuts of meat coverings 55. Harsh Danube 70. New York Avenue 29. Consume 62. Lent 99. Genesis name GENEROUS SUPPORT FROM: 87. Scottish 6. Generates 56. Earn as 82. Book of Daniel 39. A Barrymore be avail island Dross 32. Temptress 63. Placed 100. Salad plant, dynasty 7. Scornful cries110.41. profit name Series and prov 72. West African 111. Swords of myth 64. River in abridged 89. Efface 8. Qty. 57. Orange of topics 84. Hunt and Mirren 43. Restaurant nation 112. Arboreal ape 33. Pepper plant France 101. __ est 91. Drives 9. Of fleecy pigment Days of 113. Oldofferings pronoun 34. Tie86. Soil component 65. Edible “dog,” percipi “Don’t Cheat Your Feet” 92. Stiff hairs 74. Promise beasts 59. Middle-ofthis Satu 88. Oxygenize a10. kind__ -in-a-mist 44. Peace goddess35. Spontaneous briefly 103. Tap 11 a.m. 94. Bump off the-roader Women’s and Men’s Footwear 77. __ Palmas 90. Paint 45. Foie __ DOWN appearance 71. All-in 105. Old political Haight A 95. “Finding __” 11. George 61. Seeds 1330 Park Street • 865-5565 78. Unreactive 1. __ of93. lifeHeron 72. Mate for acronym He can 47.tide Old title of 97. Myopic or T.S. 62. Shoot forth 79. Kitchen scrap alameda 2. Fit of 36. Dismal 1-Across: Var. 94. Express in address 100. Arrange in 12. Mafia bigwig 63. Hum 80. MLB players shivering 37. Pari__ 73. Sibilate a spreadsheet 13. __ said 64. Drop a words 50. River in England 81. Sponsorship of NIH: and 38. Gathering 104. “__ Doone” than done 3. Part syllable A Guide to Alameda History and Ar 96. Declined 75. Theater award 52. French (var.) places 76. Application 105. Creaking 14. Continues: Abbr. melba 65. Bonet and 97. Part of NB sound 2 wds. Lampanelli 98. __ go bragh! 55. Hags An A 106. Airman’s 15. Certain 66. Outer SOLUTIONS TO LAST WEEK’S PUZZLES 99. Emcee 56. Tropical tree aiming aid student: covering Treasure C 100. Bother: Hyph. 58. Crosspatch 4 3 1 2 8 7 5 6 9 107. Be frugal Abbr. 68. Ignores 101. Old Greek 60. Math branch 108. Aeries 16. Release 69. Safety 7 5 6 9 3 4 2 8 1 The comprehensive o SUDOKU PROVIDED WITH 109. __ fixe 17. Youth apparatus: contest 61. Laundering 9 2 8 6 5 1 4GENEROUS 3 7 SUPPORT FROM: Island’s domestic ar 110. Film __ 20. Name in a 2 wds. 102. Rare preparation 1 7 2 5 4 6 8 9 3 111. Mother Dickens title 62. Lane and Ladd 72. Verona’s order this 128-page bo 103. French 101 3 6 5 8 9 2 1 7 4 $50 per 250 words of Perseus 23. Too little river verb 8 9 4 1 7 3 6 2 5 for $30 made out to A photo 64. Boredom 112. Feminine 27. $15 Ruralper ways 73. Frenzy “Don’t Cheat Your Feet” 104. Drug letters 65. Nonsense writer 5 1 9 3 6 8 7 4 2 suffix 28. 263-1472 Sees 74. Getz and 3215J Encinal Ave. Ala Women’s and Men’s Footwear Call or email 106. __ and tucker 66. Da __ aria 2 8 7 4 1 9 3 5 6 30. Innovative 113. Type style Laurel 1330 Park Street • 865-5565 ekos@alamedasun.com 67. Parting word 6 4 3 7 2 5 9 1 8 32. Museum 114. English 75. Cup handle FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 68. Droops item queen 76. Kind of iron Alameda’s Patron Saint of Vodka St. George creates top-shelf artisanal spirits here in town l l Day Offi SOLUTIONS TO LAST Scott’s Shoes WEEK’S PUZZLES Alameda: Obituaries in the Alameda Sun Scott’s Shoes Home Directory Service Directory Home Service GRAPHICS PAINTING/HANDYMAN PAINTING/HANDYMAN From Business Cards to Books GM PAINTING & Stellar Media Group provides design for any promotional need at a reasonable price. HANDYMAN SERVICE Interior / Exterior / Commercial • Licensed / Bonded / Insured WINTER SPRING SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 263-1470 ELECTRICAL ADVERTISING YEAR-ROUND CAN BE AFFORDABLE! CONSTRUCTION Give your business a boost! Appear here for as little as $22 per week (with 52-week contract). • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • CODE CORRECTION • UP FRONT PRICING • PL & PD INSURED Lic. #740843 510-814-9387 FAX 337-1025 Alameda, CA 94501 service@tecelectric.net HANDYMAN REPAIRS L PAULManibusan ! 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