www.alamedasun.com Alameda Sun Jan. 15, 2015 7 Alameda www.alamedasun.com Jan. Alameda Sun Sunwww.alamedasun.com May15, 21,2015 2015 77 Sponsored by: Store Hours: Mon-Fri: 11-7 l Sat. 10-7 l Sun. 11-5 Sponsoredby: by: Sponsored 478 Central Ave. Alameda StoreHours: Hours: Store 510-865-1443 Mon-Fri:11-7 11-7l lSat. Sat.10-7 10-7l lSun. Sun.11-5 11-5 Mon-Fri: wilmotsbooks@hotmail.com 478 Central Ave. Alameda 478 Central Ave. Alameda ACROSS 1. Granny 5. Woodstove ACROSS ACROSS detritus 1.1.Granny Like 10. Foldsome 5. Woodstove tires 15.detritus Luck of 5. Rushes the Irish 10. 10.Fold PETA relative 19. Mild oath 15. of 15.Luck Borodin’s 20. the “Once Irish prince __ __...” 19. oath 19.Mild Winglike 21. “Once “__ Doone” 20. 20. Stop!, at sea 22. Medieval __...” 21. __ Equines strongbox 21. “__ Doone” 22. Town in 23. Medieval Sanctioned, 22. Alaska British style 23. strongbox Turnstile 25. Queenslander 23. 24.Sanctioned, __ del Sol 27. Fur style 25. British Old cape coins 28. Impenetrable 25. Queenslander of Greece 30. Salad fixings 27. cape 26.Fur Hairdo 31. Kind of 28. 27.Impenetrable Start of a house 30. Salad quip fixings by 32. Kind Blackboard 31. of anonymous: 33. house __ there, 5 wds. 32. done that 31.Blackboard Low beams 33. there, 34. Nonclergy 32.__ Obligations 36. Many fads 33.done Farmthat animal 34. 37. Info about 34.Nonclergy Speak 36. Many fads info evasively 37. about 41. Purple shade 37.Info “Shrek” ogress 42. info Encircle 41. 39.Purple Accentshade 43. Backbone 42. Encircle 42. Fox Islands 44. Irrational 43. Backbone native number 44. Irrational 43. Unveiling 45. Bone: Prefix 44. number Any candy 46. Hibernia 45. Prefix 46.Bone: Thickness 47. Intense 46. unit 49. Hibernia Pop 47. 48.Intense Ref’ssteals 50. “__ 49. Pop decision my purse...” 50. steals 49.“__ Worth 51. Gracie or purse...” 50. my Body part Ethan 51. or 51.Gracie Insensible 52. Disney’s Ethan state Sea Witch 52. 52.Disney’s Spread 54. Rend Sea Witch to dry 55. Stood wide 54. Rend 53. Trousers open 55. wideleaf 54.Stood Modified 57. open Place of 55. Cuckoopint, embarkation 57. Place e.g. of 58. embarkation Pummeled 56. Grime 60. Pummeled Au: 4 wds. 58. 57. Gussy up 66. Aboveboard 60. 4 wds. 58.Au: Ancient 67. Aboveboard French 66. priest department 67. 59.French Part 2 of 68. department Less quip: refined 5 wds. 69. Bodement 68. 65.Less OU’srefined city 70. New York 69. 66.Bodement Fractious island 70. York 67.New Sch. subj. 72. West 68. island WaterAfrican birds nation 72. African 69.West Folds up 74. Promise 70. nation Humped of abovine kind of 74. Promise 77. __ Palmas a kind 72. Follow a 78. __ Unreactive 77. Palmas curved 78. 79. Unreactive Kitchen scrap trajectory 79. scrap 80. MLB 75.Kitchen Gen. players Robt. 80. players 81. MLB Sponsorship __ __ 81. Sponsorship (var.) (var.) 510-865-1443 510-865-1443 wilmotsbooks@hotmail.com wilmotsbooks@hotmail.com Present this coupon to Wilmot’s Books to receive 10% OFF any purchase overto Present thiscoupon coupon to$10 or Present this 20% OFF any purchase over Wilmot’s Books to receive Wilmot’s Books to receive$20 10%OFF OFFany anypurchase purchaseover over$10 $10or or 10% 20%OFF OFFany anypurchase purchaseover over$20 $20 20% Local Deaths Time to Local Deaths George ‘Frank’ Robert Musso Seeks Dance Alameda Native Aid Time to Aug. 9, 1926 - Dec. 2, 2014 George “Frank” Robert Musso Robert From there, he embarked upon with Dad George ‘Frank’ Musso Dance was born in Alameda on Aug. 9, 17 years as the planning director of for Peace Corps Effort Feb. with6Dad Aug. 9, 1926 - Dec. 2, 2014 1926, to George and Jean Musso. Livermore, where he was respon“Frank” Robert Musso sible From there, hethe embarked upon He George attended and Lincoln for drafting city’s original Sun Versailles Staff Reports was born He in Alameda planning director of schools. gradu- on Aug. 9, 17 years as thegeneral plan. Lastly Sun Staff Reports A to native Alamedan is currently 1926, George and Jean Musso. Livermore, where he employed was responated from Alameda he was as serving in the Peace Corps in West sible for drafting the city’s original Girls Incorporated of the He attended Versailles and Lincoln High in 1944, the planning director AfricaSchool in the small country of Benin. Island City is teaming up with schools. He gradugeneral plan. Lastly Sun Staff Reports atAnne-Marie which time hehas been workand city manager of Mitchell the Alameda Recreation and ated from Alameda he was employed as enlisted in the Navy. Saint Helena. Girls Incorporated of the ing School with farmers and farmer’s Park Department (ARPD) to High inat 1944, theDuring planning He served the hisdirector tenure Island City is teaming upunder with groups to adopt new technologies present “An Evening at which time he and city manager of Alameda Air in these communities the Alameda and there. in Naval the Sea,” theRecreation 14th Annual enlisted Saint Helena. Station andthe onNavy. an he was characterized Park Department (ARPD) In this effort, she is working father-daughter dance party.to He served at ship the his tenure aviation supply by During the local press present “An currently Evening inunder with a farm-school in southeastFor girls kinAlameda Naval Air in these communities inern theBenin Pacific. as the “conscience the Sea,” the to build a solar-powered dergarten through14th fifthAnnual grade, Station and on an he was characterized Following his of the community” father-daughter party. water pump the event is dance a wonderful aviation supplythat shipwill irrigate up by the local sharp press For girls currently in kinrelease from active and “a rapier to 10 new acres of land for a miniopportunity to celebrate the in the Pacific. as the “conscience dergarten through fifth grade, duty, Frank Sanirrigation Franciscois technician.” After retirement Frank mum of 10 attended years.his The special relationship between Following of the community” the event is a wonderful State College where he received his returned to Alameda where he was estimated to supply enough water release from active and “a rapier sharp daughters andtofathers or other opportunity celebrate the bachelor’s degree with an earth scia member of the Aeolian Yacht to produce 250,000 pounds of potaduty, Frank attended San Francisco technician.” After retirement Frank favorite male role models. special relationship between ence major. In 1950 he was recalled Club; on the boards of the Italian toes on those 10 acres. State College where he received his returned to Alameda where he was The event be held from daughters andwill fathers or other to active duty and assigned tosci-a aAmerican the Alameda Through Peace Corps’ commubachelor’s degree with an earth memberLeague of theandAeolian Yacht 6favorite to 8:30 p.m., Friday, male role models.Feb. fighter squadron on the recalled aircraft Naval on Air the Museum. nity-funded Mitchell Club; ence major. Ingrant 1950program, he was boards of the Italian 6, at the Albert H. held DeWitt’s The event will be from Courtesy photo carrier USS Princeton, serving ina American hopes raise $10,000, whichtowill He alsoLeague did extras for to activeto duty and assigned and thework Alameda Officers Club, 641Friday, West Feb. Red 6 to 8:30 p.m., Apprentices learn the latest techniques and technology North Korean waters. fund construction of the solar-powa number of film and television fighter squadron on the aircraft Naval Air Museum. Line Ave. The cost H. is $25 per a 6, at Albert DeWitt’s ered pump grow release and sellfrom more Upon hisand second in He agriculture through of the the Peace Corps. survived bythehis carrier USS Princeton, serving in programs. couple and $15 for each alsoHedidis extras work forefforts Officers Club, 641 WestaddiRed vegetables. service Frankwaters. was employed as a asister, Lillian Molzan; sons Mark North Korean tional daughter. Registration number of film and television Line Ave. The cost is effort, $25 per visit a skills they need to continue farmTo support this In turn, this will improve eduhydrologist for the U.S. Geological (Annette) and Paul; and daughter Upon his second release from programs. Hewhen is survived by his https://beta.peacecorps.gov/ is required. Thefordeadline is couple and $15 each addiing at a time it is very popular cational facilities for farm-school Survey, and built gaugingas sta-a sister, Juliet (Chris Weare). He is Mark also service Frank wasriver employed Molzan; Jan. or until event is full. tional23daughter. Registration for ruralLillian people to movesons to the and city. donate/project/solar-irrigation. apprentices, themmeathe survived tions and made river hydrologist for teaching the U.S.runoff Geological fivePaul; grandchildren (Annette)byand and daughter In the past, The the deadline event has is required. is surements between Survey, and built river Salinas gauging and sta- Juliet two great-grandchildren. (Chris Weare). He is also sold out. Jan. 23 or until event is full. the Oregon border. Hisrunoff experience tions and made river mea- survived There by willfivebegrandchildren a celebrationand of evening include In The the past, thewill event has taming nature led himSalinas to an intersurements between and two great-grandchildren. Frank’s life at 3 p.m. on Saturday, dancing, arts and crafts projsold out. est Oregon in Sun planning, became Jan. the border. His he experience Staffand Reports is an action-adventure novel about Tom and motley crewa of 31, atwillthe American ects, hors d’ his oeuvres, and There be Italian a celebration of bies, The evening will include a planner for Northern California taming nature led him to an inter- Frank’s four kids who seekonfamily and grade-schoolers fight to find their special forcrafts each girl. Local author Eric Johnson life at 3 p.m. Saturday, dancing,memento arts and projcounties. LOCAL: Page 8 way est in planning, became friendship great adversity. Johnson. recently releasedand his he debut novel Jan. 31, b atamidst the Italian American Corsages available byand pre-“But ects,home,” horsared’said oeuvres, a ainplanner Northern isn’t the haven they have what hefor calls an effortCalifornia “to com“After a plane crashes onto the home order formemento justsafe $5 and make special for will each girl. counties. 8 been seeking.” bat summer vacation boredom.” school b yardLOCAL: and rescuePage attempts Corsages areextra available by prethe evening special. Eric Johnson isand a stay-at-home Summer School Zombocalypse turn the first responders into zomorder for justin$5person willatmake Register the dad a former chef whoClara lives in theand evening extra special. ARPD offices, 2226 Santa 80. One with Alameda. Oneinafternoon Little Register person atat the Ave., Monday to Thursday 69. Slipped a paddle Joe’s restaurant, his fortune cookie ARPD 8offices, from a.m. 2226 to 6Santa p.m.Clara Fax 80. One with 70. read, have a charming way with 82.Ability Gazing Ave.,“You Monday to Thursday registrations are accepted a paddle 71. words and should book.” 83.American Variety from Discover, 8 a.m. to 6write p.m.a Fax with MasterCard or 82.composer Gazing Those words struck a chord registrations are accepted of candy Visa; dial 523-4071. Registerthat awakened long-forgotten dream. 83. Variety 72. with Discover, MasterCard or 84.Shrinking Harpsichord online atawww.arpdeplay.com. Zombocalypse is available in of candy sea in Asia Visa;ARPD dial first 523-4071. Register Call at 747-7529 to 85. Comedian of print at local bookstores and online 84.Hillock Harpsichord 73. online at www.arpdeplay.com. set up an onlineand account. No a kind atCall Barnes & Noble Amazon.to ARPD first at issued. 747-7529 85.Kind of 74. refunds or credits 87. Comedian Dropof college set Moms up anand online No a kind 76. Mystify otheraccount. family mem88. Sets of steps refunds orbecredits issued. 87.Gun Dropattachment 77. bers will allowed to attend 89. Cap Moms and hour other for family mem88.Blissful Sets of steps the last half free. To 78. SOLUTIONS TO LAST 90. Kind of habit bers will be allowed to attend learn more, call 747-7529. 89.Walter Cap __ __ 80. theWEEK’S last half hour for free. To 92. Golfer’s PUZZLES 90.Mare Kind of habit learn more, call 747-7529. problem 92.Hot Golfer’s 81. rocks 4 6 7 3 5 1 2 8 9 93. Bluebonnet: problem 82. Pavilion 8 9 5 2 7 4 6 1 3 Var. 93.Recompense Bluebonnet: 84. 94. Droops 3 2 1 8 6 9 5 4 7 Var. a bet 85. Places 95. Sign on 6 5 8 4 1 3 9 7 2 94.“Brave DroopsNew 86. a door 1 3 9 7 2 6 8 5 4 95.World” Sign onauthor 96. Notion 2 Sun 7 4Staff 5 9Reports 8 3 6 1 a door 88. Lavin or Councilman 97.Ronstadt Woody stem 7 Sun 8 6 Staff 1 Tony 3Reports 2 Daysog 4 9 5will 96. Notion holdCouncilman 15, 98.Inscribe “Thin Man” 9office 1 2 hours 6 Tony 4 today, 5 Daysog 7 Jan. 3 8will 97. Woody stem 89. from 6:30 to 8 pm at the Blue doganimal 4 3 hours 9 8 today, 7 1 Jan. 2 615, SUDOKU PROVIDED WITH hold5 office 98.Any “Thin Man” 90. Danube Café, Parkat St.theHe Blue will 99.Pre-Columbian Genesis name from 6:30 to 1333 8 pm GENEROUS SUPPORT WITH FROM: dog 91. SUDOKU PROVIDED be available to answer questions Danube Café, 1333 Park St. He will 100. Salad plant, 99. Genesis name empire GENEROUS SUPPORT FROM: and provide comments onquestions a variety be available to answer abridged SUDOKU PROVIDED WITH 100. Salad plant, 92. Complain of andtopics. provide comments on a variety GENEROUS SUPPORT FROM: 101. __ est abridged 93. Cabbage Daysog will also be available of topics. percipi 101. __inest 94. Girl Eldorado “Don’t Cheat Your Feet” thisDaysog Saturday, 17, be fromavailable 9:30 to willJan.also 103. percipi 95. GoTap quickly 11 at theJan. Farmers’ Market Women’s and Men’s Footwear “Don’t Cheat Your Feet” thisa.m. Saturday, 17, from 9:30 at to 105. Oldtitle political 103. Tap 96. Zola Haight Avenue and Webster Street. 11 a.m. at the Farmers’ Market at 1330 Park Street • 865-5565 Women’s and Men’s Footwear “Don’t Cheat Your Feet” acronym 105. Old political 97. Colleen He canAvenue be reached at tdaysog@ Haight and Webster Street. 1330 Park Street • 865-5565 Women’s and Men’s Footwear alamedaca.gov or 747-4726. acronym 98. A wood He can be reached at tdaysog@ 1330 Park Street • 865-5565 alamedaca.gov or 747-4726. 102. __ Aviv Feb. 6 Local Writer Releases Debut Novel 83. Born and __ 76. 84. Nirvana Hogshead 77. card 83. Born and __ 85. Playing __ Geneva 78. 84. Vivacity Hogshead Doud 79. medias 85. In __ Geneva__ Eisenhower 80. Doud Make 86. Mended frost-free 88.Eisenhower Checks 81. Napkin 86. Mended 90. Salon solution material 88. Checks 91. Among 82. 90. Tantalize Salon solution 92. Philately item 83. 91. Calculating Among 93. Wheels for 85. 92. Whitman Philately item a VIP and others 93. Wheels for 94. Pizzazz 86. Made a VIP better 97. Pizzazz Scale priest 87. 94. Biblical 98. Theatergoers 88. 97. Permission Scale 102. Recordhitof 90. 98. Batter’s Theatergoers events: 2ofwds. 91. of the 102.End Record 104. Promising quip: 4 wds. events: 2 wds. 106.Celebes __ plaid 98. 104. Promising 107.buffalo Weapon 106. __ plaid ofAlighieri old 99. 107.__Weapon 108. Marine __ old America 100. of 109.creature __ America Fifth 108. __ Avenue 101. accompli 109. __ Fifth 110.Avenue Dross 103. Cicatrix 111. Kind Swords 104. of 110. Dross statesman 112. Arboreal ape 111. Swords 105. 113. Notched Old pronoun 112. Arboreal ape 106. 113. Concerning: Old pronoun 2DOWN wds. 107. 1. __Give tide DOWN 108. 1. tide 2. __ FitRaises of 109. Worn 2. Fit of and shivering torn 3. shivering Part of NIH: 3. Abbr. Part of NIH: Abbr. Obituaries Obituaries in the the TREEinSERVICE Alameda Sun Sun Alameda $50 per 250 words $50 per 250 words $15 per photo $15 per photo Call 263-1472 or email Call 263-1472 or email ekos@alamedasun.com ekos@alamedasun.com 4. Mucilage 39. Varlet 110. Shoutinto gold 35. Succulent 5. Make anagram 4. 39. Varlet plant 6. Mucilage Book part 40. Term in DOWN 5. into gold 36. Vendetta anagram 7. Make Stockings arithmetic 1.6.Capture Book part 40. Term in 37. Seedless, 8. Compass pt. 41. Hayloft 2.7.Jai __ Stockings arithmetic flowerless 9. Loaded down 42. Rita Hayworth 3.8.Wood strip 41. Hayloft plant 10.Compass Factoriespt. role 4.9.Simply awful Loaded down 42. Hayworth 38. Sacred bird 11. Wingless 43. Rita Relish 5.10. Flower Factories role 39. Posted insect 46. Votes in cluster 11. Wingless Relish 40.43. Buss 12. Scottish 47. Make greater 6. States openly 41.46. insect Votes Figure of in Gaelic 48. Crosspatch 7.12. Bucks Scottish 47. Make greater speech Farm 51. Genus 8.13. Princely Gaelic 43.48. “__Crosspatch of a denizen of bees Italians 13. Farm 51. Genus Salesman” Focuses on 53. Be plentiful 9.14. Project: denizen of bees 44. Jargon 15. First 54. Storm 2 wds. 14. Focuses on 45.53. Be plentiful Loony Roman day 47.54. 56. Word of 10. creature 15.Tiny First Storm Burdened 16. Cleveland’s agreement 11. Stiff shoeday 49.56. Roman Word of Animal cries waters 59. Wagner’s 12. 16.Supports Cleveland’s 50. Soiled agreement 17.CompartRead Earth goddess 13. waters Wagner’s 51.59. Move slowly 18. Without 60. One of the ment 17. Read Earth 53. Saint__goddess -wort 24.Professed Deliver a ancient 14. 18. Without 60. One of the 54. Londoners discourse humors 15. 24.Earnings Deliver a 55. Inertancient gas 26.Thuggish Zone Honor 16. discourse humors 56. 61. Public tantrum, 29.one Consume 62. Lent 26. Zone 61. e.g.Honor 32.Leave Temptress 57.62. 63. Placed ones 17. 29. Consume Lent Unwanted of myth 64. River in 32.unmentioned Temptress Placed 58.63. Kind of dome 18. 33.Ump’s Pepper plant France of myth River in 59.64. Irrigate 34.cousin Tie Edible “dog,” 33. Pepper plant 60. 65. France Monkey genus 28. at 35.__ Spontaneous briefly 34. Tie 65. Edible “dog,” 61. Use a flail appearance 62. 71. All-in 35.windmills Spontaneous briefly Principle 29. Confined of life 72. Mate for appearance All-in 63.71. Recycling 30. room of life 72. Mate for Var. 36.Rec Dismal 1-Across: directive 36. Dismal 1-Across: 64. 73. “Ghosts” 37.item Pari- __ Sibilate Var. 34. 37. Pari__ 73. Sibilate playwright 38.Float Gathering 75. Theater award 38. Gathering 75. award places 76. Theater Application places 76. 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