Albertville First Baptist Worship. Grow. Serve. alber Scenes from Volunteer Appreciation Night May 2015 Chris Johnson Senior Pastor Chuck Johnston Minister of Worship/Associate May 2015 6 Chip Warren Minister of Education Justin Worden Pastor of Youth/Young Families Karen Harmon Children/Communications Jim Olsen Discipleship Amanda Robertson Church Administrator Patsy Johnson Senior Pastor Ministry Assistant Betty Smith Financial Secretary Fay Corbin Custodian Lucian Howard Maintenance Church Plant Pastors: Joey Beck Cahill Ministry Dukinson Merilien Haitian Church Plant Promise Place Preschool 256-891-1002 Sandy Elkins Weekday Preschool Director Join us at First Baptist Sundays 9:00 am –Sunday School 10:15 am –Worship Service 5:00 pm –Bible Study Wednesdays 6:00 pm –Adult Bible Study 6:00 pm –Ignite Student Worship 6:00 pm –AWANA for Kids 7:00 pm –Choir Practice 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 25 27 31 Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal National Day of Prayer 12:00 PM Meet at City Hall to pray for our Nation Blessings in a Backpack 6:00 PM Pack Backpacks at Albertville Primary School Ladies Spring Brunch 10:00 AM in the MMF. Guest Speaker Charlene Miller Sunday School & Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & Child Dedications & No PM Activities GriefShare 5:30 PM at 8716 Highway 431 at “The Building” Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Blessings in a Backpack 6:00 PM Pack Backpacks at Albertville Primary School Big Spring Lake Kindergarten Field Day 8:00 AM Volunteers needed to make Sno-Cones for the Students Men (& Sons) Camp Out At Marshall Baptist Retreat Center Sunday School & Worship 8:00 AM Graduate Breakfast 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & 5:00 PM Study GriefShare 5:30 PM at 8716 Highway 431 at “The Building” Senior Adult Trip 10:00 AM Huntsville Botanical Gardens Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Sunday School & Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & No PM Activities GriefShare 5:30 PM at 8716 Highway 431 at “The Building” Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Sunday School & Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & 5:00 PM Study Check out for activities and details. Contact Information office: 256-878-2291 fax: 256-878-2344 web: FirstLight Volume 61, Issue 5 The First Baptist Mission Loving Jesus, Loving Others, Helping Others Love Jesus. Words from Pastor Chris… Do you sense it? Can you feel it? I am not talking about “summer”, though summer is just around the corner! I am talking about momentum. I have heard from a number of people who feel the momentum of ministry rising in our faith family. Some are discovering their spiritual gifts for the first time. Others are learning that their “passions” are for a purpose. Our young adult ministry is growing. (Just stop by the nursery on a Sunday morning and you can see for yourself.) Our worship ministry team is growing. I could go on and on, but for the sake of time, let me simply say God is up to great things in our faith family. My question for you is “are you a part of what God is doing?” Our greatest desire is that we ALL take the next step in our faith journey. Sunday School and worship for the remainder of May have been prayerfully designed to help each of us discover our part in the body of Christ. You were SHAPEd for serving the King and we want to help you discover how to live this out within our faith family and the world. Please make every effort to be in attendance each week. May is filled with a number of special opportunities: Volunteer Appreciation Night, Ladies Spring Brunch, Mother’s Day, Men’s Campout, Graduate Recognition and AWANA Year-end Celebration. June is just as promising with the following: Serve Sunday, Father’s Day, Worship Arts Camp and Student Camp. We will also begin a summer-long worship emphasis in June called “Summer in the Psalms.” Vacation Bible School will be different this year as we will conduct VBS on the five Wednesday evenings of July. Please sign up now to volunteer for as many Wednesday nights as possible. More details are coming soon for each of the ministry opportunities, so prayerfully consider your part. I am proud to serve with you! Pastor Chris 2 01 5 H I G H S C H O O L A N D C O L L E G E G R A D U AT E S We also send congratulations to our graduates whom may not be listed here. We’re proud of you all! Logan Colvin University of West Alabama Lauren Oakley Samford University Ryan Oakley Albertville High School Tori Colvin Albertville High School Dakota Glenn Albertville High School Amberly White Albertville High School Sara Young University of South Alabama Not Pictured: Parker Elkins University of Mobile Sean Elkins Snead State Community College Will Elkins University of Alabama Tabatha Harmon Judson College Jonathan Mason Albertville High School Erin Stewart Auburn University Graduate Recognition May 17 10:15am Service 8:00am Breakfast for graduates and parents. Worship Arts Day Camp! Hosted at FBC for Children 1st-6th Grade $100 per child for the entire week! June 22-26 from 9am-3pm Pre-Camp Meet and Greet June 21 at 3-5pm Everyone’s invited to the Performance Friday Night at 7pm A high-energy, kid-oriented performing arts day camp with music, acting, and stage movement combined with Bible study that will challenge your kids. Time is running out! Register now at: We are in need of partial scholarships. To provide a scholarship just designate your gift “Worship Arts Camp” and turn it in at church. Senior Adult Trip Huntsville Botanical Gardens Open-air Butterfly House and LEGO Art Displays Tuesday, May 19 Vans leave FBC @ 9:00 a.m. Cost $10 plus lunch * Sign Up Required Contact Betty Smith for information. FBC Vacation Bible School JULY 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 We will be doing VBS differently this year! VBS at FBC on 5 consecutive Wednesdays in July 6-7:30pm Take your next step... Sign up to serve as we build relationships with children/families over five weeks that will provide a continued connection to our church and you. Men’s Camp Out May 16 - 17 at Marshall Baptist Retreat Center Dorm $19 each. RV Space $19. Tent $10 per tent- 4 person per tent. Spending the night is optional. Sons invited. Sign up by May 10. June 19 - 20 Birmingham, Alabama @ BJCC Arena Contact Nathan Bryant or Terry Tucker for any of our Men’s Events. Promise Place June/July Registration Now Open Summer Mom’s Day Out Tuesdays & Thursdays To register or for more information, contact Sandy Elkins at 256-891-1002 Field Day is Friday, May 15! We need Volunteers to help make Sno-Cones for the children. Sign up on the Worship Guide. Tyler & Lauren Ramsey Bailee and Hayden Welcome Tyler & Lauren by Letter Rob McCormick Welcome Rob by Statement Kaylah Rogers Welcome Kaylah by Letter Shelia Buckelew Welcome Shelia by Letter Jan Wiswell Welcome Jan by Profession of Faith Annette Allen Welcome Annette by Letter Weekly Budget Requirement: $20,734.23 Sympathy The staff and congregation of FBCA extend Christian love and sympathy to: Ushers May Mike Stewart, Coy Graben, John Lovvorn Denise Crump in the death of her brother. Susan Johnston in the death of her Aunt. Barbara Gore in the death of her sister. Audrey Self in the death of her uncle. June Bill Smith , Mickey Spraggins, Lowell Galloway (This is not the actual amount spent.) Date Given: 4/5/15 Budget $24,703.49 Advance 2020 $3,005.00 Cap. Improvements $450.00 Annie Armstrong $1,383.55 Other $1,940.31 Total Giving $31,482.35 SS Attendance Worship Attendance 299 512 Date Given: 4/12/15 Budget $18,334.95 Advance 2020 $659.00 Cap. Improvements $375.00 Annie Armstrong $446.14 Other $1,355.30 Total Giving $21,170.39 SS Attendance Worship Attendance Prayer Intercessors 5/3/15 Jim & Jacki Olsen, Sandy Elkins, Jenny Kingsbury, Janet Cross 5/10/15 Tim & Angela Jolley, Liz Archer, Nancy Buckelew, Pam Ray 5/17/15 Betty Smith, Linda Ellis, Ken & Rachel Sparks 296 323 5/24/15 Libby Gay, Debbie Galloway, Liz Pruitt, J.D. & Shirley Ryan Date Given: 4/19/15 Budget $14,056.10 Advance 2020 $979.00 Cap. Improvements $120.00 Annie Armstrong $1,841.00 Other $7,009.44 Total Giving $24,005.54 SS Attendance Worship Attendance 295 332 Date Given: 4/26/15 Budget $12,709.34 Advance 2020 $647.00 Cap. Improvements $100.00 Annie Armstrong $241.00 Other $1,352.57 Total Giving $15,049.91 SS Attendance Worship Attendance 309 338 Memorial & Honorary Gifts Gifts have been given to the following in honor or memory of: 5/31/15 Paula Dahlke, Christy Chaffin, Joan Morgan, Kaydee Roden, Tommy & Theresa Calhoun 6/7/15 Patty Warren, Richard & Shannon Cole, Gail Cowan, Terry Tucker 6/14/15 Mary Lou McKee, Billie Archer, Dieufort & Uranie Philippe, Bobbie Colvin 6/21/15 Sharon & Willodean Walker, Jeanette Chastain, LaRhue Harbison, Thomas & Carolyn Rains 6/28/15 Jim & Jacki Olsen, Sandy Elkins, Jenny Kingsbury, Janet Cross Annie Armstrong: Wilburn and Louise Carnes, Steven Kirby, Benjamin Carnes, Barbara Gore’s Sister Thank you for giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. $13,223.76 309 East Main Street, Albertville, AL 35950 To give online, click the online giving logo at Deacons on Call May David Vinson 256-878-7146 John Fazio 256-960-2041 June John Chastain 256-878-3557 Don Swords 256-878-0351 Security Patrol 5/3-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/6-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Mark Davis Houston Lee 5/10-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/13-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Gary George Linn Hall 5/17-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/20-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Cody Nix J.D. Ryan 5/24-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/27-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Bruce Pritchard Mike Williams 5/31-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 6/3-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Jack Riley Jimmy Crump 6/7-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 6/10-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Terry Tucker Benny Womack 6/14-8:45a.m.-12p.m. 6/17-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Steve Beason Ben Gore 6/22-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 6/24-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Jeff Self Don Swords 6/28-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 7/1-4:45p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Richard Cole Brian Massey Children’s Church 5/10 -10:00 a.m. Babies-Crawlers Marcy Kauhn, Joan Cook Walkers-2’s Kari Harris, Volunteers 3’s-4’s Tabatha Harmon, Karen Harmon PreK-Kindergarten Linda Atchley, Volunteer 5/17 -10:00 a.m. Babies-Crawlers Marcy Kauhn, Matt/Jenna Nelson Walkers-2’s Tabatha Harmon, Vanessa Houchens 3’s-4’s Michael & Holly Luther PreK-Kindergarten Billie Archer, David Eubanks 5/24 -10:00 a.m. Babies-Crawlers Marcy Kauhn, Volunteers Walkers-2’s Kari Harris, Volunteers 3’s-4’s Karen Harmon, Heather Jones PreK-Kindergarten Linda Atchley Linda Ellis 5/31 -10:00 a.m. Babies-Crawlers Marcy Kauhn, Steve/Malanta Knowles Walkers-2’s Tabatha Harmon, Patsy Johnson 3’s-4’s Michael & Holly Luther PreK-Kindergarten Tammy & Evan Patterson 6/7-10:00 a.m. Marcy Kauhn, Jessie Fazio Walkers-2’s Tabatha Harmon, Volunteers 3’s-4’s Karen Harmon, Katie Rishel PreK-Kindergarten Linda Atchley, Debra Thompson GREAT PHYSCIANS CLINICS Dental Clinic - Open Fridays at 6:45 am Eye Clinic -By Appointment Applications available in the Church Office 8-4:30 M-F. You will be contacted with your appointment date. FIRST LIGHT (USPC 192-400) IS PUBLISHED BIWEEKLY BY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 309 EAST MAIN STREET, ALBERTVILLE, AL 35950 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ALBERTVILLE, AL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FIRST LIGHT, 309 East Main Street, Albertville, AL 35950
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