Albertville First Baptist alber April 2015 Chris Johnson Senior Pastor Chuck Johnston Minister of Worship/Associate Chip Warren Minister of Education Justin Worden Pastor of Youth/Young Families Karen Harmon Children/Communications Jim Olsen Discipleship Amanda Robertson Church Administrator Patsy Johnson Senior Pastor Ministry Assistant Betty Smith Financial Secretary Fay Corbin Custodian Lucian Howard Maintenance Church Plant Pastors: Joey Beck Cahill Ministry Dukinson Merilien Haitian Church Plant Promise Place Preschool 256-891-1002 Sandy Elkins Weekday Preschool Director Join us at First Baptist Sundays 9:00 am –Sunday School 10:15 am –Worship Service 5:00 pm –Bible Study Wednesdays 6:00 pm –Adult Bible Study 6:00 pm –Ignite Student Worship 6:00 pm –AWANA for Kids 7:00 pm –Choir Practice April 2015 1 2 5 6 8 10 12 13 14 15 17-19 19 20 23 25 26 27 29 Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Parents Class, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Blessings in a Backpack 6:00 PM Pack Backpacks at Albertville Primary School Sunday School & Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & No 5:00 PM Pray for the Nations 6:00 PM GriefShare 5:30 PM at 8716 Highway 431 at “The Building” Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover, Parents Class, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Camp Victory Mission Trip Samson, Alabama Sunday School & Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & 5:00 PM Study Committee Meetings Committee Leaders will contact you if you meet. GriefShare 5:30 PM at 8716 Highway 431 at “The Building” VBS “Journey Off The Map” Volunteer Preview Event 6:30 PM at Guntersville FBC (Choose 1 Day) Senior Adult “Southern Fried Funeral” 8:30 AM Depart FBC VBS “Journey Off The Map” Volunteer Preview Event 6:30 PM at Guntersville FBC (Choose 1 Day) Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover, Parents Class, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Gatlinburg Couples Getaway 9:00 AM Depart FBC Sunday School & Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & 5:00 PM Study GriefShare 5:30 PM at 8716 Highway 431 at “The Building” Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover, Parents Class, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Golf Tournament to Support Summer Camp for Students 9:00 AM Tee Off at Big Spring Lake Golf Course Sunday School & Worship 9:00 AM Bible Study 10:15 AM Worship & 5:00 PM Study GriefShare 5:30 PM at 8716 Highway 431 at “The Building” Wednesday Opportunities 11:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:00 PM Family Night Meal 6:00 PM Bible Study -Adults, Students, Children, Discover, Parents Class, Rhythm/Praise Team Rehearsal 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal Check out for activities and details. Contact Information office: 256-878-2291 fax: 256-878-2344 web: FirstLight Volume 61, Issue 4 The First Baptist Mission Loving Jesus, Loving Others, Helping Others Love Jesus. Words from Pastor Chris… Let’s make a mess! Although we are constantly trying to keep our church environment looking clean and well kept, we spend some extra time around Resurrection Sunday (Easter) sprucing up the facilities for our guests and infrequent attenders who will show up on this special day. We are careful to have extra greeters, more pots of coffee and double the number of worship guides. A lot of people will show up in their “Easter outfits” and newly washed vehicles. It is always fun to stroll by the children’s department and see all the cuteness that could possibly be contained with the special attire of the day. It is a day of life and celebration! And, we plan to celebrate! But this year I want us to prepare for something else: the mess. If our prayers get answered and our promotion works, Resurrection Sunday will be the messiest Sunday of the year. People who do not know Jesus and people who are far from God are messy. For that matter, a lot of regular worship attenders are messy, as well. Those of us who are regulars in the church life do a pretty good job of masking the mess. I will let you in on a little secret. For some, the behavior and appearance can be adjusted, but the heart and life will remain unchanged. For too long the church of Jesus Christ has settled for behavior modification instead of true life transformation. My prayer is that Albertville First Baptist Church will be a place where messy and broken people can find Jesus and His people! We must be a place of hope and healing…disciple‐making and deliverance. This will come at a cost, though. I expect cigarette butts in the parking lot, scuff marks on the kid’s classroom walls, loud noises from our student ministry and unknown faces sitting in your seat in the worship center. (Only my seat is safe. Nobody sits in my seat since I stay on the platform for the entire service.☺) Will you join me in praying that God will bring the messy to our faith family this weekend? Will you pray that God will give new life to the needy, mercy to the messy and peace to the panicked? Will you prayerfully ask God to reveal any mess in your own life that needs His transforming touch? Pastor Chris Three Misconceptions about Eternal Rewards Put this book at the top of your list to read next: Your Eternal Rewards by Erwin Lutzer. It may not make the top ten bestsellers (the best books usually do not). If you are serious about discipleship, you must read this book. each one may be recompensed for his deeds (done) in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” II Corinthians 5:10 I will have to admit I have become lackadaisical about my thinking of eternal rewards in my own life and in my teaching. This book will change all that. This judgment for believers, also known as the bema seat judgment, is not to determine whether we get into Heaven or not. That matter was settled the moment we were born again. This is not to be confused with the great white throne judgment, which is for unbelievers to determine their level of punishment in Hell. Let me share briefly here three misconceptions the pastor of Moody Bible Church lays out. Misconception #2: That after our conversion our works have no merit before God. Misconception #1: There cannot be a serious review of our lives at the judgment seat of Christ because as believers our sins are forgiven. Works cannot save us, but after our conversion, our works will directly affect our level of rewards for all eternity. Our faithfulness or lack of faithfulness on earth will be weighed at the judgment seat of Christ. What we did or failed to do on earth with the “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that talents and spiritual gifts given to us by the Lord will also be judged by Christ. Do you think that blown opportunities to share the Gospel will be brought to light at the judgment? Or what about a continuous refusal to serve in some place of ministry? In other words, were we good stewards of everything entrusted to us by the Lord, even our material possessions? Misconception #3: That it is selfish to think of rewards as a proper motivation to serve Christ. A reading of the Gospels accounts will remind us how many times Jesus Himself talked about rewards He would one day give. That should not be surprising to us because God’s nature is that of being gracious and giving. Matthew 7:11 reminds us of this truth. Life is hard and the Christian life is very hard at times. A reading of Hebrews 11 reminds us that those who went before us faced great hardships, but by faith they looked forward to what was to come-rewards if you will. When life is hard for us, we can do likewise. To learn more about these three misconceptions, I encourage you to read the book. What a sobering thought to remember that one day each believer will be face to face with Christ for Him to review our lives. If we keep this always in our mind, perhaps, just perhaps, it will affect the way we live. P.S. A copy of Lutzer’s book has been placed in our church library. Copies are available to purchase at the Welcome Desks on Sundays. Chip Warren, Minister of Education S.A.M. Senior Adult Ministry Pick up our UPDATED Schedule of activities card and Fall Trip brochure at the Welcome Desks. April 14 at Cumberland Playhouse in Crossville, TN Cost: $22 plus lunch. Sign up required by April 7. Vans leave at 8:30 a.m. Fast food lunch on the way. Dewey Frye is dead and his wife Dorothy is left behind trying to pick up the pieces and hold her family together. Her daughters are at each other's throats, Ozella Meeks from the SonShine committee at the Church is trying to take over the funeral, and Dewey's older brother is trying to take her house. Funerals bring out the best, the worst and the funniest in people and the Frye family is no exception. FBC Vacation Bible School JULY 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 We will be doing VBS differently this year! This summer we will be involved in two VBS opportunities. Westgate Kids VBS at Cahill June 1-3 from 9am-Noon VBS at FBC on 5 consecutive Wednesdays in July 6-7:30pm As we continue to transition into our Worship, Grow, Serve Disciple-Making process new opportunities will be provided to encourage you to take your next step. Our VBS strategy this year is one of those opportunities. We will “serve out” by going beyond the borders of our church into the community and serve Westgate Apartment Kids. We will “serve in” during our July VBS and build relationships with children/families over five weeks that will provide a continued connection to our church and members. VBS will take kids to uncharted territory where they will begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them beyond the expected. Toss the map, stick close to your guide, and prepare to listen for God’s direction in this journey unknown to us, but known by Him. Take the journey with us this summer and take your next steps in Growing and Serving! Volunteer Sign up is going on now. Sign up on the Worship Guide, at the kids check-in desk located near the Atrium or at All volunteers are invited to attend a Volunteer Event at Guntersville FBC. Choose either Monday, April 13 or Tuesday, April 14 at 6:30pm A Week Long Worship Arts Day Camp! Children 1st-6th Grade Something new for kids this summer at FBC. June 22-26 from 9am-3pm Friday Night Performance 7pm A high-energy, kid-oriented performing arts day camp. Music, acting, stage movement and dance are combined with Bible study, hands-on instruction, plenty of laughter, and just the right amount of hard work to create an awesome week of challenge and growth. $100 per child. Register now at: To provide a scholarship just designate your gift “Worship Arts Camp” and turn it in at church. Graduate Recognition May 17 You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. Every Monday at 5:30pm GriefShare meetings have moved across the parking lot to “The Building” 8716 Highway 431 (South of Catfish Cabin) During 10:15am Service If you know of a High School or College Graduate please contact Pastor Justin ASAP! Men’s Camp Out May 16 - 17 Thank you for participating in our Men’s Legacy Night! We have events planned throughout the year! Join us! You’ll be changed. At Marshall Baptist Retreat Center. Dorm $19 each. RV Space $19. Tent $10 per tent- 4 person per tent. Spending the night is optional. Sons invited. June 19 - 20 Birmingham, Alabama @ BJCC Arena Registration begins soon. 2015 Volunteer Appreciation Night “Your Piece of the Puzzle” Saturday, May 2 at 6:00pm FBC is blessed with many amazing volunteers who serve on a regular basis. This is a night of food, fun and prizes designed to encourage and thank you for your service over the past 12 months. The puzzle is incomplete without you! Registration begins Sunday, April 12th. Promise Place June/July Registration Now Open Summer Moms Day Out Tuesdays & Thursdays To register or for more information, contact Sandy Elkins at 256-891-1002 Parent-Child Dedication Sunday, May 10 10:15am If you would like to participate in this special service register on the Worship Guide or Contact Karen. Register by Sunday May 3. Weekly Budget Requirement: $20,734.23 (This is not the actual amount spent.) Date Given: 3/1/15 Budget $28,351.85 Advance 2020 $1,252.00 Cap. Improvements $1,340.00 Annie Armstrong $1,090.00 Other $3,329.82 Total Giving $35,363.67 SS Attendance Worship Attendance 299 316 Date Given: 3/8/15 Budget $11,449.92 Advance 2020 $1,115.00 Cap. Improvements $225.00 Annie Armstrong $225.00 Other $1,365.00 Total Giving $14,379.92 SS Attendance Worship Attendance 296 315 Date Given: 3/15/15 Budget $22,165.05 Advance 2020 $2,069.00 Cap. Improvements $1,340.00 Annie Armstrong $1,165.00 Other $5,104.85 Total Giving $30,638.90 SS Attendance Worship Attendance 310 318 Date Given: 3/22/15 Budget $14,090.38 Advance 2020 $878.00 Cap. Improvements $76.00 Annie Armstrong $535.82 Other $1,526.25 Total Giving $18,106.45 SS Attendance Worship Attendance Sympathy The staff and congregation of FBCA extend Christian love and sympathy to: Shirley Ryan in the death of her sister. Theresa Calhoun in the death of her cousin. Tom Segars in the death of his sister. Family of Ruth Decker Bowman. John Lovvorn in the death of his mother and cousin. Tommy Owens in the death of his brother. Prayer Intercessors 4/5/15 Paula Dahlke, Christy Chaffin, Joan Morgan, Kaydee Roden, Tommy & Theresa Calhoun 4/12/15 Patty Warren, Richard & Shannon Cole, Gail Cowan, Terry Tucker 4/19/15 Mary Lou McKee, Billie Archer, Dieufort & Uranie Philippe, Bobbie Colvin 4/26/15 Sharon & Willodean Walker, Jeanette Chastain, LaRhue Harbison, Thomas & Carolyn Rains 5/3/15 Jim & Jacki Olsen, Sandy Elkins, Jenny Kingsbury, Janet Cross 295 321 Date Given: 3/29/15 Budget $10,741.52 Advance 2020 $493.00 Cap. Improvements $185.00 Annie Armstrong $2,296.25 Online $3,154.00 Total Giving $17,186.87 SS Attendance Worship Attendance 5/10/15 Tim & Angela Jolley, Liz Archer, Nancy Buckelew, Pam Ray 5/17/15 Betty Smith, Linda Ellis, Ken & Rachel Sparks 5/24/15 Libby Gay, Debbie Galloway, Liz Pruitt, J.D. & Shirley Ryan 5/31/15 Paula Dahlke, Christy Chaffin, Joan Morgan, Kaydee Roden, Tommy & Theresa Calhoun 301 321 Memorial & Honorary Gifts Gifts have been given to the following in honor or memory of: Advance 2020: Melvin Cofield 309 East Main Street, Albertville, AL 35950 To give online, click the online giving logo at Ushers April Harold Stamps, Ben Gore May Mike Stewart, Coy Graben, John Lovvorn Deacons on Call April Frank McDaniel 256-878-4772 John Slivka 256-891-1826 May David Vinson 256-878-7146 John Fazio 256-960-2041 Security Patrol 3/29-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 4/1-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Terry Tucker Benny Womack 4/5-8:45a.m.-12p.m. 4/8-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Jeff Self Don Swords 4/12-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 4/15-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Richard Cole Brian Massey 4/19-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 4/22-4:45p.m. – 7:15 p.m. Tommy Calhoun Bill Smith 4/26-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 4/29-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Vester Jennings Lee Uithoven 5/3-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/6-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Mark Davis Houston Lee 5/10-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/13-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Gary George Linn Hall 5/17-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/20-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Cody Nix J.D. Ryan 5/24-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 5/27-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Bruce Pritchard Mike Williams 5/31-8:45a.m. & 4:45p.m. 6/3-4:45 p.m.-7:15p.m. Jack Riley Jimmy Crump Thank You Cards have been received from: Alan Darden Children’s Church 4/5 -10:00 a.m. Nursery Marcy Kauhn, Tabatha Harmon Richard & Shannon Cole 2’s-3’s Michael & Holly Luther PreK-Kindergarten Linda Atchely & Volunteer 4/12 -10:00 a.m. Nursery Marcy Kauhn, Kari Harris Steve & Malanta Knowles 2’s-3’s Heather Jones & Debra Thompson PreK-Kindergarten Tammy Patterson & Evan Patterson 4/19 -10:00 a.m. Nursery Marcy Kauhn, Donna Storm Beth Sprouse & Cathy Cobb 2’s-3’s Michael & Holly Luther PreK-Kindergarten Linda Atchley & Tabatha Harmon 4/26 -10:00 a.m. Nursery Marcy Kauhn, Kari Harris Betty Hargett & Shirley Breland 2’s-3’s Karen Harmon PreK-Kindergarten Billie Archer & Myra Tucker 5/3 -10:00 a.m. Nursery Marcy Kauhn, Tabatha Harmon Vanessa Houchens & Volunteer 2’s-3’s Michael & Holly Luther PreK-Kindergarten Leesa Culburt & Millie Carroll GREAT PHYSCIANS CLINICS Dental Clinic - Open Fridays at 6:45 am Eye Clinic -By Appointment Applications available in the Church Office 8-4:30 M-F. You will be contacted with your appointment date. FIRST LIGHT (USPC 192-400) IS PUBLISHED BIWEEKLY BY FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 309 EAST MAIN STREET, ALBERTVILLE, AL 35950 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT ALBERTVILLE, AL POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FIRST LIGHT, 309 East Main Street, Albertville, AL 35950
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