ALDRIDGE SAILING CLUB Please complete appropriate sections and return together with remittance to: Bill Clayton(Treasurer.), 31, Edward Avenue, Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 8AX. (tel. 01922 455428) (Note: Subscriptions run from 1st. January 2015 to 31st December 2015.) I wish to apply for membership of Aldridge Sailing Club and I undertake to comply with the club rules and constitution at all times. SURNAME ____________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________ FORENAMES ____________________ ___________________________________ ____________________ ____________________________________ ____________________ POST CODE ________________________________ Tel: No. ___________________ Mobile No. ________________________ SIGNED __________________________ DATE __________ E-mail __________________________ Parents/ Guardian’s signature _____________________________________ (Required for JUNIOR members. This adult will have the status of a Social member whilst the Junior member is engaged in club activities.) IMPORTANT. Parents/Guardians are advised that the club is able to provide rescue and safety facilities only during organised CLUB racing. At all other times Parents/Guardians have sole responsibility for their children/wards. Even during Club racing the Club cannot accept responsibility for children or any other person not engaged in racing. The following information is required for family membership only: NAME OF SPOUSE or PARTNER. ______________________________________ CHILDREN’S NAMES AND DATE OF BIRTH. ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ BOAT/CRAFT OWNERS: CLASS or TYPE of BOAT(S)/CRAFT(S). ___________________SAIL NUMBER _________ ___________________ _________ ___________________ _________ *I undertake to have my boat/craft(s) insured against Third Party risks to a minimum of £2,000,000 SIGNED. _____________________________ DATE. ___________ CURRENT FEES. Note: fees (except keys) are reduced proportionally to month of joining and rounded down AMOUNT. FAMILY MEMBERSHIP (includes children under 18, not including boat plot)-------£190.00 ________ SINGLE MEMBERSHIP (not including boat plot)----------------------------------------£176.00 ________ SINGLE (OVER 65) MEMBERSHIP (not including boat plot)--------------------------£142.00 ________ JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP (8 yrs to 18 yrs.) (not including boat plot)--------------------£40.00 ________ STUDENT MEMBERSHIP (not including boat plot)---------------------------------------£40.00 ________ WEDNESDAY RACING MEMBERSHIP- (including boat plot April -Sept)-------------------- £58.00 ________ RADIO CONTROL YACHTING -------------------------------------------------------------£58.00 ________ DAY MEMBERSHIP---------------------------------------------------------------------------£20.00 ________ SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP --------------------------------------------------------------£17.00 ________ KEYS (Deposit.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------£12.00 ________ BOAT PLOT (S) (Note :a boat owner membership fee is also normally required) £50.00 ** ________ TOTAL £ _______ *Not a requirement if boat stored only and not used on the water. However, it is recommended that you insure your boat as the club cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss. **(Second and subsequent plots half price) Please make cheques payable to Aldridge Sailing Club. APPROVED at committee meeting held on …………………… Signed: Committee Chairman………………………………….. Fees received Yes/No. Signed: Treasurer……………………………………….Date……………. NOTE. All classes of membership (except Day, R/C, and Social Members.) are required to help in the organisation and running of the racing on a rota basis and to participate during work parties.
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