Technical Specifications Digital Pixel formats, standard banners Aller sites page 3 page 3 page 4 Desktop Panorama 980x120 / 980x240 / 980x300 / 980x400 980x120 / 980x240 / 980x300 / 980x400 980x120 / 980x240 / 980x300 / 980x400 980x120 / 980x240 / 980x300 / 980x400 980x120 / 980x240 / 980x300 / 980x400 980x120 / 980x240 / 980x300 / 980x400 Section General specifications Desktop MPU Large N/A N/A N/A 650x120 / 650x240 / 650x360 / 650x400 / 650x500 / 650x600 N/A N/A N/A Desktop Rectangle/MPU 430x250 430x250 N/A N/A 430x250 430x250 Section General specifications Desktop Insider N/A N/A N/A 300x250 / 300x350 / 300x450 / 300x650 N/A N/A N/A Desktop Widescreen 250x240 / 250x360 / 250x480 / 250x600 / 250x800 250x240 / 250x360 / 250x480 / 250x600 / 250x800 N/A N/A 250x240 / 250x360 / 250x480 / 250x600 / 250x800 250x240 / 250x360 / 250x480 / 250x600 / 250x800 Section General specifications Desktop Wallpaper Top 990x120, left and right 550x1200 Top 990x120, left and right 550x1200 Top 990x120, left and right 550x1200 Top 990x120, left and right 550x1200 Top 990x120, left and right 550x1200 N/A Section Wallpaper and General specifications Desktop The campaign material must be delivered at least 3 working days before the campaign start date. Send campaign material to Site,,,,, Interstitial 990x720 990x720 990x720 990x720 N/A N/A Section Interstitial and General spec. Mobile page 6 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 9 page 9 Pixel sizes Rectangle 320x320 320x320 320x320 320x320 N/A N/A Section Mobile spec. Newsletter Desktop Flash Html 5 Interstitial/ Overlay Expandable Wallpaper Mobile WebTV Newsletter Tips för utvecklare,,, (Hemmets Veckotidning), For more detailed information see section Newsletter 500x200 430x120 475x120 N/A N/A N/A Section Newsletter and General spec. 1 Banner positions Aller network Example: Example: All Aller sites follow the same template, see example to the right. Example of an interstitial banner, see example below. Example: All Aller media sites except and Example: Interstitial/Overlay 2 Desktop General Specifications - DFP is fully compatible with ActionScript 3.0. - Deliver banner material as 3 party script, Flash file, HTML% or image file (gif, jpg, png). Newsletter banners only image files (gif, jpg, png). Click action in Flash rd - Max file size 90 kb when Flash or image file hosted by the Aller ad serving system. - FPS (frames per second): 18 FPS, Aller media follow IAB recommendations. - Rich Media: Because of the 70 kb limitation Rich Media assets must be hosted by the Advertiser. Rich media banner are displayed through a 3rd party scripts or flash container banner. Max length of streaming video is 30 sec. Video start on mouse-over action. About ActionScript 2 The click action must be triggered with an on release getURL() action and a click variable must be inserted (the advertiser’s destination URL should not be inserted in the creative. Where applicable, attention must be given to the path (_level0, _root, _parent, etc.) of the click tracking variable. Example of an AS2 clickTAG on (release) { getURL (_level0.clickTag, "_blank"); } - Animation: Max length 30 sec. - Audio: Must be user-initiated with an on/off button. Flash - If banner delivered as a Flash always include a fall back banner (gif, jpg). Don’t forget to include landing page URL for Flash files and image files. - Flash version: Flash 10.1 or lower. Aller Media is using DFP (DoubleClick for Publisher Premium) as ad serving system. Currently, Flash 11 SWF files can't be played in Flash Player 10, which is still the standard. DFP don't accept Flash 11 SWF files because most users can't yet view them. Additionally, DFP doesn't currently support Flash 10.2 SWF files, which can only be displayed in Flash Player 11. When Flash 11 is out of beta and compatible players are widely used, DFP plan to support Flash 11 creatives. Until then, produce creatives files in Flash 10.1 or lower SWF files. Keep in mind that in the latest version of the Flash developer tool, Flash CS 5.5, Flash 10.2 is the default SWF file type. Make sure to save files as Flash 10.1 or lower, not the default Flash 10.2. About ActionScript 3 Adobe has not yet set a standard for how to code such buttons in ActionScript 3, so it ActionScript 3 clickTAGs are not guaranteed to work in every situation. Example of an AS3 clickTAG Link_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, function(event: MouseEvent): void { var sURL: String; if ((sURL = root.loaderInfo.parameters.clickTAG)) { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(sURL), "_blank"); } } For more examples, check out this page: 3 HTML 5 1. Dimensions See table page 1. 2.Weight (kB) The ads can be a maximum of 100 KB in archived state. You can measure the size of an advertisement by creating a zip file of the advertisement that includes all the elements that should be included. Even if you refer to an external file in the code (for example, a JavaScript library that edge.js) this must also be included in the local zip file and included in the size. Calculation of the maximum shall include all items that ad uses, be it HTML, images, CSS and JavaScript. There are two exceptions: • New content is available on a user interacts with the advertisement (for example, a video). • It is permissible to use the latest jQuery version as long as it is taken from Google's CDN (see " jQuery " below) 3. jQuery You can use JQuery library without having to calculate it with the size of the ad. However, this requires that the following holds: • You use the latest version of jQuery • You use Google's CDN • You use the min. version of the library (jquery.min.js) Code snippet to import this library may look like this : <script src="//"></script> 4. Limitations These limitations need to be followed: • Viewport cannot be set to device – width. • You cannot use the built-in geo – location. • Sound is not allowed. 5. Minimize the number of files A typical HTML page would like to include one or more external CSS and JavaScript files and do this by linking to these files in the code. These files are downloaded to the mobile phone via an HTTP request per file. To ensure good performance so it is important to have a low number of http request and the following requirements must be met: • HTML ad must consist of a single HTML file that includes all the CSS needed to run the ad. It means therefore that all CSS should be inline. • A maximum of two requests to the JavaScript library is allowed (for example, one local JavaScript file and one external framework). All file references must be in the full URL. If we are to cough files on the server with us, all file references be root. Any folder structure disappears when we upload files in our ad management system. 6. Fallback For all HTML ads, we need a fallback. This is an image version (PNG / JPEG / GIF) of the ad. 7. Click Counts For us to be able to count clicks, we must insert a click macro parameter. This is done manually and requires clickURL either is like a normal href in html or in a visible JavaScript in html file. If it is set hidden in a JavaScript we cannot add this, and therefore cannot count clicks. 8.Third Party Code Third Codes delivered as JavaScript code. Ad management system can measure clicks via third-party code, but this is not guaranteed. It is always up to the third party that the code is correct. SPECIFICATIONS IMAGE BANNER Many brand ads consist of a single image that is adapted in height and width to different formats (eg. single graphics custom iPhone and one for iPad). Photos Banners (PNG / JPEG / GIF) produced to fill the entire width and height of the portrait, while centered in the landscape without scaling. Format Size is made based on the iPhone and iPad. PERFORMANCE On the mobile platform, it is essential that to ensure that we deliver both ads and editorial content as quickly as possible. Several studies show that the performance has a direct influence on the views of the ad, conversions and how the brand is perceived. 4 Here are some recommendations that provide the best possible experience for all. 1. Network Traffic Although we have a limit on the size of the advertisement, we recommend anyway keep network traffic as low as possible. The faster an advertisement can be delivered over the network, the more likely it is that it appears to a mobile user before it is too late. Our recommendations to get the best possible experience on bad networks are: • Keep the file size of all assets as possible (JavaScript, CSS and especially images) • Minimize the number of http -request. These queued and often takes time to implement. • Use media queries and server scaled images for different screen sizes. • Use popular CDN for JavaScript libraries - then chances are greater that some of the files already are stored locally on the device. • Use minify on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. 2. Processing To limit the processing time of advertising is all about reducing the use of CPU on the device. Here are a few tips along the way: • Use straightforward Java Script and avoid nested loops as much as possible. • Use GPU where possible. • Avoid generic CSS rules. Use the id and classes as much as possible • Put CSS in the <head > tag in your document • Specify image size in image tags • Avoid Google Swiffy or other programs that convert flash to html. Code is unstructured and difficult to implement. • An example of a useful program to develop ads in html5 is Google Web Designer. Deadline Correct layer materials must be submitted 3 business days prior to campaign start. In case of late delivery, we cannot guarantee that your ad is going to start according to schedule. 5 Interstitial / Overlay / Floating element Expandable banners Format: 3 party scripts or Flash Format: 3 party scripts or Flash rd rd Interstitial/Overlay delivered as 3 party script: -Include a CLOSE BUTTON. -Set the duration of the Interstitial to 15 sec. -Centre the interstitial in browser window. -Optional: Advertisers are allowed to add a grey translucent background covering browser window around the interstitial banner. - If interstitial asset is part of a Gatefold (Wallpaper + Interstitial) swap the grey translucent background covering browser window to an image/photo covering the whole browser window area. Interstitial/overlay delivered as Flash: - Include a standard click action script, see section Click action in Flash above. - Include a CLOSE BUTTON. For close button add close action script describe below. - Don’t forget the click url to landing page. - No fall back image needed A close action must be triggered with an on release getURL() action and a Javascript function must be called, see example below, to control the duration of the flash overlay. Other requirements: Insert a click action script as above and a close button rd rd Asset delivered as 3 party script or Flash. A flash file is always delivered together with a fall back banner (gif, jpg, png) and a click url. See Desktop General Specification for detailed information. Panorama/panorama/top banner: Expand on click or mouse over with 1 sec delay 980x120 expanding to 980x360, expanding down Wide screen: Expand on mouse over. 250x240 expanding to 500x240, expanding to the left 250x360 expanding to 500X360, expanding to the left 250x480 expanding to 500X480, expanding to the left 250x600 expanding to 500X600, expanding to the left 250x800 expanding to 500X800, expanding to the left Rectangle / mpu: Expand on mouse over. 430x250 expanding to maximum 650x500, expanding to the right and down. The function will be called by the HTML/Javascript code that will serve the Flash. on (release) { getURL(“javascript:close_overlay();”) } 6 Wallpaper File size: max 95 kb per asset rd Format: 3 party scripts, Flash or images (gif, jpg, png) Place content close to the top and close to the editorial content in left and right banners. (Content: photo, text message, logo etc.). rd The wallpaper banner delivered as 3 party scripts, Flash or image banners (gif, jpg, png). Flash files are always delivered together with a fall back banner (gif. jpg) and a click url. See Desktop General Specification for detailed information. IMPORTANT: The size of the wallpaper left and right banners are fixed/sticky and banners will not scale depending on the user’s browser window size. One side and bottom of the wallpaper side banners will not be visible for users with a lap top screens (see screen area marked in pink below). Only users with a larger external screen will be able to view the complete wallpaper assets. Take this information into consideration when placing content in the wallpaper left and right banners, see image with pixel size guidelines below. Red square: Users with a large external screen Green square: Users with a standard lap top screen, approx.1230x600. In side banners place message/content in the 600x120 pixel area marked in picture below. 7 Mobile General Specifications Format Panorama Square 320x320 General specifications rd - Deliver banner material as 3 party script, html5 or image file (gif, jpg, png). - Max file size 100 kb rd - Loading of external files, in 3 party script, heavier than the maximum weight specified is allowed only if activated by click. The banner must contain a stop/pause button. - The banner content must be customized to a mobile device. - Deliverer a URL to a customized mobile landing page. - Max length of streaming video is 30 sec. - All audio ads must have on /off button. Sound is only allowed to start on click. - Aller Media is using DFP (DoubleClick for Publisher Premium) as ad serving system. Image banner Delivered as gif, jpg, png. Animation allowed if maximum weight specified not exceeded. Deliver the landing page url together with image banner. Mobile banner delivered as 3rd party DoubleClick for Publishers has a API to enable mobile publishers to work with ad networks and rich media vendors. Any third-party mobile ad network or rich media vendor can implement this API. Down load the DoubleClick Mobile API document at: 517715 8 Aller Web TV General Specifications Pre-rolls and post-rolls - - Aller Media use DFP Mobile for ad serving. Delivered material must be VAST compliant Aspect ratio: 16:9 We accept most of the common file formats, preferable format is mp4/h264, example of excepted file formats: MOV, MP4, MPG or WMV We will convert file to .flv or h264 format. Since files are converted it’s important to deliver movies with high resolution quality. Bitrates: 800 - 2400 kbps (1200 - 2400 kbps for the highest quality) Movie Length: Max 20 sec Recommended Resolution: 1280x720 If pre- or post-roll delivered as 3rd party script test script in VAST Inspector: Newsletter Format: Static image (gif, jpg, png) File size: max 95 kb Static banner delivered together with a click url Animated gif banners are not supported. Tips för utvecklare (Only avaliable in Swedish) Följande text är kopierad från IAB Sveriges site, Komplexiteten av bilder, gradienter, långsamma animeringar och detaljerade rörliga element kan påverka antalet beräkningar användarens processor måste utföra för varje frame. Av den anledningen rekommenderar vi följande: • Använd färre animationer baserade på matematiska beräkningar i Action Script. • Ta bort onödiga keyframes från animationen och använd Tweenfunktionen istället för "frame-for-frame" animation. • Sänk frameraten, d.v.s. antalet bildrutor per sekund. • Minimera användningen av gradienter, transparens, masker och animeringar. • Bildobjekt som används mer än en gång i -lmen bör omvandlas till symboler. Symboler sparas i -len en gång och används igen senare. Det kan minska -lstorleken och CPU-användning. • Begränsa förändringar mellan varje keyframe. Det är kanske inte nödvändigt att både ygplan och moln föryttar sig samtidigt? • Minimera informationen som lagras i de första framesen. Lägg om möjligt tung logik senare i -lmen. • Funktioner som aktiveras av användaren är att föredra. Till exempel: Vid mouse over yger ygplanet - inte automatiskt vid laddning. • Undvik onödiga timer-funktioner och loopar. De är de största problemen när det gäller CPU-användning. • Solida linjer kräver mindre minne än prickade/ streckade linjer eller penselverktyget. • Gruppera objektet och gör gemensamma anrop till hela gruppen. • Minimera antalet typsnitt. • Använd vektorgra-k istället för pixelgra-k. • Optimera vektorgra-k. Välj Modify - Smooth, Straighten eller Optimize för att dra ner antalet vektorpunkter. • Bifoga alltid back-up annonser i .gif eller .jpg-format för samtliga format som annonsen produceras i. Dessa bilder kommer att visas för de användare som saknar Flash eller har en version av Flash som är äldre än den annonsen sparats i. • Flashversion 8 till 10 och AS2/AS3 • Spara alltid annonserna för en så tidig version av Flash som möjligt. 9
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