Alliance for Regenerative Medicine’s ARM PAC cordially invites you to a reception in support of SENATOR ROY BLUNT (MO) Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference Tuesday, June 9, 2015 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm The St. Regis Hotel 923 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20006 Suggested Contribution: $2,500 to sponsor $1,000 to attend Checks should be made payable and directed to: Friends of Roy Blunt Attn: Keri Ann Hayes 209 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE Washington, DC 20003 FEC ID: C00304758 Or online: For more information, or to RSVP, contact Keri Ann Hayes at (202) 454-5253 or Paid for and authorized by Friends of Roy Blunt. Tuesday, June 9, 2015 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm The St. Regis Hotel / 923 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20006 Yes, I will join you for an event supporting Senator Roy Blunt. Please find enclosed my $________ contribution. I am unable to attend, but enclosed please find my contribution of: $ Contributor Information: Credit Card Information: Name(s) – please include spouse if joint contribution Card number Address Security Code Exp. date AmEx City State Zip Name on card Phone Fax Email Signature Occupation/Employer MC VISA Pls. circle card type Spouse Signature, if joint contribution $ Spouse Occupation/Employer – if joint contribution Amount to be charged RSVP to Keri Ann Hayes at or (202) 454-5253. Please make checks payable to “Friends of Roy Blunt” and mail to 209 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20003 Or online: Federal law requires political committees to use our best effort to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer for each individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in an election cycle. Your assistance is appreciated. Friends of Roy Blunt may accept a contribution of $2,700 for the primary election cycle and $2,700 for the general election cycle on a single check totaling $5,400. Couples using a joint checking account may each contribute up to $2,700 to both the primary and general election cycle on a single check totaling up to $10,800. Both contributors should fill out the information above. Friends of Roy Blunt is able to accept a contribution of up to $5,000 from a multi-candidate PAC for both the primary and general cycles. Contributions to Friends of Roy Blunt are not considered charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. No corporate checks may be accepted. Personal, partnership and political action committee checks are welcome. If using a partnership check, please attach a written statement on how to attribute the contribution among the unincorporated partners. If making a joint personal contribution, both donors should sign the check and indicate any pro rata attribution if other than equal. Contributions by corporations, foreign nationals (non-green card holders), labor unions, and federal government contractors are prohibited. Paid for by Friends of Roy Blunt
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