PRASAR BHARTI INDIA'S PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTER OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER(E)I '1 _ \I,I]IVIL CONSTRUCTION WING, ALL INDIA RADIO za0Crpr - c, 8rH FLooR, soocHNA BHAwAN, NEw DELHr .9 . {wr yI ,, No:7(11 )IA{IQ/Is-t6/ 115 Dated: NOTICE INVITING OUOTATION tTl\{ Sealed Quotaiions are inviied on behalfofThe President of India on item rate and to reach undersigned on or before 23-4-15 by 3.00 p.m. The quotation shall be opened on the same day at 3.30 P.M. The envelope should be super scribed as " Providing E-Tax filing services including Upgradation of E- Tax softwar etc., at Division Office, New Delhi." S.No Description of Items Unit Qty Rate Amount per quarer Data entry E-filing, submission of 1 One year Year Per qtr Qtr Per qtr Qtr Per Each quarterly retums, Generation of form 24 Q, form 16 for salaried employee and form 26Q, form 164,, for non salaried employee, generation of FVU file, NSDL validation, Generation of form 27 & 27 A DVAT 48 etc.. Correction retum per quarter for 24 Q for old case Correction return per quarter for 26 A for old case. Do*nloading of certificates of Income Tax (salary & Non salary) & VAT certificates. 2.a) b) c) certificate Terms and Conditions 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The date of contract shall be valid for one year from date of acceptance of rates/contract. Rates should be quoted on figure & words including all taxes & duties. Nothing extra will be paid. Conditional rates and any condition wil not be accepted and quotation will rejected immediately. The agency will submit the work expgrience in Govt., Deptt at least one or more years at the tirDe of subrnission of quotation. S a;-^Je'v Total Nos. of approx.Staff under this division is 201. The agency may enquire more information ifrequired before quoted the rates. The Agency will get the information from office timely and file the E-Tax quarterly retum upto date l2r" positively ofeach Quarter. It is the responsibility ofagency to file ur-t'- ' e- tax timely and submit TDS statement Quarterly alongwith all necessary documenrs to this office. 7. Any problem arises in computer due to up gradation of software, the same will be set right by the agency without any charge or agency may use own laptop. 8. Due to any change in Govt. policy regarding calculation of Income Tax etc, for the Fy 2014-15 onwards the company will upgrade the software immediately, without any additional charge during the contract period. 9. In case of unsatisfactory services rendered by the firm, the ontract shall be temrinated by the Deparhent without assigning any reason, thereof. 10. Point 2 is for old Quarter, other tban the contract period and needs for corrections in Quarterely retum already -rr"*:*.-{' "-payments 11' The will be released euarterly after getting the bill in duplicate with rDS statement and necessary documents. 12. This NIQ is available at and submiued. (Ratan Singh) Executive Engineer(E)I Copy to | J : . ,,tThe SE(E), CCW, AIR, I I h floor, Soochna Bhawarl New Delhi. Superintending Engineer, NBH, AIR, 6th floor, New Delhi for uploading on website. lWs Sughal Infotech, Pvt. Ltd. (l) 6/35, W.E.A., Karol Bagtr" New Delhi. Notice Board/ AAO / ASW Division Office. New Delhi. n: 3. 4. ExecutivE
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