MGA News : Christmas 2014 MGA ASIA INSURANCE BROKERS CO LTD The new office was blessed by monks. 100 guests, staff and insurers attended Raffles Hotel in the heart of Phnom Penh. From left: Sophat Meas (MGA), John George, H.E. Vann Mey, Arjun Bisen & Chanthol Seng(MGA) MGA’s Connection WELCOME TO OUR NEW ADDITIONS TO THE MGA FAMILY Welcome to our team from Shepparton » From left: Lisa Macreadie, Sam Loughran, Vicki Parker, Tim Loughran, Lauren Coulbourn and Jacque Cuthbert. Absent: Geenah Loughran and Karen Loughran Welcome to our new team from Manly, Tamworth, Gunnedah, Coonabarabran & Walgett NSW celebrating in true Christmas Spirit! » Welcome to Millennium: From left: Nathan, Donna-Marie, Amanda, Nykita & Bianca » Christmas 2014 Edition WELCOME MGA Manly (new branch) Valerie Henning Kathryn Simpson Steve Harvey Sam Memisoglu Caren Kruger Terry Brown Diana Rodwell Kay Wilson Fiona Schwugier Greg Neville Austbrokers RWA Tamworth (new branch) John Hallman Peter Leonard Holly Burt Rochelle Lewis Graham O’Rourke Ben Redfern Lyn Bagster Kerry Johnson Andrew Stevenson MGA’s Connection Austbrokers RWA Gunnedah (new branch) Kate Ceeney Ashleigh Casey Alex Howarth Cherie Mills Austbrokers RWA Coonabarabran (new branch) Nicole Devenish Rhyanan Unicomb Austbrokers RWA Walgett (new branch) MGA Shepparton (new branch) Tim Loughran Sam Loughran Geenah Loughran Karen Loughran Jacque Cuthbert Vicki Parker Lisa Macreadie Lauren Coulbourn MGA Sydney Matthew Bates Tiffany Loeve Millennium MGA Adelaide Amanda McCormick Thomas Lawrie Donna-Marie Hanson Nathan Mauriello MGA EziPay Nykita Nicholls Chris Kruger Bianca Lukic MGA Ceduna Craig & Marnie Irvine CPU UPDATE This year has been a challenging year for Deb Paltridge & Sam Hemer especially with the growth of the MGA group. Sam says they have been extremely busy but have managed to keep the work flow under control and have now introduced 5 new processors, increasing the team to 26. Sam & Deb are looking forward to a busy and successful year in 2015 and thank their team and wish all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. (The CPU team combined, have 53 children and 6 grandchildren!!!) Deb Paltridge & Sam Hemer Christmas 2014 Edition WORK SMARTER..... PLAY SMARTER..... AND BUILD SAND CASTLES BROKER ASSISTANTS CONFERENCE 2014 It appears there was lots of fun had by all at this year’s delightful and classy venue, Stamford Grand Glenelg. Well done to Penny Burke from Naracoorte SA office for her impromptu entertainment which was clearly enjoyed by all. Penny has since been invited to the Swan Reach Country Festival in March and her comment after the performance was - “ “ Thank you MGA for inspiring me to do what I truly love again. Penny Burke Di Durkay, Adelaide office and employed for 27 years with MGA said This years Assistant’s conference was informative and the workshops were appropriate to what we do every day. The food was very delicious and it’s great to be provided with some luxury treatment but….. just not long enough! I thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment provided and very much looking forward to 2015 at beautiful Werribee’s Manor in Victoria. Di Durkay “As a result of the Broker Assistants Conference, MGA will be donating $4965 to the ALL KIDS Program in Cambodia” MGA’s Connection BROKER ASSISTANTS CONFERENCE 2014 CONT. Christmas 2014 Edition BROKER CONFERENCE 2014 Our Financial Director, Heidi Whitehead was feeling well protected at the Broker Conference this year in Canberra with Bernard from Sydney office and Karl from Allianz. I’m sure Heidi will feel right at home next year with the smaller Khmer people. It has now been announced the 2015, 24th MGA Broker Conference will be held in Cambodia. Lots of cheeky behaviour, laughter and competitive tactics were used in the corporate games. Mark Comas, the “fines master” was not quite sure which way to look or who to fine first. A man, a Broker you don’t often see speechless. The gala dinner, the food, Old Parliament House and the entertainment was a big positive point of discussion the following day, amongst all who attended, although some were to weary to partake in any conversation. AGAIN….another fabulous action packed couple of days. Well Done MGA! MGA’s Connection GRAHAM O’ROURKE OF TAMWORTH VISITS CAMBODIA “ A friend and I, Marion visited the MGA Asia office and the Sunrise Village (a project of ACF) in Phnom Pehn of which we thoroughly enjoyed. Graham O’Rourke (Tamworth – RWA-Austbrokers) Graham never imagined he would be singing and dancing to “ring a ring a rosie” with all the children. Graham and Marion are now inspired to continue supporting the children and projects of Australia Cambodia Foundation. Christmas 2014 Edition MGA SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE MGA GROUP AWARDED WITH A CERTIFICATE “SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS” Proud Sponsors of Junction Australia Peter Coombe - Authorised Representative MGA Adelaide says “ Junction Australia & Junction and Women’s Housing are a “not for profit” community organisation that not only provide people with affordable homes but also connects them to, or provide them with, the support services they need. At Junction Australia, they firmly believe that by working together with vulnerable people in desperate need, they can help them take the necessary steps from “Crisis to Connectedness”. MGA’s Connection GIANT FLY IN MGA MAJOR SPONSORS FOR “THE ROBE AVIATORS SOCIETY – GIANT FLY IN” 11 aero clubs in Victoria and South Australia were invited to fly into Robe to celebrate aviation and the opening of Robe Aviators Society. Chris Matthews from Naracoorte South Australia office said, “This was a sight to see 40 aircraft fly in, ranging from 80 year old Tiger moths and Austers to Chinese fighter trainers”. The whole town supported the event with hanging aero plane cut outs in retail shops and cafés serving aero plane biscuits. The organised dinner included, loop to loop soup, barrel role beef, fluffy cloud puddings, rocket fuel reds and high octane whites. Sunday finished with a picnic in the new Club house (hangar) and a sight to see all fly off home again. Christmas 2014 Edition DAVID FOSTER WORLD CHAMPION MGA WITH 21 TIME WORLD CHAMPION, DAVID FOSTER David Foster demonstrates for the wood chopping sponsors at the Adelaide Royal Show. Steve McInerney from Clare said “ This was quite interesting to watch. David really enjoyed the crowd and was happy for a good chat after. A down to earth, interesting bloke. MGA’s Connection BENNIE AND THE JETS Trevor Gould (MGA Sydney) and his crew support Rotary and sail a yacht called “Bennie and the Jets” raising funds for the Children’s Hospital Randwick. From left: Top: Trevor Gould, Styve Tebbut-CGU, Heath Francis-Lumley, Bernard Tuaimau-MGA, Jim Weishman-Latitude Austagencies The day combined with other yachts raised a massive $130,000 and have raised in excess of $3Million over the past 20 years. Below: Gemma Gould-MGA, Stephen BorgAustagencies, Elyce Gale- Chubb, Rex Martin-Client, Pamela Mitchell-Lumley, Julie O’Donovan-Allianz Trevor said, “ it was a truly fabulous day but not easy to keep dry. Christmas 2014 Edition CHRISTMAS SPIRIT Paul Neilson (MGA Naracoorte) supports the local country children at Michell DeGaris Kindergarten with his big belly and his ho…ho…ho.. MGA’s Connection RAISING $$$$ FOR A GOOD CAUSE Kerri held an afternoon tea at the office to raise awareness for breast cancer. Kerri Corey of MGA Darwin received support from Clients raising $2900!!! Well done Kerri! A MESSAGE AND THANK YOU FOR SUPPORT FROM OUR IT MANAGER, MURRAY SEYMOUR. “ This year for the first time I decided to give Movember a go. The charity raises money to combat prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health issues. My motivation was: To make a fool of myself, embarrass my family, and hopefully raise some money for a good cause. The feedback received from staff was almost unanimously negative. I eventually realised that I should be pleading with people to sponsor the removal of my mo rather than the cultivation of it! In the end, we raised $1210 – a great outcome. Great effort Murray! Christmas 2014 Edition ACHIEVEMENTS STUDY & CAREER ACHIEVEMENTS Leonie Robertson, Mount Gambier Tier 1 Kirsty Koch, Cummins Tier 2 Kerryn Price, Heywood Tier 2 Madeline Reeves, Cummins Tier 2 Michelle Popham, Sunshine Coast Tier 2 Kira VanStraalen, Caboolture QPIB Joyleen Gregory, Mount Gambier Tier 2 Ross Lewis - MGA Newcastle 50 years in the insurance Industry & Kerry Baldwin – 25 years with Ross. » Dorothy McFadden (Millennium) enjoys her retirement farewell.... Dorothy McFadden enjoys her farewell “A great opportunity to snap a photo of Paul George with his long term employees known as “Black Dot (Dorothy McFadden) & Red Dot (Dot Hamilton-Smith)” » MGA’s Connection SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE BABIES Congratulations Meas Sophat & Kim Ang Ly from MGA Asia on their new little princess, Sambath Kim Ing, a sister to Sambath Pheng An. Congratulations Sarah Hill & husband Cayden of CPU for the birth of their baby boy, Jarvis Roko, 30th November, a brother for little Scarlett. Congratulations Jess & Husband, Ben Huser (MGA Ezipay) on the arrival of “Markus Craig” born 3.7.14 – a placid delightful little boy and doing very very well, we’ve been told. Christmas 2014 Edition SOMETHING TO CELEBRATE ENGAGEMENTS Congratulations Jamie McInnes on his engagement in September to Karla Robson. BIRTHDAYS Congratulations Ross Winks of Maroochydore for the big 70 in December Congratulations Tom O’Brien (Millennium) on turning 21. Enjoyed by all at the Millennium office with cake and drinks after work. Congratulations Winnie Hill for the big 21 in December and for her achievements with Hockey this year. Winnie was selected to represent SA in the State Country Championships in Toowoomba and has now been invited to the 2015 Country Hockey Development Squad Tour which travels to Malaysia/Indonesia from January 2nd – 12th. Congratulations To a new member of our team, Peter Leonard (Austbrokers RWA Tamworth)- 50….something. We’re told he’s a “damn good fun bloke” …………………………An interesting gift - bottle of wine to reminisce his younger years. MGA’s Connection FINAL MESSAGE FROM MANAGING DIRECTOR PAUL GEORGE “ On behalf of the MGA Board, I would like to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year. I would like to also add a welcome to all of our new brokers, assistants, operational and CPU personnel and to thank everyone for their efforts and commitment during 2014 – we look forward to working with you as we enter our 40th year in business during 2015. Merry Christmas Christmas 2014 Edition WISHING YOU AND YOUR FAMILY RY CHRISTMA R E S AM AND SAFE NEW YEAR Please keep us up to date with events, sponsorship, progress, staff or family achievements happening in your area. Email - Phone - Sonia 08 81778352 MGA Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd Australian Financial Service Licence No: 244601
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