ALL SAINT S CATHOLIC SCHOOL CELEBRATE EARTH DAY! April 15, 2015 SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Principal Postings . . . What a glorious week it has been at ASCS! Today I walked in a classroom to find a group of children so excited to report that they had taken their coats off at recess! It is wonderful to witness daily the children’s excitement over the seemingly small things that bring them such JOY! Here is a snippet of those JOY filled experiences the children share with me on a daily basis: • I am five now! • I lost a tooth on the side of a pool in Florida! • I lost a tooth at my uncle’s house! • I lost two teeth! • I brought home this shell and you can hear the ocean! • Our fish got a friend over the break and once it has babies we will know which one is a girl! • We took our coats off at recess! • I am making my First Holy Communion on Sunday! • I read all of these books over the break! • I finished my “flower”! (which means I met my AR goal). • I finished my flower too! • Did you know I am six now? • Dr. Lichter, “I love you!” Oh the JOY I experience in my daily work leaves me praising God for the gift of our Catholic School. Our Auction results are in…drumroll please…..We met the goal! Our goal was to gross just over $100,000 and we did just that! Thank you for the many ways you helped to make that happen. I appreciate each and every one of you. We have a few things on the horizon; therefore, I am also including a short “did you know”! Did you know… • Thursday afternoon we are having a tornado drill at 1:45? • This Sunday is our Athletic Banquet? • This Sunday is our Outreach Mass at St. Anthony? • Tuesday and Wednesday we are celebrating Grandparents’ Day and an RSVP is required? • May 5th and 6th are our May Crowning Masses? • May 6th we are having a guest speaker address our 4-8th grade children on internet safety? • The evening of May 6th a speaker will address parents on internet safety? • Our 5th grade musical is May 7th at St. Elizabeth? • We are now the proud owners of two “Saints In Training Early Childhood Centers”? Blessings, Dr. Jackie Lichter Together we will, teach children to see the world through the eyes of Christ and to model the lives of the Saints in a rigorous academic environment. Special points of interest: • WISCONSIN TORNADO AND SEVERE WEATHER AWARENESS WEEK . . . April 13-17, 2014. • SCRIP NEWS! We had 13 families order scrip this week, for a total amount of $4930.00. The total rebate is $208.76. Half remains with the school ($104. 38), and half with the families ($104.38). Thank you for supporting the scrip program. • DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR ONE OR MORE OF OUR SUMMER CAMPS BEING OFFERED. THE REGISTRATION FORM IS ON OUR WEBSITE UNDER PARENT CORNER . . . FORMS. DUE DATE IS MAY 16TH! • A flyer for another Summer Camp opportunity (Calling all violinists, violists, cellists and artists) is attached! All sessions meet at the South campus. • Grandparents/Special Person Day reservations are due by Thursday, April 16th! • The Athletic Banquet is Sunday, April 19th at 5:00pm North Campus Gym. If you did not RSVP but still want to come please email Sue Backus @ Athletes and Coaches are free, any additional people are $10.00 per person • Did you get your “FUN”draising Sheet? C A L E N D A R U P D AT E S 4/14-17 Iowa Testing, Gr. 3, 5 and 7 4/16 Grandparents/Special Person Day RSVP’s due! 4/19 10:00 AM, Outreach Mass, St. Anthony 5:00 PM, Athletic Banquet, North Campus Gym 4/20-24 Iowa Testing, Gr. 3, 5 and 7 4/21 8-10:30 AM, Grandparents/Special Person Day (North) 8:10 AM (North), K4-8 Campus Mass 6:00 PM, Athletic Mtg., North Campus 4/22 Earth Day Admin. Professionals Day 8-10:30 AM, Grandparents/Special Person Day (South) 8:10 AM (South), K4-8 Campus Mass 4/23 3rd Grade Weather Day Field Trip Arbor Day 4/24 Spiritwear Order Forms Due! 4/28 8:10 AM (North), K4-8 Campus Mass 4/29 8:10 AM (South), K4-8 Campus Mass Texas Roadhouse “FUN”draising sheets due! 4/30 BOGO Book Fair 5/1 May Day Law Day BOGO Book Fair Action Territory 5/5 Cinco de Mayo 8:10 AM (North), K4-8 Campus Mass 5/6 8:10 AM (South), K4-8 Campus Mass 5/7 7:00 PM, 5th Gr. Musical, St. Elizabeth’s 5/10 Mother’s Day 5/12 8:10 AM (North), K4-8 Campus Mass, May Crowning & First Communion Breakfast 6:15 PM, Home & School Mtg., North Campus 5/13 8:10 AM (South), K4-8 Campus Mass, May Crowning & First Communion Breakfast Here is some important information: Forms due: APR 29th Pick-up Date: MAY 16th PickPick-up Time & Place TBA Upcoming Event • • HELP . . . We have a family interested in renting a 4-5 bedroom house, 3+ baths. Price range: $2,000$2,000-$2,600 per month. Call the South campus if you are able to help (694(694-6018 Ex. 128) Wednesday, May 6th- 6:15-8:15-Bell Hall --PARENT'S ONLY! Spiritwear sale is here! Overview: * While digital technology offers a world of communication, education, and entertainment options for our youth, it also has a dark and dangerous side we must be aware of. This fast-paced presentation takes an in-depth look into the latest trends in digital exploitation of children. This also includes a Q and A session. Order Forms are attached and going home in folders today. Orders are due APR 24th Title--"The Dark Side of Digital Technology: Internet, Cell Phones, and Social Media" by Eric Szatkowski P.S. Appropriate student sessions will take place the same day at each campus.----4th and 5th, 6th-8th Service project- bookmarks made by students for the Prison Ministry and nursing homes. Crossword puzzle, word find books and inspirational books were also donated. Thursday, May 7, 2015 7:00 PM St. Elizabeth’s School Gymnasium 4816 7th Avenue Kenosha, WI 53140 Sunday, April 19th, St. Anthony Church, 10:00 AM If there are any St. Anthony families wanting to help with the Mass by reading, serving and greeting please call or email Linda Bevec! (765) 586-4869 TEACHERS ROCK! Paul Capelli, South Allyson Vaughan, North Isabella Ricker, South Mason Marcelain, North Nina Savaglio, South Allison Westphal, North NORTH CAMPUS PICTURES WILL BE IN NEXT WEEK’S NEWSLETTER! On Tuesday, March 31st, eight students from each campus took part in the Annual Modern Woodmen school speech contest at their campus. The students from grades 5 through 8 gained an opportunity to demonstrate their public speaking skills by presenting their speeches before their peers and a distinguished panel of judges: • South Campus—Mr. Karl Wertzler, general manager of WIIL/WLIP/WXLC/WKRS, Sheriff Deputy Ray Rowe of Kenosha's D.A.R.E. program & Mrs. Bonnie Cera, retired English teacher. • North Campus—Colleen Connolly, Karry Wojtak and Dave McGrath. This year's topic was "An Important Landmark." The South campus finalists included Paul Capelli (First Place), Isabella Ricker (Second Place), Nina Savaglio (Third Place), Isaac Prince, Benjamin Haigh, Callan Heinisch, Riley Stewart and Julia Bado. The North campus finalists included Allyson Vaughan (First Place), Mason Marcelain (Second Place), Allison Westphal (Third Place), Emily Kelly, Elaina Kobal, Alexis Perez, Sara Backus and Asa Preston. All the contestants delivered their speeches with great poise and organization. The day was an elocutionary delight! Home & School Happenings ASCS Home and School Association H&S MEETINGS Please consider joining us! NEXT MEETING Tuesday MAY 12th 6:15PM North Campus WHEN: 2nd Tuesday of the month TIME/PLACE: 6:15 PM Even Months: South Campus Odd Months: North Campus APR 21st (North) APR 22nd (South) 8am - 10:30am Invitations/RSVPs are attached (if needed) RSVPs must be turned in TOMORROW! Snacks & Helpers still needed. Please sign up below: NORTH Did you get your “FUN”draising Sheet? Here is some important information: Forms due: APR 29th Pick-up Date: MAY 16th PickPick-up Time & Place TBA SAVE THE DATE APR 16th: 16th Grandparents Day RSVP Due APR 21st & 22nd: 22nd Grandparents Day APR 24th: Spiritwear Order Forms Due APR 29th: 29th Texas Roadhouse Forms Due APR 30th & MAY 1st: 1st BOGO Book Fair MAY 1st: 1st Action Territory SOUTH VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Lunch Recess: 11:30 - 12:45 N&S Grandparents Day (4/21& 4/22) Book Fairs (4/30 & 5/1) Please email if you can help Spiritwear sale is here! Order Forms are attached and going home in folders today. Orders are due APR 24th E-mail: Spiritwear Questions: Contact Suzette Bilotti 2015 Father Sullivan Scholarship Fish Fry Thank You! 775 meals helped fund this important annual fundraiser that supports Holy Rosary families/students who attend All Saints Catholic School and St. Joseph Catholic Academy. Many thanks to all who attended the three Friday events. Huge thanks to all the volunteers that worked each event . . . Holy Name, school parents and students, CCD students and parents and parish members...without you, it could not happen. Dessert donations were a great addition, thank you-bakers! We know both the late Fathers Sullivan and John Molnar (the pastor that founded the fish fry events....) are very proud that Holy Rosary continues their mission of financial support for Catholic Education to those in need. Additional thanks to 2015 chairpersons: Tony Scarlato and Paula Mullen. See you again in 2016 ! CYO Emerald Knights BAND AND GUARD OF KENOSHA AND RACINE CYO Band & Orchestra Upcoming Events April 16th, 6:00 pm – Summer Band & Marching Band Info meeting, St. Joe’s Upper Auditorium Find out about how band and orchestra students can continue during the summer. There are many fun activities planned for band and orchestra students. The marching band program is open to all students with or without experience and from any Kenosha school. Find out about the summer schedule, band trip and how you can join the band. Orchestra and Choir students are encouraged to join Percussion or Color Guard. No experience required. April 16th, 6:30 pm – Parent Band Boosters meeting, CYO Band Room at St. Joe’s Upper The “Hot Topic” – Marching Band & May Concert Stick around after the Marching Band info meeting for pizza & beverages and find out more about our program. Band room entrance is located the East Side of the building on 23rd Ave. between 69th St. and 71st St. For more information please contact us at (262) 656-1610 or Kenosha Unified School District Department of Recreation A flyer with Summer Activities for Children is available at your campus office. Registration for the Instructional Swim classes begins May 6th; registration for all other classes begins on May 13th!
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