SUNDAY 22nd MARCH Passion Sunday 8.00 Holy Communion (Canon Malcolm) 9.15 PARISH EUCHARIST (Fr. Chrichton/Canon Malcolm) 11.15 Holy Baptism (Canon Grant) 3.00 Crucifixion Rehearsal 6.00 Stainer’s Crucifixion Lent 5 All Saints Parish Church, Leighton Buzzard Within the Ouzel Valley Team Ministry Web address: Facebook: All Saints Church Leighton Buzzard Parish e-mail: Telephone No: 01525 381418 nd Sunday 22 March 2015 Passion Sunday MONDAY 23rd MARCH 7.45 – 9.30 Bellringing Practice TUESDAY 24th MARCH Walter Hilton of Thurgarton, Augustinian Canon, Mystic, 1396 10.00 SmAll Saints 7.30 Holy Communion (Fr. Alasdair) 7.30 SET Meeting 8.00 Young Adults Group 8.00 Wedding Rehearsal (Fr. Chrichton) WEDNESDAY 25th MARCH The Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary 10.00 SmAll Saints 10.00 Pulford Passiontide Service Y1 – Y4 (Canon Grant) 12.00 Holy Communion for Lady Day (Canon Grant) 12.30 MU Bring & Share Lunch 3.30 LMS Readers Rehearsal 8.00 PIM Meeting Lent 5 We warmly welcome all visitors and newcomers to our church. If any of you are from other denominations and are accustomed to receiving Communion in your own church you are welcome to here. Coffee will be served in the North Transept after the Service. For the hard of hearing the church is equipped with a loop system. Switch to T please. The news sheet is for you to retain and use for reference and prayer Today’s services 8.00am Holy Communion (Canon Malcolm) 9.15am Sung Eucharist (Fr. Chrichton/Canon Malcolm) THURSDAY 26th MARCH Harriet Monsell, Founder of the Community of St. John the Baptist, 1883 10.00 Holy Communion (Canon Grant) 8.00 Preservation Trust Meeting SATURDAY 28th MARCH 9.00 Holy Communion (Canon Grant) 9.30 Readers’ Meeting 10.00 Marriage Morning 2.00 Holy Matrimony – Richard Horner & Lisa Madigan (Fr. Chrichton) 4.00 Palm Sunday Passion Play Rehearsal Please switch your mobile phones OFF during the service. Introit: 94 NEW ENGLISH HYMNAL Collect: Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ FRIDAY 27th MARCH 10.00 SmAll Saints 9.30 LMS Rehearsal 2.00 LMS Easter Service 6.30 Trebles Choir Practice 7.30 Full Choir Practice SUNDAY 29th MARCH 8.00 Holy Communion (Canon Grant) 10.00 PARISH EUCHARIST with procession from the Market Cross (Fr. Chrichton/Canon Grant) 2.30 Holy Week Rehearsal 6.00 Stations of the Cross (Geoff Marchant) Readings: RCL: Year B: ‘We Remember’ Setting: New English Folk Mass (NEH 541) Palm Sunday delivered and saved the world: grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross, we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. 1st Reading: Exodus 12: 3-8, 20-21 2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 10: 16-17, 11.23-28 Gradual Hymn: 272 Gospel: John 6: 51-58 Preacher: Canon Malcolm Intercessions: Brian Willett Offertory Hymn: 273 During this time please observe a period of quiet reflection, as we receive Communion Anthem: When I survey the wondrous cross - Stopford Communion Hymn: 95 Post Communion: 297 …………………………………………………………….. 11.15am Holy Baptism Poppy Isla Willis, Daisy Sophia Ann Gunter, Alithia Delene Dickenson (Canon Grant) …………………………………………………………….. 6.00pm Stainer’s Crucifixion …………………………………………………………….. IN YOUR PRAYERS PLEASE REMEMBER In our Team: Pray for musicians and choristers of our churches Sick: Hannah Swan, Clare Wood, John Wiseman, Keith Biggerstaff, Ron Colbert, Nick Cruwys, Venerable Paul Hughes (Names for the sick list should be given to the office and updated every 4 weeks) RIP: Alastair Smith Year’s Mind: Susan Lennard, Stephen Creasey, Richard Higgins, Jean West, John Palmer, Beth Durrington In the World: Pray for Asia In the Diocese: Pray for churches in the Deanery of Watford In the Wider Church: Pray for the Holy Catholic Church of Hong Kong NOTICES: SUPRISE SURPRISE! I was taken completely by surprise by the announcement at the Parish Eucharist on 15 March that a gargoyle of my visage had been carved and added to the church. It is a great privilege and I feel very unworthy of such an enormous honour. All Saints is special to many people and has been for generations past. After all our present work is finished, hopefully it will be for those to come too, whether or not they will be happy with my face on it remains to be seen! Thank you to all involved in this wonderful gesture. Terry WATER AID: During Lent this year we are supporting Water Aid. Please buy a droplet of water for £1.00 and attach it to the water pump. There will be a small reward for one numbered droplet, to be drawn on Easter Sunday. JARS OF HOPE: Please collect your label from the sidesmans’ table and fill your jar! HOLIDAY CLUB: Donations required of yogurt pots in both standard and the small fromage fraise size and white or light coloured cotton shirts, long or short sleeved age 46. Please bring to the Parish Office. AGM REPORTS: Please send your AGM reports to as soon as possible. CHILDREN’S SOCIETY: March is the time for opening the Children’s Society boxes. Please leave them in the Parish Office & they will be returned to the sidesman’s table for collection. If your old box is worn and you would like it replaced, please let me know. If you would like to start giving to the Children’s Society by having a box at home, I can be contacted on 01525 370987. Many thanks, Janet Wenborn. THE ALL SAINTS POPPY KNITTERS ARE AT IT AGAIN: We raised £894 in 2013 and £1572 in 2014 – can we do even better this year? We supply all our own materials, and ALL proceeds go to The British Legion. Have you any spare red, green or black double knitting wool you could let us have? It will be put to good use. If you would like to knit some poppies we can supply a pattern. Audrey Mason and Judith Cundell ELECTORAL ROLL 2015: Revision of the roll takes place this month. If you need to make an amendment to your address etc please let me know, or indicate on the copy by the North Door. The roll is also always open to new members. Everyone, aged 16+ and baptised, may like to consider enrolling, indicating your commitment to our church, to share in its life and to receive its ministry. Forms for enrolling, or amendments, are available from the Parish Office, and need to be returned by the 11th April. Liz Corbett 372822. LIGHTING: We hope to start putting in our new replacement lighting system in May therefore we will not replace any lamps over the next few weeks to save money. Please bear with us during this transition period. REGULAR GIVING ENVELOPES 2015/16: Following a recent review it has come to our attention that a number of regular giving envelopes have not been used for the past 12 months, mainly with people converting their giving to standing order. In the circumstances and also to cut costs all those with a current reference of 80+ have been re-issued with a lower number and this has been indicated on the allocation sheets and boxes now ready for collection. Any member of the congregation who wishes to commence regular giving by either envelope or standing order, especially if Gift Aid may be claimed by the Church, should contact Tony Kempson on 756264 or the Parish Office. PARISH TRIP TO DEVON: Monday 14th September – Friday 18th September. Parish tour to parts of North Devon, including a tour of Wells Cathedral and visiting such places as Lynton and Lynmouth, RHS Rosemoor and Hartland Abbey. Cost £400 per person with single supplement of £70 and includes bed, breakfast and evening meal. Application forms available from Geoff Huskisson (377762) or the office. WHAT’S ON? PALM SUNDAY, service will commence at 10am at the Market Cross for the procession to church. STAINER’S CRUCIFIXION: TODAY at 6 pm. THE ANNUNCIATION: The Lady Day service at 12.00 noon on Wednesday 25th March will be followed by a simple lunch of soup and bread. Donations for Mothers’ Union. Please join us. GOOD FRIDAY PROCESSION AND ACT OF WITNESS: 10.45am Friday 3rd April. Marshals are needed to help manage the procession through the town centre. If you could help please contact Esther Clarke on 01525 234130 or email High-vis vests will be provided. ALL SAINTS DOES STARS IN THEIR EYES: Saturday 13th June, 7.30pm. Following the success of last year’s All Saints does Strictly, this year’s show will be a singing spectacular! Tickets will be available nearer the date and you will need to book early as it is one show only and really not to be missed! If you are interested in taking part, we could do with a couple more acts. The event is fun and light-hearted and you will be expected to make a fool of yourself!! For more information please speak to Lindsay or Jo. Lent 2015 A series of addresses on Sundays at our 8am and 9.15am services The meaning of the Eucharist March 22 PASSION SUNDAY – We Remember March 29 PALM SUNDAY April 5 EASTER DAY – We are Sent Out DEDICATE A FLOWER THIS EASTER TIME As in previous years we are giving everyone the opportunity of dedicating a flower to a loved one. To make your donation please place £3.00 per name into an envelope marked for my attention and hand it into the office. There will be a clip board on the table for you to add names for whom the flowers are dedicated. Should your preference be to contribute a complete arrangement please contact me on 01525 852218. Your donations are greatly appreciated and a considerable help towards the floral tributes within our church over Easter. Thanking you in anticipation. Kerry Sykes
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