ALPINE EXPLORERS (2 year old-6th grade) CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Please remember-all 3-5 year olds will exit for BASE CAMP worship through the commons and will go with volunteers to worship in the CHAPEL. Parents, please collect the lanyard nametags for your student as they line up. Summit Worship is for all 1st-4th graders will leave through the commons to worship with volunteers in the LOFT. CHILDREN’S CONTRIBUTION The Children’s contribution will begin to bless local ministries, such as Caring & Sharing, this month. Many thanks to all who give! WEDNESDAY NIGHT COMPASS KIDS We’ve got exciting and rich classes planned for your kids each Wednesday night! 1st-4th graders will meet together in C-4/5 for “Compass Kids” where this month’s theme is “Patience: Are We There Yet?” A new class for 5th & 6th grade guys (led by Ralph Holcomb & Clay Kitchens) will meet in C-6 while the 5th & 6th grade girls will meet with Dori Walton & Madeline Jonah in C-3. All other kids will meet in the same classes they are in on Sunday mornings. 1st-6th graders can come at 6 pm for games and snacks. ALPINE EXPEDITION VBS Our VBS journey begins in just 7 short weeks! All volunteers and student participants can sign up online at Begin inviting your friends to join us on this exciting journey of faith! MOTHER/DAUGHTER BLOOM Join the fun with all preschool-6th grade girls and moms Saturday, May 9 from 4-7 pm. We will enjoy painting, Zumba, Jamberry Nails, food, & cake decorating from 4-6 pm and then worship together from 6-7 pm in the Chapel. Invite your friends & sign up at the BLOOM table just outside the Chapel. Dads & brothers are asked to help clean up the gym at 7 pm. PEARL HOUSE BAKE SALE Looking for a special Mother’s Day treat? The Alpine girls ministry will be selling home-baked goodies Sunday morning, May 10 following services. All funds raised will go to bless The Pearl House in Ghana in their efforts to build a new home. All girls coming to BLOOM May 9th are encouraged to make an extra dessert for this bake sale. MISSION LONGVIEW All current 4th-6th graders can pick up a Mission Longview Application by the fence just outside the Chapel. Adult volunteers are needed...Please let Melissa know if you can assist with service projects June 8-10. SAVE THE DATE May 9: Mother/Daughter “BLOOM” May 27: VBS Sneak Peak June 7-10: Mission Longview June 21-24: VBS/Alpine Expedition AYM NEWS & UPDATES Alpine Youth Ministry 7th-12th grades TODAY 2015 SENIORS Please take down your table in the Atrium this afternoon. Softball Practice Today @2 pm till 4 pm behind the Barn (Weather permitting) SENIOR BANQUET On behalf of the parents of the seniors, thank you to everyone who contributed in this important milestone in the lives of our families. Alpine is a great church family. SUMMER EVENT BROCHURES ARE IN THE KIOSKS! CHECKOUT THE EARLY BIRD DUE DATES! THIS WEEK HIGH SCHOOL HANGOUT this Tuesday @7:00 pm SOFTBALL GAME: Tues., May 12th - 8:45 vs FUMC & 9:45 vs. God Squad on Field 4 WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH WORSHIP SCHEDULE IN THE LOFT Welcome & Announcements: Clayton Farrell Greeter: Clayton Farrell Café: Tami Pool Audio/Visual: Colton Logan Worship Leader: Marti Anne Speaker: Lance Logan Theme: Deception: Bait'n Switch THE LOFT CAFÉ @ 6 PM: PIZZA $1 SLICES NEXT WEEK SOFTBALL GAME: Tuesday, May 5 @ 7:45 pm vs. EPC Longview (We’re the home team) UPCOMING EVENTS WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 – The interns arrive!!! Thomas Hargrove & Rachel Eppes! ACA NEWS We are honoring Debbie Hoelzle for her 19 years of dedication at ACA, on Thursday, May 7th! Please see insert and we hope you can join us! DEBBIE HOELZLE'S RECEPTION: Thursday, May 7th 9-12 STAFF PARTY: Tuesday, May 12th FIELD DAYS: 12 months, 18 months and 2's: Thursday, May 14th 3's, Pre-K and Kindergarten: Friday, May 15th KINDERGARTEN FIELD TRIP: Monday, May 18th PRE-K FIELD TRIP: Tuesday, May 19th GRADUATION AND END PROGRAM: Wednesday, May 20th @ 6:30pm May 3, 2015 REGISTRATION DUE FOR SOUL QUEST, MCALLEN, & COTH!! 2015 Alpine Church of Christ 610 East Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605 (903)758-0161 Website: Email: Welcome to Alpine! We are glad you are here and welcome you to join any aspect of our worship time. Our elders, staff, and members stand ready to pray with you or answer any questions you may have. Nursery Assistance WELCOME & INFO FOR OUR GUESTS INFANTS Birth to 36 months are lovingly cared for in our attended nursery Sunday mornings CHILDREN 3-year-olds - 4th grade are invited to a special time of learning during our Sunday morning worship time when dismissed. Today’s Praise Today’s music is available in the Commons for those who desire sheet music. We hope this will enhance your praise today! Prayer Requests It is a privilege for us to pray with and for you. Please fill out a prayer request form located in the back of the pews or at the Welcome Center and place in the box in the Commons. You may also email requests to: Prayers are confidential and not published in our bulletin unless requested. Becoming a Christian If you wish to learn more about becoming a Christ-follower, we are ready and excited to talk to you! Please take the opportunity at the end of our service to meet with one of our elders at the front or back of the Worship Center during the last song. Membership If you are interested in becoming a member of the Alpine family, please note this on your attendance card and plan to join us for one of our monthly membership classes. Sermons You can access Sunday’s sermons online at Alpine Shepherds Harry Hoelzle Bernie Krupa Ron McGregor James Ray John Shafer Brian Hoyle Gary Lovelace Richard Pruitt Gary Sanders Ministerial Staff Rodney Cox Paul Boorman Sandra Boorman Lance Logan Luke Tallon Larry Parker Melissa Kitchens Christy Norton Nansi Lifsey Holly Tallon Please help us! Contact us Email: Web: Phone: 903-758-016 1 (Monday - Thursday , 8:00 - 4 pm, Fridays, 8 am - noon) Our Worship Times: Sunday Bible Class - 9:00 am Sunday Worship - 10 am Wednesday Bible classes - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Concerns: DEBBIE BARNES, wife of Bill, is now at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas. She developed pneumonia and is on a ventilator to help her breathe easier. After re-evaluating her biopsy reports, doctors are running more tests to determine an exact diagnosis. The family has asked for continued prayers, but no visitors at this time. DWAIN SUMPTER, husband of Al, has been diagnosed with stage 1 lung cancer in the top lobe of his right lung. The cancer has not spread to his lymph system or other organs. He is hopeful to begin radiation treatment soon. JAMES ALLWHITE, husband of Billie, suffered a stroke last week. He is at GSMC ICU. ALAN WRIGHT, husband of Melanie, was diagnosed with dermatomysitis, an auto immune disease that affects connective tissue in the body. He will have a muscle biopsy on Wednesday to help determine further treatment. DON PERRY, husband of Anne, has congestive heart problems and had a stent put in recently. REX PICKENS is now under hospice care at Hawkins Creek CONTINUED PRAYERS: Charles Townsend, Vicki Pruitt, Doris Ramaly, George Alexander, Lynn Goetz, Darrell Strong, David Wooten, Frank Williams, Brad Wallace, Patsy Burke, Youngie Harris, Roger Pliler, Gaylan Walton, Bob Burke, & Ralph Holcomb. MISSIONARY REPORTS New Missionary reports for the Hendersons (Mozambique) and the Rempels (Alaska) have been placed at the Welcome Desk in the Commons. NEW GRANDCHILDREN Sarah Francis Cox was born April 24th in Frisco, TX to Roderick & Tamera Cox. She weighed 8 lbs., 7 oz., and was 21 inches long. Proud family members are: grandparents, Rodney & Patti Cox, aunt, Candice Cox and cousin Celia Ramos. Jack Thomas Jerub was born April 18th to Erin & Michael Jerub. He weighed 6 lbs., 3 oz. Proud grandparents are Tom & Patsy Rutledge. COMMUNION BREAD Alpine would like to thank Kathy Bradford for volunteering to make our Communion bread for the month of May. We appreciate your willingness to serve the congregation in this way. PRAISE 15 The Alpine Worship Ministry would like to invite everyone to a night of praise and worship. Members are encouraged to bring friends and family members to come enjoy PRAISE 15 at 6 pm, TONIGHT in the Worship Center. This is an all ages, all stages event! MEN’S MINISTRY UPDATES & EVENTS THANK YOU The Men’s Ministry would like to give a sincere thank you to the following businesses for donating materials/labor for some of our repair projects. Specifically, Paul Saccoccio of Peter Paul Plumbing, Tony Nations of Factory Direct Flooring, and David Harber of Harber Electric. These are businessmen with Christian hearts. Again, thank you! MEN’S GOLF TOURNAMENT The Alpine Ironmen will host their semi-annual golf tournament on Saturday, May 23rd at Wood Hollow Golf Course in Longview. Participants will meet at 12 noon for lunch (burgers and chips). With tee time scheduled for 1 pm. The cost is $50 per person and includes your cart, green fee and food. If you have a team that you would like to sign up, please contact Ron Fletcher. All teams are encouraged to have their fees in before the day of the tournament. DOVE HUNT Attention all Alpine men, summer is here, so start making plans to attend our opening day dove hunt! More details to follow in upcoming publications. NEW SUMMER CLASSES BEGIN TODAY! The discipleship ministry at Alpine Church of Christ invites everyone to come and take part in Christian education. Although our classes are “hosted” by groups of various ages and stages of life, they are open to everyone. Please take part in the class that you feel will best teach, strengthen, challenge, and encourage you in your Christian life! CLASS LISTINGS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE WELCOME DESK OR IN THE CHURCH OFFICE. TASTE OF ALPINE FOOD-FELLOWSHIP-FUN The El Salvador Team (Amy Pruitt, April Hughes, Chris & Becky Peurifoy, Richard Pruitt and Pete Ulvog) would like to invite you to Taste of Alpine on Wednesday, May 6th. THE MENU IS: CHICKEN SPAGHETTI, GREEN BEANS, BREAD AND DESSERT, PREPARED BY ELGIN LARY. Please be sure and mark your attendance card if you plan on coming! RETIREMENT PARTY Alpine Christian Academy would like to invite everyone to a “come & go” party honoring Debbie Hoelzle on May 7th from 9 - 12 noon in the FLC Atrium. We encourage you to come with well wishes and fond memories as we say farewell after 19 years of dedication to the children and families at ACA! HAITI MISSION TRIP UPDATE The Team is preparing for this trip on May 17-23. Listed below are ways you can become involved and help make this trip more beneficial to the people of Haiti and to those traveling: *funds to purchase items in Haiti for our projects *bring travel size shampoo, lotion, deodorant, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrush (not bar soap). *bring washcloths, twin flat sheets. *prayers prayers and more prayers! We'll have a box in the Commons next Sunday. If you have any questions, contact Amy Pruitt or Sarah Graham. LOVIN’ ON LONGVIEW On Sunday June 7th, in conjunction with Mission Longview, Alpine will have a day of service in our Longview community. We will arrive at church at 9am for a quick devotional and prayer, then groups will head out into the community to complete service projects and spread Christ’s love to our neighbors. In the coming weeks you will see sign-up sheets and projects available. Pray fervently about this day and about what God would have you work on. If you have additional outreach projects that you would like to submit, send an email to Chuck Thomas at Let’s prepare to spread Christ’s love and get off of the hill like never before! Bring Your Tired, Your Worn, Your Weary SHOES, SHOES, SHOES SHOES FOR SERVICE Providing Service Dogs for Servicemen and Women And Shoes for the Needy Help provide a FREE service dog for a war veteran! Bring ANY shoes to the collection box in the Alpine Church foyer between now and May 10th. The shoes will be donated to the needy in developing countries DONATE YOUR SHOES, WE NEED: ANY SIZE, ANY KIND, ANY CONDITION, MUST HAVE THE PAIR! The whole family can participate and make a difference. If you have questions please contact Bill & Linda Adkins.
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