ALPINE EXPLORERS (2 year old-6th grade) CHILDREN’S WORSHIP Please remember-all 3-5 year olds will exit for BASE CAMP worship through the commons and will go with volunteers to worship in the CHAPEL. Parents, please collect the lanyard nametags for your student as they line up. Summit Worship, for all 1st-4th graders, will leave through the Commons to worship with volunteers in the LOFT. WELCOME ACE INTERN, MADELINE JONAH! We are excited to welcome Madeline Jonah as the 2015 ACE summer intern! She just completed her sophomore year at LETU & will be transferring back to Canada in the Fall. Please get to know her & feel free to take her out to lunch! CHILDREN’S CONTRIBUTION The Children’s contribution will bless local ministries this month. Many thanks to all who give! VBS PREVIEW ALPINE EXPEDITION VBS JUNE 21-24 Our VBS journey begins in just 5 short weeks! All Volunteers and Student Participants can sign up online at Begin inviting your friends to join us on this exciting journey of faith! MISSION LONGVIEW All current 4th-6th graders can pick up a Mission Longview Application by the fence just outside the Chapel. Just a reminder that all Mission Longview applications and registration fees are due today. Please return all registration form to our intern, Madeline Jonah. 5TH & 6TH GRADE STORYLINE TRIP Current 5th & 6th graders will travel to Dallas June 12-13 to assist with the Storyline Church Garage Sale and enjoy a Rangers game together. Cost of the trip is $45 for pre-teens and adults. Please pick up information and sign up/pay by Sunday, May 31. FRIDAY-FUN-FEMALES-4TH, 5TH & 6TH GRADERS Hey girls-Save the date for Friday, June 19...Join Melissa & Madeline for lunch at Johnny’s Pizza & the movie, Inside Out...more details to come! CAMP DEER RUN DAY CAMP IS NOW FULL FOR THE ALPINE SESSION. SAVE THE DATE May 27: VBS Sneak Peak June 7-10: Mission Longview June 12-13: 5th/6th Storyline Trip June 21-24: VBS/Alpine Expedition August 23: Age group Promotion ACA NEWS “G– Force” Summer Session begins this Tuesday, June 2nd. AYM NEWS & UPDATES May 31, 2015 Alpine Youth Ministry 7th-12th grades TODAY NO SOFTBALL PRACTICE TODAY JUNIOR CLASS LUNCH MEETING @ Papacitas –today from 11:45 am till 1:30 pm SUMMER KICKOFF SWIM PARTY @ Kevin & Dee Anne McCrary’s – Today from 6 pm till 8 pm. There will also be games and food, please bring a side dish and a towel if you are swimming! All families are welcome! Summer Event Brochures are in the Kiosks! Checkout the early bird due dates! THIS WEEK FINAL SOFTBALL GAME: Tuesday, June 2 @ 6:45 against Elevation HIGH SCHOOL HANGOUT this Tuesday @8:00 after the softball game @ Raising Cane’s SOUL QUEST MEETING: Wednesday, June 3 @ 6 pm in the Loft WEDNESDAY’S KIDS: Wednesday, June 3, 10 am till 1:45 pm. Bring $ for lunch at the Mall SOUL QUEST: Leave for Soul Quest on Saturday, June 6 @ 7:30 am. WEDNESDAY NIGHT YOUTH WORSHIP SCHEDULE IN THE LOFT Welcome & Announcements: TJ Hargrove Greeter: Amy Pruitt Café: Rachel & TJ Audio/Visual: Rachel Eppes Worship Leader: Sarah Bradford Speaker: Lance Logan Theme: The Red Letters THE LOFT CAFÉ @ 6 PM: CEREAL BAR $1 FOR A BOWL NEXT WEEK WEDNESDAY’S KIDS: Wednesday, June 10, 10 am till 1:45 pm. Bring $ for lunch. UPCOMING EVENTS Registration due for McAllen, & COTH!! HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATIONS June 5 @ 8 pm – Pine Tree ISD @ HS Stadium (Brooke Pool & Matthew Samford) June 5 @ 7 pm – Union Hill ISD @ HS Gym (Garrett Liles) 2015 Alpine Church of Christ 610 East Loop 281 Longview, TX 75605 (903)758-0161 Website: Email: Welcome to Alpine! We are glad you are here and welcome you to join any aspect of our worship time. Our elders, staff, and members stand ready to pray with you or answer any questions you may have. Nursery Assistance WELCOME & INFO FOR OUR GUESTS INFANTS Birth to 36 months are lovingly cared for in our attended nursery Sunday mornings CHILDREN 3-year-olds - 4th grade are invited to a special time of learning during our Sunday morning worship time when dismissed. Today’s Praise Today’s music is available in the Commons for those who desire sheet music. We hope this will enhance your praise today! Prayer Requests It is a privilege for us to pray with and for you. Please fill out a prayer request form located in the back of the pews or at the Welcome Center and place in the box in the Commons. You may also email requests to: Prayers are confidential and not published in our bulletin unless requested. Becoming a Christian If you wish to learn more about becoming a Christ-follower, we are ready and excited to talk to you! Please take the opportunity at the end of our service to meet with one of our elders at the front or back of the Worship Center during the last song. Membership If you are interested in becoming a member of the Alpine family, please note this on your attendance card and plan to join us for one of our monthly membership classes. Sermons You can access Sunday’s sermons online at Alpine Shepherds Harry Hoelzle Bernie Krupa Ron McGregor James Ray John Shafer Brian Hoyle Gary Lovelace Richard Pruitt Gary Sanders Ministerial Staff Rodney Cox Paul Boorman Sandra Boorman Lance Logan Luke Tallon Larry Parker Melissa Kitchens Christy Norton Nansi Lifsey Holly Tallon Please help us! Contact us Email: Web: Phone: 903-758-016 1 (Monday - Thursday , 8:00 - 4 pm, Fridays, 8 am - noon) Our Worship Times: Sunday Bible Class - 9:00 am Sunday Worship - 10 am Wednesday Bible classes - 6:30 p.m. Prayer Concerns: LEE PITTMAN, husband of Linda, was admitted to Regional on Thursday night with pneumonia and blood and sinus infections. He received antibiotics and was hoping to return home over the weekend. NICOLE HOYLE, wife of Brian, is home from the hospital and will begin chemo again this week. DEAN ROBERTSON, husband of Marilyn, remains in Dallas. Marilyn asks that we all pray for God’s will to be done. JOHN SHAFER, husband of Kay, had a test Wednesday on his ankle which was swollen after back surgery. Preliminary results were no blood clot so prayers were answered. Pray for complete healing. ALAN WRIGHT, husband of Melanie, is doing better and regaining his strength back. He and Melanie will be going to court concerning McGuire being a part of their family. Please ask God to intervene. KEITH ROBINSON, husband of Erica, had successful micro-lumbar surgery Wednesday in Plano to remove fragments of two discs. He is home recovering. JERRY ROBINSON, husband of Carolyn, had a heart cath Wednesday and there was no need for a stent. Further tests will be done to determine what is causing his shortness of breath. DON PERRY, husband of Anna, will hopefully be moved to a rehab facility in Allen this week. Pray that Don continues to get stronger each day. The facility is near their son Kirk’s home which will be easier on Anna. CONTINUED PRAYERS: Dwain Sumpter, James Allwhite, Charles Townsend, George Alexander, David Wooten, Frank Williams, Brad Wallace, and Gaylan Walton. SYMPATHY VIVIAN PORTER, mother of Alan Porter and Vicki Benson, grandmother of Mark Porter, Karen Porter and Tori Upchurch, passed away Thursday. The family will have a graveside service tomorrow at 11 am at Gum Springs Cemetery in Hallsville. CARING & SHARING DAY Today is our quarterly Caring and Sharing Day. Thanks to your generous help, and through our partnership with other congregations, we are able to continue to supply food and clothing items to an average 1,200 families a month. The quarterly contribution is crucial to supporting these needy families. URGENT NEED TASTE OF ALPINE This week's Taste of Alpine will be benefitting the El Salvador mission trip. The El Salvador team (Amy Pruitt, Chris & Becky Peurifoy, April Hughes, Richard Pruitt and Pete Ulvog) thanks you! THE MENU IS: PORK TENDERLOIN, GREEN BEANS AND MASHED POTATOES - PREPARED BY ELGIN LARY. Please be sure and mark your attendance card if you plan on coming. FUN BUNCH PROJECTS Fun Bunch members have two great opportunities to serve and love others today and next Sunday. KEEPING IN TOUCH began last Sunday and will be an ongoing ministry program to serve and love Alpine’s members and guests. This ministry program seeks to stay in touch with all who need special care and attention due to health concerns and age limitations. Fun Bunch members and others can pick up a contact card at the Keeping in Touch distribution and collection box in the Commons to send cards, make phone calls, and personally visit those listed on the card. All identified are in need of special care at this time. LOVING ON LONGVIEW, scheduled for next Sunday, June 7, will provide projects that serve and love our community neighbors. Fun Bunch members can choose a project and join others to share the love of Jesus in meaningful ways. Sign up today in the Commons for both on campus and off campus projects. DISCIPLESHIP NEWS SUNDAY MORNING CLASSES: All are welcome to attend any of our Sunday morning classes at 9 am! NO CLASSES WILL MEET NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 7. All are encouraged to participate in Lovin’ On Longview!! WEDNESDAY EVENINGS: Summer Book Clubs begin this Wednesday! Invite a friend! Books are available for purchase in the Commons for $10 today. The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis – Discussion led by Luke Tallon Wrestling with Wonder : A Transformational Journey through the Life of Mary by Mario Shalesky – Discussion led by Kim Collier Traveling Light: Modern Meditations on St. Paul’s Letter of Freedom by Eugene Peterson – Discussion led by Stan Coppinger and Eddie Gooch The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa Terkeurst – Discussion led by Sandra Boorman (Tuesday nights - beginning June 9th) We need groups or individuals to prepare communion for June through December. Sign up for the month of your choice at the Welcome Desk in the Commons or by calling the church office. LOVIN’ ON LONGVIEW Next Sunday June 7th, in conjunction with Mission Longview, Alpine will have a day of service in our Longview community. Donations (as listed below) are needed for this event. Place your donations on the auditorium stage anytime from today through next Sunday. We are asking folks to donate the following items for the various service events and then participate in one of our many service events next Sunday. Clothing Canned Goods Toiletries- normal and travel size Non-perishable or long-lasting, healthy kid snacks (gummies, individual cereal, individual serving fruit drinks, granola bars, nuts, oatmeal, etc.) Garage sale items- Bring a box full of items to donate for the McMullen garage sale. If you have a large piece of furniture for the McMullen garage sale, see Melissa Kitchens for directions on where to store this on the Alpine campus. AGAPE’ ACRES ONION SALE The community garden here at Alpine has been hard at work! They invite you to enjoy the fruits of their labor by purchasing bundles of Noonday and 1015 onions that were grown organically and harvested right here in our own back yard! The sale will take place after service today outside on the sidewalk by the front entrance to the Worship Center, in front of the Commons. The bundles are $5 each and all money acquired will go toward future building projects in Agape’ Acres. Thank you and ENJOY! MOTHER & SON DATE NIGHT Due to scheduling conflicts and many families being out of town, the Mother and Son Date Night has been rescheduled for a later date. As plans are made, the Family Ministry will notify parents of the new date. FROM THE PRAYER TEAM Pray for us to have an attitude of self-sacrifice for Lovin’ on Longview Day, June 7th, as we remember Christ’s words in Matthew 26:40, “The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” EPHESIANS 5:1 - Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. PRAYER TEAM
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