GENERAL MEETING (21 and older please) Wednesday, April 8, 2015 6:00 P.M. The Vet’s Club (upstairs) 1626 Willamette St. Eugene P.O. BOX 70528 SPRINGFIELD , OR 97475 6:00 p.m. - Sign up for trips & activities 6:45 p.m. - Orientation for guests & new members 7:00 p.m. - General Meeting (Starts promptly at 7 p.m.) Light hors d’oeuvres will be served at the meeting ALTAIR SKI & SPORTS CLUB NEWSLETTER APRIL, 2015 DO NOT PARK in the lot behind the Vet’s Club. This lot is reserved for restaurant patrons. Please park on the street. GUESTS: Guests are welcome to attend up to three complimentary meetings if they wish to learn about our club before joining or they may join immediately. BOARD MEETING (Open to all members) Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Quail Run Clubhouse 435 Covey Lane, Eugene (east of Autzen Stadium) 6:00 p.m. DIRECTIONS: go east on MLK Blvd; turn right on Lindley (2nd light after Autzen Stadium); take first left (sign points to Covey Lane) which curves to the right and takes you directly to the North Gate of Quail Run gated community. The Clubhouse is immediately to the left inside the gate. Parking is in the lot to the right of the gate, on Covey Lane, or just before the gate. Call Janice Wardan (541-517-6067) if you need assistance. NOTE: If you are presenting an event /trip for approval or an item for discussion, please advise the Secretary or the President so the item can be added to the Agenda. Please bring copies of your proposal for each Board member. We do not have access to a copy machine at the Board Meeting. Thank you in advance. HIGHLIGHTS ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS: The election of new Board Members has been delayed one month to fill the slate of candidates. Elections will be held in May. May 13th June 1st Please check out details inside this issue for the following: News about Elections and Board Procedures Page 3 Revised Membership Dues structure Page 4 Biking Planning Meeting April 21st 5:30 p.m. Page 11 Hiking Planning Meeting April 13th 6:00 p.m. Page 12 : Volume 28 No. 4 Election of officers at the May General Meeting Board of Directors begin their new term GENERAL INFORMATION ———— BOARD MEMBERS ———— President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Board at Large Senior Board at Large Erich Kaufman Demetri Liontos Diane O’Keefe Ed Stanley Patrice McCaffrey Jack Brandon Brian Taggart 541-556-4211 541-345-0207 541-942-0261 541-954-5497 541-954-2649 541-953-7700 541-636-3093 ———— COMMITTEES & DIRECTORS ———— Biking Bowling Community Service Dance Lessons Database & Yahoo Mgr Equipment / Inventory Golf Greeters Hiking Members/Guests Newsletter Editor NWSCC Rep. Publicity Skiing Snowshoe/X-Ctry Skiing Social TGIF Walk / Jog Web Director Linda Tharp Trina Hayden Sandi Sanders Melissa Finch Ros Goodman Janice Wardan Erich Kaufman Carroll Oakley Debra Cole Gregg Fuller Stephen McCaffrey Joanna Zamora-Director Betsy Elting– Director Les Crone Peter Ferrero Max Liebreich Janice Wardan Janice Wardan Ted Merydith Becki Robinson Rod Robinson Scott Barkhurst Gregg Fuller Tom Arnold Carol Petty Claudia Liontos Diane Kaufman Walt Jacobson Janice Wardan 541-741-2634 541-844-9994 541-345-2454 541-343-4865 541-954-2479 541-517-6067 541-556-4211 541-556-2194 541-654-1186 541-520-6809 541-954-2537 541-686-7181 541 232-3541 541-726-9527 541-746-6263 541-484-1980 541-517-6067 541-517-6067 541-484-1558 541-514-4911 541-344-7170 541-343-9406 541-520-6809 541-729-2251 541-935-2088 541-345-0207 541-484-4365 541-343-7893 541-517-6067 ———- EVENT PLANNING ———You can get an event planning packet from the website (click on FORMS tab), by calling Janice Wardan at 541-485-1405, or by picking one up at the General Meeting or Board Meeting. Some reminders: Sign-up-Policy: The first opportunity to sign up for an event is at the first General meeting after the Board-approved event appears in the newsletter. After the first General meeting, the trip captain can take signups over the phone or at any other time or place, i.e. TGIFs. If you are not able to attend a General meeting, another Altair member (not the trip captain) can sign up for you. No one is considered signed up unless and until payment is received. Guests cannot sign up for an event for the first 30 days — Altair members have priority, unless the trip captain has chosen to allow guests to sign up earlier. Paying for Events: Checks should be payable to Altair, not the trip captain. Altair does not accept cash. Payments can be made by check, Visa or MasterCard. (No American Express or debit cards, no 2-party or post-dated checks). Trip captains: Please don’t hold checks-turn them in immediately! Questions: contact Janice Wardan . ———— NEWSLETTER INFORMATION ———— The current newsletter is available from the web site or you can purchase printed newsletters for $2.00 at any General Meeting. If you have any questions please contact Janice Wardan. Previous months’ issues are also available on the website. The deadline for newsletter information to be submitted for the next month is the Friday following the Board Meeting. There are two ways to submit your articles: email in Word format to Janice Wardan at or bring the article to the Board Meeting. Late submissions may be rejected in order to get the newsletter out in time. ———— MEMBERSHIP DUES ———— The Membership year is November 1st to October 31st. Annual dues are $75.00 for new members. Renewal dues are $70.00, if paid no later than November 1st; after that the new member rate applies. Membership includes access to Altair’s Yahoo e-mail group; to “Members’ Only” events; and Members’ discounts to Altair events and select stores. Payment Schedule: Prior to November 1 (discounted renewal rate): After November 1 through the following October 31st. After March 1 through the following October 31st After July 1 through the following October 31st $70.00 $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 ———— DIRECTORY ———— An updated Directory is distributed monthly via Altair Yahoo email, which is for MEMBERS ONLY. Please see instructions on how to join the Altairsports email group in this section. Members may purchase Directories for $1.00 at the General Meetings, if they do not have a printer. Contact changes: Members who have changes to their contact information are to notify Janice Wardan, Database Manager, at 541– 485-1405 or . Page #2 ———— ALTAIR YAHOO!! E-MAIL GROUP———— (Members only) To join the “Altairsports” email group, please follow these steps—all of which are free of charge: Go to the Altair web site Click on the Contacts tab. Then click on the Join Yahoo!! Group icon. Once you have a yahoo address go to GROUPS and scroll for Altair Ski & Sports Club. Then select JOIN THIS GROUP. Follow the steps to join the Altair Ski & Sports yahoo group. Please remember to include your real name in the message section when requesting to join the Altair group. The group is restricted to members only & email names don’t always identify who is requesting authorization to join the group site. There is an option to add another email address. If you wish the Altair messages to be delivered to your regular email address (not the yahoo address), add your regular email address and then designate it to be your primary address. Messages will then bounce to your regular email IN box. . If you have any questions, please contact Janice Wardan at or 541-485-1405. BOARD MEETING HIGHLIGHTS & UPDATES March 18, 2015 Board Meeting The Board approved the Shelter Cove trip planned for February 26 – 29, 2016 to be led by Carol Petty and Joyce Eltz. Sign-ups will begin at the December 2015 meeting. The Board approved a Guys & Dolls Golf Tournament at Oakway Golf Course on June 13, 2015 led by Donna and Gordon Waske.. Sign-ups begin at the April General meeting. Melissa Finch reported that the MS Walk will be on May 9th. At the April General meeting, we will have a fundraiser raffle drawing. This drawing will be in lieu of the regular monthly raffle. Election of Board members is being delayed until May to complete the slate of candidates. Would you like to be Treasurer? Board Member at Large? WE NEED YOU! THE CLUB NEEDS YOU! The Board is considering creating a volunteer Bookkeeper position to reduce the workload of the Treasurer. This volunteer would need experience in Excel to process the Club’s deposits. The Board approved a new dues structure, effective November 1, 2015, as proposed by the Membership Committee. There is NO INCREASE for current members, the dues will remain at $75 annually, with a discount of $5 IF paid prior to November 1st each year. The main change is that pro-rated dues relate ONLY to new members or for individuals whose membership has expired for more than 3 years. The Board confirmed that individuals must be 21 years of age or older to attend any Altair event, including the monthly regular meetings even when there is an outside speaker. Notices about this age requirement will be included in news releases and posted at the entry to the meeting location. Janice Wardan notified the Board that the rent free Quail Run Clubhouse would not be available for the monthly Board Meetings after the May Board Meeting. Demetri reported that contracts have been finalized with Mac’s and the Vet’s club through December, 2015. . The catering contract with Max was reduced by 1/3 and the Vet’s club rent remained the same. The Board discussed the FWSA Convention funding and selection. Discussions to be continued. ———Submitted by Secretary Diane O’Keefe NEWS ABOUT ELECTIONS & BOARD PROCEDURES Dear Fellow Altairians, Following up on our lively (dynamic?) Board meeting of last Wednesday, here is an update of some important things all members should know. First, the Annual Elections have been delayed by a month and will be held at the May membership meeting (Wed., May 13th). This will hopefully allow us to present a complete slate of candidates. The Nominating Committee is still looking for a few good men and women to run for the seven positions on the Board. These are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior Board Member at Large, and two Board Members at Large. The Board wishes to warmly thank those members who have already agreed to run in various positions. However, we do have one glaring need--to fill the TREASURER'S position. This is a strong appeal (read 'Cry for help!') to someone among our members who has the skills (Quicken/QuickBooks, etc.) to volunteer to do this vital job. Our current Treasurer, Ed Stanley, is working out a clarification of the job description to help reduce the overall workload of the Treasurer. The Board is considering a volunteer position of “Bookkeeper”. The bookkeeper is a non-Board (and nonvoting) position that would handle the deposits and require knowledge of Excel. This would reduce the workload of the Treasurer. Let's face it, no club can function without someone to take care of its finances. So, please, PLEASE think about running for this critical position of Treasurer and let me or one of the Nominating Committee know! Thank you. In other news, the refreshments contract with Mac's has been renegotiated , with expenses reduced by one third. This is also good news and follows the direction given us by the results of February's refreshments survey. Also your Board will soon be working on streamlining the "way we do business"--the presenting/approving of events, board meetings and officer responsibilities. All this to keep this great club running smoothly and happily. Stay tuned! --Demetri Liontos, Vice President/Nominating Committee Chair Page #3 NOTES FROM OUR PRESIDENT: At the March 18, 2015 Board Meeting, our Board of Directors voted to approve a change to Altair’s membership dues structure. I would like to take a few minutes to explain how and why the change came about. Altair dues have remained the same for 10 years or more and the Board has been reluctant to increase the dues in spite of increased expenses. The Membership Committee met to discuss the dues structure and concluded that Altair is a year round club that requires year round support from the Members. The membership year is November 1st to October 31st the following year. The committee felt that the prorated dues structure was originally intended for new members to join midyear. The Membership Committee recommended changing the due structure based on the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Altair has expenses year round (general liability insurance, directors & officers’ insurance, accounting fees, data base software annual fees, post office box fees, credit card merchant fees, administrative office fees, and General Meeting fees) that are not being shared by all members year round. With current members rejoining midyear there is less income to the Club while those with lapsed memberships are still benefiting , ie: our monthly newsletter, TGIF’s, no fee gatherings (hikes/walks, biking, picnic, drop-in golf), Altair web site, & calendar. With members coming and going there is confusion as to who is or is not a Club member. With members rejoining midyear it increases the workload of the Yahoo!! Email Moderator who must re move lapsed members from the “Member Only” email group and then generally must assist them in rejoin ing the group. Event Leaders are responsible for regulating sign-ups based on membership status (costs and whether eligible to sign-up), so they need to be more diligent in determining eligibility. The Membership Committee recommended a prorated fee restructure for new members who were joining for the first time or for those who had not been members for more than 3 years. The Board, by majority vote, passed the new fee structure & change to the by-laws to be effective November 1, 2015 as reproduced below. My thanks to the Membership Committee and the Altair Board for their efforts to resolve this issue that has led to confusion over the years. Erich Kaufman President Altair Ski & Sports Club Effective November 1, 2015, the following will be the new dues structure: ———— MEMBERSHIP DUES ———— The Membership year is November 1st to October 31st the following year. Annual dues are $75.00, paid anytime between November 1st and October 31st. A discount of $5 is given if annual dues are paid prior to November 1st and membership has not lapsed. The discounted renewal would be $70, if paid prior to November 1st. NEW MEMBERS: (or individuals whose membership has expired for more than 3 years can qualify for the following prorated schedule): After November 1 through the following October 31st. After March 1 through the following October 31st After August 1 through the following October 31st $75.00 $50.00 $25.00 Revised 3/18/15 Page #4 MEMBERSHIP April Birthdays March General Meeting Stats Total Membership: Number of guests: Number of members attending: Number of new members: Dave Carlstrom Reese Miller Helene O’Rouke Total attending meeting: Raffle Winners: Guest/New Member: Birthday: General Raffle: Greeter Volunteers: Vic C. Mann Morre Rude Diana A. Ashley Debbey J. Loos Bob Thomas Linda L. Jensen Tom W. Moss Sandy L. Lesch Amy J. Donnelly Ted O. Merydith Carol L. Fernlund Nikki Frank Lesley A. Rex Bob Caldwell David A. Carlstrom 177 3 92 3 95 Dave Carlstrom Scott Barkhurst Debra Cole Brian Cory Dale Berg 04/01 04/08 04/08 04/08 04/09 04/09 04/13 04/16 04/17 04/17 04/17 04/20 04/20 04/22 04/24 Laurie Steinbruck COMMUNITY SERVICES: Co-Directors: Sandi Sanders 541-345-2454 Community Service Melissa Finch - 541-343-4865 MS WALK: May 9th On May 9th Altair will have a team taking part in an MS walk to raise funds for Multiple Sclerosis research. Many Altair members have a personal stake in the success of this research due to knowing fellow Altair members, friends and family members who are battling the disease. Our Altair goal by the time of this walk is to raise a minimum of $500 that we can donate to the MS Organization. How can you help? 1. Sign up to walk – let’s get out there together! (if you can’t walk come out and cheer us on) 2. Throw your extra change into a donation can at the April and May meetings 3. Donate money to MS through your Altair Community Services team (payable to MS Society) 4. Buy tickets for our STUPENDOUS, FABULOUS DRAWING AT THE MAY MEETING. Prizes include gift certificates to Indulge, The Highlands, Sixth Street Grill, Maru, Valley River Inn and More! All donations need to be in the form of cash or checks, payable to MS Society. Receipts will be available. At the April general meeting Christy Wells from the MS organization will be telling us more about this disease and how we can help find a cure. Page #5 MEMBERS’ CORNER ALTAIR Classified Help Wanted Candidates for Board of Directors Nominating Committee seeking members who have been in Altair for 1 year or more to run for: President Vice President Treasurer (no candidates yet) Secretary Senior Board at Large Board at Large (need candidates) Board at Large Skiing friends at Mt. Bachelor!!! Bookkeeper: Seeking self motivated individual with Excel skills who will volunteer to do the deposits for the Treasurer. (Thereby making the Treasurer’s position on the Board more desirable.) Scott found some snow while on the golf course on the Hickory Lane SKI trip!!!!! Social Director: Seeking self motivated individual or a “team” to promote events & trips within the Club & to assist members in getting them started. Altair’s income is from Club’s % of profits from events & trips, membership dues, & raffle income. If we are not increasing dues, we need to increase events & trips to create % of income to Altair. Event Leaders: Seeking all members to help lead events & trips. These can be new events or trips —or some the Club has done in the past. We have lists of fun things to do. If you want ideas, please see Diane Kaufman or Janice Wardan for a copy of past events done by Altair. Page #6 Basking in the sun while on the Hickory Lane SKI trip. RECURRING SOCIAL EVENTS TGIF Every Friday —An opportunity to meet with friends & make new ones! 6:00 p.m. until whenever. Please remember to tip! PINOCHLE All skill levels welcome to these potluck events. Bring a drink of your choice & a dish to share. Plan on staying for 3 games, which take about 40 minutes each. In consideration of those who are allergic, we ask that you not wear scented products. Please RSVP to the host except where noted. Date: Time: Host: Place: Apr. 3 Hilton Garden 3528 Gateway, Spfld. Apr. 10 6th Street Grill 55 W. 6th St, Eugene (in bar) Apr. 17 5th St Market 296 E 5th St, Eugene Date: Time: Host: Place: Apr. 24 Kowloons 2222 MLK Blvd, Spfld. RSVP: May 1 The Old Pad 3355 E Amazon, Eugene May 8 Maru 1769 Franklin Blvd, Eugene (upstairs) Tuesday, April 14, 2015 5:45 p.m. (play begins at 6:15 p.m.) Fred Thomas Clairmont Apts. Clubhouse, 1605 Adkins, Eug (There is no need to sign up for Fred’s games. Just show up with a potluck & beverage.) Tuesday, April 30, 2015 5:45 p.m. (play begins at 6:15 p.m.) Marguerite King 1355 Corum Ave, Eugene Limited to 16 players. (email your RSVP-she is traveling) Names are taken on a first come basis. If the host has limited the number of players, there will be waiting list. Altair members are given preference over non-Altair members. Questions? Contact Marguerite King at 541-554-5514 MOVIE NIGHTS Monday night movies will be announced via Altair Yahoo email group. DROP-IN POOL & TABLE TENNIS Date: Contact: April 22, 2015 Contact: 6:15 p.m. (or later if you like) Highland’s Pub 390 East 40th, Eugene (corner of E. 40th and Donald St.) Steve Alderson 541 935-4289 Erich Kaufman 541-556-4211 (The FIRST SUNDAY of each month) Beginners are welcome. Just drop in, no limit on players, nothing to bring —other than your enthusiasm and a cribbage board & Rummikub game if you have them. Nice & Easy & Fun! Date: Time: Sunday, April 5, 2015 5:30 get a bite to eat & 6:00- 6:30p.m. games start The City Lounge (next to Kowloon’s) 2222 Martin Luther King Blvd., Eugene Roberta Fairchild 541-746-0204 Place: DROP-IN VOLLEYBALL Date: Time: Place: Contact: Every Tuesday (weather permitting) 6:00 pm—7:30 pm (or so) then we go for food & drinks after Alton Baker Park (near shelters) (the park is at the north end of the Ferry Street Bridge) Erich Kaufman 541-484-4211 Steve Alderson 541-935-4289 We play for FUN! We don’t keep score; we use the softest ball so it won’t hurt your hands. We go for food and drinks following the “games.” STARTING UP MARCH 31st WEATHER PERMITTING Page #7 541-632-2098 DROP-IN CRIBBAGE & RUMMIKUB (Special: 4th Wed free pool & table tennis) Time: Place: Mike Burns Contact: BOWLING Date: Time: Place: Cost: Following: Contact: 3rd Sunday of the month Meet at 5:45 pm for 6:00 pm game start The Firs on River Rd next to Bi-Mart $13 for Altair members, $14 guests Meet for dinner at Abby’s pizza Trina Hayden 541 844-9994 (Please see Bowling under SPORTS for details.) *Please note that Firs Bowl raised their fees and also now charge $2.00 for bowling shoes. If you have your own bowling shoes, you may use them. Pay the bowling fees to Trina and sign-in. Pay Firs Bowl for the shoes at the counter. SOCIAL EVENTS DINNER & A PLAY Date: Place: Times Cost: Signups: Minimum: Cancellation: Contact; Saturday April 4, 2015 Dinner Liontos home 1890 Taylor St. Eugene Play 2350 Hilyard Eugene Dinner 5:00 pm Play 7:00 pm $40 Dinner and Play $20 Play only Begin at December General Meeting 30 people None, must find your own replacement Demetri Liontos 541-345-0207 Claudia Liontos 541-345-0207 (see flyer in March newsletter on page #15) 2015 SPRING DANCE SCHEDULE Dates: Times: April 2nd—May 21st (each Thursday) Beginner—Beyond Beginner 6:00—7:00 pm Night Club Two Step & Hustle Intermediate to Advanced 7:15—8:15 pm Night Club Two Step & West Coast Swing Place: Cost: Signups: Minimum: Cancellation: Contact; Instructors: Trinity United Methodist Church 440 Maxwell Road $70 per person/8 week session Begin at December General Meeting 30 people March 20, 2015 Joanna Zamora 541-686-6181 Laura Taylor 541-342-3058 Robert Phaigh (see flyer in February newsletter on page #18) Page #8 SAVE THE DATES For these board approved events in the future. August 12, 2015 Dec. 11, 2015 Feb. 26-19, 2016 Annual picnic Holiday Dinner/Dance Shelter Cove TRIPS BEND’S RIVERFRONT LODGE 16th ANNUAL CRATER LAKE 2015 Dates: Place: Cost: April 10-12, 2015 Prospect Historic Hotel $225 members $250 non-members Historic double rooms $30.00 extra/person (except Record Suite) Includes: 2 nights’ lodging, 2 hearty buffet breakfasts & 2 sack lunches Gourmet dinner Saturday night Murder Mystery Evening Saturday Ranger-led snowshoe hike/snowshoes provided Limit: Minimum 20, maximum 40 Cancellation: March 11, 2015 (less $20 cancellation fee) Sign-up: Begin December general meeting (full payment due) Leaders: Janice Wardan 541 517-6067 Galen Howard 541 914-7626 Date: Place: Cost: Includes: Option: Limit: Cancel: Leaders: May 30-June 1, 2015 Deschutes’ Riverfront Home 2317 Lakeside Pl., Bend, Oregon $110.00-$164.00 members (1/2 $ at sign-up & balance by 4-1-15) 2 nights’ lodging, first night dinner, 2 continental breakfasts, dockside kayaking and canoeing, and a 14 person Cycle Pub ride Half day raft trip on 5/31 for about $70 14 (members only) No refunds without waiting list Diana Thomas Bob Thomas 541-221-6345 541-935-9559 (see flyer in January newsletter page #16) (see flyer in December newsletter on page 21) FRENCH GLEN 2015 Lake Billy Chinook 2015 Date: Place: Cost: Includes: Limit: Cancel: Sign-up: Leaders: June 29-July 2, 2015 Houseboat on Lake Billy Chinook $408—$425 Members Only Luxury houseboat, fuel, primary meals, Water toys, hot tub, slide, BBQ) 18 people, with waiting list only with replacement, April 8 to June 28, 2015 Date: Place: Cost: Jack Brandon Nancy Gripp Sign-up: (see flyer on page #15) 541-953-7700 541-968-2835 Includes: Limit: Cancel: Leaders: September 11-14, 2015 French Glen—Eastern Oregon $280—$390 Members $330—$440 Non-Members 3 night’s lodging & meals And a birding adventure 24 people July 30, 2015 ($50 nonrefundable fee at any time) March 11th (Members only in March) Non-members can sign-up at April mtg. Diane Kaufman 541-484-4365 Erich Kaufman (see flyer in March newsletter on page #16) Page #9 GOLF—SPORTS GOLFING: Director: Carroll Oakley 541-556-2194 Check the Altair yahoo email site for additional golf events and updates. TOURNAMENTS: DATE (* pending Board approval) 6/13/15 *7/10/15 *7/26/15 *8/8/15 *9/13/15 *pending Board approval GOLF EVENT/LOCATION Guys and Dolls Oakway Golf Course Nine and Dine McKenzie River G.C. Diamond Woods G.C. TIME 10:00 am TBA Al Williams Tokatee Classic Tokatee G.C. Final Fling Middlefield G.C. FORMAT Alternate stroke scramble mixed scramble 10:00 am Shot Gun TBA mixed scramble TBA mixed scramble mixed scramble CONTACT Donna &Gordon Waske Susan & Sandy Sandhorst Mike Burns Carroll Oakley Rich & Sue Jenkins Pam & Bill Hirsh PHONE 541-689-1895 541-521-7394 541-632-2098 541-556-2194 541-345-8374 541-5822 SHOW & GO GOLF: DATE: GOLF EVENT/LOCATION TIME FORMAT CONTACT PHONE 04/27/15 Sand Pines (Florence, OR) 10:30 am Show & golf Brian Taggart 541-525-5444 Check newsletter, website, and yahoo email for updates as several events are in the planning stages. DROP-IN GOLF (9 HOLES) Every Thursday (weather permitting) begins May 7, 2015 DATE: GOLF EVENT/ LOCATION TIME COST CONTACT PHONE Every Thursday Sutton Ridge at River Ridge Golf Course 3800 Delta Highway 5:30 meet 1st tee time 5:45 pm $13.00 for ALTAIR MEMBERS Carroll Oakley 541-556-2194 After drop-in golf we meet for a no-host dinner at BJ’s Restaurant to eat, drink and brag about our best golf shots of the evening and to enjoy each other’s company. BEGINNING ALTAIR GOLFERS ARE VERY WELCOME!!! GUYS & DOLLS GOLF TOURNAMENT Place: Date: Time: Costs: Oakway Golf Course Saturday, June 13 2015 10:00 am $7 members; $10 non-members No refunds Green Fees: $20 paid at clubhouse Awards Lunch: Papa’s Pizza Coburg Road. (no host) Limit: Maximum 24 golfers; minimum 16 Sign-ups: Begin April General Meeting Contacts: Donna & Gordon Waske 541-689-1895 (see flyer on Page #16) Page #10 WAIVERS Please remember that all members and guests MUST sign the Altair Day Trip/Event Sign-up and Waiver for any Altair activities/events/trips. BIKING—SPORTS BIKING: Directors: Linda Tharp 541 741-2634 IMPORTANT BASICS: Please always RSVP to ride leaders except for show and go rides. Rides maybe cancelled due to weather, or changes made to meeting times/locations. Check the Yahoo Email Group for last-minute updates. Bring: HELMETS ARE REQUIRED on all Altair rides, water, snacks, sunscreen, a spare tire and pump may be handy. Length: Based on roundrip Easy: Moderate: Difficult: Flat or almost flat Some general rolling hills Some steep hills RECURRING IN TOWN RIDES—(June through September) or when announced on Altair Yahoo e-mail group DATE: Monday evenings BIKE (mileage & level) TIIME Eugene bike paths—easy 5:00 pm MEET AT Foot bridge at Valley River Center CONTACT Linda Tharp PHONE 541-741-2634 BICYCLE PLANNING MEETING Date: April 21 Time: 5:30 Place: 1624 Russet Drive Contact: Linda Tharp 541-741-2634 Annette Tognazzini 541-556-8009 Bring: Beverage of choice Come help us plan a fun season of biking. All ideas are welcome from in-town rides to destinations rides. Even if you are not interested in leading a ride, your input is wanted. Linda and Annette will provide a light meal, so call ahead if you plan to join us. BOWLING—SPORTS BOWLING: Date: Time: Place: Cost: Director: Trina Hayden 541-844-9994 THIRD Sunday of each month Meet at 5:45 p.m. (ready to play at 6:00 p.m.) Firs Bowl, 1930 River Rd., Eugene (next to Bi-Mart) *$13.00 members $14.00 guests—payable to Altair *$2.00 for bowling shoes—payable to Firs Bowl. Meet at the Firs at 5:45 pm. We start bowling at 6:00 and then head over to Abby’s Pizza for no host pizza and beverages after the games. All skill levels are welcome from beginner to professional. The cost includes 3 games. Bowling shoes can be rented for $2.00 from Firs if you do not have your own bowling shoes. We intend to play 3 games each. If you intend to play less than 3 games, please team up with others doing the same so you don’t leave any players without a full team. We have 6 lanes reserved for the evening, so come join us. *PLEASE NOTE that Firs Bowl increased their costs. They also are now charging $2.00 to rent bowling shoes. Page #11 HIKING/WALKING—SPORTS HIKING: Directors: River/Bike Trail Walks Town Hikes Gregg Fuller Walt Jacobson Marian West 541-520-6809 541-343-7893 541-746-6263 Stephen McCaffrey 541-954-2537 IMPORTANT!! RSVP THE HIKE LEADER to indicate your interest and find out more details. Be prepared to share in the cost of carpooling; Hiking lengths are round trip. Wear appropriate walking shoes or hiking boots, and bring water. Trekking poles or hiking sticks may be helpful for uneven terrain. Note: Please respect those who are sensitive to fragrances by not wearing scented products on hikes. Hikes may be cancelled due to weather, or changes made to meeting times. The meeting locations will be identified in the newsletter, the calendar, and CHANGES WILL BE on the ALTAIR YAHOO EMAIL site. The addresses for the most common meeting locations (for carpooling) are as follows: Jerry’s Hwy 99 Eugene (under the hammer nearest Hwy 99) Albertson’s 58th and Main Springfield- (east side of lot) Shell Station Shell Station 86611 Franklin Blvd off I-5 exit @ 30th St (instead of LCC Parking lot) Shari’s Beltline Hwy, Springfield (Gateway area) Target 4575 W.11th and Beltline, Eugene (meet in parking lot near W.11th Ave) Berg’s Ski 367 W. 13th, Eugene, RECURRING IN TOWN HIKES AND WALKS: Summer schedule starts (Walks begin at 9:00 a m): June 1 Fall/winter schedule starts (Walks begin at 10:00 a m): October 1 DATE: HIKE (mileage & level) TIME MEET AT CONTACT PHONE Every Weds. & Friday City streets 5.5 miles or 3.5 miles , UO campus, gentle uphill Hendricks Park. Meet back at Brails' Espresso for coffee afterwards 10:00 am Brails' Espresso 17th & Willamette Marian West 541-746-6263 Every Saturday River Bike Trails/ Skinners Butte 10:00 am Café Aroma-VRC Walt Jacobsen 541-343-7893 THIRD Weds. of each month After the regular Wednesday walk, meet for lunch at the following: (PLEASE RSVP) 10:00 am (walk) Brails' Espresso 17th & Willamette Marian West April 15th Taste of India 2495 Hilyard , Eugene 12:30 pm Lunch 541-746-6263 If weather permits, impromptu hikes will be announced on the Altair Yahoo email group. DATE: HIKE (mileage & level) TIME MEET AT CONTACT PHONE April 13 Mon. Hiking Planning Meeting 6:00pm Market of Choice W. 29th upstairs Gregg Fuller 541-520-6809 April 18 Sat. Sweet Creek Hike/5 miles Moderate, potluck following at Carol’s 8:30am Target 4875 W 11th Carol Petty 541-935-2088 HIKING PLANNING MEETING MONDAY, APRIL 13TH 6:00 P.M. Hello everyone! It's time to start dusting off our hiking shoes! to kick things off, on Monday April 13 at 6:00, we will be meeting at Market of Choice upstairs (29th location) to plan hiking trips. You can buy food at the market and bring it upstairs. Please bring the trips you would like to lead. See you there! Gregg Fuller 541-520-6809 WAIVERS Please remember that all members and guests MUST sign the Altair Day Trip/Event Sign-up and Waiver for any Altair activities/events/trips. Page #12 WINTER SPORTS WINTER SPORTS: Ski Directors: Tom Arnold 541-729-2251 Cross Country & Snow Shoe Director: Carol Petty 541-935-2088 Gregg Fuller 541-520-6809 Planning a day of fun in the snow? Want someone to carpool or ride the bus with? Leave a message with your contact information on the Altair Yahoo! E-mail site. DATE: *means pending board approval ALTAIR TRIP/EVENT: EVENT: Location & time to meet SPORT: (downhill, XC ski, snowshoe) CONTACT PHONE mileage, level if appl. Every Wednesday NO Hookey Bus to Mt. Bachelor All Mt. Bachelor facilities Berg’s Ski Shop 541 683 1300 Every Saturday NO Berg’s Bus to Mt. Bachelor All Mt. Bachelor facilities Berg’s Ski Shop 541 683 1300 Selected Saturdays NO Berg’s Bus to Mt. Hood Meadows All Mt. Hood Meadows facili- Berg’s Ski Shop ties 541 683 1300 Mar. 30 – Apr. 4, 2015 NO FWSA Mini Ski Week @ Whitefish, Montana Mainly for downhill skiers Apr. 10 – 12, 2015 YES Crater Lake Trip Details at signup Apr. 25, 2015 NO Berg’s Parking Lot Event: All winter sports. Free storage waxing, food, final discounts before closing for the season. Page #13 Barbara Bousum 503 224 3584 XC skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, exploring AND a piratethemed murder mystery. Janice Wardan 541 485 1405 (H) 541 517 6067 (C) Berg’s Ski Shop 541 683 1300 NorthWest Ski Club Council and Far West Ski Association Trips and Events June 18—24 Mississippi River Cruise & New Orleans FWSA Trip This trip will be a 3-night roundtrip paddleboat cruise aboard the American Queen from New Orleans More info at: New! June 4-7 FAR WEST CONVENTION 2015: It is time for the 83rd Annual Far West Ski Association Convention in San Diego, California. Convention meetings, educational seminars and events, visit New! September 26-October 3 2015 Bonaire Dive Trip Dive Package: $1,115 pp (double occupancy) Non-Dive Package: $836 pp (double occupancy) Single Supplement: $372 pp Price Includes: 7 Nights (double occupancy) at Plaza Beach Resort Bonaire in a Junior Laguna Suite, ALL Meals daily, All Drinks daily including Alcohol (excludes premium brands), Use of paddle boards, kayaks & catamarans and frequent daytime activities, 6 days of 2 tank boat dives and unlimited shore diving, Unlimited Nitrox (32% for certified nitrox divers), Free Wi-Fi, Airport Transfers, Bonaire Marine Park fee of $25.00 which requires ALL divers to do an equipment/ buoyancy check out shore dive & orientation prior to first dive. Hotel Taxes & Tips (tips for diving not included.) Limited Group Air on Delta est. $725 pp Price does not Include: Air, Dive Tips, Excursions other than diving Contact: Randy Lew 530-304-0802 New! January 30-February 6, 2016 Telluride Ski Resort NWSCC has announced that $100 deposits are now being accepted for this trip (fully refundable until June 30)! NWSCC will have two very fine choices for lodging, both ski in/ski out: condos at Bear Creek Lodge or hotel rooms at The Peaks Resort. The package price for the hotel will be $1,430 pp/do; for 2 bedroom condos the price will be $1,330 pp/do; and for either 3 or 4 bedroom condos the price will be $1,200. These prices are for land only (no air or transfers), but include 7 nights’ lodging, Welcome Party, Pub Crawl, Council Night Dinner, Mountain Picnic (not accessible to non-skiers, due to location), Après Ski Party, Races, a Banquet with Dancing, and 6 of 7 day Lift Ticket (No Senior discount). For further info Barbara Bousum or 503-224-3584 OR Chris Ciardi at or 503-2975351. Announcing new trips, details to follow: Far West Mini Ski Week 2016 Crested Butte Mountain Resort Far West International Trip 2016: Italy Far West International Trip 2017 Austria For more community and the most current NWSCC / FWSA updates and a calendar of the events, log into the Facebook page for “Winter Sports Enthusiasts Altair Ski and Sports Club” and join the group at: Becki and Rod Robinson NWSCC Co-Representatives for Eugene and Altair Ski and Sports Club Page #14 LAKE BILLY CHINOOK HOUSEBOAT TRIP June 29 – July 2, 2015 WHERE: Lake Billy Chinook (45 minutes north of Bend ~ at Culver, OR) DATE/TIME: June 29 noon through July 2, 2015 noon COST: INCLUDES: LIMIT: SIGNUPS: $408 - $425 Varies based on lodging One luxury houseboat (hot tub, slide, BBQ grill etc), fuel, primary meals, water toys (2 wave runners, pontoon boat) and great friends! 18 Members Only unless openings (waiting list is encouraged) April 8 through June 28, 2015 CANCELLATION: Refunds only if there is paid waiting list for replacements TRANSPORTATION/ MILEAGE: Transportation to and from Lake Billy Chinook is up to the participants and carpooling is recommended. Approximate round trip mileage is 300; at the recommended 10¢ per mile this comes to $30 in individual gas contributions. TRIP CAPTAINS: Jack Brandon Nancy Gripp Page #15 541-953-7700 541-968-2835 Guys and Dolls Alternate Stroke Golf Tournament WHEN: WHEN: TIME: Saturday, June 13th Oakway Golf Course 10:00 a.m. Tee time Pick your partner and sign up as a team. Or sign up as a single and we will pick your partner. COST: $7 Entrance Fee Includes ticket for prizes to be raffled off FEES: $20 green fee paid at clubhouse WHAT TO EXPECT: 18 holes of golf: 2 person team (one guy, one gal) LUNCH: After golf at Papa’s Pizza on Coburg Rd. Each golfer buys their own PRIZES: All prizes are awarded thru raffle LIMITS: Tournament is limited to 24 golfers CONTACTS: Page #16 Donna Waske Gordon Waske 541-689-1895
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