the Forty Plus Newsletter

AMC FortyPlus Newsletter
April-June, 2015
Forty Plus is a committee of the Boston Chapter of the AMC. It is open to all who enjoy outdoor
activities, such as hiking, camping, biking, canoeing, kayaking, snowshoeing, downhill and xcountry skiing and local walks. Events are particularly aimed at active people over 40 who most
like to share these events with people around their own age.
About this Newsletter: The Forty Plus Newsletter is available on the Forty Plus website
( and is updated quarterly. To receive notifications
that the updated Newsletter is available or other Forty Plus news, you can subscribe online at
Forty Plus activities will continue to be published in the AMC Online Trip Listing, in the online
MUD, and in OUTDOORS (multi-day trips only). The MUD now publishes Boston Chapter trips
online only at, which is continually updated. Click on "Download all
trips." The news section of the MUD will be published quarterly at as a source of Boston Chapter news, stories, articles and
Please feel free to contact any of the people listed below to obtain information or suggest an
Past Chairs
Don Provencher, Tewksbury
Leslie Greer, Canton
Uschi Kullman, Medford
Ellen Stanley, Cambridge
Mary Hoffmann, Arlington
Kathy Blythe, Milton
Activity Coordinator
Andover Transition
Local Walks - TBD
Steve Dennen
Ellen Stanley, Cambridge
Marjorie Jordan, Newton
Teresa Pagliuca
Faith Evans
Linda Greco, Winchester
AMC Outdoors is now listing only multi-day trips. The trips are listed by date and are not
listed by Chapter or Committee. Forty Plus activities are listed on-line at AMC’s On Line
Trip Listing web site. You can search for activities of interest and even initiate the signup process right on line. To check out this new service, go to: Drop down to the ‘Committee’ menu and
click on ‘Forty Plus’; then to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Submit’. As you
explore the capabilities of this page, you will find that you can also search for specific
dates, activities, areas, and Chapters or committees. .
Check it out!
WordPress expertise needed. Do you know WordPress, the content management system
behind many websites today? Forty Plus is looking for help in adding new features to our
new website,, which is built on WordPress. If you can
help, contact Mary Hoffmann,
Sun. March 29. Cleveland Farm State Forest Hike Boxford MA. Meet at 1:00PM.
Hike~5mi section of Bay CircuitTrail along eskers formed by glacial activity. Listen
for Spring Peepers and Wood Frogs. L Richard Lombard (978-394-9619 on day of hike,
Sat., Apr. 4. Hiking Mount Moosilauke At 4,802 feet it is the western-most 4,000footer in NH. The alpine summit, on a clear day, affords hikers stunning views, to the
east, of the Franconia Ridge and Presidentials, and to the west, the Green Mountains
of Vermont and, in the distance, the Adirondacks in New York State. we will take -Round trip Glencliff Trail 7.8 miles round trip 3,300 feet of elevation. Reg. W/L Teresa
Pagliuca (508-654-9031 after 6:00-before 8:00 pm, CL Ann
Sun., Apr. 12. Blue Hills ramble. Hike on the some steep trails, including a section of
the skyline trail, at moderate pace to get in shape for the hiking season. About 5-6
mi. Meet at Houghton Pond (Chikatawbut Road, Canton) parking lot at 9:30 am. From
there we will head east. Rain cancels.Bring snacks and a light lunch. No dogs. NM
$1.00. L Maria Costantini (
Sun., Apr. 19. Bradley Palmer State Park, Topsfield. Enjoy Spring with a beautiful 2
hour easy hike in park and along Ipswich River. Explore 700 acres, the dam, and
Moon Hill. Meet at 1:30 PM. From Rt 128N take 1-95N to Rte 1. Follow Rte 1 pass
Topsfield Fairgrounds. Go to second traffic light, turn R at Dunkin Donuts onto
Ipswich Rd. Follow 1.5 miles to Asbury St, go R, drive to park entrance thru stone
pillars. Meet in main pkg lot to R. Dogs allowed. Heavy rain cancels. L Faith Evans
Wed., Apr. 22. Earth Day Hike in Willowdale State Forest, Ipswich MA. Earth Day hike
on section of Bay Circuit Trail along easy woodland trails ~5mi. Meet at 10:30 am at
parking area on Linebrook Rd. L Richard Lombard 978 394 9619,
Sat. April 25. GREAT ISLAND, W ELLFLEET. Spring hike approx. 6 m iles RT
on sand and thru oak and pine forest. Historical sites, shore birds, scenic
vistas. Optional après lunch. W aterproofed boots required. Reg. W /L
Barbara Fay, bfam Co-L’s: Penny Blevins, John Benham .
Sun., April 26. Pawtuckaway State Park, NH. Relatively easy +/-6 mile loop hike east
of Manchester NH. About 1400 ft. of vertical elevation gain. Great Hike; boulders,
vistas, and foundations make this trip a favorite. Reg. with L. Teresa Pagliuca, L Leslie Greer (
Sat., May 2-3. Wilderness First Aid at the Boston Nature Center. Learn to deal with
common medical incidents and accidents occuring in the backcountry. This SOLO
course will be held at the Norman Smith Education Center for new and experienced
hikers. Successful completion results in a two year WFA certification. This course
fills up fast and is limited to 20. Cost is $165 for .members and $170 for non
members. L Don Provencher (978-766-5601 Before 9PM,
Sun., May 3. Hike Crane Pond Wildlife Management Area in West Newbury/Groveland
MA Easy hike 4-5 miles along forest trails. Our destination will be one of largest
Great Blue Heron Rookeries in Essex County. Meet 1:00 PM. L Richard Lombard (978394-9619 on day of event,
Sun., May 10. Appleton Farm and Grass Rides, Ipswich and Hamilton. Enjoy rambling,
peaceful walk through woods, rolling grasslands with livestock, stone walls, carriage
paths and historic farm buildings. Farm established in 1636, and visit to Old House
Visitor Center is possible if time permits.This is a Trustees of Reservation property
( $3 pkg fee to non members of Trustees. Meet at 1:30 PM at
Highland St entrance. Limited pkg space. Rain Cancels. L Faith Evans (978-356-2098, CL Barbara Fay.
Fri., May 22-25. Scenic Block Island Biking/Hiking Memorial Day Weekend. Come with
us to this unique and gorgeous island. Stay at an island inn/cottage overlooking Old
Harbor. Guided, combined biking/hiking tours daily. $275 includes shared rooms plus
3 breakfasts. Dinners maybe prepared in available kitchen. There are a variety of
restaurants on the island. Bike in good order and helmet required. Tool kit
recommended. Full payment required at registration. L Ken Samoylenko (978-3693409 Before 9PM, CL Karen Deady CL Emily McPhillips.
Sat., May 30. Mount Tecumseh. (rt: 5.0 miles, 2,200 feet). Reg. W/CL Maria
Constantine ( L Teresa Pagliuca (
Sat., Jun. 6. Celebrate National Trails Day with Hike in Boxford State Forest North
Andover/Boxford MA. Meet at 1:00 pm. Hike along the Bay Circuit Trail and other
woodland trails ~ 5 miles while exploring the ecology and wildlife of this 1800 acre
conservation area. L Richard Lombard (978-394-9619 on day of event,
Sun., Jun. 7. Veasey Memorial Park Nature Walk/Hike Groveland MA. Easy nature
hike along woodland/field trials. Observe bird activity and learn about birds that use
nestboxes and fields for nesting. BYO binoculars. Meet at 1:00PM main parking area.
Picnic tables available in the Park for snacks/lunch before/after hike. L Richard
Lombard (978-394-9619 on day of event,
Fri., Jun. 12-14. Hike/Bike/Lupines, Franconia NH. Hike the Franconia Notch
Recreation Path hikes to Bridal Veil Falls and also to Bald Peak Reg. W/L Teresa CL Ann Hargleroad (
Sat., Jun. 27-28. Hike the Bonds In June. Hike 15 miles over South Twin, West Bond,
Bond and Bondcliff enjoying the spectacular views. Reg. W/L Steven Dennen (781799-9623 Anytime, L Teresa Pagliuca
Sat., Aug. 22. Bondcliff. Bondcliff Day Hike. Amazing views Strenuous 17.6 miles
round trip. Reg. W/L Teresa Pagliuca ( L Steven Dennen
Sat., Sep. 5-7. White Mountain Presidential Traverse. Join us for a Presidential
Traverse. Cost $242.06 includes hut stay, dinners, and breakfasts. Strenuous with a
moderate pace. L Ellen Stanley ( L Teresa Pagliuca
( L Ann Hargleroad (, Reg. W/L Ann
Hargleroad (
Sat., Sep. 12-15. Hut to Hut Traverse, Pemigewasset Wilderness (4 Days), NH. Join a
4-day hut to hut traverse in the Pemigewasset Wilderness, White Mountains, NH. We
will be staying 3 nights at AMC huts: Zealand, Galehead and Greenleaf. Hut
accommodations are co-ed bunk rooms and include homemade hearty breakfast and
dinner. Cost: $375.00 includes 3 nights of hut lodgings, 3 breakfasts and 3 dinners.
Register at L Joan Wu Chambers
( CL Shu Ping Wong (, R Shu Ping
Wong (
Forty Plus shows its appreciation for its active Leaders (those who have led or co-led at
least 3 events in the past 12 months) at an annual Leader Appreciation dinner party, and
by offering certain subsidies. For example, you can be reimbursed for 2/3rd the cost up to
$100 for AMC-sponsored or safety-related courses such as Solo First Aid. CPR training
is available to Leaders for a nominal fee. Leaders also receive subsidies (percentage of
cost) for safety-related equipment, such as a large first aid kit or winter gear for groups.
Leaders can talk to the coordinator of the sport/activity in which they participate to check
out the details.
As most of our trips are limited in number, we suggest you register early to ensure a
place. If you register for an event and cannot attend, PLEASE call the Leader ASAP to
cancel. Most trips have waiting lists and your courtesy will enable another to attend.
Also, a group wait for you needlessly if they expect you. It is important to cancel!
When planning trips we try to keep costs reasonable. Checks should always be made
payable to the person specified and NOT to Forty Plus or AMC unless so indicated.
Please be very sure to enclose your address and telephone number. If we have planned
for you and you cancel within 14 days of the trip, we will try to fill your place and refund
your deposit. If you are a passenger in carpooling, we suggest you pay the driver $.10
per mile plus sharing the cost of any tolls.
Free admission to all MA State Parks for senior citizens, age 62 or older. This one-time
application for a State Park Pass requires proof of age (copy of driver’s license) with a
letter requesting a pass. Mail to Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Dept. of Conservation
and Recreation, 251 Causeway St., Suite 600, Boston, MA 02114 617-626-1250. Attention:
Senior Citizen ParksPass Coordinator. For those not 62 years or older, an annual MA
Parks Pass is available for $35.00 for in-state vehicles and $45.00 for out of state vehicles
which includes unlimited visits to all parks that charge a fee.
Senior Passes to National Parks are available to any U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
who are 62 years or older for $20.00. For more information on how to purchase a National
Park and Federal Recreation Land Senior pass visit