Announcements Pentecost Sermon – Sharing Your Dream for ARC, Orange City, Northwest Iowa, or the World American Reformed Church supports financially and in prayer missionaries serving around the world. On Sunday, May 24 the morning’s sermon was based on Acts 2:1-21. We learned that—at Pentecost—the Spirit was poured out indiscriminately. All people—men and women, young and old, slave and free—are gifted with the Holy Spirit to prophesy, to speak the Word of God. In addition, the Spirit has gifted the Church with imagination—to “see visions” and “dream dreams” (Acts 2:17b). We watched a clip from the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington DC on August 28, 1963. With a Spirit-inspired fire in his belly and a Spirit-anointed tongue in his mouth, King shared his dream. And, that Pentecost Spirit is present among all of us—the people of American Reformed Church—too. The congregation was given the opportunity to share their dreams—for American Reformed Church, for Orange City, for Northwest Iowa, and for the world. Members were encouraged to complete a half-sheet of paper sharing their dreams and to place them in the “Dream Box” in the narthex. If you weren’t present for worship that morning, you can share your dream this Sunday, May 31 , or you can email your dream to us at and Elected to Serve on Consistory At the congregational meeting on Sunday, May 24, Lynne Hubers and Mitch Kinsinger were elected as elders and Pam Boonstra and Ryan Visser were elected as deacons. Terms of service are three years, and will begin on July 1. Next Sunday, June 7: Rev. Krebs to Visit American Church We will have the privilege of welcoming back to our pulpit, our former pastor, Rev. Keith Krebs, now serving as the chaplain of the American Mission Hospital in Manama, Bahrain. Rev. Krebs will be sharing about his work in Bahrain during his visit with us. Rev. Krebs’ position allows him to offer compassionate counsel to people of many different religious backgrounds while serving as pastor to the Christians who work at the hospital. He also works part time with the English Language Congregation of the National Evangelical Church which has among its members Christians from at least a dozen different countries. Mark Your Calendar for Fellowship Café Fellowship Café will begin Sunday, June 14, immediately following worship, in the Fellowship Hall, and continue each Sunday through August 9th. (Note: There will be no Fellowship Café on June 21 and July 5.) ATTENTION: Group chairpersons: Please check your mailbox for further details Sign Up to Help at BBX: Mon.-Thurs., July 13-16 BBX (Backyard Bible eXplore) is a community-wide Vacation Bible School program for children aged pre-school-5th grade. For four nights, July 13th-16th, kids will gather at 8 different Orange City backyards to hear about God's Big Story through stories, games, crafts, snacks, and songs. Stop by the Welcome Center in the coffee fellowship area to sign up to: help with various roles donate supplies for BBX Thank you for helping spread the good news of God's Big Story in our community! Consistory Elders Paul Bartlett Eric Elder Allen Fernow Kathy Gabel Marilyn Jiskoot Mitch Kinsinger Wanda Korthals Deacons Mark Beltman Doug Brunsting Doug De Zeeuw Tamara Fynaardt Todd Nelson Junia Punt Jeff Tolsma Staff American Reformed Church Rev. Elizabeth Brown-Hardeman, Co-Pastor 407 Albany Avenue SE Orange City, IA 51041 Rev. Michael Hardeman, Co-Pastor 712.737.4430 Mary Abels, Admin. Assist. Rosalyn De Koster, Dir. of Youth Ministries Laura Jonker, Dir. of Children’s Ministries Julie Powell, Facilities Mgr. American Reformed Church gathers together to be transformed by Jesus to transform the world. As followers of Jesus Christ, we have been called by the Holy Spirit to worship God, know God in community with others, and serve God by serving others. Profession of Faith Sunday May 31, 2015 THE APPROACH TO GOD The congregation is invited to read the bold font. *Indicates you may stand. PRELUDE “10,000 Reasons” *SONG OF WORSHIP “Glorify You Alone” *GOD’S GREETING #448 #498 SCRIPTURE “I Love to Tell the Story” Deuteronomy 6:1-9 SERMON Impressing Faith ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS based on 1 Peter 2:9-10 The words found in First Peter remind us: Proclaim the mighty acts of God, who called us out of the darkness and into the marvelous light. Once we were not a people, but now we are God’s people; once we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy. We are God’s own people. People of God, know that you are cleansed, refreshed and renewed. You are forgiven people. We go forth to live in that peace . . . amen. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE & THE LORD’S PRAYER Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial, and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen. THE OFFERING OF TITHES AND GIFTS Please pass the fellowship pad found at the end of the pew. OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY p. 809 *THE OFFERTORY PRAYER *SONG OF RESPONSE Insert “Will You Come . . . ” vs. 1-4 *BENEDICTION *SENDING SONG *POSTLUDE Insert “Will You Come . . . “ v. 5 All music & lyrics used by permission - CCLI #374890 Serving the Lord in Worship Leading in Worship Organist Children’s Message Praise Team Everyone is invited to Coffee Fellowship immediately following worship (fellowship area behind the sanctuary). Hospitalized: *Marv Zeutenhorst (Orange City) PROFESSION OF FAITH/SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM “Jesus, I Come” The Congregation Pastors Elizabeth & Mike Hardeman Mikayla Vos Sandie Kinsinger Pam Anderson, April Buysman, Marlene De Zeeuw, Brendan Foughty, Carter Foughty, Sharon Foughty, Mitch Kinsinger Praying for God’s People THE RESPONSE TO GOD *SHARING THE PEACE OF CHRIST The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. SONG OF CONFESSION Children and Worship will continue after summer break. Worship bags are available for all children by the elevator. Please return bags at the end of the service. SONG OF PREPARATION *CALL TO WORSHIP Participating in Worship A WORD WITH THE CHILDREN Pray for those undergoing a surgical procedure or receiving on-going care: *Lucille Wierda will have skin grafting for a sore on her foot at Mercy Medical Center, Sioux City, on June 3. *Sally Thompson (daughter of Paul & Vernie Van Engelenhoven) will have surgery on June 1 in Rochester, MN. Sally’s home address is 908 6th St., Corning, IA 50841. *Ryan Wrather, son of *Dan and Kathy Kraai. Ryan spent some time recently at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN doctoring for his heart. Eventually, doctors were able to install a defibrillator. They also provided additional medications to strengthen Ryan’s lungs, and are intending to eventually install a heart pump or left ventricular assist device (LVAD) near the end of June. Ryan returned home this past Thursday night. Pray for Ryan to gain strength, and that he will be able to have the LVAD installed in due time. Pray for his wife Sarah, their children, and Dan and Kathy as they provide care and support throughout.
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