First News First Reformed United Church of Christ 40 East Orange Street Lancaster, PA 717-397-5149 May 2015 From the Interim Pastor… Happy Spring! Joyful Eastertide! Spirit-Powered Pentecost! All around, there are signs of new life in this Eastertide and Spring season. It seems that everyone all around has breathed a great collective sigh of relief as winter’s hold has given way, and we can (finally) welcome this miraculous and beautiful re-awakening of the earth in all its splendor. Through the seven Sundays of Easter we continue to celebrate the presence of the Risen Christ with us. Even after the “season” of Easter is over, the basic core of our faith - that Christ is alive and working in the world - so defines our identity as Christians that each Sunday (our “Sabbath day,”) is theologically “a little Easter.” The seven Sundays of Easter culminate in the celebration of the Holy Spirit and the birth of the church on Pentecost, which will be observed in different ways on two Sundays this year at First Reformed (May 24 and May 31) You can read the details on page 8 of this newsletter. Through the Holy Spirit, we are equipped and empowered to be the living Body of Christ, continuing Christ’s work in the world. “There is no Plan B,” as someone put it. It is the church’s task to discern where God is already at work, bringing transformation and shalom, and to partner with God in this work, as the active, faithful, diverse, multi-gifted Body of Christ. May each of us experience renewal and re-birth, carried on the “tide” of Easter into the transformative life of the Holy Spirit we celebrate on Pentecost. May we be partners with God in creation and re-creation, Christ-bearers to one another as we face sorrow, joys and challenges, and “ambassadors of reconciliation” to the world, through the Holy Spirit, who makes us One. Blessings to all, Pastor Janet Church Staff Rev. Janet Boyd-Weidler – Interim Pastor Bob Rettig – Sexton Rev. Dana Schlegel –Associate Pastor Elaine Miller – Church Administrator Larry Hershey – Organist/Choir Master Angie Henry – Childcare Attendant INSIDE THIS ISSUE From Dana’s Desk Member News Parish News Worship Participants Calendar 2 3 4-13 14 15 From Dana’s Desk... An Easter Parade As you read this, we are still in the midst of the 7 weeks of Eastertide. So I decided to share an Easter story with you -- a true, personal story. I was the assistant pastor at New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, East Greenville, PA., and I had special plans for the large Sunday School for Easter 1979. I challenged each grade level class to create an Easter banner which could be carried in a grand procession outside and then hung in the church. The classes set to work, using the banner project as part of their Lenten/Easter instruction and creative experiences. I also asked the Sunday School Band to prepare Easter music/hymns to which they and the many classes could walk. Easter dawned, a beautiful spring day, and in the latter part of the Sunday School hour all the children, youth, teachers and band met in the spacious fellowship hall. As the band played “Up From the Grave He Arose,” everyone filed out of the hall, banners held high, and we began our Easter parade up and down the several lanes that wound through the cemetery behind the church. The children sang and laughed and skipped as together they all celebrated Christ’s resurrection – each class proudly following their unique banner. The band led the parade, and we paused occasionally for brief Easter prayers which were written by various classes. Completing our cemetery route, the banner bearers moved to the front doors of the church and then climbed the 2 flights of stairs to the balcony on 3 sides of the nave (like FRC). With great reverence, each banner was hung over the balcony as the organist at the big pipe organ picked up the strains of the processional hymn. The white colonial interior took on a greater Easter splendor and the congregation’s Alleluias filled the space with a jubilant refrain. But, that’s not the end of the story. After the service, an older gentleman/prominent member (an attorney) was in the first floor narthex complaining bitterly to the folk who gathered around him in his typical fashion of demanding an audience. He was furious that the Assistant Pastor and teachers and all those children and the band dared to desecrate the hallowed ground of the cemetery with such a display --- a parade!?! And then, we made them look at those banners in the church for the whole service. As the man’s tirade continued, a first grader named Kevin moved to his side, hearing more about the “display of cemetery irreverence.” Kevin tugged on his suit coat and said simply “But Mr. Hillegas, isn’t that why we buried them out there?” A “deadening silence” (no pun intended) filled the narthex, and then Mr. Hillegas lost his audience. The adults, youth and children filled the front yard of the church on that beautiful spring morning, rejoicing in the Good News of Easter, and a certain first grader joined the crowd, confident that his and all the cemetery Alleluias were really what Easter is all about. “He arose! He arose! Alleluia! Christ arose!” ….and so shall we. Page 2 Member News Reach Out to Our Homebound Following you will see a list of First Reformed members who are not able to come to worship or to our many church events (so called “Homebound”). Without exception, they miss being able to be here and be a part of this community. They eagerly receive any kind of contact from us. You are encouraged to send a note, send flowers, make a phone call, make a visit. You will be rewarded much more than you can imagine. Jess Turner 507 Country Place Drive Lancaster, PA 17601 Mary Brocco 156 Tracy Berg Rd. Lancaster, PA 17603 Etta Irwin 600 Freemason Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Thelma Conner Room 506 675 Willow Valley Square Lancaster, PA 17602 Jo Ann Peppler Country Meadows Rm. 202 1380 Elm Ave. Lancaster, PA 17603 Bill Anderson Reed Run Room 325 1520 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 Leona Anderson Juniata 306 1520 Harrisburg Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 Phyllis Sanders Spang Crest Rm. 229 945 Duke St. Lebanon, PA 17042 Charles Rohrer Luther Acres Room 133 600 E. Main St. Lititz, PA 17543 Birthdays Anniversaries 1—Jess Turner 13—Cooper Lefever 18—Kelly Van Belle 5—Amy & David Koberstein 1—Ed Dickel 13—Jill Van Belle 20—Amy Schultz 7—Jack & Kay Hughlett 3—Liz Schneider 14—Avery Bracken 24—Vivian Spiese 20—Bob Sherfy & Amy Schultz 5—Ed Oatman 15—Lois Bowman 28—Donna Smoker 26—Megan Malick & Joe Subacz 10—Sandy Schlemm 15—Jenni Sigman 29—Jo Ann Peppler 27—Ava & Tom Murray 10—Matthew Souders 17—Melissa Hutchinson 31—Brad Allen 29—Diane & Pedro Sanchez 12—Tracy Heinley 17—Carol Tracy 31—Tony Jiorle 30—Jodi& Ken Altobello Page 3 Parish News Hiking Sunday at FRC May 3rd is Hiking Sunday at FRC and all are invited to participate in a brown bag hike beginning at 12:30 p.m. We will be hiking Mill Creek Trail, located in Lancaster County Central Park, which is 1.3 miles long. Follow South Duke Street out of the city and turn right on Eshelman Road which will take you directly to parking and picnic area for the Mill Creek Trail. Come dressed ready to hike and have a great afternoon. This is a great time for young and old to enjoy a lovely Sunday afternoon getting to know each other and observing the beauty outside. This is an easy to moderately difficult, yellowblazed trail that will take us through a natural area, an area being preserved for wildlife and in which construction is prohibited. The Mill Creek flows around this wooded area, establishing its boundaries. The trail passes along the creek, through stands of mature hardwoods and loops from upland species, such as American beech, sugar maple, and hickories on the ridge top to lowland species, such as American and slippery elms, American sycamore, boxelder, and honey locust. In early spring Virginia bluebells, wild geraniums and other native wildflowers bloom along this trail. The former Hinkletown covered bridge spans both Mill Creek and the trail. In case of rain, we will brown bag at church and play some games. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Karen Risser at Directory Updates Altar Flowers Please make note of the following changes in your directory. There are still several weeks available for altar flowers. Please check the list in Harbaugh Hall to see if there is a date you’d like to sponsor. Diana Helm has a new email: Linda and George Peterson have a new address: 438 West Grant St. Lancaster, PA 17603 Phyllis Sanders has permanently moved to: Spang Crest Room 229 945 Duke St. Lebanon, PA 17042 If you have signed up for flowers, please contact the church office to let us know what dedication you want in the bulletin. You can do this now even if you have flowers in December! Page 4 Parish News Pastoral Search Committee Begins Work In case you missed the announcement in church, we are delighted to tell you that the Pastoral Search Committee has been formed. There were many excellent candidates nominated, and the Nominating Committee (a sub-group of Leadership Team) had a very challenging job to come up with the best possible mix of age, gender, length of time at church, and areas of involvement in church life. We want to thank the members for their willingness to serve in this very important role as we look for a new pastor. The committee is pictured here during the commissioning service for the Committee. From left to right: Nadinne Ziegler, Bonnie Van Tassel-Parent, David Sanchez, Timna Fisher, Bill Groff, Jen Eaton, and Kay Hughlett (Ex-Officio, as Leadership Team President). New Lights, New Life Strengthen the Church How wonderful it is to drive by our church at night and see the new lights which shine on the front of our building! We can see — and be seen! It is glorious! Thank you to Bob Rettig and Patrick Helm for overseeing this project and the replacement of the light at the entrance to the education building. What a difference these much-needed lights make! Strengthen The Church (STC) is a special mission offering to reimagine and build the future of the UCC. Shared at the conference and national levels, STC largely supports youth ministries and full-time leaders for new churches in parts of the country where the UCC voice has not been heard. And if you haven’t noticed the beautiful planters created by Georgia McCune on the front sidewalk, be sure to “take in” their beauty next time you are here — what a fitting welcome they extend! Take a stroll or “drive by” and enjoy! As God calls our congregations to be the "church" in new ways, your generosity will plant new churches, awaken new ideas in existing churches and develop the spiritual life in our youth and young adults. STC funds will also be used to award grants to help congregations communicate the "God is still speaking," message. FRC will receive the STC offering on our Pentecost Sundays, May 24 and 31. FRC Hosts Tuesday Dinner First Reformed will be serving the Community Dinner on May 12. We are looking for volunteers to coordinate and serve the meal, and a clean-up team. If you are interested, please let Phyllis Clelan or Joanne Carroll know. As always we have folks who are willing to assist people who have never done this before, and the task is not as daunting as you might think. Page 5 Parish News Church Growth Workshop Offered at Annual Meeting On Friday, June 12, from 10 am until 4 pm, the Rev. Molly Baskette will offer a workshop based on her book, Real Good Church and her experience growing her congregation, First UCC, Somerville, MA. Take a critical look at the efforts and posture that made this renewal possible: outreach and growth, finances and giving, creative worship including the central place of personal testimony and corporate prayer practices, church conflict and change--all treated with a healthy dose of humor and offering real, practical, immediate steps for getting started. Location: Susquehanna University (Selingsgrove, PA) Cost: $50.00. You do not need to be an annual meeting participant to attend the workshop. For more info, please see Share Their Success First Reformed participates in the Share Our Success program at Park City Diner and Knight & Day Diner. When you use the program card 10% of your dining check will be donated to First Reformed Church. Cards are not limited to members — pick up one for family, friends, and neighbors. Cards are available at the “card table” after worship on Sundays. Christian Sexual Ethics Class Professor Greg Carey, Professor of New Testament at Lancaster Theological Seminary and Resident Scholar at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, will lead a conversation concerning Christian Sexual Ethics. These events will be held on April 28, May 5, 19 and 26 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at First United Methodist Church. The event is open to the larger faith community. Invitation to Ordination Friends and colleagues in ministry, You are invited to my service of ordination, which will be held at Willow Street United Church of Christ 2723 Willow Street Pike, Willow Street, PA 17584 Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 10 am. I hope to see you there, and/or to receive your prayerful support. Peace, Don Fenestre-Marek First Ladies Luncheon The First Ladies of First Reformed United Church of Christ will hold their monthly luncheon Tuesday, May 12 at 11:30 a.m. at the Elks Club on Duke St. You are invited to join the ladies of First Reformed for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. Please contact Judy Ames at 393-0587 for information and directions. Page 6 Parish News Conference Annual Meeting Penn Central Conference is holding the annual meeting June 12-14 at Susquehanna University (Selinsgrove, PA). First Reformed will be represented by Pastor Janet and one lay delegate— Nadinne Ziegler. We are entitled to one other voting delegate, and anyone is welcome to attend as a non-voting delegate. Please read more about the conference at and call the church office if you are interested in attending as a delegate or visitor. Pastors To Be Honored On the Saturday of the Annual Meeting (June 13) two of our retired clergy will be attending the conference. The Rev. Frank Lantz and the Rev. Dr. Ron Christiansen will be honored on the 55th anniversary of their ordinations! We are proud of the faithful service Frank and Ron have offered the church over the years, and we extend to them our heartfelt thanks and congratulations. Grocery Card and Gas Card Program Newly-formed Fellowship Committee Vivian Spiese and Jim Chryst would like to thank those of you who participate in the gift card fund raising program. During 2014 your purchases amounted to a contribution of approximately $2,700 for the church. That is a tremendous accomplishment! However, it is reasonable to assume that we could realize over $4,000 per year, if more folks got into the habit of buying these cards, and helping the church. We ask you to try this method of grocery and gas purchases and see why so many of our parishioners are involved and satisfied. As many of you know Congregational Life has been restructured as separate sub committees. Fellowship is one of those committees and now has seven members: Nadinne Ziegler, Chair; Alta Hamric; Karen Risser; Sandy Styer; Tara Schram and Jill & Kelly Van Belle. We have had two meetings and have lots of plans for fun activities for all ages and wonderful opportunities for members to get to know one another and have a great time. Please see separate article on page 4 about our first adventure on Sunday, May 3rd. Vivian and Jim. If you have something you would like to see us plan, please feel free to email Nadinne at Page 7 Parish News Special Plans for Pentecost Sundays May 24 and May 31 This year, we will be having an expanded Pentecost celebration. Sunday May 24 (which falls during Memorial Day weekend) is the calendar date for Pentecost. On that day we will observe Pentecost according to the way it is described in the Gospel according to John — when the Risen Christ breathes the Holy Spirit into the disciples, thereby sending them out to continue his mission. Sunday, May 31 will be “Pentecost, Part 2,” when we will celebrate the first Christian Pentecost as described in Acts 2. The traditional red geraniums will decorate the sanctuary, and everyone is asked to wear something red if possible, to symbolize the flames of fire which descended upon the gathered people, energizing them to become the church. Our worship will include a special presentation entitled “Twenty Voices,” a "whirlwind tour" of the history of the church from the first to the 21st century. We are looking for 20 volunteer readers, each of whom will read a small part, giving a brief “snapshot” about an influential person or event in a given century. Since there is already a script, no research is required! Please sign up with Alyssa Leister on Sundays or call/email the church office if you would be willing to participate. In Our Prayers We hold in our prayers: Bob Devonshire, Jr., son of Darlene and Bob Devonshire, who is recovering from surgery. Robert Whetts, son of Louise Williams, who is at home under hospice care. We continue to hold in our prayers: …Le An Ambrose, Bill Anderson, Leona Anderson, Carroll Barton, Cheri Becker, Kimberly Bender, Larry Bonaccorso, Stella Bonaccorso, Mary Brocco, Deb Burke, Marian Chavez, Carol Connor, Thelma Connor, Darlene Christiansen, Anna Devonshire, Kathy Gilchrest, Pat Harbaugh, Phillip Holt, Etta Irwin, June Lantz, Bill and Ruth Moore, Ethel Murr, Kevin Parise, Jo Ann Peppler, Bobbie Pontz, Charles Rohrer, Phyllis Sanders, Chester Spotts, Janet Spotts, Jeanne Sullivan, Jess Turner, Paula Wagner, Kathy Warns, and Ila Westbrook. Bushel of Love The food you donate to our Bushel of Love is distributed to our hungry neighbors by the Lancaster County Council of Churches. Thank you for your generosity! The May item is packaged pasta and rice. Please place your offering in the basket in Harbaugh Hall. Page 8 Parish News UCC General Synod to Meet in Cleveland in June Every two years, a national gathering of the UCC, called General Synod, brings together thousands of faithful members of the United Church of Christ for formal church witness, inspirational worship, and fellowship with friends (new and old). June 26 through June 30, 2015, thousands from across the country (and abroad) will gather for General Synod 30 in Cleveland, Ohio — the birthplace of the United Church of Christ. Together, we will discern resolutions of witness, church structure, and function. We will stand up for issues that demand a faithful witness. And we will join together in worship each day to lift up the Stillspeaking God. Our theme is "Unexpected Places," an exploration of where we hear God’s voice, encounter the Spirit, and find the United Church of Christ lifting up its witness in the world. Each conference, including our own, sends a delegation. Many other UCC folk attend as visitors; if you are interested in attending any or all of the General Synod as a visitor, go to Spring Plant Sale The Outreach Team is holding a Spring Plant Sale Saturday, May 9 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is a great opportunity to select a beautiful Mother’s Day gift or purchase annuals, perennials, veggies and already planted containers for the garden. There will be a container planting demo and the Master Gardeners will have a booth display on pollinators. Container donations are requested: things that can be purposed into unique planters such as old leaking galvanized buckets, large clay pots, old work boots, wooden crates, etc. Volunteers are also needed for set up, tear down and customer purchase transport. Please see Karen Risser or anyone else on the Outreach Team (George and Linda Peterson, Brad Allen, Megan Malick, Sara Souders). In the Hospital? When you are in the hospital, please be sure to let the church know, especially if you are admitted during the weekend. Our local hospitals are good at getting this information to us, but it helps if we hear from your family as well. We also want to know if you or a family member is seriously ill at home. Page 9 Parish News Fellowship Schedule Our fellowship time directly following worship is a crucial ministry at First Reformed. Our Church Growth Team does a wonderful job welcoming new friends into our space and they encourage visitors to stay for fellowship. This time provides everyone the chance to interact with one another and with the new faces that join us. If you are unable to do your assigned day, feel free to reach out to another member to see about switching. Please let the church administrator know if you do switch. She will keep an up-to-date list of Fellowship Hosts and will print them in the bulletin each week and the newsletter each month. Thank you for your commitment to growing our church and extending the hand of hospitality. May 3-Diana & Patrick Helm 10-Chad & Sara Souders 17-Jack & Kay Hughlett 24-Dave & Kelly Cochran 31-Tara Schram-Trompeter June 7-Bruce & Marianne Adams 14-Toni Tice 21–Nadinne Ziegler 28-Meagan Holler July 5-Rick & Joanie Cashdollar 12-Audrey Shirk 19-Carol Tracy August 2-Ice Cream Social 9-Megan Malick 16-Open September 6-Welcome Back Potluck 13-Open 20-Linda & George Peterson 26-Sue Wike 23-Joanne Carroll 30-Open 27-Karen Risser October 4-Julie & Donovan Witmer 11-Jill & Kelly Van Belle 18-Becky DiLeo 25-Bruce & Christie Alton November 1-Kelly Wobrak 8-Lois Newswanger 15-Diane Sanchez 22-Hanging of the Greens Meal 29–Sandy & Terry Styer December 6-Alyssa Leister 13-Courtney Wettrau 20-Nadinne Ziegler 27-Diana & Patrick Helm Page 10 Parish News Capital Campaign Update First Reformed Church Lunch This month instead of writing how much we have raised so far, let me mention that we still owe approximately $100,000 on our Fulton Bank loan. The loan changes in June to an amoritization schedule requiring a larger payment each month unless we change the loan terms or pay off the loan. Join us on Sunday, June 7 for lunch at Isaac's Restaurant on N. Queen St, after our church service. We will gather in Harbaugh Hall after our regular scheduled Sunday morning service and proceed to Isaac's for a group lunch. You would be responsible for your own tab. A portion of the proceeds from our lunch bill will be sent back to the church. Our last lunch there earned the church $125.75 and was a great chance to fellowship with other church members. Bring the form on page 12 with you. No matter how we move forward it will require a commitment (just like we proudly display on our campaign logo) to pay off the loan. Regardless if you are a new member, long time member, twice a year or visiting member, a member serving on leadership, a committee team, usher or choir, we need everyone to give something to share in the success of our campaign. I would love nothing more than to see everyone’s name on the giving plaque when the campaign ends. Many of you have given and continue to give unselfishly and we thank you! You will have the satisfaction of walking into the remodeled fellowship hall and kitchen, or enjoying our air conditioned sanctuary knowing you gave as Jesus asked of us as Christians. For those of you who have not given financially, there is still time to give and join the list of donors and enjoying the accomplishment of our Commitment to Community Beginning the Dream Capital Campaign. Thank you, Dean Mason Capital Campaign Chairman Page 11 Parish News JOIN US FOR OUR “CHURCH FUNDRAISER" On Sunday, June 7, Isaac’s Downtown & The Pickle Bar (just a block away from the church) will host a fundraiser benefiting First Reformed Church. So mark your calendars now!! Bring your family, friends and co-workers and have a great lunch. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of your meal will go directly to First Reformed. We hope to see you there! WHERE: Isaac’s Downtown & The Pickle Bar 25 N. Queen Street (in the Fulton Bank Bldg.) Downtown Lancaster Call 394-5544 to place a takeout order (Valid at this location only) WHEN: Sunday, June 7, 11:45 to 2:30. HOW: Bring this flyer with you to Isaac’s, complete the information, and hand it to your server when paying. This form can be used for Dine-In, Takeout and Online Ordering at Use coupon code FUND for online fundraisers. ___________________________________________________ Please complete this information for your server. Name:______________________________________________ Number of People in Party:_____________________________ Total Cost of Meal (excluding tax):________________________ Page 12 Pentecost Flower Order Form Help fill the sanctuary and chancel with the beauty of Geraniums when we celebrate Pentecost on Sunday, May 31. The cost is: $3.00 per 4-1/2 inch pot of Geraniums. Checks are to be made payable to First Reformed Church You may place your order by calling the church office 397-5149, or by completing this form and placing it, with your payment, in the Church Administrator’s mailbox in the church office or in the offering plate. Deadline for ordering is Sunday, May 24. Quantity Cost Payment amount $3.00 Please Print Donated by: In honor of: For Office Use Only I will pick up my geranium(s) after service. Payment Date Check No. Bulletin Please plant my geranium(s) in the church courtyard. Count Worship Participants May 2015 Altar Guild 3—Theresa Simo, Kelly Wobrak 10—Mary Anne Remley 17—Kay Hughlett 24—Tara Schram-Trompeter, Georgia McCune 31—Bonnie Van Tassel-Parent Bell Ringers 3—Jeff Eaton 10—Kelly, Dave & Spencer Cochran 17—Jim Fisher 24—Toni Tice 31—Gordie, Riley & McKenna Kraft Lector 3— Dean Mosemann 10— George Peterson 17— Julie Roberts-Witmer 24— Audrey Shirk 31— Bill Sloyer Money Counters 4—Art Ezard, Bonnie Van Tassel-Parent 11—Carol Martin, Gordie Kraft 18—Janice Morris, Alta Hamric 26—Sandy Frey, Art Ezard Children’s Church 3—Kelly Cochran 10—Kim Kleckner 17—Judy Ames 24—Diane Sanchez 31—Kim Kleckner 3—Alta Hamric 10—Lindsay Hershey 17—Jen Eaton 24—Kim Kleckner 31—Sara Souders Fellowship Hour 3—Patrick & Diana Helm 10—Sara & Chad Souders 17—Jack & Kay Hughlett 24—Dave & Kelly Cochran 31—Tara Schram-Trompeter Sound Tech 3—Dean Mosemann/Don Walton 10—Dave Sanchez 17—Dean Mosemann/Don Walton 24—Dave Sanchez 31—Open Flower Sponsors 3—Mary Anne Remley 10—Kelly Wobrak 17— 24—Becky DiLeo 31—Pentecost Geraniums Usher Captain(s) 3—Sandy Schlemm 10—Joanne Eby 17—Jim Fisher & Ila Westbrook 24—Alta Hamric & Art Ezard 31—Alta Hamric & Art Ezard Bulletin Sponsor Art Ezard Nursery Greeter Liz Miller Welcome Table Bonnie Van Tassel-Parent Communion Assistants May 3: Jim Fisher, Janice Morris, Dean Mosemann, Gloria Nixdorf, Theresa Simo May 24: Darlene Devonshire, George Peterson, Diane Sanchez, Michael Spiese, Vivian Spiese If you cannot serve as scheduled, you must find a substitute and then advise the Church Office, either by phone (397-5149) or email ( Page 14 ~May 2015~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Community Breakfast: Apostles UCC 8:00 AA 3 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship with communion 12:30 Hike @ Lanc. County Park 10 4 7:00 AA 5:30 Community Dinner: Swamp Fellowship Church 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:45 NA 11 12 7:00 Outreach Team 10:00 Staff 11:30 First Ladies 5:30 Comm. Dinner: First Reformed 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:00 Fellowship Team 7:45 NA 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship 7:00 AA 17 5 18 19 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship 7:00 AA 5:30 Comm. Dinner: Hamilton Park UCC 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:45 NA 25 26 6:30 Leadership Team 24 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship with communion Pentecost, Part 1 31 9:00 Chime Choir 10:30 Worship (wear red) Pentecost, Part 2 5:30 Comm. Dinner: Church of the Brethren 6:00 Women’s Art Group 7:45 NA 6 7 8 9 Community Breakfast: Grace UCC 10:00 Plant Sale 7:30 Choir 5:30 NA 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 13 14 8:00 AA 15 Community Breakfast: St. John’s Episcopal 7:30 Choir 5:30 NA 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 20 21 16 8:00 AA 22 23 Community Breakfast: FRC Newsletter Deadline 7:30 Choir 6:30 Finance Team 5:30 NA 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 27 28 6 Music Appreciation Dinner 5:30 NA 6:00 SA 7:45 NA 8:00 AA 29 30 Community Breakfast: Cocalico Community Church 8:00 AA
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