May_2015 Newsletter Here - Aurora Presbyterian Church

May 2015 Newsletter
Aurora Presbyterian Church
PO Box 78// 21553 Liberty Street NE Aurora, OR 97002 T: 503-678-5701
Easter Egg hunt, April 2015
Upcoming Events
May 3
Potluck Sunday
Join us this Sunday for lunch after worship.
May 10
Ladies Hat Sunday
Hats are smart and under-employed these days.
Women are invited to reverse this trend at our
9:30 worship service.
May 17
Music Sunday
Music Sunday May 17th
Our spring concert, featuring Roger &
Nancy, the choir and special guests will
take place during the worship service on
May 17th. Invite your friends, family and
neighbors for this 9:30 concert where we
will hear (as Bach put it) that “all music
aims for the glory of God.”
May 24
Pentecost (see page two)
May 31
Blake Shelley speaks during worship
about Capernaum Ministries to youth
with developmental and physical
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Church Finances
General Offering
Year to Date
Easter offering for family in need:
Pentecost for Presbyterians
Presbyterians are not usually described as Pentecostals.
A Pentecostal is often portrayed as a Holy Roller, a
participant in “antic Christianity” as my British friend
puts it: all sorts of over the top televised miracles and
the like. That is not the truth about the majority of
Pentecostals (we only get to see the flamboyant ones).
But what about Presbyterians? How do we relate to
Pentecost, the event described in Acts 2 where the Holy
Spirit is poured out on the church?
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Jesus who is
like the air: sometimes the wind blows hard and we
hear it. Other times we take the air for granted on a still
day even though if it were not there we would be dead.
The Spirit gives us courage to live as Jesus did: taking
risks to love and crossing boundaries to serve. We trust
that the Spirit is at work even when we don’t see or feel
anything. We hope and pray that the Spirit will work
through us and in our world in transforming ways.
Pentecost Sunday is May 24th!
A Prayer for Mother
A young boy had been
misbehaving, so his mother sent
him to his room. Sometime later,
he came out and told his mom
he’d prayed about the matter.
“That’s good,” she replied. “If you
ask God for help to not misbehave,
he’ll help you.”
“Oh, I didn’t pray for help
behaving,” said the boy. “I prayed
for God to help you put up with
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The Blessing Called Aurora Presbyterian Church
Aurora Presbyterian blesses the world in unique and important ways. We aren’t the Red Cross or Heifer
International, but we do link households to larger charities. More importantly, we are able to effectively
use resources in our local community by coordinating with other local partners to provide help and hope to
our neighbors in need.
The week before Easter I received a call from the North Marion Intermediate School. The counselor
learned that a local family was barely scraping by: the father had been out of work and there were some
hospital bills. The electric company notified the family that the power would be shut off the Wednesday
after Easter unless a payment was made. We took a collection on Easter and were able to send funds to
Portland General Electric to keep the lights on for the grateful family.
That same week the church received a call from Wayne at Weyerhaeuser’s Aurora Tree Farm. He told me
they had heard that we knew places to take 3,406 diapers that they had collected and wanted to donate in
the community. We did know how to get in touch with Love INC and Jubilee Food Pantry so Rachel
transported the diapers to the church and arranged shipments to our ministry partners. The whole time I
was wondering how Weyerhaeuser had found our name. God was clearly involved. But God often works
through people to bless the world and in this case we later learned that Rise Estergreen had received a call
from Wayne while she was working at the Molalla Food Pantry and referred him to the church. Again, God
has used our congregation doubly: Rise’s service in Molalla and the church building and phone line that we
all support so that diapers could be distributed in a timely fashion to other local ministries.
Session is excited about a new mission opportunity: offering musical instrument scholarships to middle
school students who otherwise could not afford to play in the band. The idea is not simply to give the
scholarships but, through Roger Wilhite, to find ways for those students to share their musical talents with
us at the church. If you were here on Easter you saw and heard some of the possibilities going forward
(two of those students received instrument scholarships this year). It’s a mutually beneficial relationship:
we encourage them and show them that church stereotypes are just stereotypes. They bless us with
music. We will continue to develop this idea and let you know how it goes.
There are more stories to tell but the page is nearly full. All of this happens because God works through us
as a community and we provide an identifiable space where people can turn for help. Thank you for being
part of Christ’s body and Aurora Presbyterian Church!
Pastor Paul
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