Holy Blossom TEMPLE Bulletin March 2015 HBT Online Connect Jack Geller, z”l - Honourary Life President Jack Geller, z”l - January 7, 2015 Sybil Geller, z”l - February 23, 2015 May his memory be for a blessing. He was a widely respected member of his profession, a pivotal figure in the life of Holy Blossom Temple, a beloved and valued counsellor, a steadfast friend. He faced heroically the pain, the limitations and the frustrations that his disability imposed on him over many years. He was supported with boundless love and amazing fortitude by his wife Sybil, their children and their families. He was a giant of a man, a devoted Jew and a distinguished Canadian. He was a role model and an example. Rabbi Emeritus Dow Marmur Jack Geller z”l with Rabbi Plaut z”l Jack Geller z”l Holy Blossom TEMPLE 11 Bulletin contents 6 Getting the Word Out 4 “The Story Changes Constantly” 5 FYI 6 www.HolyBlossom.org/stories 8 9 14 Shabbat Rituals 10 Thank You... Our 2014 donors made all the difference 12 Prisoners of Zion 13 Holy Blossom Renewal 14 Pesach 2015 16 Our Congregational Family 17 Calendar 20 3 13 Want to share a comment about the Bulletin? Email Robert Carnevale at rcarnevale@holyblossom.org. R e flections Getting the Good Word Out Rabbi Yael Splansky ysplansky@holyblossom.org Once upon a time it was hard to get the word out because information moved too slowly. In ancient Jerusalem news was shared locally when trumpet players blast from their position atop the city walls. Rulings from the Sanhedrin were sent out into the far reaches of the Diaspora by way of hilltop bonfires and messengers on horseback. Throughout Europe, every shtetl had a designated schrier to call out the news down every alleyway, to knock on the door of every household. Today we have the opposite problem. It is hard to get the word out because information moves too quickly. We are constantly bombarded by countless modes of communication; it is difficult to sift through it all and receive the information that matters most. Thanks to congregants like Richard Toker and Ted Shafran Holy Blossom has the technology to communicate. Thanks to congregants like David Rosenberg, Luke Sklar, and Cheryl Sylvester we have good guidance on what to communicate. Thanks to Robert Carnevale, our Director of Communications, many new channels have been opened so that we can communicate more freely with one another. And thanks to Russ Joseph, our Executive Director, we will soon have in place the CRM (Congregant Relationship Management System) to help us customize and personalize our multi-directional communications. Is it reaching you? The data points show that our website and our bi-weekly e-newsletter, Life@Holy Blossom, enjoy impressive “click through rates,” a measure of just how much our congregants care to know what’s happening at the Temple. Yet when I speak with congregants around town, it seems some messages are being received while others are not. If it’s true that one has to say something six times before the message is received, let’s keep at it. Here’s a test. 4 Do you and the wider community know that construction has truly begun? Tom Friedland and Cary Solomon are smiling because we finally have some dust and noise at 1950 Bathurst Street. Do you and young parents in the community know about our new Task Force on Youth Education? A tremendous team of educators and congregants, led by Judy Winberg, are taking a deep and wide look at how to create the finest part-time Jewish education program this city has to offer. Do you know about our new Institute for Jewish Leadership? The next generation of Jewish leaders is emerging at Holy Blossom Temple. Led by Lisa Taylor, they are curious and committed and together with many other circles of young professionals getting involved, they are preparing to make their mark in advancing the sacred work of our congregation. Do you and booklovers across Toronto know about our new Centre for Contemporary Jewish Literature? Cynthia Good is bringing the finest Jewish authors and readers together at Holy Blossom. A fresh take on life-long learning and the “People of the Book.” Book clubs are welcome. Growing Larger and Smaller Holy Blossom Temple is growing larger and smaller at the same time. Larger in aspiration and action. Smaller in intimate gatherings and in moments of real connection and commitment. Communication is an essential key in how we grow larger to make a “joyful noise” heard far and wide. Communication is an essential key in how we grow smaller to hear “the still, small voice,” how we pay attention to one another and foster meaningful, purposeful relationships. I’ve always seen our congregation as concentric circles. Some messages radiate from the centre outward; others come from the wider circles to the core. It is a constant exchange of voices and influence. I’ve come to appreciate the small exchanges on Facebook, the thoughtful comments left on our website, the personal stories and snap shots shared in Life@HBT. These do accumulate to build something very large, very grand, very powerful. I will always believe that panim el panim, is best. Face-to-face learning, soul-to-soul prayer, and shoulderto-shoulder projects of service are always a fuller experience. I believe what they say: 95% of Jewish life is just showing up. However, I have come to admire how Holy Blossomites – young and old -- are using the on-line tools to create community. There’s nothing virtual about it! We’d love to know what you’re up to on Facebook. Send a friend request to our Clergy and like our Holy Blossom facebook page. Holy Blossom Temple From the Board “The Story Changes Constantly” Joan Garson president@holyblossom.org The most wonderful synagogue successes are not truly successes if they are a secret. As you will read in coming weeks, the current Board and its Executive, including the Department Chairs, have been working very hard since the beginning of December. The list of identified goals and early achievements, as well as wishes and dreams, would be very long. A few details will follow in this article. Although the work is wonderful, there is a challenge which every leader in our congregation faces. I know our congregation would be very proud, perhaps even inspired to deeper personal engagement with this very exciting moment of Renewal of space and spirit at Temple, if all members knew what is happening and will happen through the diligent efforts and warm partnership among lay leaders, clergy, staff and dozens and dozens of volunteers. How do we get the story out to the thousands of members and the many more who are not members today, but who play key roles in our community and our future? You will have seen some wonderfully creative steps in Life at Holy Blossom and various eBlasts, regarding Renewal communication. We are using words, pictures, a video (one so far and more to follow), social media, signs, posters, and screens (just inside the Ava Road foyer) to tell the story as it is constructed every day. There have been congregation-wide and small group parties and meetings many times a week. We have more to do to tell the story. Come to Temple and look if you haven’t already done so. And then look again a few weeks later: the story changes constantly. We are moving forward with a task force on education. In a recent Life at Holy Blossom you have read about the task force comprised of seventeen members of HBT, and supported by Dr. Michelle Lynn-Sachs. Their second meeting just took place. You probably know members of that task force. Please seek them out and share your views. Learn of the excellent work they are doing on behalf of us now and for future generations. There is a dynamic and energized sense of shared goals amongst lay leaders, clergy and staff. We are meeting, talking and doing together. One constant concern is “How do we keep on top of everything that is happening in Temple?” What each of us is doing is so multi-facetted, and so now: how do we catch up and keep up? The area which poses perhaps the biggest challenge is to learn and use the skills and passion our members want to offer to us all. What a talented, diverse, extraordinary group! We include experts in any area you can think of, from Jewish history to Bulletin • March 2015 security, from law to leadership coaching, from advertising to music. The warmest and most generous volunteers. We simply need to know more about who we each are, and how we each want to help. One dramatic step is being taken in this regard. Russ Joseph, our Executive Director, explains: After listening to many of you share your frustrations with us as they pertain to the often inaccurate or incomplete information we send you (unintentionally), while dealing with our own frustrations with the antiquated and inflexible computer system currently in place, we have finally done something about it! We are in the middle of the installation of a modern, purpose-designed CRM (we interpret that as “Congregant Relationship Management”) tool. Once we are up and running (likely in late May or early June), every congregant will be able to use his or her own “member portal” to manage their relationship with Temple. You will be able to change your own contact information (address changes; telephone numbers; email addresses) from any internet-equipped device, at any time of the day or night. You will be able to review account balances, register for programs or events, make payments and, hopefully, even print your own tax receipts whenever you want. But the real reason we are going in this direction with this great product called Congregation Connect, is so that we will be able to improve the quality of service we provide to you and be more responsive to your needs and wants. With accurate and complete data we will be in a much better position to offer the classes, the events, and the opportunities for social gatherings that you tell us are important to you. During late May we will be sending out the traditional membership renewal package for what we expect (in that format) will be the last time. We urge you to carefully check all of the information that is pre-printed on those pages and let us know if anything needs correcting. This will form the starting point for our new CRM and, unless something changes, will never be requested again.” Over the next months I hope we will have many opportunities to share information and many ways, including brand new ways, to do it. 5 fyi From the launch of our website, holyblossom.org in June of 2010, over 120,000 people have visited, with well over a 500,000 pages being read. Our largest single day of unique visitors to holyblossom.org was 1,905, that’s more than the total number of this current Bulletin mailed. 6 Holy Blossom Temple Life at Holy Blossom, our bi-weekly subscription eBlast, has more than a 1000 regular readers every edition. If you are not subscribed, please visit holyblossom.org/e-newsletters to do so. On average, we see more visitors to holyblossom.org in one week that the total number of Bulletins produced in a single print run. Over 1300 people have left comments online at holyblossom.org addressing the various post, pages and programs shaping HBT. Online commenting is open to everyone - leave your comments and add your voice to any of the ongoing conversation. Holy Blossom is on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Please connect with us! 7 Bulletin • March 2015 SEARCH w w w. h o l y b l o s s o m . o r g / s t o r i e s This is where we capture the stories of our community. Over 60 individuals have contributed their personal reflections and connections to Holy Blossom Temple. Over 3000 people have enjoyed reading. Below are a few examples… To submit your “story” please contact us at stories@holyblossom.org. ididamitzvah.com article by Sharon Neiss stories@holyblossom.org Becoming a Bar Mitzvah is a momentous milestone that should not be taken for granted. Amongst the material extravagances that we are accustomed to, it is pretty easy to get lost in our secular year of 2015/5775 and not realize the many reasons why a boy of 13 is called to the Torah. Then again, it’s pretty simple to find one’s way: It’s all there – in ‘the rules’ – otherwise known as The Torah where the 613 laws are written just for us. And yes – today it is impossible to do many of the 613 mitzvot, but to take the time to accomplish as many as one can is a parent’s momentous milestone as well. But why the website? This issue coincides with his parsha – Vayikra – to sacrifice. To take this topic into modern times, we no longer sacrifice but can choose to commit.We have collaborated with Adam on the goal of being a caring, conscientious and committed young man. Letting everyone know, can help achieve it. Please visit Adam’s webpage – ididamitzvah.com – to track his journey. A Watched Pot Does Not Boil Mushroom Barley and Yellow Split Pea Soup article by Jill Hertzman stories@holyblossom.org Was it because our pot was too large? Did we fill it with too much water? Was the burner working properly? In the end, it did come to a boil, but the hour was late and Marla was mopping her worried brow. Actually, there were four very large pots of the most delicious mushroom barley and yellow split pea soup, colourful and fragrant. Our 6th Annual Holy Blossom Temple Bikur Cholim Soup Brigade was held on November 10, 2014, with Marla as our returning chef. For the record, Marla has attended all the soup nights, led two, and has cooked for our committee for many years. 8 Bikur Cholim means visiting the sick, and in Jewish tradition it is an “obligation without measure whose reward too is without measure”. One of the ways we do this mitzvah is to prepare soup and fill our synagogue’s freezer (a tight fit this year as we made 125 500 ml containers). Then we always have on hand some nourishment to offer to congregants who are frail, elderly, or unwell, or to those families in crisis. To continue reading on “Love thy Carrot”, and to get the recipe, please visit http://bit.ly/1vTVLJI Holy Blossom Temple To M y F a m i l y I n C a n a d a : S h a l o m I hope this email finds you well, and you are getting used to winter again. Since I don’t have much time on my hands lately I hope you won’t mind me writing to all of you at once. article by Maayan Sharon stories@holyblossom.org I have drafted last Monday, and since then things went a little crazy, I was misplaced and put in a Tironut – basic training) which doesn’t suit my physical profile (sprain my ankle). It happens to be the same machlaka (which is like 50 people) Barak was at, the shinshin from Beit Tzedek from my group, and at the same base also Moran, from Associated is going through a different Tironut, we set together for lunch, so that was a pleasant surprise at this crazy situation. After 3 days they sent me back to reassess my status and after 2 more days of running around the country for x-rays and doctors they decided to officially get me out of there, let me spend the weekend at home and on Sunday I go back to the base, to wait for another Tironut to start, one I can actually do. Other than that all is good, the weather is great and I am excited to start. I miss school, Temple, camp and all of you so much, and hopefully we could see each other soon. Please let me know what’s going on with you, and how are you doing. It is very important for me! Love, Maayan Holy Blossom STORIES Bulletin • March 2015 9 Shabbat Rituals… Our community shares article by Sharon Neiss Just before I light the candles It’s about 5 pm on a Friday afternoon. The table is set and I am waiting for our guests to arrive. Just before we gather at the Shabbat table, light the candles, have our challah, wine and sit down to our meal, there is something that I have to do - and I do this ritual almost every Friday. I pour a ‘smidge’ of scotch for myself. I sit in my living room, holding my special crystal glass that holds my scotch. On my piano, there are pictures of my grandparents, aunts and uncles in their prime, my parent’s and in-laws wedding picture. I invite my children to come and join me and pour them a glass of ginger ale and I lay out some snacks as well. And together, we talk about our week. article by Ashley Berger What Shabbat Means to Me Shabbat dinners with my in-laws were my first introduction to Judaism. I loved that Friday nights were a special time to share a meal with family, and relax after a long week. When I converted to Judaism and learned all about what Shabbat really meant, it made so much sense to me. To my husband Avi and I, Shabbat is a special time to be spent with family, away from work and the stresses of life. Word got out at school about ‘Friday’s Scotch and Soda Time.’ From time to time, we’ve had some special guests join us in the living room, sharing stories about their week, too. Out of the corner of my eye, in a small silver frame, I can see my grandparents posing for the camera. It is 1960 and my grandfather is holding his famous pipe. I raise my glass to them and say L’chaim. They join me, spiritually at my shabbat table. It wouldn’t be the same without them. We try to always share a meal with family or friends Friday nights, and even if not, we always spend it together. Even if it’s just the two of us, we say the blessings to remind us that it is a special time to be thankful for. On Saturdays if not doing something with family or friends, we try to do something together like seeing a movie, doing some shopping, or even just hanging out watching Netflix and having a late big breakfast. 10 As an avid baker, one week a few years ago I decided to try my hand at baking a challah. Well, it was a hit! Ever since, I have baked a challah for Friday night dinners whenever I could, and I even have requests on special occasions like Rosh Hashannah from family and friends. Making the challah has become a tradition for me. Avi loves coming home on Fridays to the house smelling of freshly baked bread, and it helps me start to wind down and relax for a night and day of quality family time. I look forward to making baking the challah a tradition in my home that one day my children take part in, and that it will help make their Shabbat experience that much more special. Holy Blossom Temple Our very own ‘Woman of the Wall” This past May, our daughter Adrienne became a Bat Mitzvah at Holy Blossom Temple. As a Temple ‘regular’ since birth, and a Leo Baeck student, Adrienne already had a strong connection to her Jewish identity and community. But it was our fervent hope that in becoming a Bat Mitzvah, she would discover something even more meaningful and unique about that connection to start her on her path to Jewish adulthood. While she attended and enjoyed Senior School and the B’Nei Mitzvah program, and took her Torah studies seriously, the ‘Aha’ moment truly came when we asked her if she would like to read Torah and have an Aliyah in the Shachrit service on Thursday morning before her Bat Mitzvah – as her brother William had done two years earlier (and Eric had done with his own father many years before). Adrienne’s response was both touching and unexpected: She said “Sure. But can I put on Tefillin?” It never occurred to us that she would, and honestly didn’t know if she could. We asked Rabbi Splansky, whose answer was unequivocally ‘yes!”. To our great delight, both the Rabbi and Cantor Maissner offered their unqualified encouragement and support for this endeavour. Though we had assumed, mistakenly, that Jewish women were forbidden to perform this obligation, we were told that Rashi, the great 12th Century Rabbi and Torah commentator, had put on Tefillin with his own two daughters! And so on May 22nd Adrienne, became the first Bat Mitzvah child to put on Tefillin at Holy Blossom. Rabbi Splansky has always emphasized the importance of finding Jewish rituals that “fit” and ‘feel right’, and, when Adrienne stepped up to the Bimah in the Sanctuary on Shabbat to sing her parsha two days later, she possessed a confidence that came in part from her ability to accomplish just this – to find for her what fit and felt right, blending tradition with what was for her personally, something ‘new’. Adrienne referred to herself proudly as a ‘Woman of the Wall’ , thus reaffirming not only her connection to her Jewish identity and community but also her allegiance with Jewish women at the Kotel and all over the world, striving to publically practice their faith alongside men. In the end we came away with feelings of tremendous pride and gratitude – pride in our daughter, and gratitude for a Temple congregation and leadership that could further reinforce Adrienne’s sense of Jewish community and ritual, while also fostering her unique identity as a B’nei Mitzvah. That’s what Shabbat will always be for me I will always remember the Tot Shabbats on Friday night, at Holy Blossom in the Philip Smith Hall. We started coming to Tot Shabbat when my brother William was in Holy Blossom PreSchool. It was our first Shabbat family dinner ritual and also our entry point to shul. That’s how we began to feel at home at Holy Blossom. Now I always associate egg rolls with Shabbat because that’s what we used to contribute to the Pot Luck Dinners. Before we learned their names, we referred to the other people by the dishes they Eric Klein and Gillian Helfield article by article by Adrienne Klein brought, like ‘Michelle Brownie’ and ‘Watermelon Man’. We knew Adam Sol by his great potatoes. We grabbed our dessert before the meal, because it disappeared so quickly – especially the chocolate cake! We liked to eat up on the stage, or in the ‘Kids’ Café’ that my brother and his friends created over in the far corner of the Atrium. And of course there was the mayhem after the meal, when all the kids chased each other around the tables. That’s what Shabbat will always be for me. To share your Shabbat Ritual for posting, please visit www.holyblossom.org/shabbatrituals and leave a comment. Or email stories@holyblossom.org. Thank you to all our contributors. A special thank you to Adrienne Helfield for inspiring this section, and providing the spark of an idea that has led to this bulletin’s theme. Bulletin • March 2015 11 Holy Blossom Congregational Appeal: THANK YOU… Our 2014 donors made all the difference Chicken Soup and matzoh balls nourish our Jewish souls. Like these heartwarming foods that are ingrained in our rich traditions of Jewish life, you, our generous annual donors, have provided nourishment and strength to the Holy Blossom Community. On behalf of the Board, Rabbi Splansky, and the entire Holy Blossom team, thank you. Last year, through your generosity, we raised $520,000 from 450 congregants. This achievement represents an increase of nearly 15% over the prior year – both in terms of dollars raised and individual donors. We couldn’t be more thankful to each and every one of you who have helped us ensure that we can continue to do the following: 12 • Offer exciting and innovative programming to our diverse membership body. • Provide dues relief to 40% of our congregants, ensuring that no one is denied membership to Holy Blossom Temple due to financial hardship • Provide need-based scholarships to our Religious School students • Maintain our building and grounds • “Keep the lights on” by supporting unrestricted funding to Holy Blossom The Holy Blossom Congregational Appeal is all about nourishing our Jewish souls through tzedakah. By following our shared obligation to give a hand up to those who have less than we do, we are practicing one of Judaism’s most cherished values – that of actively ensuring that that everyone who wishes is able to be a part of our sacred community. Like chicken soup, you have helped provide comfort and nourishment for our congregants through the milestones of life; large and small, joyous or sorrowful. Together, you allow our team of clergy, staff and dedicated volunteers to help ensure that we’re looking after one another as a united Jewish community. • Fills the gap! (between revenue and expenses) • Nourishes the soul • Rabbinically Approved INGREDIENTS/INGRÉDIENTS TEMPLE SINGERS, INNOVATIVE PROGRAMMING FOR CHILDREN, TEENS, ADULTS AND SENIORS, DUES RELIEF FOR MEMBERS IN NEED, NEEDS-BASED SCHOLARSHIPS, CRITICAL BUILDING AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE. EVERY DONATION MAKES A DIFFERENCE! Our Temple community is sacred. Like all congregations across North America, we cannot meet our budgetary needs through membership and tuition dues. It is only through the open-hearted philanthropy of our donor community that we are able to ensure a strong Holy Blossom – now and for generations to come. We are so grateful to our 2014 donors. Thank you, thank you, thank you To see our “Virtual Wall” – a listing of all our Congregational Appeal Donors online – please visit www.holyblossom.org/donor-wall-online Holy Blossom Temple Rabbi Dow Marmur has contributed over 130 posts to holyblossom.org. They are affectionately referred to as “his Israel writings”. To read more of Rabbi Marmur’s contributions to holyblossom.org, please visit www.holyblossom.org/rabbi-dow-marmur. PRISONERS OF ZION Motti Kirshenbaum, the co-host of a popular daily television news hour, suggested on Thursday evening that Jerusalemites were preparing for the snow storm – it came late that day and continued through the night and on Friday – the way our ancestors prepared for the siege of Jerusalem by the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar in 567 BCE. People were buying up groceries as if the storm would last for weeks. Public events were postponed or cancelled. One of the two congregations to which we belong in Jerusalem informed its members that Shabbat services wouldn’t be held this week. Our newspaper delivered the Friday supplements a day earlier on the assumption that we wouldn’t get any paper on Friday. We didn’t. Schools and kindergartens were cancelled, allegedly to the delight of the children but not to the delight of parents who may have had to go to work, unless the snow would prevent them too. The university has also closed. And it’s not only in Jerusalem. The mountains in the North are inaccessible; places like Haifa and Safed are affected. There’s even a little snow and much flooding in the South. The only good news is that the water in Sea of Galilee, the countries major reservoir, is rising and there’ll be plenty of snow in the ski resort on Mt. Hermon. Most roads in and out of Jerusalem are closed. A friend who flew in to Israel on Thursday evening and normally stays in Jerusalem is stuck in Tel Aviv over Shabbat. There’s virtually no public transport in Jerusalem. As my son reminded me, we’ve become prisoners of Zion of sorts, albeit temporarily. I was among those who had hoped that the weather would give Bulletin • March 2015 article by the Rabbi Dow Marmur via templemail@holyblossom.org us a respite from the election campaign, which is becoming more and more nasty and ridiculous. But the prime minister managed to get on television with the mayor of Jerusalem and the chief of police to assure us that everything is taken care of. He didn’t say that Isaac Herzog, his major opponent, wouldn’t be able to deliver, but if the thought occurred to you while you were watching Netanyahu, so be it. It’s a pity that the snow storm hasn’t come a week or so later. It might have provided a face saver for Netanyahu not to go to Washington to give that speech to which he’s by now heavily committed and to which many in the Jewish community in America as well as the majority of Israelis, according to a recent poll, are very much opposed. Despite the prime minister’s and the mayor’s assurances that everything is under control, at least as far as the snow is concerned, together with other old people we’re staying indoors. It’s the slippery roads that constitute the real hazard. This will be a home Shabbat. We even made sure that there would be hallot before the storm might prevent us from getting them. You’d have to be very insensitive to ignore the fact that as comfortable as we may be here, the weather punishes poor people who live in temporary housing or worse, not least in Gaza, Syria and countless other places in the region. The siege in 567BCE resulted in the destruction of the Temple and exile that changed the course of Jewish history. We hope this siege is more temporary, less lethal and, if your gas and/or electricity work, the experience may be quite pleasant for most of those who normally live in comfort. Jerusalem 20.2.15 13 Holy Blossom TEMPLE Renewal 14 SPACE AND SPIRIT Holy Blossom Temple THE FUTURE OF HOLY BLOSSOM IN PICTURES. See the Latest Renderings and Floor Plans Online! HOLY BLOSSOM TEMPLE RENEWAL SOCIAL HAL During our All Congregation Renewal Celebration Champagne Brunch on Sunday February 1st, Martin Davidson of Diamond Schmitt Architects unveiled a series of brand new full-colour renderings and the latest floor plans for our new campus. These renderings are absolutely spectacular and give us a sense of what various spaces within our new HBT could look like when finished. We use the word “could” because they are artist conceptions only, with the final detailed design decisions still to be made. But even so, we’re quite sure you’ll find them inspiring. Go to www.holyblossom.org/renewal and have a good close look at HOLY BLOSSOM TEMPLE RENEWAL how our Central Atrium with its “living H wall” will become an inviting gathering space and a gateway, interconnecting all aspects of Temple life. See how our Philip Smith Congregational Hall will transform from a welcoming room for daytime lectures and public gatherings to an elegant space for simchas and entertainment... and don’t miss the new windows along the west wall that will allow for natural light! Check out our brand new Family Chapel, located in the former Eisendrath Auditorium, and again pay special attention to the natural light streaming in from the east windows. This is a multi-use space that can also easily transform itself for smaller banquet or simcha celebrations. There are also stunning depictions of our new Library, 3rd floor Social Hall and various views of our Atrium, both interior and exterior. We’ve also included the floor plans to date, as well as the initial landscaping plans, to give you the broadest sense of how our new Holy Blossom will look, feel and function, day to day. In fact, holyblossom.org/renewal is our central hub for all the latest HOLY BLOSSOM TEMPLE RENEWAL news and content on Renewal at HBT, capturing both Space and Spirit, so visit often. It’s where you can get an answer or ask another question in our ever-evolving FAQ section. Monitor our latest construction updates and see photos of work in progress. And just simply share in the excitement of everything that is Renewal at Holy Blossom. Many of the latest renderings have been printed here, but to view all the brand new renderings and floor plans, please visit www.holyblossom.org/renewal Bulletin • March 2015 ATRIUM VIEW TO SOUTH NIGHT VIEW OF CONGREGATION 15 Passover 2015/ 5775 Erev Pesach Friday April 3, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. First Day Pesach Saturday April 4, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. Congregation-wide Service with the Temple Singers and our Simcha Band will include Songs of Freedom and Songs of Hallel. A festive Kiddush lunch will follow the service. Creative children’s study program will be integrated throughout the morning. Erev Seventh Day Pesach Thursday April 9, 2015 - 6:00 p.m. Seventh Day Pesach / Yizkor Service Friday April 10, 2015 - 10:00 a.m. At this Congregation-wide Service, we celebrate the last day of Pesach. Following Yizkor Services, there will be a special Kiddush Luncheon sponsored by the Bernard, Carol and Samuel Braun Memorial Fund in memory of Bernard, Carol, and Samuel Braun for all to enjoy. 16 www.holyblossom.org Holy Blossom Temple Welcome to Our Congregational Family Births Welcome Mazal Tov We are delighted to welcome the following n Dr. Laurie Klotz who was awarded an Order of Canada. n new members to Holy Blossom Temple: n Larry Schwartz on his appointment to the Federal Competition Tribunal. n Efram Sera-Shriar and Naana Kaalund n Marshall and Marilyn Wolf B’nei Mitzvah n Sat., March 7 Ellie Davidson, daughter of Miri & Jesse Davidson n Sat., April 18 Samara Hurowitz, daughter of Diane Osak & Steven Hurowitz n Sat., March 21 Adam Arbess, son of Sharon Neiss & Gordon Arbess n Sat., March 28 Erin Storm, daughter of Natalie Witkin & Stuart Storm n Sat., April 25 Luke Goldman, son of Marlene & Bob Goldman n Sat., March 28 Jakob Ain, son of Marlowe & David Ain n Thurs., April 30 Emma Seaton, daughter of Andrea & Michael Seaton Engagements & Weddings n aty Alter, daughter of Howard and Barbara Alter, & Hart Lambert, son of Hildi Abrams and David K Lambert, are to be married this August, 2015. n Amanda Bertoia, daughter of Sondra and Bob Bertoia z”l, to Jeff Sole, son of Murray and Susan Sole, are to be married this October, 2015. Susan Berger on the birth of a granddaughter Tali Ruth Chudy. Proud parents are Esther & Shachar Chudy and sister to Alon and Roey. Other proud grandparents are Vivien & George Chudy. Great grandmother is Jewel Poch. n Phyllis & Paul Bordo on the birth of a granddaughter, Samantha Elle Bordo. Proud parents are Sabrina Kaufman & Mark Bordo and sister to Max. Other proud grandmother is Clair Kaufman. n Lynne & Robert Bohnen, on the birth of a grandson, Ethan Isaac Louis Bernknopf. Proud parents are Diana & Michael Bernknopf. Other proud grandparents are Sheryl & Ken Bernknopf. Proud great grandmother is Shirley Bohnen. n Shelley & Arthur Gans on the birth of a granddaughter Margaux Jean Gans. Proud parents are Suzy & Jeremy Gans and sister to Isla. Other proud grandparent s are Liz & Craig McDermott. Proud great grandmother is Evie Smith. n Dr. Melvyn Iscove on the birth of a granddaughter, Emily Lia Vidal. Proud parents are Naomi & Jacky Vidal and sister to Maya and Benjamin. Other proud grandparents are Happy Iscove, Margo & Felix Vidal. n Freda Ariella & Arthur Muscovitch, on the birth of a grandson, Brooks Benjamin Muscovitch. Proud parents are Cathy & Zak Muscovitch. Other proud grandparents are Perla & Gabi Sellouk n Leslie & Darren Richmond on the birth of a daughter, Brooklyn Avery Richmond and sister to Benjamin, Ethan, Madeleine, and Samantha. Proud grandparents are Sharon Herman and Paul Richmond. n Katherine Solomon & David Chrystian on the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Chrystian. Proud grandparents are Cheryl & Jack Solomon (and the late Denny Pollock); Barbara & Ralph Miller; and Wendy & Robert Chrystian. n Marlene & Robert Zeldin on the birth of a granddaughter, Hannah Bryn Zeldin. Proud parents are Sara Diament Zeldin & David Zeldin and sister to Ruby. Other proud grandparents are Renee & Joseph Diament. Proud great grandparents are Mary Leston; Norma Switzman; and Noel Zeldin. In Memoriam n D avid Abells, husband of Dafna Abells, father of Dr. Yoel Abells and Orit Abells-Newton, brother of Elliott Abells and Zvi Abells. n Elana Chapnik, wife of Allan Chapnik, mother of Sean and Noah Chapnik, daughter of Joi Young and Bobby Lunsky, sister of Yona, Danielle and Eric Lunsky. n Joyce Charendoff, mother of Randi Garfinkel, Lori Dennis and Susan Barron. n Marion Doffman, mother of Linda Malat and Barbara Doffman, sister of Sheila Kirche. n Izak Eisenberg, husband of Anne Eisenberg, father of Morty Eisenberg and Helene Smagala. n Aileen Hannah Fogle, mother of Robert Fogle, Bruce Fogle and Adeen Fogle. n Phyllis Fox, mother of Irving Fox, Allan Fox, and Rosanne Ain, sister of Norman Maron. n John Arthur (Jack) Geller Q.C., husband of Sybil Geller, father of Lawrence Geller, Dana Lampe, Jan Babins and Harold Geller, brother of Rose Garfinkel. n Max Gluskin, father of Ira Gluskin, David Gluskin and Janice Gluskin. n Jules Edward Gordon, father of Bruce Gordon. n Esther Greenberg, mother of Dr. Karen Mock, sister of Isaac Silverstein and Ezra Silverstein. Bulletin • March 2015 n D elores Habar, wife of Seymour Haber, mother of Paul, Ron and Michael Harber and Joanne Roher, sister of Allen and Joyce Green. n S ydney Jacobs, husband of Daisy Jacobs, father of Jeffrey Jacobs, Marilyn Zimmer and Randy Jacobs. n D r. Martin Kazdan, husband of Marion Kazdan, father of David, Jonathan and Peter Kazdan, Debra Hertzman, Ruth, Natalie and Kenneth Gangbar, brother of Jerome Kazdan, Merle Richards and Ruth Hynes. n Jack Klyman, brother of Milton Klyman. n R uth Beverley Krause, mother of Shelly Krause Levine, Judy Tennabaum and Roger Krause. n J oyce Lieberman, mother of Robert Lieberman, Stephen Lieberman, Dale Brooks and Judy Mayerowitch. n D r. Samuel Linzon, husband of Esther Linzon, father of Dr. Ernest LInzon and Dr. Charlene Linzon. n M ark Rebick, husband of Bernadette Urtz, father of Adam Rebick, brother of Sue Rebick and Charlie Rebick. n J oseph Rotman, husband of Sandy Rotman, father of Janis Rotman and Kenneth Rotman, brother of Jenny Cass. n P earl Rudin, mother of Jonathan Rudin, Jeremy Rudin and Joel Rudin. n R uth Stein Schlossberg, mother of Mark Schlossberg and Shelley Sarna. n Irving Shendroff, beloved husband of Ann Kelner Shendroff and the late Mary Lynn Shendroff. Adored father of Lisa and Andrew Levine, Mark and Tammy Shendroff, and the late Dana Rose Bruhand, brother of the late Florence Gordon and Corinne Dalgof. n Samuel Sweet, father of Linda Pressman, Miriam Goldstein and Earl Sweet. n Jean Sybil Temins, mother of Dr. Carol Temins. n Irwin Title, husband of Tema Title, father of Sydney Erdle, Esther Roberts, Mona Rosenberg and Susan Scrimgeour. n Helen Susan Tizel, mother of Frank Tizel, sister of Sylvia Chisik n Barbara Vrooman, wife of Ranson Vrooman, mother and mother-in-law of Richard Vrooman, Corinne Black, Don Vrooman, Andrew John Vrooman, Maryann Bailey and Doug Vrooman. n Louis Wasser, father of Howard, Shery and Cary and Cindy Wasser, brother of Morris, Ben and Sam Wasser. n Edith Winkler, mother of Vladimir Winkler and Susan Friedmann. 17 We thank our generous donors Bikur Cholim Fund Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour: Amanda Frohman; Marilyn Hahn; The Halpert Family Joshua & Henrietta Chesnie Temple Endowment Fund Jack Barry, In Memory: Henrietta Chesnie Miriam Bookman Rotenberg, In Memory: Henrietta Chesnie Joyce Charendoff, In Memory: Henrietta Chesnie Dr. Morris Charendoff, In Memory: Henrietta Chesnie Jack Geller, In Memory: Henrietta Chesnie Sydney Jacobs, In Memory: Henrietta Chesnie Jean Fine Seniors Fund Joyce Charendoff, In Memory: Daisy Jacobs Caroline Annie Cress, Yahrzeit: The Cress Family Dr. David Greenberg, In Honour: Mondays @ The Temple Sydney Jacobs, In Memory: Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman; Toby & Gary Ciglen; Ruth Green; Tanya Green; Marion Kazdan; Ora & Michael Leese; Joan & Ray Moses; Bea & Lou Myers; Bernice Penciner; Ann & Gary Posen; Barb Price & Ira Jacobs; Fern & Donald Resnick; Marlene & Robert Ruderman; Mari Lynn Rusak; Mary Seldon; Helen & Edward Sheffman; Saundra & Henry Sherman; Sheila Smolkin; Miriam & Percy Urback Dr. Martin Kazdan, In Memory: Daisy Jacobs Brock Munro, In Honour: Mondays @ The Temple Rabbi Michael Stroh, In Honour: Mondays @ The Temple Irwin Title, In Memory: Sheila Bacher; Toby & Gary Ciglen; Daisy Jacobs; Sheila Smolkin Cara Faith Zwibel, In Honour: Mondays @ The Temple Gardner Family Fund Zita Gardner, In Honour: Gillian & David Rosenberg and Family 18 Holy Blossom Temple Foundation Joyce Charendoff, In Memory: Jane & Robert Herman; Carmen & Emil Horvath Joan Garson, In Honour: Etta Ginsberg McEwan; Carole & Jay Sterling Jack Geller, In Memory: Carmen & Emil Horvath; Esther & Marvin Tile Holy Blossom Temple Worship Committee, In Appreciation: Karen Mock and Family Sydney Jacobs, In Memory: Myrna Freedman; Etta Ginsberg McEwan; Helen & Joe Hochberg Russ Joseph and Holy Blossom Temple Staff, In Appreciation: Ann Rosenfield S. Calvert Kogan, In Memory: Lucinda & Ron Kogan Joseph Rotman, In Memory: Manulife Capital; Esther & Marvin Tile Joy Wolfson, In Honour: Herb Wolfson Bulletin • December 2014 Rebecca Zarn, In Memory: Susan & Joel Rutenberg Holy Blossom Temple Renewal Project David Abells, In Memory: Randi & Alan Garfinkel; Ann & Gary Posen Israel Ben-Ishai, In Honour: Teresa & Alberto Quiroz and Family Joyce Charendoff, In Memory: Susan & Barry Borden; Sybil & Jack Gellerz”l; Susan & Harold Grossman; Ann & Gary Posen; Sheila Smolkin Ruth & David Cohen, Yahrzeit: Mimi & Malcolm Kronby Phyllis Fox, In Memory: Pam & Michael Albert; Susan & Barry Borden; Nancy & Joe Dack; Joan Garson & David Baskin; Sharon Gladstone and Family; Jill Kamin & Murray Hart; Carol & Bill Kassel; Zelda Luxenburg; Barbara & Nathan Morrow; Mari Lynn Rusak; Mary Seldon; Sheila Smolkin; Linda & Allen Stolnitz; Brandi Stolnitz Larry Freedman, In Honour: Joan Garson & David Baskin Joan Garson, In Honour: Shelly Berenbaum; Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson; Judy Nyman & Harley Mintz; Lindi & Stevez”l Rivers; Avra Rosen & Mark Goodman; Alison & Alan Schwartz; Mary Seldon; Sheila Smolkin; Brenda Spiegler & Mark S. Anshan; Judy & Jack Winberg Jack Geller, In Memory: Janice & Larry Babins; Susan & Barry Borden; Toby & Gary Ciglen and Family; Miriam & Marvin Dryer; Susanne Egier; Brooke Gangbar; Kenneth Gangbar; Natalie Gangbar; Ruth Gangbar; Zita Gardner; Randi & Alan Garfinkel; Joan Garson & David Baskin; Elaine & Marv Givertz; Happy Iscove; Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood; Marion Kazdan; Sydney & Richard Krelstein; Terrye & Jack Kuper; Michael Larkin; Jill & Ben Lustig; Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson; Karen & Shelly Mandell; Karen & David Mock; Sylvia & Harvey Naftolin; Bernice Penciner; Teresa & Alberto Quiroz; Marlene & Robert Ruderman; Mari Lynn Rusak; Nancy Ruth; Brenda & Fred Saunders; Alison & Alan Schwartz; Mary Seldon; Rhoda Sherwin & Julius Kirschner; Rabbi Paul and Ben Sidlofsky; The Sidlofsky Family; Sheila Smolkin; Sara Speigel; Brenda Spiegler & Mark S. Anshan; Carole & Jay Sterling; Barbara & Floyd Stern; Celia & Rabbi Michael Stroh; Barbara ThalHodes & Bob Hodes Max Gluskin, In Memory: Ann & Gary Posen Esther Greenberg, In Memory: Judy & Allan Borodin and Family; Joan Garson & David Baskin; Donna & Gerry Koffman; Janie & Stan Swartz; Renee & Joseph Tarantino; Jane & Frank Tizel Bob Hodes, In Appreciation: Karen Franklin Holy Blossom Temple Rabbis, Cantor and Staff, In Appreciation: Joan Garson, Tom Friedland and Cary Solomon Sydney Jacobs, In Memory: Sybil & Jack Gellerz”l and Family; Terrye & Jack Kuper Judy Malkin & Eliott Jacobson, In Honour: Sybil & Jack Gellerz”l Dr. Martin Kazdan, In Memory: Ora & Michael Leese Shirley Patchen Cohen, Yahrzeit: Marilyn Hahn Religious School Teachers, In Honour: Debbie Spiegel Brenda & Fred Saunders, In Honour: Sybil & Jack Gellerz”l Harvey Schipper, In Honour: Shelly Berenbaum & Charles Litman; Avra Rosen & Mark Goodman; Sheila Smolkin Harry Smith, Yahrzeit: Ronna Rubin & Phillip Smith Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour: Alice & Ron Charach; Etta Ginsberg McEwan; Barbara Thal-Hodes & Bob Hodes Helen Tizel, In Memory: Jackie & David Busheikin; Marcy & Barry Gordon; Karen & David Mock; The Mosoff Family; Lynne & Harold Smith Barabara Vrooman, In Memory: Judy & Allan Borodin; Mary Seldon; Jan & Robert Simonsky Judy & Jack Winberg, In Honour: Janette & Michael Diamond Rebecca Zarn, In Memory: Susan Martin and Family; Margaret Irwin; Tanya & Gabriel Tick; Cynthia & Michael Wyman and Family Isenberg Family Endowment Fund Karen Baruch, In Honour: Carol & Steve Pilon Ron Baruch, In Honour: Carol & Steve Pilon Lorne Burke, In Honour: Carol & Steve Pilon Louis Rosenblat, In Memory: Carol & Steve Pilon Jeffery Ross, In Honour: Carol & Steve Pilon Jacob’s Tower Fund General Donation: Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman Florence Hertzman, In Honour: Carol Abugov Sarlota Majerovic, In Memory: Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman Margo Prentice, In Honour: Florence Hertzman Joseph Rotman, In Memory: Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman Roslyn Weiss, In Memroy: Marilyn Shesko & David Hertzman Joan Kerbel Leadership Development Fund Joyce Charendoff, In Memory: Janice & Larry Babins; Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood Joan Garson, In Honour: Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood Sydney Jacobs, In Memory: Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood Etienne Kaplan, In Honour: Daisy Jacobs Dr. Laurence Klotz, In Honour: Lyn & Robert Klotzand Family Barbara Vrooman, In Memory: Randi & Alan Garfinkel; Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood Kiddish Fund General Donation: Joan Garson & David Baskin; Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson; Ashley Myerson and Steven Gryfe; Brenda & Fred Saunders Library Fund Evelyn Faulk, In Memory: Paula Kirsh Beverley Colman-Lokash Scholarship Fund Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour: Deborah Colman Rabbi Dow & Fredzia Marmur Program for Educational Excellence Rabbi Dow Marmur, In Honour: Sandra & Gordon Atlin; Wendy & Elliott Eisen; Barbara & Robert Hodes and Family; Jill Kamin & Murray Hart; Ellen Karabanow; Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson; Mary Seldon; Barbara Sniderman; Debby Vigoda Rabbi Dow & Fredzia Marmur, In Honour: Holy Blossom Temple Singers; Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood; Avra Rosen & Mark Goodman and Family Musical Heritage Fund David Abells, In Memory: Carmen & Emil Horvath Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In Honour: Holy Blossom Temple Sisterhood; Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson; Judy Nyman & Harley Mintz; The Sapera Family; Francie & Martin Storm Musical Legacy Fund Joan Garson, In Honour: Holy Blossom Temple Singers Out of the Cold Fund General Donation: 925 Solutions; Peter Bowles; Susan Fleisher; Forest Hill Lions Club; Margaret Green; Robin & Paul Leszner; Neil Nisker; Gillian & Mitchell Sinclair; The Phillip Smith Foundation; TCL Asset Group Inc.; Lou Tucci Dorothy & Bob Aaron, In Honour: Bram and Jeff Aaron David Abells, In Memory: Bernice Penciner; Debby Vigoda Anne Abrams, In Memory: Grace & Harvey Brooker Danielle, Heath and Ethan Applebaum, In Honour: Janet & Michael Ryval Dr. Saul Cohen, Yahrzeit: Sue & Lou Devor Perry Dellio, In Memory: Marsha & Harry Glicksman Izak Eisenberg, In Memory: Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman Susan Fishman, In Honour: Cathy & Ted Rechtshaffen Majorie Flanagan, In Memory: Shelly Berenbaum Jack Geller, In Memory: Marsha & Harry Glicksman; Kathy & Maurice Green; Bambi Katz and Family Jacob Givoni, In Honour: Roslyn Avery Max Gluskin, In Memory: Esther & Cyril Hersh Kathy & Maurice Green, In Honour: William Edwards; James Forster; Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson Holy Blossom Temple Mala Greenbaum, In Honour: Cathy & Ted Rechtshaffen Esther Greenberg, In Memory: Gail & Gary Goodman and Family; Kathy & Maurice Green Esther & Harry Hands, Yahrzeit: Sharon Clavir and Family; Brian & Cynthia Hands and Family Renee Hock, In Memory: Lisa & Sheldon Donsky and Family Sydney Jacobs, In Memory: Naomi Bell; Joy & Charles Cohen; Susanne Egier; Zelda & Lenn Melamed; Maxine Minden; Janet & Michael Ryval; Debby Vigoda George Kapelos, In Honour: Elyse Parker; Claire Schneiderman and Family Etienne Kaplan, In Honour: Francie Bay Smith & Arnold Smith and Family; Grace & Harvey Brooker; Lorna & Horace Jatwes Alta Karpenko & Jonathan Ryval and Family, In Honour: Janet & Michael Ryval Sybil Litman, In Honour: Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman Sheila Masters, In Honour: Brenda Baskin, Gail Hammerschlag and Joanne Hoffman Kenny Munshaw, In Honour: Bob Campbell; Cindy & Mark Halperin; Barry Lubotta Yitz Penciner, Yahrzeit: Bernice Penciner and Family Lissie Sanders, In Honour: Diane Betel Ethel Sapera, In Memory: Virginia & Carl Solomon Harry (Hush) Sherman, In Memory: Avis & Jack Antel; Roslyn Avery; Stephen Bay Smith; Hailey Bongard; Jaymie Bongard; Karen Bongard; Madison Bongard; Claudia Chance and Melisa Mika; Nina & Murray Chusid; Sarah and Erica Davidson; Lisa & Sheldon Donsky and Family; Judith & Caleb Fishman; Alison Goldlift; Harley Goldlift; Serena Goldlift; Marilyn Hahn; Ruth Halperin & David Weil; Moishe & Mindy Handler; Brenda & Paul Hoffert; Debbie Jacobson & Adam Stern; Ann Kahn; Ruth Najman & Steven Spodek; Bernice Penciner; Margie Poslins; Felicia & David Poslums; Joe Rich; Andrea & Randy Rovet and Family; Sarah Rovit; Howard Sone and Randy Rovet; Heather Shapiro & Terry Axelrod; Marlene Sheff; Helen Shrott; Frances & Harry Spodek, Sandi Teperman Gene Silver, Yahrzeit: The Spiegel and Steinberg Family Harry Silver, Yahrzeit:The Spiegel and Steinberg Family Bob Smolkin, Yahrzeit: Sheila Smolkin and Family Joyce Sone, In Memory: Shelly Berenbaum & Chuck Litman Abby Rose Tanenbaum, In Honour: Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin; Julia & Michael Sax Irwin Title, In Memory: Paula Kirsh Morris Vigoda, Yahrzeit: Debby Vigoda Betty Wolfe, Yahrzeit: Carole Abugov Beverely Wolfe, In Honour: Debra Muchnik & Neil Kredenster Lesley Young & Lon Hall, In Honour: Nancy & Sydney Nezon Bulletin • March 2015 Harry & Cecile Pearl Youth Award Endowment Fund Irving Shendroff, In Memory: Joyce & Fred Zemans Prayer Book Fund Esther Handelsman, In Memory: Sybil Jackson Rhoda Simon Goldberg, Yahrzeit: Joanne Goldberg Weigen and Family Rabbi’s Discretionary Funds Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Appreciation: Susan & Larry Barron; Lori & Jeff Dennis; Randi & Alan Garfinkel; Kathy & Maurice Green; Suzanne & Harold Heft; Karen Mock and Family; Barbara Organ; Erin & Marlon Paisley Rabbi Yael Splansky, In Honour: Susan Berman; Sharon Clavir; Carol Cruickshank & Jim Lisser; Joanne & Richard Cummings; Carmen & Emil Horvath; Dr. Martin Kazdan and Family; Sydney & Richard Krelstein; Michelle & Gavin Naimer; Janet & Michael Ryval; Alexis Singer & Brian Nichols; Nonnie Smith; Deborah Spaiman; Tema Title Rabbi Michael Satz, In Appreciation: Janie & Stan Swartz Rabbi Michael Satz, In Honour: Ellen Karabanow; Dr. Martin Kazdan and Family; Lindi & Stevez”l Rivers and Family; Mary Seldon; Carole & Jay Sterling Rabbi Jordan Helfman, In Honour: Michelle & Gavin Naimer Rabbi Edward Goldfarb, In Appreciation: Daisy Jacobs and Family Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In Appreciation: Susan & Larry Barron; Lori & Jeff Dennis; Karen Fainman; Randi & Alan Garfinkel; Daisy Jacobs & Family; Erin & Marlon Paisley; Tema Title Cantor Benjamin Z. Maissner, In Honour: Sandra & Gordon Atlin; Joanne & Richard Cummings; Francis & Murray Ellis; Helena & David Fine and Family; Fran & Bernie Goldman; Barbara & Irving Green; Holy Blossom Temple Singers; Dr. Martin Kazdan and Family; Sydney & Richard Krelstein; Arlene Roth; Ann Shendroff; Alexis Singer & Brian Nichols; Sheila Smolkin; Virginia & Carl Solomon; Carole & Jay Sterling; Debby Vigoda; Phyllis & Alan Wintraub and Family; Joy & Herb Wolfson; Joyce & Fred Zemans Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers, In Appreciation: Karen Mock and Family Israel Brodziak, Yahrzeit (Cantor Benjamin Maissner’s discretionary fund): Bluma Brodziak and Family Marcia Ezrin, Yahrzeit (Cantor Benjamin Maissner’s discretionary fund): Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin & Hershell Ezrin Randi & Alan Garfinkel, In Appreciation (Cantor Benjamin Maissner’s discretionary fund): Lori & Jeff Dennis and Family Sydney Jacobs, In Memory (Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary fund): Louise & Jan Blumenstein; Paula Singer Sydney Jacobs, In Memory (Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers’ discretionary fund): Lyle Stanway Harry Mandell, Yahrzeit (Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary fund): Patty & Marcel Himel and Family Helen Merker Stanway, Yahrzeit: (Cantorial Soloist Lindi Rivers’ discretionary fund): Lyle Stanway Irwin Title, In Memory (Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary fund): Louise & Jan Blumenstein General Donation (Rabbi Yael Splansky’s discretionary fund): Adele Sacks & Jamie Spotswood; Adrienne Matus-Schlossberg & Mark Schlossberg General Donation (Rabbi Jordan Helfman’s discretionary fund): Adele Sacks & Jamie Spotswood Rabbi Moscowitz 25 Years Book Fund General Donation: Emily & Jonathan Bloomberg; Laurie & Michael Davis; Janette & Michael Diamond; The Bertrand Gerstein Family Foundation; Sandra & Joseph z”l Rotman; The Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman Foundation Nancy Ruth Educational Fund Esther Greenberg, In Memory: Nancy Ruth Lula & Irving Saunders Endowment Fund Brenda Saunders, In Honour: Judy Malkin & Elliott Jacobson Shacharit Fund David Abells, In Memory: The Abells Family; Susan & Barry Borden Edith Abramson, Yahrzeit: Susan & Brian Fishman Shirley Ashley, Yahrzeit: Ruth & Hank Rosen Shifra Axelrod, Yahrzeit: Helen Shapiro & Terry Axelrod and Family Ronald Black, Yahrzeit: Sharon Black and Family Anita Bochner, Yahrzeit: Mary Goldman Lisa Brown, Yahrzeit: Jay & Jennifer Brown and Family Jason Cash, Yahrzeit: Lillian & Dr. Stanley Cash Solomon Charach, Yahrzeit: Alice & Ron Charach and Family Vernon Dewitt, Yahrzeit: Susan Davis & David Dewitt Philip Eisenberg, Yahrzeit: Dr. Mildred Eisenberg Arnold (Bucky) Epstein, Yahrzeit: Madeleine Epstein Nyman Erdell, Yahrzeit: Carol & Robert Collin Helen Fogel, Yahrzeit: The Uster Family Gustav Freund, Yahrzeit: Nora & John Freund and Family Karel Freund, Yahrzeit: Nora & John Freund and Family Bella Geunspan, Yahrzeit: Myrna Sandler Eva Goodman, Yahrzeit: Ida Tugg Esther & Phillip Gorlicky, Yahrzeit: Frances & Murray Ellis Zane Gordon, Yahrzeit: Joanne & Kevin Roher Esther Greenberg, In Memory: Karen & David Mock Mildred & Harry Grobstein, Yahrzeit: Debra Grobstein Campbell & Barry Campbell Arnold Heller,Yahrzeit: Nora & John Freund and Family Bernard Herman, Yahrzeit: Sharon Herman and Family Jules Hoffman, Yahrzeit: Diana Shiffman and Family May Hoffman, Yahrzeit: Bernice Penciner Elliott Jacobson, In Honour: Judy Malkin Ruth Koblin, Yahrzeit: Jackie & Saul Koblin Rose Kozloff, Yahrzeit: Susan Himel & Neil Kozloff and Family Moshe Krieger, Yahrzeit: The Krieger Family Zeilig Lebovici, Yahrzeit: Zulema & Martin Lebovici and Family Dr. Samuel Linzon, In Memory: Myrna and Jeffrey Freedman Eva Miloia, Yahrzeit: Vera Mandel Our Parents, Yahrzeit: Barbara ThalHodes & Bob Hodes Harry Penciner, Yahrzeit: Bernice Penciner Isaac Quiroz, In Honour: Teresa & Alberto Quiroz Luis Alberto Quiroz, Yahrzeit, Teresa & Alberto Quiroz Ira Ruderman, Yahrzeit: Marlene & Robert Ruderman Jack Sandler, Yahrzeit: Myrna Sandler Ethel Sapera, In Memory: Mathew Sapera; Sam Sapera; Terri Sapera Harry Schwartz, Yahrzeit: Isabel Schwartz Samuel Shain, Yahrzeit: Lili & Michael Shain Trudy Shain, Yahrzeit: Lili & Michael Shain Bob Smolkin, Yahrzeit: Sheila Smolkin and Family Dr. Sidney Steinberg, Yahrzeit: Ellen & Alan Levine and Family Rose & Sam Strauch, Yahrzeit: Daisy Jacobs Paul Theimer, In Memory: Peter Theimer Irwin Title, In Memory: Tema Title Sophie Toplisky, Yahrzeit: Ida Tugg Phyllis & Harold Weisfeld, Yahrzeit: Barbara Weisfeld Gordon and Linda Wolfe Family Youth Award Endowment Fund Linda Wolfe, In Honour: Myrna Freedman; Ellen Karabanow Leonard Wolfe Memorial Education Fund General Donation: Carol Dale; Honey Wolfe; Myron Wolfe Morris Vigoda Memorial Fund Joyce Charendoff, In Memory: Debby Vigoda Martin Kazden, In Memory: Debby Vigoda Goldie Rotman, In Memory: Debby Vigoda Youth Awards Fund General Donation: Joanne & Ronald Schwarz Sydney Jacobs, In Memory: Eileen & Terry Blumenstein and Family Youth Engagement Fund Lewis Applebaum, Yahrzeit: Jean Applebaum and Family Rabbi Jordan Helfman, In Honour: Anonymous Dr. J. Wortsman, In Honour: Esther & Cyril Hersh 19 Life at Holy Blossom April 2015. For a complete calendar of events please visit www.holyblossom.org/calendar We d nesday, April 1, 2015 9:30 am Sisterhood Torah Study with Mark Goodman F r i d a y, April 3, 2015 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:30 am 10:00 am Shabbat Torah Study First Day Pesach Shabbat Service Family Service Holy Chag! Pesach 10:30 amMondays @ the Temple 7:30 pm Building Heart: It Takes a Community, Usnat Atamna Tu e s d a y, A p r i l 2 1 , 2 0 1 5 Third Night Community Passover Seder Sisterhood Torah Study with Mark Goodman T h u r sday, April 9, 2015 6:00 pm Erev Seventh Day Pesach Seventh Day Pesach/Yizkor Service Kabbalat Shabbat Service S a t u rday, April 11, 2015 9:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 5:30 pm Shabbat Torah Study Shabbat Service Family Service Young Families Sportball Havdallah S u n d ay, April 12, 2015 9:30 am Brotherhood Breakfast Club M o n day, April 13, 2015 10:30 am Mondays @ Holy Blossom with Kitty Wintrob 5:00 - 6:30 pmJVC H.O.M.E. (grades 6-8) 7:30 pmBuilding Bridges through Music; German Jewish relationships, Cantor Benjamin Maissner We d nesday, April 15, 2015 9:30 am 7:30 pm Sisterhood Torah Study with Mark Goodman iEngage, Rabbi Michael Satz T h u r sday, April 16, 2015 8:00 pm Beyond the Chuppah, David & Eileen Berger F r i d a y, April 17, 2015 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm Little Blossoms Little Blossoms Little Blossoms Tot Shabbat Service and Vegetarian Pot Luck Dinner Kabbalat Shabbat Service 2016 B’nei Mitzvah Shabbat Service & dinner S a t u rday, April 18, 2015 9:00 am 10:30 am 9:30 am Sisterhood Torah Study with Mark Goodman 6:00 pmMincha and Yom HaZikaron Commemoration, followed by Yom Ha’Atzmaut Celebration T h u r s d a y, A p r i l 2 3 , 2 0 1 5 F r i d a y, April 10, 2015 10:00 am 6:00 pm 7:30 pmJewish Communities Around the World: Jews of South Africa, Isme Bennie We d n e s d a y, A p r i l 2 2 , 2 0 1 5 We d nesday, April 8, 2015 9:30 am HBT Youth Activities: Amazing ‘Reish’ @ the Toronto Zoo Rosh Chodesh Breakfast sponsored by Sisterhood Chai Mitzvah, Rabbi Michael Satz M o n d a y, A p r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 5 S u n d ay, April 5, 2015 5:00 pm | Family Service Beit Midrash Shabbat Learning Family “Feud” Havdalah night S u n d a y, A p r i l 1 9 , 2 0 1 5 Kabbalat Shabbat Service Erev Pesach S a t u rday, April 4, 2015 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Beyond the Chuppah, David & Eileen Berger F r i d a y, A p r i l 2 4 , 2 0 1 5 April 24-26 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm NFTY-NEL Spring Kallah @ Camp George – grades 7-12 Little Blossoms Little Blossoms Little Blossoms Kabbalat Shabbat Service - N’ginah Band S a t u r d a y, A p r i l 2 5 , 2 0 1 5 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 pm Shabbat Torah Study Family Education Program Family Service Shabbat Service Israeli Folk dancing with Paula Warren S u n d a y, A p r i l 2 6 , 2 0 1 5 9:30 am 9:30 am Women of the Wall, Lesley Sachs Parent Mingle M o n d a y, A p r i l 2 7 , 2 0 1 5 10:30 am 8:00 pm Mondays @ the Temple Parent Mingle Tu e s d a y, A p r i l 2 8 , 2 0 1 5 4:30 pm 7:30 pm B’nei Mitzvah Rehearsals Turning Family into Fiction, Joe Kertes, Anne Michaels, David Bezmogis We d n e s d a y, A p r i l 2 9 , 2 0 1 5 9:30 am Sisterhood Torah Study with Mark Goodman T h u r s d a y, A p r i l 3 0 , 2 0 1 5 8:00 pm Beyond the Chuppah, David & Eileen Berger Shabbat Torah Study Shabbat Service 1950 Bathurst Street, Toronto, ON M5P 3K9 416.789.3291 • www.holyblossom.org
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