May • June - American Turners

O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A me r i c a n Tur ne r s
American Turner
Vol. 69 No. 3
May • June 2015
A Sound Mind in a Sound Body
Aurora Turners — Hosts of the 2015
National Festival
Clinton Turners — Hosts of the
2015 National Golf
Featured Articles
President’s Desk......................2
National Competition News...6
Greetings from President Liptak
District and Society News ......3
54th National Festival Info .....7
Check out the latest news!
National Golf Info................14
Find us at:
Ft. Wayne — Hosts of the 2015
National Softball Tour nament
Find us on Facebook — Follow us on Twitter
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
ISSN 0746-3480
(USPS 023-660)
is published 5 issues per year in
Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun,
Jul-Aug-Sept, Oct-Nov-Dec.
1127 E. Kentucky St.,
Louisville, KY 40204.
Periodicals postage paid at
Louisville, KY 40204 and
additional post offices.
Subscription rates $4.00 per year
Send address changes to
P.O. BOX 4216,
National Office Address
1127 East Kentucky Street
P.O. Box 4216
Louisville, KY 40204
Please send all correspondence
to the P.O. Box Number.
Office Hours:
7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.
(E.S.T.), Mon.-Thurs.
Phone (502) 636-2395
FAX (502) 636-1935
New Email Address:
American Turner Topics
Official Publication of the
American Turners Dedicated
to “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body”
Send all copy for Turner Topics to:
Craig Sniezek, Editor
1440 Crestwood Dr.
Aurora, IL 60506
Deadline for Next Issue is:
August 3, 2015
President .......................................................David Liptak
1st Vice President .........................Thomas R. Bozonelos
2nd Vice President .......................................Dennis Zeller
National Secretary...............................Shirley Luckhardt
National Treasurer ...............................David Mulrooney
National Bowling Chair ...............................Terry Bodine
National Cultural Chair..................................Sue Knisley
NHPEC Chair................................Michelle Lesperance
ETF President...........................................Edward Colton
Jahn Fund President ........................................Frank Wedl
Past President................................Thomas R. Bozonelos
Turner Seal and Emblem registered in
U.S. Patent Office #390643 and #393750. Use is
restricted to bona fide
Turner Societies authorized by
the American Turners.
President’s Desk
Greetings Turners,
We are fast approaching our
54th National Festival, for your convenience you can go online to register; you
will receive an e-mail confirming your
registration that you will need to bring
with you when you register. There are
many informational articles in this edition of the Topics. Please read them. I
held a conference call on April 21st to
discuss any questions that may be out
there, regarding registration or logistics. I will be conducting another call
on May 19th at 8 PM CST. I invite anyone with questions to call in, the number is 1-218-895-7239 ID1953012.
You also can use this number if you
wanted to conduct a call with your Society to coordinate scheduling or planning your trip to the Festival or
anything else. This is a free service.
Just a reminder that the Jahn
Fund has generously donated $20,000
to help with travel costs for youths that
are coming to the Festival and Participating. The earlier you register the better prepared the Committee can be in
finalizing all the events. Looking forward to seeing many of you at this Historical Event.
It was my pleasure to recently
attend the 150th Anniversary of the
Denver Turnverein. The Denver Society is the second largest Society that
we have and is very active with dance
in their area. It is said that anything
that pertains to dance in Colorado at
one point in time goes through the
Denver Turners. They have classes for
beginners, and for the very accomplished dancers. An accomplished
dancer means "Dancing with the
Star’s" type of dancing. Carole Brennan the Western States District Representative and I were honored to be part
of their celebration. We were treated
to West Coast Swing /Country Showcase, Salsa Showcase Salsa Central,
Ballroom Showcase, Argentine Tango
Showcase, Lindy Hop Showcase. Then
they topped it all off with a Masquer-
ade Ball. It was
impressive to see
these different
groups work together to sustain
a vibrant Society.
I would
also like to congratulate the Springfield
Turnverein in Massachusetts who celebrated their 160th anniversary the
same weekend, wish I could have been
there also, to celebrate this impressive
Accomplishment. The National Council Meeting will also be held in Fort
Wayne IN. this year to help them celebrate their 150th anniversary.
We have many Societies that
are reaching major milestones as far as
length of time in existence. I would like
to take this opportunity to thank the
Current Presidents of all Our Societies,
and their Board or Trustees. I would
like to thank the Past Presidents their
Boards or Trustees for all they have
done to keep our Societies going. All of
these folks both present and past have
given their time and efforts volunteering to keep our Societies going. Please
take the time to thank both your present and past Leaders in your Society,
they are the reason you have a place to
go that is a safe family atmosphere to
be in.
I would also like to thank the
many volunteers that through the years
have donated their most prized possession-time-to help keep our Societies
going. My Society just thanked their
volunteers with a Volunteer Dinner;
hopefully this is happening in all our
Please let me know if you are
having a milestone event, and if possible I would like to come out and personally help you celebrate.
David Liptak
David Liptak
National President
American Turners
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
District & Society News
Akron Turners
A group of our Akron Turners participated in “Out of
the Darkness” campus walk at Akron University April
26, 2015. The walk is to bring attention to and the prevention of suicides. One of our own young, beautiful
Jori Lynn Howley at the age of 21 was a casualty. In addition to being a member of the Akron Turner club she
received the Leadership Award for her graduating class
and held a lifetime membership for 4-H. Jori enjoyed
working with horses, hunting, dancing, and cheering for
soccer, softball and hockey teams. She will be sadly
missed by all of us. Our Auxiliary members organized
our group for the walk and donations were made to support suicide prevention. For a more details on Jori Lynn
Howley’s death see the obituary in this edition.
Turner day in the city of Fort Wayne. The celebration
continued with music from a local band. Also part of
the celebration this year will be the 2015 National Softball Tournament in June and an Oktoberfest during the
meeting of the National Council here in October.
Milwaukee Turners
Book Review for Turner Topics by John Wamser
Ft. Wayne Turners
Fort Wayne Turners began a year-long 150th celebration on March 21st with a Topsy Turvey Dinner.
The dinner is one in which participants have to choose
3 courses by deciphering song titles. It’s a tradition loved
by many at the club because it gives us a chance to
laugh at ourselves when we have chosen dessert for the
first course and have no silverware with which to eat it.
The mayor of Fort Wayne, Tom Henry, attended presenting Fort Wayne with a declaration from
the city announcing that March 21st was Fort Wayne
Doctor Raymond Wu of the East Side Turners
of Milwaukee has recently published an exercise book.
The One Minute Exercise Workout by Dr. Raymond Wu has
recently been released on Amazon and Barnes and
Noble. He has been working on this exercise system for
about three years.
The title always seems to be the first topic of
conversation with anyone about the book. The first
question always is: How can this work? Exercise should
be hard to gain benefits and maybe uncomfortable. His
answer is usually to try to do a half squat and sustain it
for a minute. (I usually do a 100 count hold) It is not
as easy as you would think! The main emphasis in the
book is that strength fitness is best achieved by consistency in a daily routine. The reason for a sustained
movement is that it stresses a muscle for a prolonged period of time instead of only working on a muscle for a
very short duration. (A push-up has easy and difficult
phases. You are not in a phase long enough to get maximum benefit from the motion) Going to a gym for a
workout involves a time commitment that makes it not
sustainable for most people. Doing something every
day that is manageable will achieve better results.
I have been using this book to do a variety of
daily exercise routines for the last year. (I received a
rough draft copy) I have not missed a day. I combine
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
District & Society News
Milwaukee Turners Continued
stretching with 4-6 strength exercises. I noticed
a large difference in how my body felt in the first
couple of weeks. I am 63 years old, so I am not
going to push myself through exercises that can
injure me. There are levels of exercises for anyone. The book gives anatomical information
about which muscle groups are involved in the
exercises. The book rates the level of the exercise and categorizes the types of exercises.
Many of us have jobs that do not require
us to be very active or we are just too sedentary.
Some people put in long working hours and do
not have much time to exercise. There are always many reasons to put off fitness. Convenience is important, but consistency is most
crucial for an effective program. This is a reference book that I can recommend to anyone who
wants to change how they feel.
It is time to get your cultural
items registered for the festival.
You will need to register on the
National website and pay your
$5.00 fee if only competing in
the cultural competition. If
you are competing in the physical competition and would
like to enter some cultural
items, you don’t need to fill out
a separate entry form for the
cultural part. Just mark your
main entry in both competing
and cultural. You also have to
fill out the cultural entry form
and send it to the address on
the entry form. The entry
form was in the last issue of the
Turner Topics and is also available on the National website.
Sue Knisley
National Cultural Chair
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
Northwest Davenport Turners
Mary "Phyllis" Dengler
Phyllis, a long time auxiliary and society member, passed on December 16, a month and 13 days before
her 92nd birthday.
Her husband Albert signed her up to be an auxiliary member when her children were young. She held
the office of president for 35 years. She also was a society member, and served over 20 years on the district
board, attending many National Conventions and Council meetings. She was a dedicated member of her
church and many other worthy organizations.
She is survived by her daughter, Carol Ann (Marty), and her son Bill (Connie), grand children, Keri,
Stacie, Natalie, and Jonathon, 2 great granddaughters, and a sister Jean Lynch. She will be missed by many,
she was a wonderful lady.
Someone mentioned to her son Bill, "you sure have a nice mother", to which Bill corrected, No sir, I have a
wonderful Mother!
Northwest Davenport Turners
Richard “Dick” Bergert
Richard "Dick" Bergert passed on May 7, at the young age of 74. Dick's parents were long time Turner
members, and at age 18 he and his twin brother Bob joined Turners, he remained a member for 56 years.
Dick bowled in the Turner leagues for over 50 years. He and his wife Leona rarely missed a Turner Tournament.
Dick is survived by his twin brother Bob (Sue) and sons Richard and Patrick Atwater, and a very special friend
Pam Carter.
Donations since last issue
New York District – in memory of Jean Uhl
A.T.N.Y. 25-40-50 Year Club – in memory of Jean Uhl
Christina Bliss – in memory of William & Jean Uhl
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
Endowment Trust Fund
28 April, 2015
It was my pleasure this past week to be remotely connected with two Turner happenings that gave me great satisfaction.
It started with a girls invitational gymnastics meet at Aurora Turners in which numerous private clubs competed in a
compulsory meet starting on a Friday evening and ending late Sunday afternoon. As a spectator I was not only interested
in the competitions but also how well organized and smoothly the meet was run as it progressed. As I spectated it came
to me that almost every piece of apparatus and mating being used in that gym had been partially funded thru yearly
Grants from the Endowment Trust and in some small way we had a vested interest in this meet. Most all the parents
who were not Turners or even know what Turners are but were unanimous in their praise for our fine facilities, well run
gym meet and easy parking. Somehow this makes it all worthwhile, what Turners really represent and what it can be!
A few days later The Endowment Trust was able to close out the 10 year loan it had made to the Clinton, MA Turners
in July, 2005 for improvements to their facilities. They have been very faithful in making every monthly payment over
those 10 years and again in some way the Endowment Trust had been able to help a Society maintain its Turner activities
and be one of the most active of all American Turner societies.
These are just a couple examples of how your Endowment Trust has been able to provide help thru our Grant programs
for societies to keep pace in an imperfect world. This is what we have done since 1946 and will continue to do for the
Take pride, sing it loud, “We are American Turners we are proud to say, marching side by side . . . ”
See you in Aurora during the National Festival in July!
Ed Colton, President American Turner Endowment Trust
2015 National Softball Tournament
Please plan on helping Ft Wayne Turners celebrate their 150 year anniversary by attending the 2015 American Turners
National Softball Tournament on June 27.
Ft Wayne, Covington and Aurora are the only societies that have been supporting and keeping this once great event
alive for the past 10 years. We have made several changes with hopes of attracting more teams and challenge any new
societies to attend. We would obviously prefer complete teams but encourage any individuals that may want to participate
also. The more the merrier…..WE WILL FIND YOU A TEAM!!!!
We offer picturesque primitive camping with the best showers in town.
Every effort will be made to complete the tournament on Saturday using Sunday only if absolutely necessary. All teams
will be guaranteed a minimum of three games.
Entry fee is $125 and we will be following ASA guidelines.
Please contact Jim Markland at or 260-580-3280 for more information.
National Bowling Committee
The 2016 National Tournament will be held in Rochester, PA. Bids for the 2017 Tournament must be postmarked by
June 1st, 2015.
For a set of forms to bid on the 2017 Tournament please contact:
Terry Bodine
National Bowling Committee Chairman
12726 Schooner Dr.
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
PH: 260-341-4385
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
54th National Festival
When entering the Cultural competition for the Festival you must first register on-line and pay the appropriate fee ($5.00 for cultural
only or $20.00 for both cultural and athletic). After you have completed the registration form and paid on-line you must then complete
the Cultural Entry Form. This form can be found on the Festival web page. If you use the form that was printed in the last issue of
Turner Topics please note that there is an error on that form. You do not mail the $5.00 entry fee to Sue Knisley with that
form. All payments pertaining to the Festival will only be accepted on-line with your credit card or PayPal account.
We are looking for volunteers to help the Festival run smoothly. If you are interested in volunteering a few hours while at the Festival
(when you are not competing) please contact Tom Bozonelos at to determine where/when
you can help.
If you are planning on going to the Festival to support your local society (and not compete) then please register on-line. Complete the
upper section of the registration form and when you get to “Registration selection” please check “Worker”. Continue to fill in the form
for the t-shirt, string bag and/or banquet if you so choose. You must scroll to the bottom of the form to “Proceed to check out”. Once
you have finished the form and payment section, please also contact Tom Bozonelos to determine where/when you can help.
The Tentative Festival Schedule that can be found on the web page and in Turner Topics is fairly accurate. Dates of events will not
change (unless we have bad weather), but the times may vary slightly for a few events depending on number of participants. Any amount
of time you can help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Driving Directions
Everyone please note: The bridge on Indian Trail, just west of Mitchel Road, is closed. The most convenient way to get around that
closure and cross the river is to use Sullivan Road, which is just a little north of Indian Trail. Maps and directions will be available at
Aurora Turners.
When entering Mooseheart for Gymnastics, Track & Field and the 5k run you must enter through the main gate on Rte. 31. To drive
beyond the gatehouse please show your Turner Festival Badge. Everyone who registered will receive their Festival Badge when they
check-in at Aurora Turners on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please respect Mooseheart’s property and park only in designated areas. Also,
a friendly reminder that absolutely no alcoholic beverages are permitted on Mooseheart property or the Vaughn Center.
Once you complete your registration and payment you will receive an e-mail from “FormsCentral Receipts” with confirmation of your
registration and also an e-mail from “” with a receipt for your payment. Please print out both e-mails and
bring them with you to the Festival.
Check-in at Aurora Turners (main club) will be open on the following days and times:
Tuesday, July 21 – 11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Wednesday, July 22 – 9:00 am to 6:00 pm
Thursday, July 23 – 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Friday, July 24 – 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
You must check-in at Aurora Turners before you can compete or attend any competition. You will receive your “badge” which allows
you access into the various venues.
Check-in for cultural items at Aurora Turners Sports Complex will be:
Tuesday, July 21 – 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Wednesday, July 22 – 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Festival Continued
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
Pursuant to the 2008 National Convention, it is acceptable for a child under the age of 18 to participate at the National Festival (physical
and cultural competition) even if their parents are not members. However, that child must be a paying enrolled student of a Turner
Society for at least 90 days prior to the Festival and show proof of same. They will be required to pay $5.00 extra when registering.
Proof of enrollment and proof of payment for that Turner class must be mailed to Michelle Lesperance at 8012 Town Hall Rd., Kewaskum, WI 53040, or send an e-mail to .
As an alternative, it is a perfect time to sign those children up as a Youth Member. Youth Members qualify for money from the Transportation Fund, whereas the children of non-members do not. You can find the application for Youth Membership on the American
Turner website.
Due to golf course restrictions regarding the number of participants, the golf competition may or may not be a scramble and may or
may not have flights determined. We won’t be able to make that decision until after the registration deadline. No matter what format
is used, it will be a day of fun and competition on the course, with awards and society points to be earned.
You can register to play on as many teams as you are eligible, as long as there is no conflict in the schedule. If you are looking for a
Volleyball team to play on, please contact Phil Klabunde at or 302-998-7690. Contact him
by June 16 to ensure you have a place on a conglomerate team, if your Society doesn’t have a full team. Remember, in order to play on
a conglomerate volleyball team you must register for Volleyball and insert “LFAT” (looking for a team) where it asks for a team name.
We are offering 3 on 3 Basketball as a new event at this Festival. If you have any questions about format or rules, please contact Nick
Barts at This will be a fun way to earn awards and society points. Age groups are 7-13, 14-29 and 30+ for
both boys/men and girls/women.
Participants in Track Relays must bring their own baton. Please note: Due to logistics, the 4x50m Relay for seniors (30+) has been
changed to a 4x100m Relay.
The route for the 5k run will be 100% on the Mooseheart property. Runners will not be crossing any busy streets of Aurora.
Societies that have teams for Volleyball and/or Basketball or relays for Swimming and/or Track must have their team captain complete
a team roster. It is preferred that a team roster be in Excel. If you are unable to create a roster in Excel, then team rosters can be found
on the Festival webpage located near the link for the on-line registration form. The completed roster(s) must be sent to Fred
Sontag at for Relays, Phil Klabunde at for Volleyball, Nick Barts at for Basketball, or send by US Mail to Michelle Lesperance at 8012 Town Hall Rd., Kewaskum,
WI 53040.
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
• All routines (except vault) shall consist of a minimum of five (5) different skills, which include a mount and dismount.
• Bars – Uneven: 10 point start value OR Parallel (40+): 10 point start value
• Beam – High Beam: 10 point start value OR Low Beam: 9.5 start value
1. Turn on one foot at least 180 degrees OR one foot balance of any kind held 2 seconds
2. Jump OR leap
3. Must be at least 3 passes
• Vault (Sidehorse or Table) –
Handspring type vaults – 10 point start value
Layout Squat, Straddle or Stoop – 9.5 start value
Squat, Straddle or Stoop (no pre-flight) – 9.0 start value
Ages 60+ also has the option to do a Run, jump on spring board, stretch jump onto
16” mat – 8.0 start value
• Pommel Horse (40+) – 10 point start value
• Floor Exercise – 10 point start value
1. Jump OR leap
2. Turn on one foot at least 180 degrees OR one foot balance of any kind
3. Move of any kind down on the floor
4. Must cover all four quadrants of the floor (30-59)
5. Must travel on the diagonal from one corner to the other OR two passes along the 40 foot
length of the floor ex. mat (60+)
• Rhythmic Gymnastics routine – 10 point start value
Ages 60+ may perform only ONE rhythmic routine (ball, hoop, ribbon, clubs or rope) in place of one
piece of apparatus.
Maximum time of 1 minute
Using music which has singing/talking - .2 deduction
Gymnast must travel at least from one corner to another.
• On Floor, Parallel Bars, High Bar, Still Rings and Pommel Horse the routines shall consist of a minimum of five (5)
different skills.
• Ages 60+ can do a second optional routine on ONE event. The same basic routine can be used with at least two skills
within the routine being different.
• Vault shall be two attempts of either the same or different skills.
AGES 7-29:
• Girls (Youth, Jr. & Active) have the option of competing USAG Levels 3, 4 or 5 (compulsories) or Xcel Levels Bronze, Silver,
Gold, Platinum or Diamond (optional routines).
• Girls who normally compete in USAG Levels 6-10 (optionals) will compete in Xcel Gold, Platinum or Diamond.
• Boys (Youth, Jr. & Active) will compete in USAG Levels 4-10
• No modifications allowed for any USAG/Xcel routines/skill requirements
As always, feel free to contact me with any questions. I can’t wait to see everyone in Aurora this July.
Michelle Lesperance
NHPE Chairperson
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
Closest to Aurora Turners
Comfort Suites Aurora
111 N. Broadway
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 896-2800
*8 rooms 4 King; 4 Double
*8 rooms 4 King; 4 Double
Wed - Fri
$79.20 + Tax | Wed & Thurs
$127.20 + Tax | Friday
*No Saturday available *
Motel 6
2380 N. Farnsworth Ave
Aurora, IL 60502
(630) 851-3600
1-800-544-4866 Group Sales
*20 rooms 10 w/2 Queens; 10 Full
Outside Access; 3 Floors; No Elevator
17 and under free w/ 2 Adults
59.99 + Tax Wed & Thurs
69.99 + Tax Fri - Sat
Aurora Fox Valley Inn
2450 N Farnsworth
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 851-2000
2 Queen Beds or King Bed
$64.99 + Tax
Baymont Inn & Suites (Closest to all venues)
308 S. Lincolnway
North Aurora, IL
(630) 897-7695
*30 Rooms - 2 Queen Beds or King Suites
$67.00 or $75.00 + Tax
Closest to Vaughn Center & Mooseheart
Hampton Inn
2423 Bushwood Dr.
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 907-2600
1 King or King Suite w/pull-out couch
$129.00 + Tax or $140.00 + Tax
Candlewood Suites
2625 W Sullivan Rd
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 907-9977
1 Queen or 2 Doubles
$94.99 + Tax or $104.99 + Tax
Furthest from Aurora Turners, Vaughn Center & Mooseheart
Easy access to Toll Road
Quality Inn
4005 Gabrielle Ln
Aurora, IL 60505
(630) 851-2000
1 Queen or 2 Double
$75 or $80 + Tax
Holiday Inn
2424 Sullivan Rd
Aurora, IL 60506
(630) 806-7400
King Executive Only
$115.00 + Tax
** Note: You may be able to get your room for less by booking it yourself and not under the group rate.
When booking your room(s), be sure to mention:
“American Turners National Festival”
and book your room(s) no later than:
“June 22nd, 2015” if you intend on using the group rate.
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
2015 National Festival Registration Form
How to Fill Out & Submit
Page 1
Step1: Enter the following in the Address field of your favorite Internet web browser or click on Registration Form on home page.
Address =
Step2: Insure that you have completed your registration by going over each item prior to proceeding. Note: if you are unsure whether
you’d like to compete in a particular event, error on the side of selecting it now. It’s easier for us to add you now than later. You will
be able to decline at a later
Step3: Be sure to read and check the Agreement box for the Waiver & Release of All Claims.
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
2015 National Festival Registration Form
How to Fill Out & Submit
Page 2
Step4: Next, to complete this form, you must select and click on the “Proceed to Checkout” button located at the bottom left-hand
side of the registration form. Note: if you close out this form, your application will NOT be processed and you’ll have to start over.
Step5: By clicking on “Proceed to Checkout”, you will receive the following pop-up window to complete with either your Debit or
Prepaid Gift Card, Credit Card or PayPal account information. Note: Check Your Order Summary to insure that it is correct.
Next, select the correct payment type tab.
Step 6: Then click on the
Step 7: You should see a message across your screen indicating your transaction is being processed followed by a message
indicating that it was successful.
Step 8: Next, you will be sent email to the address that you entered on your registration form from FormCentralReceipts containing
the information you entered in your registration form and the total payment amount.
Note: You may contact either Michelle Lesperance or (920) 980-8593 or Tom Bozonelos or (630) 621-0117 if any assistance is needed or if you have any questions. See you soon!
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
54th National Festival Check-In Schedule
11AM – 8PM
Early Arrivals (Main Club)
9AM – 6PM
7AM – 9AM
6PM – 8PM
7AM – 9AM
6PM - 8PM
Regular Arrivals (Main Club)
Regular Arrivals (Main Club)
Regular Arrivals (Main Club)
Late Arrivals (Main Club)
Late Arrivals (Main Club)
11AM – 5PM
All Items (Sports Complex)
9AM – 3PM
All Items (Sports Complex)
--Tentative Activities Schedule—
Map Location
11:00 AM
Men’s and Women’s Tumbling (All Ages) @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
1:00 PM
3:00 PM
Rhythmic (All Ages) @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
Men’s Track & Field (30+) @ Mooseheart (outside)
Miss American Turner Contest Rehearsal @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
6:30 PM
Opening Ceremony @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
7:00 PM
Miss American Turner Princess Pageant @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
7:30 AM
Golf - Starting Tee Times (Orchard Valley)
8:00 AM
Women’s Gymnastics (30+) @ Mooseheart (inside)
Co-ed Volleyball (11-17) & Co-ed Volleyball (18+) @ Vaughn Center
Cultural Competition Closed for Judging & Awards
12:00 PM
Women’s Gymnastics (7-29) JO Levels 3, 4, 5 @ Mooseheart (inside)
1:00 PM
Sr. Co-ed Volleyball @ Vaughn Center
1:00 PM
3 on 3 Basketball @ Vaughn Center
2:00 PM
Men’s Track & Field (7-29) @ Mooseheart (outside)
3:00 PM
Women’s Gymnastics (7-29) Xcel @ Mooseheart (inside)
6:30 PM
Marching and Mass Drill competition @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
5K Run, Walk, Crawl (All) @ Mooseheart (outside)
9:00 AM
Cultural Competition Open for Viewing @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
Men’s Gymnastics (all ages) @ Mooseheart (inside)
Women’s Track & Field (30+) @ Mooseheart (outside)
Women’s Volleyball (11-17) @ Vaughn Center
3 on 3 Basketball @ Vaughn Center
Women’s Track & Field (7-29) @ Mooseheart (outside)
Men’s Volleyball (55+) @ Vaughn Center
Women’s Volleyball (50+) @ Vaughn Center
6:30 PM
Model Drill Competition @ Aurora (Sports Complex)
8:00 AM
8:30 AM
Mass Drill (everyone) @ Vaughn Center
Men’s Volleyball (14+) @ Vaughn Center
Women’s Swimming (All Ages) @ Vaughn Center
Diving (All) @ Vaughn Center
1:00 PM
Women’s Volleyball (14+) @ Vaughn Center
Men’s Swimming (All Ages) @ Vaughn Center
6:30 PM
Banquet and Awards @ Main Club
1:00 PM
11:00 AM
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
American Turners
51st Annual National Golf Tournament
Hosted by the Clinton Turners July 8th, 9th & 10th
The Clinton Turners will be hosting the National Golf Tournament in July of 2015. Our club is excited about
bringing the tournament to the Greater Boston Area. We look forward to providing events for the entire family
to enjoy. In addition to the events which are included with your entry fee, here is a list of other attractions in the
area with approximate travel distance from the club:
Davis Farmland Petting Zoo and Megamaze: 10 minutes (
Fenway Park Tours: 1 hour (
Great Wolf Lodge: 20 Minutes (
Nashoba Valley Winery: 5 Minutes (
Harvard Fruitlands Museum: 15 Minutes (
Foxwoods Casino: 1.5 Hours (
The tournament will be held at Holden Hills Country Club which is located at 1800 Main Street in Holden, MA.
For further information about the course please log onto: For details about practice
rounds please e-mail the pro shop at: The cost of the event will be $150.00 for
Men, Women, and Senior Men. It will cost $90.00 for Senior Women and Super Senior Men.
Registration will be held at the Clinton Turn Verein in the Walter “Miz” O’Malley Rathskellar on Tuesday July
7th from 5 PM to 7 PM. As always, food and beverage will be available! The following day, Wednesday 7/8,
Golf at Holden Hills, free pasta dinner at the Clinton Turners that evening; Thursday 7/9 golf at Holden Hills,
Lobster and Steamer Dinner under the pavilion at the club, (additional $30.00 cost to the entry fee); Friday
7/10 golf at Holden Hills, full banquet dinner/awards with a live band under the pavilion.
Make Checks Payable to: Turner National Golf
Mail to: Clinton Turn Verein 60 Branch Street Clinton MA 01510 Attn: National Golf Committee
Lodging: We have set up lodging accommodations from July 7th –July 10th at the following locations:
THE INTERNATIONAL 159 Ballville Road Bolton, MA 01740 ( This location is FIVE
minutes from the club and 30 minutes from the course. Lodging Rates are: Single Occupancy - $99.00 plus
7.7% lodging tax, Double Occupancy - $109.00 plus 7.7% lodging tax, $15.00 for each guest in the room
above two, but no more than four total. Lodging reservations are to be made on an Individual basis and are
available on a “first come, first serve” basis. If you wish to stay on any other dates, we are happy to check our
availability when you call. Please call the Guest Lodge directly at 978-779-1320 and reference your event
when speaking with the Front Desk staff.
DOUBLETREE BY HILTON LEOMINSTER (20 Minutes to the club and 25 minutes to the golf course)
99 ERDMAN WAY LEOMINSTER, MA 01453 TELEPHONE: (978) 534-9000
$119.00 per night plus tax
Any questions/concerns please call John Beary at (508) 328-1212
FAX: (978) 466-3400
O ff i c i a l P ub l i c a t i o n o f T h e A m e r i c a n Tur ne r s
Additional Golf Tournament Information
The American Turners Golf Club room block for July 5-11, 2015 is ready to be booked on-line or via phone. By clicking
on the link below, it will take your guests directly to our website to make reservations at the group rate. Just make sure
the correct arrival and departure dates are selected before you press the check availability button.
If your guests prefer to make their reservation via phone they may do so by calling 1-800-Holiday and referring to the
group code INT.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to help! We look forward to welcoming your guests to the Holiday Inn Boxborough.
& 10
FEES: $150.00 for Men, Women & Senior Men (18 Holes Daily)
$90.00 for Senior Women and Super Senior Men (9 Holes Daily)
Makes Checks Payable to: Turner National Golf
Send form with payment to:
Clinton Turn Verein
60 Branch Street
Clinton, MA 01510
Attn: National Golf Committee
Entry Regulations:
1. I hereby enter the names in events indicated and agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the
American Turners and the U. S. G. A. Violations will result in the loss of prizes and awards.
2. Only National Turner Members in good standing with the National American Turners, local districts
and societies are permitted to participate in this tournament. At Large members may participate in the
tournament; however their scores cannot be used for a society’s score in a team event.
3. Societies who do not permit members until age 21 are permitted to enter golf member(s) from age
18 as long as they have obtained a Junior Membership Card. The entry must state the age of the
golfer(s) under the provision.
5. Any applications received after the deadline of June 1, 2014 may be accepted by the host society
only if there is space available and the application is accompanied by an additional $10.00processing
fee. All applications sent to the host society must be filled out completely and the full entry fee
accompanying the application.
2015 turner
card #
Average score
18 holes
Or Steak Dinner
Division Information: M=Men, W=Women, SrM=Senior Men, SSM=Super Senior Men, SW=Senior
Any Questions or Concerns Please Call: John Beary at (508) 328-1212
American Turners National Office
P.O. Box 4216
1127 E. Kentucky Street
Louisville, KY 40204
July/August/September 2015 Issue
All copy to Craig Sniezek by August 3
All copy to printer by August 8
Page proofs to Turners by August 12
Mailing list by August 8
Topics in the mail by August 21
Email Turner Topics info. to
2015 Events
National Softball - Ft. Wayne - June 27
National Golf - Clinton - July 8-10
It now costs 50 cents to get a change of address correction from
the Post Office. Save your organization money by reporting your
change of address promptly.
54th National Festival - Aurora - July 21-25
National Council Meeting - Ft. Wayne - October 2-3
Society ________________________________________Year Joined __________________________
Change Of Address Form For: American Turner Topics, P.O. Box 4216, Louisville, Ky 40204
Member Name _________________________________________________________________________
Email Address__________________________________________________________________________
New Street Address____________________________________Apt. No. __________________________
City ______________________________________State _________Zip __________________________
Old Street Address ____________________________________Apt. No. __________________________