In this Newsletter Week 3 Fri 31 Oct World Teachers’ Day breakfast Cluste r Spectacular dress rehearsal Week 4 Mon 3 Nov Coffee Chat 8.45–9.30am Milo Cricket Clinics (K-2) Tue 4 Nov Kinder excursion to CMAG Wed 5 Nov Junior Assembly, Senior Hall, 2.10pm Fri 7 Nov Milo Cricket Clinics (3 -6) Week 5 Tue 11 Nov Remembrance Day ceremony Preschool lunch visits K-4 Disco Thu 13 Nov Preschool lunch visits CMRC Awards Presentation Fri 14 Nov Coffee Chat 8.45–9.30am From the Principal Meeting notice From the Deputy Swim School Library News P&C Report Board Report Disability Education Chapman PS visit Children’s Week Performing Arts Spectacular Turner Notices Community Notices Pg. 1 & 2 Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 3 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 5 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 Principal Jo Padgham * Business Manager Deb Parr * Board Chair Bob Edwards * P&C President Helen Bell From the Principal... Dear Families, Congratulations to the Turner School community on a tremendous fete last Saturday. The sun shone, the drinks flowed, food enjoyed and many a purchase made. These days are opportunities for raising funds to support special projects in our school and also to bring us together as a community; to have fun and to share friendship and a common bond…of belonging to a community and a great school. While Heather and Ephraim, the P&C treasurers are to confirm the final figure, it seems it has once again exceeded the $20,000 figure! Well done to all. There were many parents, carers, students and staff who worked miracles on the day and I thank them all, and those local businesses that supported us with donations. A fete wrap up newsletter will follow, but in the meantime the three ‘Golden Ticket’ winners, Kasha (3/4), Ethan (1/2) and Amit (3/4) were pretty popular kids on Saturday and congratulations also to Noah Palethorpe for his Jaffa smash invention. Thank you to the P&C committee, the fete stallholders and fete coordinator Tina Campbell. Consultation on the Partial Fence proposal We were given a very tight timeframe to consult and we will go ahead with further opportunities to discuss the proposal for a partial fence. We will extend the period for discussion and consideration of the proposal and hold the community meeting on Wednesday 12 November, instead of Wednesday 5 November, at 6:30pm in the school library and resource centre. Please do come along. Many of you have registered your opinion on the online survey or on a slip of paper and put it in the ballot box. Feedback as of close of business Wednesday is: 78 respondents: 64 agree (82.05%) 14 disagree (17.95%). World Teachers’ Day Tomorrow, Friday 31 October we are celebrating World Teachers’ Day at Turner School with a breakfast for the whole Turner Staff put on by parents and carers. World Teachers' Day offers a chance to acknowledge our teachers and say thanks. Every day, our teachers are making a difference educating and inspiring our students. World Teachers' Day is celebrated in more than 100 countries world-wide and was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1994 to celebrate the role of teachers in society. The day is a wonderful opportunity to draw public attention to the important role of teachers in our local communities. Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 email: 1 The classes also discussed the proposal and some voted as individuals and others as a class. We don’t have all class information as yet, however while many think it is a good idea to have the Hartley St fence installed, some want further information on ways to enable easy access in and out of different parts of the playground. Many like the idea of being able to use the hill part of the playgrou nd that currently is beyond the boundary. I have invited a representative from our Capital Works section of the Education Directorate so we can put questions around, fence design, colour, height etc as well. Some parents posed these as issues in their survey comment. Please come along on Wednesday 12 November. 2015 Class Placement Process Following on from the successful model in place for a number of years, we anticipate our 2015 K-6 class structure will be Kindergarten, combined year 1 and 2, combined year 3 and 4 and combined year 5 and 6 classes for both mainstream students and special education students. As with this year, should there be a big variation in the number in the pair of year cohorts we may need to form one class of a single cohort. The teachers know your children very well and bring a lot of information together when forming classes. We ensure each class has a balance of abilities, gender, behaviours and personalities. It is also important for children to experience new friendship groups as they progress through primary school and teachers work carefully to ensure friendship dynamics are a factor in class makeup too. During Term 4 we have a number of strategies in place to support all children with broadening friendship groups and with the transition process moving into 2015. As yet class locations and co-locations have not been decided. We value input from parents and carers and students as well. We have asked year 1 to 5 students to name 4 good ‘working partners’ for us to consider and parents may also like to consider this as well. If you would like to give your thoughts on class placement for your child/ren please complete the slip attached and return to me at the Condamine St office before Monday 10 November 2014. A copy of the slip will also be placed on the school website. There is no need for everyone to complete this slip. I know many of you are very happy to leave this decision with the school. Of course we cannot give guarantees on placement wishes as there are at times competing wishes presented. Lovely feedback Last week I met a parent who is moving into our area, returning to Canberra from an overseas government posting. He has two y oung children who will join our school in 2015. He commented to me that in a previous trip to Canberra to locate a house to buy, he was in the vicinity of our school close to the 3pm pickup so asked some parents waiting for children to tell him about Turner School . He was told that this was an excellent school, a great place for children to learn with high expectations and a lovely staff and community and he should do everything he could to buy a house nearby! Wow! What great feedback to hear. Thank you to those parents. We know th at word of mouth is the best marketing and that was lovely to hear. Best wishes and thanks to all for your efforts and fun-making last weekend. Warm regards, Jo Padgham School and Community Meeting Proposal for a partial fence to one area of the Turner School playground Wednesday 12 November 6.30 –7.30pm Turner School Library Resource Centre Please come along and participate in the community consultation meeting. This is an opportunity for you to be a part of the process to canvas community opinion on the proposed partial fence. Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 email: 2 Children’s Week SRC Student Forum This week we had the privilege of working with our combined SRC semester two representatives to reflect on the work of the sc hool. The students came during their lunch break and enjoyed a shared lunch with an additional drink and snack provided by the school. The forum was structured in a workshop model where cross age groups worked to look at ‘what is working well in the school?’ and students listed items across all areas of school operation from the playground, school and class environment to different asp ects of communication and learning and whole school events. They then looked ‘what we could do better?’ and worked through a process of focussing ideas and achieving consensus. The results of this discussion fell into several broad categories. School environment and resources- increased access to technology, equipment for use on the playground, ongoing work about fixed playground equipment (bubblers, shade cloth playground covers and nets for goals) and continuing to build the number of library books Sustainability-continuing to build awareness to increase recycling and increase student care and use of the kitchen/garden Communication and school processes- notes and information sent home in a timely way School Values-continue to remind students to use our SCARFF values, continue to have teachers help children to work through things when they go wrong (especially on the playground) Student Voice- Keep involving students in decisions that are important to the school We were very proud of how the groups worked together and looked clearly at areas that they thought could be continuing and fu ture focus areas for the school and the student representative council. We would also like to take the opportunity to thank Julia and Allison who have led our junior and senior SRC groups this year for their work in building a vibrant and active student representative council. We have seen growth this year in students acknowledging that they have a ‘real voice’ in the life of the school. Robyn Watson Library News Turner School Swim School at the AIS (Term 4 Weeks 5 & 6) We are fast approaching the AIS Swim School. Here is a checklist to ensure your child is ready to participate without dramas or a last minute rush. Payment Labelled swimmers, towel and goggles (if you have them). AIS swimming caps are supplied and will be handed out before the lessons each day. Thank you for the swimming payments made so far. In case you have forgotten, the lessons are $65.00 for the 10 sessions. This is a saving of almost 60% off regular term lessons at the AIS. Therefore, no further discounts or refunds will be available from the AIS. The cost of bus transport is an additional $40.00. We have a student support fund available to our families for all school activities. If you require financial support please contact Deb Parr, Jo Padgham or myself. Three places have become available in the year 1 and year 2 group. If you feel your child is an under confident swimmer and will benefit from swimming lessons please ring the school as soon as possible, leave your number and I will call you back. Jen Faul Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 Children have been online this week voting for their favourite books on the Cool Awards (ACT Libraries) website. Classes will continue to do so over the next week or so which can be accessed through coolawards from home. This is done for a couple of reasons related to student learning; engaging with literature, using ICT and connecting with the community. And it’s fun! Please encourage it. Library lessons this term are again an extension and enrichment of the learning happening in classrooms. Many classes are focusing on research skills, students are planning for and presenting their learning creatively, working on their understanding of information literacy and learning about copyright laws and ownership of information online. 3/4 classes will engage in author studies to develop their learning in this area. Students continue to be encouraged to have a go at accessing ebooks and audio books from home through the school library on the Turner School website. For this to occur they need to know their school username and personal password and so some may bring them home in their school bag. Children are learning not to write down or share personal passwords wherever possible as part of the Australian Curriculum (AC) ICT Competencies. Parental support in this area would be beneficial. Please come in and see me if you would like any further information about this. Thank you Norma John email: 3 P&C report Thank you to everyone who helped to make Saturday’s Turner Fete a wonderful day. It’s humbling to be part of a school community that can put together a Fete with such a friendly, relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Our thanks goes to everyone who worked on the fete over the last few months, to the huge team volunteering at the fete and to those who brought their families and friends to enjoy the day. Together we raised the profile of Turner School, strengthened friendships and contributed approximately $20,000 to the 2 015 P&C budget. I particularly liked the Ochre Body Painting Stall, which raised $9.70 – well done! Tomorrow we are celebrating International Teachers’ Day, hosting a barbecue for Turner School’s teachers. We already have volunteers to cook the barbecue, but you can join in by telling your child’s teacher how much you appreciate their work. Drop them an email, put a note in your child’s lunchbox, or tell them face to face. The wheelchair ramps and paths were installed at the cubbies over the break. It’s wonderful to see this project completed. On behalf of the P&C I’d like to thank everyone for their work on this project, particularly the parents who volunteered their time last year to build and paint the cubbies and Jo Padgham for ensuring their safety and accessibility. With that project completed, the P&C will begin looking at the broader playground. I am still calling for ideas on what to do with the dirt mound: How can it be sustainably stabilised? Does it need to be stable, or should we repair or rebuild it every year or two? This will be on the agenda for the December P&C meeting, so please think about it between now and then. As you may be aware, the week-long consultation period for the proposed fencing closed yesterday. The proposal under discussion was for three fences: one along Hartley Street, one from the Train Yard to the Hall and a third fencing off the bike parking area. I have asked that the community be given more time to discuss these proposals. I understand that this will mean there will be a community meeting on Wednesday 12 November. Parents I have spoken to support the stated goal of providing “independent access to the new imaginative play areas for our students with a disability”, but many are concerned that we have not had a chance to consider whether a series of fences is the best way to deliver on the goal. Many feel that the internal fences included in this proposal will limit the freedom and movement of all children within the school. In addition to the visual cage they will create, parents have raised concerns that fencing between the Hal l and the Train Yard (effectively running a fence through the middle of the school) will mean children are no longer able to move freely around their school. Fencing the bike area will have the same impact. The partial fencing of Hartley Street seems to support the stated goal, but it is not clear that the “security fence” propose d - with the design being the same as the fencing in the library courtyard (which is around 1.8 metres high) – is necessary to this achievement. If you have an opinion on the fencing of our school, or would like to be part of the discussion, please come along to the community meeting. To be able to represent the parents and community at Turner I need to know what you think! I don’t want to get to the end of the year and find that people missed out on having their say. Yours sincerely Helen Bell Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 email: 4 Board Report The Turner School Board met on 20 October with most present and were delighted to hear of the amazing news that three of our Tournament of the Minds (ToMs) teams had made it to the nationals held in Melbourne and that our girls chess team had made it to their nationals to be held in Adelaide - what an awesome result for our little school. We did the usual financial reports and then heard more reports from the principal and staff, including: the upcoming AIS Swim School, with double the number of Turner students participating this year now that it has been opened to years 3 - 6 as well; electronic devices are being well employed by students for creative activities across the school; Toby Cole winning a Volunteer Award for his ou tstanding efforts with our fantastic boys and girls choir - well done Toby!; staff engagement with professional development and the Action Learning projects; managing changes to our Early Childhood special needs classes with the NDIA; and the usual end of year staff transfers with some excellent applicants for 2015. The Board has also decided to leave the 2015 Voluntary Contribution requested level the same as for 2014. Note that this is a voluntary contribution and not all families can or do pay it. Some contribute more than we request many thanks to them. The Fete was fun - thanks to the P&C and to Tina Campbell and Heather Kettle in particular. Also, I encourage all families to respond to the community consultation on the proposal to partially fence part of the Turner School playground with OH&S and Child Safety being the main issues we are trying to address. Bob Edwards 2014 Turner School Board Chair Visit from Chapman Primary School SRC On 24 October, some students from Chapman Primary School visited our school. They came to look at some of our learning and pl ay areas for some inspiration on how they could make some areas in their school better. They had a look at lots of areas in our school such as our Indigenous Garden, the cubby houses, the sandpit and the greenhouse garden. They also had a look at a classroom to see how different the two schools classrooms are. Jaiha Birkett Turner School Vice Captain Disability Education ACT Early Intervention Open Day There is an open day coming up on Monday 17 November for our families requiring early intervention services in 2015. It will be an opportunity to meet providers for next year and learn more about the transition to new settings. Please keep an eye out for another Early Intervention parent meeting with representatives of the NDIA and our Directorate here at Turner. The date will be confirmed in the next few weeks. Feedback from the last meeting was positive- it’s a good way to get some personalised information in an informal way. Regards Allison Chapman Disability Education Coordinator Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 email: 5 Children’s Week Last week we acknowledged and celebrated Children’s Week and Universal Children’s Day. Each year the Children’s Week council selects one of the UN Conventions for the Rights of the Child as the theme for Children’s Week. This year the focus was on Section 12 “You have the right to speak and be heard.” Last Wednesday (Universal Children’s Day) we held a special whole school assembly. Two SRC representatives, Ronan from 5/6 and Josh from 1/2, spoke about the role of the SRC and how it promotes student voice. Shaiv and Emma from 3/4 Bondi spoke about class meetings as a way for children in our school to have a voice. Jo addressed the assembly highlighting Malala Yousafzai and how she speaks up for, not only her right, but all children’s right to an education. Toby Cole is one of our wonderful volunteers at school who supports children to thrive and build confidence. Last Wednesday h e was presented an award for his work within our school at the official Children’s Week opening ceremony at the National Museum. Sh aron, Jo and Robyn went along to see him receive this award. An excerpt from his citation is below. Tobias (Toby) Cole has been volunteering at our school for the last 3 years, working with small groups of students to develop the Turner Trebles, a singing group. Originally he started working with one small group of boys each Monday morning, starting at 8am, on developing their voices, to much success. This year he has branched out to 2 groups, including both boys and girls. Our group is still predominately boys. He volunteers his time at our school 2 mornings a week to develop the children’s singing and creativity. Toby’s talents are very much part of his engagement with our school. His passion for music is evident in his interactions with the children. His supportive nature and calm, caring demeanour means he has the respect from each of the children in his group. He is an integral part of our work towards building stronger community partnerships. We are thrilled to have Toby working closely with us at Turner School and are proud to put forward his nomination for the Community for Children Award. Sharon Moloney Musica Viva Song Company Visit - 29 October What the children said… Northside Performing Arts Spectacular This year our 3/4 children were invited to perform at the Northside Performing Arts Spectacular. They are busy preparing their item and are looking forward to performing at the Lyneham Performing Arts Centre in November. We hope that you can come along and enjoy a night of music and singing, showcasing the schools in our cluster. Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 It was really interesting because they had different voices and they worked together and it sounded well together. Tara They were really awesome because they were using their voices as different instruments and they spoke in different languages. Esther I was amazed with how well their voices fit together. Reuben Their voice as instruments sounded so sweet and smooth together. Tuguldur The songs they sang demonstrated their different voices. Roycey Incy Wincy Spider was my favourite because it was like it was a better day in the song, not wet and dirty. It made me picture a sunny day when they sang. Kieran email: 6 Turner Notices TURNER SCHOOL END OF YEAR K-4 DISCO 2014 Save the date: Tuesday 11 November 2014, 6:00–7.30pm DJ Cliff will lead us in a range of games and dances. Children are very welcome to come in their best party dress. Cost $3.50 per child with a maximum charge of $7.00 per family. Students from the SRC will assist with the Disco. Drinks will be available for $1.50. Upcoming Assemblies Wed 5 Nov 2:10pm—Junior Assembly, Senior Hall—Led by 1/2 Darling Ranges and Flinders Ranges. Performance by Junior choir. Wed 11 Nov 10.30am—Remembrance Day, Indigenous Garden (weather permitting)–Led by 5/6 Daintree and 5/6 Mount Boss Wed 19 Nov 2.10pm—Senior Assembly, Senior Hall—Led by 5/6 Sherwood Forest, performances by 3/4 Recorder Group and the Year 6 Band. Coffee Chats With Jo, Robyn and members of the parent/carer community Mon 3 Nov, 8:45—9.30am Fri 14 Nov, 8:45—9.30am Mon 1 Dec, 8:45—9.30am ACT Primary School Orienteering Championships 2014 The ACT Primary School Orienteering Championships are on again at Mt Ainslie on Wednesday 19 November. Last year Turner had a team of about 20 students, most of whom were orienteering for the first time. Some participated as pai rs and some individually. If your child would like to participate, you need to enter by 5 November on the Orienteering ACT website. Please note, this is not an official school excursion. You will need to make your own arrangements for the supervision of your child . It relies solely on parent volunteers. Orieneering ACT’s twilight sessions are a good opportunity to get the hang of it and there are lots of friendly people there that can show you what to do. Upcoming events are: 5 November, Cooleman Ridge and 12 November, Aranda Bushlands. If you would like to help with the Turner team, or are interested in a practice session contact Anne Napier or 62485186. Orders close Tuesday 4 November! Children's art calendars Again this year the Turner kids have been creating beautiful artwork so that you can purchase 2015 calendars and diaries, notebooks, greeting cards and iPhone cases for the whole family featuring their art. Alternatively if you don't think Picasso lives in your house you can use a family photo. LOOK OUT for your kid’s calendar art on display in the corridors in each team area and the preschool rooms. CHECK OUT the sample calendars on display at the preschool, David St. and Condamine St. offices and on the noticeboard between the library and the train yard. COMPLETE the order form attached to this newsletter (one per child) and return to either the David St or Condamine St school office. ORDER GIFTS for the whole family and help raise funds for our preschool and art room. Order forms are due back Tuesday 4 November For information contact Pip Chapman ( Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 email: 7 Community Notices Community Education Forum Sharing knowledge to support education for migrant and refugee families in Canberra. You are invited to participate in the annual information exchange between schools, parent groups (P&Cs), teachers, and newly emerging communities in the ACT. Wednesday 12 November, 6–8pm Community Hall, Cook Community Hub, 41 Templeton St, Cook. Please register by Monday 3 November. Light dinner including vegetarian food provided. For information please contact: Hongsar Channaibanya on 62514550 or Lyneham High School TRIVIA NIGHT Friday 7 November 2014 Trivia master Anthony Batten returns! AMAZING PRIZES! Including prize for best dressed table. Theme: EXTRAVAGANT Tickets $15pp, tables of 8 (max. 10) Email: Call: 6205 0212 Or buy online at: payment (Ref: trivia tix) Issue 17 – 30 October 2014 email: 8
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