ASSOCIATION OF MINORITY PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES IN KARNATAKA (Regd.) (A.M.P.C.K) Unit No.205, ‘Lakshmi Apartments’, No. 6, Cornwell Road,Langford Garden, Richmond Town, Bangalore – 560 025 Phone: 080 - 40999008 Fax: 080 - 40999008 Email: Website: BROCHURE UGCET - 2015 For M.B.B.S. & B.D.S 1 I N D E X Sl. No. Contents Page No 1 DATE OF ENTRANCE TEST 3 2 TIMINGS OF THE TEST 3 3 INTAKE 4 4 FEE STRUCTURE 4 5 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 5 6 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 6 7 CENTERS 6 8 HALL TICKET / ADMISSION TICKET 7 9 ANSWER KEYS 7 10 RESULTS 7 11 COUNSELING 7 12 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS 8 13 PROFORMA FOR RELIGIOUS / LINGUISTIC CERTIFICATE 9 2 1 .DATE OF ENTRANCE TEST The Entrance Test will be conducted on 30th May 2015 from 8.00 AM at Three different places viz Bangalore, Mangalore & Raichur. 2. TIMINGS OF ENTRANCE TEST Physics Chemistry 8.00 AM – 11.00 AM Biology 3 3. INTAKE Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name of the Institute/Address (Medical colleges) A J Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore MVJ Medical College & Research Hospital, Bangalore Navodaya Medical College, Raichur Rajarajeswari Medical College & Hospital, Bangalore* Sapthagiri Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore* Srinivas Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore* Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre, Bangalore Total Intake Tentative 150 150 150 150 150 150 250 1150 Name of the Institute/Address (Dental Colleges) A J Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore Bangalore Inst. of Dental Sciences & Hospital, Bangalore Coorg Institute of Dental Sciences, Virajpet Navodaya Dental College, Raichur Rajarajeswari Dental College & Hospital, Bangalore Srinivas Institute of Dental Sciences, Mangalore Vydehi Institute of Dental Sciences , Bangalore Total Intake (Tentative) 100 60 40 100 100 100 60 560 Please note: Exact number of seats available for Counseling in Medical & Dental would be displayed along with counseling details. *These institutions are awaiting approval from MCI 4. FEE STRUCTURE Fees Structure would be notified before the counseling 4 UG CET 2015 5. CALENDAR OF EVENTS EVENTS Date and Time th Issue of Applications 07 May 2015 to 20th May 2015 Last Date for receipt of filled Applications 22nd May 2015 Downloading of Admission Ticket Starts from 27th May 2015 Date of Test 30th May 2015 Timings of Test Physics Chemistry Biology 8:00 AM – 11:00 AM Publication of Key Answers in the website 31st May 2015 Last date for receipt of objections, if any 3rd June 2015 Announcement of Results 05th June 2015 Centers Bangalore Mangalore Raichur 5 6. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA MEDICAL / DENTAL: Candidates should have passed II PUE /10 + 2 or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry Biology and English with 50% marks in aggregate in PCB (Those who have appeared and awaiting results of IInd PUE may also apply with the indication “Results are awaited” in the Application form) The candidate should secure 50% of marks i.e. 90 marks out of total marks of 180 in UGCET 2015 to secure rank and eligible for counseling. Any other Condition: As stipulated by Competent Authorities Those candidates who seek Admission under Religious /Linguistic category in Medical/Dental such candidates should attach Minority Certificate as reflected in the brochure (Linguistic/Religious) duly signed by the Headmaster of the high school where the candidate studied. 7. CENTERS A. BANGALORE B. MANGALORE C. RAICHUR “DETAILED ADDRESS OF THE EXAMINATION CENTER WOULD BE MADE AVAILABLE ON THE ADMISSION TICKETS” 6 8. HALL TICKET / ADMISSION TICKET Candidates should download the Admission Tickets by entering Mobile Number given in the application form as User Name and Date of Birth as Password in the Association’s website and produce the same at the time of Entrance Test. 9. ANSWER KEYS The ANSWER KEYS will be uploaded on 31st May 2015. The objections, if any, should be sent only by POST ONLY addressed to “Chief Examiner” along with a DD of Rs.100 per Question drawn in favour of “AMPCK” payable at Bangalore on or before 5.00 pm of 3rd June 2015 in respect of any published answer key along with all the supporting documents. *Objections received by the Chief Examiner will be placed before the Expert Committee whose decision will be final in this regard. AMOUNT RECEIVED IN RESPECT OF CHALLENGING OF KEY ANSWERS IS NOT REFUNDABLE. * NO OBJECTIONS WILL BE ENTERTAINED AFTER THE DEADLINE INDICATED ABOVE 10. RESULTS The results of the Test would be displayed on the Association’s website on 5th June 2015. No result would be displayed at the examination centers. Request for re-totaling or revaluation of OMR sheets will not be entertained as valuation and the subsequent scoring is on scanning method. No Ranking would be assigned to those candidates who secured less than 90 marks (Out of 180 marks). 11. COUNSELING Details of Counseling would be displayed on the Association’s website in due course of time. 7 12. IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONSs a) The candidates should fill all the columns provided in the application form. No alteration / addition would be allowed when once it is received in the Association Office. b) Downloaded Applications should accompany with a DD of Rs.1000.00 drawn in favour of AMPCK payable at Bangalore. c) All the filled applications should be sent by Speed post / Private Courier to the address mentioned below ONLY. THE CHIEF EXAMINER ASSOCIATION OF MINORITY PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES IN KARNATAKA (Regd.) (A.M.P.C.K) Unit No.205, ‘Lakshmi Apartments’, No. 6, Cornwell Road, Langford Garden, Richmond Town, Bangalore – 560 025. Ph.: 080 4099 9008 Fax: 080 4099 9008 d) No correspondence will be entertained. Any change in the date or venue of the Entrance Test will be notified on the website of the Association. e) A set of photocopy of the Application should be retained by the candidates for further clarification, if any. f) Candidates should read the instructions printed on answer sheets and question papers before answering. ----- END ----- 8 PROFORMA FOR RELIGIOUS / LINGUISTIC CERTIFICATE (This Certificate is required for Religious and Linguistic candidates only) Name, full postal address and telephone number of the institution from where the candidate has passed SSLC/ 10th standard examination Date………………….. This is to certify that Sri / Kum / Smt…………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………S/o / D/o / W/o ……………………………… ………………………………………. has studied from…………………………….. Standard to……………………... Standard in our institution during………….….….academic years. He /She belongs to………………………….………… Linguistic/ Religious and the Mother Tongue of the above student is …………..……………………as per the Admission Register maintained in the institution. The above details are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Head of the Institution (Name in Block Letters…………………………………………………) Institution Seal 9
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