BANGALORE UNIVERSITY Jnanabharathi, Bangalore 560 056, Karnataka State Ph: (080)22961040; Fax: (080)23211020 No. ACAIV/Inte. Course/Admi/Notifi./2015-16 Date: 18/05/2015 NOTIFICATION ADMISSION OF PU/12TH QUALIFIED TO INTEGRATED PG COURSES Bangalore University invites application from students who have passed PUC or Equivalent in the prescribed form for admission to the following FIVE YEAR INTEGRATED COURSES FOR THE YEAR 2015-2016. 1. Master of management Studies (BMS-MMS) 2. Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc. in Biological Sciences Eligibility for Sl. No. 1 and 2 Candidates who have completed two-year Pre University course of Karnataka state or equivalent thereto with any optional subjects for Sl.No 1, with Science subjects for Sl.No 2 and have secured at least 50% (5% relaxation for SC/ST/CAT-I) of marks in aggregate of all papers studied including languages at the qualifying examination. CUT OFF DATES 1 Last date for submitting completed application forms 2 Last date for submitting completed application forms with a penal fee of Rs. 100 3 Announcement of Omnibus Merit List 4 Counselling and Admission for regular and supernumerary seats 24/06/2015 30/06/2015 04/07/2015 06/07/2015 How to apply: Application forms will be issued at prasaranga sales unit, Central College Campus, Bangalore University, Palace Road, Bangalore - 560 001 on producing a DD of Rs.400/-(Rs.200/- for SC/ST/Cat-I students) drawn in favour of Finance officer, Bangalore university, Bangalore. The duly filled in application along with copies of marks cards, necessary documents shall be submitted /sent by post so as to reach on or before the last date to the office of the Co-ordinator of respective course mentioned below. Outstation candidates can obtain application forms through post by sending a self addressed envelope of A4 size affixing stamps worth Rs. 50/-. Alternatively, the application form and prospects can be downloaded from the website or The duly filled in application along with copies of marks cards, necessary documents and a DD of Rs. 400/- (Rs. 200/- for SC/ST/Cat-I candidates) drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Bangalore University, Bangalore, shall be submitted/ sent by post so as to reach on or before the last date to the office of the Co-ordinators of respective courses mentioned below. Candidates seeking admission for more than one course shall apply separately. Address of the Co-ordinators 1. Management Studies (Integrated BMS-MMS): The coordinator, Department of Commerce, Bangalore University, Central College, Bangalore – 560 001. Phone: 080-22961965. 2. Biological Sciences (Integrated B.Sc-M.Sc.): Biological Sciences Division, Department of life science, Bangalore University, Jnanabharathi, Bangalore – 560 056. Phone: 080-22961923. By Order Sd/Registrar Copy to: 1. The Chairman, Department of Commerce, BUB. 2. The Chairman, Department of Sericulture, BUB. 3. The Coordinator, Biological Sciences Division, Department of Life science BUB 4. The Coordinator, Business Management Studies, BUB. 5. The Director, printing Press, BUB. 6. The PS to V.C/Registrar/F.O, BUB. 7. The Editor,...............................................Bangalore
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