Sharath Ananthamurthy Curriculum Vitae Sharath Ananthamurthy Work Address Professor Department of Physics Bangalore University Bangalore 560056 Email: Home Address 498, 6th A Main RMV 2nd Stage Bangalore 560 094 Ph: 91-80-2341-6125 Mobile: (91) 9972096125 Ph: 91-80-2296-1477 Fax:91-80-2321-9295 Education August 1993 Ph.D. in Atomic and Molecular Physics (Laser Spectroscopy), The University of Iowa, U.S.A. Title: Alkaline Earth Metal -Rare Gas Energy Transfer Collisions: Experiment and Theory December 1988 M.S. with thesis (Molecular Collision Dynamics), The University of Iowa, U.S.A. Title: Alignment Effects in Ca-He (51P1- 53Pj) Energy Transfer Collisions May 1985 M.Sc. in Physics Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India June 1983 B.Sc. with majors in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Saradavilas College, The University of Mysore, Mysore, India (Passed in First Class with Distinction) Sharath Ananthamurthy 1983 Awarded Government of India Merit Scholarship for distinction in B.Sc. examinations A. Employment History and Experience in Research and Teaching 1998 – current Bangalore University, Department of Physics 2006- Current 2008-2009 : Professor, Department of Physics, Bangalore University (Chairman of the department from January 2013) : Academic Visitor at the Imperial College, London (on sabbatical leave) Attached to Quantum Optics and Laser Science group 1998- 2006 : Reader, Department of Physics, Bangalore University a. Teaching Responsibilities: Taught M.Sc. courses in Mathematical Methods, Plasma and MHD, Quantum Mechanics, Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Nonlinear Dynamics, Statistical Mechanics, Laboratory (Spectroscopy and Optics) Evaluated in the most recent evaluation as one of the 5 best teachers in a department of 15 faculty members Visiting Faculty (Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore) 2003-2004: Designed and taught a semester-long course in Modern Physics for final year B.Stat. (Hon) students- This included a few experimental demonstrations, and two seminars at the end on quantum information, since I had included a few lectures on this topic. b. Research: Atomic and Plasma Spectroscopy in Penning Traps Soft Condensed Matter Systems using Optical Probes c. Research Guidance (Leading to Ph.D.) 6 Ph.Ds awarded, 1 awaiting results and 3 doctoral students currently working 1. Astrophysical Line Formation Theory- Investigation of weak magnetic field effects (Hanle effect) on stellar atomic spectral lines; polarization spectroscopy Sharath Ananthamurthy - awarded 2. Photometry of globular clusters- awarded 3. Research using Ion Traps: Building a Penning trap for low magnetic field electron plasma trapping (2 doctoral students currently working, One Ph.D awarded; BRNS (DAE) funded) 4. Soft matter research using Optical Tweezers: nanometer scale rheological studies. (DST funded under Nano Mission Scheme ) (2 doctoral students currently working, Three Ph.Ds, One submitted), d. Research Guidance (Leading to M.Phil.) 1. Structural properties of Layered Double Hydroxides- FTIR and Mossbauer Spectroscopy (One M.Phil. thesis guidance completed). 2. Studies using Fabry Perot Etalon and Interferometer; construction of a low-cost scanning Fabry Perot Interferometer. (One M.Phil. guidance completed). e. Awards and Achievements: 1. Commonwealth Academic Fellowship (October 2006- March 2007) at Imperial College, London, UK 2. Thesis titled „Spectroscopy of Electrons and Ions in Electromagnetic Traps‟ under my supervision awarded the “Best Thesis Prize” at the DAE-ISAMP National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics held in February 2011 B. Employment History and Experience in Research and Teaching 1984 – 1998 1. 1996-1998: Lecturer, Department of Physics, University of Mysore Teaching: M.Sc. courses in Mathematical Physics, Electronic Network Analysis, Quantum Mechanics, Spectroscopy Research: Theoretical work in collisional dissociation of metallic clusters. Convener of the Physics Society at Mysore University and during this period I organized several guest lectures, student science activities such as quiz contests and project exhibitions in the department 2. 1996-2000: Visiting Member, Non-accelerator Particle Physics Group, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore Sharath Ananthamurthy Collaborating in atomic beam experiment to detect Casimir –Polder interactions 3. 1994-1996: Visiting Fellow, Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore Responsible for setting up a laboratory to carry out experimental work in atomic beam physics and laser cooling of atoms. The work involved (initial) planning experiments and work procedures as well as procuring laser and electronic measuring equipment. 4. 1993-1994: Research Associate (CSIR), Centre of Excellence in Chemistry, Solid State and Structural Chemistry Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (with Professor C.N.R. Rao) FTIR spectroscopy of Fullerenes 5. 1987-1993: Research Assistant, The University of Iowa, USA Experimental and theoretical work in molecular collision dynamics. One year research experience in nucleation studies using Broida ovens. 6. 1985-1987: Teaching Assistant, The University of Iowa, USA Undergraduate and graduate physics courses for physics majors, involving laboratory instruction and tutorial sessions.(Undergraduate Electricity and Magnetism, Quantum Mechanics, General Physics tutoring and laboratory instruction) 7. 1984-1985: Two semester experimental project (for M.Sc. degree, IIT Kanpur) in X-ray crystallography of single crystals Research Projects: 1. Astrophysical Line Formation Theory- UGC Minor Research Project. (20022003) 2. Construction of an Optical Tweezer for Nanometer Scale Rheology- DST funded under the Nanomaterials Science and Technology Initiative. (2004-2007) 3. Motional Resonances and Instabilities of Electron and Ion Clouds in a Penning Trap- BRNS-DAE (2004-2007) 4. Studies in Micro and Nanorheology of Soft Materials- DST (Nanomission) (2008Current) 5. Member of the DST-DAAD (Indo German) Project for scholar exchanges. (2000 –2003). Undertaken three visits to University of Mainz, Germany, for approx. a month each, for research collaboration with Professor G. Werth (Low magnetic field electron trapping; linear Paul traps and spectroscopy of Ca+ ions). 6. Co-investigator: UGC project (under CPEPA-Center with Potential for Excellence in Proposed Area) involving physics and life sciences- Application of nano tools for disease management and targeted drug delivery Sharath Ananthamurthy Publications Journals (Refereed) 1. Alignment effects in Ca-He (51P1- 53Pj) energy transfer half-collisions, S. Ananthamurthy, K.C. Lin, P.D. Kleiber and W.C. Stwalley, J. Chem .Phys. 90(12), 7605, 1989 2. Metal-metal, metal-rare gas and metal-Hydrogen reactive transition states, W.C. Stwalley, P.D. Kleiber, K.M. Sando, A.M. Lyyra, S. Ananthamurthy, et al. Faraday Disc. Chem. Soc, 91, 97 ,1991 3. A classical path theory of collisional redistribution in CaHe spin-changing energy transfer collisions, S. Ananthamurthy, K.M. Sando and P.D. Kleiber, J.Chem. Phys.,101(12), 10485, 1994 4. Collisional redistribution in Sr-He spin-changing energy transfer collisions: final state alignment, Sharath Ananthamurthy and P.D. Kleiber, J.Chem. Phys.,102(5), 1917, 1995 5. Reversible thermal behaviour of layered double hydroxides: Mechanistic studies, M. Rajamati, G. D. Nataraja, Sharath Ananthamurthy and P. Vishnu Kamath, J. Mater. Chem, (10), 2754, 2000 6. Instabilities of an electron cloud in a Penning trap, P. Paasche, D.Biswas, C. Angelescu, S.Ananthamurthy, G.Werth: Eur.Phys. Jour-D,22,183, 2003 7.Polarization of Line Radiation in the Presence of External Electric Quadrupole and Uniform Magnetic Fields: Yee Yee Oo, K.N. Nagendra, Sharath Ananthamurthy, R.Vijayshankar, G. Ramachandran, J.Quant.Spec.Rad.Trans. 84,35-64, 2004 8. UBVRI CCD Photometric Studies of Open Clusters Berkeley 15, Czernik 18 and NGC 2401: S. Sujatha, G.S.D Babu and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 32, 295-309, 2004 9. Polarization of Line Radiation in the Presence of External Electric Quadrupole and Uniform Magnet Fields: II. Arbitrary Magnetic Fields: Yee Yee Oo, K.N. Nagendra, Sharath Ananthamurthy, S. Sirsi, R.Vijayshankar, G. Ramachandran, J.Quant.Spec. Rad.Trans. 90 343-366, 2005 10. Construction of an Optical Tweezer for Nanometer Scale Rheology, A. Raghu and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Pramana J. Phy., V65, 4, 699-705,2005 11.Mass Function of Open Clusters NGC 1857 and Czernik 25, S.Sujatha, G.S.D Babu Sharath Ananthamurthy and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Bull. Astr. Soc. India, , 34, 357-373,2006 12. Scattering polarization in the presence of magnetic and electric fields Yee Yee Oo, M. Sampoorna, K.N. Nagendra, Sharath Ananthamurthy, G. Ramachandran, J.Quant.Spectr. Rad.Trans. 108, 161-179, 2007, 13. Microrheological Studies of Regenerated Silk Fibroin Solution by Video Microscopy, Raghu A., Somashekar R and Sharath Ananthamurthy, J. Poly. Sci. (Poly. Phy).Vol 45, 2555-2562, 2007 14.Nanorheology of Regenerated Silk Fibroin Solution, A. Raghu and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Bull. Mater. Sci. 31, 3, 359–365, 2008 15. Correlation between microstructure and microrheological parameters of various silk fibres, S.Divakara, R. Somashekar, A Raghu, Yogesha, Sharath Ananthamurthy, Subrata Roy, Ind. J. Fib.Tex. Res. 34, 168-174, 2009 16. Loading detection and number estimation of an electron plasma in a Penning trap, K T Satyajit , Anita Gupta, Gopal Joshi, Shyam Mohan, Pushpa Rao, Sharath Ananthamurthy , Plas. Sci. Tech. 11, 521-528, 2009 17. Fast shuttling of ions in a scalable Penning trap array, D.R. Crick, S. Donnellan, S. Ananthamurthy, R.C. Thompson and D. Segal, Rev. Sci. Instr. 81,01311, 2010 18. Laser induced rotation of trapped chiral and achiral nematic droplets, M. Mosalleipour, Y.Hatwalne, N.V.Madhusudana, Sharath Ananthamurthy , J. Mod. Opt., 57 (5), 395,2010 19. Optical tweezer for micro and nano scale rheology of biomaterials, Raghu A, Yogesha and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Ind. J. Phys, 84 (8) 1051,2010 (Invited Contribution) 20. A dual optical tweezer for microrheology of bacterial suspensions, Yogesha, S. Bhattacharya, D.C Mohan, Nagesh B.V and Sharath Ananthamurthy,Int. J.Nanosci.10 (1),181,2011 21.Electron storage instabilities and resonances in a quadrupole Penning trap, K.T. Satyajit, D. Datar and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Asian J. Phys. (special issue) Vol 20, Nos. 2 and 3,April- July, 2011 22. Characterization of the rotation of non-symmetric objects in an optical tweezer, Yogesha, S. Bhattacharya and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Opt. Commun., 285,2530 (2012) 23. An optical tweezer based study of the antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles, Yogesha, S. Bhattacharya, M.K. Rabinal. Sharath Ananthamurthy, Bull. Mater. Sci. 35(4), 529, 2012 Sharath Ananthamurthy 24. Orientational dynamics of a normal human red blood cell in an optical trap, Praveen P., Nagesh B.V ,Sharath Ananthamurthy, Sarbari Bhattacharya, Jour. Biomed. Opt,18(2), 025001, (2013) 25. A simple model for the rotation of a trapped chiral nematic droplet under the action of a linearly polarized laser beam,Marjan Mosallaeipour, Sharath Ananthamurthy and N.V. Madhusudana, Euro. J. Phys.-E, (Soft Matter and Biological Physics), DOI 10.1140/epje/i2013-13093-0, (2013) 26. Rheological behavior and gelation of Tasar regenerated silk fibroin solution Yogesha, Raghu A and Sharath Ananthamurthy, J. Appl. Poly. Sc, DOI 10.1 002/app.40104 (2013) 27. Birefringence of a normal human red blood cell and related optomechanical properties in an optical trap, Nagesha B.V, Yogesha, Prathibha R, Sarbari Bhattacharya, Sharath Ananthamurthy, Jour. Biomed.Opt., 19(11), 115004, (2014) Refereed Papers in Conference Proceedings 1.Collisional redistribution in Sr-He spin-changing energy transfer collisions: final state branching. Proceedings of the International Conference in Spectroscopy, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, 1996 2.Ionization potentials of Aluminium clusters: A kinetic rate equation approach to collision- induced dissociation of Aln+ (n=3-26) by Argon, Padmashree G.K., Sharath Ananthamurthy and R. Somashekar, Proceedings of the V-national conference on high pressure science and technology, Chennai, 2000 3. Collective Motional Resonances and Instabilities of an Electron Cloud Stored in a Penning Trap, D. Biswas, P. Paasche, T. Valenzuela, C. Angelescu, S.Ananthamurthy, G. Werth: International Workshop on Non-neutral Plasmas, Held in San Diego, USA , Conference Proceedings, 2001 4. A comparative microrheological study of Indian Silk Varieties by Video Microscopy, 187-188, Editors: Amitabh Das, Meenakshi Sunder & S.K. Gupta, 52nd DAE-SSPS, Uni. of Mysore,2007 5. Storage instabilities in a weakly coupled electron plasma in a Penning trap , K.T. Satyajith and Sharath Ananthamurthy: National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (with BRNS- DAE), IUAC, Delhi 2009 6.Rotational dynamics of RBC in an optical trap as a medical diagnostic technique, Nagesha B.V, Yogesha, Praveen P, Sarbari Bhattacharya and Sharath Ananthamurthy:International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology,Tiruchengode, Namakkal district, TN, 2010 Sharath Ananthamurthy 7.Characterization of antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles using optical tweezers, Yogesha, Sarbari Bhattacharya, Mohana D.C and Sharath Ananthamurthy: International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology,Tiruchengode, Namakkal district, TN, 2010 8. Orientation of human RBC in a linearly polarized trap, Nagesh B.V, Praveen P, Yogesha, Sarbari Bhattacharya, and Sharath Ananthamurthy: International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Optics and Optoelectronics (Optical Society of India), Trivandrum (Jan. 2011) Awarded certificate of merit as one of the best posters 9. Simultaneous forward and backward tracking of a pair of trapped beads in an optical tweezer, Yogesha, Praveen P, Sarbari Bhattacharya, and Sharath Ananthamurthy: International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Optics and Optoelectronics (Optical Society of India), Trivandrum (Jan. 2011) 10. Optical properties of Red Blood Cells – An optical tweezer based Analysis, Nagesh.B.V Yogesha, Pratibha.R, Praveen.P, Sarbari Bhattacharya and Sharath Ananthamurthy, in Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8947, 89471P1, (Aug.2014) 11.Trapping Characterization of Semi Metallic Beads in an Optical Tweezer, Shruti Iyengar, Praveen P, Rekha S, Sharath Ananthamurthy, and Sarbari Bhattacharya, in Proceedings of Photonics 2014: International Conference on Fibre Optics and Photonics, T3A.40, Optical Society of America, (Dec. 2014) Conferences and Seminars (Oral, Invited Talks, Posters) S. Ananthamurthy 1. 1990: Half collision dynamics of the Sr(6p1P1- 6p3Pj) energy transfer collisions: poster at 6th international laser science conference (ILS), Minneapolis, USA 2. 1991: Alignment effects and fine-structure changes in Sr-He half-collisions: poster at 7th international laser science conference, Monterey, California, USA 3. 1992: American Physical Society Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (DAMOP) meeting at Chicago, USA (participation) 4. 1992: NATO ASI workshop on Laser Interactions with Atoms, Solids and Plasmas, Corsica, France (participation) Sharath Ananthamurthy 5. 1996: Collisional redistribution in Sr-He spin-changing energy transfer collisions: Final state branching: poster at international conference in spectroscopy, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay 6. 1996: Workshop on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay (participation) 7. 1996: Atomic beam transmission experiment to detect cavity QED interactions: poster at national conference in atomic and molecular physics, IIT Madras, Chennai 8. 1998: Workshop on Modern Optics (Meera Memorial Lectures), Mysore (participation) 9. 1998: A method to improve detection efficiency in cavity QED experiments using laser-cooled atoms: poster at Physics of Cooling and Trapping of Atoms and Ions (PCTAI), Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay 10. 1998: A kinetic rate equation model to predict collisionally dissociating cluster branching ratios,: poster at International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 11. 1998: Workshop on high energy gamma ray astrophysics ( HEGRO) , held jointly by Tata Institute of Fundamantal Research and Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA) at Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh ( participation) 12. 1999: IUCAA-sponsored workshop on interstellar molecules, held at S.K. University, Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh (participation) 13. 2000: Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) School on non-linear optical and laser materials, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (participation and seminar) 14. 2001: IUCAA-sponsored workshop on Astronomical photometry and spectroscopy, Bangalore University, Bangalore: (Resource person) Delivered lectures on line broadening 15. 2001: SERC school on Concepts in Chemical Dynamics, IIT Chennai, Madras: participation and seminars on “Concept of Half-collisions in Chemical Dynamics” 16. July 2001: Collective Resonances and Instabilities of Electrons in a Penning Trap: Poster Presentation at International Conference on Non-neutral Plasmas, San Diego, USA, July 2001. 17. February 2003: SERC School on Precision Spectroscopy of Atoms Molecules and Bose Condensates, IISc., Bangalore: Tutorial Lectures on Hyperfine Structure Sharath Ananthamurthy and Atom Interaction with EM fields. 18.December 2004: Seventh International Conference on Optoelectronics, Fibre Optics, and Photonics, Cochin, India, December 9-11, 2004: Poster on “ LowCost Scanning Fabry Perot Interferometer for Student Laboratory” 19. March 2005: 1st Nano Science and Technology Intiative Conference, (DST) at NCL, Pune: Poster on “Construction of an Optical Tweezer for Nanometer Scale Rheology” 20. March 2006: International Conference on Nano Science and Technology ( ICONSAT-2006), New Delhi: Poster on “ Brownian Dynamics of a Trapped Bead as Rheological Probe of Viscoelastic Materials at Micro and Nanometer Scales” 21. March 2006: International Conference in Recent Developments in Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, University of Delhi, Delhi: Poster on “Effect of collisions on stability of ions in a Penning trap” 22. April 2006: Workshop on Driven States in Soft Matter and Biological Systems, ICTP, Trieste Italy: Participation and poster 23. August 2006: International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICNSNT), University of Madras, Chennai: Poster on “Rheological Studies of Viscoelastic Materials at Micro and Nanometer Scales”: Best Poster Award 24. September 2006: National Conference on ETPEE-06, JSS College, Mysore, India, Talk on “Optical Tweezer and Video Microscopy based Rheological Studies of Viscoelastic Materials at Micro and Nanometer Scales” 25. November 2006: International Conference on Lasers and Nanomaterials, Kolkota University, Kolkota (2006) Poster : “Trapping and Detection of Electrons in a Penning Trap” 26. December 2006: International Conference on PHOTONICS-2006, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad. Poster on: “Micro and Nano Rheological Studies of Viscoelastic Materials” 27. February 2007: National Review and Coordination Meeting on NanoScience and NanoTechnology (NS&NT 2007) DST, ARCI, Hyderabad. Poster on “Rheological studies on Regenerated Silk Fibroin Solution” 28. February 2007: Assembly, Organization and Propulsion in Complex Systems (IIT Madras, Chennai). (Poster): “Optical angular momentum transfer to a liquid crystalline droplet” 29. March 2007: Young Atom Opticians Conference, University of Durham, UK: (Poster): “Calcium ions in a Penning trap for applications” Sharath Ananthamurthy 30. December 2007: 52nd DAE-SSPS 2007, University of Mysore, Poster: “A comparative microrheological study of Indian Silk Varieties by Video Microscopy” 31. February 2008: International Conference on Nanoscience and Technology (ICONSAT), Chennai, Poster: “Tweezer-based Microrheology” 32. February 2009: National Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics (with BRNSDAE) Poster: “Storage instabilities in a weakly coupled electron plasma in a Penning trap” (Paper in conference proceedings) 33. February 2009: Invited Talk – Conference on Lasers in Basic and Applied Sciences, Viswa Bharati University, Santiniketan, Bengal “Optical tweezer for micro and nano scale rheology of bio materials”. 34. February 2010: International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology( ICANN 2010), IIT Guwahati, Poster: “Dual Optical Tweezer for microrheology of active bacteria” 35. March 2010: International Conference on Cold Atoms, Molecules and Ions ( IACS and ICTS), Kolkota, Poster: “ Measurements of Storage Time and Instabilities in an Electron Penning Trap” 36. April 2010: Invited Talk-DBIT-IAS-JNCASR Lecture Workshop on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies for college teachers and students, Bangalore “Light on cells, polymers and bacteria: viscosity at small length scales” 37. December 2010: (Oral)- at International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology,Tiruchengode, Namakkal district, TN, “Rotational dynamics of RBC in an optical trap as a medical diagnostic technique” 38. December 2010: International Conference on Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology,Tiruchengode, Namakkal district, TN, Poster: “Characterization of antimicrobial activity of silver nanoparticles using optical tweezers” 39. January 2011: International Conference on Contemporary Trends in Optics and Optoelectronics (Optical Society of India), Trivandrum, Poster: “Orientation of human RBC in a linearly polarized trap”, Praveen P, Nagesh B.V,Yogesha, Sarbari Bhattacharya, and Sharath Ananthamurthy: Awarded certificate of merit as one of the best posters 40. February 2011: Invited Talk-Indian Society for Atomic and Molecular Physics (ISAMP)- BRNS-DAE symposium on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Karnatak University, Dharwad “ Storage properties of an electron plasma in a Penning trap” Sharath Ananthamurthy 41. February 2011: Indian Society for Atomic and Molecular Physics(ISAMP)- BRNSDAE symposium on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Karnatak University, Dharwad. Poster: “Storage time and velocity distribution of an electron plasma in a quadrupole Penning trap” 42. February 2011: (Talk) “Studies in Micro and Nano Rheology of Soft Materials” at the National Review and Coordination Meeting of the Nano Mission (DST), IIT Delhi 43. November 2011: International Workshop on Chemistry of Soft Matter, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore . Poster: “Healthy Human RBC: A Natural Microrotor” 44. January 2012: Invited Talk-Topical Conference (ISAMP) on Laser Interactions with atoms, molecules and clusters “ Rotations and Interaction of Particles in Optical Traps”, University of Hyderabad 45. March 2012: Poster and Talk: “ Storage properties and axial velocity distribution of electrons in a quadrupole Penning trap”, at International Workshop on Highly Charged Ions and Atomic Collisions (WHCI 2012), TIFR Mumbai 46. January 2013: Poster: “ Optics and Biomechanics of Red Blood Cells” Conference on Condensed Matter and Biological Systems” BHU, Varanashi 47. January 2013: Poster: “Magnetic Field Gradient driven Magnetic Particle Dynamics in Narrow Capillaries” Conference on Condensed Matter and Biological Systems” BHU, Varanashi 48. April 2013: Oral Presentation (Yogesha, et al.) “Dynamics of a pair of beads in an optical trap” at SPIE meeting on Optical Tweezers in Biology, Honolulu, USA 49. August 2013: Poster: “Orientational Dynamics of a Healthy Human Red Blood Cell in an Optical Tweezer”, National Conference on Cell Mechanics and Interactions at the Physics Biology Interface, Bangalore University, Bangalore 50. August 2013: Poster: “Simulation study of transport of magnetic probes in vivo using magnetic field gradients” National Conference on Cell Mechanics and Interactions at the Physics Biology Interface, Bangalore University, Bangalore 51. August 2013: Poster: “A study of agro bacterial growth and activity using an optical tweezer” National Conference on Cell Mechanics and Interactions at the Physics Biology Interface, Bangalore University, Bangalore 52. August 2013: Oral Presentation: “ Soft Matter Physics at Bangalore University: A Research Summary”, National Conference on Cell Mechanics and Interactions at the Physics Biology Interface, Bangalore University, Bangalore Sharath Ananthamurthy 53. Sept.2013: Invited Talk: “Throwing Light on Matter: Measuring very small forces at small length scales”, 2 day UGC sponsored National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Condensed Matter Physics, Govt. College, Bettampady, Puttur, Karnataka 54. Sept. 2013: Keynote Speaker: “Research in Science for Undergraduates”, 2 Day National Seminar on Undergraduate Research in Science, sponsored by UGC, MES College of Arts and Science, Bangalore 55. Oct.2013: Poster: “Optomechanical properties of healthy human red blood cells and their connection to the cell‟s birefringence” in Dynamic Architecture of Cells and Tissues, Joint Conference by Weizmann Institute, Israel and Mechanobiology Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore 56. Nov.2013 : Oral : “Dependence of the Storage Time of a Non-neutral Electron Plasma on the Magnetic Field in a Quadrupole Penning Trap”, Topical Conference of Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics, on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, IPR Ahmedabad 57. February 2014: Oral: “Optical properties of Red Blood Cells – An optical tweezer based analysis”, SPIE Photonics West in meeting on “Imaging, Manipulation and Analysis of Cells, Biomolecules and Tissue XII”, San Fransisco, USA 58. November 2014: Poster: Stretching Red Blood Cells using Light: A Technique for Studying Cellular Viscoelasticity, in CPEPA(UGC) Symposium on Healthy Lifestyle and Human Welfare, Bangalore University, November 2014 59. November 2014: Poster: Stretching Red Blood Cells using Light: A Technique for Studying Cellular Viscoelasticity, in CPEPA(UGC) Symposium on Healthy Lifestyle and Human Welfare, Bangalore University, November 2014 60. November 2014: Poster: Effect of Bovine Serum Albumin on Red Blood Cell Membrane Stiffness: A Precursor to Study Deformation of Red Blood Cells in Narrow Capillaries, in CPEPA(UGC) Symposium on Healthy Lifestyle and Human Welfare, Bangalore University, November 2014 61. November 2014: Poster: Magnetic Field Gradient Driven Magnetic Particle Flow Dynamics in Narrow Capillaries to Facilitate Targeted Drug Delivery, in CPEPA(UGC) Symposium on Healthy Lifestyle and Human Welfare, Bangalore University, November 2014 62 . December 2014: Poster “Trapping Characterization of Semi Metallic Beads in an Optical Tweezer” at 12th International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, IIT Kharagpur Sharath Ananthamurthy Scientific Articles and Reports: 1. Innovative Ion Trap Designs for Spectroscopy and Quantum Information Processing, Indian Society for Atomic and Molecular Physics (ISAMP) Newsletter December 2007 2. Vijnana Jijnase: Ideas of Science for Nonscientists, Srikant Sastry and Sharath Ananthamurthy, Report on Workshop held at Ninasam, Heggodu, Karnataka, Curr. Sci. 603, V89, No.4, 2005 3. Tagore and Einstein: An encounter of differing world views; Invited article for “Desha Kaala” a literary journal in Kannada for a special issue on Tagore, Oct 2011 Other Activities: Referee for journals: Journal of Modern Optics, Pramana Journal of Physics, Current Science, Applied Physics-B, Ind. Journal of Physics Mentor on DST‟s list for INSPIRE programme to attract school children to pursuing careers in basic sciences (given talks and adjudged science exhibits) Reviewed text books on physics for journals like Current Science, and newspapers Secretary, Bangalore Chapter of the Indian Physics Association (2001-2005) Resource Person for UGC sponsored refresher courses in physics for college and university teachers, held at different Universities and Colleges in Karnataka Organizing Secretary, National 1-day Symposium on Laser Cooling and Trapping of Ions, Bangalore University (Sponsored by BRNS, Dept. of Atomic Energy), September 2001 Convener, International Conference on the Concept of Matter in Indian Philosophical Schools and the New Physics: Understanding Knowledge Systems, Bangalore University, January 3-4,2003 Also Edited book: “Landscape of Matter” Conference Proceedings Organizing Secretary, “Special Aspects of Quantum Mechanics-A Quantum Festival”- 2 Day Guest Lecture Series, Department of Physics, Bangalore University, 7-8 November 2003 Sharath Ananthamurthy Co-Convener, “Vignana Jignase” A Workshop on Science for non-scientists, at Ninasam Organization, Heggodu, Sagar (along with JNCASR, NCBS, Bangalore) Member of PG and UG Board of Studies, Physics, Bangalore University since 2002-2006 and currently. BOS member- Dept of Physics of Mount Carmel College and MS Ramaiah Inst. of Technology, Bangalore Member, BOE: Mysore University, Karnatak University Member, Board of Editors, Vignanabharati, Journal of Science and Technology, Bangalore University (till 2009) Editorial board member, Jnanavahini, Monthly Newsletter, Bangalore University(2008-2009) Chief-of-examination squad, Post graduate examinations in Bangalore university and affiliated colleges, July 2003 Convener, Inauguration Committee: National Conference on Women in Science and Technology, Bangalore University, July 2007: In charge of coordinating programme that was inaugurated by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, President of India Section-in-Charge, Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics Section (AMOP), Dept. of Physics, Bangalore University ( 2002-2004): a. Procured and installed a new CCD-based miniature Spectrophotometer and data acquisition system to modernize spectroscopy-based experiments in student lab. b. Introduced four new experiments for AMOP specialization and brought out a digital lab.manual. c. Helped students edit and produce a magazine “Psychedilia-The Spectrozine” Life Member: Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics (also member of executive committee), Indian Physics Association Coordinator for PhD Entrance exams for Science Departments of Bangalore University (22 departments) 2011-12 Member Board of Studies in Physics, Newly established Central University of Karnataka- recently in a committee that framed the syllabus and pattern for the M.Sc. 2-year Physics course (2012) Sharath Ananthamurthy Convener, 2 day National Conference on Cell Mechanics and Interactions at the Physics Biology Interface (August, 2013) (Under the DST-PURSE program) Convener, Three day special lecture series for post graduate students on Frontier Areas in Physics (FAR) Sept 2013 ( Supported by Karnataka Council for S&T, Govt. of Karnataka) MS thesis adjudicator (Indian Inst. of Science), PhD thesis examiner of theses from Raman Research Institute (two). Corporate Service:(between 2013-15) a. Member Core Technical and Net Work Committee, Bangalore University (for university-wide computer networking and optic fibre cabling) b. Member Core Committee for preparation for NAAC accreditation (due in 2014) c. University representative on Governing Council of two affiliated colleges of BU d. Chairman, University website improvement committee e. Member: Committee to develop Infrastructure Quality Index for all higher educational institutions in Karnataka state ( part of Karnataka Council for Higher Education) f. Member: Bangalore University‟s Panel to improve the research environment and infrastructure in University g. Member of Governing Council of Colleges affiliated to Bangalore University: Samvaad Institute of Speech and Hearing, Reva Institute of Management Studies Significant Events Organized as Chairman, Department of Physics (2013-2015): Public Lecture on “Expanding Universe” by Brian Schmidt, 2011 Nobelist in Physics b. Convener, National Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, February 2013 c. Convener, National Conference-NCCMI (supported by PURSE, DST), August 2013 d. Convener, National Workshop on Luminescence and its Applications, October 2013 a. Sharath Ananthamurthy e. Nobel Lecture in Physics, 2013 Nobel Prize, by R. Godbole, delivered in department, December 2013 f. KSTA Lecture Series for M.Sc students- Supported by Karnataka State Science and Technology Association. g. Convened a “Research Initiatives in Physics” In-house Research Symposium, August 18-20, 2014, for Research Scholars in Physics h. Convener, National Workshop as part of International Year of Crystallography ( Part of IUCR activities) November, 2014 Popular Science/Public Lectures/Outreach : 1. Looking through a “window” at atomic collisions: delivered at Bangalore Science Forum, 1995 2. Ultra Cold Atoms: at SJRC Women‟s College, Bangalore, 1999 3. Lectures (3) on Astrophysical Spectroscopy, for College Students at Birla Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore ( Delivered in 2001, May 2002 and October 2002) 4. “Recent Trends in Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy”- Lecture at MS Ramiah College for Arts Science and Commerce, Bangalore, on 2nd December 2002 5. “Scientism and its Future”- Paper presented at NMKRV College for Women as part of the 2-day lecture series: Future of the Sciences, 28-29 August 2003 6. “ Cages from nothing: The world of atom traps” at Surana College, Bangalore 3/8/2004 7. “Cold Atoms” Lecture at Al Ameen College, Bangalore 25/9/2004 8. “Physics of Ion Traps”, Christ Junior College Bangalore: Part of World Year of Physics Celebrations 2005, September 2005 9. Ion Traps and Probing at the Nano Scale by Optical Techniques: Two invited lectures for college-level students at Sringeri Junior College, and Bapuji Educational Institutions, Davangere, Karnataka, December 2007 10. Optical Tweezers as a probe of micro and nano structures: MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, March 2008 11. Ion Traps and their applications: Bangalore Science Forum, Bangalore, June 2008 Sharath Ananthamurthy 12.Can we “see” atoms? : Don Bosco College of Engineering, Bangalore, Sept. 2009 13. Brownian motion and applications: at DST-INSPIRE camp at Bangalore University, May 2011 14. “Laser Tweezers” – DST-INSPIRE camp at Academy College, Bangalore, Jan. 2012 15. “Light on cells and bacteria- The gentle force of light”- Anokha Tech. Fest. , Amrita University Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Feb. 2012 16. “The gentle force of light”- Baliga College of Arts and Science, Kumta, Karnataka DST-INSPIRE Camp for 11th standard students, Oct. 2012 17. Talk (as in 16) DST-INSPIRE, GSS College ,Belgaum, Karnataka, Nov. 2012 18. Talk (as in 16) DST-INSPIRE, DVS College ,Shimoga , Karnataka, Dec. 2012 19. “Measurements and manipulation on quantum systems: 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics”- at Government Science College, Bangalore organized by Karnataka Association for Science and Technology, March 2013 20. “Holding and moving atoms and particles in electromagnetic fields” DST-INSPIRE, A.V. Baliga College of Arts and Science, Kumta, Oct. 2013
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