“HOT WINGS” Editor: Mike Ortmayer Volume No. 22 “Safety is No Accident” Issue No. 4 Date: April 2015 Website: www.ancientcityrc.org Ancient City R/C Flyers, Inc AMA #2075 P.O. Box 346, St. Augustine, FL 32085-0436 Contacts: President: Steve Braxton sbraxton@bellsouth.net Vice President: Paul Oakes povic@bellsouth.net Wx Info: St. Augustine Airport – 904-824-7084 http://www.weather.com/weather/local/32145 March Meeting: Secretary: Mike Ortmayer ortm.acrcf@gmail.com Treasurer: Bob Colpitts Email address not available Safety Coordinator: Sterling Hart 999hart@gmail.com OPENING President Steve Braxton called the meeting to order @ 6:35PM with 18 members with 1 guest present. PAST MINUTES: The minutes from the February meeting were read and a motion was made to accept with a correction to the ending balance. Field Marshall: Alex Gaillard abcgaillard@bellsouth.net Upcoming Mowing Schedule : April: 1- Warren Vanderwell 2- Vacant May: 1- Sterling Hart 2- Mark Edwards June: 1- Required 2- Required The complete 2015 Mowing Schedule is available on the club website at the following link: http://ancientcityrc.org/mowing_schedule.html The 2015 schedule will be passed around in the January’s meeting again to fill in the blanks. As you can see above, there are plenty of vacancies for mowing this year. If you are interested in helping the club out with the duty of moving the field, please email me at ortm.acrcf@gmail.com You can also contact Alex Gaillard as well if you are interested at abcgaillard@bellsouth.net Upcoming Meetings: The final meeting will be held at the St. Johns County Library. th April 11 , Parker Field, 10:00AM TREASURER REPORT: Bob Colpitts gave the Treasury report and the ending balance is $5445.00. If you would like to make a donation to any of our future projects and/or picnic tables, please mail them to the club’s mail box: ATTN: Bob Colpitts P.O. Box 346 St. Augustine, Fl 32085-0436 NEWSLETTER: Nothing to report FIELD MARSHALL REPORT: Alex stated that the north end of the field was torn up by somebody using a truck. The ruts and pretty deep due to the soft soil and the roller was not able to give much help. This is going to be brought up to the Parker’s by Steve. The dollar weed was also becoming a big problem and is taking over the field. Something is going to half to get done about this. Steve is also going to talk to the Parker’s about this and maybe they can suggest some options. SAFETY: Sterling was not present to give a report. As we get closer to the summer months, remember to hydrate and bring plenty of bug spray. The new sunshade should become the hot/cool spot this year as the days HEAT up! COMMITTEES: Dave brought up the questions of having another ALES contest for 2015. After a vote ending with a unanimous in favor, the club will be hosting the 2015 ACRCF ALES contest coordinated/directed by Dave Milliong. OLD BUSINESS: Joe gave a brief without the presence of Sterling and was happy with original language that Sterling had created. The only issue is to the cap that should be placed on the new category (6 vs. 12) Steve will be sending out Ballots via email/mail to all of the members soon. The final vote will be held at the upcoming meeting. New changes to the club rules will be coming up in the near future as well. This will incorporate the new layout of the field and operations under the sunshade. Sterling will have more to follow on this coming up. Some Useful links: www.headsuphobby.com www.towerhobbies.com www.gravesrc.com www.chiefaircraft.com/radio-contol www.hobbyking.com The newest addition to the field, 80 feet of shade!! NEW BUSINESS: Mike Ortmayer is going to use some of the club’s funds to move forward with the T-shirt and hat order. Members will pay the club for their orders when ready. OPEN DISCUSSION: No topics came up for the open floor discussion. The last winter meeting was March 10th. Future meetings will be back at Parker Field set for 10:00AM, the second Saturday of every month. The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday, April 11th, 2015 at 10:00AM. CLOSE: A motion to adjourn was made by Dave and seconded by Toni. The meeting was adjourned at 7:10PM. The 50/50 raffle was won by Chester M. The link below will take you to the Flying Giants page that published the article on our 3D event. http://www.flyinggiants.com/forums/showthread.php?t=93480 The story of PBY-5A CATALINA (Strawberry 5) discovery and restoration for the US Navy museum in San Diego can be viewed from the link below. It’s a great story pertaining to the Battle of Midway and the turning point in the Pacific Theater of WWII. http://www.nxtbook.com/fx/media/ooyala/index.php?w=640&h=360&embed Code=l5cnRrbjoBGoU3i9mNk2WnlSwfvifrlA#ooid=l5cnRrbjoBGoU3i9mNk2 WnlSwfvifrlA Have something that you want to sell trade or give away? Email me at ortm.acrcf@gmail.com and I will get it in the upcoming newsletters. Take Action to Help Preserve Model Aviation’s Future See what’s happening in our neighboring clubs: Click on the links below www.flaglerrams.com www.jaxrc.com www.riverratrc.net www.delandrcclub.com www.flying-gators-mac.com Comment on the FAA NPRM. You can do this by clicking or pasting the link into your browser. http://view.exacttarget.com/?j=fe561174776c037c701d&m=fec8157775 63057a&ls=fdcb15737562017b7514787167&l=fe8f1377766c047877&s =fe3217767567007d701272&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe2c107774600575741372 &r=0
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