St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Community Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord March 29, 2015 The main entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, which covers the area of Jesus’ crucifixion on Mount Calvary (or Golgotha) and also the place of the tomb where He was buried and rose from the dead. (Photo to the right taken by Fr. Gregor early Sunday morning February 8, 2015, and photo below taken the following day after celebrating Mass in one of the chapels in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) Holy Week Schedule—Page 7 WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm (English) Sunday 7:30 am (English) 8:45 am En Español - Iglesia 9:00 am (English) - Hall 10:30 am (English) - Church 10:30 am (po Polsku) - Hall 12:00 noon (po Polsku) - Church 12:00 noon (English) - Hall Weekdays 7:30 am (M, T, Th, F) 7:00am & 8:00am (Wed.) 8:00 am (Sat.) Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 — 3:50 pm Website: PARISH OFFICES 530 Glen, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-4165, Fax (815) 886-6119 Email: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am—4:30pm St. Andrew School 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5953, Fax (815) 293-2016 St. Andrew Faith Formation 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5962, Fax (815) 886-6624 March 29, 2015 Page Two Mass Intentions SATURDAY, March 28 8:00 AM—Intention of Celebrant 4:00 PM—Ann Hamilton by Dorothy & Chuck Hahn 5:30 PM—Peggy Wenzel by Gloria Walsh SUNDAY, March 29 (Palm Sunday) Mk 11:1-10; Is 50:4-7; Phil.2:6-11; Mk 14:1-15:47 7:30 AM—William Conner by Mary Ann 8:45 AM—Sra. Margarita Lopez by Yolanda Villa 9:00 AM—Leonard Frost by Bernadine Price 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) Marie Peterek by Bernerdette & Tom Sedlacek 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intention of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intention of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) Parish Family MONDAY, March 30 7:30 AM—Robert Darcy by Family TUESDAY, M arch 31 7:30 AM—Bob Neisius by Considine Family WEDNESDAY, April 1 7:00 AM—Intention of Celebrant 8:00 AM—Stanley & Bernice Wodarczyk by Joan Kowalski THURSDAY, April 2 Prayer Service in A.M. FRIDAY, April 3 Prayer Service in A.M. SATURDAY, April 4 Prayer Service in A.M. Vigil—Parish Family SUNDAY, April 5 (Easter Sunday) Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 7:30 AM—Parish Family 8:45 AM—Parish Family 9:00 AM—Parish Family 10:30 AM—Parish Family 10:30 AM—Parish Family 12:00 PM—Parish Family 12:00 PM—Parish Family THIS WEEK Monday, March 30 Prayer Vigil Charismatic Group, 6:30pm-St.Mary Cntr.(B) Tuesday, March 31 Hispanic Prayer Group Choir, 7pm - St. Mary Cntr (F) Rosary, 7pm - Francis Room Wednesday, April 1 Food Pantry, 10am-12:30pm Faculty Meeting, 2:45pm - Rm 105 Adoration, 5:30-7:00pm - Church Amigos de Jesus Coro, 6:30pm - Rm 102 Charismatic Group, (Jesus es la Roca), 7pm - Church Voces para Dios, 7pm - Rm 110 Baptism Class, 7:30pm - Pariish Hall AA Meeting, 7:30pm - St. Mary Cntr. (B) Thursday, April 2 HOLY THURSDAY Morning Prayer Service (E), 8:00am - Church Mass of the Last Super (Trilingual), 7:00pm - Church Pilgrimage to 7 Churches following Mass - Sign up required Friday, April 3 GOOD FRIDAY Parish Offices Closed No School - Easter Break Morning Prayer Service (E), 8:00am - Church Liturgy of the Passion and Veneration of the Cross (E), 3:00pm - Church Via Crucis Viniente (Living Stations in Spanish), 4:30pm Parish Grounds Stations of the Cross (E), 6:00pm - Church Liturgia Meki Panskiej (Passion Liturgy in Polish), 7:00pm - Church No Spanish Baptismal Preparation No Spanish Adoration Saturday, April 4 HOLY SATURDAY Morning Prayer Service (E), 8:00am - Church Basket Blessing (E), 11:00am - Church Swiecenie Pokarmow (P), 12:00 noon and 1:00pm Rehearsal for Holy Saturday, 7:00pm Easter Vigil (Multi-Lingual), 8:00pm - Church R Sunday, April 5 EASTER SUNDAY March 29, 2015 Page Three Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor (815) 886-4165 ext. 317 My dear family of St. Andrew the Apostle! It’s been six weeks since my return from our Holy Land Pilgrimage, and the reality of what we hear and read about Jesus in the Holy Scriptures is still coming more and more alive in my heart and mind as the memory of these places we visited make it all so very real! All that Jesus does for us is even more real to me than it was before the pilgrimage. I will continue to share with you these moments of grace and insight and pray that the gift of the pilgrimage may become a grace in your life as well. At each of the sacred places we visited, our whole St. Andrew the Apostle Parish Family was in my thoughts and prayers. You were walking with me in the Holy Land! Below are some of the photos that touch upon the Events that we especially remember during the most holy of weeks this Holy Week. In the loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Fr. Gregor Below: Jerusalem as seen from the Mount of Olives, where Jesus wept over the destruction that was to come Right: An ancient olive tree in the Garden of Gethsemane, very possibly there when Jesus experienced his agony and sweat blood Left: The Mount of Olives as seen from the city of Jerusalem Right: The visible hole was the access to a small dungeon near the home of Caiaphas where Jesus was likely held after his arrest Left: The rock of Calvary, where Jesus was crucified (covered over by a glass case so that it is open for viewing) Right: Three tombs cut into the rock on the side of the road — typical of the tomb where Jesus was laid and the large stone that was rolled in front of the entrance (see far tomb on the left) Left: praying in the confined tomb where Jesus was buried and rose Page Four March 29, 2015 The Society of St. Vincent DePaul St. Andrew the Apostle Conference …neighbor helping neighbor... Our helpline 815-886-4165 ext. 304 All calls are confidential with callbacks within 24 hours. Today is Palm Sunday and the beginning of the holiest of Christian weeks. As we enter the mystery of the passion of Christ let, we remember his dying love gives meaning to the many “crosses” that we bear. Our cross today may take many forms: our daily work, accepting painful events, that we can do nothing about, bearing sickness, our own and that of others, coming to grips with aging, or enduring the death of friends and family. Let us pray for the grace to take up our cross and to follow Jesus through death to new life. Christ, our Savior, hear our prayers. Easter Sunday—April 5 Mass of the Resurrection 5:30am—Church (po Polsku) 7:30am— Church (English) 8:45am— Church (Espanol) 9:00am—Hall (po Polsku) 10:30am— Church and Hall (English) 12:00 Noon—Hall (English) 12:00 Noon— Church (po Polsku) IOR N E S NE SCE Come See The Patty Waszak Show & Dinner at White Fence Farm. Friday, May 15, 2015 at 3:00 PM. Please call the Paris Office at 815-886-4165 by April 30. The Dinner and Show is $35.00 per person. Choice of chicken, fish or vegetarian dinner. Thank You March 21 & 22 SUNDAY COLLECTION Figures will be in future bulliten READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tuesday: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wednesday: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25 Thursday: Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13 15-16bc, 17-18; 1Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Friday: Is 52:13-53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25 Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1-19:42 Saturday: a) Gn 1:1-2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10 12, 13-14, 24, 35 or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16:5, 8-11 c) Ex 14:15-15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18 d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13 e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6 F) Bar 3:9-15 32-4:4; Ps 19:8-11 g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 h) Rom 6:3-11 i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Mk 16:1-7 Sunday: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 ; Jn 20:1-9 March 29, 2015 DOOR #2 EXIT ONLY Page Five HALL Ministers gather Classroom— Capernaum Café CHURCH DOOR #4 EXIT ONLY DOOR #1 ENTER FOR MASSES IN THE HALL ELEMENTARY HALLWAY E IV T A TR S I Y IN A M LW AD AL H DOOR #5 ENTER FOR MASSES IN THE CHURCH Handicap Accessible Entrance Today we celebrate Palm/Passion Sunday!!! We will again this year implement “traffic flow” — certain doors will be Entrance Only, others Exit Only, as well as a Handicapped Accessible Entrance. See the chart included on this page. Due to safety and fire code regulations, we will have a number of classrooms outfitted with Video and Audio feeds from the Church and Hall to accommodate overflow. On the street and near the street exits, we will be guided by our local police officers. Once the church or hall is completely cleared from the previous Mass, the people patiently waiting in the hallways for the next Mass will be allowed to enter. Please follow the instructions of our Parish Staff, Knights of Columbus, and designated volunteers to help make this movement as smooth as possible. We are blessed to have such a big family here at St. Andrew! FISH FRY NEWS Manna This has been our fifth year of co-chairing the Fish Fry and each year we have such fun. We love our “regulars” and new visitors. We appreciate your encouragement and support. We would especially like to thank: Our Faith Formation, Worship, Polish and Hispanic Ministries, RCIA, School Families, the Knights of Columbus, the Confirmandis, Coffee man, carry out crew, our cashiers, St. Vincent 50/50 sellers, salad prep ladies, CCW, bakery and bakery crew. As you can see, it takes a lot of dedicated people to make this happen! We hope to see you next year!!! Thank You and God Bless Marianne, Lisa and Sheryl There will be no Manna sold at church on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday due to the traffic pattern. You can still buy Manna at the Parish Office throughout the weeks and I will be sending in orders as needed. Any questions please call Bernadette 815-886-4165, ext. 303. Dear St. Andrew Parishioners, As you read in the bulletin a couple of weeks ago our Marian Peters who has been secretary for the past 19 years has retired. It would be nice if you took a moment to thank her by sending a card to the Parish Office and we will send then on to her. Any questions call Bernadette 815-886-4165, ext. 303. Page Six March 29, 2015 Ks. Sebastian Gargol Wikariusz Parafialny (815) 886-4165 ext. 311 email: sprawy urzędowe po wcześniejszym ustaleniu spotkania Marta Wysocki Koordynator Polskiego Duszpasterstwa (815) 886-4165 ext. 307 email: Godziny pracy: Wtorki i Środy od 9 a.m do 2:30 p.m. Marta Wysocki Ks. Sebastian Gargol NIEDZIELA PALMOWA Niedziela Męki Pańskiej, zwana także Niedzielą Palmową rozpoczyna w Kościele katolickim Wielki Tydzień, poprzedzający święta Wielkanocne. Liturgia Niedzieli Palmowej jest pamiątką uroczystego wjazdu Chrystusa do Jerozolimy pięć dni przed Jego ukrzyżowaniem. W tym dniu w Kościele rzymskokatolickim święci się palmę - symbol "drzewa życia" i zwycięstwa. Wielki Tydzień • • • • • 2 Kwiecień- Wielki Czwartek: Modlitwa poranna w języku angielskim o godzinie 8 a.m. Msza Wieczerzy Pańskiej (trójjęzyczna) o godzinie 7 p.m. 3 Kwiecień- Wielki Piątek: Modlitwa poranna w języku angielskim o godzinie 8 a.m. Via Crucis Viviente (Żywa Droga Krzyżowa) po hiszpańsku o godzinie 4:30 popołudniu. Droga Krzyżowa w języku angielskim o godzinie 6 p.m. Liturgia Męki Pańskiej w języku polskim o godzinie 7 wieczorem. Straż grobu pańskiego 8:30 p.m. do północy 4 Kwiecień- Wielka Sobota: Modlitwa poranna w języku angielskim o godzinie 8 a.m. Święcenie Pokarmów w języku angielskim o godzinie 11 rano, po polsku o godzinie 12 i 1 po południu . Wigilia Paschalna (trójjęzyczna) o godzinie 8 wieczorem. 5 Kwiecień- Wielkanoc– Niedziela Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego. Rezurekcja w języku polskim o godzinie 5:30 rano (w kościele) . Msza Św. w języku angielskim o 7:30 rano (w kościele) Msza Św. w języku hiszpańskim o 8:45 rano (w kościele) Msza Św. w języku hiszpańskim o 9:00 rano (w Hall) Msza Św. w języku angielskim o 10:30 rano (w kościele) Msza Św. w języku angielskim o 10:30 rano (w Hall) Msza Św. w języku angielskim o 12 popołudniu (w Hall) Msza Św. w języku polskim o 12 popołudniu (w kościele) 6 Kwiecień Msze Św. na drugi dzień Wielkanocy o godzinie 7 wieczorem. W języku polskim. March 29, 2015 Page Seven HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE TENEBRAE SERVICE Wednesday, April 1st, 7:00 PM The Office of Tenebrae (which means “darkness” or “shadows” dates back to the 7th or 8th century A.D. and is characterized by the successive extinguishing of candles as the service progresses. At the end of the service the Paschal Candle is removed for a time, symbolizing our Lord’s death and burial. The strepitus is heard, a harsh noise indicating the closing of the tomb. HOLY THURSDAY ~ THURSDAY, APRIL 2ND Morning Prayer (English) - 8:00 A.M. Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Trilingual) - 7:00 P.M. (Trilingual) This liturgy commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples. It was at this meal that Christ instituted the Eucharist, Sacramental Priesthood and the mandatum, the call to service. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament — after Mass until Midnight Tour of seven Churches — after Mass until Midnight Join us on this night by adoring the Blessed Sacrament in our own chapel or visiting seven local churches and taking time in prayer at each of them and concluding with Night Prayer back at St. Andrew’s at midnight. Sign up is required. GOOD FRIDAY ~ FRIDAY, APRIL 3RD Morning Prayer (English) - 8:00 A.M. Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion / Veneration of the Cross (English) - 3:00 P.M. This Liturgy consists of the reading of the Passion of our Lord, prayer of petition, Veneration of the Cross and Communion. In a special way at this service, we venerate the Cross of Christ by whose death we have been saved. Via Crucis Viviente (Living Stations-Spanish) - 4:30 P.M. Stations of the Cross (English) - 6:00 P.M. Liturgia Meki Panskiej (Passion Liturgy-Polish) - 7:00 P.M. HOLY SATURDAY ~ SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH Morning Prayer (English) - 8:00 A.M. Basket Blessing (English) - 11:00 A.M. Swiecenie Pokarmow (Basket Blessing in Polish) - 12:00 & 1:00 P.M. Bring your baskets to the church with a sampling of your foods for the Easter table to be blessed. Easter Vigil (Multi-Lingual) - 8:00 P.M. This Mass begins with the lighting of the Easter Fire and Paschal Candle, the Exultet (Easter Proclamation), Scripture readings detailing our Salvation history, Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist, and concludes with the Liturgy of the Eucharist. There will be no Confessions and no 4:00 or 5:30 P.M. Masses on this day See page 4 for Easter Sunday Schedule Page Eight March 29, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Fax (815) 886-6624 Mary Tibble, Director of Faith Formation, ext. 503 ALL ARE WELCOME ALL THE TIME: WE NEVER CLOSE!! The Diocese of Joliet and our St. Andrew the Apostle family extend an invitation to all families to join us in our monthly sessions of "Generations of Faith." This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to continue to grow in love and understanding of Jesus Christ. Join the hundreds of others who journey together in Faith. Faith Formation Office hours: First three Sundays from 9 a.m until Noon. Contact us at: or call 815-886-5962 ex. 501 Remember these men and women in your daily prayers . . . Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Women & Men Religious of the Diocese of Joliet MARCH—APRIL 29 Frs. Daniel Belanger & John Eck CVS 30 Sr. Mary Susanne Thome OSB 31 Frs. James Antiporek & Vermon Arseneau 1 Dons. Leon Fritz, Larry Fudacz, Ronnie Gagnon, Robert LaMotte, John Gibbons, Thomas Goebel 2 All Women in Formation 3 Frs. John Palmer., John Peters, Richard Pighini, Donald Wehnert CVS, Joseph Valentine FSSP 4 All Men in Formation CROSS OF WISHES On the entrance wall of church and the East entrance Parish Hall wall, you will notice large brown crosses. On the cross throughout Lent are smaller purple crosses with items that our dedicated parish staff wish for. If you can, please take a purple cross, put your name and phone number on the back, and drop it in the basket, or return it to a staff member or the Parish Office. We will contact you about your donation. If you cannot fulfill an entire wish, any donation towards the item is appreciated. PRAYERS OF THE PARISH Joseph Ochoa, Bill Nelson, James Dean Johnson, Mstr. Sg. Jose Sanchez, Kyle Tranchitello, Michael Cavoto, Matthew Domek, Humberto Zermeño, Christopher Durkovic, Joshua Plucinski, Kurt Warkenthien, Cpl. Stephen M. Hornbeck, HN James M. Chavez, 2nd Lt. Alexander Nuxoll and all our men and women in the military. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Is today “Palm Sunday” or “Passion Sunday”? Though now known officially as Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord, confusion is understandable, since before the 1969 reform of the calendar two separate Sundays bore these titles. Passion Sunday was a week before Palm Sunday. To add to the confusion, the Gospel accounts of the Passion of the Lord were not read on Passion Sunday, but on Palm Sunday! On Passion Sunday, the cross and statues were veiled in full purple drapes. The organ had fallen silent at the beginning of Lent, and now the sanctuary bells were replaced by wooden clappers. The introit (opening chant) for the old Mass of Passion Sunday hints at a reason for reform: “Do me justice, O God, and fight my fight against a faithless people” (Psalm 42). This liturgy was laden with references to the “infidelity” of the Jews, a theme that gave rise to inflammatory preaching and, in some places, attacks against the persons and property of the Jewish people. This does not stand as a “treasure” of any sort in our tradition. Our authentic tradition, rather, is the ability to reflect and repent and to seek reconciliation with the Jews, our brothers and sisters in the love and service of God. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. March 29, 2015 Page Nine 29 de Marzo del 2015 (815) 886-4165 Ext. 312 Domingo de Ramos en la Pasión del Señor SER OBEDIENTE . . . Las palabras del profeta Isaías resuenan con gran claridad sobre el sufrimiento del Ungido de Dios: “Mañana tras mañana, el Señor despierta mi oído, para que escuche yo, como discípulo”. “Obedecer” significa escuchar y poner atención. Jesús, el Siervo que sufre de Isaías, endureció su rostro “como roca y sé que no quedaré avergonzado”. Confiando en Dios, atento y obediente a lo que ha escuchado, Jesús se somete a lo peor que puede soportar un ser humano. . . . HASTA LA MUERTE La obediencia de Jesús, al escuchar la voz de Dios en su vida, lo condujo a obras proféticas y finalmente a la muerte. Su humildad consistía no en aferrarse a una igualdad con Dios, sino a abrazar la vida humana en toda su plenitud, incluyendo la muerte. No hay nada humano que Jesús no compartió con nosotros excepto el pecado. El dolor, el sufrimiento, la alegría, la risa, la humillación y la tristeza, los aceptó voluntariamente para ser uno con nosotros y hacernos uno con Dios, como él fue uno con Dios. Jesús escuchó la voz de Dios y siguió su mensaje, sin importar el resto. Al entregar totalmente su vida a Dios, Jesús se convirtió en nuestro Salvador y Redentor. Nos mostró cómo vivir y cómo morir, a ser uno con Dios que nos ama. Ésta no es una “fe ciega”, aunque no siempre está muy clara en todos sus detalles. No siempre vemos claramente el camino que debemos seguir, pero confiamos en la fidelidad de Dios para seguir adelante. Somos invitados a seguir, y a reconocer públicamente que “Jesucristo es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre”. Lecturas de hoy: Marcos 11:1–10 o Juan 12:12–16; Isaías 50:4–7; Salmo 22:8–9, 17–20, 23–24; Filipenses 2:6–11; Marcos 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1–39] Copyright © 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. UNOS AVISOS PARA EL MES DE MARZO - ABRIL DE 2015 PASCUA Vamos a tener dos misa una a las 8:45 en la Iglesia Entre por la puerta #5 Y Solamente entre por la puerta en frente de la Iglesia si necesitan por razón de su salud. Cuando se llena la Iglesia de feligrés vamos usar los salones de la escuela y participar en la misa por el televisión que vas esta puesta para hacer parte de la misa. Y Si van a poder recibir Comunión. También Va haber misa a las 9:00 AM En el salón del gimnasio y cuando se llene de feligrés, vamos usar los salones de la escuela. Y Participar en la misa por televisión. La Sagrada Familia Sr. Sra. Jorge y Lucia Melgoza Page Ten A COMMUNITY OF WORD AND SACRAMENT March 29, 2015 Please Pray For Antoinette Borkowicz, Dennis Koch, Jr., Virginia Fondakowski, Violet Sinkula, Richard Lachowski, Antoinetta SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Krantz, Katie Churulo, Doreen Thiboult, Mary Gardner, CATECHUMENATE Kathryn Manago, Kimberly Swada, Larry Stokes, Marie The Catechumenate is a community which gathers those Lynch, Michael Boyle, Mikayla Elia, Samantha Elia, Lukas adults who have not been baptized, and seek deeper insight Panek, Marcia Kizior, Helga Cantrelle, Leon Lasota, Carolyn Kolasinski, Mary Ann Manago, Kathy Cannell, John Kiester, into the Christian faith. Tom Bogan, Betty Knoth, Bill Litton, Jim Konieczny, Dan Steffens, Dave Paulsen, Ann Marie Mosquera, Ralph BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Schweihs, Doris Conklin, Bobby Bushnell, Patrick CavaWe joyfully celebrate the baptism of children of Christian naugh, Carolyn Milschewski, Rose Elwart, Georgiana households which are joined to our weekly worship, and Kowalski, Marion Kowalski, Pat Sumoski, Jim Stewart, Janet have active registration in our parish community for at least Phad, Charles Angela, Frances Ison, Juan Gomez, Sandra Glanpicolo, Austin Julitz, Zachary Majkrzak, Donald Cassidy, 3 months. After registration in the parish, please attend an Larry Hahn, Richard Bergmann, Michael Cavoto, Erin Evening of Awareness, if you have not attended a class in the past two years, to register for Baptism and select a date. McCann, Louie Ison, Pat Hill, Carolyn Sharpe, Chris Sedor, Barbara Mitchell, Jason Borowski, Bob Skinkis, Carole Ann Classes are presented on the first Wednesday of each month Banks, Sandy Kizior, Joe Mauricio, Jr., George Lambert, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the Karen Langan, Joseph Loboda, Jr. Kathy Borowski, Sharon third Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. Dempsey, Bearnie Lee. Sharon Dempsey, Kathy Broski, Sylvia Guimond EUCHARIST AND CONFIRMATION Formation for those coming first to the table of the Lord as children is infused into the efforts of our school and Faith Formation Office. Confirmation formation is a two year process completed in eighth grade. Please call the Faith Formation Office for more information. SACRAMENTS OF COMMITMENT MARRIAGE Marriage preparation is a six month process of prayer, reflection and study. Couples work with both the presider and a sponsor couple through this process. Please note that this six month period of preparation is essential. ORDERS Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill, in the midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to wellness and wholeness. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. GRANT ETERNAL REST, LIGHT AND PEACE TO ALL FAITHFUL DEPARTED, Chris Petrone Please call the parish office by Monday at (815) 886-4165 for the name of your loved one to be placed for 3 weeks on our short term prayer list. Also, please call the parish office, if you are hospitalized and would like a visit from our hospital ministry team or homebound and in need of communion. Those seeking assistance in discerning a call to ordained ministry are encouraged to call the parish offices. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING RECONCILIATION Reconciliation is available each Saturday afternoon, Wednesday evening 5:30-7:00pm, through seasonal communal services, and by appointment. ANOINTING Anointing of the Sick is offered through seasonal services, and always by request. If hospitalized, please immediately seek anointing from the Catholic chaplain. Hospital Visitation of Parishioners Please remember that if you or any family members find yourselves in a hospital, be sure to let them know you are a parishioner at St. Andrew’s — it doesn’t hurt to say it a few times, either! Whenever we priests, deacons or Eucharistic Ministers come to visit, we check the hospital list of parishioners printed under “St. Andrew.” But if you’re not listed as a parishioner of St. Andrew, we won’t know you’re even there! We do not want to miss you! You can always call us, too, at the office, ext. 301. Thank you. May the Lord Jesus be with you all your days, to love and be loved by Him, to honor and serve Him, as He honors and serves us! I would like to have my house blessed. Please contact me to make arrangements. Name _________________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Work Phone ____________________________ Page Eleven March 29, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle We Care Food Pantry The St. Andrew We Care Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 10:00 am. until 12:30 p.m. for any eligible family in Romeoville in need of food assistance. The requirements to receive food commodities from the Pantry is that a valid State of Illinois Driver's License or State of Illinois ID and a current utility bill with your Romeoville address must be presented at the time of sign-in. Due to the poor economy, loss of employment or housing, and if you are currently residing with a Romeoville family, you may bring your valid Illinois Driver’s License or State ID AND a current utility bill from the Romeoville residents you are living with. Some proof of residency must be established. This must be brought to the Pantry each time you come for food assistance. The Pantry is located at 219 Arlington. For further information, please contact Jack or Pat Frazier at (815) 919-3233. Parish Staff (815) 886-4165 Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor, ext. 317 Rev. Sebastian Gargol, Associate Pastor, ext. 311 Rev. Jacob Kolawole, Priest in Residence, ext. 301 Darlene Searcy, Communications Secretary, ext. 301 Bernadette Sedlacek, Manna, ext. 303 Deacon Ron Searls, Business Manager, ext. 302 Marta Wysocki, Coordinator of Polish Ministry, ext. 307 Ramona Tagle, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry, ext. 312 Sue Psenicka, Director of Music & Worship Coordinator, ext. 314 Barb Sanders, Contact for Adult Faith Formation, ext. 308 Russell McNab, Facility Manager, ext. 316 St Andrew School (815) 886-5953 Kathy Lifka, Principal, ext. 421 Jill Briceno, Secretary, ext. 420 St. Andrew Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Mary Tibble, Director, ext. 503 Deacons: Deacon Jesse Tagle Deacon Ricardo Marquez Deacon Felix Dominguez Deacon Rigoberto Padilla Crisis Pregnancy Women’s Choice Services 1-888-4-HOPE-4-1 Birthright 1-800-550-4900 Deacon Jerry Clark Deacon Herb Waldron Deacon Rich Ford Post Abortion Healing for Women & Men 1-866-99-4-GIVE (4483) St. Vincent de Paul Society (815) 886-4165 ext. 304 Knights of Columbus (815) 651-4585 Independent Counseling Services Natural Family Planning 815-838-5334 Victor Alvarez (815) 886-4165 ext. 315
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