Artist-in-Residence Programs

44 Park Place, NYC 10007
(212) 431-7993
Teaching Tolerance, Literacy, and the Arts through the Legacy of Anne Frank
Artist-in-Residence Programs
The Anne Frank Center USA, a partner to the Anne Frank
House, was founded in 1977 by Otto Frank. Through a variety
of innovative programs and exhibitions, the Center uses the
diary and spirit of Anne Frank
as unique tools to advance her
“The lessons on Anne Frank
legacy, to educate young people
and the Holocaust helped
and communities in the U.S.
my students understand
and Canada about the dangers
the problems of today.”
of intolerance, anti-Semitism,
— 4th grade teacher, PS 43X
racism and discrimination, and
to inspire the next generation
to build a world based on equal rights and mutual respect. Our
arts-based in-school programs use visual art, writing, and drama to
explore the various ways that Anne Frank’s legacy can aid students
in making choices that directly affect their lives today.
From one-day workshops to semester-long residencies and
after-school enrichment, our programs are custom designed
to meet your academic, social, emotional, and artistic goals.
Contact for more information and to
book your residency.
Our Artist-In-Residence Programs
Take place at your school over a series
of weekly sessions
Integrate the arts into key curriculum
areas: social studies, ELA, humanities,
and/or character education
Bring the Common Core State
Standards to life through a hands-on
approach that encourages critical
Promote social and emotional
learning by deepening awareness of
self and others
Address themes of tolerance,
justice, identity, intercultural
understanding, community building,
and peacemaking
Programs include all materials and staff development for
teachers, and can accommodate up to five classes per day. All
classes have the opportunity to visit The Anne Frank Center USA,
where they can learn more about Anne’s life, and meet with a
Holocaust survivor. Below is a sampling of our current offerings.
The Art of Self-Discovery
Grades 3-5 or 6-8
Anne Frank’s own arc of self-discovery in her diary is a model to
help students understand the power of being themselves, making sense of the world around them, and setting
goals to fulfill their dreams to change the world. In this 4 to 12 week program, a visual artist will visit your
class weekly, developing students’ reflective, expressive, and artistic skills using Anne’s experiences in hiding.
Projects include interpretations of Anne’s physical space in hiding, visual explorations of her diary, student
self-portraits, and journal writing. Students use varied media, working both individually and with groups.
(continued on reverse)
From Bystander to Ally—the Drama of
Community Building
Grades 4-6 or 7-12
When Otto Frank asked Miep Gies to help his family go into hiding,
she did not hesitate to say yes. Considering the political climate
in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands, why did she take this risk and
not stand idly by? In this 4 to 12 week residency, students will
deepen their historical knowledge of Anne Frank, while utilizing
drama-based activities to develop an understanding of the roles
people play and the choices we face in instances of oppression—
both in the past and present. The program culminates with
scene presentations that demonstrate “real life” examples of our
individual power to shift from the passive role of bystanders into
active advocates for positive change.
Art and Propaganda
Grades 6-8 or 9-12
In the lead up to World War II, the Nazis’ widespread use of
propaganda helped them garner public support for the Third
Reich while promoting a message of hate that would ultimately
cost the lives of six million Jews, including Anne Frank. In this 4
to 12 week visual art residency, students examine propaganda
images from the Nazi era through today. They then utilize this
knowledge to create their own propaganda pieces that negate
stereotypes and promote diversity, individualism, cultural
awareness, and acceptance. Projects incorporate varied media
and may include posters, pamphlets, and/or newsletters.
“Ever since I was a little girl the word
‘why’ has lived and grown along with
me. The word ‘why’ not only taught me
to ask, but also to think.”
— Anne Frank
One-Day Workshops
Grades 3-12
Pressed for time? Bring an Anne Frank Center USA educator
to your classroom for a single-session introductory workshop.
Customized to your needs, workshop options include visual art,
writing, or drama.
For more information on education programs or to schedule a visit please email
or call 212.431.7993.
NYCDOE Vendor #ANN022000
44 Park Place
New York, NY 10007