The Helpers of the Secret Annex

The Anne Frank Center USA is proud to present
Photo © AFS Amsterdam/AFF Basel
The event will take place at
The Anne Frank Center USA
$8 adults
$5 students &
seniors (65 and over)
The Helpers of
the Secret Annex
Part of the Helpers, Heroes, and Liberators season commemorating
the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe
May 6 – December 30, 2015
Opening reception:
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Student and adult group tours
available. For more information,
contact (212) 431-7993 or
“Never have we heard one word of the burden which we certainly must be to
them, never has one of them complained of all the trouble we give...They put on
the brightest possible faces, bring flowers and presents for birthdays and bank
holidays, are always ready to help and do all they can.”
For more information about
our Helpers, Heroes, and
Liberators season, please visit:
About The Anne Frank
Center USA
The Anne Frank Center USA,
a partner of the Anne Frank
House, uses the diary and
spirit of Anne Frank as unique
tools to advance her legacy,
to educate young people
and communities in North
America about the dangers
of intolerance, antisemitism,
racism and discrimination, and
to inspire the next generation
to build a world based on equal
rights and mutual respect.
— Anne Frank, January 28, 1944
It was in many ways the nature of the job. Those who aided Jews and other targets of
the Nazis during World War II often went unseen and unrecognized. The reason was
simple. Helping these victims could have easily cost them their lives.
In honor of these hidden heroes – on the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in
Europe – The Anne Frank Center USA is proud to host the North American premiere
of The Helpers of the Secret Annex, a newly designed exhibition focusing on the brave
individuals who provided food, clothes, medicine, and entertainment to Anne Frank and
the seven other people hiding in The Secret Annex.
Anne wrote frequently about the helpers in her diary, noting, “[This is] something
we must never forget; although others may show heroism in the war or against the
Germans, our helpers display heroism in their cheerfulness and affection.”
Originally envisioned by The Anne Frank House, the exhibit has been newly designed
for the gallery by Hixon Design Consultants. Rob de Vos, The Consul General of the
Kingdom of the Netherlands in New York, will open the exhibition.
44 Park Place
New York, NY 10007