APRIL 26, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 5:00 p.m. (Sunday Vigil Mass) SUNDAY 7:30, 9:00, 10:15, 11:30 a.m. 12:45 and 5:00 p.m. HOLY DAY 8:00 p.m. (Evening before the Holy Day) 6:45, 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on the Feast Day WEEKDAY Church of the Annunciation Crestwood, N.Y. Rev. Robert F. Grippo, Pastor Rev. Ivan Lovric, Associate Rev. Salvatore Riccardi, C.P., Associate Rev. Joseph P. Tierney, Weekend Associate Rev. Joseph Lienhard, S.J., Weekend Associate Deacon Guy Pellegrini, Deacon Ralph Longo Sr. Catherine Burns, O.P., Pastoral Associate 6:45 and 9:00 a.m. (Saturday Morning 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.) NOCTURNAL ADORATION 1st Friday: 7:00 p.m. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament until 10:00 p.m. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA Tuesdays after the 9:00 a.m. Mass SACRAMENTS RECTORY SCHOOL 470 Westchester Avenue • 779-7345 Office Manager • Jeanne Doran Bookkeeper • Mary Fuschetto Parish Secretary • Anna Caruso 465 Westchester Avenue • 337-8760 Mrs. Maureen Noonan, Principal Secretary: Adele Sinnott Saturday, 4:00-5:00 p.m. or any time upon request. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION BAPTISM MUSIC Organist & Director of Choir Taffy Williams • 793-9186 PARISH COUNCIL Meetings are held five times per year. Chairperson • Laura Sinatra • 725-0639 Education • Mrs. Maureen Noonan 337-8760 BULLETIN All articles for Sunday Bulletin must be received at the Rectory no later than 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, for the following Sunday’s Bulletin. Mr. Tony MacDonnell Ms. Patricia Kavanagh 779-2374 All classes are held in School on Wednesdays Grades 1-7 • 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. Special Ed. • Arranged PARISH MEMBERSHIP Register in Rectory, Monday through Friday 9:00-4:00 p.m. or speak to one of the priests any time. The parents of a child seeking entrance into our school must be officially registered in Annunciation Parish. www.annunciationcrestwood.com CONFESSION Baptisms are held on Sunday afternoon. All parents must attend a Jordan Conference prior to the Baptism. Please arrange for Baptism and Jordan Conference by calling the Rectory as soon as possible. MARRIAGE Arrangements should be made ASAP and at least six months before the wedding. VISITATION OF THE SICK Please call Sr. Cathy Burns, O.P. (779-7345) to arrange for Communion in your home. Page Two April 26, 2015 Wedding Banns Sunday, April 26 7:30 Catherine Delargy 9:00 Elizabeth, Dan and Joe McKeon 10:15 Neil McFadden 11:30 Giuseppe and Domenica Ruta 12:45 Gabriel Becker 5:00 Edward G. Tobin Monday, April 27 6:45 Special Intention 9:00 Lucile Ceconi Tuesday, April 28 6:45 Michael Twomey 9:00 William Shost Wednesday, April 29 6:45 Enrico Vezza 9:00 Gregory Dimitriadis 2nd Time: Dina DiSalvo and Joel Fernandez PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Especially Pina Lopopolo, and Eugenia Filipowski, PLEASE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Especially Enrico Vezza, William Donald Nyland, Serafina Scaringi, John P. Murphy, and for all our deceased Service Men and Women. Last week’s collection was $10,007.50. 981 adults attended Mass. Next week’s 2nd Collection is for the Catholic Church in Central & Eastern Europe. Thank you for your support. Thursday, April 30 6:45 Richard Drew 9:00 Pierino Pilla Friday, May 1 (First Friday) 6:45 Helen Furgiuele 9:00 Irene Bertolini 10:00 Sam Dentini Saturday, May 2 8:00 Laura and Joseph Villa 9:00 Leonilda, Silverio and Maria Mazzella 5:00 Marie Perry (8th Anniversary) Robert and Theresa Nigro Sunday, May 3 7:30 Michael Kirk 9:00 Dorothy Catone 10:15 Margaret Ryan 11:30 Mary St. John 12:45 Theresa Keane 5:00 Edward Tobin The Annunciation Parish Celebration for the 25th, 50th and 60th Wedding Anniversary Couples will be held Saturday, May 16th, at the 5:00PM Mass. There will be a reception following Mass. Please call the Rectory at 779-7345 no later than May 5th to make a reservation and # of family members attending. On Saturday, May 23, 2015 Cardinal Dolan will ordain Stephen Michael Ries to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of New York. Fr. Stephen Ries will offer his first priestly Mass of Thanksgiving here at Annunciation on Sunday, May 24th at 2:00PM. All parishioners are welcome. Light refreshments and first priestly blessings will follow in the Annunciation School Auditorium BAPTISMS We joyfully welcome this newly Baptized Baby into our Annunciation Family: Sean Carl Daniel Mageau Jocelyn Cleary Hayden Cleary Molly Clare Dooley Pray The Rosary Monday through Friday during the month of May, at 7PM daily, the Rosary will be said in the Upper Church. Please join us. Page Three 4th Sunday of Easter I read an old story about a New Englander and his son who were fishing in the Atlantic, off the coast of Maine. They had been at it all day, and the sun was sinking low in the west. A storm was moving in, and the waves were building higher. The boy, partly afraid of the storm and partly tired and hungry, was ready to go home. He said to his dad: “Papa, right now, mother is probably praying for our safe return.” The father, understood and said with a smile: “You’re right; I’ll hold the rudder, while you run up the main sail, and we will get that prayer answered.” That New England fisherman was probably not a theologian. But he expressed a valid theological insight. There are times when we should heave to and help answer a prayer, rather than stand by and wait for God to do it. Often Jesus is counting on us to be the answer to a prayer. On the night before Jesus died, He offered a very beautiful and majestic prayer. In some ways, it seems more like an idealistic dream than a realistic prayer. Part of His prayer said that the followers of Jesus – you and I – might be in the world but not of the world. This may be a rather difficult request for us to understand. At times in an attempt to achieve holiness, we have tried to isolate ourselves from the world. But this is not what Jesus taught or wanted. In His prayer He specifically said, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world.” At other times we become so adjusted to our secular society that it becomes hard to distinguish between us and the world. This is not what our Lord wanted either. His prayer said, “They are not of the world any more than I am of the world.” It requires a considerable amount of wisdom and courage to find a middle ground between these two extremes. St. Paul’s challenge to the church in Rome, as it is for us today, was: “Do not conform yourself to this present age, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind so that you may judge what is God’s will.” I’m not sure who first coined the phrase, “march to the beat of a different drummer”, but it’s an apt description of the Christian’s relationship with the world. We are all a part of this earthly parade; but we don’t have to stay in step with those around us who are of the world. Our cadence comes from a distant, heavenly drum. We are under orders, as it were, from the King of Kings. This, of course, does not imply that we think ourselves better than anyone else. It simply means that we hold ourselves more accountable for our actions. We ought to care a little more, love a little deeper, and try a little harder than those who never knew Jesus. That is what Jesus taught and prayed – that we might live in the world and yet be different from it. How can that ever happen without your cooperation and help? In a true sense, we must heave to and get that prayer answered. This week – today and tomorrow - each of us must do his or her part. It is this truth that will transform the world into the Kingdom of God. Please help support our youth of the parish and donate your used and outgrown sports equipment! Our community is lucky enough to have a wide variety of sports teams available to kids. No matter what the sport is, some form of equipment is required. Kids grow but their equipment doesn’t grow with them, so the Youth Group of Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima Church is asking for used and outgrown sports equipment donations. There will be a designated box located in the back of the church for the weekends of April 25-26th and May 2 -3rd for the collection. The donations will go towards a Used Equipment Sale Fundraiser to be held in late Spring. (Date to be determined) The monies raised will go toward faith formation youth events and trips. The teenagers of the youth group believe this is an awesome opportunity to get sports equipment at bargain prices! Your support is greatly appreciated!!! Questions? Contact: Jeannie Sweeney at jeanannesweeney@yahoo.com CARDINALS APPEAL DONATION FORM Name:_______________________________________ Address:_____________________________________ City, State, Zip:_______________________________ e-mail:_______________________________________ Choose your payment method: ___Personal Check (payable to the 2014 Cardinal’s Appeal) Or Charge: ___AmEx ___VISA ___MasterCard Card#______________________Exp. Date:_________ Amount:______________ Please charge: ___one time or $______each month for ______month Page Four April 26, 2015 SAVE THE DATES Sunday, May 3rd Sunday, April 26 9:30AM – 8:00PM – Athletics – Gym 12:00PM -3:00PM – Mock Trial – Parish Room 6:00PM – 8:00PM – Youth Group – Parish Room Monday, April 27 8:00AM - 1:00PM - Special - Parish Room 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – CR 1 and 2 4:00PM – 9:00PM – Cub Scout Mtg. – Convent Room 7:30PM - 9:00PM - AA - Parish Room Tuesday, April 28 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – CR 1 and 2 4:00PM – 9:00PM – Cub Scout Mtg. – Convent Room Wednesday, April 29 1:00PM – 4:00PM – Bridge – Parish Room 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – CR 1 and 2 4:00PM – 9:00PM – Cub Scout Mtg. – Convent Room Thursday, April 30 9:30AM – 11:00AM - Park Bench - Parish Room 1:00PM - 4:00PM – 60+ Plus Club - Parish Room 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – CR 1 and 2 4:00PM – 9:00PM – Cub Scout Mtg. – Convent Room Friday, May 1 SCHOOL – NOON DISMISSAL 9:30AM – 11:00AM - Park Bench - Parish Room 2:45PM – 4:00PM – After School Activities – Gym 2:45PM – 4:00PM – Scouting – CR 1 and 2 7:00PM – School Drama Production- Gym 7:30PM – Jordan Conference Saturday, May 2 11:30AM - 12:30PM - AA - Convent Room 2:00PM – 3:30PM – Mock Trial – Parish Room 4:00PM – 7:00PM – Cheerleaders – Parish Room 4:00PM - 5:00PM – Confessions 7:00PM – School Drama Production - Gym The Annunciation – Our Lady of Fatima Merger Transition Team would like to invite all parishioners to the 5:00PM Mass on Sunday, May 3rd followed by a Reception in the School Auditorium to meet and mingle with all of our new parishioners. Wednesday, May 20th Please join us for a Town Hall Meeting on Wed, May 20th at 7:30PM at Our Lady of Fatima to update all parishioners on our anticipated merger between Annunciation and Our Lady of Fatima and to answer any questions and concerns people may have. Shopping at Stew Leonard’s during this busy season? You can purchase gift cards and earn money for our school! The Annunciation Home School Association is once again selling gift cards to Stew Leonard’s. Stock up now for all your Mother’s Day, Communion, and Confirmation purchases! For each gift card you purchase, Annunciation School receives up to 10% of the total we purchase as a group, and you get the full value of the gift card. It really is as easy as that! If you wish to order one or more gift cards, please complete the bottom portion of this flyer and return it to the Rectory with a check payable to Annunciation Home School Association, in an envelope marked “Stew Leonard’s Gift Cards.” All gift card orders MUST be returned to the Rectory by Friday, May 1st. The cards will be available for pick up at the Rectory on Wednesday, May 6th. Please call Suzie Marley at 914-337-0337 for any questions. If you shop at Stew’s, please consider buying gift cards. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, and the money really helps our school. Last year, this program made over $2000. Thank you to everyone who participated! Mother’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Cards Our Mother’s Day cards are now available at all the entrances to the Church. It is a wonderful way to remember Mom on this special day. PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT TO THE RECTORY Name __________________________________ Our Lady of Fatima will be holding its annual Penny Social Raffle Night on Friday, May 1st at 6:30PM. Join us for an exciting evening filled with fun, food and friends, and hundreds of amazing raffle prizes. Admission is $25 per person, and includes light dinner, coffee and cookies. Please contact Rosemary Borges at 914-646-0597 for advanced reservations or additional information. Walk-in seating is limited. E-mail Address: _________________________ Phone __________________________________ Check # _______________ ______ Stew Leonard’s: $100 minimum per card, up to $500 on a card: Total amount: $_____________ All on one card _________ or # of $100 cards __________ An update on the Merger of Annunciation and Our Lady of Fatima Parishes We would like to bring everyone up-to-date on what is being done to facilitate a smooth merger of our two parishes. As you may know, Our Lady of Fatima and Annunciation were canonically merged into one parish on November 2, 2014. We now have until August 1, 2015 to begin operating as one parish. In order to accomplish this, both pastors have put together parish merger transition teams. These teams have met individually and, beginning in February 2015, have been meeting together. One of the first things we did together was to meet with other teams of merging parishes in lower Westchester to get some guidance from the Archdiocese on this process. Since that meeting, the transition teams have been meeting on a weekly basis toward this August 1 deadline. To accomplish all that we need to do, we have divided our team into committees, each committee having co-chairpersons, one from each parish. These are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Parish Administration/Marketing & Communications/Finance/Parish Advisory Council/Grounds Evangelization/Spirituality/Social Outreach/Community Outreach Liturgical/Sacramental/Ministries (Lectors, Ushers, Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers) Religious Education/School CYO And to make these committees as productive and inclusive as possible, each has invited additional parishioners from both Annunciation and Our Lady of Fatima to work together on this committee work. In all, 35 parishioners from both parishes are working in concert to produce the most desirable outcomes for our new parish. There is much to do. The committees are working on recommendations to consolidate Mass schedules, combine Religious Ed programs and Sacramental training, merge Ministries (Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers) and CYO sports programs ... categorize all activities, events, and programs, merge calendars and Mass Intention books, consolidate budgets, expenses, and personnel, to itemize a few priorities. We do know that Mass will continue to be celebrated in both churches daily and on Sundays. We can report that that Msgr. McManus will be retiring in July of 2015. We are also holding a parish social event for members of both parishes on May 3, followed by a parish informational meeting on May 20, where we can share more details of the merger. Parents of children in our Religious Education programs are invited to a meeting on May 6, where we will discuss the new merged religious education program. Parents of children in our CYO programs will have an informational meeting specific to that program on May 16. The selection of a new name for the combined parish is not a priority until 2016, when the legal entities will be consolidated. Until then, we are officially called “Annunciation-Our Lady of Fatima”. Please continue to pray for the merger team and our committees that the Holy Spirit will guide their hearts and minds to make decisions and changes that help us to be better and stronger together than either parish was independently. We look forward to seeing you on May 3 for our initial “Mass, Mingle, Merge” social event and again on May 20, for a more detailed information sharing meeting. Please look for more information on these events and their locations and times in the bulletin and on Flocknote. The members of the merger transition team are: Msgr. Hugh McManus (OLF), Fr. Robert Grippo (A), Fr. Ivan Lovric (A), Fr. Salvatore Riccardi (A), Co-Chairs: Rosemary Borges (OLF), Brian McCarthy (A), John Auricchio (A), Rich Barry (A), Bruce Buff (A), Salvatore Conti (OLF), Evelyn Cosgrove (A), John Failla (OLF), Laura Finneran (A), Joseph Furgiuele (A), Michael Higgins (OLF), Mark Hogan (A), Pat Kavanagh (A), Irene Kollar (OLF), Leslie Louis (OLF), Mary Theresa McCombe (A), Albert Messana (A), Pat Sheridan (OLF) and Diane Vezza (A). Each of these individuals contributes a wealth of parish involvement and knowledge to the team that will help us make decisions that are in the best interest of our new combined parish. The members of the sub-committees are: Parish Administration/Marketing & Communications/Finance/Parish Advisory Council & Grounds: Rich Barry (A), Sal Conti (OLF), Laura Finneran (A), Joe Furgiuele (A), Fr. Robert Grippo (A), Mike Higgins (OLF), Mark Hogan (A), Irene Kollar (OLF), Brian McCarthy (A), Mary Theresa McCombe (A), Msgr. Hugh McManus (OLF) Evangelization/Spirituality/Social & Community Outreach: Jennifer Brenlla (OLF), Evelyn Cosgrove (A), Betty Davidson (OLF), Cathy Franzetti (A), Rosemary Borges (OLF), Mary Theresa McCombe (A), Beth Varker (A), Diane Vezza (A), Damian Wach (OLF), Michelle Weigand (A) Liturgical/Sacramental/Ministries: (Lectors, Ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers): Albert Messana (A), Rich Barry (A), John Failla (OLF), Irene Kollar (OLF), Fr. Ivan Lovric (A), Msgr. Hugh McManus (OLF), Fr. Sal Riccardi (A) Religious Education/School: Laura Finneran (A), Fr. Robert Grippo (A), Diedra Guttilla (OLF), Patricia Kavanagh (A), Irene Kollar (OLF), Tony MacDonnell (A), Msgr. Hugh McManus (OLF), Maureen Noonan (A) CYO: John Auricchio (A), Rosemary Borges (OLF), George Brenlla (OLF), Paul Costiglio (A), Leslie Louis (OLF), William McLoughlin (A) GRASSY SPRAIN PHARMACY ALL MEDICARE Open 7 Days - Free Delivery PLANS HONORED All Drug Plans Honored Real Estate Services 337-7888 Joseph arcidiacono 133 Parkway Road, Bronxville, NY Family Plots & Individual Graves Available · Also Available ... Complete Landscaping Design/Maintenance Railroad Ties · Masonry Work Water Drainage · Excavation Scarsdale, N.Y. 914-793-5604 Chapel of Hope Mausoleum: Interest-Free Payments for Three Years Call or Visit Our Courteous Staff 640 Tuckahoe Road 779-5133 (Opposite Bally’s Fitness) Gate of Heaven 10 West Stevens Avenue · Hawthorne, NY Traditional Catholic Burial in a Beautifully Maintained Setting CEMETERY Catholic Cemetery in The Archdiocese of N.Y. 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Call For A Free Market Analysis of Your home SINCE 1888 Ann Marie Sullivan 35 Year Parishioner Crestwood’s Home Grown Realtor Cell 914-803-2949 asullivan@houlihanlawrence.com 4 VALLEY ROAD • BRONXVILLE, NY 10708 Please Continue To Pray For Dawn’s Gold Realty Jansen Hospice and Palliative Care A Special Way of Caring 670 White Plains Road • Scarsdale, NY 10583 914-787-6158 • jansenhospice.org 914-793-8800 dawngold21@aol.com Michael J. DiCostanzo, Sr. ~ Michael J. DiCostanzo, Jr., CPA World Peace Broker / Owner www.century21dawnsgoldrealty.com Midco Accounting Services, Inc. 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