THE BEACON MAY/JUNE 2015 ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH NEWBURYPORT, MASSACHUSETTS S H I N I N G F O R T H A Message from the Priest May/June 2015 My Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! What a wonderful celebration of Holy Week and Pascha we had! It was wonderful to see so many people coming to live through the last week of our Lord’s earthly life, to witness His Passion, Death, and glorious Resurrection. Our Lord offers us His victory over sin and death; now that we have celebrated these awesome Mysteries, we are commanded to put them into practice. We hear those same words that our Lord spoke to His disciples at the Last Supper, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14), and “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15:12). These commands of our Lord summarize the whole meaning of Holy Week and Pascha; they give us the blueprint for how we can live out the Mystery of our Lord’s Death and Resurrection in our daily lives. And when we do not live up to these commandments? Our Lord has also given us repentance as the way to salvation, not only saying we are sorry for our sins, but putting that sorrow into action through self-denial and renewed acts of love. The months of May and June redirect our thoughts and actions to another important event: the Greek Food Festival. Our Food I N T H I S I S S U E Parish Directories 2 Prosforo Schedule 3 Liturgical Schedule 4 Stewardship Report, Donations 5-8 Parish News & Notes Greek Ladies Aid Society News 9-11 12 News Flyers 13-19 Sponsors 20 May/June Calendar 21-22 T H E G O O D N E W S Festival is an important event for a number of reasons. Financially, of course, it keeps our Church going through the year. Although our stewards are very generous, stewardship pledges and payments never equal the minimal budget of the church. The Festival enables us to bridge that gap and to have the important ministries that make our Lord present within our Parish Family and within our community at large. But, the Festival is impossible if everyone does not take a role in it. There is something for everyone, from working on the committee to participating in workshops to working the days of the Festival, to cleaning up afterwards. This is a particularly vital year for such cooperation; after more than 12 years of leading successful Festivals, Charlie Neos is retiring as Festival Chairperson. Thank you, Charlie for your dedication and hard work! Now, let Charlie’s example inspire all of us to step up and help out in the many different details necessary to make a successful Festival. It doesn’t happen by magic! May and June also introduce times for school break and vacations. How wonderful is it to be given the grace to get away from daily responsibilities and enjoy time with family and friends, recharging our batteries to start afresh! With this great gift, we should not forget that, even when we are on vacation, God is not, but continues to keep us in existence and to bless us with His presence. Try to come to Liturgy when you can during the summer and during vacations; and, if not, at least remember to pray. “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me.” The other thing that does not take a vacation are the expenses of the Church. Please remember to send in your stewardship offerings, even if you are. It is very important for the Church to continue to have an income during the summer months; the bills certainly don’t stop! Thank you for your continued generous support. As I am writing this letter, I am also preparing for my own vacation. I will be away from the parish from May 12 to June 13 (I will be back for Liturgy on June 14). The Metropolis will be sending substitute priests during that time. Please welcome them into our Parish Family! May God bless us all as we continue the celebration of our Lord’s glorious Resurrection. Christos Anesti! Christ is Risen! +Fr. Constantine May/June 2015 Page 1 THE BEACON is an official publication of the ANNUNCIATION GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 7 Harris Street, Newburyport, MA 01950 * (978)465-5757 Website: THE REV. DR. CONSTANTINE NEWMAN, PROISTAMENOS e: mail to: * h: (603) 692-7603 * c: (603) 953-3051 ********** Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church is under the spiritual and ecclesiastical oversight of His Eminence, Metropolitan Methodios, Metropolis of Boston; The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America; and is under the jurisdiction of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. The Beacon is a monthly parish newsletter of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Newburyport, MA. Deadline for material is the 15th of each month. PARISH COUNCIL 2015 Jim Sperelakis • (978) 479-6372 or John Patriakeas • (978)-853-5802 Arthur Housiantis • (603) 303-6257 PARISH MINISTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Choir Director Don Argyrople • • (978) 363-5377 Ladies Aid Society Lisa Housianitis • Elizabeth Keefe Men’s Club Arthur Housianitis • John Housianitis • Bruce Beck Nicholson Hall Sandy Gearhart • (617) 974-1580 Don Argyrople • (978) 363-5377 Sunday School Jill Argyrople • • (978) 363-5377 Brendan Cooper JOY Program (Junior Orthodox Youth) Maria Connor • • (978) 465–2554 Peter Davis • (978) 463–0024 Jr. & Sr. GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America) Don and Jill Argyrople • • (978) 363-5377 Axexander Newman Andrea Jones Charlie Neos • (978)358-7702 John Housiantis St. Basil’s Ministries Don Argyrople • • (978) 363-5377 Stewardship Jennifer Cooper • • Susan George • • Eric Hansen (978) 914-1270 May/June 2015 Page 2 Prosforo: An Offering of Faith Of the many ways of supporting our Church, there are few which stand out as uniquely personal offerings of faith. The offering of Prosforo bread for the Divine Liturgy is one of them. We are thankful to all who have faithfully fulfilled this responsibility and invite more of our faithful to make this a part of their lives as well. Prosforo Schedule May 3 Tina Klidaras June 7 Lisa Housianitis July 5 Andrea Jones May 10 Kathy Tsiantas June 14 Tina Klidaras July 12 Stella Andriotakis May 17 Anna Chetsas June 21 Kathy Tsiantas July 19 Lisa Housianitis May 24 Andrea Jones June 28 Anna Chetsas July 26 Tina Klidaras May 31 Stella Andriotakis Joanna Tsiantas is responsible for the Prosforo Schedule. If you have any scheduling conflicts or requests, need to have the Prosforo brought to the church early Sunday morning or wish to add your name to the schedule, please contact Joanna at (978) 465–1405 or at Christ is Risen from the dead, by death, trampling down upon death, and to those in the tombs He has granted life. Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας, και τοις εν τοις µνήµασι ζωήν χαρισάµενος. Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen! Sunday & Weekday Liturgical Schedule Sunday Servies Orthros 8:45 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Sunday, May 3 4th Sunday of Pascha Sunday of the Paralytic The Holy Martyrs Timothy and Maura 3rd Tone 5th Morning Gospel Epistle: Acts 9:32-43 Gospel: John 5:1-15 Sunday, June 7 1st Sunday of Matthew Sunday of All Saints Our Holy Father Theodotos, Bishop of Ankyra Plagal 4th Tone 1st Morning Gospel Epistle: Hebrews 11:33-40; 12:1-2 Gospel: Matthew 10:32-33, 37-38; 19:27-30 Sunday, May 10 5th Sunday of Pascha Sunday of the Samaritan Woman The Holy Apostle Simon the Zealot 4th Tone 7th Morning Gospel Epistle: Acts 11:19-30 Gospel: John 4:5-42 Sunday, June 14 2nd Sunday of Matthew The Holy Prophet Elisha Our Father among the Saints, Methodios, Patriarch of Constantinople (Nameday of Metropolitan Methodios) 1st Tone 2nd Morning Gospel Epistle: Romans 2:10-16 Gospel: Matthew 4:18-23 Father Constantine will be away from May 12 until June 13. Please welcome the visiting priests sent by the Metropolis. Sunday, May 17 6th Sunday of Pascha Sunday of the Blind Man The Holy Martyrs Andronikos and Junia Plagal 1st Tone 8th Morning Gospel Epistle: Acts 16:16-34 Gospel: John 9:1-38 Sunday, May 24 7th Sunday of Pascha Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council at Nicaea Our Holy Father Symeon the Stylite Plagal 2nd Tone 10th Morning Gospel Epistle: Acts 20:16-18, 28-36 Gospel: John 17:1-13 Sunday, June 21 3rd Sunday of Matthew The Holy Martyr Julian of Tarsus 3rd Morning Gospel 2nd Tone Epistle: Romans 5:1-10 Gospel: Matthew 6:22-33 Sunday, June 28 4th Sunday of Matthew The Removal of the Relics of the Holy Unmercenaries Cyrus and John 3rd Tone 4th Morning Gospel Epistle: Romans 6:18-23 Gospel: Matthew 8:5-13 Nameday Vespers at Holy Apostles Church in Haverhill 7:00 pm Sunday, May 31 8th Sunday of Pascha Holy Pentecost Epistle: Acts 2:1-11 Gospel: John 7:37-52; 8:12 May/June 2015 Page 4 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE BBQ/POTLUCK LUNCHEON - On Sunday, June 7 immediately following Divine Liturgy and in conjunction with Sunday School Graduation, the Stewardship Committee is hosting a Barbecue/Potluck luncheon. Bring a potluck side dish or dessert to complement the Barbecue provided and cooked by the Stewardship Committee. Plans for this event are still in the works so be on the lookout for more information in upcoming weekly Sunday bulletins and Listserv emails. The newly designed Stewardship Pledge form is included in this issue of the Beacon. If you haven’t yet completed one, please print this one out and bring it to church or mail it attention “Stewardship.” As always, forms are available at the candle stand in the Narthex. If you don’t see the form, please ask the Parish Council member on duty or Stacey Kevorkian, Jennifer Cooper or Susan George. On behalf of the Annunciation Church, we thank you for your commitment and generosity. 2015 Stewardship - as of April 22, 2015 The Stewardship Pledge Goal for 2015 is $82,000. To date, we have received $66,649 in pledges from a total of 85 Stewards. 2014 Stewardship - as of April 22, 2015 The Stewardship Pledge Goal for 2014 was $80,000. We exceeded this goal with $80,670 in pledges. To date, $78,324 has been paid. If you have not yet fulfilled your 2014 pledge, please consider doing so. It is not beneficial to either the Church or yourself to make a pledge and not fulfill it. # of 2014 Stewards 0-25% paid 4 3% 26-50% paid 5 4% 51-75% paid 1 1% 76-99% paid 3 2% 100%+ paid 120 90% 133 Stewards May/June 2015 Page 5 2015 STEWARDSHIP FORM LAST NAME In the Gospel of Saint Matthew (6:19), Jesus instructs us, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal….” Often in life, we pursue and collect those things that do not last. We must ask, “One hundred years from now, where will our possessions be?” Our greatest blessing is our family. As Orthodox Christians, we are called to be stewards of this great gift. If we are faithful to this calling, perhaps our Lord will say to us as he did to the faithful steward, “Well done good and faithful servant” (Mt 25:23). FIRST NAME NAME OF SPOUSE (IF MARRIED) STREET ADDRESS CITY / STATE / ZIP CODE Treasure HOME PHONE In gratitude for God’s blessings, I/We commit to Christ and His Church the following amount: MOBILE PHONE MOBILE PHONE OF SPOUSE (IF MARRIED) __ $35/week ($1,820) __ $25/week ($1,300) __ $20/week ($1,040) EMAIL ADDRESS __ $15/week ($780) __ $10/week ($520) EMAIL ADDRESS OF SPOUSE (IF MARRIED) Dependent Children’s given names, Interested in making automatic payments from your checking account? Please check the box and a member of the Stewardship committee will contact you. baptismal names and birthdates: Given name and Baptismal Name __ More/Other Birthday (M/D/Y) Planned giving Given name and Baptismal Name Birthday (M/D/Y) Please send me information on making a planned gift to the Church Given name and Baptismal Name Birthday (M/D/Y) Given name and Baptismal Name Birthday (M/D/Y) May/June 2015 Page 6 2015 Stewards as of 4/22/15 Anderson, George and Sharon Andriotakis, Louis and Stella Argyrople, Anita (Dido) Argyrople, Don and Jill Beck, Bruce & Kimberley Patton Boucher, Al and Bonnie Bruno, Mark and Roseanne Chadwick, Cathleen Chetsas, Leon and Anna Chmiel, David and Andrea Christo, Julia Connor, Edmund & Joanna Tsiantas Connor, Kevin and Maria Cooper, Brendon and Jennifer Costas, Kevin Cusack, Michael Davis, Peter and Dorothy Dollas, Christopher and Mary Dollas, Mary Dubus, Andre and Fontaine Dussi, John and Gina Falite, Irene Faskianos, Mrs. James Fiasconaro, George and Elaine Gentile, Amy George, Barbara George, Emery and Susan Gigis, Stella Gogolos, John and Patricia + Deceased Gravel, Elaine Gravelle, Nathan and Jennifer Greene, Helena Halkiotis, Penelope Hansen, Eric and Diane Haraktsis, Anastasios & Aikaterini Healy, Thomas Heath, Warren and Patricia Housianitis, Arthur and Lisa Housianitis, John Janos, Mark and MaryAnn Jansen, Ryan and Jennifer Kacoyanis, Geoff and Catherine Kacher, Bill and Andrea Jones Kacher, Eleni Keefe, Zachary and Elizabeth Kevorkian, Jeff and Stacey Kipe, Ellie Lagasse, Niki Lagoulis, James Lam, Marie Malonis, Chris and Mary Mamakos, Michael and Kara Mamakos, Peter and Anna Mansour, Louis and Eugenia Mansour, Stephanie Markos, Frank and Suzanne Markos, T. Sammy Mathieu, Connie Stewardship = 3 T’s… Time, Talent & Treasure Matthews, Byron and Helen Matthews, John and Christina Matthews, Paul and Christine Matthews, Peter and Teri Papanickolas-McGrath, Rose Micu, Marius and Ileana Monoxelos, Milton and Rena Neos, Charles & Patricia Yanakakis Newman, Fr. Constantine & Pres. Anna Panas, Ann Panas, Joanna Panas, Peter Pantelakis, Theodosios and Gayle Patriakeas, John & Joan Riley, Peter and Ruth Sawyer, Tepsie Schaeffer, Frank and Genie Schaeffer, John and Becky Smith, Don and Gladys Spaneas, Mary Sperelakis, James Stickney, Raymond and Cleo Sullivan, Eugene Tsiantas, Kathy Tsiplakis, Ioannis and Rhonda Varoudakis, Joanne May/June 2015 Page 7 Donations Report "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver" We wish to thank those who made recent donations to the Annunciation Church: Anonymous Don & Jill Argyrople John & Gina Dussi Tina Klidaras Don & Gladys Smith Elaine Gravel Audrey Cooper Falite Family Chris Nahatis Christus Synodinos Elaine Rallis Gabriele Atkinson Jamile Nabhan Joanne Panas Joanne Varoudakis Mary Dollas Pauline Rallis Stacey Kevorkian Susan & Emery George John & Pat Gogolos John & Elizabeth Donabedian Charles Neos & Patricia Yanakakis Presbytera Anthoula & Father Peter Day Anastasios & Aikaterini Haraktsis Christos & Mary Malonis Al & Bonnie Bouchard Brendon & Jennifer Cooper Anna & Peter Mamakos Byron & Helen Matthews Diane & Eric Hansen Francis & Regina Schaeffer Fontaine & Andre Dubus Joanna Tsiantas & Ed Connor Melinda & James Patrick John & Joan Patriakeas Andrea Jones & Bill Kacher Maria & Kevin Connor Peter & Dorothy Davis Paul & Christine Matthews Arthur & Lisa Housianitis Deborah Sousane Mary Spaneas Gabriel Koukkos Ruth Riley Anita Argyrople Charles Papoulias Barbara George Cathleen Chadwick Cornelia Mathieu Ekaterine Tsiantas Euthemia Gilman Gayle F. Irish Joanne Hight Julia Christo John P. Matthews Panayotis S. Sarah Nabhan Stella Gigis Terzis Family We wish to thank those who made donations in Loving Memory of Constance Karambelas: Joanna Panas Family of Constance Karambelis We wish to thank those who made donations to St. Basil’s Ministries: Patrons of St. Basil’s Kitchen Community Services of Newburyport "But this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly; and he who reaps bountifully will also reap bountifully" (II Corinthians 9:6-8) SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS Commemorative Tile Wall Project Christos Anesti! You are invited to participate in our 100th Anniversary Celebration, by purchasing a personalized engraved ceramic tile for our new Commemorative Tile Wall. Our 100th Anniversary Commemorative Tile Wall, dedicated to the legacy of the parishioners of Newburyport Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church (1917 – 2017), will be located in the lower lobby on the large wall outside Nicholson Hall. This display of tiles will greet everyone who enters and be a testament to our faith in God, show appreciation for our Annunciation Church and the love we have for our families and friends who have been blessed by this establishment over the past 100 years! Your personal message will be engraved on a glazed ceramic 3” x 6” tile for $100. We had a wonderful retreat on Good Friday. There were 33 students in attendance. Melinda cooked a delicious lunch for us. We made prosforo with Andrea and we worked on crafts planned for us by Presbytera. Our high school class taught the students about Christ's final week on earth. Easter cards were made for the Baker children. Thank you to everyone who worked at our retreat. It was a very blessed and inspiring day. Regular classes will continue throughout May. We will be finishing up our icon workshops. Our year will end on June 7. — Jill Argyrople Sunday School End of Year BBQ Sunday, June 7th Sponsored by the Stewardship Committee Join us in the courtyard after church for a fun barbecue on Sunday, June 7th to celebrate our Sunday School children and their teachers. The Stewardship Committee will provide the grill chef, hot dogs and burgers. Please bring your favorite cook-out salad or dessert to share. A Sign-up Sheet will be available in the Narthex closer to the date. We will need to know the number people planning to attend in order to purchase the appropriate amount of meat and beverages. Everyone is welcome and we look forward to this summer festive event! Please contact a member of the Stewardship Committee with any questions. Remember a loved one Express Gratitude Set your name in stone for years to come Our centennial celebration is the perfect opportunity for you to leave your permanent mark on Annunciation Church. Your donation will help to maintain this beautiful church for future generations to come. You can reserve your tile today by using the order form attached. Additional order forms are in the Narthex. Contact Susan George 781-248-4255 or with any questions. Annunciation Church Scholarships This year we are blessed to offer to graduating high school seniors two scholarships. The Evangelism Scholarship and the Michael P. Klidaras Scholarship. Forms for both are to be found in this issue of the Beacon. Submissions are due by Sunday May 17th and may be given to any member of the Parish Council or the Evangelism Team. May/June 2015 Page 9 Memorial Day 2015 GREEK FOOD FESTIVAL 2015 Cemetery Visitation Schedule July 24, 25 & 26th 9:00 am Highland Cemetery 9:45 am Oak Hill Cemetery 10:35 am Amesbury Cemetery 11:15 am Salisbury Cemetery 12:00 noon Quaker Cemetery 12:30 pm Belleville Cemetery It’s that time of year! Festival meetings are underway. Please watch for meeting times in the Sunday Bulletins. Please consider chairing a workshop. Look for details regarding workshop dates and please consider attending as many workshops as possible. This is our biggest fundraiser and we need everyone’s time, talents and treasure to make this year THE BEST FESTIVAL EVER! These times are approximate and depend a great deal on the length of the Trisagion at each cemetery and the amount of traffic. Father Constantine will not be here for the Memorial Day Cemetery Visits. The Parish Council is working to secure a visiting priest. Please watch for updates regarding the cemetery Visits. May/June 2015 Page 10 CHRONIA POLLA! May May Dates CHRONIA POLLA! June June Dates Max George May 02 Joanna Tsiantas Jun 01 James Pentelakis May 04 Adam Gravelle Jun 05 Ellie Kipe May 05 Don Smith Jun 05 Marianthe Mountzuris May 06 Stella Andriotakis Jun 06 Demetri Connor May 07 Lauren Karipis Jun 06 Anya Housianitis May 07 Marius Micu Jun 12 Connie Mathieu May 09 Steven Pazar Jun 12 Peter Panas May 10 Euthemia Gilman Jun 15 Romain Tsiplakis May 11 Evan Karipis Jun 16 Tina Papadopoulos May 13 Roseanne Bruno Jun 19 Anthony Bruno May 14 Ileana Micu May 15 Alex Keefe Jun 27 Joanne Varoudakis May 16 Jun 28 Angela Patriakeas May 17 Stephen Davis Rose PapanickolasMcGrath Michael Falite May 18 Kevin Connor May 19 Sandra Theodorou May 21 Kara Mamakos May 22 Genie Schaeffer Emory George May 24 May 25 Georgia Kacher May 26 Matthew Mountzuris May 26 Sophia Yavorski May 26 Melinda Patrick May 27 Diana Uttley May 27 MaryAnn Janos May 28 Jun 28 May/June 2015 Page 11 The Greek Ladies Aid Society 2014 Members Andriotakis, Stella Chadwick, Cathleen Chetsas, Anna* Christo, Julie* Connor, Maria Cooper, Jennifer Davis, Dorothy Dollas, Mary* Dussi, Gina Falite, Irene George, Susan Georgopoulos, Tracey Gigis, Stella Hansen, Diane Haraktsis, Ekaterini Hight, Joanne Housianitis, Lisa Katsoulis, Irene Klidaris, Laura Klidaris, Tina Lam, Marie Machiros, Chrysanthe* Malonis, Mary Mamakos, Anna* Mamakos, Kara Mathieu, Connie* McGrath, Rose Monoxelos, Rena Panas, Joanna* Patrick, Melinda Patton, Kimberley Rallis, Mary* Schaeffer, Genie Spaneas, Mary* Stickney, Cleo Tikellis, Daphne Tsiantas, Joanna Tsiantas, Kathy Varoudakis, Joanne Wescott, Bunny If your name is not listed, please consider joining and/or renewing your membership. 100% of the $15.00 dues goes towards helping those less fortunate. Please see Lisa Housianitis president, or Diane Hansen, treasurer, to sign up. * Complimentary membership if over 80 years of age. May/June 2015 Page 12 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Evangelism Team Scholarship Application Name_______________________________________________ Home Address________________________________________ Parent Names_________________________________________ 1. Briefly identify the post high school education program you will be attending (college students please write about the program you are attending) and tell us why you have chosen to enroll in this program. If you are currently a college student, tell us about your major(s) and goals. 2. As an Orthodox Christian, Jesus gives us a mandate to preach the gospel to all people. Write an essay explaining how you do this in your daily life. Explain how people know you are an Orthodox Christian. Please include specific examples that illustrate and support your essay. 3. Active participation in both Sunday School and GOYA during your high school years is a requirement of this scholarship for current high school students. Write an essay that tells about your participation in both Sunday School and GOYA during your 4 years of high school. Explain how you set your priorities when faced with conflicts between church involvement and school or sports activities. Current college student applicants, please write an essay that tells us how you live your Orthodox faith within the prayer life of the Church and on campus. How do you set your priorities when faced with conflicts between church involvement and college life. 4. Write an essay summarizing your record of community service in the church community and your school or home community. Select one experience to explain in detail how this has had an impact on your life. Responses to the above questions should be typed and attached to this application Please submit at least one letter of reference. People at church already know you; the scholarship committee will be interested to see what your teachers say about you. Please submit this completed application to Fr. Constantine Newman by Sunday, May 17, 2015. ____________________________________ ______________________ signature date May/June 2015 Page 13 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Evangelism Team Scholarship Guidelines As part its mission, the parish evangelism team has established a scholarship for graduating high school students and current college students in our parish. Students interested in applying for this scholarship must meet the following criteria: 1. You are a member of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Newburyport, MA. 2. You have been accepted at a program of post high school continuing education or are currently a college student who has not previously been awarded this scholarship. 3. Submit a completed application for this scholarship to Fr. Newman by the date specified on the application. 4. During your high school years you have been an active participant in the Sunday School for high school students and the GOYA youth program. If you are submitting this application as a college student, then modify the response to inform the committee how you live your life as a practicing Orthodox Christian. 5. You demonstrate an understanding of the role of evangelism as an Orthodox Christian and give evidence of sharing your faith with others. 6. You have a demonstrated record of community service in the church community and your school or home community. It is anticipated that Evangelism Team Scholarships will be awarded after the Divine Liturgy on the first Sunday in June. Amount of the awards will depend on the Evangelism Team’s fund raising efforts. A portion of the funds raised will be placed in a long term endowment account for scholarship assistance. Specific guidelines for the Scholarship Endowment Fund will be created at the inception of this aspect of the scholarship program. May/June 2015 Page 14 The Michael P. Klidaras Memorial Scholarship $500 Award The Michael P. Klidaras Scholarship has been established by the loving family of Michael P. Klidaras to honor his memory. Michael was a long time member of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Newburyport until his untimely death in a tragic automobile accident. He is remembered for his commitment to both faith and family; this scholarship is to preserve his memory and to promote Orthodox values in daily life. The Michael P. Klidaras Scholarship is to be awarded to a graduating high school senior who meets the following qualifications: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ has a demonstrated record of active involvement in the religious and cultural life of Annunciation Church during middle and high school years is routinely present at Divine Liturgy and other worship services of the parish regularly receives the Holy Eucharist is enrolling in a 4 year degree granting program at an accredited college or university whose family are stewards (giving of time, talent and treasure) in good standing for at least the most recent 2 years Name ________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ Name of High School _____________________________________________________ Name of intended College/University ________________________________________ On a separate piece of paper, please submit an essay of approximately 500 words detailing how growing into adulthood as an Orthodox Christian at Annunciation Church has helped shape you into the person you are and how to you plan to keep your Orthodox faith a vital part of your life in college and the years beyond. Please submit both this form and your essay to Fr. Constantine Newman at Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, PO Box 575, Newburyport, MA no later than Sunday May 17, 2015. May/June 2015 Page 15 May/June 2015 Page 16 May/June 2015 Page 17 May/June 2015 Page 18 May/June 2015 Page 19 BEACON SPONSORS Many thanks to our Sponsors for their continued support! Please patronize these friends of The Annunciation Church Newburyport; they help to make The Beacon possible. To become a Sponsor, contact Joanna Tsiantas @ , t: (978) 270-6212. The sponsorship rate includes placement in The Beacon for a period of one year, and renewed annually. Please submit artwork to Joanna Tsiantas. ANNUNCIATION LADIES AID SOCIETY DANIEL L. LYNCH PHARMACY 5 Harris Street Newburyport, MA 01950 Dorothy Davis, President t: (978) 463–0024 173 High Street Newburyport, MA 01950 Louis Andriotakis, Pharmacist t: (978) 462–2232 CLIPPER CITY TOUCH FREE CARWASH GREEK ORTHODOX MEN’S CLUB 104B State Street Newburyport, MA 01950 Armie Sancartier, President t: (978) 697–8291 / f: (978) 462–2348 e: P.O. Box 575 Newburyport, MA 01950 Arthur Housianitis & John Housianitis, Co-Presidents MARK L. JANOS 1 Merrimac St., Unit 6 Newburyport, MA 01950 Office 978-992-4050 Cell 617-240-8311 Attorney At Law 6 Harris Street Newburyport, MA 01950 t: (978) 465–2043 f: (978) 465–6321 CHARLES NEOS Realtor, KELLER WILLIAMS May/June 2015 Page 20 MAY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 31 Fri 1 Sat 2 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Church Group Retreat at the Heritage Retreat Center 3 4 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am St. Basil’s Kitchen Greek Food Festival Mtg 5 7pm 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Stewardship Mtg 7 pm GLAS Mtg 7pm 10 11 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am St. Basil’s Kitchen Greek Food Festival Mtg 12 Parish Council 7pm Mtg 7 pm 17 18 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am St. Basil’s Kitchen Greek Food Festival Mtg 7pm 24 25 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am St. Basil’s Kitchen MEMORIAL DAY Cemetery Visits May/June 2015 Page 21 JUNE 2015 Sun Mon Tue 2 1 Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 St. Basil’s Kitchen Stewardship Greek Food Mtg 7 pm Festival Mtg 7pm 7 8 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Sunday School Graduation BBQ & Pot Luck Luncheon St. Basil’s Kitchen 14 15 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am Greek Food Festival Mtg 9 7pm Parish Council Mtg 7 pm St. Basil’s Kitchen Greek Food Festival Mtg 7pm 21 22 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am St. Basil’s Kitchen Greek Food Festival Mtg 7pm 28 29 Divine Liturgy 9:30 am St. Basil’s Kitchen Greek Food Festival Mtg 30 7pm May/June 2015 Page 22 The Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation P.O. Box 575 7 Harris Street Newburyport, MA 01950 May/June 2015 Page 23
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