June Birthdays In astrology, those born between the 1st and 21st of June are Gemini’s Twins. Gemini’s love conversation. Witty, curious, charming, and imaginative, they‘re often the life of the party. If you were born in June between the 22nd and 30th, that makes you a Crab of Cancer. Crabs are nurturers, dedicated to their home and family. Gentle and kind, they love storytelling around the dinner table and enjoy traditions. Celebrities born in June include: Don Drake 6/6 Dick Heflen 6/8 Catherine Brown 6/9 Helen Bond 6/9 Ann Berberian 6/14 Addy Coats 6/18 Victoria Pierce 6/23 What’s Cooking in the Kitchen Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast & Omelet Station National Cheese Day June 4th National Strudel Day June 12th National Pudding Day June 26th Highline Place 6767 S. Broadway Littleton CO 80122 Spouse Care Café Tuesday, June 8th at 10:00 am Join other spouse caregivers in a welcoming & small group setting to talk, listen and share ideas and resources. Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast Tuesday June 16th at 8:00am R.S.V.P. a must 303-703-3499 Car Show June Events Great Outdoors Month Say Something Nice Day June 1 International Firefighters Day June 4 June Birthday Turtle Races Day June 6 Party Sun Safety Week June 7–13 Thursday June 18th at 2:30pm A Concert then Cake Family Council Thursday June 25th at 6:00pm Updates & Community information informational hospice presentation June 2015 International Sushi Day June 18 Flip-Flop Day June 19 Lightning Safety Awareness Week June 21–27 Day of the Seafarer June 25 A Note from Bill Highline Place Families: Good day and Happy Spring! I want to remind everyone about our upcoming Family Council Meeting on June 25th at 6:00pm at Highline Place. During this time we will be having an informational hospice presentation during the second half of our meeting. I also want to let you know we have embarked on a new monthly training series for our staff members. In May, our education focused on resident transfers, and proper lifting techniques. You may have noticed that each of our caregivers now has a safety device they are wearing throughout our community. In June we are focusing on managing our resident’s challenging behaviors. I certainly hope you have a wonderful May and enjoy the flowers that will eventually bloom when the rain is over. ~ Bill Boles
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