1 April 2015 CURRICULUM VITAE a) Name: ELLIS, Christopher J

June 2015
b) Degree
B.A. Hons.
ELLIS, Christopher J. (cjellis@uwo.ca)
Professor, Department of Anthropology, Social Science Centre, University
of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5C2
July 1/93
Simon Fraser
Western University
Western University
Western University
Western University
Univ. of Waterloo
Univ. of Waterloo
Policy, Planning
& Development
Parks Canada,
Cornwall, Ontario
Employment History
1993-2001, 2012-13
Rank & Position
Associate Professor
Department Chair
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Research Assistant
Archaeological Researcher
d) Honours: Academic, Scholarly and Professional
Awarded Ian Kenyon Memorial Award by the Ontario Archaeological Society. It is given to a
professional archaeologist who has “made an exceptional contribution to the development
of Ontario archaeology and who has earned acclaim for excellence and achievement”;
formally awarded in November 2012 at OAS 39th Annual Meeting, Windsor, Ontario.
Awarded Lifetime Membership to the London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society for
outstanding service, December 2007.
Awarded First Annual Arts in Academics Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo as a
distinguished alumnus of Waterloo’s Faculty of Arts who has contributed to excellence in
higher education and research. September 2007.
Delivered Keynote Invited Addresses: First Annual Meeting, Ohio Archaeological Council, Ohio
Historical Centre/Ohio State Museum, Columbus, Ohio, 1992; 39th Annual Fall
Workshop, Michigan Archaeological Society, Monroe, Michigan, 1995; 48th Annual Fall
Workshop, Michigan Archaeological Society, Monroe, Michigan, 2004; Annual Silver
Medal Presentation, Department of Anthropology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,
Ontario, 2004.
Awarded Volunteer Award by Ontario Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation for 20
years voluntary service to the Ontario Archaeological Society, London Chapter, 2001.
Awarded Association of Professional Archaeologists Special Achievement Award (1992, with
volume co-editor Neal Ferris) for book: Archaeology of Southern Ontario to A.D. 1650.
Nominated for Distinguished Teacher Award, U. of Waterloo, 1987-88, 1989-90
Dean of Arts, University of Waterloo, Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1987-88
Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1985-87
Simon Fraser University Open Graduate Scholarship, 1979-80
McMaster University Graduate Scholarship, 1976-78
Scholarly and Professional Activities
Editor, Ontario Archaeology, Scholarly Journal, Ontario Archaeological Society (2011-present)
Editorial Board, Occasional Publications of London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society
Editorial Board, Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology (now Maney Publishing), (1992present)
Editorial Board, Quaternary Science Institute Publications, University of Waterloo (19891992)
Secretary, Association of Professional Archaeologists (1988-1991)
Board of Directors, Ontario Heritage Foundation (Agency of the Ontario Ministry of
Citizenship, Culture and Recreation; now Ontario Heritage Trust) (1994-1997).
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, McMaster University (1988-2012).
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Waterloo (1990-1992).
Conducted workshops/presentations on various aspects of the archaeology of Ontario for:
Waterloo County Board of Education; Wellington County Board of Education; Ontario
Ministry of Natural Resources; Quaternary Sciences Institute, University of Waterloo;
Ontario Archaeological Society.
Organized and Chaired Symposia at Ontario Archaeological Society (four times), Canadian
Archaeological Association (four times), and Society for American Archaeology
Meetings (once).
Chaired Symposia at Eastern States Archaeological Federation (once) and Ontario
Archaeological Society Meetings (once).
Served as reviewer for SSHRCC and NSF grant proposals.
Served as monograph/book referee: Occasional Publications in Maine Archaeology, Augusta,
Maine; Ontario Heritage Foundation Publications in Archaeology Series, Toronto,
Ontario; Royal Ontario Museum Publications, Toronto; Ontario Archaeological Society,
London Chapter; Texas A&M University Press, College Station, Texas; University of
Utah Press, Provo, Utah.
Served as article referee for journals/publication series/publishers: American Antiquity;
Anthropological Papers, University of Alaska; Archaeology of Eastern North America;
Canadian Journal of Archaeology; Canadian Museum of Civilization, Mercury Series;
Center for the Study of the First Americans; Current Research in the Pleistocene;
Geology; Journal of Anthropological Archaeology; Journal of Anthropological
Research; Journal of Archaeological Science; Journal of Ethnobiology; Journal of Field
Archaeology; Journal of Ohio Archaeology; Lithic Technology; Midcontinental Journal
of Archaeology; North American Archaeologist; Ontario Archaeology; Oxbow Books,
Oxford, U.K.; PaleoAmerica; Plains Anthropologist; PLoS One; PNAS (Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences, USA), Quaternary Sciences Institute Publication
Series (University of Waterloo); Southeastern Archaeology; Springer-Verlag.
Served on Organizing Committees, Joint Canadian Quaternary Association/American
Quaternary Association Meetings, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, 1990;
Canadian Archaeological Association Meetings, London, Ontario, 1992; Ontario
Archaeological Society Annual Meetings: Niagara Falls1993; London 2006.
President (1998-99), Vice-President (1992-97), Treasurer (1999-2003, 2007-2012), Director
(2004-06, 2013-present), London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society Inc.,
Co-Editor, Kewa, Research Newsletter of the London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society
Inc. 1999-present.
Co-Ordinator/Chair, Eastern North American Regional Group, International Association for
Quaternary Research (INQUA) Working Group on the "Archaeology of the PleistoceneHolocene Transition" 1996-1998.
Selection Committee, Daniel Weetaluktuk Student Paper Prize Competition, Canadian
Archaeological Association, 1997, 2006.
Selection Committee, James and Margaret Pendergast Award for Avocational Archaeology,
Canadian Archaeological Association, 2006-2009.
Chair, Nominations Committee for National Executive, Canadian Archaeological Association,
Membership Committee, Midwest Archaeological Conference, 2003-2004.
Ontario Council of Graduate Studies Scholarship Committee for Anthropology: 2003, 2004.
External reviewer, Department of Anthropology, University of New Brunswick, 2007.
Served as student paper/poster judge, Ontario Archaeological Society Annual Meeting and
Midwest Archaeological Conference, both 2009.
Served as external referee for candidates for promotion and tenure.
Conducted workshops on stone tool technologies at conferences and professional meetings.
Carried out archaeological fieldwork in Ontario since 1975 for a total of just under three years,
often as field or project director, on a wide range of sites from campsites of the earliest
known occupants to Late Woodland villages to early historic military sites
Gave over 75 popular talks (stopped tracking exactly some years ago!) on archaeology at various
local chapters of the Ontario Archaeological Society, local heritage and history group
meetings, local schools and libraries, cub scout troops, museum visitors, senior citizens
meetings, fraternal organization meetings, etc.
Professional Memberships
Canadian Archaeological Association; Ontario Archaeological Society; Society for
American Archaeology; Midwest Archaeological Conference; Eastern States Archaeological
Significant University Administrative Duties, University of Western Ontario
Member (Faculty, Non-Animal user), Animal Use Subcommittee (AUS) of the
University Council on Animal Care (UCAC) as President’s Appointee. July 2008present (except when on sabbatical)
Board of Directors, Museum of Ontario Archaeology (formerly London Museum of
Archaeology); served on Board 1995-2009, 2011-2013, 2014-2015; was VicePresident from 2003-2005 and President from 2005-2007.
Served as elected Social Science Representative to the Faculty of Science Council, 20022004
Served as a Social Science Representative on SSHRCC Internal grants review committee,
University of Western Ontario, 1995-1997
Member, Social Sciences Faculty Nominating Committee, 2011-2013
Elected external member, Promotion and Tenure Committees: History 2006-09,
Geography and Plant Sciences 2002-04, Geography (alternate external member)
2005-06, Political Science 2004-06
Member, Faculty of Social Science Executive Committee, 2005-2006
Departmental Space Person, June 2011-2012
Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee 2010-2013
Acting Chair, nine weeks total, 2004-2011, Vice-Chair, January-June 2012
Graduate Chair, July 2007- June 2009
Department Liaison, Museum of Ontario Archaeology (formerly Museum of Indian
Archaeology and London Museum of Archaeology), 1990-2009
Acting Graduate Chair, Sept.-December 2006, four weeks in February-May 2007, JulyDecember 2013
Member, Annual Performance Evaluation Committee, 2002-2007
Member, Graduate Committee, 1992, 1999-2001, 2002-2004, 2006-2007
Member, Chair Selection Committee, 2005-2006
Chair (and on every department committee), July 1993-June 2001, July 2012-June 2013
Member, Appointments/Promotion and Tenure Committee 1991-92, 2002-03, 2004-05
Department Representative, Social Science Space Committee, 2002-2003
Chair, Visiting Speakers Committee, 1991-93
Anth 020E Curriculum Committee, 1990-1993 (Chair 1992-1993)
Thesis Supervision & Service (Including Serving as External Examiner)*
Successfully Completed
In Progress
A. Doctoral Thesis*
B. Master's Thesis (Western)
C. Post-Doctoral Fellows (Western)
D. M.A. Thesis/Exam Committees Served On
(Western, McMaster & External)
E. PhD Thesis/Exam Committees Served On
(Western, McMaster & External)
* department did not begin offering a PhD until the Fall, 2003 (solely in Archaeological Sciences
until 2009 – not my area of expertise); MA only began in my field in Fall, 1996 and was initially
in bioarchaeology (not my main area of expertise).
Courses Taught
University of Waterloo:
Human Biological and Cultural Evolution (Anth 101), Principles of Archaeology (Anth
201), North American Prehistory (Anth 203), Great Lakes Archaeology (Anth 222/322), Human
Evolution (Anth 260), Cultural Ecology (Anth 330), History of Anthropological Thought (Anth
352), Early Cultures of the New World (Anth 377), Reading Courses (Anth 391), Honours
Essay/Thesis (Anth 499)
McMaster University:
Graduate Reading Course in Archaeology (Anth 714)
University of Western Ontario:
Introduction to Anthropology (Anth 1020E), Introduction to Biological Anthropology
and Archaeology (Anth 1026F/G), Introduction to Archaeology and World Prehistory (Anth
2100), Principles of Archaeology (Anth 2229F/G), Archaeology of North America (Anth
2231F/G), Archaeology of Ontario and the Great Lakes (Anth 2233F/G), Field Methods in
Archaeology (Anth 3307a), Hunting and Gathering Societies (Anth 3309F/G), Reading/Seminar
Courses (Anth 3325F, 3326G & 4431F/G), Peopling of the Americas (Graduate Seminar),
Advanced Studies in Ontario/Great Lakes Archaeology (Graduate Seminar), Interdisciplinary
Studies 1020E (The Sea - Team Taught)
Research and Publication Funding
SSHRCC Insight Research Grant – “The Davidson Site: Refining Chronology and
Explanations of Changing Late Archaic Settlement Systems” (principal applicant
with collaborator Lisa Hodgetts [Department of Anthropology - University of
Western Ontario]) - $73,445.00
Canadian Foundation for Innovation and Ontario Innovation Trust – “Capacities
for a Sustainable Archaeology” (One of 10 “Team Members” and “Principal
Users” at the University of Western Ontario and McMaster University; Project
Leader: Dr. Neal Ferris [Department of Anthropology and Museum of Ontario
Archaeology, University of Western Ontario]) - $9,777,644.00.
SSHRC Internal Travel Grant – “Conference on Paleoindian Colonization and
Settlement of the Midcontinent,” University of Illinois, Champaign - $750.00.
SSHRCC Standard Research Grant – “Archaeological Investigations at the
Davidson Broad Point Archaic Site” (principal applicant with collaborators
Joseph Desloges [Geography -University of Toronto], Sarah Finkelstein
[Geography - University of Toronto], Lisa Hodgetts [Anthropology - University
of Western Ontario], John Menzies [Earth Sciences - Brock University] and
Andrew Stewart [Independent Scholar & Consultant, Geoarchaeologist]) $115,590.00.
SSHRCC Internal Grant, University of Western Ontario – “Field Testing at the
Davidson, Late Archaic, Broadpoint, Archaeological Site” - $5000.00 (grant
declined when SSHRCC Standard Research Grant noted above was awarded).
Externally refereed Academic Development Fund Grant, University of Western
Ontario – “Surveying, Mapping and Recording Equipment for Archaeology”
(total stations and gradiometer) (principal applicant with Lisa Hodgetts [coprincipal], and Robert Pearce [Museum of Ontario Archaeology] co-applicant) $47,222.00.
Agnes Cole Dark Fund, University of Western Ontario - Research Grant for
“Analyses of Soil Samples from the Crowfield Paleo-Indian Site” (co-applicant
with Roger King, Geography) - $2280.00.
Bioarchaeology Infrastructure Grant, Canadian Foundation for Innovation and
Ontario Innovation Trust (co-applicant with Andrew Nelson [principal], Christine
White and Michael Spence) - $326,917.00
Externally refereed Academic Development Fund Grant, University of Western
Ontario - Bioarchaeological Microscopic Research Facility (co-applicant with
Andrew Nelson [principal], Christine White and Michael Spence) - $34,977.00.
Mayer Heritage Consultants - Research Grant for Radiocarbon Dating, Bluewater
Bridge Site, Point Edward, Ontario” - $2000.00.
Dean's Internal Research Grants, Faculty of Social Science, University of Western
Ontario - "Production of Illustrations for Archaeological Publications" -$1150.00.
SSHRCC Internal Grant, Aid for Travel to International Scholarly Conferences,
University of Western Ontario, to attend: XIV International Quaternary
Association Congress (INQUA) in Berlin, Germany, August 1995 - $2500.00.
SSHRCC Internal Grant, University of Western Ontario - "A Use-Wear Analysis
of Paleoindian Stone Tools from an Archaeological Site in Southwestern Ontario"
- $3552.00.
Dean's Internal Research Grant, Faculty of Social Science, University of Western
Ontario - "Resources for Archaeology" - $17,900.00.
Ontario Heritage Foundation - Grant in Aid of Publication - "Thedford II: A
Paleo-Indian Site in the Ausable River Watershed of Southwestern Ontario" (Sole
Grantee) - $3,600.
Dean's Internal Research Grant, Faculty of Social Science, University of Western
Ontario - "Research and Report Production on an Early Archaic Site" - $400.00.
SSHRCC Standard Research Grant - "Investigations at Small, "Interior" Early
Paleo-Indian Sites in Southwestern Ontario" (Principal Investigator with coinvestigators B. Deller [private scholar] and B. Warner [Earth Sciences,
University of Waterloo]) - $48,492.
Employment and Immigration Canada - "Research on a Prehistoric Site
Assemblage from Southwestern Ontario" (Principal Investigator) - $2,328.
SSHRCC Standard Research Grant - "Analyses of Early Archaic Assemblages
from Southwestern Ontario” (Principal Investigator) - $27,236 - grant turned
down in order to take up a full-time teaching position at the U. of Waterloo.
Dean of Arts, University of Waterloo, Post-Doc Fellowship - $24,000.
SSHRCC Post-Doctoral Fellowship Renewal - $24,000.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRCC)
Post-Doctoral Fellowship - $24,000.
Simon Fraser University - "Graduate Research Stipend" - $2,900.
Ontario Heritage Foundation - "Investigations of a Transitional Paleo-Indian to
Early Archaic Lithic Industry in Southwestern Ontario" (Principal Investigator) $15,000.
Ontario Heritage Foundation - "Archaeological Survey and Testing in the Niagara
Peninsula Region of Ontario" (Principal Investigator) - $4,500.
Archaeological Field Experience
Project Director and Field Director: Surface collection/mapping of artifact finds at
Davidson Late Archaic Broad Point/Terminal Archaic site (AhHk-54) by the
Ausable River (Four days).
Project Director and Field Director: Surface collection/mapping, coring, targeted
test excavations at Davidson Late Archaic Broad Point/Terminal Archaic site
(AhHk-54) by the Ausable River, Ontario as well as searching for nearby
lithic/stone sources (8 days).
Project Director and Field Director: Surface collection/mapping and geophysical
surveying at Davidson Late Archaic Broad Point/Terminal Archaic site (AhHk54) by the Ausable River, Ontario (two weeks).
Project Director and Field Director: Mapping, surface collection, gradiometer
surveying and full-scale excavations at the Davidson Late Archaic Broad Point/
Terminal Archaic site (AhHk-54) by the Ausable River, Ontario (33 weeks).
Project Director: Surface collection, topographic mapping, coring and test
excavations at the Davidson Site (AhHk-54), A Late Archaic Broad
Point/Terminal Archaic site by the Ausable River, Ontario (3 weeks).
Project Director and Field Director: Test excavations at the Green Hill site
(AgHk-39), a Late Archaic (Small Point and Broad Point) site in the Ausable
River Valley of southwestern Ontario (5 weeks).
Project Co-Director (with S. A. Wortner) and Field Director: Test Excavations at
the Edithsmith Site (AdHk-36) (Late Archaic to Late Woodland) (one week).
Field Director: Excavations at Caradoc Site (Late Paleo-Indian) (two weeks).
Director, surface collection, mapping and university field methods course
excavations at Brian (Late Woodland, Neutral) and Stubble (Middle Woodland)
sites (6 weeks total).
Director, survey and surface collection on Paleo-Indian, Early and Late Archaic,
and Middle Woodland sites (ca. one week).
Director, site survey and mapping of sites; director, University of Western
Ontario field methods course excavations at McGugan Middle Woodland
encampment, Ontario (3 weeks).
Project/field director, excavations at Culloden Acres, Bolton and Murphy Early
Paleo-Indian sites in southwestern Ontario (12 weeks).
Fieldworker in excavations at Historic European sites along Rideau Canal for
Parks Canada including Ponnamalie Lock Station and camp of the Royal Sappers
and Miners at Newboro (9 weeks).
Director, Archaeological survey and testing for Parks Canada in Trent-Severn
Waterway area, including work on Middle Archaic (Laurentian), Late Archaic
(Broad Point), Middle Woodland (Point Peninsula) and Late Woodland
(Precontact Huron) sites (one week).
Field Director, excavations at Thedford II and Crowfield Early Paleo-Indian sites,
Ontario (14 weeks).
Project Director, excavations at Welke-Tonkonoh and survey on other Late PaleoIndian Hi-Lo sites in southwestern Ontario (13 weeks).
Fieldworker in excavations at Neutral (Fonger site), Late Archaic (Crawford
Knoll site) and in survey/mapping in Ausable River and Maitland River and
Cedar Creek areas of southwestern Ontario; field director, test excavations at
Weed and Ferguson Early Paleo-Indian sites, Ontario (14 weeks).
Fieldworker at precontact Huron sites (Kirche, Coulter, Jamieson) Ontario (12
1977-present Volunteer fieldworker on numerous Late Woodland sites ranging from Early
Ontario Iroquoian to Post-Contact villages (Gunby, Uren, Carlisle, Bogle I & II,
Hamilton, etc.)
Director of archaeological survey and testing in Niagara Peninsula Region of
Ontario (seven weeks).
Fieldworker at Parkhill and McLeod Paleo-Indian Sites in Ontario (12 weeks).
l) Publications
1) Career Summary
Books/Monographs: 5.
Books Edited: 3.
Chapters in Books and Conference Proceedings: 20.
Articles in Refereed Journals: 24.
Technical Reports (Government Contract and Archaeological Licence Reports): 29.
Abstracts and Presentations at Professional venues: 66.
Other (Encyclopaedia entries, Book foreword, CD-ROM, Obituaries, Academic
Newsletter Articles, Book Reviews, Brief Research Notes, Editorials, etc.): 51
(plus one in press/accepted).
2) Monographs/Edited Books
D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis (with contributions by R. H. King and J. R. Keron and a
foreword by H. T. Wright) - 2011 -The Crowfield Site (AfHj-31): A Unique Paleoindian Fluted
Point Site in Southwestern Ontario. Memoirs Series, Museum of Anthropology, University of
Michigan No. 49. Ann Arbor (xiii + 209 pages).
C. J. Ellis, N. Ferris, P. A. Timmins and C. D. White (editors) - 2010 - The “Compleat
Archaeologist”: Papers in Honour of Michael W. Spence. Occasional Publications of the London
Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society, No. 9, London. (297 pages) (co-published as issues of
journal Ontario Archaeology, Volumes 85 to 88).
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller -2002 - The Caradoc Site: A Late Paleoindian Ritual Artifact
Deposit. Occasional Publications of the London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society No.8,
London, Ontario (x +188 pages).
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller (with contributions by W. B. Roosa, A. V. Morgan and J.
McAndrews) - 2000 - An Early Paleo-Indian Site Near Parkhill, Ontario. Canadian Museum of
Civilization, Archaeological Survey of Canada, Mercury Series Paper No. 159, Gatineau,
Quebec (xxii + 313 pages).
D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis (with a foreword by H. T. Wright) - 1992 - Thedford II: A
Paleo-Indian Site in the Ausable River Watershed of Southwestern Ontario. Memoirs Series,
Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, No. 24, Ann Arbor (xii + 157 pages).
C. J. Ellis and N. Ferris (editors) -1990 - The Archaeology of Southern Ontario to A.D.
1650. Occasional Publications of the London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society No.5,
London, Ontario (xxii + 570 pages) (reprinted with typographic revisions, 1993; reissued in CDROM version 1998; reissued as searchable pdf version in April 2013).
C. J. Ellis, G. Foster and M. Jesmer - 1990 - A Preliminary Evaluation of Native Cultural
History of the Trent-Severn Waterway. Environment Canada, Parks Service, National Historic
Parks and Sites Branch Report. Canadian Parks Service, Ottawa, Ontario. xviii + 472 pages.
C. J. Ellis and J. C. Lothrop (editors) - 1989 - Eastern Paleoindian Lithic Resource Use.
Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado. (xxiii + 398 pages).
3) Chapters in Books and Conference Proceedings (*Anonymously Refereed)
W. A. Fox, D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis – 2015 - Chert Sources and Utilization in the
Southern Huron Basin During the Early Holocene. In Caribou Hunting in the Upper Great Lakes:
Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Paleoenvironmental Perspectives, edited by Lisa Sonnenburg,
Ashley Lemke and John O’Shea, pp. 67-72. Memoirs of the Museum of Anthropological
Archaeology, University of Michigan No. 57, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (Invited paper)
C. J. Ellis, J. R. Keron, J. H. Menzies, S. G. Monckton and A. Stewart – 2015 - For
Immediate Occupancy: Cosy 3000 Year Old Heritage Winter House with River View Near Lake
Huron. Apply to Terminal Archaic Realty. In Building the Past: Studies of Prehistoric Wooden
Post Architecture in the Ohio Valley-Great Lakes Region, edited by Brian G. Redmond and
Robert A. Genheimer, pp. 29-62. University Presses of Florida, Gainesville.*
C. J. Ellis – 2013 - Before Pottery: Paleoindian and Archaic Hunter-Gatherers of
Southern Ontario. In Before Ontario, Marit Munson and Susan Jamieson (eds.), pp. 35-47.
McGill-Queen’s University Press, Montreal (Solicited paper).*
C. J. Ellis - 2011 - Lithic/Stone Technology of the Debert Site. Discussion paper and
conference discussion. In Ta’n Wetapeksi’k: Understanding Where We Come From, Proceedings
of the 2005 Debert Research Workshop, Debert, Nova Scotia, Canada, T. Bernard, L. M.
Rosenmeier, & S. Farrell (eds.), pp. 91-109. Eastern Woodland Print Communications, Truro,
Nova Scotia (Invited paper).
K. Snarey and C. J. Ellis - 2010 - Evidence for Bow and Arrow Use in the Small Point
Late Archaic of Southwestern Ontario. In The “Compleat Archaeologist”: Papers in Honour of
Michael Spence, edited by C. J. Ellis, N. Ferris, P. Timmins and C. D. White, pp. 21-38.
Occasional Publications of the London Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society, No. 9 (copublished as Ontario Archaeology 85-88).
C. J. Ellis, N. Ferris, C. D. White and P. Timmins - 2010 - Going Beyond Professional
and Research “Enclaves”: An Appreciation of Michael W. Spence. In The “Compleat
Archaeologist”: Papers in Honour of Michael Spence, edited by C. J. Ellis, N. Ferris, P. Timmins
and C. D. White, pp. 1-17. Occasional Publications of the London Chapter, Ontario
Archaeological Society, No. 9 (co-published as Ontario Archaeology 85-88).
C. J. Ellis - 2009 - The Crowfield and Caradoc Sites, Ontario: Glimpses of Palaeo-Indian
Sacred Ritual and World View. In Painting the Past with a Broad Brush. Papers in Honour of
James Valliere Wright, edited by David L. Keenlyside and Jean-Luc Pilon, pp. 319-352.
Mercury Series Archaeology Paper 170. Canadian Museum of Civilization, Gatineau.*
C. J. Ellis, P. Timmins and H. Martelle - 2009 - At the Crossroads and Periphery: The
Archaic Archaeological Record of Southern Ontario. In Archaic Societies: Diversity and
Complexity Across the Midcontinent, Thomas E. Emerson, Andrew Fortier and Dale McElrath
(eds.), pp. 787-840. State University of New York Press, Albany.*
C. J. Ellis - 2004 - Hi-Lo: An Early Lithic Complex in the Great Lakes Area. In The Late
Palaeoindian Great Lakes: Geoarchaeological and Archaeological Investigations of Late
Pleistocene and Early Holocene Environments, Lawrence J. Jackson and Andrew Hinshelwood
(eds.), pp. 57-83. Mercury Series Archaeology Paper No. 165. Canadian Museum of Civilization,
Gatineau, Quebec.*
C. J. Ellis, J. Tomenchuk and J. Holland - 2003 - Typology, Use and Sourcing of the Late
Pleistocene Lithic Artifacts from the Hiscock Site. In The Hiscock Site: Later Pleistocene and
Early Holocene Paleoecology and Archaeology of Western New York State, R. S. Laub (ed.), pp.
221-237. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 37. (Solicited analysis)
C. J. Ellis - 1997 - Factors Influencing the Use of Stone Projectile Tips: An Ethnographic
Perspective. In Projectile Technology, Heidi Knecht (ed.), pages 37-74. Plenum Press, N.Y.*
C. J. Ellis and M. W. Spence - 1997 - Raw Material Variation and the Organization of
"Smallpoint" Archaic Lithic Technologies in Southwestern Ontario. In Preceramic Southern
Ontario, Philip Woodley and Peter Ramsden (eds.), pp. 119-140. Occasional Papers in
Northeastern Archaeology No. 9. Copetown Press, Hamilton, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1994 - Some Unanswered Questions Concerning Early Paleo-Indian
Settlement and Subsistence in Southern Ontario. In Great Lakes Archaeology and Paleoecology:
Exploring Interdisciplinary Initiatives for the Nineties, R. MacDonald (ed.), pps. 413-429.
Quaternary Sciences Institute, University of Waterloo, Publication No. 10.*
C. J. Ellis, I. Kenyon and M. Spence - 1990 - The Archaic. In The Archaeology of
Southern Ontario to A.D. 1650, C. Ellis and N. Ferris (eds.), pp. 65-124. Occasional
Publications, London Chapter OAS No. 5.*
C. J. Ellis and B. Deller - 1990 - Paleo-Indians. In The Archaeology of Southern Ontario
to A.D. 1650, C. Ellis & N. Ferris (eds.), pp. 37-63. Occasional Publications, London Chapter
OAS No. 5.*
C. J. Ellis - 1990 - Introduction. In The Archaeology of Southern Ontario to A.D. 1650,
C. Ellis & N. Ferris (eds.), pp. 1-3. Occasional Publications, London Chapter OAS No. 5.*
C. J. Ellis - 1989 - The Explanation of Northeastern Paleoindian Lithic Procurement
Patterns. In Eastern Paleoindian Lithic Resource Use, C. Ellis and J. Lothrop (eds.), pp. 139-164.
Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.*
B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1988 - Early Palaeo-Indian Complexes in Southwestern
Ontario. In Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Paleoecology and Archaeology of the Eastern
Great Lakes Region, R. Laub, N. Miller and D. Steadman (eds.), pp. 251-263. Bulletin of the
Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences 33.*
B. Deller, C. J. Ellis and I. Kenyon - 1986 - Archaeology of the Southeastern Huron
Basin Area. In Studies in Southwestern Ontario Archaeology, W. Fox (ed.), pp. 2-12. Occasional
Publications of the London Chapter, OAS No. 1.*
B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1984 - Crowfield: A Preliminary Report on a Probable PaleoIndian Cremation in Southwestern Ontario. In New Experiments Upon the Record of Eastern
Paleo-Indian Cultures, R. Gramly (ed.), pp. 41-71. Archaeology of Eastern North America 12.
4) Articles in Refereed Journals
C. J. Ellis and D. R. Poulton - 2014 - The Gosling Site (AiHb-189), A Small Parkhill
Phase Paleoindian Site in Guelph, Ontario. Ontario Archaeology 94: 81-111.
E. Eastaugh C. J. Ellis, L. M. Hodgetts and J. R. Keron - 2013 - Problem-Based
Magnetometer Survey at the Late Archaic Davidson Site (AhHk-54) in Southwestern Ontario.
Canadian Journal of Archaeology 37(2):274-301.
C. J. Ellis – 2013 - Clovis Lithic Technology: The Devil is in the Details. Reviews in
Anthropology 42(3):127-160.
C. J. Ellis – 2012 - Evidence for Changing Toolstone Source Use and Range Mobility
during the Paleoindian Occupation of the Great Lakes/Northeast. Current Research in the
Pleistocene 28:32-34.
C. J. Ellis, D. H. Carr and T. Loebel - 2011 - The Younger Dryas and Late Pleistocene
Peoples of the Great Lakes Region. Quaternary International 242(2):534-545.
C. J. Ellis - 2011 - Measuring Paleoindian Range Mobility and Land-Use in the Great
Lakes/Northeast. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30(3):385-401.
D. B. Deller, C. J. Ellis and J. R. Keron - 2009 - Understanding Cache Variability: A
Deliberately Burned Early Paleoindian Tool Assemblage from the Crowfield Site, Southwestern
Ontario, Canada. American Antiquity 74(2):371-397.
C. J. Ellis - 2008 - The Fluted Point tradition and the Arctic Small Tool tradition: What’s
the Connection? Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 27:298-314.
C. J. Ellis - 2004 - Understanding “Clovis” Fluted Point Variability in the Northeast: A
Perspective from the Debert Site, Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 28:205-253.
C. J. Ellis - 2002 (written and released 2004) - An Unusual Slate Gorget Fragment from
Oxford County, Ontario. Ontario Archaeology 74:22-42.
C. J. Ellis - 2002 - Les Assemblages Archéologiques du Paléoindien du Sud de l’Ontario.
Recherches Amérindiennes au Québec 32(3):7-26.
D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 2001 - Evidence for Late Paleo-Indian Ritual from the
Caradoc Site (AfHj-104), Southwestern Ontario, Canada. American Antiquity 66:267-284.
L. J. Jackson, C. J. Ellis, A. V. Morgan and J. H. McAndrews - 2000 - Glacial Lake
Levels and Eastern Great Lakes Palaeo-Indians. Geoarchaeology 15:415-440.
C. J. Ellis, A. C. Goodyear, D. F. Morse and K. Tankersley - 1998 - Archaeology of the
Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in Eastern North America. Quaternary International 49/50:151166.
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller - 1997 - Variability in the Archaeological Record of
Northeastern Early Paleo-Indians: A View from Southern Ontario. Archaeology of Eastern North
America 25:1-30.
D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1996 - The Bolton (AfHj-89) Site: A Crowfield Phase Early
Paleo-Indian Site in Southwestern Ontario. Ontario Archaeology 61:5-44.
C. J. Ellis and J. Payne - 1995 - Estimating Failure Rates in Fluting Based on
Archaeological Data: Examples from NE North America. Journal of Field Archaeology 22:459474.
C. J. Ellis - 1994 - Miniature Early Paleo-Indian Stone Artifacts from the Parkhill,
Ontario, Site. North American Archaeologist 15:253-267.
C. J. Ellis - 1993 - Premières Industries Lithiques Paléo-Indiennes de la Région N-E de
L'Amérique du Nord Dans Leurs Principaux Contextes (Temps, Espace, Paléo-environnement,
Sites, Culture). L'Anthropologie (Paris) 97:586-622.
B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1992 - The Early Paleo-Indian Parkhill Phase in Southwestern
Ontario. Man in the Northeast 44:15-54.
C. J. Ellis, S. Wortner and W. Fox - 1991 - Nettling: An Overview of an Early Archaic
"Kirk Corner-Notched Cluster" Site in Southwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Archaeology
C. J. Ellis and B. Deller - 1988 - Some Distinctive Paleo-Indian Tool Types from the
Lower Great Lakes Area. Midcontinental Journal of Archaeology 13:111-158.
C. J. Ellis and B. Deller - 1986 - Post-Glacial Lake Nipissing "Waterworn" Assemblages
from the Southeastern Huron Basin Area. Ontario Archaeology 45:39-60.
C. J. Ellis and B. Deller - 1982 - Hi-Lo Materials from Southwestern Ontario. Ontario
Archaeology 38:3-22.
5) Other Publications (Reviews, Short Contributions, Encyclopedia Articles, etc.)
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller – 2015 (dated 2014 for serial purposes) - Meadowood Phase
Occupations on the Caradoc Sand Plain. Kewa 14(3-4):1-18, in press.
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller – 2014 (dated 2013 for serial purposes) - Hi-Lo Point Life
Histories. Kewa 13(2-4):1-39.
C. J. Ellis - 2014 - Paleoindians. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by
Claire Smith, pp. 5760-5767. Springer-Verlag, Berlin & Heidelberg (Solicited Work).*
C. J. Ellis - 2012 - Foreword. In: Late Pleistocene Archaeology and Ecology in the Far
Northeast, Claude Chapdelaine (ed.), pp. xi-xiv. Texas A & M University Press for the Centre
for the Study of the First Americans, College Station, Texas (Solicited work).
C. Hanson and C. J. Ellis – 2012 - An Updated Fluted Point Survey for Southern Ontario.
Kewa 12(1-2):8-11.
C. J. Ellis - 2012 - Clovis Points More Than Simply Weapon Tips? On-Line Comment
(and response to the authors’ response) on “A Morphometric Assessment of the Intended
Function of Cached Clovis Points” by Briggs Buchanan, J. David Kilby, Bruce B. Huckell,
Michael J. O'Brien and Mark Collard in PLoS ONE 7(2): e30530.
C. J. Ellis and P. Racher - 2012 (dated 2011 for serial purposes) - A Distinctive, Probably
Early Paleoindian, Uniface from The Credit River Drainage. Kewa 11(3):1-8.
C. J. Ellis - 2011 - Editorial. Ontario Archaeology 91:1-2.
C. J. Ellis and J. R. Keron - 2011 - A Preliminary Report on a 3000 Year Old “Wall
Trench” Structure from the Davidson Site (AhHk-54). Kewa 11(2):1-10.
C. J. Ellis - 2011 - Review of Bruce A. Bradley, Michael Collins and Andrew Hemmings,
2010, Clovis Technology. International Monographs in Prehistory, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 21(1):145-147.
C. J. Ellis, E. Eastaugh and J. R. Keron - 2011 (dated 2010 for serial purposes) - A
Preliminary Report on a Late Archaic Pithouse from the Davidson Site (AhHk-54). Kewa 10(67):1-12.
D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 2010 - Some Sites and Artifacts I Have Known: The Weed
(AfHl-1) Early Paleo-Indian Site. Kewa 10(1-2):1-13.
C. Ellis, E. Eastaugh, J. Keron and L. Foreman - 2009 - A Preliminary Overview of the
2008 Excavations at the Davidson (AhHk-54) ‘Broad Point’ Archaic Site. Kewa 09(1-2):1-19.
S. H. Pearce and C. J. Ellis – 2008 - Area C of the Green Hill Site (AgHk-39): A Small
Point Archaic Component. Kewa 08(3-4):1-20.
C. J. Ellis - 2006 - A Preliminary Report on the 2006 Test Excavations at the Davidson
Site: An Archaic `Broad Point' Component. Kewa 06(7): 1-16.
J. T. Sherratt, D. R. Poulton, P. S. Dickson and C. J. Ellis - 2006 - Some (More) PaleoIndian Points from Southern Ontario. Kewa 06(4):1-14.
C. J. Ellis - 2004 - The Hi-Lo Component at the Welke-Tonkonoh Site, Area C. Kewa
04(5): 1-19.
W. A. Allen and C. J. Ellis - 2004 - A Thebes Point from Mersea Township, Essex
County. Kewa 04(2-3): 23-24.
C. J. Ellis - 2003 - Review of “Great Lakes Archaeology” by Ronald J. Mason, 2002,
Blackburn Press, Caldwell, New Jersey. Canadian Journal of Archaeology 27(2): 326-329.
C. J. Ellis and S. Wortner - 2003 - Edithsmith (AdHk-36): Excavations at a Terminal
Archaic/Woodland Site on the Thames River. Kewa 03(2):1-18.
C. J. Ellis - 2001 - The Thedford II Site Fluted Points. Palisade Post (London Museum of
Archaeology) 23(2):3-4 (reprinted in Kewa 01(8): 4-5, 2001).
C. J. Ellis - 2001 - Some Sites and Artifacts I Have Known: The Debert Site, Nova
Scotia. Kewa 01(6-7): 2-9.
C. J. Ellis - 2001 - Some Sites and Artifacts I Have Known: A Small Paleo-Indian Site in
the Niagara Peninsula. Kewa 01(1-2): 10-19.
C. J. Ellis - 2000 - Fluted Point Reports: Introduction. Kewa 00(6):2-3.
J. MacLeod, B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 2000 - The MacLeod Point: An Unusual Fluted
Point from Middlesex County. Kewa 00(6):4-5.
C. J. Ellis - 2000 - Parkhill: The Site. Ontario Archaeological Society Arch Notes
D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1999 - A Late Paleoindian Ceremonial Tool Cache from the
Caradoc Site (AfHj-104) in Southwestern Ontario. Annual Archaeological Report for Ontario for
1998, New Series 9:106-111.
C. J. Ellis - 1999 - Reply to J. V. Wright. Kewa 99(5-6):28-35.
C. J. Ellis - 1999 - Some Sites and Artifacts I have Known: The Welke-Tonkonoh Site
Revisited, or What is a Meadowood Point? Kewa 99(3-4): 9-26.
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller - 1998 - Crowfield Cultural Complex. In Archaeology of
Prehistoric Native America: An Encyclopedia, Guy Gibbon (ed.), pp. 183-185. Garland
Publishing Co., N.Y. *
C. J. Ellis - 1998 - Crowfield Site (AfHj-31). In Archaeology of Prehistoric Native
America: An Encyclopedia, Guy Gibbon (ed.), pp. 185-186, Garland Publishing Co., N.Y.*
C. J. Ellis - 1998 - Thedford II Site (AgHk-6). In Archaeology of Prehistoric Native
America: An Encyclopedia, Guy Gibbon (ed.), pp. 833-835, Garland Publishing Co., N.Y. *
C. Ellis - 1998 - The Pits (Part III) or Evidence from the Parkhill Site Pertaining to the
Age of Late Archaic “Smallpoints”. Kewa 98(7-8): 18-24.
C. J. Ellis - 1997 - Review of: "The Cummins Site Complex and Paleoindian Occupations
in the Northwestern Lake Superior Region," by Patrick J. Julig, Ontario Heritage Foundation
Publications in Archaeology No. 2. American Antiquity 62:173.
C. J. Ellis - 1997 - Some Sites and Artifacts I Have Known: The Paget Sites. Kewa
C. J. Ellis - 1997 - Reminiscences of Ian T. Kenyon (Obituary). Kewa 97(3 & 4):3-4.
C. J. Ellis - 1996 - William Burton Roosa 1923-1994 (Obituary). Canadian Journal of
Archaeology 20:135-137.
C. J. Ellis - 1994 - The Pits (Part II): A Radiocarbon-Dated Early Woodland, Meadowood
Phase Feature from the Parkhill Site. Kewa 94(5):2-7.
S. Wortner and C. J. Ellis - 1993 - The Snary Early Paleo-Indian Site. Kewa 93(2):3-15.
C. J. Ellis and J. Wilson - 1993 - Archaeological Investigations at the Duncan McGugan
Middle Woodland Site. Annual Archaeological Report for Ontario for 1992, New Series 3:71-73.
C. J. Ellis - 1992 - The Clovis Question. Review of: T. Dillehay and D. Meltzer (editors),
"The First Americans: Search and Research," CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida; and R.
Bonnichsen and K. Turnmire (editors), "Clovis Origins and Adaptations," Centre for the Study of
the First Americans, Corvallis, Oregon. Science 256:1697-1698.
C. J. Ellis (reporter) - 1992 - Workshop Discussion: Training of Avocational
Archaeologists. In Avocational Archaeologists: Roles, Needs and Responsibilities, pages 27-29.
Proceedings of the Conference and Workshop held at Trinity College, University of Toronto, 19
January, 1991. University of Toronto Press for the Ontario Heritage Foundation, Toronto.
B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1992 - Excavations at the Bolton Site: An Early Paleo-Indian
Crowfield Phase Site in Southwestern Ontario. Current Research in the Pleistocene 9:4-7.
C. J. Ellis, B. Deller and L. Jackson - 1992 - Investigations at Small, Interior Early PaleoIndian Sites in Southwestern Ontario. Annual Archaeological Report for Ontario for 1991, New
Series 2:92-96.
C. J. Ellis and B. Deller - 1991 - A Small (But Informative) Early Archaic Assemblage
from the Culloden Acres Site, Area B. Kewa 91(8):2-17.
P. Karrow, B. Warner, C. J. Ellis and J. MacDonald - 1990 - What's Beneath Our Feet in
Waterloo Region. Quaternary Sciences Institute, University of Waterloo, Publication No. 1. 8 pp.
S. Wortner, W. Fox and C. J. Ellis - 1990 - An Early Archaic Lithic Assemblage from the
Nettling Site in Southwestern Ontario. Current Research in the Pleistocene 7:57-59.
C. J. Ellis, B. Deller, C. Murphy and C. Dodd - 1990 - The Pits Part I: A RadiocarbonDated "Small Point" Late Archaic Feature from the Thedford II Site. Kewa 90(7):8-12.
C. J. Ellis and J. C. Lothrop - 1989 - Preface. In Eastern Paleoindian Lithic Resource
Use, edited by C. J. Ellis and J. C. Lothrop, pp. xix-xxi. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.
C. J. Ellis - 1989 - Comment on "Diversity, Organization and Behaviour in the Material
Record: Ethnographic and Archaeological Examples" by Michael Shott. Current Anthropology
C. J. Ellis, J. Fisher and B. Deller - 1988 - Four Meadowood Phase Lithic Artifact
Assemblages from Caradoc and Delaware Townships, Southwestern Ontario. Kewa 88(9):3-20.
C. J. Ellis - 1987 - Thedford II: An Early Paleo-Indian Site in Ontario. Niagara
Archaeological Report 1(1):14-17.
6) Technical Reports (Required Funding Agency and Government Archaeological Licence
C. J. Ellis - 2015 - Surface Surveying and Targeted Coring/Test Pitting/Excavations at
the Davidson (AhHk-54) Late Archaic Site. (ii + 44 pages). Archaeological Licence Report on
file (P004-019-2014). Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Heritage and Libraries
Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis and E. Eastaugh - 2014 - Surface Collections/Mapping and Geophysical
Surveys at the Davidson Late Archaic Site (AhHk-54), Ontario. (ii + 22 pages). Archaeological
Licence Report on file (P004-018-2013). Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport,
Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2014 - The 2012 Surface Collections/Mapping and Gradiometer Surveys at
the Davidson Late Archaic Site (AhHk-54), Ontario. (ii + 28 pages). Archaeological Licence
Report on file (P004-016-2012). Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Heritage and
Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2013 - The 2011 Surface Collections/Mapping and Gradiometer Survey at the
Davidson Late Archaic Site (AhHk-54), Ontario. (i + 18 pages). Archaeological Licence Report
on file (P004-015-2011). Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Heritage and Libraries
Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis – 2011 - The 2010 Fieldwork at the Davidson Late Archaic Site (AhHk-54)
Ontario. (ii + 136 pages). Archaeological Licence Report on file (P004-013-2010). Ontario
Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis – 2011 - The 2009 Excavations at the Davidson Late Archaic Site (AhHk-54)
Ontario. (ii + 397 pages). Archaeological Licence Report on File (P004-011-2009), Ontario
Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2010 - The 2008 Davidson Site (AhHk-54) Excavation Project. (ii + 125
pages) Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File (P004-009-2008), Ontario Ministry of
Culture, Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2008 - 2007 Fieldwork at the Davidson Site (AhHk-54). (27 pages). Ontario
Archaeological Licence Report on File (P004-007-2007), Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage
and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2007 - The 2006 Test Excavations at the Davidson Site (AhHk-54). (38
pages). Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File (P004-003-2006), Ontario Ministry of
Culture, Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2007 - The 2006 Fieldwork at the Green Hill Site (AgHk-39). (11 pages).
Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File (P004-005-2006), Ontario Ministry of Culture,
Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2007 - The 2005 Test Excavations at the Green Hill Site (AgHk-39). (35
pages). Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File (P004-004), Ontario Ministry of Culture,
Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2006 - Continuing Test Excavations at the Green Hill Site (AgHk-39). 26
pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File (P004-002), Ontario Ministry of Culture,
Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2005 - Test Excavations at the Green Hill Site (AgHk-39) and Surface
Collections at the Kiwi Site (AeHg-90). 41 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on
File (P004-001), Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage and Libraries Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis and S. Wortner - 2002 - Edithsmith (AdHk-36): Test Excavations at a Terminal
Archaic/Woodland Site on the Thames River. 32 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report
on File, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2000 - Topographic Mapping of the Late Paleo-Indian Caradoc Site (AfHj104). 4 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry of Culture,
Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
D. B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1998 - Excavations at the Caradoc Site (AfHj-104): A Late
Paleoindian Ritual Stone Artifact Deposit. 147 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on
File, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1997 - Surface Collections at the Culloden Acres Site (AfHj-90). 4 pages plus
appendices. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry of Culture,
Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1997 - The 1995 Test Excavations at the Brian Neutral Village Site (AfHh10). 17 pages plus appendices. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry
of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1996 - Test Excavations at the Brian Site (AfHh-10): A Prehistoric Neutral
Village. 19 pages plus appendices. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario
Ministry of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1994 - Fieldwork at the Brian (AfHh-10) and Stubble (AfHh-102) Sites. 19
pages plus appendices. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry of
Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1993 - Field Activities Conducted Under Archaeological Licence 1992-077. 7
pages plus appendices. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry of
Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
J. Wilson and C. J. Ellis - 1992 - The Duncan McGugan Middle Woodland Site. 39
pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage
Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller (with contributions by L. Jackson, B. Warner, P. Karrow and
S. Marsters) - 1991 - Investigations at Small Early Paleo-Indian Sites in Southwestern Ontario,
1990: Culloden Acres, Bolton and Murphy. iii + 312 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence
Report on file, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario and Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis (compiler with contributions by B. Deller, A. Moulton, J. Fisher and J. Muller)
- 1991 - Investigations at Welke-Tonkonoh and Other Hi-Lo Sites on the Caradoc Sand Plain. ca.
250 pages. Report on file, Ontario Heritage Foundation, Toronto, Ontario.
B. Deller and C. J. Ellis - 1982 - Archaeological Investigations at Thedford II, Crowfield
and Other Paleo-Indian Sites in Southwestern Ontario, 1981. 182 pages. Ontario Archaeological
Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1981 - Investigations of a Transitional Paleo-Indian to Early Archaic Lithic
Industry in Southwestern Ontario. 141 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on file,
Ontario Ministry of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis and B. Deller - 1980 - Test Excavations on Two Small Fluted Point Sites in
Ontario. 68 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on file, Ontario Ministry of Culture,
Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1979 - Archaeological Survey and Testing in the Niagara Peninsula Region of
Ontario, 1977. 126 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence and Grant Report on file, Ontario
Ministry of Culture, Heritage Branch and Ontario Heritage Foundation, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1978 - A Preliminary Report on Archaeological Survey and Testing in the
Niagara Peninsula. 24 pages. Ontario Archaeological Licence Report on File, Ontario Ministry
of Culture, Heritage Branch, Toronto, Ontario.
9) Items Submitted/In Preparation
C. J. Ellis - Preceramic Occupations of Southern Ontario. Manuscript (103 pages plus
figures) submitted for inclusion in: The Aboriginal Archaeology of Ontario to AD 1900, edited
by C. J. Ellis and N. Ferris.
C. J. Ellis – Archaeological Investigations at the Davidson Site, A Late Archaic (ca.
2500-800 BC) Occupation Near Parkhill, Ontario. Popular, non-technical summary of work at
this important site in preparation to be given to various stakeholders including the landowners,
the local First Nation and many volunteer fieldworkers and lab helpers.
C. J. Ellis and D. B. Deller – A Probable Hi-Lo Biface Cache from the Welke-Tonkonoh
Site, Ontario. Manuscript in preparation for submission to Kewa.
10) Presentations to Professional Meetings/Addresses/Seminars/Workshops
D. R. Poulton and C. J. Ellis - 2014 - The Gosling Site (AiHb-189), A Small Parkhill
Phase Paleoindian Site in Guelph, Ontario. Paper presented in the symposium “Faint Traces on
the Landscape” Approaches to Paleo-Indian Research and Strategies to Maximize Future
Studies” organized by Robert von Bitter (Ontario Ministry of Sport, Culture and Tourism) and
Christopher Ellis, at the 47th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, London,
Ontario, May.
E. Eastaugh, L. M. Hodgetts, J-F. Millaire, C. Chapdelaine and C. J. Ellis - 2014 Making Geophysical Prospection Relevant for Canadian Archaeologists. Using Magnetic
Susceptibility to Map Pre-Contact Archaeological Sites in Southern Ontario and Quebec. Paper
presented in the symposium “Geophysical Survey Applications to Archaeology”, organized by
John Dunlop (Archaeological Services Inc., Toronto), at the 47th Annual Meeting, Canadian
Archaeological Association, London, Ontario, May.
E. Eastaugh, L. M. Hodgetts, J-F. Millaire, C. Chapdelaine and C. J. Ellis – 2014 - The
Untapped Potential of Magnetic Survey in the Identification of Pre-Contact Archaeological Sites
in Southern Ontario and Quebec, Canada. Paper presented at the 79th Annual Meeting, Society
for American Archaeology, Austin, Texas, April.
C. J. Ellis – 2013 – Discussant for session on Paleoindian Colonization of the Far
Northeast: New Insights into an Old Problem, organized by Luc Litwinionek (Sacred Heart
University, Fairfield, Connecticut) and Brian Jones (Archaeological Services Inc., Storrs,
Connecticut). 80th Annual Meeting of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation, South
Portland, Maine, November.
C. J. Ellis – 2013 – The Davidson Late Archaic Site, Ontario (AhHk-54): An Overview.
Paper presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation,
South Portland, Maine, November (updated version of paper delivered at Windsor, Ontario in
C. J. Ellis – 2012 – The Davidson Late Archaic Site, Ontario (AhHk-54): An Overview.
Paper presented in the symposium on “Paleoindian and Archaic,” organized by Chris Ellis, at the
39th Annual Meeting of the Ontario Archaeological Society, Windsor, Ontario, November.
C. J. Ellis – 2012 – Investigations at the Davidson Site (AhHk-54), A Late Archaic
Settlement on the Ausable River, Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented at The Archaeological
Society of Ohio invited symposium, entitled "Prehistoric Cultures II", Columbus, Ohio, May.
C. J. Ellis – 2012 – The Davidson Site (AhHk-54) and Late Archaic Settlement Systems.
Invited paper presented in the symposium: “Papers in Honour of Peter Ramsden”, organized by
Jennifer Campbell (University of Toronto), at the 45th Annual Meeting, Canadian
Archaeological Association, Montreal, Quebec, May.
C. Hanson and C. J. Ellis – 2011 - An Updated Ontario Fluted Point Survey. Invited
paper presented in session on: “New Developments in Late Glacial Archaeology and Geology in
Northeastern North America”, organized by Leah Rosenmeier (Confederacy of Mainland
Mi’kmaq) at the 44th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Halifax, N.S, May.
J. Keron, C. J. Ellis and E. Eastaugh – 2010 - The Davidson Site (AhHk-54) Middlesex
County, Ontario: Remote Sensing of a Late Archaic Site. Paper presented in the session on:
“Archaeometry and Geoarchaeology” at the 37th Annual Meeting, Ontario Archaeological
Society, Killarney, Ontario, September.
C. J. Ellis, D. Carr and T. Loebel - 2010 - The Younger Dryas and Late Pleistocene
Peoples of the Great Lakes Region. Invited paper in symposium: “Human Reponses to the
Younger Dryas in the Northern Hemisphere: The Old World and The New World” organized by
Lawrence Strauss (University of New Mexico) and Ted Goebel (Texas A&M University) at the
75th Anniversary Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri, April.
C. J. Ellis - 2009 - Measuring Paleoindian Mobility and Land Use in the Great
Lakes/Northeast. Paper presented in the symposium: Expanding the Audience for Archaeology,
organized by Robert Park (University of Waterloo) at the 35th Annual Meeting, Ontario
Archaeological Society, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, October.
E. Eastaugh, J. R. Keron, L. Foreman and C. J. Ellis - 2009 - Beeps, Blips, and Buried
Broad Points: A Gradiometer Survey of the Late Archaic Davidson Site (AhHk-54; ca. 2400-
1500 B.C.) in Southwestern Ontario. Poster presented at the 42nd Annual Meeting, Canadian
Archaeological Association, Thunder Bay, Ontario, May.
C. J. Ellis - 2008 - The High Tech Forager Model and Paleoindians: A (Re)view from the
Great Lakes/Northeast. Paper presented at the “Early Paleoindian Colonization and Settlement of
the Midcontinent” special workshop/conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
organized by Daniel Amick (Loyola University of Chicago) and Thomas E. Emerson (Illinois
Transportation Archaeology Research Program, University of Illinois), April.
A. M. Stewart, J. R. Desloges, C. J. Ellis and D. G. Smith - 2008 - What Lies Beneath? A
Survey of the Evidence in Southern Ontario. Paper presented in the geoarchaeology symposium:
“Identifying Contexts for Deeply Buried Sites,” organized by Andrew Stewart. 41st Annual
Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, May.
C. J. Ellis – 2008 - Lithic Artifact Diagnostics of the Paleoindian to Early Woodland in
Southern Ontario. Two hour invited presentation and workshop for 20+ registrants. 34th Annual
Meeting, Ontario Archaeological Society, Hilton Garden Inn, Vaughn, Ontario, October.
C. J. Ellis - 2006 - The 2006 Test Excavations at the George Davidson Site: An Archaic
Broad Point Component. Volunteered Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting, Ontario
Archaeological Society in symposium on “Great Lakes Archaeology,” organized by Chris Ellis.
London, October.
K. Snarey and C. J. Ellis - 2006 - Evidence for Bow and Arrow Use in the Smallpoint
Late Archaic of Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting, Ontario
Archaeological Society, in symposium: Papers in Honor of Michael Spence, organized by Neal
Ferris, Peter Timmins, Christine White and Chris Ellis. London, October.
C. J. Ellis, D. B. Deller and J. Keron - 2006 - Feature #1 at the Crowfield Paleoindian
Site. Volunteered paper presented at the 39th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological
Association, Toronto, Ontario, May.
C. J. Ellis - 2005 - The Crowfield Site: A Most Unusual 12,500 Year Old Paleoindian Site
in Southwestern Ontario. Invited paper presented to the Dept of Sociology and Anthropology,
University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario, November.
C. J. Ellis - 2005 - Lithic Technology of the Debert Paleoindian Site, Nova Scotia.
Discussion paper presenter and workshop leader at the conference: “Ta’n Wetapeksi’k:
Understanding from Where We Come” sponsored by the Confederacy of Mainland Mi’kmaq in
partnership with Saint Mary’s University as well as the Nova Scotia Department of Natural
Resources, Parks Canada and the Nova Scotia Provincial Museum. Debert, Nova Scotia.
C. J. Ellis, P. Timmins and H. Martelle - 2004 - At the Crossroads and Periphery: The
Archaic Archaeological Record of Southern Ontario. Paper presented at the special invited
conference on “Archaic Societies of the Midcontinent,” organized by Thomas Emerson, Andrew
Fortier and Dale McElrath (Illinois Transportation Archaeology Program). University of IllinoisUrbana/Champaign, December.
C. J. Ellis - 2004 - Sacred Rituals and World View Amongst Ontario’s Most Ancient
Inhabitants. Invited keynote address presented at the Annual Silver Medal Presentation,
Department of Anthropology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 2004 - The Crowfield Site: A Unique Fluted Point Site. Invited address,
Michigan Archaeological Society, 45th Annual Fall Workshop, Monroe, Michigan.
C. J. Ellis - 2004 - The Crowfield and Caradoc Sites, Ontario: Glimpses of Paleoindian
Sacred Ritual and World View. Paper presented at the special invited symposium, The
Archaeological Society of Ohio, on "Peopling of the New World," Columbus, Ohio.
C. J. Ellis - 2004 - Understanding “Clovis” Fluted Point Variability in the Northeast: A
View from the Debert Site. Paper presented in the symposium: Clovis-Age Continent, organized
by David Kilby, Briggs Buchanan and Marcus Hamilton (University of New Mexico). 2004
Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Montreal, Québec.
D. B. Deller, C. J. Ellis & R. H. King - 2003 - The Crowfield (AfHj-31) Paleoindian Site.
Paper presented in symposium: Who’s on First: Studies of Early Human Occupation in Canada,
organized by Andrew Martindale (McMaster University) and Chris J. Ellis. 36th Annual
Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Hamilton, Ontario.
K. Snarey & C. J. Ellis - 2002 - Evidence for Bow and Arrow Use in the Smallpoint Late
Archaic of Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented in symposium: Paleo-Indian and Archaic in
the Great Lakes/Northeast, organized by Chris J. Ellis and Philip Woodley (New Directions
Archaeology, Hamilton). 35th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Ottawa.
C. J. Ellis - 2002 - Typological Relationships of Paleo-Indian Fluted Bifaces from the
Hiscock Site, Western New York State. Paper presented in symposium: Paleo-Indian and Archaic
Archaeology in the Great Lakes/Northeast, organized by Chris J. Ellis and Philip Woodley (New
Directions Archaeology, Hamilton, Ontario). 35th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological
Association, Ottawa, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis, J. Tomenchuk and J. Holland - 2001 - Typology, Use and Sourcing of the Late
Pleistocene Lithic Artifacts from the Hiscock Site. Invited paper presented at Smith Symposium
II: Late Pleistocene and Holocene Paleoecology and Archaeology of Western New York State.
Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, New York.
C. J. Ellis - 2000 - Archaeology in Ontario: An Academic(’s) Perspective. Invited
presentation at the Annual Meeting, Society of Professional Archaeologists, Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario.
K. B. Tankersley, D. G. Anderson, B. T. Lepper & C. J. Ellis - 1999 - Are We Sure It’s
Clovis?: The Eastern North American Record. Invited paper presented at the special conference
Clovis and Beyond, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
C. J. Ellis, A. V. Morgan and J. H. McAndrews - 1999 - The Paleoenvironmental and
Geological Contexts of Early Paleo-Indians: Data from the Parkhill Site Investigations. Paper
presented in symposium: Environmental Archaeology, organized by Dr. Robert Park (University
of Waterloo). 26th Annual Meeting, Ontario Archaeological Society, Waterloo.
D. B. Deller & C. J. Ellis - 1999 - Evidence for Late Paleo-Indian Sacred Ritual
Behaviour from the Caradoc Site (AfHj-104), Southwestern Ontario, Canada. Paper presented in
symposium: Paleoindian Archaeology in Eastern North America, organized by Dr. Kenneth
Tankersley (Kent State University). 64th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology,
Chicago, Ill.
C. J. Ellis - 1998 - What’s the Connection?: The Fluted Point Tradition (FPT) and the
Arctic Small Tool Tradition (ASTt). Paper presented at the 31st Annual Chacmool Conference:
On Being First: Cultural Innovation and Environmental Consequences of First Peoplings.
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta.
D. B. Deller & C. J. Ellis - 1998 - A Late Paleo-Indian Ritual Tool Deposit from the
Caradoc Site (AfHj-104), Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented in symposium: Late PaleoIndian Archaeology, organized by Luc Litwinionek (Texas Tech University). 31st Annual
Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Victoria, B.C.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1996 - Investigations at Small Paleo-Indian Sites in
Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented in symposium: Small Sites Archaeology, organized by
Dr. Jean-Luc Pilon (Canadian Museum of Civilization). 23rd Annual Meeting, Ontario
Archaeological Society, Kingston, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis & R. Mayer - 1996 - Archaeology and Geology of the Bluewater Bridge Site,
Point Edward, Ontario. Invited paper presented to the Quaternary Sciences Institute, Quaternary
Discussion Group, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
L. J. Jackson & C. J. Ellis - 1995 - Geomorphology, Geochronology and Great Lakes
Palaeo-Indians: Crossing the Space/Time Barriers. Paper presented in symposium: PleistoceneHolocene Shorelines and Channel Margins: The Geoarchaeological Context of Human Entry
into Eastern North America, organized by Andrea Freeman & Michael Faught, University of
Arizona. 60th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
C. J. Ellis, A. C. Goodyear & D. F. Morse - 1995 - The Pleistocene-Holocene Transition
in Eastern North America. Paper presented in symposium: The Archaeology of the PleistoceneHolocene Transition, organized by Dr. H. Muller-Beck (Universitat Tubingen), and Dr.
Lawrence Strauss (University of New Mexico). XIV International Quaternary Association
(INQUA) Congress, Berlin, Germany.
C. J. Ellis - 1995 - Early Paleo-Indians in Southwestern Ontario: An Artifact and Site
Characteristic Perspective. Invited address presented at Michigan Archaeological Society, 39th
Annual Fall Workshop. Monroe, Michigan.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1995 - Early Paleo-Indian Cultural and Adaptive Variability
in the Great Lakes/Northeast: A View from Southern Ontario. Paper presented in symposium:
Early Paleo-Indian Cultural-Ecological Adaptations in the Late Pleistocene Great Lakes Region
and the Northeast: Common Strategies or a Diversity of Approaches, organized by Dr. Peter
Storck (Royal Ontario Museum). 60th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology,
Minneapolis, Minnesota.
C. J. Ellis - 1994 - Factors Governing the Use of Stone Projectile Tips: The Ethnographic
Data. Paper presented in symposium: Projectile Technologies: Archaeological, Experimental and
Ethnoarchaeological Perspectives, organized by Dr. Heidi Knecht (University of Miami), at the
59th Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Anaheim, California.
C. J. Ellis - 1993 - Miniature Early Paleo-Indian Stone Artifacts from the Parkhill Site,
Ontario. Paper presented in symposium: Paleoindian Archaeology in the Great Lakes Area,
organized by C. J. Ellis. 19th Annual Meeting, Ontario Archaeological Society, Niagara Falls.
C. J. Ellis & J. C. Lothrop - 1993 - Long-Term Technological Change During the
Paleoindian and Archaic Periods in Northeastern North America. Paper presented in
symposium: Explaining Long-Term Changes in Post-Glacial Foraging Technology: Old and
New World Perspectives, organized by Dr. Bradley Vierra (University of New Mexico). 58th
Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, St. Louis, Missouri.
C. J. Ellis - 1992 - The Earliest Human Occupations of the Eastern Great Lakes Area: A
View from Southern Ontario. Keynote invited address delivered at First Annual Symposia, Ohio
Archaeological Council: The First Discovery of America, organized by Dr. William Dancey,
(Ohio State University). Ohio Historical Centre, Columbus.
C. J. Ellis & J. H. Payne - 1992 - Estimates of Failure Rates in Fluting Based on
Archaeological Data: Examples from Northeastern North America. Volunteered paper. 24th
Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, London, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1991 - Some Unanswered Questions Concerning the Paleo-Indian
Occupation of the Great Lakes Area. Conference on: Great Lakes Archaeology and
Paleoecology: Exploring Interdisciplinary Initiatives for the 1990s. Quaternary Sciences
Institute, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1991 - Investigations at Small Early Paleo-Indian Sites in
Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented in symposium: Evaluating Models of Early Paleoindian
Foraging Behaviour, organized by Dr. Kenneth Tankersley (SUNY-Bridgeport). 56th Annual
Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, Louisiana.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1990 - Evidence of Interregional Interaction (Including
Exchange?) on Early Sites in the Lower Great Lakes Area. Paper presented in symposium:
Exchange Systems in Ontario Archaeology, organized by Dr. Heather McKillop (Louisiana State
University). 17th Annual Meeting, Ontario Archaeological Society, Ryerson Institute, Toronto.
C. J. Ellis, S. Wortner and W. Fox - 1989 - The Nettling Early Archaic Site in
Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented in symposium: Archaic and Early Woodland
Archaeology in the Great Lakes, organized by Chris J. Ellis. 16th Annual Meeting, Ontario
Archaeological Society, London, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis, S. Wortner and W. Fox - 1989 - Nettling: A Preliminary Overview of an Early
Archaic "Kirk Corner-Notched Cluster" Site in Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented in
symposium: Non-Iroquoian Archaeology in Ontario, organized by Neal Ferris (Ontario Ministry
of Culture). 22nd Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Fredericton, N. B.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1989 - Meadowood Phase Occupations on the Caradoc Sand
Plain. Paper presented in symposium: Non-Iroquoian Archaeology in Ontario, organized by Neal
Ferris (Ontario Ministry of Culture). 22nd Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological
Association, Fredericton, New Brunswick.
C. J. Ellis - 1988 - Hi-Lo: An Early Lithic Complex in Southern Ontario. Paper presented
in symposium: Late Paleo-Indian in Canada, organized by Dr. Patrick Julig (Laurentian
University). 21st Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Whistler, B.C.
L. J. Jackson & C. J. Ellis - 1988 - Palaeo-Indian Settlement and Subsistence Models for
Southern Ontario and the Great Lakes Region. Volunteered paper. 55th Annual Meeting, Eastern
States Archaeological Federation, Toronto, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis - 1987 - The Explanation of Northeastern Paleo-Indian Lithic Procurement
Patterns. Paper presented in symposium: Eastern Paleo-Indian Lithic Resource Use, organized
by Chris J. Ellis and Jonathan Lothrop (Louis Berger and Associates, N.J.). 52nd Annual
Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, Toronto, Ontario.
D. B. Deller & C. J. Ellis - 1986 - Early Paleo-Indian Complexes in Southwestern
Ontario. Paper presented at the: Smith Symposium on Paleoecology and Archaeology of the
Eastern Great Lakes Region, Buffalo Museum of Science, Buffalo, New York.
C. J. Ellis - 1986 - Peopling of the Lower Great Lakes Area. Invited paper presented at
12th Annual McMaster Archaeology Symposium (Current Ideas on the First Peopling of the
New World), Hamilton, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1986 – “Some Great Lakes Fluted Point Types" Revisited.
Volunteered paper. 19th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Assoc., Toronto, Ontario.
D. B. Deller, C. J. Ellis & I. T. Kenyon - 1985 - Archaeology of the Southeastern Huron
Basin. Paper presented in symposium: Archaeology of the Lake Huron Basin Area, organized by
William Fox (Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture). 12th Annual Meeting, Ontario
Archaeological Society, London, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1983 - Crowfield: A Preliminary Report on a Probable PaleoIndian Cremation in Southwestern Ontario. Paper presented in symposium: New Experiments
Upon the Record of Eastern Paleo-Indian Cultures, organized by Dr. Richard M. Gramly,
(Buffalo Museum of Science), and John Grimes (Peabody Museum of Salem). 50th
Annual/Anniversary Meeting, Eastern States Archaeological Federation, Salem, Mass.
C. J. Ellis - 1983 - Paleo-Indian Lithic Technological Organization in the Lower Great
Lakes Area. Paper presented in symposium: Paleo-Indian in Eastern North America: New Looks
at an Old Problem, organized by Dr. Albert C. Goodyear (University of South Carolina), and Dr.
David Meltzer (University of Washington). 48th Annual Meeting, Society for American
Archaeology, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
C. J. Ellis - 1983 - Lithic Raw Material Characteristics as an Aid to Constructing
Manufacturing Sequences: A Paleo-Indian Example. Invited paper presented at 9th Annual
McMaster Archaeology Symposium (Early Man in the Northeast), Hamilton, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1982 - The Crowfield-Willaeys Site: A Paleo-Indian Site Near
London, Ontario. Volunteered paper. 15th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological
Association, Hamilton, Ontario.
C. J. Ellis & D. B. Deller - 1981 - A Study of Hi-Lo Points. Paper presented in
symposium: “Artifact Life Histories”, organized by Chris J. Ellis. 14th Annual Meeting,
Canadian Archaeological Association, Edmonton, Alberta.
C. J. Ellis - 1979 - Lithic Debitage from Fluted Point Sites in Ontario. Paper presented in
symposium: “Paleo-Indian in Ontario”, organized by Dr. William Roosa (University of
Waterloo). 12th Annual Meeting, Canadian Archaeological Association, Vancouver, B. C.
12) Recent Public/Popular Talks
2015 – The 2014 Investigations at the Davidson Late Archaic Site. Presented to London
Chapter, Ontario Archaeological Society, at “Member’s Night”, February.
2014 – Living on the Ausable River, 2500-800 BC. Invited talk at the “Public
Archaeology Day”, London Hilton, London, Ontario, May.
2014 - Investigations at the Davidson Site (AhHk-54), An Ancient Late Archaic
Settlement on the Ausable River, Southwestern Ontario. Invited talk to Hamilton Chapter,
Ontario Archaeological Society, Ancaster, Ontario, April.
2014 - Investigations at the Davidson Site (AhHk-54), An Ancient Late Archaic
Settlement on the Ausable River, Southwestern Ontario. Invited talk to Grand River Chapter,
Ontario Archaeological Society, Blair, Ontario, March.
2012 - The Archaeology of the Southeastern Huron Basin. Talk to to undergraduate
students in the Great Lakes Archaeology class from Wayne State University visiting the Museum
of Ontario Archaeology and Sustainable Archaeology Facility, London, Ontario, September.