ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED VIDYUT SOUDHA :: HYDERABAD SPECIFICATION NO: E 05 / ED( IS)/ERP/ APGENCO Dt. 04-05-2015 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS FOR TWO PART BID INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS, CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND SCHEDULES May -2015 Executive Director (IS) APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony Kalyan Nagar, Yousufguda Hyderabad-500045 Ph:- 040 23840244 Fax:- 040 23840212 E. Mail IDs: 1 Proprietary & Confidential No part of this document can be reproduced in any form or by any means, disclosed or distributed to any person without the prior consent of APGENCO except to the extent required for submitting bid and no more 2 Contents of Tender Specification: S.No Description P.Nos 1 Notice Inviting Tender 4-7 2 Schedule of Quantities 8 3 Eligibility Criteria and Special Terms & conditions 9 4 Checklist of Documents to be uploaded online 10 5 Detailed Technical Specification 11-19 6 Instructions to Bidders 20-23 7 General Purchase conditions a. General b. Financial 24-26 27-29 8 Schedule of Terms and conditions 30-31 9 Proforma of Summary Price Proposal 32 10 Schedule of Deviations 33 11 Guidelines for Submission of Bank Guarantee 34 12 Annexure-01 (proforma of Bank Guarantees) 35-37 13 Annexure-02 (Declaration by Bidder) 38 14 Annexure-03 (Annual Turnover Details) 39 15 Annexure-04 (List of Major Customers) 40 16 Annexure-05 (Bidder Information) 41 3 NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1 Department Name Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited 2 Circle/Division Name Executive Director (IS) APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony Kalyan Nagar, Yousufguda Hyderabad-500545 3 Tender Notice No. 4 Name of Work 5 Estimated Contract Value Not Applicable 6 Period of Contract 4 Weeks from the date of issue of LOI/PO for supply of material/ licenses and 4 weeks for installation thereafter. 7 Form of Contract LS 8 Tender Type Open 9 Tender Category Open 10 Bid Security (EMD) 11 Bid Security Payable to ₹1,00,000/- by way of Demand Draft and Rs 2.5 Lakh by way of Bank Guarantee By way of DD drawn on nationalized bank in favour of ‘Pay Officer, APGENCO, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad - 500 082’ payable at Hyderabad. 12 Process Fee Not Applicable Transaction Fee payable to M/s APTS Schedule Available Date & Time Schedule Closing Date &Time Bid Submission closing Date & time The participating bidders have to pay online a transaction fee of 0.03% on the quoted price + Service Tax as applicable. 17 Bid Submission Online 18 Bid Validity 180 days from the date of opening of bids. 19 Pre Bid Meeting NA 20 Pre Qualification/ Technical Bid Opening Date (Qualification and Eligibility Stage) 28.05.2015, 16:00 Hrs. 21 Technical Specifications Bid Opening Date (Technical Bid Stage) NA 22 Price Bid Opening Date & Time 05.06.2015 at 15.00Hrs 13 14 15 16 E05 /ED(IS)/ERP/APGENCO Dated 04.05.2015 Supply and Installation of Network and Security equipment for ERP and other IT related needs of APGENCO 06.05.2015, 16:00 Hrs Onwards 27.05.2015, 12.00 Hrs 27.05.2015, 15.00 Hrs 4 23 Eligibility Criteria 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 24 Place of Opening of Tenders 25 Officer Inviting Bids The Company should be in existence for the last 5 Years The Company Should have supplied and installed similar equipment to atleast two organisations out of which one should be either Central/ state Government or PSUs. The Company Should submit Manufacturer's Authorisation Form from each of the OEMs for the products quoted. The Bidder/Consortium Member should give a Declaration that the Bidder/Consortium Member has not been debarred/blacklisted from last three years by any Central or State Govt./Quasi Govt. Departments or organizations for non-satisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business practices as per Format Given. The offered UTM/Next generation Firewall equipment which is critical system in the landscape should be listed in the Gartner’s Magic Leader Quadrant for the last 3 years. The company should have an average annual turnover of Rs 2.4 crore during the preceding 3 years and should have executed single order worth Rs 60 lakh or above during the last 3 years APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony Kalyan Nagar, Yousufguda Hyderabad-500545 Executive Director/IS/APGENCO/Hyderabad. Executive Director/IS, APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony Kalyan Nagar, Yousufguda Hyderabad-500545 26 Address 27 Contact Details Ph No: 040- 23840244; Fax: 040-23840212 28 Procedure for bid submission a) The bids shall be in the prescribed forms which can be obtained from ‘e’ procurement platform from the date of electronic publication up to the time and date indicated in the tender notice. The intending bidders shall enroll themselves on the ‘e’ procurement market-place Those contractors who register themselves in the ‘e’ procurement market place can download the tender schedules free of cost. The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his digital certificate for submitting the bid electronically on eprocurement platform and the bids, not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder, will not be accepted on the eprocurement platform as per the G.O.Ms.No.6, I.T&C Department, dated. 28-2-2005. b) Intending bidders can contact officer Inviting Bids (SNo 25) for any clarification / information on any working day during working hours. c) The bidders who are desirous of participating in e-procurement shall submit their technical bids, price bids etc., in the standard formats prescribed in the tender documents, displayed at “e” market place. The bidders shall invariably upload the statement showing the list of documents etc., in the “e” market place in support of their Technical bids. The bidders shall load scanned copies of all relevant certificates. The bidder shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates, uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness / authenticity. d) The Bidder shall authenticate the bid with his digital certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-Procurement Platform and the bids not authenticated by Digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-Procurement platform. e) Technical bid evaluation of the tenderers would be done on the certificates/ documents uploaded towards qualification criteria 5 furnished by them and no other document will be entertained at a later date unless requested by the tending inviting officer in writing 29 Statutory Requirements 30 Other Payments to be made 31 Documents to be submitted (Hard copies) to the Tender inviting authority* The Tenderer shall fulfill the following statutory requirements. a) Income tax Clearance Certificate: Furnishing of income tax certificate is dispensed with; however the contractor shall furnish their copy of Permanent Account Number (PAN) card and a copy of latest income tax return shall be submitted along with the proof of receipt. b) Insurance: The insurance policy is to be taken in favour of employer i.e., department by the agency at the time of concluding the agreement. It should form part of agreement. Agreement will not be concluded with out insurance policy. c) Value added tax: Value added tax at source at the applicable rate shall be recovered from the work bills of the contractor for all the payments made. The tenderer should furnish the proof of registration under Value Added Tax, along with Tax payers Identification Number (TIN) from the Commercial tax department. Apart from the Bid Security (EMD) and Transaction fee, the tenderer shall be liable to pay the following amounts. Corpus Fund: Successful bidder has to pay an amount representing 0.04% of Purchase Order Value through demand draft in favour of ‘Managing Director, APTS, Hyderabad’ towards corpus fund at the time of placing purchase order. The tenderer is liable for disqualification, if he is found to have mislead or furnished false information in the Forms / Statements / Certificates submitted in proof of qualification requirements and record of performance such as abandoning of work, not properly completing of earlier contracts, inordinate delay in completion of works, litigation history, Financial failures and/or participated in the previous tendering for the same work and has quoted unreasonably high price, etc. Even while during execution of the work, if found that the contractor had produced false/fake certificates of experience, he will be black listed, the contract will be terminated and his Bid security will be forfeited and work will be carried out through other agency at his cost and risk. The tenderer shall furnish the declaration that: 1) They have not been black listed in any department due to any reasons. 2) They have not been demoted to lower category in any department for not filing the tenders after buying the tender schedules in a whole year and their registration have not been cancelled for a similar default in two consecutive years. 3) They will agree to get disqualified themselves for any wrong declaration in respect of the above and get their tender summarily rejected. 4) The soft copies uploaded by them are genuine. Any incorrectness / deviation noticed will be viewed seriously apart from canceling the work duly forfeiting the Bid security. Criminal action will be initiated including suspension of business and/ or black listing. 32 Other relevant information 1. 2. APGENCO reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons there of. APGENCO reserves the right to amend or modify the tender and its conditions before bid submission closing date & time of tenders under intimation to the tenderers. 6 3. 4. 5. 6. Any other condition regarding receipt of tenders in conventional method appearing in the tender documents may please be treated as not applicable. The contractors have to upload the information preferably in Zip format. The contractors should upload the documents duly signing each and every paper. For all clarifications & guidance, the bidders may contact the Executive Director (IS)/APGENCO, APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony,Kalyan Nagar, YousufgudaHyderabad-500545 * Note: Only the Successful Bidder Should submit the Hard Copies. For further details regarding detailed Tender Notification, specifications and digital certificate please visit and The quantities mentioned above are only indicative and may vary depending on actual requirement. Note: Uploading of the documents, the correctness/authenticity is the responsibility of the bidder only. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/INFORMATION SYSTEMS APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony Kalyan Nagar, Yousufguda Hyderabad-500545 E. Mail ID: 7 Schedule of Quantity The Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (APGENCO) at Hyderabad, A.P. is inviting tenders for Supply and Installation of Network and Security equipment for ERP and other IT related needs of APGENCO in accordance with the terms, conditions and requirements set forth in this tender specification/bid documents. The bidder may visit the site upon written request to the calling authority for acquainting with site conditions: SCHEDULE OF QUANTITY Sl.No Description of Item UOM Quantity 1 Next Generation Firewall / UTMs with 3years Subscription Nos 4 2 Link Load Balancer with 3 Years Subscription Nos 2 3 Web Application Firewall With 3 Years Subscription No 1 4 Core Switches L3 48x(10/100/1000) autosensing 1G and 6xSPF+ ports Nos 2 5 Access Switches L2 24x(10/100/1000) autosensing 1G and 4xSFP+ ports Nos 6 6 LC-LC MMF patch cords , 15 mtr length Nos 20 7 1G copper patch cords, 15 mtr length Nos 200 8 Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training charges. LS LS 9 AMC charges per Annum after expiry of Warranty period for Items 1,2,3,4 and 5 LS LS The Detailed Technical Specifications for the item Sl. Nos. (1) to (5) are enclosed. 8 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA AND SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: For Supply and Installation of Network and Security equipment for ERP and other IT related needs of APGENCO 1. The Company should be in existence for the last 5 Years. 2. The Company Should have supplied and installed similar equipment to atleast two organisations out of which one should be either Central/ state Government or PSUs. 3. The Company Should submit Manufacturer's Authorization Form from each of the OEMs for the products quoted. 4. The Bidder/Consortium Member should give a Declaration that the Bidder/Consortium Member has not been debarred/blacklisted from last three years by any Central or State Govt./Quasi Govt. Departments or organizations for non-satisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business practices as per Format Given. 5. The offered UTM/Next generation Firewall equipment which is critical system in the landscape should be listed in the Gartner’s Magic Leader Quadrant for the last 3 years. 6. The company should have an average annual turnover of Rs 2.4 crore during the preceding 3 years and should have executed single order worth Rs 60 lakh or above during the last 3 years. Note: 1. The documents in proof of the above shall be scanned and uploaded online on e-market place otherwise the bidders are liable for disqualification. 2. This is a total work and will be allotted to a single bidder. Delivery Period: Supply, Installation of Network and Security equipment for ERP and other IT related needs of APGENCO, at proposed Data Centre in the state of Andhra Pradesh shall be done within 8 weeks from the date of issue of LOI/PO. LICENSES: The Licenses/ subscriptions supplied shall be in the Name of “Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation, Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad”. Warranty and Support: The supplied equipment should be with 3 year subscription & warranty & support in High Availability mode. Note: Any additional components (Both Hardware & Software) not specified herein but are necessary for successful operation of the system should be deemed to have included and the price components if any, shall be mentioned in the Schedule of deviations. TENDERER SEAL 9 Check list for Documents to be uploaded on line Compliance/ Agreed/ Enclosed / Deviation Statement The following documents shall be scanned (resolution of minimum 200 dpi and uploaded online on e-market place in the order given below, otherwise the bids are liable for disqualification. All the scanned documents uploaded must be clearly readable and legible. Sl.No 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 BID Document Reference All Supporting documents in respect of Eligibility Criteria. Annexure – 02 Duly Signed, with Office Seal as a token of Acceptance of Special Terms and Conditions of APGENCO Reference The copy of Income Tax PAN card and copy of latest tax return The list of customers, to whom the bidder had supplied identical materials in the past along with P.O. details and performance report, if any, shall be furnished. General purchase conditions duly Signed & stamped on each page. Terms & Conditions duly filled in and signed and stamped on each page. Deviations duly filled in and signed. Declaration Regarding Clean Track Record (Annexure - 9 10 02) Demand Draft towards EMD. A copy of the acceptance letter of PEMD issued by 12 APGENCO, in support of PEMD if applicable to the bidder. Turnover details of item/product in 2011-12, 2012-13 & 13 2013-14 (Annexure -03) 14 List of Major Customers (Annexure -04) 15 Bidder Information (Annexure -05) Note: No hard copies need to be submitted along with tender. Only the successful bidder shall be requisitioned to submit the hard copies after finalization of the tender and are to be submitted with 4 days from the date of such communication. 10 Detailed Technical Specifications 1. Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Next Generation Firewall / UTM - 4Nos Specifications Actual parameters Complied (Yes/No) The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM must be appliance based, rack mountable and should have dual AC redundant power supply. The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should contain at least 2x10GbE SFP+, 8x1GbE SFP, 8x1GbE, 1GbE Management, 1 Console. The 10 GbE SFP's should be supplied with the device. The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support of the following features: Bridge mode, Transparent mode, Nat Mode, voice based protocol like H.323, SIP, user based Authentication, packet capturing, more than 2 ISP's and MPLS. The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should be supplied with the following features enabled. Gateway AV, IPS, IDS, Application inspection and control, Content filtering, Botnet filtering, Geo IP filtering, Deep packet inspections on encrypted connections The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support a sustained Firewall throughput of the firewall system without packet drop of at least 18 Gbps and above The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support a sustained Gateway Antivirus throughput of the firewall system without packet drop of at least 3 Gbps and above The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support a sustained Intrusion prevention throughput of the firewall system without packet drop of at least 6 Gbps and above The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support at least 1.2 million firewall connections The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support at least 120,000 new firewall connections per second The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support a sustained 3DES/AES IPSEC VPN throughput of the firewall system without packet drop of at least 7 Gbps and above The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support minimum 2000 IPSec Site-to-Site and 2000 no. or more of IPSec Site-to-Client VPN tunnels. The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should do real time scanning rather than proxy based scanning of all the traffic passing through the appliance. The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM web content filter Should be able to block different categories/sites based on IP and User Authentication. The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support deep packet SSL to decrypt HTTPS traffic for scanning(IPS, Gateway Antivirus, Content Filtering, Application control) transparently for future requirement and then re-encrypt to send to destination if no threat found. The feature should be enabled by default 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support logging to syslog server and should generate reports by integrating with other solutions. The reporting tool for the proposed devices needs to be bundled or quoted along with the solution. The logging and analysis should either be an appliance or software. The tool should be capable of providing detailed analysis reports and alerts. The device or software should support at least 2TB for all the 4 UTMs in total. If it is a software a suitable Rack mounted system is to be provided to install the software. The proposed Next Generation firewall/UTM should be recommending rating 90% and above from NSS Lab’s 2013/2014 The proposed Next Generation Firewall OEM should be leaders in Gartner's UTM Magic Quadrant from last 3years. The proposed Next Generation Firewall/ UTM should “IPv6 Phase II Ready”, License for Unlimited users, ICSA Lab Certified. The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should support Static Routing, Dynamic Routing , IPv6 Policy based routing, DHCPv6 (Server, relay and client functionality) The proposed Next generation firewall/UTM should have authentication for users/admins (Local and Remote – RADIUS, LDAP), RSA Secure ID or other Token based Products, SSO. Should support protocols such as DES & 3DES, MD5, SHA‐1, SHA‐256 authentication Gateway AV should be supported for real‐time detection of viruses and malicious code for HTTP,HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, POP3 OEM should be having ISO certification OEM should be ICSA Labs certified for Enterprise Firewall and should be Common Criteria EAL 4 certified High Availability (Active : Passive and Active : Active Mode) : UTM /firewall should be configured in a failover manner, so that in case of one hardware failure the traffic should automatically routed through other with no affect and without any manual intervention and also able to share the load between 2 appliance. Installation, configuration and training should be carried out by OEM certified Engineer 12 2. ISP Link Load Balancer - 2Nos Sl.No Specifications 10 Must aggregate WAN links from a single or multiple ISPs, and support up to 25 WAN links for inbound/outbound traffic load balancing and redundancy. WAN links must support IPv4 or IPv6 addressing or both simultaneously. Must support IP connectivity across all kinds of network infrastructure, including Ethernet (10Mbps/100Mbps/1Gbps copper or fiber), T1, T3, E1, ADSL, Cable Modem, ISDN, 3G, WiFi, WiMax…etc. Must support the specified total bandwidth of 200Mbps under full load and using all features including Tunnel Routing VPN and Encryption. Must be License Key in-service upgradeable from 60Mbps to 200Mbps with no change in hardware. Must support the specified total bandwidth of 200Mbps no matter if the transport is symmetrical or asymmetrical. Total bandwidth is defined as the sum of the inbound and outbound bandwidth. Must support inbound-to-outbound traffic ratios from 95%/5% to 5%/95%. Must be able to provide at least 4 physical 1G Base-TX ports. Must support flexible network topologies. The user must be able to define the port function for each of the physical ports including WAN, LAN or DMZ. Must support more than one WAN link on each physical port using an external WAN-side VLAN switch. Must support 802.1Q VLAN on all ports (WAN, LAN, DMZ). 11 Must support redundant LAN and DMZ ports. 12 Must support Link Aggregation 13 Must support dynamic routing protocol RIP V1 / V2 and OSPF Should support Port aggregation and should be able to combine 2 or more ports for better throughput (Should support port bonding) Must support WAN bridge mode network infrastructure with one or multiple fixed or dynamic IP addresses. Must support PPPoE WAN links with static or dynamic IP address allocation Must support DHCP WAN links 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Actual parameters Must support Static IP WAN inks Must support Bandwidth Management of the WAN traffic as listed below: Setting bandwidth policy by source IP address, destination IP address and/or service type (Layer 4 protocols). Provide independent management of outbound traffic and inbound traffic, with different policies for each if necessary. Provide different guaranteed bandwidth and maximum bandwidth settings for different WAN links. Provide minimum of 3 traffic priority levels. Provide a scheduling function to adjust policies for peak and non-peak traffic periods. Provide a complete Bandwidth Management log file and support file output, including connection information, packet numbers, and packet size for analysis and auditing purposes. Provide real-time statistics with top-10 lists of: connections, source IP addresses and destination IP addresses. 13 Complied (Yes/No) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Must provide a bandwidth management log showing source IP address, destination IP address, service, bandwidth usage and time-of-day for analysis or auditing purposes. Must support multiple Failover Policies / Routes to allow for and route around multiple link failures. Must automatically adjust bandwidth management for WAN link failures. Must automatically return recovered WAN links to operational status and traffic transport. Support user-defined IP and Service Group functions for configuring firewall, bandwidth management and routing policies. Support IP-MAC mapping to prevent IP spoofing. Provide Connection Limit function to limit the numbers of connections from any source IP address to prevent denial-ofservice attacks. Provide One-to-One, Multiple-to-One and Multiple-to-Multiple NAT/PAT (Network/Port Address Translation) function. Provide Virtual Server functionality which enables Internet traffic to be balanced across multiple servers (connected to LAN or DMZ ports). Must support public authoritative DNS server and separate internal DNS server for LAN users, both supporting NS, A, AAAA, MX, CName, DName, MX, TXT, external sub-domain and PTR record resolution for IPv4 and IPv6. DNS server must support more than 200 different IPv4 or IPv6 DNS domains with customizable TTL time per Domain Name, NS, A, AAAA, CName, DName, MX, TXT and external subdomain records. Must support Multi-homing function for inbound IPv4 and/or IPv6 traffic Load Balancing and fault tolerance across up to 25 WAN links by enabling DNS relay or DNS authoritative server function, supporting both A and AAAA records. Must support public IP pass-through on DMZ port with inbound/outbound load balancing and installation without changing existing IP addresses for both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. Must provide inter-site Tunnels with inbound/outbound failover and load balancing Tunnels must support simultaneous use of WAN links of different data rates and RTT values Must support AES128 or better encryption of Tunnel traffic. Must support DHCP server function Must provide HA (High Availability) function and support email alert notification when the status of the master or slave unit changes Must support physical HA interconnection cabling independent of network. Must support VRRP for HA interconnection over network. Must provide Web UI configuration interface with https/SSL encryption. Must support standard SNMP v1/v2/v3 protocol including MIB I/II and Trap Must support external traffic reporting system which is able to store traffic date and report using graphs and tables on traffic patterns over any period from 5-minutes to years. 14 50 51 Reporting software must be capable of creating fully customizable reports for any time period and include analysis of WAN traffic, User traffic (to the individual IP address), Departmental traffic, Layer 4 Service traffic, and information related to traffic and availability of WAN links, Tunnels, Servers, inbound and outbound Load Balancing. Installation, configuration and training should be carried out by OEM certified Engineer 3. Web Application Firewall -1 No Sl.No Specifications 1 Web application firewall should be appliance based and provide specialized application threat protection. 2 Should be ICSA Certified 3 4 5 Should protect against application-level attacks targeted at web applications. Should provide bi-directional protection against sophisticated threats like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, Should provide controls to prevent identity theft, financial fraud and corporate espionage. 6 Appliance should have unlimited application licenses. 7 Automatic signature update and install 8 Should monitor and enforce government regulations, industry best practices, and internal policies. 9 Device should have Sub Millisecond Latency 10 Support for at least 10,000 transactions per second. 11 Should deliver at least 100 Mbps of HTTP throughput 12 Should have minimum 3 no's of 1G Interfaces 13 Should have minimum 500GB of Storage space Dual-stack support for both IPv4 to IPv6 and IPv6 to IPv4 communication. The appliance should be able to perform in multiple modes such as Active mode, passive mode, Transparent mode, Reverse proxy mode, Appliance should continuously track the availability of the Servers being protected. Should have a suitable Web Vulnerability Scanner to detect existing vulnerabilities in the protected web applications. Should have Data Leak Prevention module to analyze all outbound traffic alerting/blocking any credit card leakage and information disclosure Provide controls to meet PCI compliance requirements for web application servers. Should have controls for Anti Web Defacement and provide ability to check the authorized version of the website content. The solution should offer an on-board Anti-Virus solution for blocking the virus/malware file uploads into the servers from outside and the database should be updated automatically. Should enforce strict RFC compliance check to prevent attacks such as encoding attacks, buffer overflows and other application specific attacks. Should support automatic signature updates to protect against known and potential application security threats. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Actual parameters 15 Complied (Yes/No) 24 25 Should support XML firewall capability with schema validation, XML Firewall, IPS and routing capabilities. Should Include policies for network and application layer denial of service threats 26 Should support XML Application protection 27 Should have built in policies 28 Should support custom signatures 29 Provide ability to allow/deny URL access 30 Ability to define different policies for different applications 31 Ability to create custom attack signatures or events 32 Ability to combine detection and prevention 33 Should protect certain hidden form fields. 34 Must provide ability to allow or deny a specific URL access. 35 WAF should support Normalization methods such as URL Decoding, Null Byte string, termination, Converting back slash to forward slash character etc.. 36 Must support Website anti defacement. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 A given user must be enforced to follow a sequence of pages while accessing. Should have the capability to Auto-Learn Security Profiles required to protect the Infrastructure. Should provide a statistical view on collected application traffic Policies must be automatically generated from auto learn results auto-learn options should be available to tweak and fine tune rules WAF should continue to provide protection even while in learning mode. Should have controls against Brute force attacks should Detect brute force attack (repeated requests for the same resource) against any part of the applications Custom brute force attack detection for applications that do not return 401. 48 Protection against SYN-flood type of attacks Should be able to protect Cookie Poisoning and Cookie Tampering. Must support multiple HTTP versions 49 Should support restricting the methods used. 50 Should support restricting the method exceptions. 51 Should validate header length, content length, Body length, Parameter length, body line length etc.. 52 The device must be supported in reverse proxy mode 53 Appliance should be able to terminate SSL 54 Should Passively decrypt SSL Client certificates should be supported in passive mode and active mode. In termination mode, the backend traffic (i.e. the traffic from the WAF to the web server) can be encrypted via SSL Are all major cipher suites should be supported by the SSL v3 implementation. Should support for hardware-based SSL acceleration or SSL off loading 47 55 56 57 58 16 59 60 61 62 63 Should support High Availability in active /Passive, Configuration Sync modes. WAF appliance should have application-aware load-balancing engine to distribute traffic and route content across multiple web servers. The product must possess a Web Application Vulnerability Scanning capability built in. The vulnerability scan should identify vulnerabilities such as XSS, SQL injection, Source code disclosure, HTTP Request Smuggling, Common web server vulnerabilities etc.. Solution should be capable of detecting and distinguishing two sets of Bots from the Internet: Known search engines,Bad robots (scanners, crawlers, spiders) 64 Scan must be able to crawl the Web application 65 Must be able to scan the authenticated applications. 66 Should support scheduled scanning. 67 76 Should support exclusions in scanning by the administrator. Should support Secure Administrative Access using HTTPS and SSH Should support Role Based Access Control for Management Should support multi-tenancy feature via administrative domains Separate network interface for SSH/HTTPS access. Ability to identify and notify system faults and loss of performance Should support Log Aggregation Should support multiple log formats such as CSV, Syslog, TXT, etc.. Should support inbuilt Reporting and sending the report via EMail Should support report formats in PDF, HTML, WORD, etc.. 77 Reports should be customizable. 78 Report Distribution Automatically via email 79 Should generate comprehensive event reports Installation, configuration and training should be carried out by OEM certified Engineer 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 80 4. Core Switches L3 48x(10/100/1000) autosensing 1G and 6xSPF+ ports Sl.No Actual parameters Specifications Complied (Yes/No) General 1 2 3 4 5 6 Shall be 1RU, 19" Rack Mountable Shall have dual, hot-swappable power supplies and fan trays with support front-to-back airflow for hot/cold aisles Must have 2 AC Power Supply with power cord; 2no of frt(ports)-Bck(pwr) Fan Tray; 6 nos of 10G SFP+ LC SR Transceiver; 1 of Stacking Cable for each switch 48 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports The switch shall have six 10-Gigabit ports (SFP+/XFP) in addition to the above ports Shall have switching capacity of at least 216 Gbps with 161 MPPS 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Operating temperature of 0°C to 45°C Resiliency Shall have the capability to extend the control plane across multiple active switches making it a virtual switching fabric, enabling interconnected switches to perform as single Layer-2 switch and Layer-3 router or equivallent Shall support virtual switching fabric creation across eight switches using 10G Ethernet Links Ring protocol support to provide sub-100 ms recovery for ring Ethernet-based topology or equivallent Must support at least 16000 Routing entries Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) for OSPF, IS-IS and BGP protocols Layer 2 Features Shall support up to 4,000 port or IEEE 802.1Qbased VLANs Shall have the capability to monitor link connectivity and shut down ports at both ends if uni-directional traffic is detected, preventing loops Shall support IEEE 802.1ad QinQ to increase the scalability of an Ethernet network by providing a hierarchical structure Layer 3 Features (any additional licenses required shall be included) Static Routing for IPv4 and IPv6; OSPF for IPv4 (OSPFv2) and IPv6 (OSPFv3) PIM Dense Mode (PIM-DM), Sparse Mode (PIMSM), and Source-Specific Mode (PIM-SSM) for IPv4 and IPv6 multicast applications QoS and Security Features Access Control Lists for both IPv4 and IPv6 for filtering traffic to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the network Support Congestion avoidance Powerful QoS features supporting strict priority (SP) queuing, weighted round robin (WRR) Switch should support at least 2000 ACL entries in hardware Management Features Configuration through the CLI, console, Telnet, SSH and Web Management SNMPv1, v2, and v3 and Remote monitoring (RMON) support with sflow support Network Time Protocol (NTP) or equivalent support with 802.3ah support Installation Installation, configuration and training should be carried out by OEM certified Engineer 5. Access Switches L2 24x(10/100/1000) autosensing 1G and 4xSFP+ ports Sl.No Specifications Actual parameters Complied (Yes/No) 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 General Shall be 1RU, 19" Rack Mountable , Must have 1 AC Power Supply with power cord; 24 RJ-45 autosensing 10/100/1000 ports with 4 SFP+ fixed 1000/10000 SFP+ ports 1 RJ-45 serial console port Must have min 512 MB SDRAM, min 64 MB flash; packet buffer size: 1.5 MB Shall have switching capacity of at least128Gbps Shall have up to 96 million pps switching throughput with 16K MAC support Must have required Stacking cables for connectivity Shall have features to improve energy efficiency like variable-speed fans, shutoff unused ports etc Operating temperature of 0°C to 45°C Resiliency Support for Separate data and control paths: increases security and performance Must support 8 Switch Stacking with SDN-ready with support for OpenFlow 1.3 Support for virtual resilient switching fabrics, where two or more switches perform as a single Layer 2 switch and Layer 3 router Features Shall support IEEE 802.1Q with at least 4000 simultaneous VLAN IDs Shall support GARP VLAN Registration Protocol or equivalent feature to allow automatic learning and dynamic assignment of VLANs Shall have the capability to monitor link connectivity and shut down ports at both ends if uni-directional traffic is detected, preventing loops Support for SNMP V1,2,3 Must support Static and RIP with IPv4 , IPv6 and future support for dynamic routing protocols. QoS and Security Features Support for Broadcast control: allows limitation of broadcast traffic rate to cut down on unwanted network broadcast traffic Support for Powerful QoS feature: supports the following congestion actions: strict priority (SP) queuing, SDWRR, and SP+SDWRR Support for Advanced classifier-based QoS: classifies traffic using multiple match criteria based on Layer 2, 3, and 4 information; applies QoS policies such as setting priority level and rate limit to selected traffic on a perport basis Management Features Configuration through the CLI, console, Telnet, SSH and Web Management SNMPv1, v2, and v3 and Remote monitoring (RMON) support Installation Installation, configuration and training should be carried out by OEM certified Engineer 19 ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED Executive Director(IS), Room. No.251A, Vidyut Soudha, Khairatabad Hyderabad-500082 Phone No. 040 – 23499921, 23499922, 23499999 Fax No. 040- 23499888 ‘Instructions to Bidders’. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The instructions given below must be read very carefully, as failure in compliance with any of these may render the offer liable for rejection. If a bidder has any doubt about the meaning of any stipulation herein, General Purchase Condition, specification of materials or any other enclosed document, he should immediately obtain the clarification/ information in writing from the Executive Director(IS) who has issued these documents. 1. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and Transaction Fee 1.1. Every tenderer must pay the EMD and transaction fee as indicated below failing which offer shall be liable for rejection 1.1.1. 1.1.2. 1.1.3. 1.1.4. 1.1.5. EMD as indicated in item no. 10 of NIT The Transaction fee as indicated in item no 13 of NIT Documents in support of payment of EMD and Transaction Fee shall be scanned and uploaded Actual instruments (DDs) shall be furnished as indicated in the Item No 10,13,30 of NIT The manufacturers registered as SSI unit with Industries department, Government of Andhra Pradesh and wish to be exempted from payment of EMD should apply in advance and obtain exemption well before submitting the tender. The exemption letter should be enclosed to the quotation. 1.2. Submission of EMD and Transaction Fee in any other form shall not be considered and shall be treated as disqualification. 1.3. The EMD shall be forfeited, if i) Bidder withdraws the bid before expiry of its validity. ii) Successful bidder does not accept the order/LOI or fails to enter into a contract within validity period of offer. iii) Successful bidder fails to furnish Corpus Fund (as per item no. 30 of NIT) and Security Deposit within Seven( 7) days from the date of issue of P.O./ LOI iv) The offer is disqualified for the reasons outlined in item No 31 of NIT 1.4. Permanent/ Standing EMD: The bidder may deposit with APGENCO, the permanent fixed deposit of Rs.2,50,000 (Two lakhs and fifty thousands) as EMD in the form of DD. In case of BG, it shall be valid for a period of three years constituting the said sum as security for due compliance with the obligations undertaken in the offer submitted by the bidder. No interest will be payable on such amount. Such bidder shall be entitled to have them considered without payment of EMD with each tender separately; they need only upload the soft copy of the registration certificate. 1.5. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, as soon as purchase decision against the tender is taken. 2. Due date and time and submission of offers: 20 The Offers should be uploaded online within the due date and time stipulated in the NIT. 2.1. The Tenderers should follow the Procedure for Bid Submission in Item No 28 of NIT failing which the offer is liable for rejection. The quoted prices must be written in both figures and words in capital letters. In case of any discrepancy between figures and words, the rates in words shall be considered for the purpose of evaluation. 2.2. Bidders may note that due date and time of opening the bids shall strictly be adhered to. However, due to declaration of unexpected holiday or any unforeseen circumstances, bids are not opened on due date, the same shall be opened on next working day at the same time. 2.3. The documents uploaded should be same as the documents submitted in Hard copies. 2.4. The bidder shall certify that the quoted rates are as applicable to Government Dept/ Public Sector Undertaking and in support of this they shall furnish copies of Purchase Orders received from these organizations. 3. Validity of offers: The offers shall be kept valid for the period indicated in item no. 18 of NIT. During this period bidder shall not be permitted to withdraw or vary their offers, once made and if they do so, the EMD shall be forfeited. 4. Acceptance of APGENCO Payment Terms The standard payment terms shall be A. Materials & Licenses: i) Within the Contractual delivery period: 90% of all inclusive price of the materials/ Licenses will be paid on within 30 days on receipt and acceptance of the delivery in good condition at site against furnishing & approval of Bank Guarantee issued by nationalized banks for 10% value of the contract covering the guarantee period and the balance 10% will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge. ii) Beyond the contractual delivery period: 85% of all inclusive price of the materials/ Licenses will be paid on within 30 days on receipt and acceptance of the delivery in good condition at site against furnishing & approval of Bank Guarantee issued by nationalized banks for 10% value of the contract covering the guarantee period and the balance 15% will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge duly settling the liquidated damages as applicable subject to effective performance of the contract. B. Installation and Implementation: i) Within the Contractual delivery period: 100% of all inclusive price of installation and implementation will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge subject to furnishing of Bank Guarantee as mentioned in (A.i) ii) Beyond the contractual delivery period: 90% of all inclusive price of installation and implementation will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge subject to furnishing of Bank Guarantee as mentioned in (A.i) and balance duly adjusting the liquidated damages shall be made within 90 thereafter subject to effective performance of the contract. 21 5. Price Basis Kindly quote F.O.R. destination prices and dispatch of materials through our authorized transporter. However, if the quoted rates are ex-works or F.O.R. Station of Dispatch. Loading @ 2% towards Packing and Forwarding and 3% towards freight charges shall be done. However, for F.O.R. Destination or F.O.R. Station of Despatch prices, break- up of Packing and Forwarding and Freight component shall be furnished as Excise Duty and Sales Tax shall be payable on Ex-works price only and shall not be payable on freight charges. 6. Transit Insurance Bidder shall quote FOR Destination prices inclusive of marine insurance charges. However, if the price is of Ex-works or Station of Dispatch, loading shall be done on their quoted price @ 1% towards transit insurance by the Corporation. 7. Taxes and duties: VAT applicable to APGENCO is 5% as per GOMS No:1625, Dt:06-11-2006, read with amendment GO MS No: 1718, Dt: 13-09-2011. Kindly indicate clearly as to whether the offered prices are inclusive or exclusive of Sales Tax. The rate and nature of Sales Tax applicable shall be shown separately. Sales Tax shall be paid to the seller at the rate which it is liable to be assessed/ actually assessed on the date of supply, provided the transaction of sale is liable to Sales Tax. In case the bidder stipulates Excise Duty extra as applicable at the time of despatch and specifies the present rate of Excise Duty (in numeric percentage or NIL), the offer shall be evaluated considering rate of ED for the product as per Excise Tariff of Govt. of India or as evident from bids received from other bidder. However, liability of APGENCO shall be restricted to actual ED paid at the time of dispatch subject to production of Excise Gate Pass or Excise Invoices. In case the bidder quotes with ‘fixed rate’ of ED or specify ED as NIL, ‘the offer shall be evaluated accordingly and payment shall also be restricted accordingly. This will be subject to submission of Excise Invoice copy for having actually paid the Excise Duty or otherwise but claim for any upward revision will not be accepted at a later stage. Similarly if variable excise duty is payable, evaluation shall be done on full/maximum excise duty payable for the product but payment of ED to the supplier against the order, if placed, shall be actual amount paid subject to furnishing documentary proof (excise Gate Pass or Excise Invoice) 8. Cost Compensation for Deviation: Deviations specifically declared by the bidders in respective Deviation Schedules of Bid Proposal Sheets only will be taken into account for the purpose of evaluation. The bidders are required to declare the prices for the withdrawal of the deviations declared by them in the Deviation Schedules. Such prices declared by the bidders for the withdrawal of the deviations in the Deviation Schedule shall be added to the bid prices to compensate for these deviations. In case prices for the withdrawal of deviations not furnished by the bidder, the owner shall convert such deviations into a Rupee value and add to the bid price to compensate for these. In determining the Rupee Value of the deviations, the owner will use parameters consistent with those specified in the specifications and documents and/ or other information as necessary and available with APGENCO. In case the bidder refuses to withdraw the deviations at the cost of withdrawal indicated by the bidder in the deviation schedule, the EMD of bidder shall be forfeited. Bidder may note that deviation variations and additional conditions etc. found elsewhere in the bid other than those stated in the Deviation schedules, save those pertaining to any rebates, shall not be given effect to in evaluation and it will be assumed that the bidder complies with all the conditions of Bidding Documents. In case bidder refuses to withdraw, without any cost to APGENCO, those deviations, which the bidder did not state in the Deviation Schedules, the EMD of the bidder may be forfeited. 9. Offers should strictly be in conformity with specifications/ drawings/ samples as stipulated in the enquiry. In case no deviations are indicated, it shall be taken for granted that item (s) has/ have been offered strictly as per the requirements given in the enquiry. 22 10 Delivery Material: The material/ Licenses are to be delivered within 4 weeks from the date of Purchase order Installation and Implementation: The service engineer for installation and implementation of the system should be deputed within 2 weeks from the date of intimation of site readiness by APGENCO in writing and completed with in 2 weeks from the date of commencement of the work. 10.1 Delivery Schedule Offered delivery period shall be based on delivery schedule indicated in the enquiry. In case of any deviation, bidder shall offer his best, realistic and firm delivery, which shall be specific and guaranteed. Delivery period shall be reckoned from the date of LOI/P.O. whichever is the first intimation of acceptance of bidder’s offer. Final date of delivery shall be evidenced by date of dispatch of materials as per transporter’s Lorry Receipt/ Goods Receipt/ RR/ PWB/ AWB. In case stage inspection or pre- dispatch inspection is involved, the bidder shall take into account 15 days notice to APGENCO to depute Inspection Engineer. In view of this, delivery time shall be inclusive of time taken for inspection. For delivery beyond contractual delivery period, provisions of ‘General Purchase Conditions’ shall apply. 10.2.Early Delivery: It shall be noted that if an order is placed on higher bidder, in preference to lowest acceptable offer, in consideration of an earlier delivery, the bidder shall be liable to the Corporation, the difference between the ordered rate (s) and the rate (s) quoted by the lowest acceptable bidder in case the bidder fails to complete the supply in terms of such order within the date (s) of delivery specified in the tender and incorporated in the order. This is without prejudice to other right under terms of order. 11. It is not binding on APGENCO to accept the lowest or any bid. The Corporation reserves the right to place orders for individual items with different bidders and to revise the quantities at the time of placing the order. The quoted rates, terms and conditions shall apply. The order for the materials may also be split up between different bidders to facilitate quick delivery of critically required materials. APGENCO further reserves the right to accept or reject any/ all bids without assigning any reasons thereof. 12. APGENCO at its sole discretion unilaterally may change the quantities to the extent of 20% as indicated in tender enquiry/ NIT. The successful bidder shall be bound to supply these quantities on the same rate and terms and conditions. 13. Bidders are requested to fill in the enclosed proforma for Terms and Conditions and submit the same in duplicate along with their offer. 14. Orders placed against this tender enquiry shall be subject to ‘General Purchase Conditions’ of APGENCO, a copy of which is enclosed. Bidders are requested to confirm acceptance in Toto in their offer. 15. Make/Brand of items offered shall be specified failing which offers are liable to be rejected. It shall be appreciated if one copy of detailed descriptive literature/ pamphlets shall be enclosed along with the offer which may help technical evaluation. 16. In case material offered is ISI marked/tested at any Govt. recognized test house; copies of relevant certificate shall be furnished along with the offer. 17. Test certificate of manufacturer/ Govt. Test House shall be submitted if so stipulated. 18. If the bidder is on DGS&D Rate Contract for item (s) covered in tender enquiry. A copy of the same shall be enclosed along with the offer. SSI /NSIC units shall furnish a copy of registration certificate. 23 19 Samples shall be submitted with the offer wherever asked for and it is to be noted that they shall only be supplementary to the specification and would not supersede the specification. Samples are relied upon solely to describe attributes that are not quantifiable like colour, luster feel etc. Bidder shall submit samples, freight paid, through register Post Parcel/ Road transport and should ensure that samples reach APGENCO within the stipulated date and time. No cognizance will be given to such samples, which are received after the specified date and time. 24 ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED Executive Director (IS) APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony Kalyan Nagar, Yousufguda Hyderabad-500545 GENERAL PURCHASE CONDITIONS SECTION- I GENERAL 1.1 The following terms and expressions used herein shall have the meaning as indicated therein: Supplier/ Vendors: shall mean the individual firm or company whether incorporated or otherwise in whose name this purchase order is addressed and shall include its permitted assigns and successors. Purchaser/ Corporation: shall mean Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd., (A Govt. of A. P. Undertaking), a company incorporated in India under Companies Act 1956, having its Registered Office at Vidyut Soudha, Hyderabad – 500 082 (AP) 1.2 Reference: This purchase order number must appear on all the correspondence, packing slips, invoices, drawings or any other document or paper connected with this purchase order. 1.3 Waiver: Any waiver by the authority of any breach of the terms and conditions of the purchase order shall not constitute any right for subsequent waiver of any other terms or conditions. 1.4 Sub-letting and Assignment: The supplier shall not, save with prior consent in writing of the Corporation, sublet, transfer or assign this order or any part thereof or interest therein or benefit or advantage thereof in any manner, whatsoever. Provided nevertheless that any such consent shall not relieve the supplier from any obligation, duty or responsibilities under the contract. 1.5 Information Provided by the Corporation: All drawings, data and documentation that are given to the supplier by the Corporation for the execution of the order are the property of the Corporation and shall be returned back when demanded. Except for the purpose of executing the order of the Corporation, supplier shall ensure that the above documents are not used for any other purpose. The supplier shall further ensure that the information given by the Corporation is not disclosed to any person, firm, body, corporate and/or authority and make every effort that the above information is kept confidential. All such information shall remain the absolute property of the Corporation. 1.6. Supplier’s Liability Supplier hereby accepts full responsibility and indemnifies the Corporation and shall hold the Corporation harmless from all acts of omission and commission on the part of the supplier, his agents, his subcontractors and employees in execution of the purchase order. The supplier also agrees to defend and hereby undertakes to indemnify the Corporation and also hold it harmless from any and all claims for 25 injury to or death of any and all persons including but not limited to employees and for damage to the property arising out of or in connection with the performance of the work under the purchase order. 1.7. Access to supplier’s Premises: The Corporation and / or its authorized representative shall be provided access to suppliers and / or his sub-contractor’s premises, at any time during the pendency of the purchase order, for expediting the supplies, inspection, checking etc. 1.8 Addition/ Alterations/ Modifications: The Corporation reserves the right to make additions/alterations/ modifications to the number of participants to be trained after issue of work order to the successful Tenderer. The Firm should train such participants also at the same rate as originally agreed to and incorporated in the work order to be placed on the successful Tenderer. The variation shall, however, be limited to 20% of the ordered quantity. 1.9 Modifications This purchase order constitutes an entire agreement between the parties hereto. Any modification to this order shall become binding only upon the same being confirmed in writing duly signed by both the parties. 1.10 Inspection/checking/testing All materials/ equipment to be supplied against this purchase order shall be subject to inspection/ checking/ testing by the Corporation or its authorized representative at all stages and places, before, during and after the manufacture. All these tests shall be carried out in the presence of authorized representative of the Corporation. Supplier shall notify the Corporation for the inspection of materials/ equipment when they are ready, giving atleast 10 days notice. If upon receipt at our Stores, the material/equipment does not meet the specifications, they shall be rejected and returned to the supplier for repair/modification etc. or for replacement. In such cases all expenses including to- and- fro freight, repacking charges, transit insurance etc shall be to the account of supplier. Inspection by the authorized representative of the Corporation or failure of the corporation to inspect the material/equipment shall not relieve the supplier of any responsibility or liability under this purchase order in respect of such material/ equipment not be interpreted in anyway to imply acceptance thereof by the Corporation. Whenever specifically asked for by the Corporation, the supplier shall arrange for inspection/testing by Institutional Agencies such as Lloyds Register of Industrial Services, Boiler Inspectorate, RITES etc In such cases vendor shall adhere to the inspection/ testing procedures laid down by such agencies. All expenses including inspection fees shall be to the suppliers account unless agreed to the contrary and specified in the purchase order. 1.11 Packing and Marking: All materials/equipment shall be securely packed to the requirements of transportation by Rail/ Road/ Sea transport. All exposed services/ connections/, protrusions shall be properly protected. All unexposed part shall be packed with due care and the packages should bear the words’ handle with care’. The packing requirements of Rail/ Road transport shall be complied with so as to obtain clear Railway Receipt/ Lorry Receipt i.e. without any qualifying remarks. All packages and unpacked materials shall be marked with the name of Consignor, Consignee, Purchase order No., gross and Net weight, sign of handling, if any, with indelible paint in English atleast at two places. In case of bundles, metallic plates marked with the above details shall be tagged with such bundles. 1.12 Dispatch of Materials: 26 The supplier is responsible for the safe delivery of the goods in good condition at destination stores. The supplier should acquaint himself of the conditions obtaining for handling and transport of the goods to destination and shall include and provide for security and protective packing of the goods so as to avoid damage in transit. After packing the materials/ equipment those shall be dispatched strictly as per the provision of purchase order. In case any changes in the mode of transportation and/or transporter has to be done, the same shall be done only after obtaining prior approval in writing failing which documents for advance payment through bank shall not be honored. Normally the goods shall be dispatched through our approved transporter only as indicated in the purchase order. All formalities related to allotment of wagons, loading permission from Railways shall be completed by the supplier. The supplier shall communicate immediately the dispatch details to the consignee as specified in the purchase order. The Original dispatch documents either directly or through bank shall be forwarded immediately, failing which the supplier shall be responsible for any delay in payment and consequential payments of demurrage and wharfage to the transporter. 1.13 Demurrage/Wharfage: If the documents are routed through Bank, any consequential charges i.e. demurrage/ wharfage charges, due to late retirement of documents on account of (i) violation of inspection clause i.e. dispatch of materials without predispatch inspection whereas Pre-dispatch inspection is required as per the condition of P.O. (ii) materials dispatch after expiry of delivery period without obtaining approval in advance for extension of delivery period (ii) dispatch of materials not through authorized transporter as indicated in the P.O. (iv) late receipt of invoice or due to violation of any other clause (s) of the purchase order, will be to supplier’s account. Supplier shall also be responsible for all such payments due to late receipt of RR/LR and other documents. 1.14 Manuals & Drawings Before the goods and services are taken over by the user, the vender shall supply operation and maintenance manuals, (together with drawings of the goods and services where applicable). The vender shall provide compete technical documentation of hardware supplied items. The manuals and as built drawings wherever applicable shall be in English or Telugu. Atleast 5 sets of the manuals should be supplied. Unless and otherwise agreed, the goods and services shall not be considered t be completed for the purpose of taking over until such manuals and drawings have been supplied to the user 1.15 Jurisdiction: All and any disputes or difference arising out of or touching this order shall be decided only by the Courts or Tribunals situated in Hyderabad/ Secunderabad. For the purpose of any legal obstruction, the material, spares etc., should be deemed to pass into company’s owner ship only at the destination stores where they are delivered and accepted. 1.16 Signing of contract A. APGENCO notifies the successful bidder that its bid bee accepted., the APGENCO will place LOI/PO incorporating all the terms & conditions agreed as per specification by the bidder 27 B. On receipt of contract form LOI/PO the successful bidder sign the LOI/PO in token of acceptance of LOI/PO and return it to APGENCO. 28 SECTION – II FINANCIAL 2.1. Prices: Prices quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes/duties and firm till completion of the total work. 2.2. Security Deposit (SD) 2.2.1. The successful bidder shall furnish within one week from the date of issue of LOI/ PO (if the value of order is above Rs. 1,00,000) security deposit equal to 2.5% of value of purchase order for proper fulfillment of the terms and conditions of the contract and full execution of supplies thereof. The amount of security shall be forfeited to the extent of financial loss suffered by the Corporation, if supplier fails to execute the order and fulfill its terms and conditions. 2.2.2. SSI/ NSIC Units shall be exempted from payment of SD. 2.2.3. Security deposit may be furnished in the shape of cash, by Demand Draft drawn on any nationalized bank, payable to APGENCO or bank guarantee in lieu of cash from any nationalized bank in prescribed proforma which shall be furnished along with purchase order (Bank guarantee shall be accepted only if amount of SD is above Rs. 10,000) or Government Securities duly endorsed in favour of APGENCO. 2.2.4. Security deposit shall be returned back to the supplier as soon as order is fully executed and supplier has met all contractual obligations and there is nothing outstanding either against this purchase order or any other purchase order placed by the corporation on the supplier. 2.3. Terms of Payment: A. Materials & Licenses: i) Within the Contractual delivery period: 90% of all inclusive price of the materials/ Licenses will be paid on within 30 days on receipt and acceptance of the delivery in good condition at site against furnishing & approval of Bank Guarantee issued by nationalized banks for 10% value of the contract covering the guarantee period and the balance 10% will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge. ii) Beyond the contractual delivery period: 85% of all inclusive price of the materials/ Licenses will be paid on within 30 days on receipt and acceptance of the delivery in good condition at site against furnishing & approval of Bank Guarantee issued by nationalized banks for 10% value of the contract covering the guarantee period and the balance 15% will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge duly settling the liquidated damages as applicable subject to effective performance of the contract. B. Installation and Implementation: i) Within the Contractual delivery period: 100% of all inclusive price of installation and implementation will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge subject to furnishing of Bank Guarantee as mentioned in (A.i) ii) Beyond the contractual delivery period: 90% of all inclusive price of installation and implementation will be paid within 30 days after successful installation and implementation of the system as certified by the Engineer- in- Charge subject to furnishing of Bank Guarantee as mentioned in (A.i) and balance 10% duly adjusting the liquidated damages shall be made within 90 thereafter subject to effective performance of the contract. 2.4 Liquidated Damages/ Failure and Termination: In the event of any delay in the supply of Material beyond the stipulated date or any delay in supply of material/Licenses and deputation of service engineer and completion of installation and implementation, beyond the stipulated date of completion schedule including any extension permitted in writing, the Corporation reserves the right to recover from the supplier a sum equivalent to 0.5% of the 29 value of delayed materials/equipment/work for each week of delay and part thereof subject to a maximum of 5% of the total value of the order. i. Alternatively, the Corporation may resort to give the contract elsewhere at the sole risk and cost of the supplier and recover all such extra cost incurred by the Corporation in procuring the materials by above procedure. ii. Alternatively Corporation may cancel the Purchase Order completely or partly without prejudice to its right under the alternatives mentioned above. In case of recourse to alternative i & ii. above, the Corporation shall have the right to repurchase the materials which is readily available in the market to meet the urgency of requirements caused by supplier’s failure to comply with the scheduled delivery period irrespective of the fact whether the material/ equipment are similar or not. 2.5 Delivery Schedule: Time is essence of this order and no delay shall be allowed in the delivery time/ delivery schedule mentioned in the purchase order. Delivery of equipment/materials described shall be deemed to constitute acceptance of this order and terms and conditions by the supplier at the price specified. Early Delivery: It shall be noted that your assurance of earlier delivery, this order is being placed on you, in preference to the lowest acceptable bid (s). In the event of failure to complete supplies against this order within the date of delivery specified herein you would be liable to pay to the Corporation, the difference between ordered rates and those of lowest acceptable bid i.e. Rs________ per unit, not withstanding the fact that delay in supply may have been caused by force majeure. This is without prejudice to the right of Corporation to recover all other losses and damages resulting from delayed supplies, including right of cancellation of order. 2.6. Performance Bank Guarantee: The supplier shall ensure that all materials/equipment under this purchase order shall conform to Corporation’s requirements and specifications. An additional security in the form of Performance Bank Guarantee is essential for satisfactory performance of the equipment over a period of time. In view of this, suppliers of equipment/instruments/ machinery shall be required to furnish a Bank Guarantee (10% of order value including Installation and Implementation charges) against any manufacturing defects/ poor workmanship/poor performance. In case any deficiencies are found during this period, the same shall be repaired/rectified/replaced free of cost. BG shall be from any nationalized Bank or any other bank as approved by APGENCO from time to time in the prescribed Performa The Corporation shall at its discretion have recourse to the said bank guarantee for recovery of any or all amount due from, the supplier in connection with the purchase order including of guarantee obligations. Checking/approval of supplier’s drawings, inspection and acceptance of materials/equipment furnishing to effect shipment and/or work done by erection, installation and commissioning of the equipment by Corporation or any other agency on behalf of the Corporation shall not in way relieve the supplier from the responsibility for proper performance during the guarantee period. 2.7. Insurance: Supplier shall arrange suitable marine insurance cover at their risk and cost. 2.8. Removal of Rejected Goods and Replacement: a) If upon delivery, the material/equipment is found not in conformity with the specifications stipulated in the purchase order, whether inspected and approved earlier or otherwise, those shall be unacceptable to the Corporation or its authorized representative. A notification to this effect shall be issued to the supplier, normally within 30 days from the date of receipt of materials at our Stores. 30 b) Supplier shall arrange suitable replacement supplies and remove the rejected goods within 30 days from the date of notification failing which, the goods shall be dispatched to vendor by road transport on ‘freight to pay basis’ at supplier risk and cost. c) External damages or shortages that are prima-facie the results of rough handling in transit or due to defective packing shall be intimated within a fortnight of the receipt of the materials, spares etc. In case of internal defects, damage or shortages or any internal parts, which cannot ordinarily be detected on a superficial visual examination, though due to bad handling in transit or defective packing should be intimated within 3 months from the date of receipt of these articles. In either case the damaged or defective materials should be replaced by the supplier free of cost to the company. d) If no steps are taken within 15 days of receipt of intimation of defects or such other reasonable time as company may deem proper to afford, the company may without prejudice to its other rights and remedies arrange for repairs/rectification of the defective materials or replace the same and recover the expenditure incurred from the deposits such as EMD, SD and performance guarantees or other monies available with the company or by resorting to legal action. e) However, if any advance payment had been made by the Corporation for the goods so rejected on technical ground, rejected materials shall be returned to supplier after receipt of suitable replacement supplies. If the supplier does not settle the rejection within a period of 60 days from the date of notification from stores, rejected goods shall be sent back to supplier at his risk and cost. The dispatch documents shall be negotiated through bank to recover the advance payment already made. Supplier shall make the payment to the bank and take possession of dispatch documents so as to collect the materials from the Road Carrier. 2.9 Force Majeure: The supplier shall not be liable for delay or failing to complete the Work/Supply of Material as per Specification for reasons of Force Majeure such as Act of God, Act of War, Act of Public Enemy, Natural calamities, Fires, Floods, Frost, Strikes. Lockouts etc. Only those causes which have duration of more than 7 days shall be considered for force majeure. The vendors shall within 10 days from the beginning of such delay notify to the corporation in writing the cause of delay. The Corporation shall verify the facts and grant such extension of time as facts justify. No price variation shall be allowed during the period of force majeure and liquidated damages would not be levied for this period. At the option of corporation, the order may be cancelled. Such cancellation, would be without any liability whatsoever on the part of the corporation. In event of such cancellation, supplier shall refund any amount advanced or paid to him by the corporation and deliver back any materials issued to him by the corporation and release facilities, if any provided by the corporation. 31 ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED Terms and Conditions ED/IS, Room No:201,ERP Project Office, APGENCO, GTS Colony, Kalyan Nagar, Hyderabad – 5000 045. Bidders are requested to fill in the blank space and upload the same as attachment while submitting the bid on E- procurement platform, otherwise their offer will be either treated as non-responsive or suitable cost compensated for deficiencies as deemed fit by the corporation. 01. Tender Enquiry No., date :_______________________________ and due 02. Offer/Tender No. & Date ______________________________ : 03. Name of the bidder ______________________________ : 0.4. : ________________________ Central/State Sales Tax Registration No. 05. DGS&D’s Registration No., if any ______________________________ any) 06. NSIC/SSI Registration No., if any ______________________________ date : (Please enclose copy of rate contract, if : 07. Price Basis (F.O.R.) (Copy of certificate to be enclosed) : ___________________________ 08. Discount, if any : ___________________________ 09. Packing and forwarding charges (If price basis ex-works) : ___________________________ 10. 12. Excise Duty (if exempted, copy of certificate) : __________________________ Sales Tax : ____________________________ (Also indicate concessional rate against form ‘C’ or State Tax concessional form) Freight charges : ___________________________ 13. Terms of payment. : _________________________ 14. Bank charges : To be borne by seller. 15. : Within _________days/weeks from 16. Delivery Period the date of receipt of purchase order. Whether phased delivery acceptable 17. Mode of dispatch: : 18. Earnest Money Deposit Details : (APGENCO reserves the right to reject/consider offers without EMD) (if permanent EMD deposited, indicate Certificate No.) 19. Confirmation of submission of Performance Bank : 11. : _________________________ 32 Guarantee for 10% of order value (for performance of Equipment or otherwise as a special condition) 20. Guarantee Period : _________________________________ We Confirm acceptance towards the following: 21. Transit Insurance and cost : We shall arrange suitable insurance cover at our risk 22. Validity of offer : 180 days from the date of opening of bids. 23. Recovery of liquidated Damages : In case of delay in Execution of order beyond stipulated delivery period, APGENCO reserves the right to recover from the vendor the Liquidated Damages equivalent to 0.5% of the value of delayed material for every week of delay or part thereof, subject to maximum of 5% of total value of the Purchase Order. 24. Part order: 25 Price Variation : The prices quoted shall remain firm till execution of full order (in case of any specific price variation formula the same shall be mentioned) 26. Rate Certificate: : It is certified that prices quoted herein are the same as applicable to other Government Departments/ Public Sector Undertakings. Guarantee Certificate : 27. 28. : Acceptable Interchangeability : It is certified that the quoted items are interchangeable with the (If applicable) items existing in APGENCO and if fails to interchange, the same shall be replaced free of cost. (Signature of Bidder with Name, Designation) 33 ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED Proforma of summary for price proposal Name & Address of Bidder: To M/s Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Dear Sirs, Ref: Our offer No ________dated _________against tender specification No. ___________ dated __________________. *** We declare that following are our prices for Supply and Installation Network and Security equipment for ERP and other IT related needs of APGENCO. Sl.No Description of Item UOM Quantity 1 Next Generation Firewall / UTMs with 3years Subscription Nos 4 2 Link Load Balancer with 3 Years Subscription Nos 2 3 Web Application Firewall With 3 Years Subscription No 1 4 Core Switches L3 48x(10/100/1000) autosensing 1G and 6xSPF+ ports Nos 2 5 Access Switches L2 24x(10/100/1000) autosensing 1G and 4xSFP+ ports Nos 6 6 LC-LC MMF patch cords , 15 mtr length Nos 20 7 1G copper patch cords , 15 mtr length Nos 200 8 Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Training charges. LS LS 9 AMC charges per Annum after expiry of Warranty period for Items 1,2,3,4 and 5 LS LS Rate/Each ₹ Total These prices are for the entire scope of work as indicated in your specification and documents, terms and conditions mentioned in Bid Documents except deviation incorporated in the Statement of Deviations. Note: The Price Columns are not to be filled here Prices quoted are inclusive of all taxes & duties, Packing & Forwarding and Freight & Transit Insurance and firm till completion of all Supplies including Installation & satisfactory Commissioning. 34 Amount ₹ Date Place ------ Signature------------Name----------------Designation----Company’s Seal 35 ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED DEVIATIONS Bidder’s Name and Address To Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Ltd ___________________________________________ Dear Sirs, Sub:- Supply of ____________against enquiry/NIT No. __ __ __ dated______. *** We confirm that following are the only deviations and variations from any exception to specifications and tender documents for the above mentioned subject supplies against enquiry/NIT No.________ which are irrespective of what-so-ever has been stated to the contrary anywhere else of our offer. These deviations and variations are exhaustive. Except for these deviations, the entire supplies shall be executed as per specifications and tender documents. Further, we agree those additional conditions, if any, found in our offer other than those stated below, save that pertaining to any rebates offered shall not be given effect to. ____________________________________________________________________________ SL.No. Description of Deviation Ref. of page, Clause *Monetary Implications of the conditions of bid documents in case of withdrawal Rs. (in figures) Rs. (in words) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________*Note: Here the tenderer should indicate the amount of money, if any, which he would, charge extra (i.e. in addition to the rates quoted by him) for withdrawal of his conditions/deviations and accepting the condition as stipulated in tender documents. (Use additional sheet of the same size and format if necessary). Signature: ___________________________ Designation: 36 ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED Guide-lines for Submission of Bank Guarantee The Bank Guarantee shall fulfill the following conditions failing which it shall not be considered valid: 1. Bank Guarantee shall be executed on non-judicial stamp paper of applicable value purchased in the name of bank. 2. Non-judicial stamp paper shall be used within 6 months from the date of purchase. Bank Guarantee executed on the stamp paper of more than 6 months old shall be treated as invalid. 3. The contents of the Bank Guarantee shall be as per the standard proforma of APGENCO. 4. The Bank Guarantee shall be executed by a nationalized bank only. 5. The executor of Bank Guarantee (Bank Authority) shall mention the Power of Attorney No. and date executed in his/her favour authorizing him/her to sign the document or produce the Photostat copy of Power of Attorney. 6. All conditions, corrections, deletion in the Bank Guarantee shall be authenticated by signature of Bank Officials signing the Bank Guarantee. 7. Each page of Bank Guarantee shall bear the BG No, signature of the officer and seal of the Bank. 8. Two witnesses shall sign mentioning their full name and address. 37 Annexure –01 This Bank Guarantee has to be executed on a Non-Judicial Stamped paper worth Rs. 100/PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR SECURITY DEPOSIT (Application to the State Bank of India and other Nationalized Banks approved in terms of the Government of India, Ministry of Finance, Office Memorandum No. F(27)-F-1/54, dated the 25th of February, 1965, for guarantee without deposit of the securities up to prescribed limit.) In consideration of the Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited (herein after called ‘the Corporation’) have agreed to exempt ___________________ (herein after called the ‘said contractors’) from the demand, under the terms and conditions of the P.O.No. ______________________ dt _________ made between the Corporation and M/s ________________ for supply and commissioning of _______________ (herein after called ‘the said agreement’) of Security Deposit for the due fulfillment by the said contractors of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement, on production of a Bank Guarantee for Rs _____________ (Rupees ______ ________________________ only). we ___________________ Bank Ltd., do hereby undertake to indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation to the extent of Rs. ______________ against any loss or damage caused to or suffered by the corporation by reason of any breach by the said contractors of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement. We ____________________ Bank Ltd., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation under by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till The Chief Engineer Electricity (Projects) certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractors and accordingly discharge the guarantee, subject to however that the corporation shall have no right under this bond after expiry of _________ (period) from the date of its execution. We the guarantor Bank under take to pay the amount guaranteed here under or such part their of as required with in one week of the sum being demanded by the Corporation with out referring to the supplier and with out questioning the right of the Corporation to make such demand or the propriety or legality of the demand. Not withstanding anything contained in the foregoing our liability is restricted to Rs. ______________ (Rupees ____________________ only). Our guarantee shall remain in force until __________ unless a claim under the guarantee is made against us within 6 months from that date, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relived and discharged from all liabilities here under. Further more, we________________Bank limited accept that i. This Bank Guarantee is unconditional and absolute ii. Claim against this Bank Guarantee will be honoured with out any delay or demur; and iii. This Bank guarantee covers all the losses, claims, damages and costs suffered by the Corporation against the said agreement. We __________________ Bank Ltd., lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Corporation in writing. Dated the ____________day of _________2007for __________________Bank Ltd., Signature Designation Address Seal of the Bank 38 PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE This guarantee has to be executed on Rs. 100/- Stamp paper In consideration of The Andhra Pradesh Power Generation Corporation Limited, (herein after called ‘the Corporation’) having at our request agreed to accept his __________________ Bank Ltd., guarantee in lieu of cash deposit required from M/s ________________________ for making 100% payment by APGENCO for due fulfillment by them of the terms and conditions of the P.O.No. ------------------------------------------ made between M/s ------------------------------ and APGENCO for --------------------------------------------- (herein called said agreement) during the period, or the extended period, if any, to indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation to the extent of Rs.________________ (Rupees ____________________________________________ only) representing 10 % of the value of the contract against any loss or damages caused to or suffered by the Corporation by reason of any breach by the said M/s ___________ ______________ or any terms and conditions of the said agreement. We _____________ ________ Bank Ltd., further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and affect up to and inclusive of the ___________ date ___________ referred to above or the expiry of the extended period, if any, and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the Chief Engineer Electricity (Projects) certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said M/s _______________ ________________ and accordingly discharges the guarantee subject however, that the Corporation shall have no right under this bond after the expiry of ------------We the guarantee Bank undertake to pay the amount guaranteed hereunder or such part there of as required within one week of the sum being demanded by the Corporation without reference to the suppliers and without questioning the right of the Corporation to make such demand or the propriety or legality of the demand. Not withstanding anything contained in the foregoing, our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs. __________________ only. Our guarantee, shall remain in force until ______________. Unless a claim under the guarantee is made against us within 6 months from that date, all your rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from al liability hereunder. Further more, we________________Bank limited accept that i. This Bank Guarantee is unconditional and absolute ii. Claim against this Bank Guarantee will be honoured with out any delay or demur; and iii. This Bank guarantee covers all the losses, claims, damages and costs suffered by the Corporation against the said agreement. We ____________________ Bank Ltd., lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Corporation in writing. Dated the ____________day of _________20 for __________________Bank Ltd., Signature Designation Address Seal of Bank ANDHRA PRADESH POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED 39 BANK GUARANTEE PROFORMA FOR EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT (This BG shall be executed by Nationalized banks only on a Non-Judicial stamped paper worth Rs.100/-) Whereas the …………………… here-in-after called (The Bidder) has submitted their bid dated………………for the supply of…………………………….. (Here-in-after called “the Bid”) to the Executive Director/IS/APGENCO/Vidyut Soudha/Hyderabad (Here-in-after called “the Purchaser”) KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that, We, ………………………Bank Ltd (Hereinafter called “the Bank”) are bound unto the purchaser in the sum of Rs……… ……………………… for which payment will and truly to be made to the said purchaser, the bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the common Seal of the said Bank this ……………day of……………200 THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OBLIGATION ARE: 1. When the successful tenderer does not accept the order after issue of preliminary acceptance letter/letter of indent/purchase order. 2. When the successful tenderer fails to furnish the security deposit within Seven ( 7) days from the date of issue of preliminary acceptance letter or the letter of indent or Purchase Order. 3. 4. When tender is disqualified for reasons outlined in the bid documents. When tenderer alters his prices or withdraws his offer during the validity period. We undertake to pay to the purchaser the above amount within one week upon receipt of its first written demand without the purchaser having to substantiate his demand, without referring to the supplier and without questioning the right of the Purchaser to make such demand or the propriety or legality of the demand provided that in its demand the purchaser will note that the amount claimed by it is due to it, owing to any of the occurrence of the above mentioned conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions. Notwithstanding any thing contained in the foregoing our liability under this guarantee is restricted to Rs._____________ (Rupees_________ ____ ____ _____ only). Our guarantee shall remain in force until __________. Unless a claim within 6 months from that date is received, all rights under this guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all liability hereunder. We _________________ Bank Limited lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Purchaser in writing. Dated the _____________Day ________200 for ______ Bank Ltd., Signature: Designation: Address: Seal: Note: The Bank Guarantee shall be kept valid for a period, covering the period of validity of offer stipulated in the bid documents. 40 Annexure – 02 Declaration Regarding Clean Track Record To Executive Director (IS) APGENCO ERP Building, GTS Colony Kalyan Nagar, Yousufguda Hyderabad-500545 Sir, I/We have carefully gone through the Terms & Conditions contained in the Tender Specification No: _______________. I hereby declare that my company/ Consortium Partners has not been debarred/ blacklisted by any Central or State Government/ Semi Government Departments or Organizations in India for non-satisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business practices during the past 5 years. I Further certify that I am competent officer in my company to make this declaration. Yours faithfully, [Signature of the Bidder] Printed Name Designation Seal Date: Business Address.; 41 Annexure- 03 CASE-1 TURNOVER DETAILS Relevant documents are to be uploaded as attachment S.No 1 2 3 Year 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 Item Name No’s Sold Amount (Rs in Lakhs) [Signature of the Bidder] Printed Name Designation Seal Date: Business Address.; 42 Annexure -04 LIST OF MAJOR CUSTOMERS (The satisfactory performance certificates issued by the Client are to be uploaded as attachment ) S.No Customer Full Address Year of Supply Item Name Contact Details with phone numbers [Signature of the Bidder] Printed Name Designation Seal Date: Business Address.; 43 Annexure -05 BIDDER INFORMATION 1 Name of the Organization 2 Year of establishment (enclose certificate of incorporation issued by registrar of companies with out fail) 3 REGISTERED office address 4 Phone Number 5 Fax No 6 e-mail 7 Total no of branch offices in AP 8 Total no of support engineers at A Head office (No) B Branch Office(No) 9 Whether manufacturer 10 Whether Authorized Dealer/ Service provider 11 Authorized Nominated person Name & Mobile Number and Office Phone Number If Yes, provide relevant document If Yes, provide relevant document 44
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