The Anglican Parish of Tamborine Mountain Parish Priest: The Ven. Valerie Hoare, 2 Dapsang Drv, Tamborine Mountain 4272 Phone/Fax 5545 2919; Mobile: 0487 11 7662 Web site: Parish Bank Details: BSB 034-844, Account No. 000004504 St George’s – Tamborine Mountain Church of St George the Martyr, 2 Dapsang Drive, Tamborine Mountain Saturday: 5.30pm Celebration Eucharist Sunday: 9:30am Eucharist: including Footprints - KIDS’@CHURCH: each Sunday in school terms Thursday: 10.00am Eucharist St Luke’s - Canungra Church of St Luke the Evangelist, 15-21 Kidston St Canungra Sunday: 7:45am Eucharist Hall on Graceleigh - Beechmont First Sunday of the Month – 10:30am Dates To Note: Eucharist Mon 30Mar 10:00am St George’s – Holy Week Meditation Tue 31Mar 8:00am St George’s - weekly Eucharist Agape Meal + Bible Study Tue 31Mar, 7:00pm, St Luke’s – Holy Week Emergency Relief Wed 1 Apr 9:00am By Appointment, weekly 55452919 Craft & Chat Wed 1 Apr 9:30am St Luke’s – weekly Eucharist Wed 1 Apr 10.00am Roslyn Lodge – Holy Week Lenten Study In God’s Hands Ch, 6 Wed 1 Apr 7:00pm Pilgrim Supper Thu 2 Apr 6.00pm St George’s – Maundy Thursday Morning service Fri 3 Apr 8.00am St George’s – Good Friday Ecumenical Service Fri 3 Apr 10.30 TM Presbyterian church – Good Fri. Ecumenical Service Fri 3 Apr 3.00pm St Luke’s – Good Friday Saturday Eucharist Sat 4 Apr 5.30pm St George’s – weekly Dawn service Sun 5 Apr 5.30am St George’s – Easter day Sunday Eucharist Sun 5 Apr 7.45am St Luke’s, 9:30 St George’s - weekly Footprints - Kids @ Church each Sunday 9.30am St George’s Sunday Eucharist Sun 5 Apr 10.30am Hall on Graceleigh, Beechmont S. End Bible Study Fri 10Apr 11:00am Mt. Tamborine - Barbara 55452226 Parish Directory Ven. Valerie 5545 2919 / 0487 117 662 Hoare Note: Valerie’s Day Off - Monday John King 5543 4249 Priest’s Warden Jenny Peat 5545 1940; People’s Wardens Kaye Corner 5545 4778 Parish Bulletin: notices by 5pm Tuesday 5543 4249 Priests with Permission to Officiate The Rev’d Martin Hunnybun The Rev’d John Corner The Rev’d Robin Keeley Parish Priest To Ponder Jesus said, wait with me. And maybe the stars did, . maybe the lake far away, where once he walked as on a blue pavement, lay still and waited, wild awake. Oh the dear bodies, slumped and eye-shut, that could not keep that vigil, how they must have wept, so utterly human, knowing this too must be part of the story. Mary Oliver, Gethsemane. Today we acknowledge and pay respect to the people of the Yugambeh Language Group, the traditional custodians of this land on which we gather. Sentence At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2.10–11 Collect Everlasting God, in your tender love for the human race you sent your Son to take our nature, and to suffer death upon the cross: in your mercy enable us to share in his obedience to your will and in the glorious victory of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Readings Liturgical Colour: Red Isaiah 50.4-9A; Psalm 31.9-18; Philippians 2.5-11; Mark 15.1-39 St George's - Power Point - + Special Service following Mark’s Passion Narrative St Luke's - Power Point - + Special Service following Mark’s Passion Narrative Hymns at St George’s and St Luke’s: Palm Procession TiS 724 Hosanna, Hosanna After the Meal. - When His Time Was Over Garden of Gethsemane -- O Lord Hear My Prayer Gethsemane to Trial -- How Are You Broken Beloved Trial to Golgotha AHB 266 There is A Green Hill Before Communion AHB 418 Let All Mortal Flesh Thanksgiving Hymn AHB 271 Lift High the Cross To Consider: We, as Christians, have been called, not only to confess Jesus Christ as Lord, but also to proclaim to the whole world that Jesus Christ is Lord. Today’s worship makes us aware that it is not difficult to proclaim Jesus as Lord when the crowd is on our side, but so much more difficult stepping out as evangelists into a society that is indifferent. It is relatively easy to stand by a King riding the crest of popularity, but the events of this week will challenge us to follow our King on a journey that seemingly leads to rejection and humiliation . Next Sunday: 5 April – Easter Day (white) Isaiah 25: 6-9; Psalm: Hymn to the Risen Christ; Acts 10.34-43; John 20.1-18 Tenebrae - Gathering Darkness During Lent we use the Parish Special Order of Service. After the Introduction to Confession (a statement which reflects the nature of God and our human state) each week we add the specific statement printed below which relates to today’s readings. At the conclusion of the statement we snuff out one of the Tenebrae candles. The last candle will be snuffed on Palm Sunday and the Paschal Candle on Good Friday Lent 6 - Our Last Light Today the last candle will be snuffed. Pause We consider a world without light. Pause. How much responsibility do we each need to accept for the darkness? Being an active member of the family of God requires prayer, work and practice. It’s easy to see the task as too big or too difficult and to give up trying. Lent is a time to make choices, choices which call us to be obedient to Christ’s way rather than to the way of quick solutions or easy answers. We think of the pressures on our lives to choose recognition, power, comfort or ease. We snuff the sixth candle today as we think of those times when the things we have chosen have drawn us from God. 6th candle is snuffed. Each time we give in to temptation our darkness lessens the light of God in our world. The call to confession continues. PRAYER REQUESTS Bertha, John, Sylvia & John, KenEd, Jamie, Mary, Wendy and Brian THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT So many reasons to say thank you: For the many ways you showed your regard for Matthew and your support for Bertha as we gathered to commit Matthew to God; For being part of the St George’s working bee, keeping our buildings and grounds as visible signs of our faith (& for morning tea); For making Palm Crosses LENT: ASH WEDNESDAY - EASTER .Lenten Studies: Tue 31 Mar St Luke’s 7:00pm Mark 15.1-39 Wed 1 Apr St George’s 7:00pm In God’s Hands – Ch 6 EMERGENCY RELIEF for our ANGLICARE Funds are still short to help members of our community buy groceries (and pay bills of course). If you’re able please help by bringing in non-perishable food – e.g. pasta, soup, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, spreads, long-life milk, toilet paper etc. TA OUR INVESTMENT in SPREADING GOD’S WORD Today's gospel gives us a good chunk of The Story, which we call our story. How much of The Story is familiar to you? A faithful steward has more than a passing knowledge of it. Finances for Year to end February 2015 Income Expenditure February $9,506 $8,590 Year $18,059 $21,451 Palm Sunday: Don’t join the parade casually – knowing the cost do you choose to live in God? DATE CLAIMERS TODAY Sunday 29 March, over Morning Tea, St George’s: Meeting with Readers so we share the way we prepare for and then present the readings for the day. Holy Week / Easter Services Easter Service Times: Daily Eucharist’s in Holy Week (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday) Maundy Thursday – 6:00pm We share a simple pilgrim supper (bring finger food to share) then remember the words and actions of Jesus on this holy night before finally stripping the altar. Good Friday 8:00am Morning Service 10:30am Combined service at the Presbyterian Church collection for RE 3:00pm Canungra – Combined Service at the Anglican Church Easter Eve 5:30pm St George’s Easter Dawn 5:30am Lighting of New Fire, Blessing Paschal Candle, First Eucharist of Easter. Easter Sunday Services – 7:45 am St Luke’s; 9:30am St George’s Thursday 16 April 7pm deVoil room – Parish Council meeting Sunday 19 April ANZAC Day focus in services Friday 1 May to Sunday 3 May Georgian Room – Art Exhibition An art exhibition - 'Hope and Love through the eyes of asylum seekers' will be presented in our Georgian Room from Fri 1 May- Sun 3 May. ALL WELCOME. Admission Free. Tamil artists will be in attendance. Details at entry of the church. If anyone is able to assist with 'hosting' visitors to the exhibition during Saturday or Sunday, or billeting an artist over Friday or Saturday nights, a roster has been placed at the front of the church so you can add your name and contact details. Event sponsored by Tamborine Mountain Ecumenical Refugee Support network, and Romero Centre, Brisbane. Note: Please volunteer for the roster – at the entry, St George’s. Sunday 3 May 2.30pm St George’s – Tamborine Mountain Orchestra concert Saturday 9 May 8am St George’s – Cake stall (Mother’s Day) Renewal of Baptismal Promises - Easter Services. Baptism watermarks us, imprints us with our identity. Imagine being held to the light of Christ. Look at your watermark, now lift your eyes to look at Jesus who is also looking at your watermark. ……. Let this Lent and Easter be the time when you rediscover and recover your true self. Lenten Envelopes Envelopes available at the entry. Pease use them for your Lenten donation to support the work of the Anglican Board of Mission. The Good Friday Envelope, as always, support ministry in Jerusalem. Savvy, Wise and Well Speak to Valerie if you are able to help out at our display at the Zamia, this st Tuesday, 31 March: 9 – 11:30am. This is a great opportunity to be present in the community.
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