The Arch Barn, Pury Hill Farm, Towcester, Northants, NN12 7TB 0844 824 1130 Drive It Day® - Sunday 26th April 2015 Hagerty Entry Form About Hagerty’s Drive It Day® The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs’ ‘Drive It Day®’ takes place every year to help raise awareness of the large and important extent of the classic vehicle movement in the UK. It is also an ideal opportunity to raise funds for both local and industry related charities. The Federation is a grouping of over 450 clubs and museums together with some 1500 trade and individual supporters. Their aim is to uphold the freedom to use old vehicles on the roads without any undue restriction and to support its member organisations. Hagerty International is pleased to support the Federation with this event, and will once again be hosting its own Drive it Day® celebration. The aim of the day is for everyone to have fun, enjoy the cars, the drive, and the company of like-minded enthusiasts. Route The 2015 route will be 72 miles and will take approximately 2 hours. Each entrant will receive a ‘tulip’ style road book detailing places of interest throughout the duration of the route, including Towcester Racecourse, Edgcote Battle Ground, the glory of the Cotswolds and arriving at the final destination, Bicester Heritage. Upon arrival at Towcester Racecourse you will also be provided with your Rally Plaque. Breakfast butties will be available to purchase at the start of our Tour at Towcester Racecourse before we head off on a lovely country route through to the Masons Arms near Chipping Norton. Here we stop for a tea/coffee and a chance to admire some of the other classics on the Tour, before we continue on our journey to Bicester Heritage. You will all receive a sticker which will allow you free entry to Bicester Heritage, where there will be a variety of attractions with trade stands, vintage aircraft and a large number of historic vehicles will be on show. Eligibility Subject to the terms printed in this form, cars registered before 1st January 1990 may be entered subject to places being available. There is a limit of 100 cars. Cost Entry, which has been organised by Hagerty International Limited, is free. However, one of the aims of the day is to raise money for various charities. We would respectfully request that each entrant send a minimum of £25 as a donation towards these charities. Cheques should be made payable to Hagerty International Limited. Start Point & Start Time The start point will be Towcester Racecourse, London Road, Towcester, Northants, NN12 6LB. Entrants should arrive at between 8.00am and 9.00am. Cars will be flagged off progressively from 8.30am. This is neither a speed event nor a competition and the road book provided gives a suggested route. Finish Point The route finishes at the Bicester Heritage and the event officially closes at approximately 2.00pm. As there are many other attractions at Bicester Heritage which will open its doors for classic cars from 9.00am onwards. We have an area dedicated to the Hagerty Drive It Day Tour arranged with the Bicester team, who will direct you to our exclusive parking area on arrival. Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) registration number 441417 Registered in England 05454447 The Arch Barn, Pury Hill Farm, Towcester, Northants, NN12 7TB 0844 824 1130 Entrant First Name ........................................................………………………..………… Surname ………………………..…..…………………………………………….… Address …….………………..…………………………..………………………… Post Code .................................................................…………………………… Email ..........................…………….…………………………………….…….. Telephone ....................................................................... (work / home / mobile) Car Make ..........................................................................…………………….. Model ......................................................……………………………………. Engine size ................................................................................………………… Reg. Number .........................................................................................…….…… Year of manufacture (Must be pre 1/1/1990 or of special interest) ........………………… No. Passengers ................................…………………………………………….……… Are you an existing Hagerty client? (Yes/No) Entry I wish to enter the Drive It Day® organised by Hagerty and understand that by signing below I agree to the following conditions. 1. The driver shall be licensed, insured and permitted to use the car for all activities on Drive It Day (including display at Bicester Heritage, where there is an active airfield). 2. The car shall be road legal in all respects. 3. The driver shall at all times abide by the traffic laws and regulations. 4. The driver shall at all times abide by the Highway Code. 5. The event is not in any way a speed event. 6. The driver shall obey the event marshals. 7. No animals will be permitted at Bicester Heritage. DECLARATION OF INDEMNITY I agree to be bound by the supplementary regulations for the event in consideration of the acceptance of this entry form and my being permitted to take part in the event, in respect of any parts of the event not being held on publicly adopted roads. I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified ALL HAGERTY DRIVE IT DAY® ORGANISERS, HAGERTY INTERNATIONAL LIMITED AND ANY OTHER COMPANY, PERSON OR ORGANISATION DIRECTLY LINKED WITH THIS EVENT and any such person, persons or body as may be authorised by the promoters to promote or organise this event and their respective agents, officials, representatives from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death or injury to or damage to the property or myself my drivers, passengers, mechanics or associated personnel arising out of or in conjunction with this entry or my taking part in this event. I declare that the use of my vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance as required by law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by law. Signed……………………………………………………Date…………………………………………… Please send this form with your donation to:Hagerty Drive It Day®, Hagerty International Limited, The Arch Barn, Pury Hill Farm, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 7TB For more information contact the office on 0844 8241130 or email Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) registration number 441417 Registered in England 05454447
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