The 7th Asia-Pacif A fic Worksh hop on Wid degap Sem miconductors AP PWS 2015 2 5 Ma ay 17 ~ 20 0, 2015 / The K Seo oul Hotel, Seoul, Korrea Ro oom P (Geu umkang A Hall) H Sesssion Title: Poster Sesssion II Date e: May 19, 20 015 (Tuesda ay) Time: 16:30 ~ 18 8:00 TUP2-1] [T Nano-size ed InGaN/G GaN polariized light emitting e diiodes ZiLi Xie, Taao Tao, Ting g Zhi, Zhe Zhuang, Zh jiang gping Dai, yi y Li, Fulong Jiang, Bin Liu, L Hong zh hao, Rong Zhan ng, and Youd dou Zheng [T TUP2-2] Investigattion of su urface-plasmon coup pled red light emittting InGaN N/GaN mu ultiquantum well with Ag A nanopa articles coa ated on Ga aN surface Yi Li, Bin Liu, Rong Zhang, Z Zili Xie, X Zhe Zhu huang, Jiangp ping Dai, Ta Tao Tao, Ting g Zhi, Guog gang Zhang, Hon ong Zhao, Pe eng Chen, Du unjun Chen, and Youdou u Zheng [T TUP2-3] Enhanced d crystal qualities q off nitride-ba asedlight-e emitting d diodes with h MgN intterlayers Hee-Sung Ku, Jong Hyeob Hy Baek, Kwang Cheo eol Lee, Jin Hong H Lee, S Sang-Mook Kim, Sung-C Chul Choi, Hyokkun Son, and d June Key Lee L [T TUP2-4] Dark Currrent Mecha anisms in AlGaN A Avalanche Pho otodiodes Yin Tang, Zhenguang Z S Shao, Dun Ju un Chen, Haai Lu, Rong Zhang, Z and Y Youdou Zhen ng [T TUP2-5] Investigatting Charg ge Trap Density D off InGaN Blue Ligh ht Emitting g Diodes by Capacitan nce Disperssion Measu urement Kyu-Sang Kim, K Dong-P Pyo Han, Hyu un-Sung Kim m, and Jong--In Shim [T TUP2-6] Graphene e interlayerr for curre ent spread ding enhan ncementby engineering of barrier height in GaN-based d light-emitting diod des Jung-Hong g Min, Woo--Lim Jeong, Jun-Yeob J Lee ee, and Dong g-Seon Lee The 7th Asia-Pacif A fic Worksh hop on Wid degap Sem miconductors AP PWS 2015 2 5 Ma ay 17 ~ 20 0, 2015 / The K Seo oul Hotel, Seoul, Korrea Ro oom P (Geu umkang A Hall) H Sesssion Title: Poster Sesssion II Date e: May 19, 20 015 (Tuesda ay) Time: 16:30 ~ 18 8:00 TUP2-7] [T A Cu-messh-combined graphe ene sheet for a tran nsparent co onductive layer and its thickness dependen nce on the conductiviity Woo-Lim Jeong, J So-Ye eong Jang, Ju ung-Hong Min, M and Don ng_Seon Lee e [T TUP2-8] Analysis of o luminou us efficienccy in phossphor-conv versionwhitte light-em mitting diod des for evalua ating the conversion c efficiency of phosph hor Guen-Hwan an Ryu, Won--Bo Yang, Yo oung-Hwan Choi, C Byungj gjin Ma, and Han-Youl Ryu Ry [T TUP2-9] Enhanced d light exttraction off InGaN/G GaN light emitting d diode by using NiC CoO nanopartiicles Jinsub Parkk, Dong Su Shin, S and Do o Hyun Kim [T TUP2-10] Design off vertical AlGaN-bas A sed ultraviolet LEDs with distrributed bra ag reflecto orspixel metal combine ed electrod des Xu Yang, Jiinchai Li, Zhaaorong Yuan n, Shuping Li, L Yinghui Zh hou, and Jun nyong Kang [T TUP2-11] Removal of Hydrog gen in Mg g-Doped GaN G Epitax xial Layer by an Ele ectrochemical Method GilYong Hyyeon, Wael Z. Z Tawfik, Sun ngOh Cho, YuanPei Y Zhan ng, SangWaan Ryu, and JuneKey J Lee e [T TUP2-12] SinglePho oton Detecction Perfformance of 4H-SiC C Avalanch he Photodiodes atHigh Temperature Dong Zhou u, Hai Lu, Du unjun Chen, Fangfang Ren, Re Rong Zh hang, and Yo oudou Zheng g The 7th Asia-Pacif A fic Worksh hop on Wid degap Sem miconductors AP PWS 2015 2 5 Ma ay 17 ~ 20 0, 2015 / The K Seo oul Hotel, Seoul, Korrea Ro oom P (Geu umkang A Hall) H Sesssion Title: Poster Sesssion II Date e: May 19, 20 015 (Tuesda ay) Time: 16:30 ~ 18 8:00 TUP2-13] [T Stress-Ind duced Piezo oelectric Field in GaN N-Based Blue Light-Emitting Dio odes Wael Z. Taw wfik, GilYong g Hyeon, Sun ngOh Cho, YuanPei Y Zhan ng, and June ekey Lee [T TUP2-14] High-tem mperature and reliab bility perfformance of 4H-SiC C Schottk ky barrier photodiod des for UV V detection n Yisong Xu [T TUP2-15] Effect of Si and Mg gdopants on o chemica al wet-etch hed phenom mena of se emipolar (11( 22) GaN film f Ji-Yeon Parrk and Sung-Nam Lee [T TUP2-16] Improved d light extraction effficiency off GaN-base edlight-em mitting diodes by ussing the aqueo ous ZnO pa attern Hee-jun Le ee, Nak-Jung g Choi, and Sung-Nam S Lee L [T TUP2-17] Interfacial Reaction of Ti/Al Ohmic O conta act to N-fa acen-GaN Buem Joon n Kim, Jun Ho H Son, Hak Ki Yu, and Jong-lam Jo Lee e [T TUP2-18] MgO Laye er with Na ano-Facet for f Enhanccement of LightExtracction Efficiiency in Ga aNBased Lig ght-Emitting Diodes Buem Joon n Kim, Chul Jong J Yoo, Su ungjoo Kim, Jae Yong Paark, and Jong ng-lam Lee The 7th Asia-Pacif A fic Worksh hop on Wid degap Sem miconductors AP PWS 2015 2 5 Ma ay 17 ~ 20 0, 2015 / The K Seo oul Hotel, Seoul, Korrea Ro oom P (Geu umkang A Hall) H Sesssion Title: Poster Sesssion II Date e: May 19, 20 015 (Tuesda ay) Time: 16:30 ~ 18 8:00 TUP2-19] [T p-GaN oh hmic of Ni alloy/Ag reflective electrode fo orhigh efficciency LED Ds Kab Ha, So oon-Cheol Shin, S Ji-Youn ng Baek, Joo on-Sung Kwo won, Soo-Hyu un Kang, an nd Kyoung-K Kook Kim [T TUP2-20] Enhancem ment of Electrical and a Optica al Properties of LED D Using Ag A Reflecttive Electrode on p-GaN N Embedded Cu alloy Nano-dotts Ji-Young Baek, Ba Jongyeu eul Jeong, So ohyeon Kim, Soon-Cheo ol Shin, Dong g-Jun Kim, Nam-Woo N Ka Kang, and Kyoung ng-Kook Kim m [T TUP2-21] Oxide-bassed Quantu um Well In nfrared Pho otodetecto ors Zhi Shiuh Lim, L Zhihua Yong, Y Jie Tan ng, and Soo o Jin Chua [T TUP2-22] Improvem ment of external e qu uantum effficiency for f flip-chiipLEDs with optimizzed SiO2/TiO2 2 DBR Gil Jun Lee e, Seung Kyu u Oh, Yu-Jung ng Cha, Yu Liim Lee, and Joon Seop K Kwak [T TUP2-23] Defect distribution d n in InGaN/GaNligh ht-emitting g diodes investigate ed by ussing frequency y-dependencecapacittance-volta age measurrement Tae-Soo Kim, Ki Nna-Cho ho Oh, Hye-J -Jung Yu, Taae-Kyun Eom m, Seung Yo Young Lim, Yungboo Y Mo oon, Soon-Ku Hong, H Jong-H Hyeob Baek, Taehoon Ch hung, and Ju ung-Hoon So Song [T TUP2-24] Highly tra ansparent metallic tra ansparent conductive eelectrodess deposited by obliqueangle dep position me ethod for high-efficie h ency GaN-based light-emittingd diodes Munsik Oh h and Hyunso soo Kim The 7th Asia-Pacif A fic Worksh hop on Wid degap Sem miconductors AP PWS 2015 2 5 Ma ay 17 ~ 20 0, 2015 / The K Seo oul Hotel, Seoul, Korrea Ro oom P (Geu umkang A Hall) H Sesssion Title: Poster Sesssion II Date e: May 19, 20 015 (Tuesda ay) Time: 16:30 ~ 18 8:00 TUP2-25] [T Experimental deterrmination of carrierr injection n efficiency y in InGa aN/GaN light emitting diodes d Nancho Oh h, Taesoo Kim im, Hyejung Yu, Youngbo oo Moon, an nd Junghoon n Song [T TUP2-26] InGaN/Ga aNLEDs: A Temperatu ure Gradien nt Method H. Fukunag ga, S. Nohdaa, M. Kimura, a, M. Muguru uma, SHIRO SAKAI, and Y. Muramoto to [T TUP2-27] Effect of polarity on n the electtrical chara acterization n of Ag oh hmic conta acts to p-ty ype GaN Jae-Seong Park, Jaeche eon Han, and nd Tae-yeon Seong S [T TUP2-28] Measurem ment of pie ezoelectric field in single- and double-qu uantum-we ell green LE EDs using elecctroreflecta ance spectroscopy Usman Mu uhammad, Hyunsung Hy Kim m, and Dong g-soo Shin [T TUP2-29] Theoretical and exp perimental analysis of o blue MQW and g green SQW W InGaN/G GaN light-emittting diode es Usman Mu uhammad, Hyunsung Hy Kim m, and Jong-In Shim [T TUP2-30] Affect of n-doping and n-GaN N thicknesss on the light extracction efficiiency (LEE)) of blue InGa aN/GaN lig ght-emitting g Diodes Usman Mu uhammad, Hyunsung Hy Kim m, and Jong-in Shim The 7th Asia-Pacif A fic Worksh hop on Wid degap Sem miconductors AP PWS 2015 2 5 Ma ay 17 ~ 20 0, 2015 / The K Seo oul Hotel, Seoul, Korrea Ro oom P (Geu umkang A Hall) H Sesssion Title: Poster Sesssion II Date e: May 19, 20 015 (Tuesda ay) Time: 16:30 ~ 18 8:00 TUP2-31] [T Photo-pumped Lasing from In nGaN Nano orings HOI WAI CHOI, C KWAI HEI H LI, and YUK Y FAI CHEEUNG [T TUP2-32] Orientatio on-controllled growtth of inclined GaN N nanorod ds on m-sapphire by metalorga anic chemiical vapor deposition d without catalyst Kyuseung Lee, L Sooryon ng Chae, Jon ongjin Jang, Daehong D Mi Jaehwan Kim, Yang-S Min, Seok Yoo, Yo ongHoon Cho, and Okhyu un Nam [T TUP2-33] Study of GaN G Decom mposition in Atmosp pheric Presssures SHIH-YUNG G HUANG, WEI-KAI W WAN ANG, and PO-RUNG LIN [T TUP2-34] Numerica al investiga ation of lig ght extractiion efficien ncyin AlGaN-based nanorod n lig ghtemitting diode d strucctures emitting at ulttravioletwa avelengthss Won-bo Yaang, Guen-H Hwan Ryu, Yo oung-Hwan Choi, C and Han-Youl Ha Ryu u [T TUP2-35] High Qua ality, Orde ered InGaN N Nanopy yramid ArrraysGrown n on Si Substrates for Potential Photovolta aic Applica ations Jian Wei Ho, H Michael Heuken, H And drew A. O. Taay, and Soo-J -Jin Chua [T TUP2-36] Patterning g of ZnO Nanorod Arrays A by Modulatin ng theRoug ghness of GaN Surfface using KrF F Excimer Laser L Buem Joon n Kim, Sungjjoo Kim, Hyu ung Won Ch ho, Jae Yong Park, and Jo ong-lam Lee e The 7th Asia-Pacif A fic Worksh hop on Wid degap Sem miconductors AP PWS 2015 2 5 Ma ay 17 ~ 20 0, 2015 / The K Seo oul Hotel, Seoul, Korrea Ro oom P (Geu umkang A Hall) H Sesssion Title: Poster Sesssion II Date e: May 19, 20 015 (Tuesda ay) Time: 16:30 ~ 18 8:00 TUP2-37] [T Comparison of s simultaneo ous and pulsed-m mode MO OVPE grow wthsof G GaN nanocolum mns Naoyuki Mizuno, M Satosshi Kamiyam ma, Tetsuya Takeuchi, Ta Mo otoaki Iwaya, and Isamu Akasaki [T TUP2-38] Fabricatio onof GaN based na anostructurres by hy ydrogen en nvironmen nt anisotro opic thermal etching(HEA e ATE) Akihiko Kikkuchi, Ryo Kita, Ki Ryo Hach chiya, and To omoya Mizuttani
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