4저널(10월호).ok 2014.10.7 5:4 AM 페이지60 DK 논문집 목차 ■대한기계학회논문집 A권 제38권, 제9호, 통권 제348호 [재료 및 파괴・CAE 및 응용역학・동역학 및 제어・생산 및 설계공학・신뢰성 부문] <학술논문> ○ 회전속도에 따른 동역학적 변화를 고려한 반경방향 능동 자기베어링 시스템의 제어기 설계 및 검증 / ○ 정진홍・유승열・노명규 925 ○ 주파수응답에 대한 투영기반 모델차수축소법의 비교 / 원보름・한정삼 933 ○ 계장화 압입시험의 하중-변위 곡선에 미치는 선단 형상 및 푸아송비의 영향 / 이진행 943 ○ 분말야금으로 제작된 M2 공구강과 Cu 간 기능성 경사 복합재의 물성 평가 / 정종설・신기훈 953 ○ 단면형상이 다른 Al/CFRP 혼성박육부재의 축압궤특성 / 황우채・이길성・차천석・김지훈・나승우・양인영 959 ○ 레이저 습식 후면 식각공정을 이용한 미세 유리 구조물 제작 / 김보성・박민수 967 ○ 페이즈 필드법을 이용한 박막형 태양전지의 광포획층 설계 / 허남준・유정훈 973 ○ HVAC 관련 매개변수 및 탑승조건에 따른 자동차 실내의 온열쾌적성 평가모델에 관한 수치해석적 / ○ 윤성현・박준용・손덕영・최윤호・박경석 979 ○ 6 족 해저보행로봇을 위한 정적 보행 알고리즘 설계 / 유승열・전봉환・심형원 989 ○ 마찰교반용접된 AA7075-T651 판재의 피로균열전파저항의 공간적 불규칙성에 미치는 초기균열위치 / 김선진 999 ○ 스퍼 기어의 진동 신호와 비 유막 두께(Specific Film Thickness)의 상관관계에 관한 실험적 연구 / ○ 김종식・M.Amarnath・이상권 1005 <응용논문> ○ 자기연마가공에서 자성입자와 연마재의 크기에 따른 표면개선 효과 / 이성호・손병훈・곽재섭 1013 ○ 설계방법론을 이용한 보행자 보호 시스템의 최적설계 / 윤용원・박경진 1019 ○ 3D 형상정보 자동 수집을 위한 구면좌표계식 스캐닝 시스템 / 박상욱・맹희영・이명상・권길선・나미선 1029 ○ 콜로이달 실리카 입자 형상에 따른 CMP 특성에 관한 연구 / 김문성・정해도 1037 ○ SWCH18A 와 SUS XM7 을 적용한 초소형 나사제작 및 물성분석에 관한 연구 / 나승우・김인락・황성택 1043 ■대한기계학회논문집 B권 제38권, 제9호, 통권 제348호 [열공학・유체공학・에너지 및 동력공학・바이오공학・마이크로/나노공학 부문] <학술논문> ○ 지역난방에 연계된 하이브리드 제습냉방시스템의 경제성 분석 / 안 준・김재율・강병하 721 ○ 와류실의 온도 분리 현상에 대한 연구 / 예아란・Zhang Guang・김희동 731 ○ 장기 동물 실험 및 응급상황에서의 곡관형 좌심실보조장치의 생체적합성 평가 / 강성민・허 균・최성욱 739 ○ 반발 입자 군집 최적화 알고리즘을 이용한 표면복사 물성치의 역추정에 관한 연구 / 이균호・김기완 747 ○ 태양 열・전기 복합생산 단위 모듈의 실험적 성능비교 연구 / 이광섭・Andrew Putrayudha S.・강은철・이의준 757 ○ 에멀젼연료의 분무거동특성에 관한 기초연구 / 염정국・윤정환 763 ○ CFD를 이용한 희박 예혼합 연소기에서의 연소 응답 모델링 / 김대식・이정원 773 ○ 고온, 고압조건에서의 인도네시아 석탄촤의 CO2 가스화 반응 / 리산디케빈요하네스・김량균・황찬원・전충환 781 ○ 다양한 디퓨저 형상의 유량 분배 특성에 관한 수치해석 연구 / 김명수・김후배・최형권 789 60 ● 기계저널 4저널(10월호).ok 2014.10.7 5:4 AM 페이지61 ■대한기계학회논문집 C권 DK 제2권, 제2호, 통권 제4호 <응용기술논문> ○ 천식 흡입기의 약물전달을 위한 상기도내의 유동해석 / 이균범・김성균 73 ○ 자동차정비직무를 위한 국가직무능력표준(NCS) 개발 / 지명석・노희규・한영민 81 ○ 몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 통한 노후 디젤발전설비 교체기준 고찰 / 박명수・송기욱・상일・원동주 89 ○ 공학・예술・인문학 융합교과 개발 모델로서의 「공학미학」 제안 / 김은준 99 ○ 공기 상태량에 대한 습공기 밀도 계산 / 김종우 105 ○ 헬리콥터 비행시험 최적화를 위한 실험계획법의 적용 / 변재현・이건명・김세희 113 ○ CAD 활용 기계제도 교육에서 PBL 수업의 효과 / 이희원 125 ■Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Vol. 28, No. 9 [Dynamics, Vibration and Sound] ○ Experimental study on the energy flow analysis of underwater vibration for the reinforced cylindrical structure / H.-W. Kwon, S.-Y. Hong, D.-K. Oh, J. Lee, D.-J. Hwang, O.-S. Kim, J.-H. Song 3405 ○ Multi-tone noise elimination in a space-constrained room lined with hybrid sound absorbers using a particle swarm method / M.-C. Chiu 3411 ○ Specification of the hull vibration to control underwater radiated noise by estimation with modified experimental sound radiation efficiency / H.-S. Han, K.-H. Lee 3425 ○ A dynamic model of ball bearing for simulating localized defects on outer race using cubic hermite spline / P. G. Kulkarni, A. D. Sahasrabudhe 3433 ○ Experimental analysis of maximum valve lift effects in cam-follower system for internal combustion engines / S. Sar©•demir, H. Saruhan 3443 ○ An analytical solution for free vibration analysis of circular plates in axisymmetric modes based on the two variables refined plate theory / A. H. Shahdadi, M. A. Hajabasi 3449 ○ Static and dynamic pull-in instability of multi-walled carbon nanotube probes by He°Øs iteration perturbation method / H. M. Sedighi, F. Daneshmand 3459 ○ Solution of ill-posed problems for identification of the dynamic parameters of bolted joints / L. Li, A. Cai, T. Guo, X. Ruan 3471 ○ A new derailment coefficient considering dynamic and geometrical effects of a single wheelset / J. S. Koo, H. S. Oh 3483 ○ Development of noise pattern map for predicting refrigerant-induced noise in refrigerators / M. S. Kim, W. B. Jeong, H. S. Han 3499 ○ Revisiting the free transverse vibration of embedded single-layer graphene sheets acted upon by an in-plane magnetic field / K. Kiani 3511 ○ Influence of train length on the lateral vibration of a high-speed train equipped with articulated bogies / B.-B. Kang 3517 ○ Non-parametric dimension reduction algorithm approach for neural networks applied to diagnostic systems / M. Chamay, S. Oh, Y.-J. Kim 3529 ○ A novel method for identifying rotor-stator rubbing positions using the cepstrum analysis technique / G. Chen, Y.-Q. Liu, G.-Y. Jiang, C.-G. Li, G.-Q. Feng, D.-Y. Wang 3537 ○ Analytical solution for dynamic behavior of multiwall carbon nanotubes subjected to mechanical shock loading / M. Tahani, M. H. Abolbashari, G. M. Minaei, S. T. Talebian 3545 2014. 10., Vol. 54, No. 10 ● 61 4저널(10월호).ok 2014.10.7 5:4 AM 페이지62 DK 논문집 목차 [Engineering Materials and Technology] ○ Effect of shot peening coverage on fatigue limit in round bar of annealed medium carbon steel / J. Sakamoto, Y.-S. Lee, S.-K. Cheong ○ Integration of a new data acquisition/processing scheme in SHPB test and characterization of the dynamic material properties of high-strength steels using the optional form of Johnson-Cook model / B. J. Tuazon, K.-O. Bae, S.-H. Lee, H.-S. Shin 3555 3561 [Fluids Engineering] ○ Stall inception and warning in a single-stage transonic axial compressor with axial skewed slot casing treatment / B. J. Lim, T. C. Park, S. Kwon 3569 ○ Study on flow distribution inside integrated hybrid actuator / J. H. Cho, N. S. Goo, Z. Xuan, K. W. Yoon, H. S. Ko 3583 ○ Design and investigation of bladder power pump driven by an external electromagnet / X. Li, T. Guan, D. Zhou, C. Liu 3589 ○ Coalescence of two at-rest equal-sized drops in static vapor of the same material: A lattice Boltzmann approach / E. A. Rad 3597 ○ Numerical simulation of trailed vortex alleviation through chipped wingtip shapes / J. Jin, S. Oh, K. Yee 3605 [Mechanics and Design] ○ A study on integrated design for improving fatigue life of common rail pipe considering stress concentration at complex shape / J. Bae, C. Kim 3617 ○ Elastic tripping analysis of corroded stiffeners in stiffened plate with irregular surfaces / A. Rahbar-Ranji 3629 ○ Structural analysis and testing of a miniature flexible joint under pressure and vector loading / J. Ren, X. Zhang, J. Yang, C. Wang, Y. Liu, W. Yang 3637 ○ Mode I fracture toughness analysis of a single-layer grapheme sheet / M.-N. Ky, Y.-J. Yum 3645 ○ Correlation between beam on Winkler-Pasternak foundation and beam on elastic substrate medium with inclusion of microstructure and surface effects / S. Limkatanyu, P. Ponbunyanon, W. Prachasaree, K. Kuntiyawichai, M. Kwon 3653 ○ Optimal design of Magneto-Rheological damper comparing different configurations by finite element analysis / M. M. Ferdaus, M. M. Rashid, M. H. Hasan, M. A. Rahman 3667 ○ Deformation characteristics under variable stiffness for the propelling mechanism of EPB shield machines in mixed ground / K. Deng, X. Zhang, J. Yang, H. Wang 3679 ○ Damage detection of truss structures using two-stage optimization based on micro genetic algorithm / N.-I. Kim, H. Kim, J. Lee 3687 ○ Numerical investigation for erratic behavior of Kriging surrogate model / H. Kwon, S. Yi, S. Choi 3697 [Micro/Nano Engineering and Technology] ○ Effect of thermal non-equilibrium on transient hydromagnetic flow over a moving surface in a nanofluid saturated porous media / M. Muthtamilselvan, D. Prakash, D.-H. Doh ○ Stochastic analysis of a collection process of submicron particles on a single fiber accounting for the changes in flow field due to particle collection / J. Bang, W. Yoon ○ Effects of channel curvature on the performance of viscous micro-pumps / D. J. Kang ○ Vibration of nonuniform carbon nanotube with attached mass via nonlocal Timoshenko beam theory / H.-L. Tang, Z.-B. Shen, D.-K. Li ○ Modeling the effect of intermolecular force on the size-dependent pull-in behavior of beam-type NEMS using modified couple stress theory / Y. T. Beni, I. Karimipöur, M. Abadyan 62 ● 기계저널 3709 3719 3733 3741 3749 4저널(10월호).ok 2014.10.7 5:4 AM 페이지63 DK [Production and Fusion Technology] ○ Conceptual design of a web-based LNG plant management system through adoption of the integrated environment for design and maintenance / J.-D. Kim, S.-B. Choi, J.-M. Lee, M.-K. Kim, S.-C. Choi, I.-J. Hwang, J.-B. Choi ○ Control system design for the mock ventricle with aortic and mitral valve resistance uncertainty / K.-W. Gwak, C. W. Kim , Y. Jun, S. K. Hong ○ Optimization of cryogenic cooled EDM process parameters using grey relational analysis / Vinoth Kumar. S, Pradeep Kumar. M [Robotics and Control] ○ An application of screw theory to the kinematic analysis of a Delta-type robot / J. Gallardo-Alvarado, A. L. Balmaceda-Santamaría, E. Castillo-Castaneda ○ Optimization in measurement of MVC and active stiffness in wrist using the quick release method / B. Sepehri, A. Soltani- Mirzaee ○ Unmanned coaxial rotor helicopter dynamics and system parameter estimation / M. Harun-Or-Rashid, J.-B. Song, S. Chae, Y.-S. Byun, B.-S. Kang [Thermal and Power Engineering] ○ Effect of thermal decomposition products of coal on anodic reactions in direct carbon fuel cells / Y. Rhie, S. Eom, S. Ahn, G. Choi, D. Kim ○ Acoustic damping of gas-liquid scheme injectors with a recess in a subscale combustor / S. H. Kim, Y. J. Kim, C. H. Sohn ○ Nonlinear transient heat conduction analysis of hollow thick temperature-dependent 2D-FGM cylinders with finite length using numerical method / M. H. Shojaeefard, A. Najibi ○ An experimental investigation of temperature distribution and flooding phenomena of cathode flow fields in a proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell / H.-S. Kim, K. Min ○ Contrastive experimental study on heat transfer and friction characteristics in steam cooled and air cooled rectangular channels with rib turbulators / J. Gong, T. Gao, G. Li ○ Constrained model predictive control of proton exchange membrane fuel cell / M. Abdullah, M. Idres ○ Quantification of extinction mechanism in counterflow premixed flames / S. K. Choi, E.-S. Cho, S. H. Chung ○ A study on heat-flow analysis of friction stir welding on a rotation affected zone / S.-W. Kang, B.-S. Jang, J.-W. Kim ○ Solar radiation assisted mixed convection MHD flow of nanofluids over an inclined transparent plate embedded in a porous medium / M. H. Matin, R. Hosseini ○ Thermodynamic analysis of a novel compact power generation and waste heat operated absorption, ejector-jet pump refrigeration cycle / A. Kumar, R. Kumar ○ Titles of papers published in the Transactions of the KSME 2014. 10., Vol. 54, No. 10 ● 3759 3769 3777 3785 3793 3797 3807 3813 3825 3837 3845 3855 3863 3873 3885 3895 3903 63
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