Go, Blues! Go, Cardinals! - Archdiocese of St. Louis

Go, Blues! Go, Cardinals!
Go, SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s
Medical Center!
Saint Mary Magdalen
Catholic School in Brentwood
Sue Brown
Director of Marketing
and Community Relations
scored a HIT for Cardinal Glennon
Children’s Medical Center with their
participation in the Homers for Health
Phone: 314.792.7304
Fax: 314.792.7315
Cell: 314.479.1283
Twitter: @CatholicEdSTL
SMM’s Wiffle Ball Home Run Derby &
Dress Down Day, for a minimum $5
donation, got each participant ten swings at
the ball on the tee. (Some got a little
coaching, as well!)
The top four participants, two girls and two
boys per age group, earning the highest
points, will advance to the final Home Run
Derby Championship at Forest Park on
Friday, May 15, hosted by Matt Holliday
and some of his teammates.
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
Catholic School teacher, Cathy
Touzinsky, (at left) has been chosen an
ULTIMATE BLUES' FAN for her faithful
support of the team, and her use of Blues stats and travels in her classroom. She
and her students received a recent special visit from Blues mascot, Louie, to show
him how devoted her class and she are to our Blues team.
Support the
Annual Catholic Appeal,
which supports
Catholic schools!
Valle Catholic
School pre-K
An Easter egg hunt took on a
new meaning for fifth graders at
St. Charles
Borromeo Catholic
Instead of hunting for candy, the
students hunted for 75 eggs with
questions prepared and hidden
by Mrs. Hodges and Mrs.
Taylor about reading, writing,
math, science and Religion
concepts that they have studied.
Students recorded their answers
in the notebooks they had taken
with them for an "egg"ucational
scavenger hunt on a beautiful,
spring, Easter-season day!
students always
participate in the
Lenten Rice Bowl
collection, and then do
their annual walk to
the nearby branch of
US Bank,
accompanied by
teachers Miss Colleen
and Mrs. Klein, for
help counting their
This year, US Bank representative, Elaine Tlapek (above, with children) showed
the children how the change machine counts the money, and asked them if they
could identify various coins, and asked them to guess how much money they had
collected. Answer—$86.94! Way to go!
The students of Sacred Heart Catholic School in Valley Park
collected personal care items for alum and former Sacred Heart student council
president, Nathan B.
(pictured with SH Stu Co
members) to take with him
on his mission trip to
Central America in May.
The current student council
organized the collection of
combs, shampoo,
conditioner, toothbrushes,
toothpaste and dental floss to
help Nathan, a sophomore at
Mizzou, help the poor of
Nathan belongs to the Mizzou Global Brigades and will travel with the Medical
Brigade to deliver assistance to the poor of the country. God bless you, Nathan,
and safe travels!
Students at St. Anthony
Catholic School in
Sullivan are excited about the new
St. Louis Cardinal’s season, and
to show their support, all wore
Cardinal red on Opening Day!
At right, just a few of St.
Anthony’s Cardinal fans
Principals, Teachers, and Parents, please
share this message from the ACA...
Ten students from Valle
Dear Children of Catholic schools and PSR’s,
in Ste. Genevieve competed in
the recent Southeast Regional
Envirothon at the Conservation
Center in Cape Girardeau, Mo.
Archbishop Carlson invites you to unite with
the adults of the Archdiocese of St. Louis in
support of the Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA).
Catholic High School
You can be a part of the life and mission of the Church right now! We can all be
good stewards of the gifts God has entrusted to us. By your witness of stewardship,
you will help light up their world with hope and love!
Please think about making a donation from your own money—allowance, savings
or sacrifice of something you want, but don’t need, however small. This is how
Jesus has called us to serve one another. For more information, contact Dave
Sida, Senior Director of Operations, 314.792.7211, or email
Team 1, consisting of Jacob T.,
Austin P., Nathan Z., Logan T.
and Matthew S. won top honors
in five out of six categories
including Oral Presentation,
Soils, Aquatics, Current Issue
and Wildlife, which earned them
First Place in the event!
Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School broke ground on its new
artificial turf athletic field on April 15, 2015.
Construction on the project is scheduled to be
completed by September, 2015.
The premium artificial turf field is the same product
installed for 2014 World Cup Field Hockey, does not
include loose crumb rubber, and will be offered for
field hockey, lacrosse, and soccer.
The new field will support Villa Duchesne and Oak
Hill School’s strong athletic history, which includes
nine Midwest Field Hockey Championships.
Congratulations on this new facility!
Bishop DuBourg High School welcomed grandparents, greatgrandparents, family members, and special guests from DuBourg House to the
Pro Life Club’s Grandparent’s and Senior Citizen’s Day celebration.
Team 2 members, freshmen
Blake P., Dalton K., Evan G.,
Chris L. and Claire M. earned
third place!
Both teams are qualified for the
state competition in May.
Students and Coach Mary Boyer
would like to thank the local Soil
and Water Conservation
District for sponsoring both
—Best wishes at State!
The fun-filled
included a
breakfast, family
and concluded
with Mass.
by the Robotics Club, a scene from “Once Upon A Mattress,” (Coming Soon!)
and performances by the choir , jazz band and Swing Dancers.
Finally, the Pro Life Club delivered moving testimonials from their recent trip to
Washington, D.C. for the Pro Life March.
Around the Archdiocese...
All of the students at
St. Simon the
Apostle Catholic
School wore their class
We pray for the repose of the
souls of all the faithful
departed, and especially for,
August Herbst, husband of Pat
Herbst, Development Director
at Assumption Parish in South
County. Pat also served as
Principal at St. Bridget of
Kildare Catholic School until
last year,
t-shirts to create a “living
cross” in celebration of the
Easter season. By being part
of this cross, the students are
reminded of what their faith
means to them, and that they
are truly united in Christ.
VIZ girls (Visitation Academy) are making their mark in the coding
world! Girls Can Code Too is the new coding club for VIZ Middle School
students to prepare them for the school’s award-winning Upper School Code
Club, which is in its eighth year.
In both clubs, the girls learn coding languages
including Java Script, PHP, HTML/CSS and
C and participate in Regional Monsanto
Competitions, Hour of Code and in Code
St. Louis.
May they rest in peace.
Pictured above, members of
the new Middle School Coding
Club, Jordan T., Madeleine J.,
Marianna M. and Kristen W.
Visitation Academy’s WYSE
(Worldwide Youth in Science
and Engineering) team brought
home first place in the Large
School Division at the 2015
WYSE State Competition in Rolla, MO, after winning second place in the
regional competition in February, and first place in the 2015 WYSE Academic
Challenge Virtual Sectional a few weeks later!
Notre Dame High School’s WYSE Team brought home a
second place trophy this year—their third, and most successful trip to
state in the last four years!
Freshmen Karen M. won third place medals in both English and
Computer Science. The Notre Dame WYSE team is coached by Sister
Celine Schumacher, SSND.
Pictured at left, front row, left to right, Annie M., Jeri O. Jade L.,
Karen M., Abby F., Ellen D. and Madelon B.
Back row, left to right, S. Celine Schumacher (coach), Trisch L., Julia
K., Jacqueline M., Sydney B., Lucia P., Zoe S. and Anna D.