VOLUME 41 ISSUE 10 4445 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 M A Y 2 0 15 FINE ARTS Adventure Mary Kinsella’s 6th Grade students from St. Roch have work included at the exhibit “The Robots Are Coming” at the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport. Artist Bill Christman, the curator of the display, currently displays his own robot creations (as “Otto von Bismark Schnarr”) at the “Robotorium” exhibit in the City Museum. Mr. Christman visited St. Roch to advise and assist the students in robot making, and selected the seven robots to include in the airport display. The exhibit will be open until August 8 and is located in Terminal 1 at the baggage claim area near Concourse C LETTER from the Director Dear Fine Arts Educators, Relax! The semester is nearly over! I know that every summer seems like it gets shorter and shorter, but enjoy the time you have so that you can refresh and come back in the fall excited and rejuvenated! This summer, take some time to be an artist, perform, create, and enjoy all the art that St. Louis has to offer! Don’t forget about your classroom: make time to read and even take a summer class to hone your skills. Pulitzer prize-winning poet Mark Van Doren once said, “The art of teaching.is the art of assisting discovery” This is an excellent quote with which to end another school year. As you close up your classroom, remember that you are important to your students and that the work you accomplished with them this year will guide them to become better people in the future. Thank you for all your hard work this year! Don’t forget: There will be an August edition of the Fine Arts Adventure, so let me know through phone calls and emails of any of your school’s end-of-the-school events (and any summer happenings) so they can be featured in the August newsletter. Also, as you clean up at the end of this year and come across lessons you think other teachers would like to try, please send them to me so that they can be included in the Fine Arts Adventure during the 2015-2016 school year! Finally, if your contact information is changing this summer, please let me know so I can keep an updated list of teachers and contact information. This will ensure that you receive pertinent summer opportunities I may run across . . . as well as the August newsletter. May God bless all you do! Kenneth Lederle, Director of Fine Arts 314.792.7324 klederle@archstl.org Join the Choir! Everyone is welcome to join the Religious Education Institute Choir ̶ no experience is needed and you need not be registered for the Institute. The goal is to create a choir that includes ALL teachers and administrators in singing high quality 3 to 4-part works. Help celebrate the Mass at the largest and most important event conducted for teachers and administrators to pray, celebrate, plan and prepare for the new academic year. What: When: Rehearsal: Where: Religious Education Institute Opening Mass Monday, August 10, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, August 9, 2015 at 7-9pm St. Francis Xavier (College) Church St. Louis University Campus How? See the enclosed Choir Registration sheet or http://archstl.org/education/page/fine-arts-curriculum 2 MAYcalendar 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 5 5-6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 7-9 8-9 12 13 14 14 14 15 17 17 19 Art Show Jr. High Musical Spring Concert Viragh Palooza Art Show Jr. High Musical Spring Concert Band and Choir Spring Concert Art Show Spring Concert and Dance Recital Spring Band Concert Fine Arts Night (grades K-8) Spring Choral Concert Willie Wonka, Jr. Spring Concert and Art Show Spring Band Concert Kindergarten Opera Spring Concert 800 Years of the Magna Carta Advanced Drama Showcase Talent Show Welcome Back: Songs from the 70s and 80s One-Act Play Contest Performance Arts Night Spring Musical Spring Musical (Grades 7-8) Band and Choir Spring Concert Elementary School Musical Spring Program (Grades 5-8) Festival of the Arts Spring Concert Kindergarten Farewell St. Clement of Rome St. Margaret of Scotland Rosati-Kain High School Chaminade College Prep St. Clement St. Margaret of Scotland Rosati-Kain High School St. Joseph - Cottleville Notre Dame High School Notre Dame High School Chaminade College Prep Ste. Genevieve du Bois St. Gabriel the Archangel St. Gerard Majella Bishop DuBourg High School St. Gabriel the Archangel St. Simon the Apostle St. Mark St. Roch Chaminade College Prep St. Mark Parish Center 8am-3pm Church basement 7pm Gym 7:30pm Viragh Center for the Arts 3pm Parish Center 10am-1pm Church basement 7pm Gym 7:30pm 2pm & 4pm 5pm 7pm Viragh Center for the Arts 3pm 6:30pm Gym 7pm Gym 1pm Gym 7pm Gym 7pm Gym 7pm Parish Center 7pm Gym 1:30pm Viragh Center for the Arts 7pm Parish Center 1pm St. Joseph Academy Trinity Catholic High School St. Margaret of Scotland Villa Duchesne Oak Hill St. Patrick Imm. Conception - Dardenne St. Vincent Elem. - Perryville Holy Spirit Barat Academy St. Dominic High School St. Clement of Rome Performing Arts Theater Theatre School Parish Center 7pm Park Center Gym Theater Parish Center 7pm 6:30pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 3pm 3pm TBD 2015-2016 calendar Aug. 10 Sept 17 Oct. 19 Oct. 27 Jan. 25-29 Jan. 24-Feb. 6 Feb. 11 Feb. 21 Feb. 23 March TBA March 6 March 16-17 Religious Education Institute Choir St. Francis Xavier (College) Church Elem. Music Workshop on Apps and Technology w/Dr. Jennifer Mishra UMSL Elementary Art Workshop St. Clement of Rome Elementary Art Workshop (repeat of Oct 19th workshop) St. Joseph - Imperial Catholic Schools Education Concerts at the Sheldon Sheldon Concert Hall Catholic Schools Week Mall Art Displays Chesterfield Mall (2 weeks), Plaza Frontenac, St. Louis Galleria, St. Louis Mills (2 weeks), South County Mall (2 weeks), West County Mall Archdiocesan Choir Festival John F. Kennedy High School Archdiocesan Elementary Instrumental Festival Bishop DuBourg High School Archdiocesan Secondary Instrumental Festival St. Dominic High School Archdiocesan Jazz Band Festival St. Louis University High School Archdiocesan High School Art Show Sheldon Concert Hall Archdiocesan Elem. Song Festival (1st & 2nd Grades) Various schools 3 COMMUNITYresources Empire Brass in Concert http://www.cathedralconcerts.org/events/empire-brass/ Cathedral Concerts presents Empire Brass, with organist Douglas Major, at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. The Empire Brass enjoys an international reputation as North America’s finest brass quintet, renowned for its brilliant virtuosity and the unparalleled diversity of its repertoire. Tickets may be purchased for $19, $29 or $39. PLAN AHEAD FOR FALL 2015! 2015 Jazz St. Louis Youth Concerts www.jazzstl.org Admission is free to the following performances, held at the Anheuser-Busch Hall of the Touhill Performing Arts Center at UMSL. (Subsidies for transportation also available.) Poppin’ - The Story of Blue Note Records - September 28 at 9am (Grades 5-12) Jean-Michel and the Be-Bop Kings (celebrating the American painter Jean-Michel Basquiat) - September 28 at 11:30 and September 29 at 9am (Grades 3-6) Yes Indeed! Celebrating the Great American Blues Tradition - September 29 at 11:30am (Grades 5-7) Dance St. Louis 8th Annual Spring to Dance Festival www.dancestlouis.org See the best dancers on May 22, 23, and 24. This year, purchase tickets for $10 for Lee Theater performances (no more guessing if you have a seat and no more waiting in line), or $15 for Anheuser-Busch Performance Hall performances. $20 gets reserved seats in both sites when purchased together! 2016 Jazz St. Louis Regional Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band Festival http://www.jazzstl.org/education-outreach/essentially-ellington-regional-festival/ The Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band Festival will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2016 at Webster Groves High School. Applications will be available and accepted beginning at 10 am on Monday, August 31. Only 10 bands will be accepted and will be chosen on a first come-first, first-served basis. (The festival is free.) Circus Flora Performance Opportunities for Jazz Groups Circus Flora, in partnership with Jazz St. Louis, is performing “One Summer on Second Street” May 28-June 28, 2015. School jazz bands are invited to demonstrate their talents as part of the circus’ front-of-house entertainment -- and to attend the show afterwards! Shows are usually held Monday-Thursday at 7pm, Friday and Saturdays at 1pm and 7pm, and Sundays at 1pm and 5:30pm. Bands are asked to arrive one hour prior to the show. Contact Ann Dillon at dillonmail@charter.net or 314.604.1280 for more information or to schedule a date for your school jazz ensemble to perform. Celebrate 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta in 2015 http://archstl.org/education/page/fine-arts-curriculum Worldwide celebrations of the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta are being held, and your music class can join in! St. Roch music teacher Regina Morris has matched Rudyard Kipling’s poem about the Magna Carta with the public domain tune “Nashville.” Visit the Archdiocesan Fine Arts Resources page online to download a PDF of this song and share it with your students as you study the Magna Carta! Art and Virtue Workshop Friday, June 12 from 8:30am-2:30pm Cardinal Rigali Center $50 includes all materials and meals Art and classroom teachers are invited to this workshop to learn fun and engaging ways to integrate virtue in everyday experiences through art making through the Art and Virtue Workshop. The workshop will cover topics such as Art and Spirituality, Divine Pedagogy and Studio Experience. For more information or to register, visit http://rdtraining.org. 6 CONTESTS andGrants The Awesome Foundation Grants http://www.awesomefoundation.org/en Have a crazy brilliant idea that needs funding? The Awesome Foundation awards $1,000 grants every month. The Awesome Foundation for the Arts and Sciences is an ever-growing, worldwide network of people devoted to forwarding the interest of awesomeness in the universe. The Foundation’s chapters are autonomous and organized by the trustees around geographic areas or topics of interest. Good Works Fundraising http://www.originalworks.com/good-works/ Each month, Good Works from Original Works™ awards $50 in art supplies, an Original Works Arts apron, and a check for $25. Participation in the program is simple: just fill out a short online form with your name, school and email address and share a brief description of what inspires you about teaching art. Submissions will be posted on Original Works’ Facebook page. Inspirational Poster Giveaway http://www.weareteachers.com/grants-contests/giveaways/inspire-u-poster-pack-giveaway Creative Teaching Press, a company started by a teacher for teachers, is excited to celebrate their 50th year of helping educators in the classroom with a special giveaway of five motivational posters to 50 teachers. Just fill in your name and contact information online. Winners will be announced June 8. PROFESSIONAL development Kansas City Art Institute Summer Teacher Institute http://www.kcai.edu/continuing-education/course-listings/art-educators Kansas City Art Institute is offering a Summer Teacher Institute, an opportunity for art educators of all grades to spend a week working with renowned faculty from our Bachelor of Fine Arts program. The program includes a one-week studio course in painting or graphic design, two graduate level credits, events and meals. The cost is $600 for non-residential enrollment and $800 for residential enrollment. Enrollment is open now. For more information, please contact Lauren Park, associate director of continuing education at lpark@kcai.edu. IL-ACDA Summer Retreat www.il-acda.org This “retreat” at Illinois State University in Normal, IL (with clinicians Nick Bjella and Carol Krueger) includes a director’s chorus, master class with 9th grade mixed chorus, reading and interest sessions, singing the winning selection of the annual composition contest, and networking with colleagues. St. Louis Art Museum Teacher Workshop http://www.slam.org/education/enews.php Art integration is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to allow your students to reach the highest levels of Bloom's Taxonomy. “Visual Literacy Across the Curriculum” workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 5 from 5-8pm at the St. Louis Art Museum and will take participants through the process of art integration at three levels of depth. It is the perfect workshop for teachers who would like to integrate art more effectively into any curriculum. Participants will be taken through the process of creating vibrant lessons from start to finish, and will leave with concrete methods that they can implement in any classroom. Upon registration, participants are welcome to submit a subject or lesson that they would like help with. A lucky participant will have his/her request used by the group during the workshop, and will leave with great ideas for that lesson. The workshop is presented by Jen Kavanaugh, a teacher at St. Margaret of Scotland. To register, email teacherprograms@slam.org 7 PROFESSIONAL development Advanced Placement Teacher Development http://www.semo.edu/aptd/schedule.html Southeast Missouri State University and Truman State University offer high-quality, low-cost faculty development opportunities this summer through their Advanced Placement Institute, including Studio Art 2-D Design at Hazelwood West High School, July 13-17. There is no course fee for teachers living and teaching in Missouri, graduate credit is available, and the small class provides for an intensive, interactive experience, led by a Kathleen Blake. For registration information or to enroll online, go to http://www.semo.edu/aptd or http://ap.truman.edu. Free Workshops from DESE Tom Tobias, the Director of Arts Education for DESE will offer the first in a series of workshops designed for all art teachers and arts coordinators in grades K-12 to strengthen instruction in all arts disciplines. The series is free and is designed with the expectation that teachers and leaders will coach others in their districts. The workshop will be held on July 13 from 10am - 2:30pm in Jefferson City. Follow-up sessions will take place on October 15, January 14 and March 16 during the 2015-2016 school year. Contact Tom at tom.tobias@dese.mo.gov for more information or to register. COCAedu Summer Institute for Arts Integration www.cocastl.org/reigster The 2015 COCAedu Summer Institute for Arts Integration provides educators with strategies on how to use the arts to connect to curricular areas, meet Common Core standards, increase student engagement, deepen student comprehension, and identify alternative assessment opportunities. This year, there will be an additional intensive track specifically for early childhood educators. Workshops are held July 27-29 from 8:30am-4:30pm at the Regional Arts Commission. Contact Sarah Bliss at 314.561.4898 or sbliss@cocastl.org for more information. Intensive Track One with Sean Layne Acting Right: Drama as a Classroom Management Strategy (K-8) Living Pictures: Reading Comprehension and Assessment through Drama (K-8) Intensive Track Two with Melanie Rick Reading Art as Texts Across the Curriculum: Observe. Infer. Inquire. (K-8) Intensive Track Three with Randy Barron Integrating Dance and Science (K-8) and Math on the Move (K-8) Intensive Track Four with Kassie Misiewicz Acting Right for Early Childhood (PreK-2) Tiny Toy Tales: An Integrated Storytelling Strategy for Early Childhood (PK-2) Harmony University for Educators www.barbershop.org/outreach This week-long workshop (July 27-August 2) in Nashville, Tennessee is for practicing music teachers who wish to learn more about Barbershop and to grow in their knowledge of A Cappella styles. Start each day with a music teachers seminar, then choose from dozens of course offerings that tweak your interest. Continuing education credits are available. St. Louis Art Museum Workshop http://www.slam.org/Education/enews.php “Voyage of Learning” (Tuesday, July 14 - Friday, July 24 from 8am-3pm) is an experimental outdoor academy that introduces teachers to the many facets of park-based ecology and environmental education. Workshop registration begins approximately one week prior. 2012 NAEA National Convention Call for Papers https://naea.eventready.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=papers.login&event_id=1454 NAEA invites diverse proposals from members that inform and inspire art educators to challenge assumptions and, through the cross pollination of ideas, to see their critical work through the prism of leadership. Presentation topics should fall under one of the five goals within the Strategic Framework for advancing the NAEA mission. 4 SUMMERcamps Teen Filmmaking Camps http://cinemastlouis.org/filmmaking-camps-and-teen-workshop Cinema St. Louis and the St. Louis Public Library will present basic filmmaking camps on Monday-Friday, Aug. 3-7 at the St. Louis Public Library's Central Library (1301 Olive St., 63101). There are two camps available. Live Action Camp Aug 3-7, 10 a.m. Working in small groups, campers will plot, shoot, and edit a video based on one of three examples: library commercial, public service announcement, or book trailer. The Live Action Camp is scheduled from 10 am-1 pm and participants must be between 12 and 18 years old. The camps are free; admission is on a first-come, first-served basis, so early application is encouraged. Deadline to apply is Friday, July 3. Animation Camp Aug 3-7, 1:30 p.m. Webster University's Chris Sagovac leads campers through several different styles of animation, culminating in each camper creating a hand-drawn animation. The Animation Camp is scheduled from 1:30-4:30pm and participants must be between 14 and 18 years old. The camps are free; admission is on a first-come, first-served basis, so early application is encouraged. Deadline to apply is Friday, July 3. Be a Summer Teen Intern at Craft Alliance http://www.craftalliance.org/education/teeninterns.htm Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design’s Summer Studios Camp program is looking for teen volunteers (ages 15-18) who want to learn new creative skills as well as develop communication skills, gain knowledge about the arts, and further their experience working with children as they assist Artists/Instructors with the younger campers. They also can earn valuable community service hours required by some area high schools. Student STEAM Session http://extension.missouri.edu/communityarts/documents/ArtScienceCamp3_31_15.pdf The University of Missouri is offering a week-long summer camp that will let students interact with MU arts faculty: Milbre Burch (storytelling), Lee Ann Woolery (visual language), and Suzanne Burgoyne (theatre). Students will learn about plants that sense vibrations and galling insects that trick plants into making homes for them from MU science faculty Heidi Appel and Jack Schultz. Most importantly, the students will combine these two experiences to use visual images, storytelling, and theatre to communicate the science story to a wider public. National Catholic Youth Choir Summer Camp www.CatholicYouthChoir.org St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota is a two-week choir camp for high school freshmen, sophomore and juniors. The camp includes a one-week concert tour. Axel Theimer will conduct. Come learn about St. Louis Dancing Classrooms AND cheer on 5th grade students at the Colors of the Rainbow event May 12 at 7pm (location to be announced). The following Catholic Schools have qualified to participate in the event: Blessed Theresa of Calcutta Holy Trinity, St. Ann St. Gerard Majella St. Louis the King St. Margaret of Scotland Dancing Classrooms is a in-school residency program for 5th graders that teaches students how to respectfully communicate with each other through social dances. If your school is interested in participating during the 2015-2016 school year, contact Ken Lederle at klederle@archstl.org or 314.792.7324. 5 SUMMERcamps CARDINAL RITTER COLLEGE PREP HIGH SCHOOL www.cardinalritterprep.org Praise: Vocal and Spiritual and Cheer/Dance camps for boys or girls entering 3rd-9th grade CHAMINADE COLLEGE PREP http://www.chaminade-stl.org/summer_academy/summer_academy/index.aspx Wheel Throwing Camp M-Th, June 8-12 and 15-18 from 9am-11:30am (girls and boys entering grades 3-12, limit 12 students) - $200 Complete Musician Band Camp July 13-17 from 9am-3pm (girls and boys entering grades 5-10) - $200 Total Percussion Band Camp July 20-24 from 9am-3pm (girls and boys entering grades 7-12) - $200 Drama Camp: Chaminade Comedy Camp June 1-5 from 9am-Noon (girls and boys entering grades 4-8) - $150 Drama Camp: Acting- Building the Character June 22-26 from 9am-Noon (girls and boys entering grades 7-12) - $150 Digital Photography Camp 1 July 13 from 9am-Noon (girls and boys entering grades 6-9) - $40* Digital Photography Camp 2 July 14 from 9am-Noon (girls and boys entering grades 6-9) - $40* *(Enroll in both digital photography camps for $70) CHRISTIAN BROTHERS COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOL http://www.cbcsummeracademy.org/ Band Camp June 8-12 & June 15-19 – 8am-11am (boys entering 6-8 grade) - $100/week Theater Camp June 15-19 & June 22-26 – 8am -11am (boys entering 6-8 grade) - $100/week Enrichment Classes 11:45-2:50pm - includes two 80-minute classes daily - $150/week Rock ‘n’ Roll History June 8-12 or June 22-26 Painting June 8-12 or June 22-26 3D Art Studio June 8-12 or June 15-19 Juggling June 8-12, June 15-19 or June 22-26 Design (visual art) June 15-19 or June 22-26 Broadcasting June 15-19 or June 22-26 COR JESU ACADEMY https://www.corjesu.org/camps Creative Crafts June 8-12 from 8am-10am (girls entering grades 5-8) - $125 ($150 after May 15) Express Yourself! June 15-19 from 10:15am -12:15pm (girls entering grades 5-8) - $100 ($125 after May 15) Let’s Get Dramatic… Put a Little Drama in Your Life June 8-12 from 10:15am-12:15 pm OR June 15-19 from 8-10am (girls entering grades 5-8) - $100 ($125 after May 15) Say Cheese! The Ins and Outs of Digital Photography M-F, June 8-12 from 8-10am or M-F June 15-19 from 8-10am (girls entering grades 1-8) - $125 ($150 after May 15) DESMET JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL http://www.desmet.org/grade-school-summer-programs.html Exploring the 3rd Dimension June 1-5 or June 22-27 from 8:30-11:30am (boys entering grades 5-8) - $100 (materials included) Music Making 101: Creating, Sequencing and Recording June 1-5 from Noon-3pm (boys entering grades 6-8) - $100 DUCHESNE HIGH SCHOOL http://www.duchesne-hs.org/grade-school-academic-camps.html Boys and Girls Arts Camp “THE Mouse and More” June 22-26, entering 4 grade from 5-6:30pm; entering 6 grade from 6:30-8pm - $55 Danceline Camp June 8-11, 8:30am-11am (girls entering grades 1-8) - $60 8 SUMMERcamps JOHN F. KENNEDY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL http://www.kennedycatholic.net/pages/Kennedy_Catholic/News/Grade_School_and_High_School_S A Cappella Camp - $65 July 13-17 from 11am-2pm (girls and boys entering grades 5-8) Theatre Camp - $200 June 11-19 from 10am-2pm (girls and boys entering 5-8 grade) NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL http://www.ndhs.net/s/999/index.aspx?sid=999&gid=1&pgid=424 Rebel Clef - Song and Dance June 1-5 from 9-11:30am (girls entering grades 5-8) - $75 Storytelling June 8-11 from Noon- 2pm (girls entering grades 5-9) - $60 ND Summer STEAM June 15-18 from Noon-2pm (girls entering grades 5-8) - $60 ROSATI-KAIN HIGH SCHOOL (all camps for girls entering grades 6-8) www.rosati-kain.org Introduction to Chorus June 1-4 from 9-11:30am - $100 Introduction to Theatre June 8-11 from 9-11:30am - $100 Beginner Instrumental June 15-18 from 12:45-3pm - $100 Advanced Instrumental June 15-18 from 3:15-5:15pm - $100 Photography June 15-18 from 9-11:30am - $110 Dance June 22-25 from 12:45-3pm - $100 ST. FRANCIS BORGIA REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL http://www.borgiasummercamps.com/index.cfm Drama Camp June 8-12 from 8-11am (boys and girls entering grades 5-9) - $55 Starry Knights Dance Camp June 8 and 9 from 5:30-7:30pm (boys and girls entering grades K-8) - $30 ST. JOSEPH’S ACADEMY http://www.stjosephacademy.org/about/summer_at_sja/middle_school_camps_for_girls/ Angel Art June 15-19 from 8:30-11:30am (girls entering grades 6-8) - $150 Creative Dramatics Camp June 22-26 from 8:30-11:30am (girls entering grades 6-8) - $150 Dance Camp July 6-10 from 8:30-11:30am (girls entering grades 6-8) - $150 ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL http://www.sluh.org/academics/summercampsandprograms/ Acting: Improvisation June 8-July 2 from 8-10am (girls and boys entering grade 7) - $175 ST. PIUS X HIGH SCHOOL http://www.stpius.com/03-04-15-summer-camps.html Art Camp June 1-5 from 10am-Noon (for boys and girls entering grades 5-8) OR Noon-2pm (for boys and girls entering grades 9-12) - $50 Theater Camp Mon-Fri, June 15-19 from 9:30am-Noon (for boys and girls entering grades 5-9) - $50 URSULINE ACADEMY http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eak0tkbn12b848fa&llr=mbl9b6dab Summer Performing Arts Camp: Seussical Jr. M-Sat, June 22-27 from 8am-5pm (boys and girls entering grades K-8) - $350 VILLA DUCHESNE AND OAK HILL SCHOOL http://www.vdoh.org/page.cfm?p=8808 From Broadway to LA July 6-10 from 7:30am – 3:30pm (for boys and girls grades PreK-6) - $275 9 MUSICactivities Found Folk Music Grade 7 http://20thcenturyclassical.com/Lesson%20Plan%20-%20Partch.htm Applicable Common Core Standard: RL 7.4 Analyze the impact of rhymes and other repetitions of sounds on a specific verse or stanza of a poem or section of a story or drama. Applicable NCAS: Cr3.1.7 Evaluate their own work, applying selected criteria such as appropriate application of elements of music including style, from, and use of sound sources. . Objectives: Using the concepts of instrument creation and found instruments, students will create a styleappropriate rhythm accompaniment to a familiar folk song. Materials: Selection of folk songs that students have previously learned Items from the students’ homes and various classroom instruments Paper Pencil Procedure: Day 1: 1. Divide students into groups of 4-5. Have each group select from list of songs they have learned in class. 2. Explain that students must create a 4-measure rhythmic accompaniment to the piece, to be repeated throughout the song. Let students create these in class, and practice them when completed. 3. Once students have created their rhythmic patterns, inform them that they will be performing these accompaniments on instruments made by combining one object found at home with one of the classroom instruments. No two people in a group may use the same items. Students must create a sound that will fit their song. Have students examine the lyrics of their songs. Is there a mention of a specific kind of sound? Does the song contain metallic noises, such as a bell or a hammer? What about wooden sounds? What items do they think would work with this piece? Will every instrument play every note, or would some sounds work well in a solo section? 4. Give students the following homework assignment: Each student must find an item to bring into the next music class to use with a classroom instrument, and he/she must write a paragraph about why the combined items and instruments fit the group’s song. Day 2: 5. Collect the paragraph assignments, then arrange students into their groups with their instruments. 6. Give students an opportunity to share their instruments with group members and to practice performing their rhythm patterns on their instruments. 7. Bring each group to the classroom’s performance area and let them introduce their song and their instruments. Students will perform their accompaniments solo (just one time through four measures), and then perform while the rest of the class sings the song. Assessment: The students successfully create and perform a 4-measure rhythm pattern. The students bring in instruments and defend their choice of instrument in its relation to the folk song. NOTE: If desired, the teacher may follow performances by introducing composer Harry Partch and his instrument creations and by playing Partch’s Delusion of the Fury as an example. 10 ARTactivities Robot Portrait Grade 1 http://jlpatern.weebly.com/1st-grade-robot-portrait-lesson-plan.html Applicable Common Core Standard: 1.MD.A.1 Measure lengths indirectly and by iterating length units. Applicable NCAs: Cr2.1.1a Explore uses of materials and tools to create works of art or design. Objectives: Students will identify and describe an element (pixels), which may be found in visual works of art and discuss these materials, express his/her ideas in the creation of their robot portrait using a variety of materials, and decipher between warm and cool colors. Materials: Newsprint/newspaper Bowls of pre-cut 1"x1" construction paper - warm and cool colors Glue sticks Googly eyes 16"x10" piece of white construction paper 18"x12" stack of assorted colored construction paper Safety scissors Correlating worksheet Washable colored markers PowerPoint found at the link above Procedure: 1. Review mathematical concepts of measurement (e.g., what units are, how to find length, that you can measure things with a ruler or blocks, etc). 2. Review terms: symmetry, additive process, shape, warm colors, cool colors, pixel, measure, measurement, units, and length. (Definitions are found at the link above.) 3. The teacher asks the students if they have ever played with Legos or played a video game. Explain to the students that those are units that can be found in art. 4. On the PowerPoint (see link above), introduce the artists that form the artist connection to this lesson. 5. Teach new art vocabulary (“pixel”) in relation to art. 6. Ask students where they have seen robots before, and show them examples (Pixar movies, etc). Discuss what robots are used for in today’s world (building cars, vacuuming, etc.) 7. Explain to them that they will be creating robots portraits out of units, just like other artists have. 8. Show teacher exemplar (pictured at right) to the students and explain what they will do. 9. Each student will use the 16"x10" piece of construction paper as their background. 10. Students will be given the option of using cool or warm-colored1"x1" squares. 11. Students will be instructed to design, by laying out, the shape of their Robot. They will be told that their robot either needs to have legs or arms, but not both if they choose not to. 12. Once students lay out their robot, they will glue them down to the paper; they will be given more squares of colored construction paper as needed. 13. Have students glue googly eyes on their robot. 14. Students will use the washable colored markers to add details to their robot. 15. Once they have finished their robot portrait, students will choose a warm or cool colored background (opposite of what their robot was) on which to matte their portrait. Have the students sign their artwork. 16. Give the students the correlating worksheet (or, create a workshop that asks for the robot’s name, how many units the robot’s arms OR legs are made of, how many units the entire robot body is made of, and background information (robot’s use/ purpose) about their robot.) When they have completed the worksheet, students will attach it to the back or bottom of the portrait, as the teacher instructs. 17. Assess the finished robot portrait projects by using the rubric found at the link above. 11
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