Pleasant Community Church 673 Pleasant Drive Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 (814) 723-7730 Website: Email: TO: UNIFIER ~ MAY 2014 VOLUME 5 OF 12 DEADLINE FOR JUNE UNIFIER IS MAY 23RD “Real Worship, Real Relationships, Real Service” PASTOR: MICHAEL POINDEXTER YOUTH & W ORSHIP LEADER: AARON REINARD Christian Direction: “Seeking to grow in our relationship with Christ” Reaching the Non-Churched: “Building relationships with non-churched people through servant evangelism” Authentic Community: “Sharing our needs, hurts, & joys with one another” Gift-Based Ministry: “Using the spiritual abilities God has given us to fulfill the Great Commission” Being Children & Youth Oriented: “Supporting & involving children & youth in the life of the church” Meaningful Worship: “Focusing on the Trinity through our hearts, minds & senses” SUNDAY SCHOOL (ALL AGES) 9:30 AM WORSHIP 11:00 AM PRAYER LIST MAY Meetings Diaconate Board Thursday, May 1st at 6:30 pm Christian Formation Board Tuesday, May 6th at 6:30 pm For people in Syria, Egypt ,Sudan, Ukraine & North Korea caught in conflict Trustee Board Thursday, May 8th at 6:30 pm For God’s vision for the church’s future ministry Executive Council Tuesday, May 20th at 6:30 pm For people to use their Spiritual Gifts Vacation Bible School Relay for Life Ecuador Mission Trip Jail Ministry Pregnancy Support Center House of Hope For you to listen to God’s leading to build relationships with those who don’t know Christ. May ~ Sermon Series May 4th, 18th & 25th “The 72” May 11th Haiti Mission Trip - The Unifier is e-mailed each month. If you have an e-mail address & would like to receive the monthly newsletters electronically, please contact the church office. All sermons are recorded each Sunday and downloaded to our website and Facebook pages. Like us on Facebook Pleasant Community Church Get notices about everything that’s going on! 2nd Quarter ~ Special Offerings for 2014 April thru June The special offering for the 2nd quarter is for support of Haiti Rubble Homes Specially marked offering envelopes are available in the pew backs. SMALL GROUP Every Thursday at 7:00 pm SMALL GROUP “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.” Saturdays May 3rd, 17th & 31st at 6:30 pm Luke 4:18-19 St. Joseph’s Soup Kitchen Tuesday, May 6th at 4:15 pm FREE BABY SITTING! Small Group is offering a night of free baby sitting for the young couples in the church. Please contact Joyce to set up a date & time. Help is always appreciated! Summer Worship Nursing Home Residents & Shut-ins Please remember these people. A visit can bring a smile to their face. Volunteering is another way of caring! Show them you care! begins JUNE 1st 10:00 TREASURER’S REPORT for March , 2014 Income: $19,257.63 Disbursements: $10,569.81 am May 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri Sat 2 3 Deacon Board 6:30 pm 4 5 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am 6 Relay for Life Meeting 6:00 pm St. Joe’s Soup Kitchen 4:15 pm Christian Formation 6:30 pm VBS Meeting after worship 11 Mother’s Day “Change for Life” begins 7 12 13 Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am Praise Team 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm Faith Circle 12:30 pm Worship 11:00 am 19 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am 25 Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 11:00 am 20 Ecuador Mission Trip Orientation to be determined sometime this week... 26 Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am Praise Team 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm 14 Sunday School 9:30 am 18 8 21 Executive Council 6:30 pm 27 9 Trustee Board 6:30 pm Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am Praise Team 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm 10 Mug ‘n Muffin 9:30 am Small Group 7:00 pm 15 16 Small Group 7:00 pm 22 Women’s Bible Study 9:30 am Praise Team 6:00 pm Choir 7:00 pm 28 Small Group 6:30 pm 17 Small Group 6:30 pm 23 24 30 31 Small Group 7:00 pm 29 Small Group 7:00 pm Baby Bottles will be given out on Mother’s Day, May 11th Fill your bottle with change and return it on Father’s Day, June 15th Warren Christian Women’s Connection Invites YOU to “Sparkles of Life” Luncheon Tuesday, May 13th 12:00 - 2:00 pm Allegheny Community Center, 42 Clark Street $9.00 Inclusive For reservations, please call Donna at 723-4098 by May 8th. (See the bulletin board for more information about this luncheon.) Christian Summer Camps The Christian Formation Board is willing to help financially support any child or teenager who wants to attend a week of Christian Summer Camp. Please see Wendy or Nancy for more information. CAMP JUDSON CAMP MISSION MEADOWS 398 Holliday Road North Springfield, Pa. 16430 5201 Route 430 Dewittville, New York 14728 2014 Youth Camp Schedule 2014 Youth Camp Schedule “THIEF IN THE NIGHT!” “CELEBRATE” Entering grades 2-3 (Mini Camp) (3 day camp) June 15th-18th June 18th-21st June 29th-July 2nd July 20th-23rd July 23rd-26th Entering grades 4-6 (Junior Camp) June 15th-June 21st June 22nd-June 28th July 27th-August 2nd 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Entering grades 6-8 (Jr. High 1) June 22nd - June 28th Entering grades 9-12+ (Teen Camp 1) June 22nd - June 28th Entering grades 3-6 (Trailblazer 1) July 6th - July 12th Entering grades 3-6 (Trailblazer Half Time 1) July 6th - July 9th Entering grades 7-8 (Junior High Camp) June 22nd-28th July 20th-26th Entering grades 3-6 (Trailblazer 2) July 13th-July 19th Entering grades 9-12+ (Senior High Camp) July 13th-19th Entering grades 3-6 (Trailblazer Half Time 2) July 13th - July 16th Entering grades 7-12+ (Summer Blast) (3 day camp) June 29th-July 2nd Registration forms are laying on the table outside the offices. RALLY DAY AT CAMP JUDSON SATURDAY, June 7th 398 Holliday Road North Springfield, Pa. 16430 Bring the whole family and enjoy a day at Camp Judson! Entering grades 6-8 (Jr. High) July 20th - July 26th Entering grades 9-12+ (Teen Camp 2) July 27th - August 2nd Entering grades 1-4 (Half-Pint Half Time) August 10th - August 12th Registration forms are laying on the table outside the offices. There is a possibility of 12 kids signing up for Summer Camps! To the congregation of Pleasant Community Church: Dear Pleasant Community Congregation, Dear Pleasant Community Church, Thank you for your donation and support of the St. Joseph’s Soup Kitchen. Our community is blessed to have the many generous organization and individuals supporting our soup kitchen ministry! “And when they had arrived and gathered the church together, they began to report all things that God had done with them and how He had opened a door of faith…” Acts 14:27 NASB Your gift is greatly appreciated! God Bless! St. Joseph’s Catholic Church BCM International Dear Friends, It is with sincere appreciation that I acknowledge your donation, to The Salvation Army of Warren County Food Program. The donation you have provided has gone to help many families in Warren County! Ronald Starnes, Major CHURCH PARKING LOT We are having a fundraiser to help with the cost of tarring, chipping & line marking the parking lot! Specially marked envelopes are located in the pew backs. To help us keep track of our efforts, a display board is located in the foyer. The Trustee Board thanks everyone that has been giving so faithfully towards this project! A note … Friends, Thank you for support of this ministry to our boys & girls. Come celebrate 68 years with us! Come Celebrate! Annual Warren County Bible Club Dinner Monday, May 5th 6:00 pm at the Calvary Chapel Church Route 62 North, Russell Devotion: Rev. Jeff York Music: Karen Landin Mr. David Johnson will conduct the meeting. Released-time teachers will give reports on the classes held this school year. ALL ARE WELCOME! Please bring: Table service, tureen and salad or dessert. Provided: Ham, beverage and rolls. Come celebrate 68 years of reaching boys and girls through released-time religious education classes with the gospel of Jesus Christ! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We now have over $13,000 collected towards our goal of $15,000! NEW BUILDING COMMITTEE AUDIO/VISUAL TECH Faith Circle The April meeting of Faith Circle was attended by 10 ladies. Yvonne & Kathy served refreshments and Yvonne presented the devotions and program on lilies and Easter traditions and trivia. It was decided that money will be sent to The Philippians for our White Cross Quota and where they are building a church. We also will send money to our special interest missionaries and in Philadelphia serving with the race track ministries. A letter was received from American Baptist International ministries thanking us for the money sent to Karen. Jeanne shared the information about the ABW Spring Association meeting on May 3rd. Flyers are posted on the bulletin board and anyone interested is welcome to attend. Please contact Jeanne, if you want more information. Following the meeting, 33 rolled bandages were rolled. Jeanne will take these to the Spring meeting along with the operating room masks and hats from our white cross quota. Our last meeting for the year will be lunch out at Cable Hollow on May 12th. Lunch will be at 1:00 pm. Meet at the side parking lot of the former Big Lots building at 12:30 pm to car pool. Anyone interested in attending not already signed up should contact Donna. MAY Anniversaries & Birthdays 2014 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL “Imagine & Build with God” Show children how a simple workshop of tools, such as a hammer & a paintbrush can turn the mundane into extraordinary with God’s help. June 15th through June 19th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm We are looking for volunteers: Nursery, registration, story-telling, crafts, games, music, snacks, science lab & decorations. If you can help and/or organize one of these areas, please see the sign-up sheet laying on the table outside the offices. ITEMS NEEDED FOR VBS: Manila file folders (new or used), leftovers of scrapbooking paper, cardstock, paper plates, box of gallon size re-sealable zip-loc bags (to send projects home), gold and yellow stamp pads, green markers, 1 box of mustard seeds. Please bring the above donations to Nancy. Items needed for decorating and sets: Cheap paintbrushes, empty toilet paper & paper towel tubes, goggles, dominoes, string, plastic baskets (in bright colors), Slinky (metal or plastic), binoculars, Men’s bow-ties, popsicle sticks, clip boards, tool boxes (with hammers, screw drivers, etc. included). Bright colored plastic table clothes (red, blue, green, purple, yellow etc.) Cardboard sheets, bright colored paint, masking tape and artists!! The above items that are of value will be returned to you. Please mark your items with your name. HAVE THE CHILDREN INVITE THEIR FRIENDS NOW! PASS THE WORD AROUND ABOUT THIS BIG EVENT AT PCC! YOU ARE THE GOD WHO WORKS WONDERS! PSALM 77:14a NEW MEMBERS WELCOMED A cake reception was held on Sunday, April 13th to welcome new members to the church. Please be in prayer for these people and welcome them! Beth, Abi & George James, Donna & Emily Riane Children joined with the Pleasant Community Choir on Sunday, April 13th They sang the chorus of “Antiphonal Hosanna” Children are God’s Blessings! 1…2…3… SMILE! At the Executive Council meeting, it was suggested to take photos of our new families/individuals and put them on the bulletin board along with their names. This would help other people get to know them better. So, if Bev approaches you to take a photo, be ready to smile! :) These photos will be on the bulletin board where the Spiritual Gifts are posted. Oil Creek Baptist Association Spring Worship & Celebration Gathering! Sunday, May 18th at 3:00 pm Hosted by Lincolnville Baptist Church 22530 Mill Street Centerville, Pa. 16404 Rev. Dr. Frank Frischkorn will be our guest speaker for the afternoon! Please contact Pastor Gary (814-694-2196 or for more information.) Maundy Thursday ~ Symbolic Seder Meal Pastor Mike led a group of 28 people for a symbolic Seder meal similar to what Jesus would have celebrated with his disciples in the Upper Room. Pastor Mike led responsive readings while Pastor Aaron lead in responsive music and singing. The group sat down to a table of various symbolic foods, commemorating the Passover & Jesus’ imminent death. The Lord’s Prayer was spoken at the end of the meal and the group was asked to leave the room in silence. Easter Flowers COMMUNITY GOOD FRIDAY TENEBRAE SERVICE On Friday, April 18th @ 7:30 pm, twelve local congregations joined together at the 1st United Methodist Church for a combined Good Friday Service, sponsored by the Warren Area Ministerial Association. Special music included: A combined choir, led by Don , a cello, bagpipes and contemporary songs led by Pastor Aaron. Tenebrae means “shadows” and dates back to 8th century Rome when early Christians passed the evening in prayer vigil. During the service candles & lights are extinguished to symbolize the desertion of Christ. HE IS RISEN!
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