THE MESSENGER First English Lutheran Church June, 2013 Pastor’s Message Special points of Sisters and Brothers, interest: Summer has arrived and like many of you Debbie and I are planning to take a Pastor’s Letter vacation. For the first time in many years Debbie and I will be headed off to have a ‘true’ vacation. We have always lived away from family, so most of the our past Intern Michael’s vacations were visiting family. As much as we love visiting with our siblings and their Letter families, this year we decided to have a vacation, just the two of us. Financial Support Update Inside this issue: Pastor’s Message Vicar’s Message 1 2 Stewardship Corner 3 Sunday Volunteers 4 June Calendar 5 Youth Activities 6 Stewardship 7 Vicar’s Brunch 8 Financial Update 9 LCW News 10-11 Company’s Coming 12 I have been to our nation’s capital, Washington DC a number of times yet Debbie has never been there. So in the middle of June we are packing up the car and heading east. It is a vacation, yet there is work to be done before we go, so I have been doing some planning; checking on the sites to see, the tours to take and the places to stay. Not that I am planning out every minute of our day. But it is good to have a plan, a flexible schedule as it were, especially when you need to get tickets for some of the tours (Capital building, Holocaust Museum and other sites) ahead of time. I know there will be some unexpected stops along the way, a unplanned tour or site we will come across. Planning is part of who I am. I know I need to do some just so I do not forget some important things along the way. But there are times, more than I want to admit, when I fly by the seat of my pants. Because, as it so often does, life gets in the way and I do not always get the planning done and I find myself putting out fires and not accomplishing all I would like to do. Earlier this year, as I sat in the Financial Peace University classes working to get my financial house in order; I was reminded of my need to plan ahead, to work at looking toward the future even as I live today. During the classes, Dave Ramsey drilled into the lesson each week, “if you do not have a plan for where your money will be spent, it will still be spent anyway.” Planning is essential to keeping your financial house in order just as it is for every other aspect in your life. That includes your personal life, your relationships, your health and well being, along with your faith life. So I invite you to take time to review your plan of action, the schedule of events in your life, especially during the busy summer months when our usual routines of life are disrupted. Are these activities necessary to fulfill your needs within your relationship with your spouse, family, friends, co-workers or with God? Are you continuing to grow in these relationships or are they just on hold? Do you have a plan for the future, using all of the resources God has given you so that none are lost? As we head off for our vacation we ask for your prayers for safe travel. Debbie and I pray that wherever your travels may take you; you would feel and know and trust that God is with you. Pr Michael Page 2 THE MESSENGER Highlights of May, 2013 Council meeting Council Summary from May 14th meeting Pr Michael gave a summary of the Synod Assembly. The election for the Bishop was postponed until Sept. Discussed the current financial situation. We ended the month of April with a negative bank balance. So payments were held for a week until the following Sunday’s deposit. We are headed into the summer months with little reserve. Special appeal “Planting for our Future” has begun to repair the patio, repay ourselves and to possibly purchase as new sign for the front of the church. Agreed to skip the June council meeting. Our next council meeting will be July 9th. THOUGHTS FROM VICAR MIKE As I began to ponder over this newsletter, a thought dawned on me. The month of June is my last month with you. Wow has this year flown by. It seems like only yesterday that I was settling into my office, preparing to leave for camp, and being thankful that all of you continued to wear nametags for a couple extra weeks. Yet as I reminisce, I am amazed at all I was part of, how much I have grown, and how close I have become to my family here at First English. Right off the bat was camp, talk about being thrown into the deep end! But it was a wonderful experience and when we returned home I already felt like I had known some of you for years. I remember the first few weeks being anxious and wondering what the heck I was supposed to do. I planned prayers and sermons, got to know the congregation, and worked on my learning goals for the year while Pastor Mike, the office staff, and many members of the community seemed to constantly be hustling to address a variety of projects. Seeing all this activity going on around me made me feel like I was missing something. There just had to be something else I should be doing. And then the college students returned. An incredible group of young adults filled with energy, excitement, hope, and a drive to make a difference in the world. They helped me to put aside my need to micro manage, taught me that ministry can come from a variety of sources much bigger than my understanding, and allowed me to walk with them through the good and troubling parts of their lives. Throughout the year we engaged in many activities; Table Talks, alternative worships, service opportunities, the CROP walk, parades, helping with Sunday worship, the bazaar, the mission trip, unity week, and of course bowling to name a few. And when they didn’t keep me busy with functions, there was always a new logo to develop, LCM newsletter to work on, and a non-stop flow of students passing through my office, texting me, or sending me some sort of Facebook message. Yes, they can be exhausting, but I loved every second of it and each and every one of them. It was bitter sweet saying goodbye to them. I want to thank this congregation for supporting this awesome ministry. Because you have opened your hearts to these young adults, you have given them a wonderful example of Christian love they will carry with them throughout their lives. You have given them a home away from home and strengthened them as members of the body of Christ. But this isn’t all I remember. I recall the synod assembly; council meetings, internship meetings, text study, IRC, cluster meetings, and learning from the various groups that gather here (Busy Hands, WMM, choir, bells, and numerous others). There was Sunday school, weddings, funerals, counseling, hospital and home visits. There was nursing home chapels, adult education (I learned more than I taught), and all of it centered in the weekly worship services. And still there was so much more. I can’t believe how much I have learned and been blessed by this year. And it saddens me to know that this is all coming to an end. Yet I am comforted by scripture. In Revelation 21:5 we read, “And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also God said, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life.” So even though I am saying my goodbyes, I know that this is not an ending but just another new beginning. It is a gift from God given so that we might grow in our faith and follow God’s path for us. For me, I will carry all of you with me. My future ministries will reflect the love and service you have blessed me with. And my prayer for all of you is that you know you have made a difference in this world. You are doing God’s work. And you are loved. Thank you. Page 3 Stewardship Corner Summer has finally arrived and it’s a busy time of the year for most everyone, including us at the Willis household. For that reason this is going to a short article. You may know by now this is not Bill writing it, you guessed it, it’s me Judy. I won’t pretend to be as good as he is but I will faithfully try. By now everyone should know that we are in the mist of the capital campaign. I hope that you all have had some time to give this matter some serious thought. Like Bill said, anytime is a poor time to ask for money and I would have to agree with him, but it is what it is, we need to make some repairs and get our church back in financial order. Sometimes I feel that I need to get myself in order too, and what a wonderful place FELC is to come to, for that feeling of peace and belonging. Maybe we all need a little TLC sometimes and now the time has come that our church is in need of you to step up and seriously think about this campaign fund. There will be special envelopes in the church pews for you to use or just bring it to the church office and watch the thermometer go up. Before I close I promise that Bill will be back soon. He is so much better at this than me. Also I want to wish all of the fathers a Happy Father’s Day! Happy Father Day honey, you can have your job back. Planting our Future Capital Campaign 25,000 7,500 Judy Willis (See Planting for Our Future letter on Page 7.) goal current Huge Thanks go out to all who helped make Sunday School a great success in 2012-13! Classes will resume again September 8 We are in need of more teachers for next year. Please consider volunteering your time & faith—it is generally an “every other week” commitment. If you have children between ages 3 & 8th grade who are not already involved in Sunday School, contact us to add your children to our classes for fall. Any other questions/concerns? Contact Nancy Hammermeister, 348-8655 Page 4 June 2013 SUNDAY VOLUNTEERS June 2 Greeters Ushers Readers Communion Assistants Communion Care Coffee Hour Bread Bakers Acolytes Organist June 9 Greeters Ushers Readers Communion Assts Communion Care Coffee Hour Bread Bakers Acolytes Organist June 16 Greeters Ushers Readers Communion Assts Communion Care Coffee Hour Bread Bakers Acolytes Organist June 23 Greeters Ushers Readers Communion Assts Communion Care Coffee Hour Bread Bakers Acolytes Organist June 30 Greeters Ushers Readers Communion Assts Communion Care Coffee Hour Bread Bakers Acolytes Organist 8:00 10:00 John & Jan Popple Ken & Mary Jo Kramer Louise Brockman Louise Brockman, Kathy Udelhofen Brooke Buch, Brenda Dalecki Ken & Mary Jo Kramer Oftedal Family Mary Jo Kramer Eric Wells Rebecca Swenson Joyce Jones, Lois Davies Ken & Jessie Kilian Jane Harrison Karen Bausch, Jane Harrison Curt Kettler, Bill Willis Bill & Judy Willis Ed & Jeanna Metelica John & Jan Popple Ed Metelica Kathy Udelhofen, Stephanie Saager-Bourret Dick & Mary Doeringsfeld Dick & Mary Doeringsfeld Nancy & Grace Hammermeister Stephanie Saager-Bourret Grace Hammermeister Terri Ellis Chuck & Linda Witz Dan & Pauline Smith John Urness Creg & Patti Reed Lois Davies, Volunteer Creg & Patti Reed Dennis & Suzanne Neuser Wayne & Anita Carns Louise Brockman Mike Kelly, Carol Easler Louise Brockman, Kay Peterson Carol Easler & Mike Kelly Gary & Eileen Engelke Barb McVay Megan Puls Volunteer Pat & Candy Flynn Cheri & Katelyn Oftedal Pat Luetkehoelter Mary Baehler, James Swenson Curt Kettler, Bill Willis Cheri & Katelyn Oftedal Carol Sedgwick, Louise Brockman Cheri & Jenna Oftedal Kathy Udelhofen Pam Stark, Kathy Udelhofen Angie Meylor, Diane VanNatta Pam Stark & Terry Benn Stark Family Pam, Betty & Terry Stark Dakotah Meylor Terri Ellis Joyce Jones, Bette Hooks Chris & Julie Walters Debbie Short Dan & Pauline Smith Debbie Short, Nancy Weigel Nancy Weigel Cindy Martens, Anita Carns Dale & Cindy Wills Louise Brockman Stephanie Saager-Bourret, Louise Brockman Chris & Wayne Jentz Stephanie Saager-Bourret Cindy Martens Amy Barraclough Grace Hammermeister Mary Baehler Lisa Hartz, Terri Iverson Ken & Jessie Kilian Jane Harrison Creg & Patti Reed Jane Harrison, Curt Kettler Volunteer Blake Wagner Caitlin Brown Katherine Kasper Nicole Statz Alex Hartz ALTAR GUILD FOR JUNE: Ellen Urness & Patti Reed Page 5 THE MESSENGER FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH CALENDAR June, 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 111th Anniversary Of FELC Lease/Benson Wedding 2 3 4 5 6 7 10:00 - Exercise 7:00 - Boy Scouts 8:00 - Wednesday Morning Men 9:00 - Cover Girls 4:00 - Busy Hands 5:15 - Chimes 10:00 - Exercise 5:30 - Wedding Rehearsal 11 12 13 10:00 - Exercise 6:30 - LCW Board Meeting 7:00 - Boy Scouts 4:00 - Busy Hands 5:15 - Chimes 10:00 - Exercise 6:30 - No Frills Quilt Group 6:30 - LCW Bible Study 17 18 19 20 6:30 - Women’s Issues 10:00 - Exercise 7:00 - Boy Scouts 8:00 - Wednesday Morning Men 9:00 - Cover Girls 4:00 - Busy Hands 5:15 - Chimes 10:00 - Exercise 24 25 26 27 10:00 - Exercise 6:30 - Book Club Meet in the Love Room 7:00 - Boy Scouts 4:00 - Busy Hands 5:15 - Chimes 10:00 - Exercise BEGIN SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE 8:00 - Worship 10:00 - Worship/ WPVL 9 10 8:00 - Worship 10:00 - Worship/ WPVL 16 8 Reuter/Jenkins Wedding 14 15 21 22 28 29 8:00 - Worship 10:00 - Worship/ WPVL 23 8:00 - Worship 10:00 - Worship/ WPVL 30 8:00 - Worship 10:00 - Worship/ WPVL Page 6 THE MESSENGER FELC CAMP 2013 July 28th—August 2nd Our summer camp is coming soon and the deadline for registration is coming soon. This year we celebrate that ‘Jesus chooses Us.’ A week exploring how Jesus calls, protects, speaks, comes and meets us in our daily lives. Contact the church office for a registration form if you still want to get your child / grandchild or friend registered. Thank you for all the ways you continue to support our church camp. The lives of the campers and staff are changed each year at camp. SUGAR CREEK GOLF OUTING June 24th - Shotgun start @ 12:30 Viroqua Hills Golf Course, Viroqua, WI This four-person scramble is a great fundraiser for the camp and always a lot of fun! Invite friends from church, work or the neighborhood to join you on the course, or we’ll match you up with a team. Think of this event as a way to help us slice our debt load! Lots of prizes, great food and golfing galore! Please call (608) 734-3113 or email: for further information. “FAITH ALIVE” CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2013 CONFIRMANDS Sugar Creek Bible Camp Platteville VBS 2013 July 14-18 Who can attend VBS - (Day Camp)? Day Camp is a Sugar Creek Camp experience for youth in grades 1-5 brought to your church and community. What happens at VBS / Day Camp? First Word: Introducing the theme of the day with stories & songs. Bible study, worship, crafts and games. Where is VBS / Day Camp going to be? First English Lutheran Church is hosting Day Camp. Peace Lutheran is assisting. How can I help? House one or more counselors. Provide meals for counselors. One adult volunteer is needed for every 10 counselors. Contact LaDonna Johnson for info. Grace Hammermeister Eric Wells Page 7 THE MESSENGER PLANTING FOR OUR FUTURE Greetings to all our spiritual family of FELCIn case you haven’t heard, we are in the midst of our capital campaign here at First English, aptly named Planting for Our Future, to raise $25,000 to support the mission of FELC. To give you a little bit of insight, I would like to go into a little more of the details, if I may. First and foremost, we would like to make up for the budget shortfall we had last year (We ended up about $5600.00 dollars in the red). Which meant we had to borrow money from ourselves to pay the bills. Along with the budget shortfall, our benevolence to the greater church has suffered. We don’t want to forget about the greater church, so we plan to tithe (send 10%) of what we receive to them. Most of you have seen the outdoor patio and know how bad the cement has broken up. It’s definitely a tripping hazard and in desperate need of replacement. Along with the replacement of the cement, we would like to enhance the church and patio with some wrought iron fencing and trim to add to the beauty of our church. We would also like to install a new sign on the corner of Pine and Chestnut, that can display all kinds of information about events and schedules here at FELC. Wouldn’t it be nice to tell the community what we do here? We would like to have a sign that is welcoming and pleasing to the eye. Last but not least, and I feel that this might be the most important task of the entire campaign. We would like to set up a rainy day fund for people who are in need right here in our own congregation. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could give those families or individuals some help? You never know when trouble may come knocking on your door, I pray that it never does, but isn’t that what the church is here for? I hope that you have a better understanding of what the campaign is all about now. An envelope is enclosed for your use. You may bring it back to church or send it to church. We hope to close the campaign soon so be sure and show your support. Remember the seeds we plant today will be the fruits of our tomorrow. Sincerely , William Willis, Stewardship Chairman THE MESSENGER Page 8 Dear Congregation Members, It’s hard to believe that Vicar Mike has been with our congregation for almost a year already. However, the end of his internship at First English is coming soon and the internship committee is making plans for his departure. A brunch will be held in his honor on his last Sunday with us, July 7, to thank him for his work and wish him farewell as he returns for his final year of seminary. It will take place after the second service. All congregation members are invited to attend this brunch. A sign-up sheet will be posted on the kiosk in the narthex and all who plan to attend are asked to sign up by Sunday, June 30 so the committee is able to plan accordingly. We will also be looking for volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up and for people who are willing to contribute food for the brunch. Sign-up sheets for these will also be posted on the kiosk. In addition, as has been done in the past, the internship committee will be collecting donations for a goingaway gift for Vicar Mike. If you wish to contribute, please drop your donation off with Susan in the office or mail it to the office with a note that it is for Vicar Mike’s gift. Although Vicar Mike knows about the brunch, we do hope to keep the gift a surprise until that day. On behalf of the internship committee, we would like to thank you for your continued support of the internship program at First English. Sincerely, The Internship Committee Page 9 THE MESSENGER June, 2013 Mon Sun CHAPTER A DAY Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Hosea 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hosea 9 Hosea 10 Hosea 11-12 Hosea 13-14 John 1-2 John 3 John 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 John 5 Joel 1 Joel 2 Joel 3 Amos 1 Amos 2 Amos 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Amos 4 Amos 5 Amos 6 Amos 7 Amos 8 Amos 9 Obediah 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Jonah 1-2 Jonah 3-4 2 John, 3 John Micah 1 Micah 2 Micah 3 Micah 4 30 Micah 5 Summer has arrived which usually means many of you, our members, will be traveling on the weekends or spending time at the cabin up north. Reminder: if you are not in attendance on a Sunday, there are three convenient ways to continue to support FELC. The first is your offering envelopes are able to be mailed to the church. They are self-addressed, just place your support in the envelope, fold over the flap, seal, put on a stamp and place in the mail. Secondly, you can go to our website and click on “Support FELC.” That will take you to a website where you can easily and securely make a contribution. On that website you can also chose the automatic feature and your contribution will be made for you on the schedule of your choice. Lastly, you always have the option of auto-withdrawals directly from your bank account to FELC. Contact the office is you would like more information. Thank you for all the ways you support First English that allows it to fulfill its mission in this place. FINANCIAL SUPPORT UPDATE Scan to support FELC 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 Budget 2013 20,000 Actual 2013 15,000 Actual 2012 10,000 5,000 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Thank you for your generosity. What you do allows us to fulfill our mission of serving others in the name of Christ. THE MESSENGER Page 10 Lutheran Church Women News SCRIP ORDERS LCW BOARD MEETING Scrip orders will be collected on June 9. If you're planning a vacation this summer, consider taking some Scrip cards with The LCW board meeting will be you. You can help out Lutheran Campus Ministry while held on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30 pm. enjoying your vacation! BOOK CLUB Our book selection for June will be TRUMAN, by David McCullough. The life of Harry S. Truman is one of the greatest of American stories, filled with vivid characters -- Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bess Wallace Truman, George Marshall, Joe McCarthy, and Dean Acheson -and dramatic events. In this riveting biography, acclaimed historian David McCullough not only captures the man -- a more complex, informed, and determined man than ever before imagined -but also the turbulent times in which he rose, boldly, to meet unprecedented challenges. The last president to serve as a living link between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, Truman's story spans the raw world of the Missouri frontier, World War I, the powerful Pendergast machine of Kansas City, the legendary Whistle-Stop Campaign of 1948, and the decisions to drop the atomic bomb, confront Stalin at Potsdam, send troops to Korea, and fire General MacArthur. Drawing on newly discovered archival material and extensive interviews with Truman's own family, friends, and Washington colleagues, McCullough tells the deeply moving story of the seemingly ordinary "man from Missouri" who was perhaps the most courageous president in our history. We meet on Tuesday, June 25th, at 6:30 pm in the Love Room. You don't have to be a member to attend, everyone is always welcome to join in. GOLDEN GUILD WOMEN’S ISSUES Golden Guild will not meet in June, July and August. Meetings will resume in September. However, anyone interested in joining the Busy Hands group on Wednesday evenings to help Pauline Smith with her projects are encouraged to do so. To end the year on a festive note, our group will be meeting for a Salad Supper on Monday, June 17th at 6:30 at the Harrison's, 955 Hillcrest Circle. We would love to have you join us! Please bring a small salad to share and a smile. The only agenda item is deciding on a book to study next year. If you are able to come, please call Jane at 348-6862 to let her know. Invite a friend to come with you too. SISTER’S BLEND COFFEE Equal Exchange has reached out with a special offer to those who purchase a special blend of coffee created eight years ago when the Women of the ELCA surpassed the challenge of selling two tons of coffee in a year (2.8 tons sold) as a thank you for their effort. With this special blend, Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange honor women coffee farmers who are active in their co-operatives and Lutheran women in the United States who advocate for Fair Trade. This is a complex blend with hints of sweet cane sugar and lively citrus overtones, with a buttery smooth finish. Full City Roast. In addition, Equal Exchange will donate 20 cents toward the shipping of the quilts this fall with each pound sold. Try some today. You may have also sipped some at a special occasion at church as well. Purchasing it will be helping two groups. Thank you for your support of this very worthwhile venture! Page 11 THE MESSENGER YOUNG ADULTS IN GLOBAL MISSION Good day to you! Young Adults in Global Mission through the ELCA has invited me to serve as a missionary in Madagascar for a year starting in August 2013. The goal of this trip is for me as well as all who are a part of the program is to serve and be served as we live alongside people experiencing true poverty . This experience is based on the spirit of accompaniment, to live and experience what it is like to live in poverty; to see the joy and the despair of people who are oftentimes overlooked or forgotten. June 2013 Birthdays AMY DALECKI 6/1 LOGAN KRUSER 6/1 RITA NOBLE 6/1 JASON GENTHE 6/3 JEAN WILLS 6/3 However, this mission trip is not cheap. The cost of this trip is around Abbie Ramel $11,000 and I have committed to raising $4,000 in support of my TODD WHITE mission year. Therefore I am requesting your support through donations MARY JO KRAMER and prayer. 6/4 JESSE TRACY 6/5 ERIC JOHANNESEN 6/8 JAVARI WATFORD 6/9 I also invite you to join me on this journey. While I am there I will be keeping contact through newsletters, phone calls, Skype, and the internet. I will be more than happy to share with you my experiences and show you how your support is making a difference, not only in my life, but in the lives of the people I will be serving. If you are interested in supporting this mission my contact information is: Name: Thomas Heinz Email: Phone Number: 608/732-5765 Thank you, Thomas Heinz LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF We had a wonderful response to our Mother’s Day gifts for mothers around the world. Thank you to all who contributed. Those who were honored were: In Honor or Memory Of: Given By: Delta Kettler Anita Carns Wilma Billings Koreena Wood Dorothy Forsman Jane Harrison Mildred Bellmeyer Mary Jo Kramer Frances Bevan Bette Hooks I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank Country Inn and Suites for their donation of gently used comforters. They make great fill for the quilts. I’d also like to thank Gary Engelke for thinking of us and making the arrangements so we have these comforters to use. Needed this month to complete Lutheran World Relief kits: Diaper pins, large tooth combs, toothbrushes, bath size bars of soap. 6/5 Frances Bevan 6/10 JENNIFER KASPER 6/10 Thomas Christiansen 6/11 SUZANNE JOSLYN 6/12 ZACHARY PULS 6/12 SEAVER SPERLE 6/12 VERNON VRADENBURG 6/12 Arthur Brunton 6/14 COURTNEY CLARK 6/14 Elizabeth Davey 6/14 HANNAH POPP 6/14 Claire Sabatos 6/16 ELLA WOLFF 6/16 Nicole STATZ 6/17 Mason Steers 6/17 COLTON CLARK 6/18 HANNA NELSON 6/18 CARA PULS 6/18 PAIGE WAGNER 6/19 Mary Baehler 6/20 JAMES DUFEK 6/20 EMERY ELLINGSON 6/26 We can always use more men’s or women’s size large or larger T-shirts Terry Benn to make diapers from. These can be of any color and can have screen DAMIAN DUFEK printing on the front or the back. Thank you for your help. Pauline THANK YOU! 6/4 6/27 6/27 BRENT JOHNSON 6/27 MASON SCHNEPPER 6/28 Ted Wilkison To all the members of FELC for the cans and other recyclables which netted $155 for the camp fund. Bob Pitts Linda HOLLENBERGER MARY HORNE To Terry Malliet, Country Inn and Suites for the donation of Sheldon Scott old bed comforters for use in making quilts for LWR. MARSHALL SHELSTROM 6/28 6/29 6/29 6/29 6/30 First English Lutheran Church 215 W. Pine St Platteville, WI 53818 Phone: 608.348.3022 Fax: 608.348.5511 E-mail: Website: Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Platteville, WI 53818 Permit NO. 110 Address Service Requested Mission Statement of FELC Called by God, we are Christians gathered and sent to serve our church, community and the world in the name of Christ.” Company's Coming On our recent trip to Charlotte, I was the Martha Stewart/Paula Deen of my daughter's kitchen. Not only did I help Lauren make apple strudel for her Austria display for International Night at school, but I also made Oreo cookie torte (birthday treat), deviled eggs, two kinds of lasagna, and three pies—all within a few days. That's what grandmas do, right? The first pie on the menu was fresh strawberry pie with a sugar cookie-type crust that I have made countless times in the past. That led to Sid's request for a strawberry-rhubarb pie like the one his brother brought to his mom's birthday celebration in February. Surprisingly, I was able to find frozen rhubarb at the Harris Teeter and with a googled recipe was able to fill the request. That led to a comment from Cameron about how he just loved pie and his favorite was key lime. Of course I had to make one of those, too. Again, I googled recipes and came up with an adaptation of this easy classic southern recipe with tips from Paula and Emeril. I must say that it was fantastic and very much enjoyed by all three kids and Sid, too. Since I am also a huge key lime fan, my next goal is to try the key lime cheesecake recipe from one of my spring recipe magazines. Tastefully yours, Mary D. Classic Key Lime Pie 1 deep dish (large size) graham cracker crust (or make and bake your own) 2 14 oz cans Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk 2/3 cup fresh squeezed lime juice (about 4 limes)** 2 eggs 1/3 cup sour cream 2 tsp fresh grated lime zest Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into crust. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until set. Cool and chill. Top with Cool Whip or sweetened whipped cream. **I read a tip somewhere to microwave lemons/limes for a few seconds before squeezing. It really works! Zest first, cut in half, microwave, then squeeze for maximum juice. I think I did 30 seconds and then another 20.
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