May 2015 Volume 53 Issue 4 First English Evangelical Lutheran Church 516 N. Main, Victoria, TX 77901 Phone: 361-575-3623 Fax: 361-575-8877 Email: Website: Radio Broadcast 8:00 a.m. KVNN 1340 TV Broadcast 9:30a—10:00a Channel 7 Suddenlink Friends, A couple of months back, the Board of Elders began a study on the book, I Am A Church Member by Thom S. Rainer. This book describes attitudes that make a big difference in the life of a congregation. I recently shared what we learned in a sermon series. We would like to offer you the opportunity to affirm the attitudes that make for a healthy church member. Please read the section “I Am A Functioning Member of FELC” in this month’s newsletter on page 2. If you would like to pledge living out those attitudes, please sign and date the form as indicated. You might want to keep the pledge form handy and refer to it from time to time as a reminder of what it means to be a functioning member of FELC. Peace, Pastor Jim CLOSING OF FIRE DOORS - Throughout our church facility there are several double doors as well as the single doors in the kitchen that serve as fire doors. These doors need to remain closed when worship services or church functions are over. A fire door protects an opening in a fire wall or fire barrier so that fire, smoke and heat do not travel from one side of the partition to the other, at least for the rated time for which the fire door is rated. We would like to ask everyone to help in the effort of closing these doors for the protection of our church and building just in case a fire was ever to break out. I PLEDGE TO BE A FUNCTIONING MEMBER OF FELC. I will give. I will serve. I will evangelize. I will study. I will seek to be blessing to others. I will seek to be a source of unity in my church. I know there are no perfect church members. I will not be a source of gossip or dissension. I will not let my church be about my preferences and desires. That is self-serving. I am a member in this church to serve others and to serve Christ. I will pray for my church leaders. I will lead my family to be good members of FELC. We will pray for our church. We will worship together in our church. We will serve together in our church. Membership is a gift. I pray that I will never take my membership for granted, but see it as a gift and an opportunity to serve others and to be a part of something so much greater than any one person or member. ______________________________________________________ Sign and Date SR. CITIZEN LUNCHEON - All those 65 or older, you are invited to the FELC Senior Citizen Luncheon on Sunday, May 17th in the Activity Center following the 10:30 a.m. service. OFFICE CLOSED - The Church Office will be closed in observance of Memorial Day, Monday, May 25th. Dear members of FELC, We would like to thank you for supporting the Confirmation class in our efforts to raise money for summer confirmation camp at Lutherhill in June. We are really looking forward to our summer camp experience and to growing in our faith. Christ be with you all! FELC Confirmation Class Little Claire Frisbie’s Update - Great news--- Claire now has vision that is measurable. With that improvement she can now try glasses. May God bless you for your prayers. Keep on praying!!! Dee Harper Dear Friends, we want to thank everyone who has been so kind during John’s illness. You have sent cards, made phone calls, offered assistance such as transportation, meals, etc.. You have been “Good Samaritans” and shown the true meaning of Christianity in word and action. May God continue to bless our pastor, our church members and the mission of this church. In Christian love, John and Jere Swoboda We would like to say thank you for all the kind words, food, generous donations of your time and for being there to help with anything that needed to be done. Your expressions of sympathy were greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. Marsha Arnold & Family CHRIST’S KITCHEN LUTHERAN VOLUNTEER DAY The fourth Saturday of every month is Lutheran Volunteer Day at Christ’s Kitchen. This Saturday is when volunteers from all Lutheran Churches meet at Christ’s Kitchen from 7:45a to 1:30p to prepare the food, serve the needy and clean up. If you would like to volunteer to this wonderful ministry or for more information please contact June Wasicek or Trish Hastings at Christ’s Kitchen 578-4233 between 8:00a to 1:00p weekdays. 2015 HERITAGE DAY CELEBRATION NOMINATIONS - The Heritage Day Steering Committee needs your help First English! As in years past, the Heritage Day Steering Committee votes and selects recipients to honor at the Heritage Day Celebration. The Heritage Day Steering Committee would greatly appreciate your nominations for recipients for the 2015 Heritage Day Celebration. Nominations can include individuals, groups, community organizations, or non-profits. If you would like to nominate someone or group, please complete the nomination form in writing and submit the form to the FELC Church Office. If there is any brochures/paperwork from the nominee, please submit them with the completed form. Nomination forms can be found on the Narthex table. Nominations can also be emailed to Aaron Muegge at the following address: Deadline for nominations is Monday, June 1, 2015 at 5pm. Thanks for your support. FELC HERITAGE DAY STEERING COMMITTEE - FELC's annual Heritage Day Celebration will take place on Sunday, September 20, 2015. The Heritage Day Steering Committee would like to invite anyone who would like to volunteer and help plan this year's Heritage Day Celebration to be a part of the Steering Committee. If you would like to join the Heritage Day Steering Committee, please contact Aaron Muegge by phone (361) 582-4786 or by email The next scheduled meeting for the Heritage Day Steering Committee is on Wednesday, May 6, 2015 at 6:00pm in the FELC Church Office Conference Room. Thanks & God Bless. Those who have been in the hospital: Lawrence Fishbeck, Florence Kirkland, John Swoboda, Ed Buckert Our Love and Sympathy to the family of: Gary Arnold Dalton Janssen (Brother of Lillian Lau & Mildred Slaughter) Annie Thedin (Mother of Craig Thedin) Jessie Morris (Grandmother of Ronnie Morris) SPECIAL PRAYERS Florence Kirkland, Kay, Tom Kanak, C. J. Bolting Welcome New Members Marsha and the late Gary Arnold joined our church family, March 29, 2015. Her address is 102 Edinburgh, Victoria, TX 77904 and her phone number is 361-575-6239. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE BEGINS Our new worship schedule begins the last weekend of May . There will be only one service at 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, May 31, with Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. Tellers for May 4- Schulte 11- Leshikar 18 - Riesterer 26- Malina May 4/25 - 5/8 - Elaine Malina 5/9 - 5/22 - Vickie Spann 5/23 - 6/5 - Sue Boldt Summary of FELC Council Minutes March 19, 2015 Officials from the Crossroads Christian School were present by invitation to further discuss their proposal to lease facilities from FELC for their school. Much information on the school and the proposal was passed to Council members by handouts, presentation by the school officials, and answers to numerous questions. Following lengthy discussion, both during the school officials presence and following their departure, it was suggested to educate the Congregation on the lease proposal and FELC ministry opportunities and to have the Congregation vote to approve or disapprove the arrangement. A motion to draft a proposed contract for further consideration was approved. Members of the Boards of Social Concerns and Worship were ratified. Senior Pastor Jim Pearson advised the Council during the Pastor’s Report that he had been impressed in his examination of two discipleship programs entitled “Prayerful Commitments” and “Simple Church”. Council members were advised that FELC is averaging ten children per week in Sunday School. Contributions in excess of funds needed to purchase turkeys for baskets for the needy will be used to purchase hams for Christ’s Kitchen. Happy Mothers Day to all moms, grannies, great grannies, step moms, foster moms, and those who have a mom. Moms are priceless! Attendance and Offerings Date 6:30p Attend. Offering 8:00a Attend. Offering 10:30a Attend. Offering 3/25 Wed, 12:05p 39 1,519.00 7:00p 38 305.00 3/28 3/29 18 470.00 53 1,652.00 144 4,421.00 4/2 Thurs. 12:05p 38 496.00 7:00p 40 1,877.00 4/3 Fri. 7:00p 78 967.00 4/5 Easter 173 5,922.25 216 7,692.50 4/11 4/12 34 2,110.00 54 1,123.00 118 6,030.75 4/18 4/19 21 380.00 69 1,573.00 104 2,601.00 4/25 4/26 20 550.00 65 3,104.00 96 2,224.89 Readings for May 5/3 Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22:25-31 1 John 4:7-21 John15:1-8 5/10 Acts 10:44-48 Psalm 98 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 5/17 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 Psalm 1 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19 5/24 Acts2:1-21 Psalm 104:24- Rom 8:22-27 34, 35b John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 5/31 Isa 6:1-8 Psalm 29 John 3:1-17 Rom 8:12-17 To Our Men And Women In Uniform Past, Present and Future God Bless you and Thank You! We Honor you at our Worship Service May 23rd & 24th Please remember our nursing home and assisted living residents in your prayers. They love and appreciate your visits! Victoria Residence and Rehabilitation Center Herb Hanselman, Amarylis Tschirhart. Twin Pines Delores Baker, Angel Lee Karnei, Mildred Heinold, Fay Wright, Rita Fitzgerald, Marjorie Johnson, Virginia & Victor Swanson. Twin Pines North Rita Fitzgerald Retama South Terry Jackson, Leo Westerman. The Courtyards Eunice Lorfing, Mildred Metting. La Villa Irene Nelson, Verna Salm. Sodalis Vernon Waida Trinity Shores, Port Lavaca Dorothy Swoboda Elmcroft Sue Raaz Greeters Lay Readers 5/3 8:00a Howard & Beverly Spies Ellerine Dentler Ginger McGill 5/3 10:30a Randy & Sandy Muegge Sharon Church Mary Scott 5/10 8:00a Ginger McGill Melvin & Fern Roessler Edna McDonald 5/10 10:30a Ed & Melrose Goetz Greg Domstead Florence Kirkland Louis & Sue Boldt Mildred Slaughter Bonnie Pearson Totty & Geralene Schulte Jennifer Hartman Tiffany Ballard 5/24 8:00a Darrell & Scarlet Swoboda Anthony Wilhelm Natalie Boldt 5/24 10:30a Mary Gleinser Joe & Donna Cliffe Dan Hiller 5/31 9:15a Chuck & Mary Gail Moody Lillian Lau David Gisler Date/Time 5/2 6:30p 5/9 6:30p 5/17 6:30p 5/17 8:00a 5/17 10:30a 5/23 6:30p Deacons Acolyte Kelly Comm. Assistant Sound System Ollie Flowers Delores SeifertBerger Linda Tewes Heinold Blaine Koopman Ginger McGill Louise Jacob Sproles Jade Demuth Bonnie Pearson Sharon Church Bryan Serold Ollie Flowers Delores SeifertBerger Ushers Kathy & Larry Svetlik Aaron Muegge Raiden Dykes Doris & Floyd Wuensche Randy & Sandy Muegge Ollie Flowers Delores SeifertBerger Kelly Maxey Hartman Kelly Muegge Blaine Koopman Nyle Ruth Leshikar Katherine Schuelke Ginger McGill Schulte Presley & Holland Bluhm Randy & Sandy Muegge Dan & Sandra Hiller Ollie Flowers Delores SeifertBerger Kelly Sproles Ushers Heinold Maxey Ginger McGill Bobbie Guinn Boldt Family Ushers Bonnie Pearson John Swoboda Lassmann Family Jade Demuth Bonnie Pearson Mary Gleinser Elaine Malina Butler Family Mary Scott Dorthy Stock Ashley Wilhelm Mildred Butler Brian Wolter Mary Gleinser Dwane Bruns Liam Singer Skandy Schmidt Amber DeBord Audriana Garza Carrie Parsons Mason Carroll Barbara Thedin Debbie Moncrief 5/02 5/02 5/02 5/04 5/04 5/05 5/05 5/06 5/08 5/12 5/12 5/13 5/13 5/14 5/14 Lillian Lau Ronnie Morris Joyce Teinert Bryan Serold Amanda DeLaGarza Linda Tewes Betty Girt Marc Foester Jake Thormahlen Larry Lassmann Steven Jones Louella Redding Dickie Koopman Julie Sagebiel Dawson Carroll David Gisler June Newsletter deadline will be Monday, May 18, 2015 due to Memorial Day 5/16 5/17 5/18 5/18 5/18 5/19 5/20 5/20 5/23 5/23 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/29 5/30 5/31
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