Parish Planning and Viability Study { How to Implement the Process in Your Parish INTRODUCTION: Foundations for understanding parish: Reflecting on the nature of Church and parish What is the Church? { The People of God, formed and sustained by the plan of the Father and the missions of the Son and Spirit. The Church is about participating in Trinitarian communion. Living as Church: The Eucharist gives us the pattern after which we are to live out Trinitarian communion: “This is my Body, given for you; This is my Blood, poured out for you. Do this in memory of me…” The parish: expression of the Church, living communion concretely The fullness of the Church – that is, Trinitarian communion in time – resides in every local Church under apostolic authority. Trinitarian communion is expressed through the concrete living and evangelizing of the parish community, nourished by the Eucharist in communion with the bishop. The parish as Eucharistic community knows how to bring the message of communion and salvation by witnessing this love concretely in the historical situations of life. Bearing this in mind… { 1. 2. How well is my parish fulfilling the Church’s mission? What is the best way for my parish to become a stronger Eucharistic community in the mission of evangelization and communion? Understanding parish planning Yields a contingency plan 3-prong approach: 1) serving needs of Archdiocese in assigning the priests she has, 2) building up parishes without resident priests, and 3) planning for the needs of priests and recognizing not all priests are available to be pastors. Religious communities are highly prized Ethnic parishes continue current model with availability of priests Planning with parishioners while change is not imminent is better than when change becomes imperative No timeline set for implementation This is not a pretext for closure/consolidation. The tool is meant to help parishes improve and strengthen, and determine structures by which they can sustain a healthy Eucharistic community. Parish Life Coordinator participates in pastoral care in the absence of a resident priest pastor and answers to the local dean who is canonical pastor. Two groups, Two implementations { 1. 2. Group/Implementation #1: Parish Planning Team Group/Implementation #2: Parish assembly or representation Group/Implementation #1 Parish Planning Team { Together as a group, PPT completes steps one through five of the parish planning process. This can be accomplished in one meeting (estimated 35 hours). Group/Implementation #2 { The PPT gathers either a parish assembly (all interested parishioners) or a parish representation (cross section and reps from all facets). PPT shares the APP with Group #2 and explains the responses of the PPT (control group). Group #2 is given opportunity to discuss and build consensus. Answers may be refined or revised based on feedback. Explaining the importance of the process Understanding the challenge of parish planning { Presenting parish data and sacramental figures, projections of decline of priests Explaining what is a contingency plan STEP ONE Two components: Assessing parochial viability STEP TWO { Parish Vitality Factor (how alive is the parish) Parish Stability Factor (presence of sufficient membership, resources, finances, facilities, and leadership to sustain the parish) STEP TWO: Parish viability rating scale 7 = OUTSTANDING, the parish’s efforts are of the highest possible quality 6 = VERY GOOD, no significant improvement or development is required 5 = GOOD, little significant improvement or development is required 4 = SATISFACTORY, parish is in accord with the teachings of the Church, conforms to guidelines of the Archdiocese, and meets the needs and expectations of the parishioners (most responses may fall in this category for a viable parish) 3 = FAIR, parish does not measure up to the standard of other parishes in the Archdiocese or Deanery. Definite improvement is needed 2 = POOR, significant improvement or development is required. 1 = UNACCEPTABLE, very significant improvement or development is required. 1 = UNKNOWN, receives a rating of UNACCEPTABLE Five categories: Faith, Worship, Service, Evangelization, and Administration Completing the parish profile { Read the Focus question Rate the indicators 1-7 Tally the points for each Focus Question, divide by number of questions to get average, and report on Summary Page STEP TWO Report total average for each Focus Question Reporting on Summary Sheet { Total the points reported and divide by total number of sections to get average = Parish Vitality Factor. Indicate Rating Score for the indicators that relate to Parish Stability, total numbers and divide for average = Parish Stability Factor. Add the PVF and the PSF together to determine the PARISH VIABILITY RTING STEP TWO Send Summary Sheet to Office of Continuing Formation by November 1st 2015 Prioritizing Parochial Assets and Deficits { List 10 best assets (parish is most succeeding) and worst deficits (parish is challenged to improve) Prioritize one to ten Assess the relative weight of each, one to five (five is greatest, three is moderate, one is of some importance) STEP THREE Respond to Questionnaire: Questions for Determining Future Parish Structures Matching the Criteria { Review Criteria for Determining Structures of Parish Organization Compare responses to Questionnaire to the Criteria, note correlations between answers and criteria, discuss and build consensus STEP FOUR Closure: diminished attendance, insufficient finances, limited facilities, , no affordable admin, geographic proximity, little desire to maintain parochial structure. Consolidation: small attendance, limited organizations and activities, limited parishioner involvement, geographic proximity to other parishes, priests are available to serve the site Twinning: insufficient available priest-pastors, close to anther parish with like identity, parochial independence, financial stability, demands are limited enough for one priest to serve both as pastor, well developed lay leadership. Clustering: limited active parishioners, several parishes together could provide better activities and services, willing to work collaboratively, shared personnel would provide more competent staff, more effective utilization of finances would strengthen parish Priest pastor: availability of priest pastor, parish depends on a priest, limited lay leadership, talents of priest can be matched to parish PLC: limited availability of priest pastors, parishioners are prepared to accept a nonpriest leader, parish has developed lay leadership, parish has sufficient resources to support PLC, priests are otherwise available to cover sacramental needs Ethnic or cultural community: ethnic population predominates, need for ethnic center, would make better use of facilities STEP FOUR: Criteria for determining structures of parish organization STEP FIVE { Determining a Contingency Plan for Parish Organization Study and discuss the seven models of possible parish organization, asking the questions that follow each model. Discussing Contingency Plan and Reporting on the Process { Prioritize the models from most likely to least likely Complete Final Report Send Final Report to the Office of Continuing Formation by November 1st 2015 STEP FIVE STEP FIVE: Instructions for Completing the Report on Parish Planning Describe the Process Report numeric score and the overall parish viability rating Enumerate the ten assets and deficits in order of one-ten and assessed with numeric weight of one –five. Prioritize top three possible configurations for future parish staffing according to two questions: If your parish had one full time priest, which among the alternatives would best provide for the spiritual and pastoral needs of the parish, explain selections one-three If your parish were to have no fulltime priest, how would the spiritual and pastoral needs of the parish be met, explain selections one-three. Email completed Summary Sheet and Final Report to: { Office of Continuing Formation of Priests: or post to: Fr. John O’Brien 20 Archbishop May Drive St. Louis, MO 63119 ONGOING PROCESS to strengthen parish communities { Process of parish planning is not definitive Process may develop with feedback from parishes Set to be repeated periodically, at least every three years Process is catalyst for parish development
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