Chemistry 12 2015 Course Outline for Chemistry 12 Room 216 Mr. Arcuri Website: E-mail: Unit 1 – Reaction Kinetics - Collision Theory - Reaction Mechanics and Catalyst (12%) 10 classes Unit 2 – Dynamic Equilibrium - Le Chateliers Principle - Equilibrium Constant (15%) 15 classes Unit 3 – Solubility Equilibrium - Solubility Calculations - Equations - Precipitation (15%) 15 classes Unit 4 – Acids, Bases, Salts - Definitions - Strong and Weak, Acids and Bases - Kw, pH, pOH - Hydrolysis of Salts 8 - Acids, Bases - Buffers 10 - Acid Rain Unit 5 – Oxidation/Reduction - Introduction 8 - Redox reactions - Electrochemical Cells - Corrosion 10 - Electrolytic Cells Course Review (34%) 20 classes 7 (24%) 18 classes 5 Detailed Course Outline – the PLO’s ** It is your responsibility to download (and print off) the prescribed learning outcomes for Chemistry 12. This detailed document outlines EVERY concept that you are required to understand and is a perfect outline for unit tests. Go to my website to print it off. Chemistry 12 2015 Policies for Chemistry 11 & 12 A. Attendance Policy If a student has missed a class, it will be recorded as an unexcused absence. It is the students responsibility to get the notes and the HW for that class. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT THE STUDENT WATCHES THE VIDEOS AND COMPLETES THE NOTES FOR THAT CLASS. Please discuss with me reasons for missing class, there may be extensions given if the absence is excused. Missing class and expecting extensions is irresponsible and unacceptable. B. Assignment Policy There are 3 types of assignments 1. Homework checks - are direct questions from the text - are usually worth 2-10 marks - are checked almost daily - can be handed in any time, BEFORE THE UNIT TEST, for the full marks This strategy is used to encourage students to complete their homework. 2. Formal assignments - Are handed in and graded or the answer key is placed on my website - Are usually worth 30-70 marks - students are allowed to do corrections for full marks - If the assignment is not handed in, the student will be given an INCOMPLETE for that assignment. This means that the student DOES NOT have a grade in the course. To pass the course ALL of the assignments have to be handed in. I will not allow you to take the easy way out and receive a grade of a zero on the lab…sorry. 3. Lab Reports - Labs are the only “assignment” that is given a specific due date. Handing in a lab late is unacceptable and could lead to a grade of a zero. Most likely you will be competing the lab at lunch until it is completed. I will not allow you to take the easy way out and receive a grade of a zero on the lab…sorry. - A student is only allowed to miss a lab period if the student has an excused absence. Setting up a lab is time consuming and will only be done once. Students that have an excused absence will be allowed to make up the lab at a set date during lunch hour. - If a lab is missed and for any reason the lab can not be completed, the student will be given a relevant assignment. Chemistry 12 2. In order to get these dates 2015 extended the student: a) Has an excused absence AND consults the teacher for an extension. (Automatic extensions will not be given.) or a) Has made arrangements with the teacher for help if he/she is having difficulties. (Difficulties without arranging for help is NOT a valid reason for an extension!) 3. A pattern of late or missing assignments will result in a phone call or letter home. The time and date of this will be documented. 4. Students with chronic late or incomplete assignments will be referred to the Administration and a phone call to the parents will be made. 5. Any student who is observed to be blatantly copying another student’s work will receive a zero for the assignment and parents and administration will be notified. An alternate assignment will be completed. I will not allow you to take the easy way out and receive a grade of a zero on the lab…sorry. ** “Assignments include all homework assignments and lab reports. C. Quizzes There will be a lot of quizzes in chemistry 12. The quizzes are designed to assess your knowledge of specific sections and show you what you still need to review. The quiz will be marked that same day and returned to you during that class of the next class. As a class we will review the common errors and you will have a chance to do your corrections. The next day there will be an optional re-quiz. I will record the 2 scores. (the long explanation of quiz can be done in class. the higher of this will be discussed in class) Corrections on the re- Chemistry 12 2015 D. Testing Policy 1. The date of each test is usually decided upon by the class and announced a 5-7 days ahead of time. 2. If a student is not ready for the test, due to an excused absence or if the student is having trouble with the material AND is arranging for help with the teacher, an extension may be arranged. This MUST be done at least TWO DAYS PRIOR to the test date (assuming the student is present.) Students who do not make arrangements for an extension will still have to write the test on the testing day (regardless of how ready they feel.) 3. A student who is truant during the period that the test is written will get a mark of “I” for incomplete. Individual circumstances will decide the path taken by the teacher and student. Again…you will not be given an easy way out and receive a grade of a zero Parents/guardians will be notified of this. 4. Any student caught cheating on a test in any way will receive a “0” for the test and parents and administration will be informed. Individual circumstances will decide the path taken by the teacher and student. Again…you will not be given an easy way out and receive a grade of a zero. Parents/guardians will be notified of this. E. Term and Overall Course Marks In a semester course, there are 2 terms. Each term mark in Chemistry 11 and Chemistry 12 is based on the following: Homework /Assignments… 5% Labs …………………….……. 20% Quizzes………………….…… 10% Tests ………………………….65% down to up to down to up to 0% 25% 0% 75% NOTE: In some terms, adjustments could be made to these percentages. The overall school course mark is calculated as follows: In Chemistry 12 Semester Classes, Term 1 …...... 45% Term 2 …...... 55% In Chemistry 12 Linear Classes, Term 1 …...... 20% Term 2 …...... 20% Term 3 …...... 30% Term 4 …...... 30% final exam worth 30% of your final mark at the end of the course and a practical lab final. There is a
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